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TE AM FL Y Mastering the SAP® Business Information Warehouse Kevin McDonald Andreas Wilmsmeier David C Dixon W.H Inmon Wiley Publishing, Inc Mastering the SAP® Business Information Warehouse Mastering the SAP® Business Information Warehouse Kevin McDonald Andreas Wilmsmeier David C Dixon W.H Inmon Wiley Publishing, Inc Publisher: Robert Ipsen Executive Editor: Robert M Elliott Assistant Editor: Emilie Herman Managing Editor: John Atkins New Media Editor: Brian Snapp Text Design & Composition: John Wiley Composition Services Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks In all instances where John Wiley & Sons, Inc., is aware of a claim, the product names appear in initial capital or ALL CAPITAL LETTERS Readers, however, should contact the appropriate companies for more complete information regarding trademarks and registration SAP, the SAP logo, mySAP, SAP R/2, SAP R/3, SAP BW, SAP CRM, SAP GUI, SAP APO, ABAP, BAPI, mySAP.com, mySAP BI, mySAP SEM, mySAP SCM, mySAP BI, and mySAP Enterprise Portals are trademarks of SAP Aktiengesellschaft, Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing, Neurottstrasse 16, 69190 Walldorf, Germany The publisher gratefully acknowledges SAP’s kind permission to use its trademark in this publication SAP AG is not the publisher of this book and is not responsible for it under any aspect of press law This book is printed on acid-free paper ∞ Copyright © 2002 by Kevin McDonald, Andreas Wilmsmeier, David C Dixon, and W.H Inmon All rights reserved Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc Published simultaneously in Canada Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 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references and index ISBN 0-471-21971-1 SAP Business information warehouse Data warehousing Management information systems Business—Computer programs I McDonald, Kevin, 1969HF5548.4.B875 M37 2002 650’.0285’5785—dc21 2002008736 Printed in the United States of America 10 Advance Praise for Mastering the SAP Business Information Warehouse “This book is insightful, educational, and thought provoking for even the most seasoned SAP BI individual The authors did an excellent job of incorporating historical business warehousing into an up-to-date guide to SAP BW and business intelligence that will be very valuable to readers for years to come.” Richard M Dunning Chair, American SAP Users Group and BW-BI & Analytics Interest Group “Kevin McDonald and his team of experts know more about SAP’s Business Intelligence offerings than anyone else—including SAP This book demonstrates their expertise clearly and precisely It is a must-have for anyone initiating a BW implementation.” Claudia Imhoff Co-author of Corporate Information Factory, 2nd Edition; Building the Customer-Centric Enterprise; and Exploration Warehousing (Wiley) President, Intelligent Solutions, Inc “SAP BW is today an essential part of any SAP implementation, as it is becoming the leading Business Intelligence suite in the world Mastering the SAP Business Information Warehouse provides a deep understanding of BW’s core capabilities, and serves as a great head start in the development of new collaborative and predictive solutions for your enterprise.” Shai Agassi Executive Board Member, Collaborative Solutions Group, SAP AG “This book is an excellent guide to traversing SAP terminology and provides comprehensive coverage of the Business Intelligence solution, which is critical for every SAP customer.” Mark A Smith President, Full Circle Strategies and x-CMO of SAP Portals v vi Advance Praise for Mastering the SAP Business Information Warehouse “Mastering the SAP Business Information Warehouse provides a comprehensive, cradleto-grave review of the most important aspects of the design, development, and implementation of the SAP BW The authors have combined years of data warehousing and SAP BW experience into an effective mix of theory and practical applications This is an excellent handbook for project members involved in the implementation of SAP business intelligence solutions such as SAP BW or mySAP.” Catherine M Roze Author of SAP BW Certification: A Business Information Warehouse Study Guide (Wiley) IBM and SAP BW Certified Consultant “It would be hard to imagine a more complete guide to SAP BW for administrators, programmers, and users The authors know the territory well, and have produced a valuable reference work But more than this, the authors are able to weave in the story of the history and evolution of BW from Hasso Plattner’s mandate to create a ‘reporting server’ to BW’s current state as a platform for business intelligence and analytic applications.” Henry Morris VP for Applications and Information Access, IDC “Along the lines of the information supply chain, this book lays out the options the SAP Business Information Warehouse provides to build collaborative, closed-loop Analytic Applications based upon the Business Content building blocks.” Dr Wolfgang Martin META Group Research Fellow For Julia Rita, Theresa, and Arne Karl, Noriko, and Danjiro Index data targets, 59 connecting InfoSource to, 63–64 InfoPackages, 407–408 selection, 64 data type conversions, 62 data upload, scheduling, 64 data warehouse layer, 73–74, 243 data warehouses analytic applications, 335 custom, 134 data extraction, data model, 5–6 data quality, 11–12 data relationships, 10 defining, 4–5 describing with meta data, 89–90 design requirements, 107 different types of databases, 13 different versions of truth in, 130–134 dormant data, 12 ETL (extract/transfer/load) software, generic data vs specific data, 11 granular data, 8–9 growth of, 14 historical data, 5, Inmon’s definition of, 71 integrated, 4, 163 integration and transformation processing, management decisions, meta data, 13 modeling, 108–113 multiple staging levels, 453–455 nonvolatile, physical tables, redundancy, 111 removing dormant data, 12 SAP BW (SAP Business Information Warehouse), 25–26 subject areas, subject-oriented, as support structure for business intelligence, 16 timestamping, 10 time-variant, volume of data, 12 The Data Warehouse Toolkit, 2nd Edition (Kimball), 130 date and time information, 118–119 date data type, 114 date-from variable, 186 date key figures, 56, 118–119 dates, 56 date variance, 176 DB Connect interface, 43, 45, 151, 227–229 DB Connect source systems, 60, 228 DB Link tool, 45 de-aggregation, 239 debit key figures, 190 debugging transformations, 43 decision trees, 341–343 default values, 238 degenerate dimensions, 117, 443 DELETE FROM statement, 451 Delete overlapping requests from an InfoCube variant, 411 Deletion of requests from PSA variant, 411 delivery of product, delivery quantity variance, 176 delivery variances, 176 delta change capture, 167, 213 delta extraction, 162, 211, 212, 214 delta extraction mode, 210, 212 delta extractors, 171 delta line-item extractors, 162, 171, 190 delta loads, 64, 211 delta queues, 211, 212, 214, 222, 234 delta updates, 212 demand planning analysis, 369 case study, 365–369 consensus forecasts, 365 data loads, 366 design impacts, 364–365 field forecasts, 365 marketing forecasts, 365 statistical forecasts, 365 update rules, 368–369 demo Business Content information models, 166 demo content, 166 denormalization, 240 de-normalized information modeling approach, 181 denormalized ODS objects, 111, 113 developing information models, 106–146 development classes See packages development systems, testing, 84 dialog processes, 458 dimensions, 58, 101, 286, 389 cardinality considerations, 116 characteristics, 114–116, 194 defining, 114–116 degenerate, 117 explosions, 116 hierarchies, 194 key figures, 114–116 limitations of, 114 line-item, 117–118 modeling, 114–118 predefined, 114 user-defined, 118 dimension tables, 101, 116 DIMIDs (dimension IDs), 101 DIS (data item set), discrete records, 10 display attributes, 128–129 display properties, 56 documentation, 172 documentation and translation tools, 82 document interface, 36 document level transaction data, 207 499 500 Index documents attaching to objects, 321–322 content, 29–30 home folder, 30 linking, 51, 321–322 personal notes, 30 URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 30 volatile, 214 dormant data, 12 double-loop learning, 376 drag and relate technology, 26 drill-down, 253 drill-down hierarchies, 206 Drill-Down Reporting, 23 DROP PARTITION statement, 451 DSI (days sales inventory), 209 DSO (days sales outstanding), 209 DSO InfoCube, 244 DSS (decision support systems), 4, 14 Dun & Bradstreet Business Content, 170, 174, 178–179, 180 D-U-N-S (Data Universal Numbering Scheme) number, 178–179 dynamic geo-types, 298 dynamic summary tables, 207 dynaSight, 54 E e-analytics, 158, 161 early data processing applications, 1–4 Early Warning System, 23–24 Early Watch Sessions, 465 EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) character, 238 EC-PCA (Profit Center Accounting of Enterprise Controlling), 184 EC-PCA InfoCube fact table, 184 elementary fields, 159 engage interaction, 350 engines, 335, 336 enqueue processes, 459 enterprise data warehouse model, 147–148 Enterprise JavaBeans, 78 enterprise planning budgeting, 378 data management, 381 functions, 381–382 general planning, 381 planning area, 381 planning level, 381 planning packages, 381 research and prognosis, 378 specific planning, 382 target setting, 378 entities, 5, 91 EP (Enterprise Portal), 19, 24, 307–309 e-procurement, 180–181 ERD (entity relationship diagram), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), 14, 20–22 error handling parameters, 64 ETL (extraction, transfer, and loading), 7, 12, 41, 46, 201 ETL services analytic applications, 335 BW Service API, 44–45 DataSource Manager, 43 DB Connect interface, 45 File interface, 45 Staging BAPI, 46 XML interface, 45–46 ETL services layer, 42–43, 201 ETL tools, 71 evaluation data, 339 evaluation ranges, 177, 194–196 events and InfoCubes, 113 Excel CSV files, 226 Excel files, 226 exception aggregations, 120, 122, 124 exception analysis and queries, 292–294 exception reporting, 68, 292–294, 412 exceptions, 67, 292–294, 412, 487 exchange rate type, 320 exit variable, 186 exploration facilities, 14 exploration warehouse, 71 explosive dimension model, 116 exporting data, 68–69 external filename, location and format, 64 external hierarchies, 97, 137–142, 287 external information, 91 extract files, 2–4 extraction, 205–236 architecture, 216 data set-level transformations, 240, 242 redundancy, 163 scenario, 210 scope, 211 structure, 204 time aggregation, 218 extraction mode, 210 extraction programs, 44, 166, 204 extractors, 161, 167, 222 asynchronous batch pull, 211 balance carry-forward period, 190 Business Content availability, 224 calculations, 176 custom, 224 enhancing, 224 evaluative ranges, 176 full extraction mode, 211 generic database, 223 generic InfoSet, 224 key figure calculations, 176 obsolete, 171 performing business logic, 176 testing and debugging, 224 F facts, 101 fact tables, 101, 125, 132 Index field forecasts, 365 field-level transformations, 240 File interface, 43, 45, 204 file source system uploads, 64 FileTek Web site, 49 filter cell area, 297 Filter window, 286 financial analytics, 160 financial applications, 187 financial Business Content, 189 financial dynamic summary tables, 189 financial perspective, 374 financials, modeling noncumulative key figures, 189–191 financial statement item, 389 first value function, 122 fixed field length files, 226 fixed planning applications, 369–371 flat aggregates, 444 flat database tables, 103 flat-file interface, 226–227 flat files, 45 flat-file source systems, 60, 62 flexible master data staging, 108 floating-point numbers, 118 folders, 30 follow-up actions, 412 foreign keys, 10 formatted reporting, 314 formatting reports, 53 formula extension, 248 formulas, 62, 247–249 formula variables, 288, 290 FOX, 248 free characteristics, 286 frequency, 353 fulfill interaction, 350 full data set level transformations, 241 full extraction mode, 210, 212 functional InfoMarts, 147 functionality patches, 437 functional requirements, 92 functional upgrades, 172, 437 function modules, 186 function piecewise constant, 345 fuzzy search, 31 G General Ledger and currency keys, 187–189 general remote InfoCubes, 58 generic analytical services, 314–315 generic data, 11 generic database extractors, 223 generic data vs specific data, 11 generic extraction, 223–224 generic extractor, 204 generic InfoSet extractors, 224 generic key figure modeling, 125, 174 generic key figures, 125–127, 187–188, 191 generic remote cubes, 311 Geography characteristic, 281 geography-specific meta data, 298 GIF file format, 322 global rollout system landscape, 85 Going Live Checks, 465 grain of information, granular data, 8–9 granular information, lack of, 163 granularity, 91, 118 graphics device-dependent format, 54 standardizing, 322 group by clause, 124 H hardware, 486–487 harmonization, 73, 108 heterogeneous hierarchies, 137–142 hierarchies, 95, 206 age ranges, 194–196 balanced, 137–142 designing queries with, 287–288 dimensions, 194 display attributes, 287 external, 97, 137–142, 287 heterogeneous, 137–142 homogeneous, 136–142 internal, 97, 137–142, 287 interval nodes, 138, 142 link nodes, 138 master data, 274 network, 137–142 unbalanced, 137–142 usage, 446 hierarchy data model, 98, 287 hierarchy node variables, 288, 290 hierarchy properties window, 287 hierarchy-specific extractor, 204 hierarchy tables, 97–98, 138–139, 206 hierarchy variables, 288, 290 high cardinality characteristics, 101 fact table, 116 high-level KPIs (key performance indicators), 453 historical data, 3, 110, 339–340 classifying into probability hierarchies, 341–343 data warehouses, 5, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) applications, 21 realignment, 134 historical truth, 130–134 history of objects, 318 home folder, 30 homogeneous hierarchies, 136–142 HOUSEHLD InfoObjects, 98, 99 HR (human resources) Business Content, 192–194 HRIS (Human Resources Information System), 22 HRNP (Hyper-relational Navigation Protocol), 32 HTML, 78 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 78, 305 hub-and-spoke architecture, 14–15 501 502 Index human resource analytics, 160 human resources strategic analysis, 192–196 I IDocs (Interchangeable Documents), 76 reprocessing, 418 IDocs (Intermediate Documents), 219–221 IGS (Internet Graphics Server), 54, 298, 305, 322 IMS, 41 INCLUDE statements, 260 industry-specific Business Content, 158–159, 166 InfoAreas, 60 InfoCube Manager, 48 InfoCubes, 25, 48, 75, 93, 145, 161, 197 aggregates, 59 based on generic key figures, 126 characteristics, 57–58 compression variant, 411 data model, 99–102 date and time information, 118–119 differences from ODS objects, 74 events, 113 fact tables, 101 historical truth, 131 infrastructure, 48 key figures, 57–58, 119 large granular data sets, 110 loading, 274–275 modeling, 442–446 modeling dimensions, 114–118 multibusiness area, 113 navigational attributes, 58 overloading, 110 planning against, 378–382 remote, 71, 146, 448 reorganizations, 185 scope, 113 specific key figure modeling, 174 staging process, 108 tables, 101 time dimension, 56 transactional, 142 updating, 61 InfoMart layer, 74–75 InfoMarts, 72 functional, 147 modeling, 113–146 point-of-sale detail information, 114–116 regional, 147 updating status values, 143 InfoObject assignment option, 246–247 InfoObject catalogs, 57, 60 InfoObjects, 61, 93, 145, 161, 204 attaching documents to, 321–322 attributes, 97 characteristics, 56 compound, 134–135 definition, 56 key figures, 55–56 multiple instances of, 170 predefined, 111 referring to other InfoObjects, 135–136 source hierarchy, 185 target hierarchy, 185 time characteristics, 56 transfer routines, 255–257 transfer rules, 245 unit characteristics, 56 InfoPackages, 64, 402 data selection criteria, 403–406 data target options, 407–408 data target selection, 64 external data specification and parameters, 410 external filename, location and format, 64 incorrect data, 409–410 processing options, 64, 406–407 properties, 64 scheduling, 64 selection criteria, 64 third-party parameters, 64 update parameters, 64, 408–410 InfoProviders, 49, 59, 94 directory, 60 interface, 312 local, 312–313 local virtual, 313 physical, 310–311, 312 queries, 66 remote, 312–314 unions of, 144–145 virtual, 68, 310–313 Informatica Corporation, 26, 41, 46, 71 information, 91 combining on the fly, 60 languages, 97 personalization, 317–319 separating textual and attribute, 97 information access services, 310–331 informational data, 3–4 informational information, informational processing, 21–22 information analysis services, 310–331 information delivery, 92, 163 information flow modeling, 90, 146, 181, 456 SAP BW interfaces, 151–152 typical, 146–150 information modeling, 90 attributes, 128–129 de-normalized approach, 181 key figures, 118–127 master data, 127 modeling virtual InfoProviders, 144–146 multilevel staging considerations, 143–144 performance planning, 442–455 prerequisites, 90–103 transactional data targets, 142 information models, 90–92, 168 Business Content, 154, 162, 166, 172–196 business processes and requirements, 90–91 as compromise, 106 developing, 106–146 limiting freedom of, 107 Index modeling data warehouse, 108–113 modeling InfoMarts, 113–146 modeling ODS (Operational Data Store), 107–108 predefined, 169 prepackaged, 154 roles-based, 154 source-system agnostic, 165 information processing, evolution of, 13–15 Information Provider interface, 50, 310–314 information supply chain, configuring, 203 information surfing, 23, 316–317 information systems, 22, 92 InfoSets, 68, 145, 197 InfoSources, 61, 94 communication structure, 204 connecting to data target, 63–64 generic key figure modeling, 174 grouping, 62 mapping to InfoCubes, 162 transfer rules, 245 InfoSpokes, 69, 94, 197 InfoStructures, 22 InfoTypes, 22, 193–194 Inmon, Bill, 35, 59, 70, 71, 169 InQMy, 31 InQMy Web Application Server, 27–28 instant messaging, 30 integer key figures, 56 integers, 56, 118 integrated data, 73–74 integration, 208–210 aggregation, 74, 108 data quality, 74, 108 harmonization, 73, 108 outsourcing to third-party data provider, 177 selection, 73, 108 time, 74, 108 integration and transformation processing, Intelligent Miner, 315 interfaces, 216–226, 324–325 internal business processes perspective, 374 internal hierarchies, 97, 137–142, 287 internal information, 91 Internet Communication Manager, 78 Internet protocols, 78, 305–307 interval nodes, 138 inversion routine, 253–254 investment planning, 382–383 ISO-OSI reference model, 219 ISO Web site, 219 ISPs (Internet service provider), 310 ITS (Internet Transaction Server), 76 IUV files, 307–308 iViews, 27, 28, 308–309 iViewStudio Web site, 28 J Java, 76 Java programs, 78 JavaScripts, 78 Java Virtual Machine, 78 JPEG file format, 322 JSPs (Java Server Pages), 78 K Kaplan, Robert, 372 key field update rules, 258–263 key-figure-based modeling, 125 key figure/data field update rules, 264–266 key figures, 55–58, 91, 101, 285–286 additive, 119–123 aggregation algorithms, 120 amount, 118 calculations, 176 CMI, 386 counter, 124 currencies, 114 date, 118–119 dimensions, 114–116 generic, 125–127 InfoCubes, 119 master data, 119, 134 multiple characteristics holding meaning of, 126 non-additive, 119–123 noncumulative, 121 ODS objects, 59, 119 quantity, 118 restricting and calculating, 294–295 semi-additive, 119–123 time, 118–119 translating process keys to, 175 types, 191–192 units of measure, 114 update routines, 265–266 usage, 446 virtual, 142 key figure sparsity, 125 key harmonization, 62 keys, 10 KM (Knowledge Management), 29–31 KPIs (key performance indicators), 91 high-level, 453 usage in multiple roles, 155 user-defined menu items, 361 visualizing, 136 L language dependency, 97 language-dependent texts, 127 last value function, 122 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 29 learning and growth perspective, 374 left/right borders, 345 legacy/operational environment, 11 legal consolidation, 387–388 lift, 349 linear regression, 343–347 line-item dimensions, 101, 117–118, 443–444 line-item extraction, 162 linguistic search, 31 linking documents, 51, 321–322 link nodes, 138 503 504 Index liquidity planning, 383 LIS (Logistics Information System), 22 communication structures, 174 LIS extractors, 171, 211 LISTCUBE transaction, 420 LISTSCHEMA transaction, 420 LIS update rule, 176 Live Cache, 363–364 loading flat files, 45 local InfoProviders, 312–313 local virtual InfoProviders, 313 logical databases, 22, 215–216 logical target system, 68 logical unit-level transformations, 240 lookup tables, 238 low-frequency extraction, 211 M management consolidation, 388 manual classification, 30 many-to-many relationship, 63 market analytics, 158 market basket analysis, 348 market forecast for demand of goods, 363–369 marketing analytics, 338 marketing forecasts, 365 master data, 127, 158, 193, 311 activation, 474 attaching documents to value, 321–322 attributes, 95, 206, 272–273 attribute tables, 133 delta extractors, 213 descriptions, 56 extractors, 204 fields, 207–208 hierarchies, 95, 206, 274 InfoSources, 61 infrastructure, 47 integration, 177–180 key figures, 119, 134 listing, 286 loading, 271–274 local and unified views, 177 lookup, 259 modeling, 447–448 modeling text information, 127 non-time-dependent, 133 SAP APO, 364–365 texts, 95, 273–274 text tables, 206 time-dependent, 97, 133 time-independent, 97 timeliness, 91–92 tracking changes, 110 master data catalog, 135 master-data data model, 95–99 Master Data Manager, 47 master data tables, 61, 68, 98 material master data, 95 maximum function, 121 MDX language, 50 MDXTEST transaction, 328, 420 messaging services, 78 meta data, 13, 36 activating objects, 38 autonomous, 168, 169 building blocks, 168 Business Content, 166 business-level, 89–90 centralized, 168, 169 common, 336 defining core objects, 38 describing contents of data warehouse, 89–90 exchanging, 41 flat-file interface, 226 flow, 217–219 hiding and unhiding, 169–170 integration of, 28 integrity of, 13 management, 40, 71 modeling, 36–38 offline modeling, 38 online hypertext documentation, 38 queries, 285–286 replication, 219 sharable, 168–169 specialized, 158, 169 user community, 169 XML Data Sources, 234 Meta Data Manager, 40 meta data objects, 168 aggregates, 59 application hierarchy, 62 attaching documents to, 321–322 authorizations, 69 Business Content, 161 currency translation types, 70 DataSources, 62, 94 data target, 59 InfoAreas, 60 InfoCubes, 57–58, 93 InfoObject catalogs, 57 InfoObjects, 54–57, 93 InfoPackages, 64 InfoProviders, 59, 94 InfoSets, 68 InfoSources, 61, 94 InfoSpokes, 69, 94 MultiProviders, 60 ODS objects, 59, 94 open hub destinations, 68–69 process chains, 65–66 queries, 66–67, 94 query workbooks, 67–68 reporting agent, 68 roles, 69 source systems, 60 transfer rules, 62–63 users, 69 workbooks, 94 Index Meta Data Repository, 38, 40, 45, 47, 50, 68, 71, 89, 164, 169, 172, 204, 314 fields available for DataSource, 62 Meta Data Services, 36, 40 Microsoft Excel, 54, 67, 68 Microsoft Web site, 50 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), 306 minimum function, 121 MINING_IBM transaction code, 315 miscellaneous process type variants, 411 missing values, 238 mobile data access protocols support, 309–310 mobile reporting tools, 197 mobile Web applications design restrictions, 310 model currencies, 187 modeling dimensions, 114–118 InfoCubes, 442–446 InfoMarts, 113–146 master data, 447–448 ODS objects, 446 text information, 127 virtual InfoProviders, 144–146 models, 335, 336 MOLAP (multidimensional OLAP), 102 Molina, Joe, 462 monetary value, 353 monitor, 36 monitoring, 38–39, 416–419 Morris, Henry, 160 multibusiness area InfoCubes, 113 MultiCubes, 364 multidimensional data, 50 multidimensional databases, 59 Multidimensional Expressions MDX command, 328 multidimensional queries, 285, 286–287 multidimensional reporting, 52 multidimensional reporting and analysis, 295–298 multilevel staging, 243–245 considerations, 143–144 scenarios, 113 multilingual applications, 82 multiple physical systems, 85 multiple staging levels, 453–455 MultiProviders, 60, 94, 113, 144–145, 197, 212, 311, 313, 448–449 mySAP Automotive, 159 mySAP.com, 44, 76 business processes, 103 component unification, 31 Financials Solutions, 24 migrating to, 106 mySAP Consumer Products, 158–159 mySAP CRM (mySAP Customer Relationship Management), 44, 157, 197, 334 mySAP E-Procurement, 163, 173 mySAP Financials, 208 mySAP Healthcare, 159 mySAP Human Capital Management, 208 mySAP Logistics, 208 mySAP Media, 159 mySAP Pharmaceuticals, 158 mySAP Produce Lifecycle Management, 208 mySAP Retail, 159 mySAP SCM (mySAP Supply Chain Management), 44, 157, 197, 334 mySAP SEM (SAP Strategic Enterprise Management), 44, 197 MYSIMPLEWEBTEMPLATE Web template, 306 N naming conventions, 81 navigational attributes, 58, 128–129, 445 aggregates, 474 master data attribute tables, 133 SID tables, 97 navigation state, 321 network considerations, 463–464 design applications, 369 hierarchies, 137–142 no aggregation function, 121 non-additive key figures, 119–123 noncertified iViews, 28 noncumulative key figures, 121 Live Cache, 364 modeling, 189–191 nonfunctional requirements, 92, 106 nonlinear regression, 343–347 non-SAP Business Content, 158 non-SAP data, 157 non-SAP processes and roles, 155 non-SAP source systems, 204 non-time-critical updates, 213 non-time-dependent attributes, 129 non-time-dependent master data, 133 non-time-dependent navigational attributes, 130 nontransactional ODS objects, 73, 107 normalization, 111, 239–240 normalized ODS objects, 111, 113 Norton, David, 372 Notification dependencies, 399 Novell eDirectory, 29 number key figures, 56 numbers, 55–56, 118 O Object Management Group Web site, 40 objects attaching documents, 321–322 changes in, 82–83 defining exceptions, 84 history, 318 vs data, 428–431 ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), 314, 326 ODBO (OLE DB for OLAP), 324–325, 328 ODBO Interface (OLE DB for OLAP Interface), 50 ODS (Operational Data Store), 14, 71, 73 Business Content support, 161 defined by Inmon, 71 layers, 25–26 505 506 Index ODS (continued) modeling, 107–108 ODS objects, 59 ODS objects vs remote cubes for building, 73 ODS BAPI, 47, 313 ODS object data model, 102–103 ODS Object Manager, 47–48 ODS objects, 47–48, 71, 73–75, 94, 107–108, 145, 161, 173, 197, 244–245, 311 activation queue, 102 characteristics, 59 as data warehouse, 163 differences from InfoCubes, 74 evolution of, 108 flexible master data staging, 108 harmonized database of relevant busiess events and entities, 110 history of granular data available, 110 joins of multiple, 68 key figures, 59, 119 loading, 275–277 loading data, 102 modeling, 446 modeling by business event, 181 nontransactional, 107 normalized vs denormalized, 111, 113 queries, 73, 107 staging process, 108 tracking master data and transactional data changes, 110 transactional, 107, 142 transfer rules, 158 updating, 61 ODS object tables, 107 OLAP (online analytic processing), 22, 335 OLAP API, 324 OLAP BAPI, 50, 152, 236, 324–325, 330 OLAP-enabled queries, 152 OLAP engine, 50, 282, 305, 314, 324–325 OLAP front ends, 54 older applications, 20 OLE DB, 314 OLE-DB extensions, 315 OLE DB for OLAP, 50, 152, 325–326 OLTP extractors, 163 OLTP technology, 213–216 online transaction applications, on-time delivery variance, 176 open hub destinations, 68–69 Open Hub Services, 26, 51, 68–69, 94, 151, 236 OPEN status, 214 operating system, 486–487 operational data, 3–4 operational information, operational meta data, 13, 37–38 operational planning applications, 361 operational plans, 378 operations InfoSource, 370 OR boolean operator, 401 orders, 6, order-to-cash business process, 209 organization-specific characteristic values or hierarchies, 170 outlier treatment, 345 P package dimension, 101, 114 packages, 82 packed-decimal numbers, 118 parameter groups, 382 patches, 436–438 payment analysis, 210 PCD (Portal Content Directory), 27–29 PDA support, 310 PeopleSoft applications, 28 performance, 439 performance-enhancing sequences, 400 performance management, 374–375, 440, 465–488 performance measurement, 372–373 performance monitoring, 488 performance planning, 439–440 information modeling, 442–455 managing user expectations, 441–442 period key figures, 189 personalization, 317–319 PFCG transaction, 427, 429 physical design, physical InfoProviders, 50, 310–311, 312 physical tables, Pittiglio Rabin Todd & McGrath, 356 pixel-based reporting tool, 298–301 planning applications, 382–384 planning-book-based applications, 360 planning calculations, 335 planning packages, 381 Platner, Hasso, 23 PMML (Predictive Markup Language), 315 PNG file format, 322 pooled tables, 215 portals analytic applications, 336 channels, 308 iViews, 308–309 user, 27 posting level concept, 390–391 PP/DS (production planning/detailed scheduling) applications, 369 precalculated aggregates, 144 predefined conversion exits, 246 dimensions, 114 InfoObjects, 111 information models, 169 meta data, 37 portal content, 106 restricted key figures, 126 worksets, 28 prediction data, 339 prepackaged information models, 154 pre-query variables, 416 presentation services, 51–54, 280–283 BEx (Business Explorer) components, 283–310 Index printing and reporting agent, 413–414 process chains, 38, 65–66, 396–401 processes, 396 categories, 396 data management, 401–411 data target administration category, 397 design, 465 General services category, 397 instances, 396 less conformed, 170 load processes and subsequent processing category, 397 Other SAP BW processes category, 397 reporting agent, 411–416 SAP Web Application Server, 458–459 types, 396 variants, 396 process flows, 180–181 processing options, 64 process keys, 174–175, 191 process-oriented administration, 396–421 procure-to-pay business process, 209–210, 214 Product area, product InfoObject, 135 profit center accounting, 190 profit planning, 383 projections, 239 proprietary file formats, 41 provider services, 325 PSA (persistent staging area), 43, 63, 242–243 publish and subscribe, 210 Publish as iView option, 307 pull extraction scenarios, 212 pull scenario, 210 purchase orders, 32 push extraction scenarios, 212 push scenario, 210 Q quality checks, 400 quantitative information, 118 quantity key figures, 55, 118 quantity variance, 176 queries, 94, 161, 284 aggregate cubes, 282 aggregates, 473–477 alerts, 67 analyzing, 296–298 analyzing execution, 473 attaching charts or maps, 297–298 avoiding duplication of data, 185 batch mode execution, 39 batch printing results, 68 business meta data, 297 calculated key figures, 66 comparing different versions of truth, 130 conditional analysis, 291–292 conditions, 67 counters, 124 customizing, 296 defining, 53, 285–295, 329 definitions, 67 designing with hierarchies, 287–288 displaying additional information, 128 elements, 66–67, 286 exception analysis, 292–294 exceptions, 67 executing, 50, 442–443 execution time for currency conversion, 127 free characteristics, 286 historical truth, 131 InfoProviders, 66 information surfing, 316–317 initial view, 286, 297 meta data, 285–286 multidimensional, 285, 286–287 navigating and filtering, 128 navigational requests, 53 ODS objects, 73, 107 OLAP-enabled, 152 optimizing design, 472 performance optimization, 102 preparing third-party applications for access, 328–330 processing, 280–283 remote InfoCubes, 73, 108 requesting current head counts, 124 requesting historic head counts, 124 request response process, 280–283 restricted key figures, 66 restricting and calculating key figures, 294–295 reusable structures, 66 SAP APO, 362 selecting data from, 306–307 selecting properties, 470–471 tabular, 285, 286 technical meta data, 297 as templates, 167 user-defined menu items, 361 valid selection values, 286 variables, 66–67, 288–291 virtual, 329 visualizing results, 297–298 query cubes, 66, 282, 285 Query Designer, 67 Query Monitor, 471, 473 query read mode, 470–471 query state, 321–322 query trace, 473 query workbooks, 67–68 R R/2 business applications, 76 Raid Advisory Web site, 462 Rappaport, Alfred, 372, 384 reading data, 215–216 realignment, 134 recency, 353 record level transformations, 240 records, 10 redundancy, 111, 163 referential integrity, 62, 239, 399, 409 507 Index RFM analysis, 338, 352–355 RFMV (recency, frequency, and monetary value) analysis, 314 RMA (Retail Method of Accounting), 159 ROLAP (relational OLAP), 102 role-based authorization, 80 roles, 80, 161 assignment of, 69 definitions, 69 KPIs used in multiple, 155 non-SAP processes, 155 vs users, 427–428 worksets, 155 roles-based information models, 154 Rollup of filled aggregates variant, 411 routines, 63, 249, 260–262 rows definition window, 286 royalty payment analysis, 209 RREX_VARIABLE_EXIT function variable, 186 RRI (Report-to-Report Interface), 23, 315–317 RSAN_CLTV command, 314 RSDMWB transaction code, 315 RSINFO message type, 221 RSMO transaction, 478 RSPCTYPESDEP table, 399 RSRQST message type, 219 RSRT2 transaction, 420 RSRTRACE transaction, 473 RSRT transaction, 420, 471, 473 RSRV transaction, 420 RSSEND message type, 221 RSSM_API_REQUEST_GET API, 419 RSSM_ODS_API_GET API, 419 RSSM_ODS_API_SET API, 419 RSSM transaction, 427, 429 RSVAREXIT_ function variable, 186 AM FL Y reformatting, 238 regional InfoMarts, 147 relationships, 5, 32 RELEASED status, 214 releases, 436–438 relevant entities, 91 remote cube BAPI, 146 Remote Cube interface, 151, 313 remote cubes, 73, 364 remote databases, connecting to, 45 remote InfoCubes, 57–58, 71, 108, 146, 197, 448 aggregation, 218 queries, 73, 107 with services, 58 remote InfoProviders, 144, 145, 312–314 repeated delta updates, 43 replacement path data processing type, 289 reporting, 57–58 authorizations, 426 data container, 59 exception, 68 InfoMarts, 72 multidimensional, 52, 295–298 optimizing performance, 48, 59 performance management, 469–478 providing information, 59 technical Business Content, 466–467 value types, 192 reporting agent, 36, 39, 292 activities, 68 exception reporting, 412 printing, 413–414 processes, 411–416 scheduling packages, 68 settings, 68 Web templates, 415–416 reports displaying additional information, 128 formatting, 53 specified formats for, 299–301 Report-to-Report Interface, 253 Repository Manager, 30 Repository Studio, 38 request and response, 210 request IDocs, 219–220 request response process, 280–283 requirements, 92 research processor, 22 resource InfoSource, 370 response rate calculation, 353 restricted key figures, 66, 126, 286, 294, 295 retractors, 149, 236 return tables update routines, 265 reusable structures, 285 Revenue and Contribution key figure, 281 reverse extraction programs, 149 RFC (Remote Function Calls), 76, 78 RFC (Remote Function Call) clients, 46 RFC server, 46 implementing, 230 TE 508 S sales, sales analytics, 338 sales and distribution Business Content, 163 sales commission calculations, 209 splits, 185 Sales Information System, 163 sales order record, 110 sales planning, 383 SAP, 15 administration, 81 application modules, 76 BI (business intelligence), 20 components, 20 ease of obtaining reports, 22–23 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), 20 evolution of, 20–24 extractors, 167 multi-tier client/server model, 75 solution maps, 19 SAP AFS (SAP Apparel and Footwear), 159 SAP ALE (Application Link Enabling) technology, 202 Index SAP APO (SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer), 142, 212, 355 architecture, 360–361 consensus queries, 369 consolidated demand queries, 369 context menus, 361 demand planning, 363–369 forecast accuracy queries, 369 key performance indicators, 360 master data, 364–365 operational planning applications, 361 planning-book-based applications, 360 planning engine, 378 queries, 362 supply chain cockpit, 360, 361–362 SAP BAPI framework, 152 SAP Basis See SAP Web Application Server sapbex0.xla file, 296 sapbexc.xla file, 296 sapbexs.xla file, 296 sapbex.xla file, 295 SAP BI (mySAP Business Intelligence solution), 19 SAP BI (Business Intelligence) solution, 19, 24 Enterprise Portal, 24 SAP BW (SAP Business Information Warehouse), 24–26 SAP EP (Enterprise Portal), 26–32 SAP Business Connector, 76 SAP BW (Business Information Warehouse) administration, 395 component, 19 Data Manager, 47 interfaces and information flow modeling, 151–152 process dependencies, 398–399 SAP BW (SAP Business Information Warehouse), 15, 23, 24–26, 35, 44 administration services, 36–39 analysis and access services, 49–51 analytic applications, 160 architectural components, 36–54 architectural layers, 70–75 architectural roots, 75–86 authorizations, 424–425 Business Content, 25 CLDS approach, 165 database functionality from different vendors, 78 data model, 89 data transformation, 241–245 data warehouses, 25–26 Early Warning System, 23–24 ETL (extraction, transformation, and loading) services, 40–46 extracting data, 41 functional upgrade, 172 implemented in reverse, 165 implementing in SAP R/2 environment, 106 InfoCubes, 25 interfaces, 43 meta data modeling, 37–38 meta data objects, 54–70 Meta Data Repository, 172 Meta Data Services, 40 monitoring, 38–39 multilevel staging, 243–245 ODS (operational data store) layers, 25–26 Open Hub, 26 operational data store, 73 performing complex tasks, 65–66 presentation services, 51–54 presentation services layer, 280–283 PSA (persistent staging area), 242–243 query processing, 280–283 realignment requirements, 134 reporting agent, 39 retractors, 149 RRI (Report-to-Report Interface), 23 SAP WAS (SAP Web Application Server), 28 SAP Web Application Server, 24 scheduling, 38 as separate SAP instance, 76 slowly changing dimensions, 130 software development tools, 79 source-system agnostic, 157 staging, 203 Staging Engine, 71 storage services, 47–49 system landscapes, 84 technical upgrade, 172 transfer rules, 245–258 SAP BW applications, developing, 84 SAP BW-based mySAP.com application components, 60 SAP BW-based systems, 44 SAP BW meta data model, 93–103 SAP BW OLAP analysis, 52 SAP BW servers, 283–310 SAP BW services, 335 SAP BW-specific transport connection tool, 83 SAP BW system, 60 SAP BW Web applications, accessing information, 306 SAP BW Web Services, 305–307 SAP components, mapping to CIF (Corporate Information Factory), 70–75 SAP CRM, 142, 147, 149, 171 SAP Enterprise Portal software, 106 SAP EP (Enterprise Portal), 26–32 business unification, 31–32 business unification layer, 26 classification systems, 30 communication and collaboration services, 30 drag and relate technology, 26 feedback and rating forms, 30 index, search and retrieval, 31 infrastructure, 78 KM (Knowledge Management), 29–31 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 29 PCD (Portal Content Directory), 27–29 services, 26 SAP help portal, 172 SAP ITS (Internet Transaction Server), 53 509 510 Index SAPM EBP (SAP Enterprise Buyer Pro), 158 SAPM EBP (SAP Markets Enterprise Buyer Professional Edition), 180 Business Content, 157 information models, 181 SAP R/3, 44, 180 authorizations, 424–425 Business Content, 157 customization or enhancement, 170 Drill-Down Reporting, 23 Financials data model, 189 information models, 181 information systems layer, 22 logistics extraction cockpit, 212 non-SAP content, 158 OLAP (online analytic processing), 22 research processor, 22 software development tools, 79 system landscapes, 84 SAP R/3-based mySAP.com application components, 60 SAP R/3-based systems, 44 SAP remote cubes, 311 SAP remote InfoCubes, 58 SAP Report Painter, 248 SAP SCM, 147 SAP SEM (Strategic Enterprise Management), 142, 334 balanced scorecard, 374–378 Consolidation, 387–393 corporate performance management, 372–378 enterprise planning, 378–387 planning engine, 378 planning interfaces, 382 SAP Service Marketplace, 232 SAP Service Marketplace Web site, 54, 222, 224, 234, 276, 475 SAP source systems, 216–226 SAP system, 204 SAP WAS (SAP Web Application Server), 24, 28, 35, 53, 306 ABAP Virtual Machine, 78 additional functionality, 81 architecture, 76–82 core components, 78 document management services, 30 Internet Communication Manager, 78 Java Virtual Machine, 78 messaging services, 78 open database interface, 78 operating system interface, 78 presentation services, 78 processes, 458–459 security, 79–81 software logistics, 79 SAP Web Content Management Server, 51 SAP Web site, 46, 307, 328 Save hierarchy variant, 411 SBIW transaction, 224, 225 SCA (Supply Chain Analytics), 334 scheduler, 36 scheduling, 38, 64 scope and InfoCubes, 113 scoring, 343–347 SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model, 161, 170, 334, 337, 356–360 SE30 transaction, 483 security, 424–431 authorizations, 80–81 objects vs data, 428–431 SAP Web Application Server, 79–81 users vs roles, 427–428 segmentation, 347, 353 Segment Builder, 353 selection criteria, 64 selections, 73, 108, 239 semantic integration, 238 SEM BCS (SEM Business Consolidations), 185, 187, 212 SEM BCS InfoCube, 184 SEM BPS architecture, 378–382 direct manual data entry, 381 planning engine, 381 transactional InfoCubes, 380 SEM CPM (SEM Corporate Performance Monitor), 158, 377 semi-additive key figures, 119–123 SEM InfoCube, 158 SEM Planning Environment, 335 sensitivity analysis, 386–387 sequential media for storage, service analytics, 338 service interaction, 350 sets, 206 sharable meta data, 168–169 shareholder value analysis, 384–385 Shipment area, ShippingPoints Business Content InfoSource, 106 short-term backup data source, 43 SID (Surrogate ID), 95 SID tables, 95, 97 silos, simplified resource planning, 383–384 slowly changing dimensions, 130 SM04 transaction, 482 SM50 transaction, 482 SM51 transaction, 482 SM59 transaction, 317 SM66 transaction, 482 SMS (Short Message Service), 309 SNC (Secure Network Communications), 79 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 45, 78, 324, 326 software development tools, 79 software integration system landscapes, 85 software logistics, 79 solution maps, 19 solution workbooks, 161 source currency, 320 source hierarchy, 185 source of business information, 61 Index source-system-dependent transformations, 256 source systems, 60, 216–226 extracting data from, 63 performance impact, 464 restricting data extracted from, 64 source of data, 62 specialized meta data, 158, 169 Special Ledger, 187 specific data, 11 specific key figure modeling, 125, 174–175 specific key figures, 187, 188, 191 spool processes, 459 SPRO transaction code, 318 ST02 transaction, 481–482 stabilization patches, 437 Staging BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface), 41, 43, 46, 151, 204, 205 architecture, 229–230 Ascential DataStage, 232 data and control flow, 231 source systems, 410 Staging Engine, 7, 42–43, 71 staging process and currency conversion, 127 stakeholder relationship, 372 standard aggregation function, 120–121 standard and flexible analysis, 22 Standard Business Content, 166 standard data warehousing software, 134 standard deviation function, 122 standard InfoCubes, 58 standard ODS objects, 59 standard procurement, 180–181 standard translation functions, 187 start process, 400 start routines, 254–255, 266 static geo-types, 298 statistical forecasts, 365 status IDocs, 221 status management, 214 Step-by-Step Analysis Wizard, 417 stopping conditions, 342 storage alternative forms, 14 services, 47–49 StorHouse, 49 straight mapping, 237 strategic buying, 173–182 strategy implementation, 376–378 management, 372 management system, 373 strong entities, 91 structured data, standardizing access to, 310–314 structured information, 49, 310 structures, 285 sub-cubes, 66 summary-level extractors, 162, 163 summary level transaction data, 207 summation function, 121 Summation standard aggregation function, 124 supply chain analytics, 161, 355–371 SCOR model, 356–360 standardizing performance metrics, 170 viewing, 362 supply chain cockpit, 360, 361–362 Supply Chain Council Web site, 356 support, 348 surrogate keys, 95, 99, 101 SVG file format, 322 Sybase, 41 synchronous extraction, 211 synchronous updates, 213 system landscapes, 82–86 design and setup, 456–464 global rollout, 85 multiple physical systems, 85 SAP BW, 84 SAP R/3, 84 software integration, 85 system-oriented administration archiving, 421–424 security, 424–431 transports, 431–435 upgrades, 436–438 system performance, 480–488 Systems.xml file, 308 T tables, 225 tabular queries, 285, 286 tabular reporting, 314 target hierarchy, 185 tasks, 155 technical Business Content, 466–468 technical field descriptions, 56 TECHNICALLY COMPLETE status, 214 technical meta data, 13, 37–38, 297 technical upgrades, 172, 437 telephone calls, template for custom applications, 104 testing development systems, 84 text information modeling, 127 texts, 95 language-dependent, 127 master data, 273–274 time-dependent, 127 text tables, 97, 206 text variables, 288, 289 third-party applications, preparing for data access, 328–330 third-party ETL tools, 46 third-party parameters, 64 third-party presentation tools interfaces, 324–328 third-party reporting tool, 94 third-party source systems, 60 time, 74, 108 characteristics, 56, 58, 263 conversions, 263 different versions of truth, 130 time-critical updates, 213 511 512 Index time data type, 114 time-dependent aggregates, 447 time-dependent attributes, 129 time-dependent characteristics, 184 time-dependent master data, 97, 133 time-dependent texts, 127 time dimension, 58, 101, 114, 118 time distributions, 263 time-independent master data, 97 time information, 56 time key figures, 56, 118–119 time- or version-dependent hierarchies, 138 timestamping, 10 timestamps, 211 Tivoli, 38 TMS (Transport Management System), 79, 82–83, 84–85, 431 top percentage condition, 291 top sum condition, 292 TopTier Software, 31 trading partners, 388–389 training data, 339 transact interaction, 350 transactional data targets, 142 tracking changes, 110 transactional InfoCubes, 58, 142, 380 transactional ODS objects, 59, 73, 108, 142 transaction currency, 187 transaction data, 158, 193, 207 duplicated and stored with new hierarchy assignments, 185 fields, 207–208 InfoSources, 61 integration, 180–182 modeling different versions of truth, 184–186 transactions performance monitoring, 488 processing, 21 real-time access to data, 107 timeliness, 91–92 transfer routine interface, 251–252 transfer routines, 56, 252–253 InfoObject, 255–257 inversion routine, 253–254 start routines, 254–255 transfer rules, 62–63, 94, 158, 233, 241–242 Constant Value Assignment option, 247 conversion exits, 246 custom, 106 defining, 247–249 executing, 257–258 Formula option, 247–249 InfoObject assignment option, 246–247 Routine option, 249 simulating, 43 unit conversions, 118 updating, 43 transfer structures, 63, 204 definition, 250 straight mapping of field, 246–247 transformation library, 247–249 transformations, 62, 237 application logic, 239–240 architecture, 241–242 coded in ABAP programming language, 249 common operations, 237–241 constant value assignment, 62 data flow, 241–242 data integration, 237–239 data package level, 240 debugging, 43 defining, 62 dependencies, 399 extraction data set level, 240 field-level, 240 formulas, 62 full data set level, 241 logical unit-level, 240 master data lookup, 259 multilevel staging considerations, 243–245 performing, 63 record level, 240 reference objects, 240–241 routines, 63, 249 SAP BW, 241–245 set of, 62 simple field assignments, 62 source-system-dependent, 256 update rules, 64 transformer stage, 232 translation component, 36 transparent tables, 215 Transport Connection tool, 431–434 transport connector, 36 transport requests, 82–83 transports activation, 434–435 dependencies, 432–434 TRex, 31 tRFCs (transactional remote function calls), 221, 418 troubleshooting, 420 truth comparing different versions of, 130 current, 130–134 historical, 130–134 modeling different versions in transaction data, 184–186 of specific point of time, 130–134 time-dependent characteristics, 184 type conversions, 237 type pools, 250 typical information flow modeling, 146–150 U UDDI (Universal Discovery Description and Integration), 326 unbalanced hierarchies, 137–142 Unicenter Autosys, 38 Unicode character sets, 238 unification connector, 32 unified object model, 31 Index Unifier Project, 32 unit characteristics, 56, 114, 118 conversions, 238 dimensions, 58, 100 unit of measure, 55, 56, 82, 114, 118, 127 unit update routines, 265 unstructured information, 49, 310 update mode, 210 update parameters, 64 update processes, 459 update routines, 260–262 update rules, 94, 194–195, 204, 233, 241–242, 258 ABAP code, 193 age ranges, 194–196 algorithm for executing, 267–271 characteristics, 258–263 checking process keys in, 175 complex calculations, 143 copying, 266 Copy Rule option, 266 demand planning, 367–369 filtering records, 175 HR (human resources) Business Content, 193–194 INCLUDE statements, 260 key field, 258–263 key figure/data field, 264–266 preventing duplicate postings from SAPM EBP and SAP R/3, 182 start routines, 266 Time Reference option, 263 transformations, 64 transforming variances from generic key figures to specific key figures, 177 unit conversions, 118 updating transfer rules, 43 upgrades, 171, 436–438 uploading data, 41 URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 30 user community and meta data, 169 user-defined dimensions, 118 user profiles, 362 users, 69 managing expectations, 441–442 roles, 80 vs roles, 427–428 V V1 updates, 213 V2 updates, 213 value-based management, 384–387 value gap analysis, 385 value sets, 416 value types, 191–192 variables, 66–67, 288–291, 318–319 variance function, 122 variants, 396 variation version, 385 VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), 52, 67 Vendor area, vendor evaluations, 209 vendor master list, 177 versions, 386–387 versions of truth, 184–186 views, 225 virtual characteristics, 142, 446 virtual cub with services, 311 virtual InfoProviders, 50, 60, 68, 144–146, 310–311, 312–313 virtual key figures, 142 virtual queries, 329 VML file format, 322 volatile documents, 214 volume of data, 12 W WAP (Wireless Access Protocol), 309 WAP device support, 309 WAS (Web Application Server), 322 weak entities, 91 Web, 94 Web applications, 161, 318 Web authoring tools, 54 Web items, 303 data providers, 306–307 general settings, 304 properties, 304 Web logs analysis, 158 Web pages, designing, 53 Web reports prepublishing and posting, 415–416 tools, 197 Web Services object model, 302 Web templates, 301–303, 304–305 calculating, 68 defining, 304 personalizing, 318–319 precalculations, 415 reporting agent, 415–416 weighted scoring tables, 343–347 windowing technique, 342 WML (Wireless Markup Language), 78, 309 work areas, 362 workbooks, 94 Excel sheet protection, 296 as templates, 167 workflow management, 81 worksets, 28, 155, 336 WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 326 X XMI (XML Metadata Interchange), 198 XML, 78 XML/A (XML for Analysis), 50, 236, 324, 325, 326–328 XML Data Sources, 234 XML data streams, 45 XML interface, 43, 45–46, 151, 204, 234–235 XML source systems, 60 XOR boolean operator, 401 513 ... trademarks and registration SAP, the SAP logo, mySAP, SAP R/2, SAP R/3, SAP BW, SAP CRM, SAP GUI, SAP APO, ABAP, BAPI, mySAP.com, mySAP BI, mySAP SEM, mySAP SCM, mySAP BI, and mySAP Enterprise Portals... With the release of SAP BW 3.0TM, there was a vacuum for an independent guide to understanding the SAP Business Information Warehouse Mastering the SAP Business Information Warehouse links theoretical... of SAP Portals v vi Advance Praise for Mastering the SAP Business Information Warehouse Mastering the SAP Business Information Warehouse provides a comprehensive, cradleto-grave review of the

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