Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication PREFACE Introduction Part One CHAPTER - One Man, One Vision [483 B.C.] CHAPTER - Building the Fleet [483 - 481 B.C.] CHAPTER - The Wooden Wall [481-480 B.C.] CHAPTER - Holding the Pass [SUMMER , 480 B.C.] CHAPTER - Salamis [END OF SUMMER, 480 B.C.] Part Two CHAPTER - A League of Their Own [479-463 B.C.] CHAPTER - Boundless Ambition [462-446 B.C.] CHAPTER - Mariners of the Golden Age [MID-FIFTH CENTURY B.C.] Part Three CHAPTER - The Imperial Navy [446-433 B.C.] CHAPTER 10 - War and Pestilence [433-430 B.C.] CHAPTER 11 - Fortune Favors the Brave [430-428 B.C.] CHAPTER 12 - Masks of Comedy, Masks of Command [428-421 B.C.] CHAPTER 13 - The Sicilian Expedition [415-413 B.C.] Part Four CHAPTER 14 - The Rogue’s Return [412-407 B.C.] CHAPTER 15 - Of Heroes and Hemlock [407-406 B.C.] CHAPTER 16 - Rowing to Hades [405-399 B.C.] Part Five CHAPTER 17 - Passing the Torch [397-371 B.C.] CHAPTER 18 - Triremes of Atlantis [370-354 B.C.] CHAPTER 19 - The Voice of the Navy [354-339 B.C.] CHAPTER 20 - In the Shadow of Macedon [339 -324 B.C.] CHAPTER 21 - The Last Battle [324-322 B.C.] CHRONOLOGY GLOSSARY NOTE ON SOURCES Acknowledgements INDEX VIKING Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A • Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 2Y3 (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) • Penguin Books Ltd., 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England • Penguin Ireland, 25 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd) • Penguin Books Australia Ltd, 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) • Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi-110 017, India • Penguin Group (NZ), 67 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, North Shore 0632, New Zealand (a division of Pearson New Zealand Ltd) • Penguin Books (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, 24 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196, South Africa Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England First published in 2009 by Viking Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc Copyright © John R Hale, 2009 All rights reserved Maps by Jeffrey L Ward Diagrams by Sam Manning; ancient images on p 41 by Sam Manning after John S Morrison and R T Williams, Greek Oared Ships, 900 -322 B.C., Arch 50 (A), Clas (B), and Geom 43 (C); diagram on p 257 by Sam Manning based on an image by B Klejn-Christensen LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Hale, John R., 1951Lords of the sea : the epic story of the Athenian navy and the birth of democracy / by John R Hale p cm Includes bibliographical references and index eISBN : 978-1-101-05085-9 Athens (Greece)—History, Naval Democracy—Greece—Athens—History—To 1500 I Title V37.H355 2009 359.00938—dc22 2009001796 Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrightable materials Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated For my father THOMAS FARRIS HALE veteran of the United States Air Force, who crossed the Pacific Ocean in a troopship when he was twenty-four and later told his seven children their first stories of war and seafaring The world before you has two realms open to human enterprise, land and sea, and over the whole of the sea you are lords —Pericles to the Athenians katabatic winds Keos Kerouac, Jack King’s Peace Kipling, Rudyard kyklos Lacedaemonius Lade, battle of Lamachus Lamian War (Hellenic War) Lampra Lampsacus Laurium silver mines Lemnos Lenaea Leocrates Leonidas, king of Sparta Leontini Leotychidas Lesbos Leucas Leuctra, battle of Libya Life of Cimon (Plutarch) Life of Demetrius (Plutarch) Life of Pericles (Plutarch) Life of Themistocles (Plutarch) Lives (Plutarch) Lives of Eminent Philosophers (Diogenes Laertius) Long Walls Cimon and dismantling of rebuilding of Lovén, Bjørn Lyceum Lycomedes Lycophron Lycurgus Lysander Lysias Lysicles Lysicrates Macedon rise of surrender of Athens to Macedonian Wars, chronology of Mahan, Alfred T Mantinea, battle of Marathon, battle of Mardonius Mausolus of Halicarnassus Max Rover ROV Mechanics Medea Megara Megarian decree Memorabilia (Xenophon) Menestheus, king of Athens Menestheus (son of Iphicrates) Messenia Meteorology mêtis, concept of Meton Middle Wall Mikon Miletus Miltiades (founder of Adriatic colony) Miltiades (general) Mindarus Minoa Minos, King of Crete Morrison, John Mount Etna Mount Olympus Munychia Harbor Mycale, battle of Mytilene Naupactus, battle of Phormio’s exploit in navarch, Athenian navarchos, Spartan Navy Yard Naxos Naxos, battle of Neapolis Nearchus Nelson, Horatio Nemesis Neocles (father of Themistocles) Neocles (son of Themistocles) Nepos, Cornelius Nicanor Nichomachean Ethics (Aristotle) Nicias death of peace negotiated by in Sicilian expedition Nicodemus Nike Notium, battle of Odysseus Odyssey (Homer) Oeconomicus (Xenophon) Oedipus Rex (Sophocles) Olympias Olympic games Olynthiacs (Demosthenes) “On the Peace” (Isocrates) “On the Symmories” (“On the Navy-Boards”) (Demosthenes) Oresteia (Aeschylus) ostracism of Aristides of Cimon of Themistocles of Xanthippus Oxyrhynchus Historian Paches Pan Panathenaea Panegyricus (Isocrates) Paralos in Corcyra operation in flight from Aegospotami in Naupactus battle special status of Paralos (son of Pericles) Paralos (son of Poseidon) Parian Marble Parmenio Parthenon Athena’s statue in Patras, battle of Pausanias, king of Sparta Pausanias (author of Description of Greece) Peace (Aristophanes) Peace of Callias Peace of Nicias Peisander Peisistratus Peitholaus Pellene Peloponnesian League Peloponnesian War, First: battle of Tanagra in chronology of Thirty Years’ Peace in Tolmides’ campaign in Peloponnesian WarB.C.: aftermath of atrocities in chronology of Corcyra expedition in end of enfranchisement of slaves in fall of Byzantium in horse carriers in invasions of Attica in Ionian War and natural disasters in oligarchic coup in onset of Peace of Nicias and Pericles’ strategy for Persians and plague in prelude to Pylos campaign in reprisal raids in Sicilian expedition in, see Sicilian expedition Spartan demands in see also specific battles Peloponnesian War, The (Kagan) peltasts pentekontor penteres Periander Pericles Attica building project and in Black Sea expedition death of Golden Age of Peloponnesian War strategy of political career of reforms of successors to Pericles (son) Perinthus periplous Persephone Persian Empire Alexander’s invasion of Egyptian rebellion against Hellenic League and navy of Themistocles’ flight to Persians (Aeschylus) Persian Wars Athenian naval mobilization in chronology of Egyptian expedition in Europe invaded in Greek allies in Hellespont bridges in Persian Wars (cont.) Herodotus’ view of Ionian revolt and Isthmus council and Peace of Callias in Persian allies in Persian delays in Persian vow of vengeance and Sicilian diplomatic mission and Tempe expedition in Wooden Walls prophecy and see also specific battles Persian War Shipwreck Survey phalanx Macedonian Pharnabazus Pherecydes Phi Beta Kappa Phidias Philip II, king of Macedon assassination of Athenian resistance to background of at Chaeronea Isocrates’ letter to in retreat from Byzantium Philip Arrhidaeus, king of Macedonia Philippics (Demosthenes) Philo Philocles Philoctetes (Sophocles) Philo’s Arsenal Phocion Phoenicia, Phoenicians at Salamis trireme invented by Phoenician Women (Euripides) Phoenician Women (Phrynichus) Phormio Acarnanian crisis and disgrace and rehabilitation of military career of at Naupactus-51n at Patras at Potidaea Phormos Phrynichus Piraeus Atlantis myth and barber services in harbors of Hippodamian Agora of houses of imported goods and foods in pottery of public entertainment in restoration of Themistocles’ monument in urban planning and development of walls project and ; see also Long Walls see also Cantharus Harbor; Munychia Harbor; Navy Yard; Philo’s Arsenal; shipsheds; Zea Harbor plague Plataea, battle of Plataea, siege of Plataeans, naval service at Artemisium Plato Atlantis myth and background of as philosopher revisionist views of Socratic dialogues of thalassocracy opposed by Plato (comic poet) Plutarch Plutus Plutus (Aristophanes) political cartoon, first Politics (Aristotle) Pollis Pollux Polyaenus Polydoros “Poroi” (“Revenues”) (Xenophon) Poseidon Potidaea, battle of Praxiteles Problems Propylaea Prosopitis, siege of Proteas Pylos campaign Sphacteria blockade in Pythia, the quadrireme quinquereme Republic (Plato) “Return of the Exile” movement “Revenues” (“Poroi”) (Xenophon) Rhegium Rhetoric (Aristotle) Rhodes Sacred War Salaminia Salamis, battle of in Aeschylus’ Persians aftermath of casualties in and discord among Greeks and fall of Athens Greek attack in Greek battle plan in Persian battle line in Persian retreat from Phoenicians in Psyttaleia fight in Samothraceans’ action in second phase of Sicinnus’ mission of deception in and siege of Acropolis Tenos deserters in Salamis, battle of (cont.) Themistocles’ strategy for turning point of Salamis island and evacuation of Attica geography of Samian War chronology of Samos Sardis Satyrs (Cratinus) Scabbard Bearers (Aristomenes) Scyros Scythia Second Maritime League charter of format of military innovations and shipbuilding campaign of and War with the Allies see also Spartan Wars Segesta Serpent Column of Plataea Sestos siege of shipsheds Sicilian expedition Athenian democracy and Athenian recovery from Athenian reinforcements in Athenian surrender in battles in death of Lamachus in death of Nicias in decision to send out departure of fate of Athenian prisoners in logistical difficulties in mutilation of the herms and opposition to oracle’s prophecy of postponed evacuation in recall of Alcibiades and Segestan deception in Segestan delegation and Spartans and Syracusean ruse in Sicily Sicinnus Sicyon Sidon Silenus Simonides Sinope sirens Siwa, oracle of, see Zeus Ammon, oracle of Skeuotheke, see Philo’s Arsenal Skiathos Skira Skyllias of Skione slaves enfranchisement of in triremes Social War, see War with the Allies Socrates death of disciples of in Plato’s dialogues at Potidaea trial of the generals and Solon Sophocles death of dramas of Sparta Alcibiades’ sojourn in Athenian rebellion and in Delian League Helot rebellion in King’s Peace and militarization of as model for Cimon and onset of Peloponnesian War Peace of Nicias and Persian Wars and postwar rule of Pylos campaign and Second Maritime League and, see Spartan Wars Sicilian expedition and Sphacteria blockade and Theban defeat of Themistocles lionized by Tolmides’ expedition against Spartan Wars battle of Alyzia in battle of Cnidus in battle of Naxos in chronology of Corcyra operation in King’s Peace in western campaign in see also Second Maritime League Sphacteria blockade Stephanophoria Stoics Strabo Sun-tzu Suppliants, The (Aeschylus) Suppliants, The (Euripides) Susa Sybota Islands, battle of Syracuse see also Sicilian expedition Syria Tanagra, battle of Tarentum Taurus Taxiarchs (Eupolis) Tenedos Tenos Ten Thousand teredo worm tetreres Thaïs thalamian oarsmen thalassocracy Thasos Thebes Hellenic League and Philip’s defeat of Sparta defeated by Themistocles death of description of Themistocles (cont.) in flight to Persia monument to naval proposal of ostracism of Persian threat and in Persian Wars Piraeus walls proposed by at Salamis “Themistocles Decree,” Theophrastus Thera Theramenes Thermopylae, battle of Theseus bones of cult of mythical voyages of Plato’s view of Thessaly thetes exile of Thirty Tyrants Thirty Years’ Peace Thrace thranite oarsmen Thrasybulus Thrasyllus Thucydides death of Demosthenes influenced by and writing of history Thurii Timaeus (Plato) Timocrates Timonassa, queen of Sparta Timon of Athens Timotheus in first political cartoon in western campaign Tissaphernes Tithraustes Tolmides Tragia, battle of triakontor trierarchs, trierarchy duties and responsibilities of mutinies against reform of wealthy Athenians as triremes battle debut of commanders of construction of Corinthian cost of dimensions of “eyes” of figurehead of girdling cables of horse carrier design for keel of manning of marine terms and names of new ship designs and oarsmen of occupational maladies of of peacetime navy Philo’s Arsenal and Phoenician pitch coating of planking of ramming maneuver of ram of reform of trierarchy and ropes and rigging of rowing frame of rowing of sails and masts of serving on slaves not used as rowers in sounds of steersman of sternpost of Syracusean modification of teredo worm threat to timber for winds affecting Troezen Trojan Horse Trojan War Trojan Women, The (Euripides) troop carrier, Athenian Tyche Wachsmann, Shelley Wallace, Lew War with the Allies (Social War) chronology of peace movement and “Whistlers,” White Fortress Xanthippus Xenocrates Xenophanes Xenophon (historian) Xenophon (son of Euripides) Xenophon the Orator Xerxes, king of Persia assassination of Hellespont bridges of at Salamis Zacynthus Zea Harbor Zeno Zeus Zeus Ammon, oracle of zygian oarsmen ... worlds Their epic voyage altered the course of history Part One FREEDOM The greatest glory is won from the greatest dangers When our fathers faced the Persians their resources could not compare... their rivals in the number of their annual trierarchies, the lavish fittings of their ships, and the speed of their crews The glories of the Acropolis dominate our modern view of Athens Ancient Athenians... electronic piracy of copyrightable materials Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated For my father THOMAS FARRIS HALE veteran of the United States Air Force,