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Innovation management technologies strategies for sustainable EVehicle development

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  • First Page

  • 0-AbstractAcknowl

  • Contents

  • Section I

  • 1-Introduction

  • 2-Sustainability & CSR

  • 3-Innovation Management

  • 4-Knowledge-based Innovation

  • Section II

  • 5-Research Method

  • 6-Empirical Study

  • Section III

  • 7-Analysis

  • 8-Conclusion

  • References

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Innovation Management: Technology Strategies for Sustainable Vehicle Development Hamid Jafari Khaledabadi May 2008, Stockholm Master of Science Thesis Innovation Management: Technology Strategies for Sustainable Vehicle Development Hamid Jafari Khaledabadi Master's Thesis in Production Engineering and Management School of Industrial Engineering and Management Supervisor: Thomas Magnusson Examiner: Cornel Mihai Nicolescu Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) School of Industrial Engineering and Management Department of Production Engineering S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Abstract Recently, environmental concerns, rapid increases of petrol prices and regulatory efforts to restrain the threat of a global climate change are initiating a new type of technology-based competition within the automotive industry Thus, new trajectories are appearing, and a severe competition is emerging regarding technological innovations in the very core of the product, the automotive power-train This competition comes in addition to the existing process-based competition, which has been in focus for the industry for several decades Thus, the automotive industry seems to be entering a period of extreme variation and experimentation marked by significant uncertainty Hence, strategic decisions will have strong implications for the future of the industry Critical decisions, on component as well as on system level, involve which technologies to invest in and which to stop developing, which alliances to form, which standards to commit to, etc This thesis studies the main drivers of sustainable vehicle development Hence, based on a comprehensive theoretical framework on the concepts of sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, Innovation and Knowledge Management, the thesis aims at adding to the knowledge of industrial competition and technological innovation Moreover, as most analyses of industrial evolution have primarily relied on retrospective studies, by adopting a real-time research approach, the thesis adds to this literature The advantage of such an approach is that it provides an opportunity to learn from an ongoing and highly uncertain process The thesis is focused on patent analysis and empirically, builds upon studies of European patent data on the main alternative fuel vehicle technologies – hybrid electric, battery electric, and fuel-cell – and on manufacturers' data on product releases Keywords: Innovation Management, Product Development, Automotive Industry, Sustainable Vehicles, Corporate Social Responsibility, Knowledge Management, Patent Analysis I II Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Thomas Magnusson, for all the expertise, leadership, support, time and patience He literally made impossible "nothing" by leading me all the way from Linköping Also, I would like to thank Professor Christian Berggren and his group at LiU for giving me the chance to work with them The same regards goes to Professor Staffan Laestadius and his group at INDEK-KTH for all their help and support throughout the thesis Moreover, I would like to thank Professor Mihai Nicolescu for his constant encouragement and help during my studies David Bauner is among the people who deserve my greatest gratitude I really appreciate his help, friendship, and hospitality Very special regards goes to Henrik Uggla for his support and kindness He helped me re-discover my interest in "branding" Also, my special thanks to Thommas Lennerfors who taught me how to be virtually "innovative"! Besides, I would like to thank Professor Aghaie for paving the way for my research works Moreover, many thanks to the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (Patentverket-PRV) in Stockholm for the help! The most exceptional thanks from the very bottom of my heart to my eternal friends, Morteza Haghani and Shahab Shokrzadeh for their everyday support and intimacy! I cannot even imagine a single day without their positive words Special thanks to Behzad, Mojtaba, Hakan, and Payam for their company! Thank you Nora for motivating me to restart learning Swedish along with doing the thesis! My very special thanks to Letticia for her love, benevolence and support; "Gracias" Leti! Lots of thanks to AnnSofie Granberg for all her help! I would like to thank all my relatives in Iran and Sweden for their emotional back-up during my studies Finally, my family! I really cannot find the proper words to thank my parents – Nour-Azar and Kioumars – and my sister – Mehrnoosh! So, I would just like to dedicate this humble piece of work to them! Stockholm, May 2008 Hamid JAFARI III IV Contents Abstract Acknowledgements List of Figures List of Tables I III VII VIII Section I THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Research Purpose 1.3 Problem Statement 1.4 Demarcations of the Thesis 1.5 Disposition of the Thesis 2 4 Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility 2.1 Sustainable Management 2.1.1 Background 2.1.2 Transportation Concerns 2.1.3 Going "Green" 2.1.4 Sustainability and Strategic Management 2.2 Corporate Social Responsibility 2.2.1 Background 2.2.2 CSR from a Strategic Management Perspective 2.2.3 CSR and Competitive Advantage 2.2.4 CSR and Marketing Management 2.3 Summary 6 11 11 12 13 14 17 Innovation Management 3.1 Background 3.2 Innovation Management: A Key to Competitiveness 3.3 Innovation Types 3.3.1 Product Innovation 3.3.2 Process innovation 3.3.3 Market Innovation 3.4 Incremental vs Disruptive Innovations 3.4.1 Disruptive Innovations 3.4.2 Incremental Innovations 3.5 Phases of Innovation 3.6 Innovation Adoption: The Technology Acceptance Model 3.7 Innovativeness Levels 3.8 Innovation Performance Measurement 3.9 Summary 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 V Knowledge-based Innovation 4.1 Background 4.2 Data, Information, and Knowledge 4.2.1 Knowledge Types 4.2.2 Knowledge Characteristics 4.3 Knowledge Management 4.4 Knowledge Management and Innovation 4.4.1 Background 4.4.2 KM Implementation in Innovation 4.4.3 Knowledge Innovation 4.5 Organizational Learning and Innovation 4.6 Knowledge Integration 4.7 KM and Marketing 4.8 Summary 29 29 29 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 Section II EMPIRICAL RESEARCH 42 Research Method 5.1 Research Purpose 5.1.1 Exploratory Studies 5.1.2 Descriptive Studies 5.1.3 Explanatory Studies 5.2 Research Approach 5.2.1 Inductive and Deductive Research 5.2.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research 5.2.3 Literature Search 5.3 Research Strategy 5.4 Data Collection Methods 5.5 Data Analysis 5.6 Patent Analysis 5.7 Summary 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 45 45 46 48 48 49 Empirical Study 6.1 Innovation in the Automotive Industry 6.1.1 Major Technological Innovations in the Power-train i Diesel Technologies ii Biodiesel and Blends iii Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) iv Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) v Hybrid-electric-drive Systems vi Fuel Cells 6.1.2 Emerging Technologies and Innovations 6.2 Patent Study 51 51 52 52 53 53 53 54 55 56 57 VI 6.2.1 Background 6.2.2 The Hybrid Electric Technology 6.2.3 The Fuel-Cell Technology 6.2.4 The Battery Electric Technology 6.3 Sales Data 6.3.1 Toyota 6.3.2 Honda 6.3.3 Nissan 6.4 Summary 57 58 62 65 66 66 67 69 70 Section III DISCUSSION 71 Analysis 7.1 Patent and Sales Study Results 7.2 How Research Questions Were Addressed 7.3 Summary 72 72 76 77 Conclusion 8.1 Summary 8.2 Implications for Future Research 78 78 79 References 80 VII List of Figures Figure 1-1 An Overview of the Sections of the Thesis Figure 2-1 Projected growth in transport emissions of CO2 Figure 2-2 Relationships between environmental turbulence, the strategic planning system process and effectiveness Figure 3-1 Technological and Market Maturity Correlation Figure 3-2 The Technology Acceptance Model 20 25 Figure 4-1 From data to knowledge Figure 4-2 The EITS Model Paradigm Figure 4-3 Evolving KM Figure 4-4 The Knowledge-Innovation Diamond Figure 4-5 Knowledge Innovation (KI) as a competitive tool Figure 4-6 Attributes needed to create knowledge 30 32 34 36 37 39 Figure 5-1 Graphical Presentation of Research Methodology 50 Figure 6-1 Innovation in different vehicle sectors Figure 6-2 US Patents in Alternative Fuel Vehicles Applied For by Automotive Firms Figure 6-3 Frequency of issued patents in each year Figure 6-4 Frequency of registered patents in HET by leading companies Figure 6-5 Issued patents by the leading companies Figure 6-6 Frequency of issued patents in each year Figure 6-7 Frequency of registered patents in FC by leading companies Figure 6-8 Issued patents by the leading companies in FCT Figure 6-9 Toyota's Global Annual Hybrid Sales Figure 6-10 Nissan's Approach to CSR 52 64 64 67 69 Figure 7-1 European Patents in AFV's Applied For by Automotive Firms 72 VIII 57 59 60 61 63 8.2 Implications for Future Research This thesis dealt with innovation management in the automotive industry as a specific case, and the focus was on patent analysis in the European market An area of future research could be a comprehensive cross-case analysis of the European patent database with its American counterpart; since some companies tend to hold parents in their market Another important area of research could be studying the transactions and partnerships in the automotive industry and how these alliances affect innovation policies Another field of study could be measuring the level of customer acceptance of environmental vehicles This study could reveal customer attitudes towards such sustainable products and could be a hint for strategic and marketing management A further relevant study 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Competitiveness 3.3 Innovation Types 3.3.1 Product Innovation 3.3.2 Process innovation 3.3.3 Market Innovation 3.4 Incremental vs Disruptive Innovations 3.4.1 Disruptive Innovations 3.4.2 Incremental Innovations... Strategic Management Perspective 2.2.3 CSR and Competitive Advantage 2.2.4 CSR and Marketing Management 2.3 Summary 6 11 11 12 13 14 17 Innovation Management 3.1 Background 3.2 Innovation Management:

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