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WIRELESS INFORMATION NETWORKS TEAM LinG WIRELESS INFORMATION NETWORKS Second Edition KAVEH PAHLAVAN ALLEN H LEVESQUE A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC., PUBLICATION Copyright  2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 750-4470, or on the web at www.copyright.com Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River 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Three Generations of Cellular Networks, 32 Trends in Wireless Technologies, 43 Questions, 49 CHARACTERISTICS OF RADIO PROPAGATION Characterization of Radio Propagation 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Introduction, Network Architecture and Design Issues, Key Trends in Wireless Networking, 20 Outline of the Book, 21 Questions, 22 Evolution of the Wireless Industry 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 51 53 Introduction, 53 Multipath Fading and the Distance–Power Relationship, 55 Local Movements and Doppler Shift, 64 Multipath for Wideband Signals, 66 Classical Uncorrelated Scattering Model, 72 Indoor and Urban Radio Propagation Modeling, 81 Questions, 86 Problems, 87 Projects, 89 Modeling and Simulation of Narrowband Signal Characteristics 93 4.1 Introduction, 93 vii viii CONTENTS 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Modeling Path Loss and Slow Shadow Fading, 96 Doppler Spectrum of Fast Envelope Fading, 110 Statistical Behavior of Fast Envelope Fading, 122 Simulation of Fast Envelope Fading, 126 Questions, 133 Problems, 134 Projects, 137 Measurement of Wideband and UWB Channel Characteristics 5.1 Introduction, 149 5.2 Time-Domain Measurement Techniques, 151 5.3 Frequency-Domain Measurement Techniques, 171 5.4 Advances in Frequency-Domain Channel Measurement, 180 Questions, 197 Problems, 198 Project, 200 149 Modeling of Wideband Radio Channel Characteristics 6.1 Introduction, 206 6.2 Wideband Time-Domain Statistical Modeling, 208 6.3 Wideband Frequency-Domain Channel Modeling, 234 6.4 Comparison Between Statistical Models, 243 6.5 Ray-Tracing Algorithms, 245 6.6 Direct Solution of Radio Propagation Equations, 261 6.7 Comparison of Deterministic and Statistical Modeling, 263 6.8 Site-Specific Statistical Model, 265 Appendix 6A: GSM-Recommended Multipath Propagation Models, 270 Appendix 6B: Wideband Multipath Propagation Models, 272 Questions, 274 Problems, 275 Projects, 277 205 PART III MODEM DESIGN Narrowband Modem Technology 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 279 281 Introduction, 282 Basic Modulation Techniques, 284 Theoretical Limits and Practical Impairments, 307 Traditional Modems for Wide-Area Wireless Networks, 312 Other Aspects of Modem Implementation, 328 Questions, 335 Problems, 336 Projects, 338 Fading, Diversity, and Coding 8.1 Introduction, 341 341 CONTENTS 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Radio Communication on Flat Rayleigh Fading Channels, 343 Diversity Combining, 347 Error-Control Coding for Wireless Channels, 353 Space-Time Coding, 363 MIMO and STC, 365 Questions, 372 Problems, 372 Projects, 374 Broadband Modem Technologies 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 PART IV 435 Introduction, 435 Principles of Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum, 439 Principles of Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum, 444 Interference in Spread-Spectrum Systems, 464 Performance of CDMA Systems, 476 Questions, 494 Problems, 495 SYSTEMS ASPECTS 11 Topology, Medium Access, and Performance 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 377 Introduction, 378 Effects of Frequency-Selective Multipath Fading, 380 Discrete Multipath Fading Channel Model, 384 Adaptive Discrete Matched Filter, 389 Adaptive Equalization, 393 Sectored Antennas, 405 Multicarrier, OFDM, and Frequency Diversity, 411 Comparison of Traditional Broadband Modems, 421 MIMO in Frequency-Selective Fading, 423 Appendix 9A: Analysis of the Equalizers, 425 Questions, 428 Problems, 429 Projects, 431 10 Spread-Spectrum and CDMA Technology 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 ix 499 501 Introduction, 501 Topologies for Local Networks, 503 Cellular Topology for Wide-Area Networks, 506 Centrally Controlled Assigned Access Methods, 521 Distributed Contention-Based Access Control, 537 Questions, 572 Problems, 573 Project, 576 12 Ultrawideband Communications 12.1 Introduction, 581 581 710 REFERENCES [Tin00] R Tingley, Time-space characteristics of indoor radio channel, Ph.D dissertation, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, May 2000 [Tin01] R Tingley and K Pahlavan, Time-space measurement of indoor radio propagation, IEEE Trans Instrum Meas., IM-50(1), 22–31 (2001) [Tob75] F A Tobagi and L 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386–389 discrete matched filter (DMF), 389–390 equalization, 393–405 MLSE, 393 receivers, 378 Ad hoc networking, 41–43, 46–47, 505–506, 609 Adjacent channel interference (ACI), 314 Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS), 25, 30, 33, 510, 681 ALOHA: dynamic slotted, 546 pure, 539 reservation (R-ALOHA), 544 slotted, 542 stability, 543 Ambient light, 648 Antenna: diversity, 405–407 leaky cable, 54 pattern, 408 sectored, 405–409 Antipodal signaling, 293 Automatic gain control (AGC), 329 Autoregressive (AR) modeling, 235–241, 278 Akaike information criteria, 236 all-pole model, 235 of indoor radio channel, 238–241 order selection criteria, 236 Average probability of error: for flat fading channels, 345–347 for MRC, 349–351 for selection diversity, 353 Bandwidth efficiency, 287, 312–313 Bandwidth efficiency of CDMA: with ideal power control, 477–479 in IS-95, 479 in lognormal fading, 480–481 Bit error rate (BER): binary modulation techniques, 301–302 BPSK/DFE, 400–405 CDMA, 478–480, 481–482 complementary error function, 287 DSSS in fading, 481–482, 455 exponential equation, 287 FHSS in fading, 492–493 irreducible, 380 nonbinary modulation techniques, 302–307 Bluetooth: IEEE 802.11b interference, 466–467 initiative, 43 packet length, 440 specification, 48–49 Broadband modems: adaptive channel measurement, 386–389 adaptive discrete matched filter (ADMF), 389–393 adaptive equalization, 393–405, 425–428 adaptive MLSE, 393 comparisons, 421–423 discrete multipath fading model, 384–386 effects of frequency-selective fading, 380–384 implicit diversity, 384 MIMO in fading, 423–424 MIMO OFDM, 424–425 multiamplitude and multiphase, 419–420 multicarrier, 379, 411–418 multirate, 418–419 OFDM, 415–416, 420, 424–425, 432–434 Wireless Information Networks, Second Edition, by Kaveh Pahlavan and Allen H Levesque Copyright  2005 John Wiley & Sons, Inc 713 714 INDEX Broadband modems (continued ) sectored antennas, 405–411 STC-MIMO, 423–424 Busy-tone multiple access (BTMA), 551 Capture effects, 561 in CSMA, 568–571 in slotted ALOHA, 562–568, 575–576 Carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA), 547 l-persistent, 547 with busy-tone signaling, 551 with collision avoidance, 554 with collision detection, 552 in IEEE 802.11, 554–555 exponential backoff, 553 nonpersistent, 548 p-persistent, 548 throughput, table, 549 Carrier-to-interference (C/I) ratio, 509–510 CDMA: advantages, 526–527 with antenna sectorization, 479 bandwidth efficiency, 477–481 cdmaOne, 675 cdma2000, 675, 677 coding in IS-95, 675 in digital cellular, 675–676 direct sequence, 477 frequency hopping, 492–494 in frequency selective fading, 526 high data rate (HDR), 676–679 implementation complexity, 527 in IMT-2000, 677 interference resistance, 526 IS-95 specification, 675–676 medium data rate, 674 MIMO CDMA, 492 multicarrier, 490–491 near-far problem, 480–481 orthogonal signaling, 481–483 overlay, 527 performance, 476–481 PN sequence, 477 in portable and mobile radio, 526–528 practical power control, 480 Qualcomm system, 528 sectorization gain factor, 479 soft capacity, 527 soft handoff, 527 time-hopping, 494 timing flexibility, 526 voice activity factor, 479 Walsh codes, 482 W-CDMA for IMT-2000, 39–40 CDMA power control, 330, 477–481, 504, 528 ideal instantaneous, 477–478 practical, 480 Cellular digital packet data (CDPD), 20 Cellular telephone: architecture, 6–7 evolution, 25–27 frequency allocations, 33–36 three generations, 32 Centralized network, 503 Channel capacity: AWGN channel, 307 voice-band modems, 308 Channel measurement, 386–389 MMSE estimate, 387 using cross-correlation, 387 using LMS algorithm, 387 Channel modeling and simulation: for AOA, 232–233 autoregressive, 235–241, 278 bell-shaped spectrum model, 133 Clarke-Jakes model, 129–131 COST-231 model, 109 FDTD, 85, 207, 262–263 flat-spectrum model, 131 GSM model, 212–214 IEEE 802.11b model, 216–218 JTC models, 214–215 for MIMO, 233–234 for MIMO, UWB and positioning, 85 Okumura-Hata model, 109 ray tracing, 245–261 Saleh-Valenzuela model, 218–219 wideband models, 211–219 CNR or C/N, 287 Co-channel interference, 508 Coding: ARQ, 359–360, 675 Barker, 447 BCH, 357 block, 354–356 CCK in IEEE802.11b, 483 convolutional, 356 CRC, 354 effects of fading, 360–363 FEC, 354 for FHSS systems, 474–476 for MIMO systems, 366–370, 492 for multiband OFDM, 600 Golay, 357 Hadamard, 358 Hamming, 357 hard- and soft-decision decoding, 355 interleaving, 361 in IS-95, 675 Reed-Solomon, 358 scrambling, 451 space-time (STC), 363–365 spreading, 445 Turbo, 358 Viterbi algorithm, 356 INDEX Walsh codes, 358, 482, 676 wireless applications, table, 357 Coherence bandwidth, 75 Contention schemes, 537 Centrally controlled access: polling, 532 PRMA, 532 Cordless telephone, 6, 26–27, 30, 679 CT2 telepoint, 679 Data-oriented networks: development issues, 20, 27–29 history, table, 28 systems and services, 5–6, 37–39 vs voice-oriented networks, 5–6 Data-sense multiple access (DSMA), 552 DCS-1800, 25, 27 Decision feedback equalizer, 395–396, 400–405 DECT, 27, 680 Delay power spectrum, 74, 75, 212, 267–270, 400 equivalent, 401 exponential, 391 in Saleh-Valenzuela model, 218–219 Digital cellular: beyond 3G, 41–43 CDMA, IS-95, 34, 675–676 cdmaOne, 675 cdma2000, 675, 677 EDGE, 672–674 GPRS, 669–672 GSM, 25, 34, 35, 664–669 HDR, 676 IMT-2000, 39–41, 677 Japanese (JDC), 34, 682 motivation, 20, 26 second-generation (2G), 34–37 table of standards, 34 third-generation (3G), 39–41 UMTS, 40 USDC, IS-54, IS-136, 25, 327, 681 W-CDMA for IMT-2000, 39–41 Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS): effect of fading, 449–451 effect of interference, 471–473 implementation, 444–449 interference suppression, 473–474 RAKE receiver, 451–455, 456, 459–461 SAW correlator, 448, 452 synchronization, 446 transform domain processing, 473 Distance-power relationship: in buildings, 96–97, 101–102, 105 in cellular networks, 509–510 in free space, 57 in mobile radio networks, 59–60 Distribution functions: lognormal, 123 Nakagami, 124 715 Rayleigh, 122 Rician, 123 Suzuki, 123 Weibull, 124 Diversity: antenna, 405–407 explicit, 454 frequency, 348 implicit, 384, 451 in-band, 384, 451 internal, 384, 451 polarization, 405 spatial, 405 time, 348, 451 Diversity combining: linear, 349 maximum-ratio (MRC), 349–351, 452 performance evaluations, 349–351 selection, 349, 353 Doppler: effect, 64 frequency, 65, 112 local movements, 64–66 rms bandwidth, 117 rms spread, 79, 80 shift, 65–66, 91, 112, 119 spectrum, 66, 78, 110 spread, 66, 79, 113, 114 Doppler power spectrum, 66, 78 bell-shaped, 133 flat, 131 Energy contrast ratio (Eb /N0 ), 287 Enhanced data for global evolution (EDGE), 672–674 capacity, example, 535–536 ECSD data rates, 674 EGPRS modulation and coding parameters, 673 enhanced circuit-switched data (ECSD), 673–674 enhanced GPRS (EGPRS), 673 link quality control (LQC), 673 use of R-ALOHA, 547 Equalization: adaptive, 395–405 bandpass, 396 blind, 396 decision feedback, 395–396, 400–405, 407 for indoor radio channel, 407–411 fractionally spaced, 395 linear transversal, 394–395 LMS algorithm, 398–400 tap gain divergence, 395 tap leakage algorithm, 395 vs RAKE, 489 zero-forcing, 394 Error-control coding: ARQ, 359–360 716 INDEX Error-control coding (continued ) block, 354–356 convolutional, 356 fading effects, 360–363 Turbo, 358 Etiquette for unlincensed operation, 583 European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), 664, 672 Fading: average error rate, 344–345 bell-shaped spectrum, 133 Clarke model for mobile radio, 111–113 Clarke-Jakes simulation model, 129–131 complex Gaussian process, 73 duration, 120–121 flat spectrum, 131 frequency-nonselective, 343 frequency-selective, 77 margin, 103–104 multipath, 57–62 probability of outage, 342, 345–346 rate, 118 Rayleigh, 95, 122, 343–347 shadow fading or large-scale fading, 94, 102, 142 simulation of fast fading, 139–140 simulation using Clarke-Jakes model, 129–131 simulation using filtered Gaussian noise, 127–129 simulation using JTC model, 140–142 Finite difference time-domain (FDTD) modeling, 85, 207 computation time, 264 description, 262–263 Fixed-assignment access methods: CDMA, 502, 511–512, 525–528 FDMA, 502, 508, 510–511, 521–522 TDD, 523, 560 TDMA, 502, 508–511, 522, 523–525 Frequency division multiplexing (FDM), 521 Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS): in Bluetooth, 440, 466 effect of fading, 442–443 effect of coding, 474–476 effect of interference, 465–470 fast, 474 in IEEE 802.11, 440 in GSM, 443 power control, 493 slow, 474 TDMA, 442, 493 Frequency reuse, 35, 507, 510, 512 General packet radio service (GPRS), 664, 669–672 link adaptation, 671 multiframe structure, 671 network architecture, 670 overlay onto GSM, 670 radio block encoding, 671–672 Geolocation, see RF location sensing Global positioning system (GPS), 607, 608 Global system for mobile communication (GSM): control channels, 668 ECSD, 673–674 EDGE, 672–673 EGPRS, 673 frame format, 666–669 frequency allocation, 34, 664–665 GPRS, 669–672 HSCSD, 673 logical channels, 666 mobility management, 665 network architecture, 665–666 Phase specifications, 664 Phase specifications, 665 propagation models, 270–272 radio interface, 666 speech coder, 668, 686 Hidden terminal problem, 551, 569, High data rate (HDR), 676–679 cdma2000 x EV-DO, 677 forward-link slot structure, 677–678 forward-link data rates, 678–679 turbo encoding, 679 High frequency (HF), 73 Home access networks, 45–46 IEEE 802.11 standards, 19–21, 28–29, 682–685 IEEE 802.15 WPAN working group, 47, 588, 596 IEEE 802.15.3a UWB working group, 596, 599 IMT-2000, 40, 677 Infrared (IR) signals: ambient lights, 648–651 avalanche photodiode (APD), 643 data-rate limitations, 644–653 diffused IR (DFIR), 641, 658 directed-beam IR (DBIR), 642 field of view (FOV), 645 maximum permissible exposure (MPE), 643 PIN diode, 643 propagation simulation, 646–648 wavelength selection, 643 WLANs, 655, 660 Infrared (IR) transmission: amplitude modulation, 654 decision feedback equalizer, 659 frequency division multiplexing (FDM), 654 frequency shift keying (FSK), 656, 659 maximum rate, 647–648 multiamplitude modulation, 643 multicarrier modulation, 656 on-off keying (OOK), 654 phase shift keying (PSK), 655, 659 INDEX pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), 654 pulse code modulation (PCM), 649 pulse duration modulation (PDM), 654 pulse position modulation (PPM), 654 received power, 645–646 wavelength modulation, 653 Intersymbol interference, 333 Ionospheric communication, 73 IS-54 standard, 35, 681 IS-95 standard, 35, 675–676 IS-136 standard, 35, 681 ISM bands, 28 JDC/PDC, 682 Joint Technical Committee (JTC), 103 channel model, 103–104, 272–274, 277 equivalent autoregressive model, 236 macrocell path loss model, 107 path loss model, 103, 107–108 PCS band path loss model, 103 Lambertian law, 644–645 Land mobile radio (LMR), 19, 313 Least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm, 387, 398–400 Macrocells, 107–110, 508 Manchester-coded signal, 658 Matched filter, 284–286, 339–340 Maxwell’s equations, 57, 85 Measurement plans: frequency dependence, 150 local or small-scale, 150, 165 partitioned, 150 spatial, 165 traffic-effects or temporal, 150 Measurement results: angle of arrival (AOA), 186–191 CDF of rms delay spread, 167–169, 177–178 coherence bandwidth, 178–179 distance-power gradient, 166 in frequency domain, 176–179, 181–183 in indoor areas, 174–178 received power, 170–171 spatial, 165–170 temporal variations, 169–171 time of arrival (TOA), 181–186 for UWB, 195–197 Measurement systems: comparison between, 179–180 discrete maximum likelihood, 194–195 DSSS as virtual pulse, 155–158 frequency domain, 171–176 for MIMO, 186, 189 MUSIC algorithm, 185 pulse transmission, 152–154 717 spatial filter periodogram, 191–194 superresolution algorithms, 183–186 time-domain, 151–170 TLS-ESPRIT, 184 using network analyzer, 172–173, 200 using sliding correlator, 154–165 Microcell, 508 COST-231 model, 109–110 JTC path loss model, 107 Okumura-Hata model, 109–110 in urban environment, 259–261 Minimum distance: block code, 355 signal constellation, 289 Mobile data services: ARDIS, 20, 29, 37–38 CDPD, 20, 29 GPRS, 29 Mobitex, 20, 29, 37 overview, 37–38 RAM Mobile Data, 28 table of parameters, 37 TETRA, 37 Mobile radio: Clarke-Jakes simulation model, 129–131 isotropic scattering model, 129 Mobile switching center (MSC), 10, 507 Mobile telephone service evolution, 25–27 Mobitex, 20, 29, 37 Modeling, statistical, 208 Modems, see Broadband modems; Narrowband modems Multicarrier CDMA, 490–491 Multipath: delay power spectrum, 74, 75 delay spread, 71, 74, 75, 94 excess delay spread, 71, 74 fading, 60–62, 73, 110 frequency-selective fading, 77 rms delay spread, 71–72, 77, 170 Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, 365 AOA simulation, 232 capacity limits, 369–370 channel modeling, 85–86 design of codes, 366 in frequency-selective fading, 423 MIMO CDMA, 492 MIMO OFDM, 424–425 practical considerations, 370 Spencer’s model, 232–233 STC-MIMO, 423–424 Multiuser detection (MUD), 487–489 Narrowband: interference canceller, 473 measurements, 99–102, 113–118, 119–120, 124–126 718 INDEX Narrowband (continued ) multipath fading effects, 110–113, 118–122, 122–124, 129–133 Narrowband modems, 281 4-ary FSK, 293, 363 carrier and timing recovery, 330–332 carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR or C/N), 287 constant envelope, 315 digital FM, 315 DPSK, 294 error rate, 287–289, 301–307 FSK, 291–293 GMSK, 292, 320–324 linear modulation, 315 matched filtering, 284–286 M-phase PSK, 299 MSK, 292, 318–320 multiphase, 299 OOK, 289–291 OQPSK, 317–318 PAM, 294–296 partial response signaling, 300 π /4-shift QPSK, 324–328 power control, 329 PSK, 293–294 pulse shaping, 332–335 QAM, 296–299 QPR, 300 Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 286–287 TCM, 282, 300–301 theoretical limits, 307–311 voiceband, 308 Near-far effect, 505, 561 Network topologies: ad hoc, 505–506 cellular, 506–508 centralized, 504–505 fully connected, 505 multihop, 505, 505–506 peer-to-peer, 504 North American digital cellular, see USDC IEEE 802.11b model, 216–218 IEEE 802.11 MIMO model, 233–234 interarrival delays, 224 JTC model, 214–215, 272–274 Poisson distribution model, 220–222 Poisson model, modified, 222–224 Saleh-Valenzuela model, 218–219, 233 Spencer model for AOA, 232–233 Suzuki model, 221 Path loss modeling: IEEE 802.15 WPAN models, 589–590 Intel model for UWB, 588–589 JTC, 103–108 macrocell, 107–109 microcell, 107–109 mobile radio, 59–60 partitioned indoor, 105–107 Personal communication services (PCS): comparison with cellular, 36 CT-2, 27, 679 DCS-1800, 27 DECT, 680 overview, 36–37 table of standards, 36 Phase locked loop, 331 Physical operating environment: indoor commercial, 81 indoor office, 62, 81 indoor residential, 81, 83 outdoor residential, 82 outdoor urban high-rise, 82, 83 outdoor urban/suburban low-rise, 82, 83 table of Doppler shift ranges, 83 Picocells, 508 Polling, 532 Positioning, see RF location sensing Probability of outage: for erfc error functions, 345 for exponential error functions, 345 for MRC, 351 Propagation in free space, 57 Pseudonoise (PN) sequence in DS-CDMA, 477 Pulse shaping, 332–335 OSI seven-layer reference model, 13 Packet reservation multiple access (PRMA), 532–533 Path amplitude model: lognormal, 231 Nakagami, 124 Rayleigh, 224, 230, 343–347 Rician, 123 Suzuki, 123 Weibull, 124 Path arrivals: clusters, 232 GSM model, 212–213, 270–271 Raised cosine filter, 333 RAKE receiver: in IS-95, 453 performance, 453–464 structure, 451–452 RAM mobile, see Mobitex Random access methods: ALOHA-based, 539–547 CSMA-based, 547–560 DSMA, 547, 552 throughput comparisons, 549–551 Ray tracing: computation time, 264 diffraction coefficient, 253–254 INDEX Fresnel integral, 254 image method, 245–246 ray shooting method, 246 reflection coefficient, 247–250 scattering, 254–255 slab model, 251–253 three dimensional, 259–261 two dimensional, 62, 255–259 uniform theory of diffraction, 253 wall-transmission coefficient, 250–251 Receiver: adaptive DMF, 389–390 adaptive MLSE, 393 RAKE, 389 Reflection coefficient, 247–250 RF location sensing, 607 AOA techniques, 608, 618–619 functional block diagram, 610 GPS-assisted, 608 nearest-neighbor method, 631 overview of techniques, 607–610 pattern recognition techniques, 629–631 positioning algorithms, 626–636 RSS techniques, 618 statistical approach, 632 superresolution for TOA, 614 TDOA techniques, 608 TOA techniques, 611–618 ultrawideband approach, 614 undetected direct path (UDP), 616–618 SAW correlator, 448 Scattering function, 80 Sectored antenna, 405–411 Shannon: bandwidth-limited region, 309 capacity formula, 308–309 limit, 310 power-limited region, 309 Signal constellation, 289 minimum distance, 289 symbol error rate, approximated, 289 Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR): per bit, 286 alternative interpretations, 286 and matched filtering, 284 Sliding correlator, 155, 159, 162–164 Source coding, 329 Space-time coding (STC): Alamouti codes, 364 description, 363–365 with MIMO, 365–366 Speech coding in wireless systems, 329, 675, 685–686 Spread spectrum: anti-interference characteristics, 437 anti-multipath characteristics, 437 autocorrelation function, 445 719 bandwidth expansion factor, 445 in Bluetooth, 440, 466–467, 470–471, 477 CCK codes in IEEE 802.11b, 483 chips, 444 direct sequence (DSSS), 444–449 effects of coding, 474–476 frequency hopping (FHSS), 439–443 in frequency-selective fading, 437–438, 442–443 in GSM, 443 in IEEE 802.11, 440, 447 interference, 465–474 interference margin, 467 in IS-95, 446,451, 479 in multipath fading, 449 M-ary orthogonal codes, 481 M-sequences, 439 overlay, 437, 465 processing gain, 454 pseudonoise (PN) sequence, 157, 439, 445 RAKE receiver, 449–464 spreading code, 445 spreading factor, 445, 458 Walsh codes in IS-95, 482–483 Steepest descent algorithm, 388 Superresolution algorithm, 183–186 TDMA: comparison with FDMA, 523–525 in digital cellular, 522 with FHSS, 442, 493 Time-division duplex (TDD), 523, 560 Time-division multiplexing (TDM), 522 Timing recovery, 332 Trans-European Trunked Radio (TETRA), 37–38 Troposcatter, 73, 75–77, 391, 400 Ultrahigh frequency (UHF), 73, 293 Ultrawideband (UWB), 581 channel modeling, 85–86 direct-sequence (DS-UWB), 595–599 FCC spectral mask, 583 IEEE 802.15, 588 IEEE 802.15.3a, 596, 597 impulse radio, 581, 589–595 Intel model, 588 MBOA Alliance, 599 modeling of multipath behavior, 586–589 multiband OFDM (MB-OFDM), 599–603 multiuser environment, 594–595 overlay, 589 path-loss modeling, 584–586 pulse shape and antenna, 589–593 table of TF codes for MC-OFDM, 602 Time Domain Corporation, 590 TFMA, 599–601 time-hopping, 593–595 720 INDEX Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), 40, 359 United States digital cellular (USDC), 327, 681 Very high frequency (VHF), 293 Voice-oriented networks: chronology, table, 25 development issues, 20, 25–27 systems and services, 32–37 vs data oriented networks, 5–6 Wideband: autoregressive (AR) modeling, 235–241 CDMA (W-CDMA), 39–40 channel simulation, 210–211 frequency-domain channel modeling, 234 measurements, 171–180 multipath fading effects, 66 statistical modeling, 208, 241 statistical models, comparison, 243 Wireless Internet, Wireless local area network (WLAN): comparisons, 38–39 development, 20–21, 43–44 general description, 38–39 HIPERLAN2, 38–39, 682 IEEE 802.11 standards, 19–21, 28–29, 38–39, 682–685 infrared, 639–643, 660 ISM bands, 28 public, 44 spread-spectrum, 684 Wi-Fi Alliance, 44 Wireless personal area network (WPAN): Bluetooth, 43, 47, 48–49 BodyLAN, 43 emergence, 43 HomeRF, 43, 48 IEEE 802.15 WPAN working group, 47 Wireless PBX, 27 Wireless technologies in standards, tables, 33–34 WSSUS channel model, 72–81 coherence bandwidth, 75 coherence time, 80 correlation functions, diagram, 82 delay power spectrum, 74 Doppler power spectrum, 78 Doppler spread, 79 rms Doppler spread, 79–80 scattering function, 80–81 spaced-time, spaced-frequency correlation function, 78 troposcatter channel, 75–77 ABOUT THE AUTHORS Kaveh Pahlavan is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science, and Director of the Center for Wireless Information Network Studies, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA He is also a Visiting Professor at the Telecommunication Laboratory and Center for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland His area of research is location aware broadband sensor and ad hoc networks He has contributed to numerous seminal technical and visionary publications in wireless office information networks, home networking, and indoor geolocation science and technology He is the principal author of the Wireless Information Networks (with Allen Levesque), John Wiley & Sons, 1995, and Principles of Wireless Networks —A Unified Approach (with P Krishnamurthy), Prentice Hall, 2002 Before joining WPI, he was the Director of Advanced Development at Infinite, Inc., Andover, MA, working on data communications He started his career as an Assistant Professor at Northeastern University, Boston, MA He is the founder and Editor-inChief of the International Journal on Wireless Information Networks, the first journal in modern wireless networks established in 1994, and a member of the advisory board of the IEEE Wireless Magazine He was the founder, program chairman, and organizer of the IEEE Wireless LAN Workshop, Worcester, MA, in 1991, 1996, and 2001; organizer and technical program chairman of the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, Boston, MA, in 1992 and 1998; co-chair of the International Workshop on Ultra Wideband Systems, Oulu, Finland, 2003; co-chair of the International Workshop on Wireless Adhoc Network, Oulu, Finland, 2004; and chairman of the IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc Sensor Systems, 2005 He has also been selected as a member of the Committee on Evolution of Untethered Communication, U.S National Research Council, 1997, and has led the US review team for the Finnish R&D Programs in Electronic and Telecommunication in 1999 and NETs project in 2003 For his contributions to wireless networks, he was named the Weston Hadden Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at WPI in 1993–1996, was elected a Fellow of the IEEE in 1996, and became a Fellow of Nokia in 1999 From May to December 2000, he was the first Fulbright-Nokia scholar at the University of Oulu, Finland He has been a consultant to a number companies, including CNR, GTE Laboratories, Steinbrecher Corp., Simplex, Mercurry Computers, WINDATA, SieraComm, 3COM, and Codex/Motorola in Massachusetts; JPL, Savi Technologies, RadioLAN in California; Aironet in Ohio; United Technology Research Center in Connecticut; Honeywell in Arizona; Nokia, LK-Products, Elektrobit, TEKES, and Finnish Academy in Finland; and NTT in Japan Because of his inspiring visionary publications and his international conference activities for the growth of the wireless LAN industry, he is referred to as one of the founding fathers of the wireless LAN industry Details of his contributions to this field are available at www.cwins.wpi.edu 721 722 ABOUT THE AUTHORS Allen H Levesque is an affiliated faculty member in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where he has been teaching digital communications and conducting research in the Center for Wireless Information Network Studies He is also an independent consulting engineer specializing in digital communications technologies, with particular emphasis on wireless communications Dr Levesque is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Registered Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts In early 1999, he retired from the position of Senior Staff Scientist at GTE Laboratories, where he had been responsible for coordinating GTE (now Verizon) research activities in wireless and broadband communications, as well as providing support to the company’s business initiatives in cellular, wireless data, wireless local loop, and indoor wireless communications

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2018, 08:19