Doyouprefertoeatoutoreatathome In modern life, more and more people prefertoeatat food stands or restaurants They think they will save time, so that they can have enough time to their job But in my opinion, I still preferto prepare food athome More and more people tend toeatat restaurants because of three reasons Firstly, they will have a chance to enjoy a variety of dishes, because each person has different tastes, so they can choose their favorite dishes In addition, the restaurants have good chefs who can cook many foods from around the world Secondly, sometimes people go to restaurants to have a private space to discuss something When eating at restaurants, they have much time to relax and to discuss It is easier to a business when they eat and talk together at the sometime Because, they not need to take time to prepare foods and they really feel more comfortable Finally, many people say that it takes a lot of time to cook athome Therefore, they prefertoeatat food stands to save time However, many other people preferto cook athome It is because eating athome is much cheaper than eating in restaurants In fact, in stead of spending money for expensive meals at a restaurant people can prepare for a meal and save lots of money In addition, eating athome is associated with better health If we cook at home, we will always pay attention to choose fresh ingredients for our meals This is very important Because, it helps us avoid food poisoning Moreover, food at restaurant are high in fat, salt and sugar that is not good for people who are suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure One more benefits of eating athome is they would like to spend more time with their family To every Vietnamese family, dinner time is the happiest time in a day because they can talk and share with their beloved people about everything T think that whether people eatat a restaurant orat home, the most important thing is whether they feel comfortable or not However, if I have to choose, I will eatathome because it is a way to save my money and above all, I can have a good time with my family