Basic Electromagnetic Effects in a Medium with Time-Varying Parameters and/or Moving Boundary 1 Initial and Boundary Value Electromagnetic Problems 1.2.1 The Non-Dispersive Background 20
Alexander Nerukh Nataliya Sakhnenko Trevor Benson Phillip Sewell
“This rigorous and, at the same time, easy-to-understand explanation of non-stationary
electromagnetic phenomena will be of great interest to researchers from the physical
science community.”
Prof Elena Romanova Saratov State University, Russia
“This magnificent work guides readers through the mysterious world of non-stationary
electromagnetics Its very first sentence catches them and sets free their imagination to
expect and see the newly discovered sides of our nature.”
Prof Georgi Nikolov Georgiev
St Cyril and St Methodius University
of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
This book is devoted to investigations of non-stationary electromagnetic processes It
offers a good opportunity to introduce the Volterra integral equation method more widely
to the electromagnetic community The explicit mathematical theory is combined with
examples of its application in electromagnetic devices, optoelectronics, and photonics,
where time-domain methods become a powerful tool for modelling Many of the
electromagnetic phenomena that are studied in the book may lead to numerous new ideas
for experimentalists and engineers developing new classes of photonic devices.
Alexander Nerukh is head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Kharkov
National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine He has published 3 books
and over 250 scientific papers Prof Nerukh’s scientific interests lie in
non-stationary and nonlinear electrodynamics, and he has collaborated with the
University of Nottingham and Aston University in these fields.
Nataliya Sakhnenko is associate professor at the Department of Higher
Mathematics, Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics She has held
joint research with the University of Nottingham and the University of Jena
Her current research interests are in time-domain problems of photonics,
plasmonics, and metamaterials.
Trevor Benson is director of the George Green Institute for Electromagnetics
Research, University of Nottingham His research interests include experimental
and numerical studies of electromagnetic fields and waves, lasers and
amplifiers, nanoscale photonic circuits, and electromagnetic compatibility He
is author or co-author of more than 600 journal and conference papers
Phillip Sewell is professor of electromagnetics in the Faculty of Engineering, University of
Nottingham His research interests involve analytical and numerical modelling of
electromagnetic problems, with application to optoelectronics, electromagnetic
compatibility, and electrical machines He has published approximately 500
Dr Mariana Nikolova Georgieva-Grosse
Polikraishte, Bulgaria
Trang 5Version Date: 20120829
International Standard Book Number-13: 978-9-81436-424-9 (eBook - PDF)
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Trang 6To the memory of Prof Nikolay Khizhnyak,
founder of the approach,
to my wife, Elena Nerukh to my daughter, Alona Sakhnenko
Trang 8I Basic Electromagnetic Effects in a Medium
with Time-Varying Parameters and/or Moving Boundary
1 Initial and Boundary Value Electromagnetic Problems
1.2.1 The Non-Dispersive Background 20
1.2.3 A Rectangular Waveguide with Perfectly
Trang 91.2.4 Axial Symmetric Green’s Function for a PlanarWaveguide with Perfect Conducting Walls 251.3 Causal Time-Spatial Interpretation of ElectromagneticField Interaction with Time-Varying Objects 271.3.1 The Volterra Integral Equation for the
Electro-Magnetic Field in a Non-Dispersive
1.3.2 Influence of a Dispersive Background on the
1.3.3 Spatial-Temporal Interpretation of the Volterra
1.3.4 Three Stages of Development ofElectromagnetic Transients in a BoundedMedium with Time-Varying Parameters 351.3.5 The Field Outside the Object 381.3.6 Three Stages of Solution of a Non-Stationary
2 Transformation of an Electromagnetic Field in an
Unbounded Medium with Time-Varying
2.1.2 Transformation of Radiation of an Extrinsic
2.1.3 Evolution of a Harmonic Wave in a MediumModulated by Repetitive Identical Pulses 782.1.4 “Intermittency” in Electromagnetic Wave
Transients in a Time-Varying Linear Medium 84
Trang 10Contents ix
2.2 Change of Electromagnetic Pulse Complexity in a
2.2.2 Propagation of Electromagnetic Pulses in aMedium Modulation by Repetitive Identical
2.2.3 Propagation of Electromagnetic Pulses in aMedium with Various Time Modulations 1012.2.3.1 Pulses of “soft” transformation 1032.2.3.2 Pulses of “hard” transformation 1042.2.4 Wave Chaotic Behaviour Generated by Linear
2.3 Constitutive Equations for ElectromagneticTransients in Time-Varying Plasma 1112.3.1 Phenomenological Constitutive Relations 1122.3.2 Kinetic Description of Plasma 114
2.4 Isotropic Plasma with Changing Density 1232.4.1 Step-wise Change of Plasma 1242.4.2 Continuously Changing Plasma 1292.5 Plane Wave in Gyrotropic Plasma with “Switching On”
Trang 113.2.2 Splitting of Video Pulse in a Half-Space with
3.3 Jump Changes of Plasma Density in a PlasmaHalf-Space with a Plane Boundary 1783.3.1 Plasma Density’s Jump Change in a Half-Space 1783.3.2 Two Steps Change of Plasma Density 1823.4 The Evolution of an Electromagnetic Field in the
Dielectric Layer After Its Creation 1923.4.1 The Equation for the Resolvent 1953.4.2 The Evolution of the Electromagnetic Field inthe Layer After Its Formation 1973.5 Electromagnetic Field in a Layer with Non-Linear and
3.6 Transformation of Electromagnetic Field by a Newly
3.7 The 3D Resolvent for a Problem with a PlaneBoundary of a Dielectric Half-Space 2253.7.1 The Resolvent for the Inner Problem 2283.7.2 The Resolvent for the External
3.8 Fresnel Formulae in Time Domain for a PlaneInterface Between Two Dielectrics 2403.8.1 The Time-Domain Representation of the Field
in the Case of Two Dielectric Half-Spaces 2403.8.2 Expansion of the First Part of the Field with
Respect to the Dissipation Rate 2453.8.3 Spatial-Time Representation of the Fresnel
Formula for a Transmitted Field 2463.8.4 The Polarisation Relations for the Scattered
Trang 12Contents xi
3.9 Inclined Incidence of a Plane Wave on a PlaneBoundary of the Time-Varying Medium 2523.9.1 The Field Caused by the Permittivity Time
3.12.4 Integral Equations for an Object Located Nearthe Boundary of the Non-Stationary Medium 292
4 Non-Stationary Behaviour of Electromagnetic Waves
4.1 Transformation of an Electromagnetic Wave by aUniformly Moving Boundary of a Medium 3014.1.1 Discrepancy of Secondary Waves and
4.1.2 Resolution of Moving Boundary “Paradoxes” 3054.2 Evolution of an Electromagnetic Wave After
Beginning of Medium Boundary Movement 3114.3 Relativistic Uniform Accelerated Movement of a
4.4 Electromagnetic Field Energy Accumulation in a
4.4.1 Increase of the Wave Amplitudes in the
4.4.2 The Energy Accumulation in the Layer 328
Trang 134.4.3 Generation of Electromagnetic Pulses by the
4.5 Scattering of Waves by an Ellipsoid with a
II Electromagnetic Transients in Time-Varying
Waveguides and Resonators
5 An Electromagnetic Field in a Metallic Waveguide with
5.1 Expansion of an Electromagnetic Field by theNon-Stationary Eigen-Functions of a Waveguide 3485.2 Equations for a Field in the Waveguide with a
Plasma Boundary After Its Start in a Waveguide 373
6 Interaction of an Electromagnetic Wave with a Plasma
6.1 Main Relations for Electromagnetic Waves in aWaveguide with a Relativistic Moving Plasma Bunch 3886.2 Characteristic Matrix for Waves in a Waveguide with a
Trang 14Contents xiii
6.6.1 Integral Operators for an Initial-BoundaryValue Problem with Axial Symmetry 4226.6.2 Excitation of the Field in a Planar Waveguide
Filled by Time-Varying Plasma 4246.6.3 Circular Cylinder with Time-Varying Medium
7 Non-Stationary Electromagnetic Processes in
7.1 Wave Equations for Longitudinal and TransverseComponents in Generalised Functions 4407.2 Volterra Integral Equations for Non-Stationary
Electromagnetic Processes in Time-Varying Dielectric
7.2.1 Integral Equations for the Fields 4417.2.2 Harmonic Waves in a Waveguide 4447.3 Solution for the Problem with a Time Jump Change in
7.4 Harmonic Wave Transformation Caused by aPermittivity Change in the Waveguide Core 4517.4.1 The Early Stage of the Transient 4527.4.2 Waves Spectra Generated by a Permittivity
Trang 157.6.3 Flat Dielectric Resonator 4857.6.4 Field Evolution in a Dielectric Waveguide 487
8 Electromagnetic Transients in Microcavities with
8.1 Mathematical Tools for Solution of theInitial-Boundary Value Problem in Dielectric
8.2 Excitation of a Dielectric Resonator by External
8.3 Whispering Gallery Mode Transformation in a
8.4 Field Transformation by the Permittivity Time-Jump
8.5 Transient Plasma in a Circular Resonator 5158.6 Stratified Cylindrical Dielectric Structure 5198.7 Whispering Gallery Modes in a Circular Dielectric
Resonator with a Transient Inclusion 5228.8 Optical Coupling of Two Transient Circular Dielectric
8.9 Frequency Change of Partial Spherical Waves Induced
by Time Change of Medium Permittivity 537
8.9.2 Analysis of the Inner Field 5438.9.3 Analysis of the Exterior Field 5458.10 Evolution of Waves After Plasma Ignition in a
Appendix A: Transformation of an Arbitrary Signal 557
Appendix B: Taking into Account Solutions of a Homogeneous
Equation in the Intermediate Evolution Stage 561
Appendix C: Lipshitz–Hankel Functions 569
Trang 16Contents xv
Appendix D: The Resolvent with Cylindrical Symmetry 573
D.1 Unbounded Medium 573
D.2 The Medium with a Cylindrical Boundary 575
Appendix E: WGM Resonator with Transient Circular Inclusion 577
Trang 18This book is devoted to investigations of non-stationary
elec-tromagnetic processes It contains results concerning the
non-stationary electromagnetic processes initiated by time variations of
material objects The main idea of the book can be characterized
by the phrase “Any change makes a path for other changes” from
Niccolo dei Machiavelli (1469–1527) This book offers a good
opportunity to introduce the Volterra integral equation method
for investigations of electromagnetic phenomena more widely A
systematic presentation of this method in the time domain provides
new theoretical results, and the explicit mathematical theory is
combined with examples of its application in electromagnetic
devices in microwaves, optoelectronics, and photonics, where
time-domain methods become a powerful tool for modelling Particular
consideration is given to electromagnetic transients in time-varying
media and their potential applications The approach is formulated
and electromagnetic phenomena are investigated in detail for a
hollow metal waveguide, which contains a moving dielectric or
plasma-bounded medium, dielectric waveguides with time-varying
medium inside the core, cylindrical homogeneous resonators with
time-varying medium as well as with time-varying insertions in
them, and a system of non-stationary resonators Considering
the influences of medium changes on electromagnetic fields in
optoelectronic devices is very important for the realistic description
of such devices Many electromagnetic phenomena studied in the
book may lead to numerous innovative ideas for experimentalists
and engineers developing new classes of photonic devices
This book systematises and collects almost all results obtained bythe authors since the 1970s Some of these results were published in
Russian, and some were not published at all but may be interesting
Trang 19for wider electromagnetic community It is a pleasure to express our
sincere gratitude to the people who contributed to obtaining the
results during all these years, especially Peter E Minko, Oleg N Rybin,
Irina Yu Shavorykina, and Fedor V Fedotov
Alexander Nerukh Nataliya Sakhnenko
Kharkov, Ukraine
Trevor Benson Phillip Sewell
Nottingham, UK
Trang 20This book owes much to collaboration with researchers in the field
It is our pleasure to express our gratitude to Prof Oleg Tretiyakov,
Dr Dmitry Nerukh, Dr Peter Minko, Dr Irina Shavorikina,
Dr Konstantin Yemelyanov, Dr Oleg Rybin, Dr Fedor Fedotov,
Dr Elena Semenova, Dr Elena Smotrova, Nataliya Ruzhitskaya, Prof
Vyacheslav Buts, Prof Marian Marciniak, Dr A Al-Jarro, and Dr Ana
Trang 22Any change in the state of a medium, for example, a change of
its material properties or a movement of its boundaries, affects
the characteristics of an electromagnetic field existing in this
medium This influence is very strong, even in the simplest
non-dispersive electromagnetic structures As there are two temporal
processes in this case, medium change and field change, the points
of their origin acquire principal importance, and the corresponding
mathematical problems become initial boundary value ones It is
evident that a dispersive structure adds new special features to the
change of the electromagnetic field state and can greatly influence
transient electromagnetic processes In practice, waveguides and
resonators, where the electromagnetic field interacts with matter
in bound areas of space constrained by waveguide or resonator
walls, are very important dispersive structures with the presence
of the walls bringing a dispersive character to electromagnetic
wave propagation in the region considered The field interaction
with a non-stationary medium acquires new features under these
conditions In addition, because of the difference between the phase
and the group velocities of the waves conditioned by the dispersion,
the importance of taking into account some initial time of the
interaction process arises This importance increases in the case
where a medium or its borders moves, when the relationship
between all three velocities, the phase and the group velocities of
the waves and the motion velocity, begin to play a significant role
Investigations of transients in waveguides have a long history, but
they concern the degradation of pulses in stationary waveguides
and, principally, metallic waveguides
Maxwell’s equations are self-consistent only for electromagneticfields in a vacuum In a general medium the constitutive equations
Trang 23and boundary conditions significantly complicate both the
for-mulation and the solution of electromagnetic problems Such
problems become even more complex when the media are not only
inhomogeneous but are also time-varying Such a situation can be
met when considering the propagation of electromagnetic signals in
dielectric or semiconductor waveguides, in particular in the context
of modulators, pulsed lasers and frequency conversion The proper
description and investigation of the physics of these phenomena are
motivated by their significant importance to optical communication
technology; the interactions between microwave and optical pulses
and active semiconductor media in waveguides have therefore
received considerable attention in recent years The solution of such
electromagnetic problems has demanded accurate time-domain
techniques, some variants of which have received widespread
attention in the literature, mainly owing to their computational
superiority for solving wide-band problems in comparison with
frequency-domain methods Unfortunately, most of these techniques
are focussed upon numerical calculations and are not suitable for
identifying the general features of the phenomena This is especially
true for the important case of understanding the behaviour of the
guided modes supported by dielectric optical waveguides, a central
task in the simulation of integrated optical components
In 1958, F.R Morgenthaler revealed that a temporal change inthe permittivity of an unbounded medium transforms a primary
harmonic plane wave to new secondary ones having different
frequencies but the same wave number as the primary wave This
general feature is also observed when a plane wave is normally
incident onto a plane interface between two media, the permittivity
of one of which changes abruptly However, in this case the spatial
structure of waves also becomes more complex Nevertheless, the
monochromatic character of the secondary waves is not disturbed
if the medium is non-dissipative The picture of such phenomena
becomes even more complex in the case of the oblique incidence
of an electromagnetic wave onto a plane boundary with a
time-varying medium In this case, not only does the structure of the
system of monochromatic waves become more complex, but a
continuous wave spectrum also appears All the circumstances just
discussed arise in a dielectric waveguide with time-varying media A
Trang 24Introduction 3
time-domain integral equation technique is presented in this paper
to take into account, in one formulation, a complex combination of
boundary and initial conditions as well as permitting the medium
parameters to change in time Investigations are made by using
the evolution approach developed in this book This approach is
also applied to the investigation of the interaction of a guided
wave with a medium moving in a rectangular waveguide with
perfectly conducting walls The relativistic movement of a
non-dispersive medium, as well as effects caused by a double-dispersion
mechanism (i.e., waveguide and plasma dispersions) are considered
The need to consider the interaction of optical beams with varying media is becoming ever more common Applications, such as
time-the production of terahertz sources are exploiting time-the phenomena
observed in such circumstances and moreover, as data rates
increase, designers of switched lasers and modulators and similar
devices must confront the consequences of these interactions There
is a significant literature considering the simple case of plane waves
interacting with time changes in the parameters of open and
semi-open regions However, to date, the practically important case of
time-variant materials in spatially limited and optically confining
waveguides has received far less attention The principal objective
of this work is to provide a formal, non-numerical, framework
within which to investigate this case and it shall be shown that
certain general conclusions regarding the nature of the optical field
in these circumstances can be demonstrated This is clearly an
important pre-cursor to the detailed numerical analysis of specific
configurations in the design of a wide variety of novel devices
The book is organised as follows The essential point forelaborating a common approach to the investigation of transient
electromagnetic phenomena is the evolutionary character of such
phenomena and the initial moment, when the non-stationary
behaviour starts, which takes an important meaning Introduction
of the initial moment for the non-stationary behaviour is dictated in
many cases by a necessity to separate the moment of “switching on”
the field and the moment of the non-stationary behaviour beginning
The non-stationary behaviour, which starts at some certain moment
of time, is accompanied by the appearance of a transient
(non-harmonic) field, so-called “transients.” These transients can form a
Trang 25significant part of the total field for a long time However, they fall
from the field of vision of a stationary approach when all periodic
processes are assumed to start at the infinite past It should be noted
that a commonly used approximation of the adiabatic “switching on”
of a process at the infinite past can easily lead to indefiniteness in the
problem formulation because of the irreversibility of non-stationary
phenomenon Therefore, investigation of the non-stationary
elec-tromagnetic phenomena should be based on the equations, which
include general representation of the medium parameters, where
an inhomogeneity has a shape and medium properties inside it
that are time-dependent The mathematical technique relating the
theory of transient electromagnetic phenomena should contain a
description of both continuous and abrupt changes of both the
field functions and the medium parameters This technique has also
to take into account the correlation between spatial and temporal
changes in the media Such a correlation occurs, for example, when
a medium boundary moves in space In this case a sharp time-jump
of the medium parameters occurs at every fixed point passed by the
medium boundary
The theory of generalised functions is an adequate mathematicaltechnique for treating such problems The generalised functions
describe uniformly continuous and discontinuous functions of the
field and media parameters Applying this theory to the classical
electromagnetic equations means a substitution of the generalised
derivatives instead of the conventional (classical) derivatives with
corresponding modification of Maxwell’s equations The
mathe-matical formulation of a non-stationary electromagnetic problem
into a differential equation in the space of generalised functions
and then conversion of a differential equation into an integral
one is given in Chapter 1 This allows all conditions for the
fields on the discontinuity surfaces (boundaries) to be included
directly into the equations, as well as the moments at which the
time-varying parameters change The causal time-spatial evolution
of an electromagnetic field and a technique developed for the
consideration of such problems are presented
The main phenomena caused by a time-change of an unboundedmedium are considered in Chapter 2 It is shown that modulation
of the medium by a finite chain of medium permittivity time
Trang 26Introduction 5
disturbances can lead to the appearance of chaotic behaviour
in some field characteristics This is estimated by calculation of
statistical complexity, the Hurst’s index and the Lyapunov exponent
A dispersive medium is represented by a plasma with an abrupt
change of density, and by a magnetised plasma whose magnetisation
is switched on at some moment of time A wide variety influences
that a medium boundary can have on electromagnetic transients
is considered in Chapter 3 The normal incidence of a plane
electromagnetic wave onto a plane boundary of a dielectric or
plasma, created at some moment of time, is considered The
resolvent operators are derived for the 3D case of a medium plane
boundary and this allows Fresnel’s formulas to be obtained in the
time domain By virtue of these operators a new effect of secondary
wave focusing by a non-stationary medium plane boundary is
The interaction of electromagnetic waves with a medium withmoving boundary is investigated in Chapter 4 Moving boundary
“paradoxes” that occur when the number of supposed waves does
not correspond to the number of boundary conditions are resolved
Peculiarities of the wave interaction with a moving boundary whose
movement begins at zero moment of time are also investigated in
this chapter A sharp origin of uniform movement is considered, as
well as continuous relativistic uniform accelerated movement when
a velocity changes from zero to a relativistic value Investigation of a
collapsing dielectric layer reveals energy accumulation in the layer
and the generation of electromagnetic pulses
The influence of a moving medium on a guiding wave in arectangular waveguide with perfectly conducting walls, as well as
the wave evolution, is considered in Chapter 5 The transformation
of the guiding wave in the waveguide filled by a uniform dielectric
relativistic moving along the waveguide is investigated Using this
problem the possibility to model various phenomena concerned
with the interaction of electromagnetic waves with a boundary
of a relativistic moving medium in the presence of waveguide
dispersion is shown The interaction of the electromagnetic field
with a plasma “flashed” at zero moment of time in the waveguide
and then uniformly expanding is considered It is shown in Chapter
6 that interplay between phase and group velocities can enhance the
Trang 27interaction of an electromagnetic wave with a plasma bunch moving
in a metallic waveguide and make this interaction very effective for
small values of the bunch
All the effects considered in the previous chapters arise indielectric or plasma waveguides and resonators with time-varying
media that are considered in Chapters 7 and 8 The dielectric
waveguide with a non-linear material is considered, along with
the excitation of whispering gallery modes (WGMs) by an external
transient source Temporal changes of the permittivity inside the
resonator have been investigated as well For an initial wave
without an external source (e.g., a WGM) the change of the material
permittivity leads to a resonant frequency shift that does not depend
on the initial light intensity and is proportional to the fractional
change of the refractive index for material switching in the whole
cavity For the case of refractive index switching in a circular coaxial
region, or in a ring region near the rim, we observe a dependence of
the frequency shift on the degree of overlap between the initial field
and the transient region Breaking the symmetry of the structure via
a transient circular inclusion leads to a rotation of the field pattern
Features that distinguish the time-spatial behaviour of the field in
coupled resonators from those found in a single one are investigated
Trang 28Part I
Basic Electromagnetic Effects in
a Medium with Time-Varying Parameters and/or Moving
Trang 30Chapter 1
Initial and Boundary Value
Electromagnetic Problems in a
Time-Varying Medium
An essential point for elaborating a common approach to the
inves-tigation of transient electromagnetic phenomena is the evolutionary
character of such phenomena, and an initial moment, when the
non-stationary condition starts, takes an important meaning The
introduction of the non-stationary initial moment is dictated in
many cases by a necessity to separate the moment of “switching
on” the field and the moment of the beginning of non-stationary
behaviour The non-stationary state, which starts at some definite
moment of time, is accompanied by the appearance of a transient
(non-harmonic) field These so-called transients can exist for a
long time, being a significant part of the total field However, they
fall out of the field of vision of a stationary approach when all
periodic processes are assumed to start at the infinite past It
should be noted that the commonly used approximation of an
adiabatic “switching on” of a process at the infinite past can easily
lead to indefiniteness in the problem formulation because of the
irreversibility of the non-stationary phenomenon Therefore, an
Non-Stationary Electromagnetics
Alexander Nerukh, Nataliya Sakhnenko, Trevor Benson, and Phillip Sewell
Copyright c 2013 Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd.
ISBN 978-981-4316-44-6 (Hardcover), 978-981-4364-24-9 (eBook)
Trang 31investigation of non-stationary electromagnetic phenomena should
be based on equations which include a general representation
of the medium parameters, where an inhomogeneity has a
time-dependent shape and time-time-dependent medium properties inside it
A mathematical approach to the theory of transient electromagnetic
phenomena should contain a description of both continuous and
abrupt changes of both the field functions and the medium
parameters This technique also has to take into account the
correlation between spatial and temporal changes in the media
Such a correlation occurs, for example, when a medium boundary
moves in space In this case a sharp time jump of the medium
parameters occurs at every fixed point passed by the medium
The theory of generalised functions [1–6] is an adequate matical technique for treating such problems The generalised func-
mathe-tions describe uniformly continuous and discontinuous funcmathe-tions of
the field and media parameters Applying this theory to the classical
electromagnetic equations means a substitution of the generalised
derivatives instead of the conventional (classical) derivatives with a
corresponding modification of Maxwell’s equation
In this chapter a non-stationary electromagnetic problem ismathematically formulated as a differential equation in a gener-
alised function space This allows all conditions for the fields on the
discontinuity surfaces (boundaries) as well as parameter time jumps
to be included directly into the equations
1.1 Generalised Wave Equation for an Electromagnetic
Field in a Time-Varying Medium with a Transparent Object
1.1.1 Generalised Derivatives
To use the space of generalised functions one must consider the
generalised derivatives [1–6], instead of the classic one Assume
a vector-function a(t , r) has a discontinuity on an arbitrary
time-varying surface, S(t), and that its jump value is equal to [a] S =
a − a−, where a+ is the magnitude of the vector function on the
positive side of this surface This side is determined by a normal
vector n, as shown in Fig 1.1:
Trang 32Generalised Wave Equation for an Electromagnetic Field 11
Figure 1.1. The orientation of the normal vector on the discontinuity
a surface delta-function, and u nis a velocity component normal to a
certain surface domain Here and later, bold characters are used for
where [a]t=0= a(t = +0) − a(t = −0).
Transition to the generalised derivatives allows the conditionsfor the fields on the surfaces and at the time points to be included
directly into Maxwell’s equations, where the medium parameters
are discontinuous These conditions are given by the terms in
the square brackets in Eqs 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 Compared with the
continuous medium case, the equation form remains unchanged
almost everywhere To show this, let us consider the classical
Maxwell’s equations in a continuous medium These equations have
the following form in an SI system:
Trang 33where E is the electric field strength, B is the magnetic flux density,
P and M are vectors of medium electric and magnetic polarisations,
j is a conductivity current, ε0 = 10−9
36π [F·m−1] and μ0 =
4π · 10−7 [H·m−1] are the permittivity and permeability of free
space, respectively, and √ε10μ0 = c = 3 · 108[m/s] is the velocity
of light in vacuum The polarisations, P and M, and the electric field
flux density D and the magnetic field strength H are connected in a
Here, 1+κ ε= ε, κ εis an operator of an electrical susceptibility, ε is
an operator of a relative permittivity of the medium, and analogously
1+κ μ =μ, κ μis an operator of a magnetic susceptibility andμ is
an operator of a relative permeability of the medium Asκ εandκ μ
are assumed to be operators, the relations (Eq 1.1.4) are general
ones and they describe all possible media, including dispersive and
anisotropic ones
1.1.2 Initial and Boundary Conditions for Electromagnetic
Fields in a Time-Varying Medium
It is convenient to determine the conditions for the field on a
discontinuity surface on the basis of Maxwell’s equations in integral
form [7, 8, 9] They have an invariant form independent of the way
the medium parameters change:
Trang 34Generalised Wave Equation for an Electromagnetic Field 13
where j and q are bulk densities of current and charge in a laboratory
frame of reference It follows from Eq 1.1.5 that the boundary
conditions have the following form for an arbitrarily moving surface
[9, 10]:
n × [H]s + u n[Dtan]s = γ−1(n × (i× n))
n × [E]s − u n[Btan]s = 0 [Dn]s = σ[B
n]s = 0, (1.1.6)
where Dtan, Btanare the components of the fields tangential to the
surface,γ−1 = 1− β2is the relativistic factor,β n = u n /c, and i
andσare the surface current and charge densities in the intrinsic
frame of reference of the moving surface domain, respectively
The electric field flux density, as well as the magnetic induction,remains continuous at time jumps of the medium features This
follows from the classical Maxwell’s equations (Eq 1.1.3) together
with the limiting value of the spatial derivatives of the field Indeed,
integrating the relation curl
Analogously, the equation curlE= −∂B
∂t t=0= − [curlE] t=0= 0.
Trang 35The electric flux density derivative remains continuous only when
medium’s magnetic features are continuous Analogously, the
magnetic induction is continuous in the case when the medium
electric features are continuous If this is not the case, then the initial
condition for the magnetic induction derivative can be derived as
follows The equation curlE= −∂B
∂t in the case when the permittivity
changes in time, E(t)= D(t)
Returning to the differential form of Maxwell’s equations (Eq 1.1.3),
we see that the second equation in Eq 1.1.3 is not changed when the
classical derivatives are replaced by the generalised ones, while the
first equation gains an additional term determined by the surface
current i = v n σ+ γ−1(n × (i× n)) in the laboratory frame of
Trang 36Generalised Wave Equation for an Electromagnetic Field 15
In these equations, all the derivatives are generalised; therefore,
they readily contain the boundary conditions for the fields on
the discontinuity surfaces [11] that distinguishes them from
Eq 1.1.3 The discontinuity surface S(t) restricts the region V (t)
and is moving in the general case Equation 1.1.11 forms the
basis for further description and investigation of electromagnetic
phenomena in time-varying inhomogeneous media
Merging the two equations results in a wave equation in ageneralised derivative representation This equation describes an
electromagnetic field in a medium whose parameters can vary
arbitrarily in time as well as in space (this variation includes the
arbitrarily moving surface as well) [12]:
inside V (t) and equal to zero outside this region, we can define
the generalised functions P, M and j that describe the medium
electromagnetic representation in the whole space:
P= χ(P1− Pex)+ Pex
M= χ(M1− Mex)+ Mex (1.1.13)
j= χj1+ jextr
where the values with the index “1” are defined inside the region
V (t) and those with the index “ex” are defined outside of it This
external region is further referred to as a “background medium”
jextr is a current describing extrinsic sources of the field (see
According to the main idea of the approach originated by Khizhnyak
[13], the left-hand side of this equation has the form as in the
background, and the right-hand side is distinct from zero inside
Trang 37Figure 1.2. The medium description and the arrangement of an
inhomo-geneity and field sources in the general problem formulation
the region V (t) only This equation allows consideration of the
electromagnetic problem for an arbitrary inhomogeneity placed
in various backgrounds We will consider two such cases: a
non-dispersive background, and a plasma as an example of non-dispersive
1.1.4 Generalised Wave Equation for the Case of a
Non-Dispersive Background
First we consider the generalised wave equation in the
non-dispersive background that is described by the relative permittivity
and permeabilityε and μ, respectively In this case
Pex= ε0(ε − 1)E Mex= 1
(1− μ−1)B. (1.1.15)
If these operators commute with the operators ∂t ∂ and curl, then
we have for the background polarisations in Eq 1.1.14
Trang 38Generalised Wave Equation for an Electromagnetic Field 17
Now the generalised wave equation takes the form
where all parameters of the region V (t) are collected in the
right-hand side of this equation Introducing the shortright-hand notation
wave-phase velocity in the background
1.1.5 Generalised Wave Equation for the Case of a
Dispersive Background
Equation 1.1.19 describes the electromagnetic field in the case of
the object placed in the uniform non-dispersive medium Let us now
consider the case of a dispersive background, the simplest and most
applicable of which is a cold isotropic plasma It is known that such
a plasma is described by the constitutive relations
where ω e = N e2/mε0 is a plasma frequency, N is a density
of electrons, and e and m are the electron charge and mass,
Trang 39Inside the object, this equation has the right-hand side
defined in the whole considered space
completely, even though they contain only the electric field The
magnetic field B can be determined from the second equation in
Eq 1.1.3 according to which B= − t
is defined uniquely if the condition of zero-value limit is fulfilled for
the electromagnetic field when t→ −∞
Trang 40Generalised Wave Equation for an Electromagnetic Field 19
The right-hand side of Eqs 1.1.19 and 1.1.25 depend on the
extrinsic current, jextr, and on the inhomogeneity presence, which
is described by the functionχ in Q1 If both these components are
absent, then the right-hand side is equal to zero, and the equation
describes a free-space electromagnetic field E0 in the background
without sources This field is a general solution to a homogeneous
equation in the non-dispersive medium
inho-restricted in the past by the moment−t∞, where t∞can be assumed
as some great value It means that field sources start operating after
the moment −t∞ This assumption allows considering the
right-hand side of Eqs 1.1.19 and 1.1.25 as finite functions, and to apply
the theory of generalised functions to this equation According to
this theory the formal solutions to the equations for time-varying
and moving medium (Eq 1.1.19 or 1.1.25) can be written as a
convolution of the fundamental solution to this equation with the
right-hand side of the latter
Initial conditions for electromagnetic fields in plasma have
another form Continuity of D+ − D− = 0 follows directly from
Maxwell’s equations as well as B+ − B− = 0 or H+ − H− = 0
if magnetic properties do not change The equation∂D ∂t = ε0∂E
where ¯j is a jump of current at zero moment of time It gives the
continuity for the electric field E+ − E− = 0 as well as for the
... cases: anon- dispersive background, and a plasma as an example of non- dispersive
1.1.4 Generalised Wave Equation for the Case of a
Non- Dispersive...
Non- Dispersive Background
First we consider the generalised wave equation in the
non- dispersive background that is described by the relative permittivity
and permeabilityε... 1.1.19 describes the electromagnetic field in the case of
the object placed in the uniform non- dispersive medium Let us now
consider the case of a dispersive background, the simplest