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Từ vựng tiếng trung TOCFL được tổng hợp lại thành 5 cuốn, phục vụ cho các bạn có nhu cầu học và thi TOCFL năng lực tiếng Trung Đài Loan. Cuốn sách là hành trang phục vụ cho các bạn trong việc ôn thi tổng hợp lại các kiến thức từ vựng cơ bản cấp 12

詞彙 拼音 等級 詞類 啊 愛 安靜 ā ài ānjìng Level Level Level (P) (VS) (VS) 吧 八 把 爸爸 百 百貨公司 白色 班 班 搬 半 幫 辦公室 棒球 包子 報紙 杯 被 北(邊) 杯子 本 本子 比 筆 別的 比較 比賽 比賽 不客氣 不 不好意思 ba bā bǎ bàba bǎi bǎihuògōngsī báisè bān bān bān bàn bāng bàngōngshì bàngqiú bāozi bàozhǐ bēi bèi běi (biān) bēizi běn běnzi bǐ bǐ biéde bǐjiào bǐsài bǐsài búkèqì bù bùhǎoyìsī Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (P) (Det) (Prep) (N) (Det) (N) (N) (M) (N) (VA) (Det) (VA) (N) (N) (N) (N) (M) (Prep) (N) (N) (M) (N) (Prep) (N) (Det) (Adv) (N) (VA) 才 菜 參加 餐廳/飯館兒 茶 長 常常 唱歌(兒) 吵 Level cài Level cānjiā Level cāntīng/ fàngu Level chá Level cháng Level chángcháng Level chànggē(ér) Level Level chǎo (Adv) (N) (VA) (N) (N) (VS) (Adv) (VA) (VS) (Adv) 車(子) 車站 成績 吃 吃飽 吃飯 穿 船(兒) 窗 床 廚房 出國 出來 出去 春天 次 從 錯 chē(zi) chēzhàn chéngjī chī chībǎo chīfàn chuān chuán(ér) chuāng chuáng chúfáng chūguó chūlái chūqù chūntiān cì cóng c Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (N) (N) (N) (VA) (VS) (VA) (VA) (N) (N) (N) (N) (VA) (VA) (VA) (N) (M) (Prep) (VS) 打 打電話 打開 大 大家 大樓 蛋糕 當然 到 大學 的 得 等 第 點(鐘) 電話 電腦 電視(機) 電影 電影院 弟弟 地方 地上 地圖 東(邊) 冬天 東西 dǎ dǎdiànhuà dǎkāi dà dàjiā dàlóu dàngāo dāngrán dàx de dé děng dì diǎn(zhōng) diànhuà diànnǎo diànshì(jī) diànyǐng diànyǐngyuàn dìdì dìfāng dìshàng dìtú dōng(biān) dōngtiān dōngxī Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (VA) (VA) (VA) (VS) (N) (N) (N) (Adv) (VA) (N) (P) (P) (VA) (Det) (M) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) 懂 都 對 對不起 對面 多 多 多少 肚子 dǒng dōu duì duìbùqǐ duìmiàn duō duō duōshǎo dùzǐ Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (VS) (Adv) (VS) 餓 二 兒子 è èr érzi Level Level Level (VS) (Det) (N) 飯 放 方便 房間 房子 非常 飛機 (飛)機場 分(鐘) 封 風 風景 附近 fàn fàng fāngbiàn fángjiān fángzi fēicháng fēijī (fēi)jīchǎng fēn(zhōng) fēng fēng fēngjǐng fùjìn Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (N) (VA) (VS) (N) (N) (Adv) (N) (N) (M) (M) (N) (N) (N) gānjìng Level 乾淨 Level 感冒 gǎnmào gāo Level 高 gāoxìng Level 高興 gàosù Level 告訴 gè Level 個 gēgē Level 哥哥 gěi Level 給 gēn Level 跟 gèng Level 更 公共汽車(公車 gōnggịngqìch Level gōngkè Level 功課 gōngsī Level 公司 gōngyù Level 公寓 gōngyuán Level 公園 gōngzuò Level 工作 Level 狗 gǒu guān Level 關 (VS) (VS) (VS) (VS) (VA) (M) (N) (VA) (Conj) (Adv) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (VA) (N) (Adv) (VS) (Adv) (N) 貴 過 過 國家 g g g gjiā Level Level Level Level 孩子 海邊 還是 寒假 好 好 好吃 好像 好玩(兒) 號 號碼 喝 和 很 紅色 後(面) 花(兒) 畫 畫(畫) 壞 換 黃色 歡迎 華語/華文 回家 回來 回去 會 活動 火車 háizi Level Level hǎibiān háishì Level hánjià Level Level hǎo Level hǎo Level hǎochī Level hǎoxiàng hǎowán(ér) Level hào Level Level hàomǎ hē Level Level hěn Level hóngsè Level hịu(miàn) Level huā(ér) Level huà Level huà(huà) Level huài Level huàn Level huángsè Level huānyíng Level huáyǔ/huáwén Level huíjiā Level huílái Level hqù Level h Level hdịng Level Level huǒchē 幾 寄 加 家 家人 間 件 健康 見面 腳 jǐ jì jiā jiā jiārén jiān jiàn jiànkāng jiànmiàn jiǎo Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (VS) (P) (VA) (N) (N) (N) (Conj) (N) (Adv) (VS) (VS) (Adv) (VS) (M) (N) (VA) (Conj) (Adv) (N) (N) (N) (N) (VA) (VS) (VA) (N) (VS) (N) (VA) (VA) (VA) (VS) (N) (N) (Det) (VA) (VA) (N) (N) (M) (M) (VS) (VA) (N) 腳踏車/自行車 jiǎotàchē/zìxínLevel jiào Level 叫 jiàoshì Level 教室 jìdé Level 記得 jiē Level 接 jiéshù Level 結束 jièshào Level 介紹 jīnnián Level 今年 jīntiān Level 今天 jìn Level 近 jìnbù Level 進步 jìnlái Level 進來 jìnqù Level 進去 Level 九 jiǔ Level 久 jiǔ Level 酒 jiǔ jiù Level 就 jiù Level 舊 juédé Level 覺得 (N) (VA) (N) (VS) (VA) (VS) (VA) (N) (N) (VS) (VS) (VA) (VA) (Det) (VS) (N) (Adv) (VS) (VS) 咖啡 開 開車 開始 看 考試 考試 卡片 可樂 可能 可是 可以 課 客廳 褲子 快 快 塊 快樂 kāfēi kāi kāichē kāishǐ kàn kǎoshì kǎoshì kǎpiàn kělè kěnéng kěshì kěyǐ kè kètīng kùzi kuài kuài kuài kuàilè Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (N) (VA) (VA) (VS) (VA) (N) (VA) (N) (N) (Adv) (Conj) (Adv) (N) (N) (N) (Adv) (VS) (M) (VS) 來 籃球 老師 了1 了2 累 lái lánqiú lǎoshī le le lèi Level Level Level Level Level Level (VA) (N) (N) (P) (P) (VS) 冷 冷氣(機) 離 離開 裡面 兩 六 樓 樓上 樓下 路 路口 旅行 綠色 lěng lěngqì(jī) lí líkāi lǐmiàn liǎng liù lóu lóushàng lóuxià lù lùkǒu lǚxíng lǜsè Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (VS) (N) (VA) (VA) (N) (Det) (Det) (M) (N) (N) (N) (N) (VA) (N) 嗎 媽媽 買 賣 忙 貓 毛 每 美國 沒 沒(有) 沒關係 沒問題 妹妹 門 門口 麵 麵包 明年 明天 名字 ma māma mǎi mài máng māo máo měi měig méi méi(yǒu) méiguānxì méiwèntí mèimei mén ménkǒu miàn miànbāo míngnián míngtiān míngzì Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (P) (N) (VA) (VA) (VS) (N) (M) (Det) (N) (Adv) (P) (VS) (VS) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) 拿 哪裡/兒 那裡/兒 那些 難 南(邊) 男孩(子/兒) 男生 呢 ná nǎlǐ/ér nàlǐ/ér nàxiē nán nán(biān) nánhái(zi/ér) nánshēng ne Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (VA) (N) (N) (Det) (VS) (N) (N) (N) (P) 能 你 你們 年 您 牛奶 女兒 女孩(子/兒) 女生 néng nǐ nǐmen nián nín niúnǎi nǚér nǚhái(zi/ér) nǚshēng Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (Adv) (N) (N) (M) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) 跑步 朋友 便宜 票 漂亮 皮包 瓶 pǎobù péngyǒu piányi piào piāoliàng píbāo píng Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (VA) (N) (VS) (N) (VS) (N) (M) 七 騎 千 錢 前(面) 錢包 起床 請 請問 球 秋天 去 去年 qī qí qiān qián qián(miàn) qiánbāo qǐchuáng qǐng qǐngwèn qiú qiūtiān qù qùnián Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (Det) (VA) (Det) (N) (N) (N) (VA) (VA) 熱 熱狗 熱鬧 人 認識 日本 容易 肉 rè règǒu rènào rènshi rìběn róng rịu Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (VS) (N) (VS) (N) (VS) (N) (VS) (N) 三 傘 山 上 上(面) sān sǎn shān shàng shàng (miàn) Level Level Level Level Level (Det) (N) (N) (VA) (N) (N) (N) (VA) (N) 上班 商店 上課 上網 上午 少 誰 生病 生日 身體 什麼 十 時候 時間 時鐘 是 收到 手 手機 書 書包 舒服 暑假 樹 雙 水 水果 睡覺 說 說話 四 宿舍 歲 算 送 所以 shàngbān shāngdiàn shàngkè shàngwǎng shàngwǔ shǎo shéi shēngbìng shēngrì shēntǐ shénme shí shíhịu shíjiān shízhōng shì shōudào shǒu shǒujī shū shūbāo shūfú shǔjià shù shuāng shuǐ shuǐguǒ shjiào shuō shuōh sùshè s sn sịng suǒyǐ Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (VA) (N) (VA) (VA) (N) (VS) (N) (VS) (N) (N) (Det) (Det) (N) (N) (N) (SHI) (VA) (N) (N) (N) (N) (VS) (N) (N) (M) (N) (N) (VA) (VA) (VA) (Det) (N) (M) (VA) (VA) (Conj) 他/她 他們/她們 太 太太 糖 特別 踢 天 天 tā/tā tāmen/tāmen tài tàitài táng tèbié tī tiān tiān Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (N) (N) (Adv) (N) (N) (VS) (VA) (M) (N) 天氣 跳舞 聽 痛 同學 頭 圖片 圖書館 tiānqì tiàowǔ tīng tịng tóngx tóu túpiàn túshūguǎn Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level 外面 完 玩(兒) 碗 碗 晚安 晚餐/晚飯 晚上 往 網球 網站 忘 喂 位 為什麼 問 問題 我 我們 五 午餐/午飯 wàimiàn Level wán Level wán(ér) Level Level wǎn Level wǎn Level wǎnān wǎncān/wǎnfà Level Level wǎnshàng Level wǎng Level wǎngqiú Level wǎngzhàn wàng Level wéi Level wèi Level wèishénme Level wèn Level wèntí Level Level wǒ Level wǒmen Level wǔ wǔcān/wǔfàn Level (N) (VS) (VA) (N) (M) (VS) (N) (N) (Prep) (N) (N) (VS) (VS) (M) (Adv) (VA) (N) (N) (N) (Det) (N) 洗 下 西(邊) 下(面) 下班 下課 夏天 下午 下雨 先 先生 現在 想 像 小 xǐ xià xī(biān) xià(miàn) xiàbān xiàkè xiàtiān xiàwǔ xiàyǔ xiān xiānshēng xiànzài xiǎng xiàng xiǎo Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (VA) (VA) (N) (N) (VA) (VS) (N) (N) (VA) (Adv) (N) (N) (VA) (VA) (VS) (N) (VA) (VA) (VS) (N) (N) (N) (N) 小孩(子/兒) xiǎohái(zi/ér) Level Level 小姐 xiǎojiě Level 小時 xiǎoshí Level 小心 xiǎoxīn xiézi Level 鞋子 xiě Level 寫 xiězì Level 寫字 xièxie Level 謝謝 Level 喜歡 xǐhuān 洗手間/廁所 xǐshǒujiān/cès Level Level 洗衣機 xǐyījī Level 洗澡 xǐzǎo xīn Level 新 xīnnián Level 新年 xìn Level 信 xìnfēng Level 信封 Level xīngqī 星期 xīngqītiān/xīngLevel 星期天/星期日 xíng Level 行 xìng Level 姓 xiūxí Level 休息 xué Level 學 xuéshēng Level 學生 xuéxiào Level 學校 (N) (N) (N) (VS) (N) (VA) (VA) (VS) (VS) (N) (N) (VA) (VS) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (VS) (VA) (VA) (VA) (N) (N) Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (N) (VA) (N) (Adv) (Det) (N) (Det) (Adv) (N) (N) (Adv) (N) (Adv) (N) (N) (Adv) (Det) (VS) (Adv) (N) (N) 眼睛 要 藥 也 一 醫生 一點兒 一定 衣服 醫院 一共 以後 已經 以前 椅子 一起 一些 一樣 一直 意思 銀行 yǎnjīng yào yào yě yī yīshēng diǎnér dìng yīfú yīyn gịng yǐhịu yǐjīng yǐqián yǐzi qǐ xiē ng zhí sī nháng 因為 音樂 英國 英文 郵局 郵票 游泳 游泳池 有 有點(兒) 有空(兒) 有時候 有意思 又 右(邊) 用 魚(兒) 元 遠 月 運動 運動 雨天 yīnwèi yīny yīngg yīngwén ujú upiào uyǒng uyǒngchí yǒu yǒudiǎn(ér) yǒukịng(ér) yǒushíhịu yǒusī u u(biān) ng (ér) yn yuǎn y ýndịng yùndòng yǔtiān Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (Conj) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (VA) (N) (VA) (Adv) (VS) (Adv) (VS) (Adv) (N) (VA) (N) (M) (VS) (N) (N) (VA) (N) 再 在 在 再見 早 早餐/早飯 早上 怎麼 怎麼辦 怎麼了 怎麼樣 站 站 張 找 找到 照片 照相 照相機 這裡/兒 這些 紙 zài Level zài Level zài Level zàijiàn Level Level zǎo zǎocān/zǎofàn Level Level zǎoshàng zěnme Level zěnmebàn Level zěnmele Level zěnmeyàng Level zhàn Level zhàn Level Level zhāng Level zhǎo Level zhǎodào zhàopiàn Level zhàoxiàng Level zhàoxiàngjī Level Level zhèlǐ/ér zhèxiē Level Level zhǐ (Adv) (Adv) (Prep) (VA) (VS) (N) (N) (Adv) (N) (VA) (M) (VA) (VA) (N) (VA) (N) (N) (Det) (N) 枝 隻 知道 中國 中文 中午 重要 週末 住 桌(子) 自己 姊姊/姐姐 走 走路 足球 最 最近 昨天 左(邊) 坐 做 做飯 做完 zhī zhī zhīdào zhōngg zhōngwén zhōngwǔ zhịngo zhōumị zhù zhuō(zi) zìjǐ zǐzi/jiějie zǒu zǒulù zúqiú z zjìn ztiān zuǒ(biān) zuò zuò zuòfàn zuòwán Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (M) (M) (VS) (N) (N) (N) (VS) (N) (VA) (N) (N) (N) (VA) (VA) (N) (Adv) (Adv) (N) (N) (VA) (VA) (VA) (VA) 英文解釋 A ah, an exclamation to love to be quiet, calm, peaceful B question particle, implying probability/ sentence suffix, indicating a request eight indicating pre-verbal object as thing dealt with by the action father hundred department store white measure word for a group of organized people class to move half to help, to assist office baseball steamed stuffed bun newspaper a cup of a passive voice indicator north cup, glass individual measure word for books or magazines, etc book, notebook, edition to compare; compared to, than pen some other, an additional or a different one comparatively; competition, contest, match to compete in a game/ activity/ match you're welcome don't to feel embarrassed; to be ill at ease C indicate that an action happened later than expacted food, cuisine to attend, to participate, to take part in restaurant tea to be long, not short often, usually, generally sing to make a noise, to disturb, to quarrel/ to be noisy car, vehicle station grade(at school), academic record, achievement to eat satiate; full to eat, to have a meal to wear, to put on ship, boat window bed kitchen go abroad(from one's own country) to come out to go out, to leave spring, springtime measure word for the number of repetitions in a given period of time from to be wrong D to hit, to beat, to strike make a telephone call to open up to be big, to be large everyone multi-storied building cake certainly, of course (1)to reach, to arrive; (2)up to university possessive or modifying particle a particle used between a verb or adjective and its complement to indicate manner or degree to wait a prefix for ordinal numbers o'clock telephone, call computer television set movie cinema, movie(house) younger brother location, place on the ground, floor map east winter, wintertime thing to understand all, both to be correct, right I'm sorry; excuse me the other side, place across from more than required many, much, more how much, how many stomach, belly, abdomen E to be hungry two son F food, meal, rice to put to be convenient room house very, extremely airplane airport minute measure word for letters, telegrams, etc wind scenery, landscape nearby G to be clean to have a cold; cold, flu to be tall, to be high to be happy to tell, to inform individual measure word for persons and material things elder brother to give and even more, still more bus schoolwork, homework company apartment building park work dog to close, to shut; to turn off to be expensive a suffix indicating completion of an action, or completion of an action as an experience to pass nation, country H child seaside, beach or winter vacation very, quite to be good to be fond of eating to seem, to be likely, to be like to be interesting, to be full of fun measure word for numbers and dates number to drink and very, quite red back, behind flower drawings, pictures to draw(picture) to be bad to change yellow to welcome Chinese language to return home to come back to go back can, to be able to, to be good at, to be skillful in activity train J a few, several; how many to mail to add to home, family family members container measure word for houses or other buildings individual measure word for clothes, etc to be healthy to meet someone, to see someone foot bicycle to be called classroom to remember to fetch, to pick up(phone) to end, close, conclude to introduce this year today to be near to progress; to improve to come in to go in nine to be a long time wine or liquor just, exactly; then, right away; (indicating immediacy) to be old, to be used to feel, to think, to consider K coffee to drive, to open, to turn on to drive a car to start, to begin to watch, to read, to look at test, exam to take a test card cola probably, maybe but, however can, may, be permitted subject, course, class living room trousers, pants quickly to be fast partial measure word for lumps of foodstuff; individual measure word for currency to be happy L to come basketball teacher indicates the completion of an action indicates new situation to be tired to be cold air conditioning; air conditioner to be away from, apart from, separated from to leave inside two six measure word for floor or story upstairs downstairs road crossway, junction, intersection to travel, to take a trip green M a question particle mother to buy to sell to be busy cat one-tenth of a yuan every USA, American not (have) used to ask if an action has been completed no problem, never mind, it doesn' t matter no problem younger sister door, gate entrance, doorway noodle bread next year tomorrow full name, given name N to bring, to carry(in one's, or with one's hand) where there, over there those to be difficult south boy boy a question particle/ a particle indicating the situation or state of affairs is being sustain can or to be capable of you you(plural) a year of polite form of address you cow's milk daughter girl girl P jogging friend to be cheap ticket to be beautiful, to be pretty handbag, briefcase Cointainer measure word for the contents of a bottle Q seven to ride; to drive(a bicycle, motorcycle, horse, etc.) thousand money in front wallet, purse, pouch to get up to please, to invite excuse me, may I ask? ball autumn, fall to go last year R to be hot hot dog to be lively, to be fun, to be bustling with noise person, people to recognize, to realize Japan, Japanese to be easy meat S three umbrella mountain to ascend; get on/ into(car/ train/ etc) above, on top of to begin work, to start work, to go to work shop, store to go to class, to attend classs internet access before noon, morning few, less who, whom to become ill, to be sick birthday body what ten time time clock to be(am, are, is) to receive, get, obtain hand cell phone; mobile phone book school-bag to be comfortable summer vacation tree measure word for two things of the same kind to be used together water fruit to sleep to speak, to say to speak, to say, to talk four dormitory measure word for the age of people or animals to culculate, to count to escort, to deliver, to send off, to present therefore, so T he, she they, them too Mrs, wife candy, sugar to be special to kick day day weather to dance to listen to be painful classmate head picture library W outside to finish, to complete(something) to play, to enjoy bowl measure word for servings of food good night dinner, supper evening, night to go toward tennis, tennis ball website(s) to forget a common telephone or intercom greeting "hello" individual measure word for people why to ask problem/ question I we, us five lunch X to wash to descend; get off/ out of (car/ train/ etc.) west below to get off from work, to go off work to get out of class, end of class summer, summertime afternoon to rain first, in advance, before mister, Mr, gentleman, sir, husband now, right now to think, to miss to be alike, to be like; to resemble to be small child Miss hour to be careful shoes to write to write to thanks, to thank you to like toilet clothes washing machine to take a bath or shower to be new new year letter, mail envelope week Sunday to be OK, to be permitted surname, family name to rest to study student school Y eyes to want medicine also one doctor some certainly, indeed, surely clothes, clothing hospital altogether after, afterwards; later already before; previously chair together some to be the same, identical straight; constantly, continuously meaning, idea, definition bank because music UK, United Kingdom English language post office postage stamp to swim swimming pool to have; there is, there are somewhat, rather, a bit to have free time, to be free sometimes, now and then to be interesting again right(side) to use fish standard monetary unit in China to be far from month sport, exercise to exercise rainy day Z again, then indicating an action in progress in, at, on, etc Good-bye to be early breakfast morning how what now ? what's wrong? how about…? how's everything ? (train, bus) station to stand individual measure word for flat things, or things with a surface to search out; to find to have found photo, picture to take picture/ photograph camera here these paper individual measure word for rod-shaped article individual measure word for insects or animals to know China, Chinese Chinese language noon to be important, to be vital weekend to stay, to live table oneself, by oneself elder sister to walk to walk(in the road or street) football, soccer the most, -est recently, lately yesterday left(side) to sit; travel by(plane/ etc.) to do, to make to cook food done ... (VA) (VA) (VS) (VA) (N) (VA) (N) (N) (Adv) (Conj) (Adv) (N) (N) (N) (Adv) (VS) (M) (VS) 來 籃球 老師 ? ?1 了2 累 lái lánqiú lǎoshī le le lèi Level Level Level Level Level Level (VA) (N) (N) (P) (P) (VS)... call to open up to be big, to be large everyone multi-storied building cake certainly, of course (1) to reach, to arrive; (2)up to university possessive or modifying particle a particle used between

Ngày đăng: 16/05/2018, 09:43

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