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Richard ned lebow key texts in political psychology and international relations theory

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Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice Richard Ned Lebow Editor Richard Ned Lebow: Key Texts in Political Psychology and International Relations Theory Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice Volume Series editor Hans Günter Brauch, Mosbach, Germany More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/15230 http://www.afes-press-books.de/html/PAHSEP.htm http://afes-press-books.de/html/PAHSEP_Lebow.htm Richard Ned Lebow Editor Richard Ned Lebow: Key Texts in Political Psychology and International Relations Theory 123 Editor Richard Ned Lebow Department of War Studies King’s College London London UK Acknowledgement: The cover photograph as well as all other photos in this volume were taken from the personal photo collection of the author who also granted the permission on their publication in this volume A book website with additional information on Richard Ned Lebow, including videos and his major book covers is at: http://afes-press-books.de/html/ PAHSEP_Lebow.htm ISSN 2509-5579 ISSN 2509-5587 (electronic) Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice ISBN 978-3-319-39963-8 ISBN 978-3-319-39964-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39964-5 Library of Congress Control Number: 2016945781 © The Author(s) 2016 This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made Copyediting: PD Dr Hans Günter Brauch, AFES-PRESS e.V., Mosbach, Germany Printed on acid-free paper This Springer imprint is published by Springer Nature The registered company is Springer International Publishing AG Switzerland To Carol in thanks for endless love and support Ned at Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite National Park in 2008 Source From the author’s personal photo collection Acknowledgements All photographs in this volume are by family members Thanks to Cambridge and Princeton University Presses for permission to publish extracts from my books, Oxford University Press for permission to reprint a book chapter, and the American Political Science Review for permission to reprint an article Very special thanks to Hans Günter Brauch, who conceived of this project, encouraged me to participate, and did yeoman’s work to make it all happen vii Ned at a yurt in the Gobi Desert, Outer Mongolia, on a dinosaur fossil hunt, May Source From the author’s personal photo collection Ned at Pembroke College, Cambridge, September 2012 Source From the author’s personal photo collection 6.4 Cooperation and Conflict 143 brings important emotional rewards because spirit and appetite are best gratified in the context of close relations with other people For Thucydides, Plato and Aristotle, what holds true for individuals applies to cities as well Unlike the moderns, ancient Greeks did not frame problems in terms of distinct levels of analysis Rather they understood what we call levels of analysis as nested circles subject to the same kinds of influences and resulting manifesting similar kinds of behavior The modern mathematical concept of fractals nicely captures this understanding as it describes configurations that reveal the same shapes and properties at different levels of magnification There is no reason to privilege the modern formulation over the ancient one and for my purposes the former is more appropriate For Thucydides and Plato the most ordered and just cities are those with properly educated citizens Guided by reason and love for their polis, they willingly perform tasks to which they are best suited and take appropriate satisfaction from their successful completion The foundation of the city is the friendship (philia) that citizens develop with one another, and regional peace is built on friendship among cities (poleis).84 At both levels, relationships are created and sustained through a dense network of social interaction and reciprocal obligations that build common identities along with mutual respect and affection.85 This preceding discussion suggests a  matrix of emotion and reason that underlies diverse forms of behavior, especially cooperation and conflict Emotion can be divided into positive and negative affect Do the actors in question feel positively or negatively about the others with whom they must interact? Although this condition can be set up as a binary for purposes of presentation, it is better conceived of as a continuum, with highly positive feeling anchoring one end and highly negative the other The reason dimension is divided between instrumental reason and phronēsis (Table 6.1) While a simplistic representation of a far more complex reality, this matrix captures something essential about social relations It indicates that negative affect combined with instrumental reason is most likely to produce conflict This is because actors pursue short-term gains by whatever means seem most likely to produce the ends they seek They are unconstrained by any negative longer-term consequences of their actions (e.g., creating or exacerbating a conflict spiral) or by the dislike, anger or hostility they may provoke The world realism purports to describes lives in this quadrant To the extent that it is populated by actors who combine negative affect with instrumental reason it will be made self-fulfilling and self-sustaining It is the most difficult of worlds from which to exit The mirror image of this world is found in quadrant four, where positive affect interacts with phronēsis Actors will be more reflective about their goals and willing 84 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, 1101b14-1103b-26 Plato, Republic, Book II, 377b to III, 399e, spends a lot of time talking about the poets as inappropriate role models The Guardians and the literature they approve are intended as their replacement Aristotle (see below) had a more favorable view of literature, and especially of tragedy, which he believed could have powerful beneficial consequences 85 144 Greeks, Neuroscience, and International Relations to sacrifice immediate payoffs for greater rewards over the long-term They will exercise self-restraint because of their affection for those with whom they interact Such a world can also be made self-fulfilling as actors stretch their identities through cooperation, providing even stronger incentives for them to frame interest collectively rather than selfishly Common action can also build common identities, bringing interests more into harmony Adam Smith believed that commerce had the potential to create such a world Neoliberals assert, without much evidence that we live in such a world, or would in the absence of governmental intervention and regulation In practice, no political world maps on to this description, although some come closer than others It remains an ideal, realized perhaps only in family and small group relations The other two quadrants describe possibly cooperative but generally unstable states Positive affect combined with instrumental reason has the potential to create and sustain cooperation if actors exercise self-restraint on the basis of their feelings toward one another Self-restraint in this circumstance can bring positive rewards in circumstances where it is not necessary for to make concessions Such restraint and rewards can encourage actors to rethink their behavior and move them and their world toward quadrant four The Federalist Papers—number ten in particular— assume that American politics takes place in this world Factions, according to James Madison, must make alliances with other factions to achieve a majority As issues change, so too will the make-up of alliances Yesterday’s allies will be today’s opponents but may be allies again tomorrow Thoughtful actors accordingly have every incentive to treat each other well and seek compromises outcomes even when they have the votes to impose their preferences.86 Through comity, everyone benefits In effect, such behavior builds trust and respect can move this world into the fourth quadrant Phronēsis combined with negative affect also has positive potential Enlightened conceptions of self-interest can restrain actors and keep their attention focused on longer-term goals They may be willing to cooperate with actors for whom they care little toward these ends The resolution of the Cuban missile crisis provides an illustrative example Kennedy came to believe that Khrushchev had made a very serious miscalculation when he sent missiles to Cuba and was looking for a face saving way out of the crisis He was willing to offer a non-invasion pledge, and when push came to shove, a private promise to withdraw the Jupiter missiles from Turkey Khrushchev in turn was surprised that Kennedy had not exploited the early discovery of the Soviet missiles to overthrow Castro and humiliate the Soviet Union Kennedy’s forbearance reduced Khrushchev’s fear that the president would use his country’s 86 Aristotle makes the most explicit case for the beneficial interaction of reason and emotion in his discussions of mimesis and tragedy in Poetics In Poetics, 1448b7, he contends that we have impulse toward mimesis (kata phusin), and in 1448b5–6, that the pleasure we derive from looking at representations of reality made by artists is connected to our ability to learn from them, and also functions as an incentive to learn from them We learn from tragedy (1450) because of the pity and fear it inspires in us because of our ability to imagine ourselves in the role of the tragic hero This association in turn produces catharsis, a purging of our soul 6.4 Cooperation and Conflict 145 nuclear superiority to try to extract political concessions Kennedy’s behavior altered Khrushchev’s estimate of the future possibilities of Soviet-American relations From his perspective, the costs of withdrawing the missiles were greatly reduced and the possible rewards enhanced The resolution of the crisis paved the way for détente.87 The second and third quadrants can more readily move actors toward or into the first quadrant Instrumental reason combined with positive affect can this when instrumental reason is unconstrained by positive affect Self-serving behavior can erode positive affect, provoke anger and behavioral responses that transform the initial actors benign feelings into hostility A similar process, but in reverse, can occur when negative affect and phronēsis interact to the detriment of phronēsis Negative affect can undermine the commitment to longer-term goals and make it more attractive for actors to seek short-term advantages at the expense of parties toward whom they are hostile The first pattern—movement from quadrant three to quadrant one—characterizes the onset of the Cold War Athenian-Spartan relations prior to the Peloponnesian War and Anglo-German relations in the decade before World War I illustrate movement from quadrant two to quadrant one My typology suggests that psychological features of any social environment are more important than so-called structural ones In similar structural environments—the university, legislatures, regional and international economic and political systems—we observe a wide range of behavior, ranging from highly conflictual to highly cooperative In the first instance, I contend, this variation reflects the degree of positive or negative affect that actors have toward one another and the level of reason on which they function In a typology, it is possible to place systems in quadrants, in reality, politics more closely resembles quantum mechanics What we find is a statistical distribution of affective valences and kinds of reasons Systems are distinguished from one another more by degree than by kind They not live in isolation from one another or from their own past Arguments to the effect that we have always done things this way or that such a strategy failed in the past usually carry much weight Equally important are actors, who have varying degrees of potential to create new patterns of relationships and by doing so shift the distribution of affect and reason Politics is an interactive process involving actors, their goals and the environments in which they pursue them Most theories of international relations and models of strategic interaction assume rational actors, and further assume that reason has a universal logic independent of context, culture, the goals actors seek or how they feel about others with whom they must interact Elsewhere I have tried to show that this is not the case and that reason is culturally and contextually specific Fear, interest and honor all generate different logics of cooperation, conflict and 87 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, 1155a14, 26–28, 1159b25, 1161a23, 1161b12 In 1155a32, he writes “when men are friends they have no need of justice, but when they are just, they need friendship as well; Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, 1154b25 Plato’s vision of an ideal community was not dissimilar In the Republic, 419a–421a, Socrates describes such a community as one as one in which benefits are distributed fairly, according to some general principle of justice 146 Greeks, Neuroscience, and International Relations risk-taking.88 In this chapter I have extended this argument to explore logics associated with different emotional valences Rather than projecting a single logic that reflects analysts’ own values on to actors, international relations theorists must understand actors’ values and their associated logics and use them to explain their behavior Theory should be shaped by context and respond to it in a sensitive and non-deterministic manner.89 88 Thucydides, Peloponnesian War, I.32–36, has the Corinthians express the same sentiments in a speech to the Athenian assembly Their use is unintentionally ironic, as they have just subverted this very traditional notion of justice in their off-hand dealings with Corcyra 89 James Madison, “Federalist Number 10,” in Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison and John Jay, The Federalist Papers (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981); Richard Ned Lebow and Janice Gross Stein, We All Lost the Cold War (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), pp 317–19; Lebow, A Cultural Theory of International Relations Dartmouth College, N.H., USA Founded in 1769, Dartmouth is a member of the Ivy League and consistently ranks among the world’s greatest academic institutions Home to a celebrated liberal arts curriculum and pioneering professional schools, Dartmouth has shaped the education landscape and prepared leaders through its inspirational learning experience Dartmouth has forged a singular identity for combining its deep commitment to outstanding undergraduate liberal arts and graduate education with distinguished research and scholarship in the Arts & Sciences The charter establishing Dartmouth was signed in 1769, by John Wentworth, the Royal Governor of New Hampshire, establishing an institution to offer “the best means of education.” Dartmouth’s founder, the Rev Eleazar Wheelock, a Congregational minister from Connecticut, established the College as an institution to educate Native Americans Samson Occom, a Mohegan Indian and one of Wheelock’s first students, was instrumental in raising the funds necessary to found the College In 1972 it established one of the first Native American Programs in the country Dartmouth was the subject of a landmark U.S Supreme Court case in 1819, Dartmouth College v Woodward, in which the College prevailed against the State of New Hampshire, which sought to amend Dartmouth’s charter The case is considered to be one of the most important and formative documents in United States constitutional history, strengthening the Constitution’s contract clause and thereby paving the way for American private institutions to conduct their affairs in accordance with their charters and without interference from the state Ranked No in undergraduate teaching for the last four consecutive years by U.S News & World Report and recognized by the Carnegie Foundation as a “research university with very high research activity,” Dartmouth combines elite academics with thriving research and scholarship For more than a quarter of a century, Dartmouth has hosted debates featuring presidential candidates The College is a frequent stop on the campaign trail, giving © The Author(s) 2016 R.N Lebow (ed.), Richard Ned Lebow: Key Texts in Political Psychology and International Relations Theory, Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice 4, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39964-5 147 148 Dartmouth College, N.H., USA students the chance to experience first-hand New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary that every four years attracts candidates hoping to woo voters locally and capture attention nationally Dartmouth College educates the most promising students and prepares them for a lifetime of learning and of responsible leadership, through a faculty dedicated to teaching and the creation of knowledge • Dartmouth expects academic excellence and encourages independence of thought within a culture of collaboration • Dartmouth faculty are passionate about teaching our students and are at the forefront of their scholarly or creative work • Dartmouth embraces diversity with the knowledge that it significantly enhances the quality of a Dartmouth education • Dartmouth recruits and admits outstanding students from all backgrounds, regardless of their financial means • Dartmouth fosters lasting bonds among faculty, staff, and students, which encourage a culture of integrity, self-reliance, and collegiality and instill a sense of responsibility for each other and for the broader world • Dartmouth supports the vigorous and open debate of ideas within a community marked by mutual respect Since its founding in 1769 Dartmouth has provided an intimate and inspirational setting where talented faculty, students, and staff contribute to the strength of an exciting academic community that cuts easily across disciplines Dartmouth is home to about 4,200 undergraduates in the liberal arts and 1,900 graduate students in more than 25 advanced degree programs in the Arts & Sciences and at Dartmouth’s professional schools: the Geisel School of Medicine, Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business Dartmouth is also the first school in the world to offer a graduate degree in health care delivery science Dartmouth faculty and student research contributes substantially to the expansion of human understanding Departments & Programs—Arts & Sciences Learn and discover At Dartmouth, education happens not only within traditional academic departments, but also at the intersections between them Explore the 40 departments and interdisciplinary programs of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences Arts & Humanities Department of Art History Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures Department of Classics Department of English Department of Film and Media Studies Interdisciplinary Programs African and African-American Studies Program Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Program Comparative Literature Program Environmental Studies Program Institute for Writing and Rhetoric Jewish Studies Program (continued) Dartmouth College, N.H., USA 149 (continued) Department of French and Italian Department of German Studies Department of Music Department of Philosophy Department of Religion Department of Russian Department of Spanish and Portuguese Department of Studio Art Department of Theater Sciences Department of Biological Sciences Department of Chemistry Department of Computer Science Department of Earth Sciences Department of Engineering Sciences— Thayer School of Engineering Environmental Studies Program Department of Mathematics Department of Physics and Astronomy Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies Program Linguistics and Cognitive Science Program Mathematics and Social Sciences Program Native American Studies Program Women’s and Gender Studies Program Social Sciences Department of Anthropology Department of Economics Department of Education Department of Geography Department of Government Department of History Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Department of Sociology Department of Government Richard Ned Lebow is James O Freedman Presidential Professor Emeritus; Professor of International Political Theory, Dept of War Studies, King’s College London; Bye-Fellow, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge King’s College, London, UK King’s College London was founded by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington (then Prime Minister) in 1829 as a university college in the tradition of the Church of England The University of London was established in 1836 with King’s and University College London (UCL, founded in 1826) its two founding colleges It now welcomes staff and students of all faiths and beliefs King’s professors played a major part in nineteenth-century science and in extending higher education to women and working men through evening classes The university has grown and developed through mergers with several institutions each with their own distinguished histories These include: • • • • United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas' Hospitals Chelsea College Queen Elizabeth College Institute of Psychiatry The staff and alumni of King’s and its constituent institutions made major contributions to 19th-century science, medicine and public life, including Florence Nightingale In the 20th century eight people from these institutions were awarded the Nobel Prize, among them Sir James Black, Desmond Tutu and Peter Higgs King’s College London is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge, learning and understanding in the service of society King’s College London has a Faculty of Arts & Humanities, a Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy that include i.a the Defence Studies Department, Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, Policy Institute at King’s, Political Economy, War Studies and War Studies Online (distance learning) Furthermore King’s college had in 2015 seven global institutes: African Leadership Centre, Brazil Institute, India Institute, Institute of North American Studies, International Development Institute, Lau China Institute and Russia Institute © The Author(s) 2016 R.N Lebow (ed.), Richard Ned Lebow: Key Texts in Political Psychology and International Relations Theory, Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice 4, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39964-5 151 152 King’s College, London, UK Department of War Studies King’s College established the Department of War Studies department in February 1962, with the first intake of students in September that year The War Studies Group—comprising the departments of War Studies and Defence Studies—contributes to public life, participates in national and international networks, maintaining its international reputation for excellence in scholarship and policy-relevant research The Department of War Studies is • The only academic department in the world to focus solely on the complexities of conflict and security • Students are taught by experts and pioneers in their fields who are at the forefront of world events as they happen • Stellar academic cohort bring an extensive and continually growing network of national and international links around the world for students to take advantage of • Extensive range of events throughout the year hosting world leading speakers • Established relationships and links with major London institutions • Our location is close to government—physically as well as intellectually The Department of War Studies is committed • To undertake and publish world-leading, cutting edge research • To provide outstanding, research-led teaching and training to the best students it can recruit • To disseminate knowledge generated within the Department through a range of knowledge transfer courses • To contribute to public life, participating in national and international networks, maintaining its international reputation for excellence in scholarship and policy-relevant research The Department of War Studies (DWS) is the largest European university group of scholars focused on research relating to all aspects of war, peace, security and international relations past, present and future seeking to • produce world-leading research that develops new empirical knowledge, employs innovative theory, and addresses vital policy issues • contribute to scholarly learning through high-quality publications, and to achieve impact through engagement and knowledge exchange with policymakers, parliamentarians, publics and industry in Britain and beyond • develop the next generation of scholars in international, policy, and security studies through postgraduate training and research mentoring • support individual scholarship and research collaboration through excellent research resources and effective research mentoring; • produce world-class scholarship through collaboration across the College and with international partners King’s College, London, UK 153 Its Impact Strategy seeks to leverage the experience of colleagues with proven track records of achieving impact by sharing best practice with new research communities and early career researchers A cross-departmental research mentoring scheme is operated by the Department of War Studies, the Defence Studies Department, the Department for European and International Studies, the Department of Political Economy and the Global Institutes This scheme allows for early career researchers to select a research mentor from outside their department within the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy It reflects the breadth and depth of academic experience located across the School and allows colleagues to engage with mentors that possess the most suitable research specialism and experience Research mentors provide advice on research, writing, dissemination/publishing, funding, impact, networking and project design In the War Studies Department, Richard Ned Lebow is Professor of International Political Theory He is teaching for BA students on Causes, Contigency & War and for MA students on Causation in International Relations, Politics and Ethics, Theories in IR, Concepts and Methods and Ancient Greek Conceptions of Order, Justice and War See for more information at: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/departments/warstudies/ people/professors/lebow.aspx University of Cambridge The University of Cambridge is rich in history as one of the world’s oldest universities and leading academic centres, and a self-governed community of scholars In 2009, Cambridge celebrated its 800th anniversary Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well as the world-class original research carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges The reputation of Cambridge scientists had already been established in the late nineteenth century by Clerk Maxwell and the Darwins among others and was maintained afterwards by J.J Thomson, Lord Rayleigh and Lord Rutherford Work done by their pupils and associates during the Second World War greatly increased this reputation and large numbers of students flocked to the University and to government-sponsored institutions University departments and research institutes were established as new areas of study developed The 1950s and 1960s saw an unprecedented expansion of the University’s teaching accommodation and the growing arts faculties received permanent accommodation for the first time The undergraduate numbers were increased after the war by the admission from 1947 of women students, by the foundation of a third women’s College, New Hall (1954), as well as the foundation of Churchill (1960) and Robinson (1977) In the 1960s, four new Colleges were established for the growing number of teaching and research staff, as well as more places for research students The older men’s Colleges now began to admit women students and appoint women Fellows Now ‘co-residence’ is usual, but three Colleges admit women students only—Newnham, New Hall, and Lucy Cavendish See at: http://www.cam.ac.uk/ © The Author(s) 2016 R.N Lebow (ed.), Richard Ned Lebow: Key Texts in Political Psychology and International Relations Theory, Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice 4, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39964-5 155 156 University of Cambridge Pembroke College Pembroke College, founded in 1347 by Marie de St Pol, Countess of Pembroke, is the third oldest of the Cambridge colleges Openness characterises Pembroke today The College is an intimate yet diverse community, committed to welcoming students of exceptional talent regardless of their social, cultural or educational background, and giving them the benefit of contact with a large and distinguished Fellowship Pembroke thrives on conversations, between generations and disciplines—between undergraduates, graduates and senior Members, between current students and our alumni, and between the academy and the wider world At Pembroke College, there are around 440 undergraduate students studying for a degree at Pembroke Pembroke also encourages the kind of inter-disciplinary discussions between staff and students in different subjects The College is keen for its graduates to establish links with Fellows and other students in the same discipline and also offers graduates the opportunity of meeting people from other disciplines At Pembrooke College, Professor Richard Ned Lebow has been a Bye-fellow in the field of international relations since 2011 For details see at: http://www.pem.cam.ac uk/fellows-staff/fellows-2/bye-fellows/professor-ned-lebow/ About the Author Richard Ned Lebow (USA) is Professor of International Political Theory in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London and James O Freedman Presidential Professor Emeritus at Dartmouth College and also a Bye-Fellow of Pembroke College, University of Cambridge He has taught strategy and the National and Naval War Colleges and served as a scholar-inresidence in the Central Intelligence Agency during the Carter administration He held visiting appointments at the University of Lund, Sciences Po, University of Cambridge, Austrian Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, London School of Economics and Political Science, Australian National University, University of California at Irvine, University of Milano, University of Munich and the Frankfurt Peace Research Institute He has authored and edited 28 books and nearly 200 peer reviewed articles Among his most important books are: Franz Ferdinand Lives! A World Without World War (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2014); Constructing Cause in International Relations (Cambridge University Press, 2014); (co-authored with Simon Reich: Good-Bye Hegemony! Power and Influence in the Global System (Princeton University Press, 2014); The politics and ethics of identity: in search of ourselves (Cambridge University Press, 2012); (co-ed with Erskine, T.): Tragedy and international relations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012); Forbidden fruit: counterfactuals and international relations (Princeton University Press); Why nations fight: past and future motives for war (Cambridge University Press, 2010); A cultural theory of international relations (Cambridge University Press, 2008); Coercion, cooperation, and ethics in international relations (Routledge, 2007) © The Author(s) 2016 R.N Lebow (ed.), Richard Ned Lebow: Key Texts in Political Psychology and International Relations Theory, Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice 4, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39964-5 157 158 About the Author Address: Prof Richard Ned Lebow, Ph.D., Department of War Studies, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS, United Kingdom Email: nedlebow@gmail.com Websites: http://www.dartmouth.edu/*nedlebow/; http://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/ departments/warstudies/people/professors/lebow.aspx; http://afes-press-books.de/ html/PAHSEP_Lebow.htm About this Book • In a career spanning six decades Richard Ned Lebow has made contributions to the study of international relations, political and intellectual history, motivational and social psychology, philosophy of science, and classics He has authored, coauthored or edited 30 books and almost 250 peer reviewed articles These four volumes are excerpts from this corpus This third volume includes texts on psychology and international relations, causation, counterfactual analysis The political psychology contributions draw on richer, ancient Greek understandings of the psyche and offer novel insights into strategies of conflict management, the role of emotions in international relations, and the modern fixation on identity The volume provides an overview of the research of a prominent scholar in the field of political psychology • The excerpts are interdisciplinary studies that use short stories, experiments, and case studies to develop new approaches to conflict management and decisionmaking, but also reveal how difficult it is for policymakers to confront problems of complex causation • There are no similar books about this author Table of Contents: Frontmatter: Dedication—Acknowledgement Introduction—2 Deterrence: A Political and Psychological Critique—3 Forbidden Fruit: Counterfactuals and International Relations—4 Poking Counterfactual Holes in Covering Laws: Cognitive Styles and Political Learning—5 The Politics and Ethics of Identity: In Search of Ourselves—6 Reason, Emotions and the Greeks Backmatter: Dartmouth College—King’s College—Cambridge University— Pembroke College—About the author A book website with additional information on Richard Ned Lebow, including videos and his major book covers is at: http://afes-press-books.de/html/PAHSEP_ Lebow.htm © The Author(s) 2016 R.N Lebow (ed.), Richard Ned Lebow: Key Texts in Political Psychology and International Relations Theory, Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice 4, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39964-5 159 ... http://afes-press-books.de/html/PAHSEP _Lebow. htm Richard Ned Lebow Editor Richard Ned Lebow: Key Texts in Political Psychology and International Relations Theory 123 Editor Richard Ned Lebow Department of War Studies King’s... (ed.), Richard Ned Lebow: Key Texts in Political Psychology and International Relations Theory, Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice 4, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39964-5_1 Introduction... Author(s) 2016 R.N Lebow (ed.), Richard Ned Lebow: Key Texts in Political Psychology and International Relations Theory, Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice 4, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39964-5_2

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2018, 15:42

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Mục lục

    2 Deterrence: A Political and Psychological Critique

    2.3 How Deterrence Can Backfire

    2.4.2 Challenger’s Insensitivity to Warnings

    2.5 Problems in Applying Deterrence

    2.6 The Primacy of Self

    2.7 Implications for Deterrence Theory

    3 Making Sense of the World

    4 Poking Counterfactual Holes in Covering Laws: Cognitive Styles and Political Learning

    4.1 The Correlational Studies: Applying Abstract Covering Laws to Specific Historical Cases

    4.1.3 Research Design and Logic of Analysis


