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Incredible english 1 class book 2nd

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Author Soroh Phillips is on expert in CLIL (Content ond Longuoge Integroted Leorning) ond how the broin leorns "The more children interoct with the materials, the teacher and eoch other, the more theg will learn!' Wolk into on lltlCREDlBlE ENGIISH clossroom ond there is o bizz Uou could find children octing out o storg, using o Venn diogrom or finishing o project confidentlg in English The trusted methodologg is bosed on things thot children love Stories in everg unit pullthem into the new longuoge, ond songs, gomes, octing out ond croft octivities give their broins plentg of proctice The Activitg Book reollg mokes them think to help them remember more Chitdren olso love to leorn relevont things A colourful lesson in everg unit uses English os o vehicle to teoch other subjects where theg develop skitls needed os port of their generol educotion whilst improving their use of English Al[ levels hove on incredible ronge of support items to help children interoct with English in mong fun wogs This second edition gives the closs even more + + + + {E * Storter Level support for storgtelling reoding texts ond personolized writing tosks support for the Cqmbridge YLE Tests with o NEW testing progromme skills development qctivities for speoking ond writing grommor proctice ond longuoge support A new More More More More More { ffiwM ffiffiffiWffiffiffi W Closs Book '#k w ffi Longuoge summorU Hello, Mr Fixit! w The school show 11 iI#ffi mr The picnic 19 Me ond mg world & Revision 27 w !]lm wlw bs The tog cupboord 29 tr Puppets 37 At the form 45 Me ond mg world & Revision 53 w At the pork 55 i^6* ffi New clothes 63 ffi House qnd home 71 ffi w ty wffi Me ond mg world & Revision Festivqls Songs ond chonts CYL Stqrters proctice Soroh Phillips Kirstie Groinger Michoelo Morgon Morg Slotterg oxroRD IJNIVERSITY PRESS Hello Goodbge Bge What's gour name? I'm Mg fovourite colou r's , What colour is .? It's Chorocters: Fred Fto Titch Poppg Bing Mr Fixit Norton Animols: dog cot hen duck Colours: red blue green donkeg robbit Bobg onimols: fooI lomb gellow btock white oronge purple brown pink greg Numbers: How mang ? cow sheep goot to puppg kitten horse chick Other: form scoredof feed brush wotk stroke 12 Shopes: big smotl triongle squore rectongte circle Actions: run jump wotk hop Ican /Ican't flg ride o bike kick o botl ctimb How old are gou? I'm Fomilg members: Mum Dod Grondmo Grondpo brother Who's this? This is mg sister ount uncte cousin He People: mon womon girt bog Other: fomitg seot photo How old is he / she? tree juggte throw o frisbee Abitities: swim tolk drow reod write Other: gote exercise turn oround Hoppg birthdog! I'mwearing Clothes: dress T-shirt shorts trousers jumper skirt shoes socks hot jocket Well done! Can gou ? / She can Yes / No o picture I've got Please Thank gou /Thanks Pass me Foodonddrink oppte bonono oronge coke juice fizzgdrink biscuit sondwich goghurt chocotote bor sugor cereol bor corrot milk breod rotl Other: Iunch picnic noughtg swop cteon dirtg good bod Here you are! What have gou got? What's the weather like? It's Mg favourite! Weqther: hot cold windg roining ctoudg Other: clothes new poir of clown stomp slop top Ports of o house: living room Where's m9 ? It's here / It isn't here Put the awag! Togs: cor dott bott robot teddg troin bike ptone computer puppet Moteriols: ptostic wood metol He's / She's in the What colour is ? Can I help? kitchen bothroom bedroom hot[ goroge gorden Ploces in o town: house bus stop shop school pork Mg turn / Your turn fobric cinemo It's made of Other: shore ptog sing reod Other: woshing up tidging up cteoning up Portsofthebodg: heod bodg It's got orms legs honds feet fingers Where's the ? What colour toes have gou got? Portsof thefoce: foce hoir eues nose mouth eors Other: move puppet clop stretch touch red (hoir) btonde (hoir) ft Look ond sqU Listen qnd find r:'.',, Listen ond sou :.' 1.2 Wflfl# r# ffi{N#ffitu E Listen qnd point @,.' Hello, l'm Flo And l'm Poppy What's your name? Hello children Looh What's this? Mr Fixit's here It's my fixit kit HELLO, I'M TITCH! Find ond number So @ D Listen ogoin qnd oct @,' ffi,B ,&& Listen qnd find @ u Listen qnd repeot @., Listen ond follow Sqg the nqmes.@,, ffiffiL \ '.}, \ J miffi Listen ogoin ond repeot J_H XK %wffi* $ Whqt's your nome? I,m Fred \ Listen qnd sing @ r:+ Line up now SoU goodbUe! ,i:t:::' &tt B'I If L11 {'I ffiiE- '? took ond sog ,::::t] o big circle 'i" ri::i .::r ii::r _ - Listen qnd find Count qnd squ l$i '',' ' ::,, s smol[ circle o smolt squore o big triongle r rii _.ir.,r:ry -* o srnolltriongle o big rectongle o smqll rectongle m, xrl***&r: \uw$t*st1 Listen qnd find @*s Listen, find qnd sog the nomes @nt Unit Poge Poge @,, - Stond up, Fred, @ tt Stond up, Flo, Stond up, Bing The curtoins ot the show go swish swish, Swish swish, swish swish The curtoins ot the show go swish swish, Atlnight long OK! Stond up, Poppg, The Mums ot the sl'row ollclop their honds, Stond up, Titch, Clop their honds, clop their honds Now let me heor Uou sog hello! The Mums ot the show ollclop their honds, Allnight long Listen children, stond up now Poge @ tt,r The Dods ot the show sog Good [uck, kids! Stond up now stond up now, Good luck, kids! Good [uck, kids! Listen children, stond up nory The Dods ot the show sog Good [uck, kids! Are gou reodg? Shh shh Allnight tong Listen children, sit down now The uncles ot the show sog Welldone, kids! Sit down now, sit down nory Well done, kids! Welt done, kids! Listen children, sit down now, The uncles ot the show sog Welldone, kids! Are gou reodg? Shh shh Allnight tong Listen children, line up now, The ounts ot the show sog Verg good! Line up now,line up now Verg good! Verg good! Listen children, [ine up now, The ounts ot the show sog Verg good! Are gou reodg? Shh shh Atlnight long Listen children, sog goodbge, The curtoins ot the show go swish swish, Sog goodbue, soU goodbge, Swish swish, swish swish Listen children, sog goodbge, The curtoins ot the show go swish swish, Are gou reodg? Shh shh Attnight tong Unit Poge @ tzt Aunt ond uncle, ount ond uncle, Dod ond Mum, Dod ond Mum, Brother, sister, cousi n, Brother, sister, cousin, In row one, in row one Unit Poge 19 Apples, opples, @ 1.42 luice ond goghurt, juice ond goghurt, Biscuits ond cokes, biscuits ond cokes, Oronges ond chocolote bors, Oronges ond chocolote bors, Fizzg drinks,fizzg drinks, fizzg drinks, Whoosh! Poge 23 @ r.st Time for teo, time for teo, Wosh gour honds, it's time for teo Poge 33 @ z.to Come ond shore o tog with me, Come ond shore o tog with me I've got o sondwich,l've got juice I've got on opple ond q chocolote mousse! Your turn, mU turn, Show me Uour honds now Whot dirtg honds! Come ond sing o song with me, Show me Uour honds now Whot dirtg honds! Your turn, mU turn, Time for teo, time for teo, Come ond reod o book with me, Wosh gour honds, it's time for teo Come ond reod o book with me I've got o sondwich,I've got juice Your turn, mg turn, I've got on opple ond o chocolote mousse! Come ond reod o book with me Show me Uour honds now Whot cleon honds! Come ond plog o gome with me, Show me Uour honds now Your turn, mU turn, Whot cleon honds! Come ond plog o gome with me Come ond shore o tog with me Come ond sing q song with me Come ond sing o song with me Come ond plog o gome with me Time for teo, time for teo, Come ond eot, it's time for teo! Unit Poge 29 Do[[, robot, cor ond troin, cor ond troin, @,, Do[[, robot, cor ond troin, cor ond troin, bo[[ond teddg ond plone, Doll, robot, cor ond troin, cor ond troin Bike ond Unit Poge 37 Fingers, honds, keep moving, @xe Fingers, honds, keep moving, Fingers, honds, keep moving, We're puppets in o show! Fingers, honds, feet, keep moving, Fingers, honds, feet, keep moving, Fingers, honds, feet, keep moving, We're puppets in o show! Fingers, honds, feet, heod, keep moving, Fingers, honds, feet, heod, keep moving, Fingers, honds, feet, heod, keep moving, We're puppets in q show! Poge 41 @ z.zs Clop gour honds, Stretch up high ond touch the skg, I've got o quock ond o cluck on mU form, I've got o quock ond o cluck on mU form, I've got o quock ond o cluck on mU form, And clop gour honds And I've got on ee-ow Clop gour honds, Clop in twos, Clop in twos, Stetch up high ond touch the skg, Poge 49 @2.rc I've got o dog,I've got o dog, Come here, good bog, And clop in twos I've got o dog Clop in fours, Let's feed the dog, let's feed the dog, Clop in fours, Come here, good bog, Stretch up high ond touch the skg, Let's feed the dog And ctop in fours Let's brush the dog, let's brush the dog, Come here, good bog, Unit Poge 45 @ zsz Let's brush the dog I've got o cow ond o sheep on mU form, I've got o cow ond o sheep on mU form, Let's wolk the dog, [et's wolk the dog, Come here, good bog, I've got o cow ond o sheep on mU form, Let's wolk the dog And I've got o donkeg Let's stroke the dog, let's stroke the dog, I've got o dog ond o cot on mg form, Come here, good bog, I've got o dog ond o cot on mg form, Lett str:oke the dog I've got o dog ond o cot on mg form, And I've got o donkeg I've got o duck ond o hen on mg form, I've got o duck ond o hen on mg form, I've got o duck ond o hen on mg form, Unit Poge 55 Hop, hop, hop Hop, hop, hop! @ 2.s1 One, two, three Look Run, run, run Run, run, run! And I've got o donkeg One, two, three Look Poge 45 @z.at I've got o moo ond o boo on mg form, I've got o moo ond o boo on mg form, I've got o moo ond o boo on mg form, And I've got on ee-ow I've got o woof ond o mioow on mg form, I've got o woof ond o mioow on mU form, I've got o woof ond o mioow on mU form, And I've got on ee-ow of me! of me! Jump, jump, jump Jump, jump, jump! One, two, three Look ot me! Flg, flg, ftg Flg, flg, flg! One, two, three Look of me! Stop now pleose Stop now pleose! Three, two, one Thot wos fun! Poge 59 Exercise is lots of fun, @,u, You wolk or Uou run Kick o bo[[, climb o tree, Unit Poge 71 @ 3.17 Knock, knock, knock, Jump, jump, jump, up ond down! Look inside Touch gour toes ond turn oround! Bothroom, bedroom, kitchen, where? Jump, jump, jump, up ond down! Living room, goroge Exercise is lots of fun, Poge 75 E:\ ry4 3.24 You wolk or Uou run You're in there! We're in the kitchen, woshing up, We're in the kitchen, woshing up, We're in the kitchen, woshing up, Kick o boll, climb o tree, Woshing up together! Ride o bike or hop like me! We're in the bedroom, tidging up, We're in the bedroom, tidging up, Unit @', Run ond hide Ride o bike or hop [ike me! Touch Uour toes ond turn oround! Poge 63 Knock, knock, knock, We're in the bedroom, tidging up, I've got shoes ond socks, Tidging up together! I've got trousers too, Jumper, hot, skirt ond dress, We're in the bothroom, cleoning up, Clothes for me ond gou We're in the bothroom, cleoning up, We're in the bothroom, cleoning up, Poge 6V a\ @ 3.10 Cleoning up together! Stomp gour feet, stomp gour teet, Evergthing is tidg We plog! If gou're weoring something BLUEI If gou're weoring something blue Evergthing is tidg We plog! Evergthing is tidg We plogl Clop gour honds, clop gour honds, We plog together! If gou're weoring something RED! If gou're weoring something red Foge 82 Slop gour legs, slop gour [egs, If gou're weoring something GREEN! If gou're weoring something green Top gour nose, top Uour nose, If gou're weoring something BLACK! If gou're weoring something btock @z.ts Stors ond bells, stors ond bells, Robins ond o tree Here's o cord on Christmos Dog, With love to Uou from me! Oh! Stors ond be[[s, stors ond bells, Robins ond o tree Here's o cord on Christmos Dog, With love to Uou from me! Let's proctise! Look, read and circl.e There is one exompte I a sq uare triangle a ctrcLe an orange a goghurt o woman o mcn a cake a sandwlch o biscult a Jlzzg drink an appl.e a carrot o man a gtrl a bog a ba'nana a gtrL 5 @rE, ry Reoding &Writing Look and reod PutaV) or a cross There are two exomp [es U) ln the box Exomples I hr.s r.s o trtangLe This is o Jizzg drink Questions ff This is a glrl" This is an appl,e * This is a banana This is a Uoghurt This is a womon Let's prqctise! I Llsten and wrlte the numbers There is one exampl.e @,.,, Listen ond cotour There is one exampte @*, oa Listening Llsten and coto ur There [s one exo.mpLe @r.oo f-\-l -f.a ffi 'lrI'lli:r::,lr::l'l r : i 1., 'r i: ii ';rli r'lli:ll ill rirtl ',',-,.,i riiljiljtiil i: I I iilr rl il-.i!:' : :.1 L Let'sprqctise! [sten and point to the thtngs [n the picture @t.ot t;1.:lt)!'!l ,r Look, [[sten and onswer There i,s one examp[e 5 @2,,2 (Tr _ -rL- ffispeoking Llsten and polnt to the things in the picture !.'il'* -1 Polnt to the things in the picture Ask and Let's proctise! Look Look at the pictures and read the words ot the letters Drow [ines There is one exampl,e shoes ffw _,vv? seh , Jump er && t so ) L-\ -,vY,pJe \)L t mru \^r ssd , t -YY- dress socks t er ) \^r r Look at the piqtures Look ot the Ietters Comptete the words There ls o ne exampl,e h ou _,>,^/\

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2018, 10:27