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North holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics 28 theory of flexible shells

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NORTH-HOLLAND SERIES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS EDITORS: J.D ACHENBACH North western University B BUDIANSKY Harvard University W.T KOITER University of Technology, Delft H.A LAUWERIER University of Amsterdam L VAN WIJNGAARDEN Twente University of Technology VOLUME 28 NORTH-HOLLAND - AMSTERDAM · NEW YORK · OXFORD · TOKYO T H E O R Y OF F L E X I B L E SHELLS E.L AXELRAD Institut für Mechanik Universität der Bundeswehr Fed Rep München Germany 1987 NORTH-HOLLAND-AMSTERDAM · NEW YORK · OXFORD · TOKYO © ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B V — All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner ISBN: 444 87954 Publishers: E L S E V I E R S C I E N C E P U B L I S H E R S B.V P.O Box 1991 1000 B Z Amsterdam The Netherlands Sole distributors for the U.S.A and Canada: E L S E V I E R S C I E N C E PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, N.Y 10017 U.S.A Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Axelrad, E L (Ernest L ) , Theory of flexible shells (North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics ; v 28) Bibliography: p 385 Shells (Engineering) Elastic plates and shells I Title II Series TA660.S5A94 1986 624.Γ7762 ISBN 0-444-87954-4 ( U S ) PRINTED IN T H E N E T H E R L A N D S 86-11475 T o A I Lur'e one of those few, whom so many owe so much in mechanics PREFACE Engineers who must cope with problems of thin-walled structures and their research colleagues have fundamental monographs and textbooks on shell theory available But there is next to nothing on "flexible shells" there What indeed is meant by this term? The almost exclusive concern of the shell-theory manuals are shells designed for strength and stiffness Analysis of these shells is based predominantly on two special branches of shell theory, namely, the membrane and the Donnell-Koiter theories These are theories of stressed states which vary, respectively, slowly or markedly with both surface coordinates It is less well known that there is a complementary class of shells and a corresponding branch of the shell theory, which occupies the ground between the above classic domains These are flexible shells, designed for maximum elastic displacements Flexible shells—curved tubes, Bourdon pressure elements, bellows, expansion joints, corrugated diaphragms, twisted tubes—have been used in industry for many decades Their underrepresentation in shell-theory books is partly due to the striking diversity of shapes and problems involved (cf the schemes in Fig 12 on p ) By contrast great effort has been invested in solving individual problems (Curved tubes alone were treated in 1911-1985 in over 250 articles.) The experience thus gained facilitated the perception of the imma­ nent feature of small-strain deformation rendering large displacements: such deformation varies slowly and is nearly membrane-like along one of the surface coordinates while along the other it can vary intensively and involves substantial wall-bending This feature constitutes the foundation for the specialized theory of flexible shells The prediction of stability and the analysis of postbuckling can be adequately served by the Donnell-Koiter theory also for flexible shells However, in contrast to the "stiff" shells, stability and postbuckling are not the sole, not even the main objects of nonlinear viii PREFACE analysis of flexible shells It requires the specialized theory just men­ tioned For the buckling analysis, the flexibility causes substantial complica­ tion of perturbing both the shape and the stress state by large precritical displacements Effective aid is provided here by the localbuckling approach The general theory is stated in the vector form This formulation is as far as possible coordinate free, facilitating physical insights essential for complicated (flexible shell) problems Transition to the component form is most direct for the orthogonal coordinates sufficient for all problems considered There is no need of "exposing the gears of a machine for grinding out the workings of a tensor" ( J G Simmonds) The equivalence of the vector formulation to the tensor one is briefly traced (p ) Throughout the book the intrinsic theory is used The evaluation of displacements has been avoided also for kinematical edge conditions This mitigates an obstacle in the intrinsic formulation, one of the causes of the recent revival of the displacement approach This approach has been the object of research of many a distinguished mechanician Remarkable progress has been achieved But the crucial for applications complexity of the equations could not be overcome, not even at the price of drastic restrictions on rotations The intrinsic approach retains its advantages These are absolute by large displace­ ments (cf §8.3, Ch ) For both periodic and boundary-value problems, the trigonometric1 series solution in matrix form is widely applied in the book It remains one of the most suitable methods, even more so with the advent of computers Useful in reducing the partial differential equations to the ordinary ones, it leads in some cases to closed-form solutions Of course, the series method does not replace powerful numerical tools like direct integration or finite elements with their computer programs On the contrary, such numerical studies are complemented by a more articulate theory An advance assessment of eventual results can be particularly helpful in solving a nonlinear problem Another way is opened by Fast Fourier Transforms It proved effective in numerical modelling of semiconductor devices described by highly nonlinear partial differential equations PREFACE ix The book contains five chapters Chapter presents the general nonlinear theory of elastic thin shells Despite its conciseness it includes enough basic theory to make the book self-contained The formulation is unconventional in regard to its use of a vector descrip­ tion of the shell geometry and of strain, including nonlinear com­ patibility equations Chapter starts with formulation of the main problems and the hypothesis of flexible shells (§1) This is followed by the analysis of the Saint-Venant problems, resulting in the nonlinear Reissner equations (§2), the linear Schwerin-Chernina system of the axisymmetric shells under wind-type loading and of curved tubes with forces applied at the ends ( § ) Next ( § ) , the general nonlinear shell equations of equilibrium and compatibility are integrated and simplified with the aid of the hypothesis of flexible shells This leads to a solution system extending the Reissner and Schwerin-Chernina equations to nonsymmetric problems The analysis also shows the flexible-shell hypothesis to be tantamount to the semi-momentless model This model gives (in §5) another, Vlasov-type resolving system The rest of Chapter is concerned with the solution methods of the basic problems Chapters - are devoted to applications of the theory More space is allotted (Chapter ) to the problems of tubes and torus shells, which in recent years (since 1973), have acquired promi­ nent significance in energy technology Besides the analysis of "long" tubes, the nonlinear flexure and buckling is considered for prescribed boundary conditions Buckling under external pressure is discussed for tubes and for torus shells including those with ribs The nonlinear flexure of open-section beams is considered in Chapter Chapter treats flexible shells of revolution including the crossbending of seamless bellows and the contact effects in welded bellows due to overloading Three remarks on the manner of presentation are in order: (1) The discussion is concerned mainly with isotropic homogeneous shells The possibility of extending the results to orthotropic and layered shells and to include the effects of thermal expansion is indicated in Chapter 1, §7 and illustrated by examples in Chapter 3, §12 and Chapter 4, §4 (2) The book contains many graphs and some tables as aids to the χ PREFACE evaluation of stresses and displacements However, the main aim of the author is to present a system of methods, rather than a list of recipes (3) In Physics, "the more complicated the system, the more sim­ plified must necessarily be its theory" (Ya.I Frenkel) Shells are complicated systems; flexible shells are among the more intricate of these Their analysis is dominated, indeed shaped, by the stratagem of trimming all that projects beyond the limits of accuracy of the thinshell theory In preparing the book the author has drawn on his book Flexible Shells published in 1976 in Russian The book reflects the progress achieved by efforts of many inves­ tigators It grew out of the author's work on problems of interest to several industrial organizations and from lecture courses given in Leningrad, Darmstadt and Munich The help of friends and associates in programming and computation is gratefully acknowledged in relevant places of the book The author's sincere thanks for valuable discussion and suggestions are due to Professor F Emmerling Appreciation for many improve­ ments is expressed to Professor W Stadler who first read the text and to Dr W Hübner The author is grateful to Professor W.T Koiter for his support CHAPTER FOUNDATIONS OF THIN-SHELL THEORY Shell geometry Deformation of the reference surface 15 Hypotheses of the theory Shell deformation 22 Equilibrium equations 27 Elastic energy 32 Constitutive equations 36 Boundary conditions Temperature effects 46 Static-geometric analogy Novozhilov's equations 55 The Donnell equations and the membrane model of a shell Commentary 59 65 CHAPTER FOUNDATIONS OF THIN-SHELL THEORY A closed shell is a body bounded by two surfaces whose overall dimensions are much greater than distance between the surfaces—the thickness of the shell wall If a shell is not closed (as a ball is) there is yet another bounding surface—the edge surface Shell theory is a branch of Mechanics of Deformable Bodies It is a practice-oriented, engineering theory Providing a two-dimensional representation to three-dimensional problems, the shell theory makes the analysis immensely more tractable The reduction is achieved in a way similar to that of the beam theory The theory deals with variables defined only on the reference surface (lying mostly in the middle of the wall-thickness) The accuracy of the shell theory depends on the shell being sufficiently thin and also on the mechanical properties of the shell material and on the load distribution Only elastic shells conforming to Hooke's law are considered in the following There are several approaches to the formulation of the shell theory In this book the theory is derived on the basis of hypotheses This axiomatic method goes back to the ground-breaking work of G Kirchhoff (on plates) and to the first work on shells by ARON [1] It is well suited for an engineering theory Its relative simplicity and explicit form are particularly valuable for the nonlinear case However, the evaluation of the bounds of applicability of the theory and of its errors is not possible within the theory's framework set by the hypotheses The verification is achieved when the shell theory is evolved from a three-dimensional theory After the classic works of Cauchy and Poisson (on plates), this approach was developed in the investigations of A I Lur'e, E Reissner, A L Gol'denveiser, F John and others This is the main way of verifying an axiomatically evolved shell theory REFERENCES [1] ARON, Η "Das Gleichgewicht und die Bewegung einer unendlich duennen beliebig gekruemmten elastischen Schale", / Reine Angew Math 78 (1874) - , 136-174 [2] LOVE, A E H "On the small free vibrations and deformation of thin elastic shell", Phil Trans Roy Soc A179 (1888) - [3] BASSET, A "On the extension and flexure of thin elastic shells", Phil Trans Roy Soc A181 (1890) 3 - [4] KÄRMÄN, ΤΗ VON "Ueber die Formaenderung duennwandiger Rohre—insbeson­ dere federnder Ausgleichsrohre", VDI-2 55 (1911) 1889-1895 [5] REISSNER, H "Spannungen in Kugelschalen", Festschrift H Mueller-Breslau; Leipzig (1912) [6] MEISSNER, E "Das Elastizitaetsproblem fuer duenne Schalen von Ringflaechen, Kugel- oder Kegelform", Physikalische Zeitschrift 14 (1913) - [7] SCHWERIN, E "Ueber Spannungen in symmetrisch und unsymmetrisch belasteten Kugelschalen—insbesondere bei Belastung durch Winddruck", Dissertation, Ber­ lin (1918) [8] TIMOSHENKO, S.P "Analysis of bi-metal thermostats", / Opt Soc Amer (1925) 3 - 5 11 [9] BRAZIER, L G "On the flexure of thin cylindrical shells and other "thin" sec­ tions", Proc Roy Soc 116 (1927) 104-114 [10] THULOUP, M.A "Essai sur la fatigue des tuyaux minces a fibre moyenne plane ou gauche", Bull VAssoc Tech Maritime Aeron 32 (1928) - 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, 78, 336, 396 DUNN, M B 160, 387 DURBAN, D 251, 252, 259, 393 EMMERLING, F A 163, 166, 182, 191 195, 267, 309, 310, 394-396 EPSTEIN, M ESSLINGER, M 66, 393 251, 259, 260, 262, 393 162, 165, , 167 267, 393 67, 21, 395, 396 BUSHNELL, D 267, 394 CHAO, C C 251, 389 CHEN, CHU 287, 387 CHEN, Y N 255, 259, 260, 392-394 FABIAN, O L E , FEODOS'EV, V l FERNANDEZ SINTEZ, I FINDLAY, G E FLÜGGE, W 393 287, 334, 386 390 165 64, 130, 166-168 283, 385, 390, 392 CHENG, E H CHERNINA, V S 164, 391 90, 105, 152, 335 336, 388, 390 CHERNYKH, K F FRIED, I 78, 151, 395 GALIMOV, K Z 65, 387 GEORGE, H H 161, 387 GEIER, Β GILROY, T 251, 259, 260, 393 160, 161, 387 66, 105, 152, 161 GOL'DENVEIZER, A L , , , , 6 335, 336, 388, 389 114, 120, 153, , 386, 387, 393 398 AUTHOR INDEX 167, GRIGOLJUK, E I GÜNTHER, W 65, 389 LANCZOS, C 130, 138, 357, LARDNER, T J LIBAi, A HABIP, L.M 152, 65, 151, 251, 252, 259, 165 HAMADA, M 288, 334, 335, 389, 390, 391 393, 394 66, 393 LIBRESCU, L 320, 392 LISOVSKIJ, A.S HARINGX, J A 335, 387 Liu REN-HUAI 336 HECK, 163, LOVE, A E H 65, 66, 385, 386 HEIN, J L 255, 394 LUR'E, A I HOFF, N.J 251, 389 O.S HOFFMANN, A HIBITT, H D HÜBNER, W HUNTER, 165 MASON, H 287, 387 165 MACNAUGHTON, J D 308, 389 MADSEN, 251, 389 165, 336, , A.R 168, , HUTCHINSON, J.W 56, 65, 67, 151, 386 390 W.A MEISSNER, Ε 151, 385 MISES, R V 167, MOORE, S.E IL'IN, VP 153, 163, 270, 390, 161, 165, 392, 394 MUSHTARI, K H M 65, 67, 385, 387 MURAKAMI, H IOKHELSON, J J 335, 391 ISKANDER, S.K 165, JAHNKE, E 100, NATARAJAN, R 165, 393 308, 310, 391 NORDELL, W J 168, , 66, 396 NAGHDI, P M JAIN, V K JENNINGS, F 288, 387 JOKODA, 335, 391 JONES, H NOVOZHILOV, 4, , 392, V.V 26, 45, 56, 58, 66, 121, 152, 153, 386, 387 161, JORDAN, P.F 283, 336, 380, 392 ODEN, J T 249, 394 OKISHEV, V.K KABANOV, 167, 5 , V.V 160, KAFKA, P.G A 165, 380, 391 KARDOS, G 287, 8 KARMAN, TH.V 152, 157, 159, KARL, H 152, 159, 160, KATSUHISA, F KEMPNER, J ÖRY, 320, 392 N.N 164 395 H 255, 394 KAHMER, H KALNINS, OMETOVA, 288, 390 PANOV, D J U 164, 387 RECKE, L REISSNER, H 288, 390 REISSNER, E KOITER, W T 4, 23, 25, 26, - 21, 396 151, 385 45, 65, 66, 87, 88, 104 151, 160-163, 176, 184, 151, 251, 253, 267, 388-392, KOSTOVETSKI, D L 167, 197, 8 , KRAUS, Η 390 KRUGLJAKOVA, V.l 392 KUEFE, C H , 262, 393 KURTSEVICH, G I 255, 393 211, RIMROTT, F P J 65, 386 386-395 308, 310, 390, 391, 393, 395 RODABAUGH, E C SAAL, Η SAGRAUSKE, W LAG ALLY, M 21, 65, 394 PURDUE, T E 255, 259, 260, 392, 394 KIYOSHI, A 386 PIETRASKIEWICZ, W SANDERS, J L 161, 165, 387, 394 255, 394 262, 393 66, 67, 389, 391 399 AUTHOR INDEX 391 TUEDA, M 160, 386 TUMARKIN, S A 335, 388 TURNER, C E 336, 388 USMANOV, J A 320, 392 25, 64, 130, 166, - , VASIL'EV, B N 288, 389, 390 259, 335, 389, 393 VASIL'EV, V V SAVKIN, N M SCHMIDT, R 21, 395 SCHNELL, W 153, 387 SCHWERIN, Ε 90, 385 SEAMAN, W J 161, 203, 392 SEGUCHI, S 335, 390, 391 SEIDE, R 4, 16, 23, 25, 65, 66, SIMMONDS, J G 151, 152, - 159, 163, 386, 387 VOLPE, V 255, 259, 260, 394 WAN, F Y N 90, 161, 203, 211, 391 SINTO, SOBEL, L H 335, 391 VIGNESS, I 165, 167, 168, 283, 390 SPENCE, J 163, 197, 241, 394 STAERMAN, I J 250, 386 STARNESS, J H 393 STEPHENS, W B 393 391, 392 166, 250, 251, WEINGARTEN, V l 259, 389 WEINITSCHKE, H J STUMPF, Η 21, 396 WHATHAM, J F SUHIR, E 66, 396 WILCZEK, E 165, - , 394, 395 395 63, 64, 120, 123, WLASSOW, W S TAKEZONO, S TENNYSON, R C 152, 153, 386 334, 389 251 259, 391 388 WOOD, J D 164, 391 WÖBBECKE, W THOMPSON, J J 165, 394 WUEST, W THOMSON, G 241, 394 WUNDERLICH, W THULOUP, M A 159, 385 THAILER, H T 287, 392 287, 288, 323, 387, 389 THURSTON, G A 163, 393 YAMAKI, N TIMOSHENKO, S R 328, 385 YONGSARPIGOON, L TOH, S L 163, 394 TREFFTZ, E 66, 386 163, 184, 389, 391 ZVER'KOV, G E 21, 396 253, 267, 395 78, 395 371 ... PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, N.Y 10017 U.S.A Library of Congress Cataloging -in- Publication Data Axelrad, E L (Ernest L ) , Theory of flexible shells (North- Holland series. .. and passing through M The reference surface is described in terms of the curvilinear coordinates ξ and η Each pair of values of ξ and η determines the position vector r(£, Ύ]) of a single point... scope of college mathematics 1.1 Coordinates A point of the shell (M in Fig 1) is defined by its distance ζ from the reference surface and by the coordinates of the point m of this surface, lying

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