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Adult Teaching and Learning Theory: A Psychoanalytic Investigation JniverSityof Nottingham HaH! vtrardLibrary By Lindsay Davies BA Hons, MA (Sheffield), MA (Nottingham) Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy July 2010 Abstract The overarching aim of this thesis is to enhance the theoretical status of postcompulsory education by effecting a non-empirical, psychoanalytic examination of adult teaching and learning theories The study arises out of the observation that - in comparison with disciplines within the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities psychoanalytic perspectives are both underemployed in practical contexts and have negligible theoretical impact within this field The study provides a contribution to educational theory and practice through the development of a postmodern psychoanalytical methodology and its methods These are operationalised through the development of a suite of tools based on Jung's (1971) the theory of psychological types Thisinvolves the adaptation of Jung's psychological categories into epistemological characteristics that are then used to identify strengths, contradictions and omissions within theoretical material The resulting Jungian Typological Instrument (JTI)is applied to selected case study topics that reflect contemporary discourses, theories and concepts within the field of adult teaching and learning In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the JTIit is applied to two case study topics and critically examines their theoretical underpinnings The first of these topics is the 'micro' model of reflection-in-action, which is drawn from Schön's (1983) formulation of reflective practice The larger, 'macro', discourse of lifelong learning forms the second case study as articulated in the UNESCOreport Learning to Be (Faure et at.: 1972) and the Green Paper The Learning Age (DfEE1998) The insights and outcomes arising from these analyses form the evaluation process for the methods As psychoanalytic approaches are not unproblematic, this investigation incorporates philosophical reflection and conceptual analysisas meta-level evaluation strategies ii for the methodological level of the study Thisdual-level evaluation reveals that the proposed methodology and methods together offer a robust and trustworthy approach to theoretical analysis, which has potential applications for both theory and practice within the adult teaching and learning context 111 Acknowledgements Thisstudy has provided me with the invaluable opportunity of studying the field that I love, and I am grateful for this privilege, which has been made possible through ESRC funding I am also indebted to my supervisors, ProfessorMal Leicester and Dr John Wallis, for their generosity in offering their valuable expertise and insight in support of this project My dearest thanks go to my son James and partner Chris who have provided the love and encouragement needed to bring this to completion And, without the unflagging support and good humour of my dear friends, Tina Byrom and Anne O'Grady, I could never have survived the long and lonely journey that is a PhD Thank you all Lastly, I dedicate this thesis to my mother, Doreen, who did not see this work completed iv Listof figures Figure UKCPmodalities of psychotherapy Figure Topographical representation of the psyche Figure Jungian structure of the psyche Figure Conscious and unconscious domains of the psyche Figure Differing degrees of consciousness Figure Application of the methodology and tools Figure Evaluation strategy of the study Figure The syzygy formed by the attitudes Figure Example of an introverted personality Figure 10 Relationship of the functions Figure 11 Example of extraverted sensation with auxiliary feeling Figure 12 Example of extraverted sensation with auxiliary feeling and tertiary thinking Figure 13 JT1Map for reflection-in-action Figure 14 Comparison of the JTIMaps for Learning to Be and Learning to Succeed Figure 15 Three kinds of knowledge about the social world -' _` List of tables Table I Scheler's typology of knowledge (1926) Table Typological compensatory configurations Table Example of the JTIGrid in use Table Factors in the choice of case study topics Table JTIGrid for reflection-in-action Comparison of the JTIGrids for Learning to Be and Table Learningto Succeed vi Listof appendices Appendix A Overview of aims, objectives and research questions Appendix B 'Family tree' of psychoanalytic schools Appendix C Glossary of psychoanalytic terms vil Abbreviations BERA: BPS: BritishEducational Research Association BritishPsychological Society DfEE: Department for Education and Employment DfES: Department for Education and Skills DIUS: Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills ESRC: Economic and Social Research Council Further Education National Training Organisation FENTO: 1TE: Initial Teacher Education JTI: Jungian Typological Instrument MBTI: Myers-BriggsTypological Indicator MACE: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education OECD: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ODE: PESGB: PGCCE: RAE: Oxford Dictionary of English Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Postgraduate Certificate in Continuing Education Research AssessmentExercise QCA: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority UKCP: United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Vill Table of contents Title page Abstract Acknowledgements List of figures List of tables List of appendices Abbreviations Table of contents Foreword Chapter One: Introduction Introduction Contribution Outline of the theoretical to the study of the MA in Research Methods 10 framework 14 and reflexive stance Intended contribution Outline of the chapters 20 22 Chapter Two: Literature Review An outline of adult teaching Introduction 28 and learning 29 Psychoanalysis 38 Research methods in education Omissions within the literature 49 Conclusions 50 Chapter Three: Psychoanalytic Context Introduction Psychoanalytic Addressing 53 and assumptions 54 Critiques of psychoanalysis 64 underpinnings the critiques concerning 47 truth and knowledge claims 72 Chapter Four: Methodological Reflections Introduction Proposed methodology Evaluation Relevance, 77 83 strategy 91 Description and discussion of the methods 94 strengths and weaknesses of the methodology Methodological Choice and methods 115 contribution 117 of case study topics 118 ix Chapter Five: Reflection-in-action - Case Study Outline of reflection-in-action 123 JTI analysis: reflection-in-action 126 Comparison with key critiques 139 Discussion and summary 143 Chapter Six: Lifelong Learning - Case Study Outline of lifelong learning 147 JTI analysis: lifelong learning 153 with key critiques 170 Discussion and summary 174 Comparison Chapter Seven: Philosophical Introduction 176 material'? 178 from 'practice'? 182 What is meant by 'typology'? 187 What is meant by 'theory' and 'theoretical How is this different What is meant by the term 'knowledge' Reflections and what is its relationship to 188 'perception'? 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C -Z a Cý$Q i u Q O- ü Z CIL Sý i I M1 is c 10cm m_V QE Y 19 F " x C " a OL t E v '2 72 72 cO :1 a ll = ý _H i 0 y u N a C a t u N CL N0 Cl) {L QJ iý_ O t U CI) QI a C d E Co alo ö 0 N v E a, rl Co E U w a m x jj: c CL a Lig -sill 't iii; Appendix C: Glossary of psychoanalytic terms The following definitions aim to provide the reader with some basic psychoanalytic concepts to enhance understanding of this study It is not intended as a definitive account of psychoanalytic terminology - this challenging task has been successfully undertaken by Laplanche and Pontalis (1988),Rycroft (1995) and Samuels et al (1986) for detailed texts to these is the more explanations reader redirected and The symbol '(J)' has been used in order to differentiate Jungian terms from those of Freudian and post-Freudian origin Attitudes: Causal model: Collective unconscious: (J) Direction of energy in consciousness: introversion is oriented to the internal world and extraversion the outer Concept that prior events affect subsequent outcomes Freudian-based psychoanalysis is regarded as causal as the symptoms are explained in terms of past experiences Realm of archetypal, collective experience where transpersonal knowledge resides and is recalled in the form of symbols Compensation: (J) Self-regulating function that adjusts and balances psychic contents and processes in order to maintain equilibrium or serve individuation Consciousness: Part of the psyche which contains the ego and is the location of (self-) awareness It holds recallable memories and interacts with Internal and external events Ego: Extraversion: Feeling: Functions: Id: Individuation: Introversion: Focus of conscious portion of the psyche responsible for awareness, concepts of self and rational thinking, literally 'I am' in Latin (J) The outward turning of libido where the emphasis is on the objective world rather than the subjective world (J) Mode of perceiving value or likes/dislikes (J) The four properties of consciousness found In typlogy: sensation, intuition, thinking and feeling Unconscious chaotic and primitive element of the psyche which is perceived as something other than the subject (J) Process by which a person becomes wholly themselves through the complete integration of all parts of the personality including conscious and unconscious elements (J) State where Inward turning of libido away from the outwards object towards subjective 236 Intuition: Libido: Personal unconscious: Projection: Psychodynamic: Psychotherapy: Repression: (J) Function that employs unconscious perception to tell us where something is going or where it has come from The ability to perceive possibilities or 'see round corners' In Freudian psychoanalysis, psychosexual energy that drives psychic processes and imbues the mind with its innately sexual dynamics; (J) Denotes psychic energy in all its forms (J) Repository of repressed experiences such as memories, wishes or emotions which are unique to the individual The transposition of a psychological element onto a position in the external world Term describing psychological theories holding that the personality and behaviour are dictated by inner processes, including past experiences and the conflicting demands of personal and social needs Any of a group of therapies used to treat psychological disorders by focusing on changing faulty behaviours, thoughts, perceptions, and emotions Defence mechanism whereby wishes or drives unacceptable to the conscious mind are relocated to the unconscious Resistance: Sensation: Shadow: Superego: Defence mechanism that acts in opposition to therapeutic interpretations (J) Function that employs physical sensory perception to tell us that something exists (J) Negative side of the personality, existing in the unconscious and is experience (via projection) as external Part of the ego that has absorbed parental and societal valuesand acts as the personality's 'censor' Synthetic method: (J) Term for Jung's therapeutic method that incorporates both causal and teleological perspectives Syzygy: (J) Pairingof polar opposites Teleological point of view: (J) Orientation to ends and purposes rather than causes Transference: Act of projection onto the therapist by the analysand Thinking: Unconscious: Function with the mode of perceiving that centres on concepts and their Interrelationships Portion of the psyche that Isoutside of conscious awareness and is known only through the observation of symptoms and behaviours 237 4ý4-f,, ... rigour and efficacy of both theoretical and practical aspects of adult teaching and learning An overview of these aims, objectives and research questions is produced in Appendix A What Is Psychoanalysis?... methodology and methods together offer a robust and trustworthy approach to theoretical analysis, which has potential applications for both theory and practice within the adult teaching and learning... thesis presents a research project that aims to enhance non-empirical research methods and theoretical perspectives in adult teaching and learning via the development of a psychoanalytically informed