The rich area of text analytics draws ideas from information retrieval, machine learning, and natural language processing. Each of these areas is an active and vibrant field in its own right, and numerous books have been written in each of these different areas. As a result, many of these books have covered some aspects of text analytics, but they have not covered all the areas that a book on learning from text is expected to cover. At this point, a need exists for a focussed book on machine learning from text. This book is a first attempt to integrate all the complexities in the areas of machine learning, information retrieval, and natural language processing in a holistic way, in order to create a coherent and integrated book in the area. Therefore, the chapters are divided into three categories: 1. Fundamental algorithms and models: Many fundamental applications in text analytics, such as matrix factorization, clustering, and classification, have uses in domains beyond text. Nevertheless, these methods need to be tailored to the specialized characteristics of text. Chapters 1 through 8 will discuss core analytical methods in the context of machine learning from text. 2. Information retrieval and ranking: Many aspects of information retrieval and ranking are closely related to text analytics. For example, ranking SVMs and linkbased ranking are often used for learning from text. Chapter 9 will provide an overview of information retrieval methods from the point of view of text mining. 3. Sequence and natural languagecentric text mining: Although multidimensional representations can be used for basic applications in text analytics, the true richness of the text representation can be leveraged by treating text as sequences. Chapters 10 through 14 will discuss these advanced topics like sequence embedding, deep learning, information extraction, summarization, opinion mining, text segmentation, and event extraction. Because of the diversity of topics covered in this book, some careful decisions have been made on the scope of coverage. A complicating factor is that many machine learning techniques viiviii PREFACE depend on the use of basic natural language processing and information retrieval methodologies. This is particularly true of the sequencecentric approaches discussed in Chaps. 10 through 14 that are more closely related to natural language processing. Examples of analytical methods that rely on natural language processing include information extraction, event extraction, opinion mining, and text summarization, which frequently leverage basic natural language processing tools like linguistic parsing or partofspeech tagging. Needless to say, natural language processing is a full fledged field in its own right (with excellent books dedicated to it). Therefore, a question arises on how much discussion should be provided on techniques that lie on the interface of natural language processing and text mining without deviating from the primary scope of this book. Our general principle in making these choices has been to focus on mining and machine learning aspects. If a specific natural language or information retrieval method (e.g., partofspeech tagging) is not directly about text analytics, we have illustrated how to use such techniques (as blackboxes) rather than discussing the internal algorithmic details of these methods. Basic techniques like partofspeech tagging have matured in algorithmic development, and have been commoditized to the extent that many opensource tools are available with little difference in relative performance. Therefore, we only provide working definitions of such concepts in the book, and the primary focus will be on their utility as offtheshelf tools in miningcentric settings. The book provides pointers to the relevant books and opensource software in each chapter in order to enable additional help to the student and practitioner. The book is written for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners. The exposition has been simplified to a large extent, so that a graduate student with a reasonable understanding of linear algebra and probability theory can understand the book easily. Numerous exercises are available along with a solution manual to aid in classroom teaching. Throughout this book, a vector or a multidimensional data point is annotated with a bar, such as X or y. A vector or multidimensional point may be denoted by either small letters or capital letters, as long as it has a bar. Vector dot products are denoted by centered dots, such as X · Y . A matrix is denoted in capital letters without a bar, such as R. Throughout the book, the n × d documentterm matrix is denoted by D, with n documents and d dimensions. The individual documents in D are therefore represented as ddimensional row vectors, which are the bagofwords representations. On the other hand, vectors with one component for each data point are usually ndimensional column vectors. An example is the ndimensional column vector y of class variables of n data points.
Charu C Aggarwal Machine Learning for Text Machine Learning for Text Charu C Aggarwal Machine Learning for Text 123 Charu C Aggarwal IBM T J Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY, USA ISBN 978-3-319-73530-6 ISBN 978-3-319-73531-3 (eBook) Library of Congress Control Number: 2018932755 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations Printed on acid-free paper This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer International Publishing AG part of Springer Nature The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland To my wife Lata, my daughter Sayani, and my late parents Dr Prem Sarup and Mrs Pushplata Aggarwal Preface “ If it is true that there is always more than one way of construing a text, it is not true that all interpretations are equal.” – Paul Ricoeur The rich area of text analytics draws ideas from information retrieval, machine learning, and natural language processing Each of these areas is an active and vibrant field in its own right, and numerous books have been written in each of these different areas As a result, many of these books have covered some aspects of text analytics, but they have not covered all the areas that a book on learning from text is expected to cover At this point, a need exists for a focussed book on machine learning from text This book is a first attempt to integrate all the complexities in the areas of machine learning, information retrieval, and natural language processing in a holistic way, in order to create a coherent and integrated book in the area Therefore, the chapters are divided into three categories: Fundamental algorithms and models: Many fundamental applications in text analytics, such as matrix factorization, clustering, and classification, have uses in domains beyond text Nevertheless, these methods need to be tailored to the specialized characteristics of text Chapters through will discuss core analytical methods in the context of machine learning from text Information retrieval and ranking: Many aspects of information retrieval and ranking are closely related to text analytics For example, ranking SVMs and link-based ranking are often used for learning from text Chapter will provide an overview of information retrieval methods from the point of view of text mining Sequence- and natural language-centric text mining: Although multidimensional representations can be used for basic applications in text analytics, the true richness of the text representation can be leveraged by treating text as sequences Chapters 10 through 14 will discuss these advanced topics like sequence embedding, deep learning, information extraction, summarization, opinion mining, text segmentation, and event extraction Because of the diversity of topics covered in this book, some careful decisions have been made on the scope of coverage A complicating factor is that many machine learning techniques vii viii PREFACE depend on the use of basic natural language processing and information retrieval methodologies This is particularly true of the sequence-centric approaches discussed in Chaps 10 through 14 that are more closely related to natural language processing Examples of analytical methods that rely on natural language processing include information extraction, event extraction, opinion mining, and text summarization, which frequently leverage basic natural language processing tools like linguistic parsing or part-of-speech tagging Needless to say, natural language processing is a full fledged field in its own right (with excellent books dedicated to it) Therefore, a question arises on how much discussion should be provided on techniques that lie on the interface of natural language processing and text mining without deviating from the primary scope of this book Our general principle in making these choices has been to focus on mining and machine learning aspects If a specific natural language or information retrieval method (e.g., part-of-speech tagging) is not directly about text analytics, we have illustrated how to use such techniques (as black-boxes) rather than discussing the internal algorithmic details of these methods Basic techniques like partof-speech tagging have matured in algorithmic development, and have been commoditized to the extent that many open-source tools are available with little difference in relative performance Therefore, we only provide working definitions of such concepts in the book, and the primary focus will be on their utility as off-the-shelf tools in mining-centric settings The book provides pointers to the relevant books and open-source software in each chapter in order to enable additional help to the student and practitioner The book is written for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners The exposition has been simplified to a large extent, so that a graduate student with a reasonable understanding of linear algebra and probability theory can understand the book easily Numerous exercises are available along with a solution manual to aid in classroom teaching Throughout this book, a vector or a multidimensional data point is annotated with a bar, such as X or y A vector or multidimensional point may be denoted by either small letters or capital letters, as long as it has a bar Vector dot products are denoted by centered dots, such as X · Y A matrix is denoted in capital letters without a bar, such as R Throughout the book, the n × d document-term matrix is denoted by D, with n documents and d dimensions The individual documents in D are therefore represented as d-dimensional row vectors, which are the bag-of-words representations On the other hand, vectors with one component for each data point are usually n-dimensional column vectors An example is the n-dimensional column vector y of class variables of n data points Yorktown Heights, NY, USA Charu C Aggarwal Acknowledgments I would like to thank my family including my wife, daughter, and my parents for their love and support I would also like to thank my manager Nagui Halim for his support during the writing of this book This book has benefitted from significant feedback and several collaborations that i have had with numerous colleagues over the years I would like to thank Quoc Le, ChihJen Lin, Chandan Reddy, Saket Sathe, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Jiliang Tang, Suhang Wang, and ChengXiang Zhai for their feedback on various portions of this book and for answering specific queries on technical matters I would particularly like to thank Saket Sathe for commenting on several portions, and also for providing some sample output from a neural network to use in the book For their collaborations, I would like to thank Tarek F Abdelzaher, Jing Gao, Quanquan Gu, Manish Gupta, Jiawei Han, Alexander Hinneburg, Thomas Huang, Nan Li, Huan Liu, Ruoming Jin, Daniel Keim, Arijit Khan, Latifur Khan, Mohammad M Masud, Jian Pei, Magda Procopiuc, Guojun Qi, Chandan Reddy, Saket Sathe, Jaideep Srivastava, Karthik Subbian, Yizhou Sun, Jiliang Tang, Min-Hsuan Tsai, Haixun Wang, Jianyong Wang, Min Wang, Suhang Wang, Joel Wolf, Xifeng Yan, Mohammed Zaki, ChengXiang Zhai, and Peixiang Zhao I would particularly like to thank Professor ChengXiang Zhai for my earlier collaborations with him in text mining I would also like to thank my advisor James B Orlin for his guidance during my early years as a researcher Finally, I would like to thank Lata Aggarwal for helping me with some of the figures created using PowerPoint graphics in this book ix Contents Machine Learning for Text: An Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Chapter Organization 1.2 What Is Special About Learning from Text? 1.3 Analytical Models for Text 1.3.1 Text Preprocessing and Similarity Computation 1.3.2 Dimensionality Reduction and Matrix Factorization 1.3.3 Text Clustering Deterministic and Probabilistic Matrix Factorization Methods Probabilistic Mixture Models of Documents Similarity-Based Algorithms Advanced Methods 1.3.4 Text Classification and Regression Modeling Decision Trees Rule-Based Classifiers Naăve Bayes Classier Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Linear Classifiers Broader Topics in Classification 1.3.5 Joint Analysis of Text with Heterogeneous Data 1.3.6 Information Retrieval and Web Search 1.3.7 Sequential Language Modeling and Embeddings 1.3.8 Text Summarization 1.3.9 Information Extraction 1.3.10 Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis 1.3.11 Text Segmentation and Event Detection 1.4 Summary 1.5 Bibliographic Notes 1.5.1 Software Resources 1.6 Exercises 1 3 8 9 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 xi CONTENTS xii Text Preparation and Similarity Computation 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Chapter Organization 2.2 Raw Text Extraction and Tokenization 2.2.1 Web-Specific Issues in Text Extraction 2.3 Extracting Terms from Tokens 2.3.1 Stop-Word Removal 2.3.2 Hyphens 2.3.3 Case Folding 2.3.4 Usage-Based Consolidation 2.3.5 Stemming 2.4 Vector Space Representation and Normalization 2.5 Similarity Computation in Text 2.5.1 Is idf Normalization and Stemming Always 2.6 Summary 2.7 Bibliographic Notes 2.7.1 Software Resources 2.8 Exercises Useful? Matrix Factorization and Topic Modeling 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Chapter Organization 3.1.2 Normalizing a Two-Way Factorization into a Standardized Three-Way Factorization 3.2 Singular Value Decomposition 3.2.1 Example of SVD 3.2.2 The Power Method of Implementing SVD 3.2.3 Applications of SVD/LSA 3.2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of SVD/LSA 3.3 Nonnegative Matrix Factorization 3.3.1 Interpretability of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization 3.3.2 Example of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization 3.3.3 Folding in New Documents 3.3.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization 3.4 Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis 3.4.1 Connections with Nonnegative Matrix Factorization 3.4.2 Comparison with SVD 3.4.3 Example of PLSA 3.4.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of PLSA 3.5 A Bird’s Eye View of Latent Dirichlet Allocation 3.5.1 Simplified LDA Model 3.5.2 Smoothed LDA Model 3.6 Nonlinear Transformations and Feature Engineering 3.6.1 Choosing a Similarity Function Traditional Kernel 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[611] [612]∼liub/FBS/sentiment-analysis.html [613] TextTilingTokenizer [614] [615] [616] [617] [618] [619] [620] Index Symbols L1 -Regularization, 169 L2 -Regularization, 165 χ2 -statistic, 120 k-Means, 88 n-Grams, 62, 308 A Abstractive Summarization, 361, 362, 377 Accumulators, 268 AdaBoost, 220 Apache OpenNLP, 20 ASCII, 18 Associative Classifiers, 151 Authorities, 300 B Backpropagation through Time, 344 Bag-of-Words Kernel, 62 Bag-of-Words Model, 24 Bagging, 138 Bayes optimal error rate, 134 Bernoulli Model (Classification), 123 Bernoulli Model (Clustering), 84 Bias Neuron, 322 Bidirectional Recurrent Networks, 354 Binary Independence Model, 281 BM25 Model, 283 Boolean Retrieval, 266 Boosting, 220 Bootstrapping (IE), 410 Bottom-Up Hierarchical Clustering, 92 BPTT, 344 Buckshot, 96 C C99, 438 CBOW Model, 331 Champion Lists, 277 Character Encoding, 18 Classification, 10 Classifier Evaluation, 209 Cluster Digest, 90, 137 Cluster Purity, 106 Clustering, 8, 73 Clustering Evaluation, 105 Co-clustering, 82 Co-reference Resolution, 381 Coefficient of Determination, 225 Collective Topic Modeling, 252 Compression, 278 Conditional Entropy, 107, 119 Conditional Random Fields, 397 Conjugate Prior, 53 Constituency-Based Parse Tree, 385 Continuous Bag-of-Words Model, 331 Convolutional Neural Network, 347 Corpus, Cosine Similarity, 7, 27 Cross-Lingual Text Mining, 248 Cross-Validation, 224 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 C C Aggarwal, Machine Learning for Text, 489 INDEX 490 D d-Gaps, 279 Damping Functions, 25, 316 DCG, 231 Decision Boundary, 116 Decision Trees, 11, 142 Deductive Learner, 116 Deep Learning, 321 Delta Encoding, 279 Dendrogram, 94 Dependency Graphs, 403 Dependent Variable, 11 Determiner, 384 Dimensionality Reduction, 7, 31 Dirichlet distribution, 53 Distance Graph, 319 Distant Supervision, 410 Distributional Semantic Models, 312 Doc2vec, 70, 77, 79, 99, 341 Document Parsing, 19 Document-at-a-time Query Processing, 268 Document-Term Matrix, DT-min10 Algorithm, 153 E Elastic Net, 170 Embedded Feature Selection, 118, 122, 170 Embedding, 57 Energy of a Matrix, 33 Entropy, 107, 119 Euclidean Distance, 26 Event Detection, 15, 445 External Validity Measures, 105 Extractive Summarization, 361, 362 F Feature Engineering, 32, 57, 77 Feature Selection, 75 Feature Weighting, 75 Filter Models (Feature Selection), 76, 118 First Story Detection, 444 Fisher’s Linear Discriminant, 123, 170 Focussed Crawling, 290 FOIL, 149 FOIL’s Information Gain, 149 Fowlkes-Mallows Measure, 108 Fractionation, 96 Frobenius Norm, 33 G Gaussian Radial Basis Kernel, 59, 194 Gazetteer, 386 Generalization Power, 115 Generative Models, Gini Index, 107, 118 GloVe, 316 Graph-Based Summarization, 372 H HAL, 314 Headline Generation, 378 Hidden Variable, 46 Hierarchical Clustering, 92 HITS, 300 Hold-Out, 223 HTTP, 287 Hubs, 300 Hypertext Transfer Protocol, 287 I IDCG, 232 Ideal Discounted Cumulative Gain, 232 Image Captioning, 347 Independent Variables, 11 Index Compression, 278 Inductive Learner, 116 Information Extraction, 14, 381 Information Fusion for Summarization, 378 Information Gain, 108, 120 Information Retrieval, 259 Instance-Based Learners, 12, 133 Internal Validity Measures, 105 Inverse Document Frequency, 25 Inverted Index, 133, 263 ISOMAP, 70 J Jaccard Similarity, 28 Jelinek-Mercer Smoothing, 286 K Kernel Kernel Kernel Kernel k-Means, 99 Methods, 59, 313 Regression, 168 Trick, 100 INDEX L Labels in Classification, 10 Language Models in Information Retrieval, 285 LASSO, 12, 169 Latent Concepts, 32 Latent Semantic Analysis, 35 Latent Topics, 32 Lazy Learners, 12, 133 Learning Algorithm, Least Angle Regression, 170 Least-Squares Regression, 165 Leave-one-out, 133 Leave-one-out Cross-validation, 224 Left Eigenvector, 298 Left Singular Vectors, 36 Lemmatization, 24 Lexical Chains for Summarization, 371 Lexicon, LexRank, 373 libFM, 252 LIBLINEAR, 204 LIBSVM, 204 Linear Classifiers, 12, 159 Linear Discriminant Analysis Metric, 141 Linear Kernel, 59, 194 Linear Least-Squares Fit, 175 Linear Probing, 262 Link Prediction, 243 LLE, 70 LLSF, 175 Local Linear Embedding, 70 Logarithmic Merging, 293 Logistic Regression, 12, 187 Loss Function, 12, 163 Low-Rank Factorization, 31 Luhn’s Summarization Algorithm, 364 M Machine Translation, 348 MALLET, 71, 154, 205, 410, 451 Matrix Factorization, 7, 31 Maximum Entropy Markov Models, 396 Maximum Entropy Model, 192 Memory Networks, 351 Memory-Based Learners, 12, 133 Mixed Membership Models, 74, 79 Multiclass Learning with Linear Models, 163 MultiGen, 378 491 Multilayer Neural Network, 326 Multinomial Model (Classification), 126 Multinomial Model (Clustering), 86 Mutual Information, 108, 120 N Naăve Bayes Classier, 11, 123 Named Entity Recognition, 386 NDCG, 232 Near Duplicate Detection, 291 Nearest Centroid Classification, 136 Nearest Neighbor Classifiers, 12, 133 Neural Language Models, 320 Neural Networks, 320 Noise Contrastive Estimation, 337 Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction, 56 Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain, 232 Normalized Mutual Information, 108 Nymble, 392 Nystră om Technique, 66 O Okapi Model, 283 One-Against-All Multiclass Learning, 164 One-Against-One Multiclass Learning, 164 One-Against-Rest Multiclass Learning, 164 Open Domain Event Extraction, 449 Open Information Extraction, 410 Opinion Lexicon, 415 Opinion Lexicon Expansion, 415 Opinion Mining, 413 opinion Mining, 14 Overlapping Clusters, 79 P PageRank, 288, 295 PageRank Algorithm, 13 PageRank for Summarization, 373 Parsing in Linguistics, 385 Parts-of-Speech Tagging, 384 Pegasos, 181 Perceptron, 320, 321 Pessimistic Error Rate, 150 Plate Diagram, 47 Pointwise Mutual Information, 119, 421 Polynomial Kernel, 59, 194 Porter’s Stemming Algorithm, 24 Positive Pointwise Mutual Information, 317 INDEX 492 Power-Iteration Method, 298 PPMI, 317 PPMI Matrix Factorization, 317 Preferential Crawlers, 287 Principal Component Analysis, 168 Principal Components Regression, 167 Q Query Likelihood Models, 285 Question Answering, 350 R Rand Index, 108 Random Forests, 142, 146 Random Walks, 295 Ranking Algorithms, 295 Ranking Outputs in Classification, 127 Ranking Support Vector Machines, 274 Recommender Systems, 246 Recurrent Neural Networks, 342 Regressand, 11 Regression Modeling, 10, 115 Regressor, 11 Regularized Least-Squares Classification, 175 Representer Theorem, 200 Residual Matrix (Factorization), 35 Retrieval Status Value, 282 Right Eigenvector, 298 Right Singular Vectors, 36 RNN, 342 Rocchio Classification, 136 Rotation Forest, 123, 147 Rule-Based Classifiers, 11, 147 Rule-Based Named Entity Recognition, 387 S Search Engines, 259 Segmentation of Text, 436 Semi-supervised Learner, 116 Sentence Compression, 378 Sentiment Analysis, 14, 413 Sequence-to-Sequence Learning, 348 Sequential Minimal Optimization, 185 SGNS, 338 Shingling, 291 Short Text Mining, 13 Sigmoid Kernel, 59, 194 Similarity Computation, 6, 26 Similarity Forests, 145, 146 SimRank, 299 Singular Value Decomposition, 7, 35 Skip Pointers, 276 Skip-Grams, 62, 310 SMO, 185 Social Streams, 447 Softmax, 192, 325 Sparse Coding, Spectral Clustering, 102 Spectral Decomposition of SVD, 37 Spider Traps, 290 Spiders, 287 SPPMI Matrix Factorization, 318 Stacking, 98 Stemming, 23 Stop Words, 6, 17, 22 Streaming Clustering, 443 String Subsequence Kernels, 62 Subsampling, 66, 138 Suffix Stripping, 24 Summarization (Text), 361 Supervised Learning, 10 Supervised Segmentation, 439, 441 Support Vector Machines, 12, 177 Support Vectors, 180 SVDPACK, 70 SVM, 12, 177 SVMPerf, 185 Synsets, 370 T Tag Trees, 21 Taxonomy, 73 Tempex, 449 Term Frequency, 25 Term Strength, 75 Term-at-a-time Query Processing, 268 Test Data Set, 10 Testing, 115 Text Segmentation, 15 TextRank for Summarization, 379 TextTiling, 437 tf-idf Model, 24 Tiered Indexes, 277 Tikhonov Regularization, 12, 165 INDEX Token, 19 Tokenization, 6, 19 Topic Detection and Tracking, 436 Topic Modeling, 32 Topic Signatures, 366 Topic-Sensitive PageRank, 298 Topical Crawling, 290 Training, 10, 115 Transductive Learner, 116 Tri-factorization, 81 Truecasing, 23 U Unconstrained Matrix Factorization, 35 Unicode, 19 Unigram Language Model, 285 Universal Crawlers, 287 Unsupervised Information Extraction, 410 Unsupervised Learning, UTF-8, 19 493 V Valence Shifter, 419 Vapnik’s Principle, 132 Variable Byte Codes, 279 Vector Space Representation, 18, 24 Visible Markov Models, 310 Viterbi Algorithm, 395 W Web Crawling, 287 Web Resource Discovery, 287 Weston-Watkins Multi-Class SVM, 164, 192 WHISK, 389 Widrow-Hoff Learning, 176 Word2vec, 70, 77, 79, 99, 331 WordNet, 79, 370 Wrapper Models (Feature Selection), 76, 118 Z Zoned Scoring, 272 ... Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 C C Aggarwal, Machine Learning for Text, 1 CHAPTER MACHINE LEARNING FOR TEXT: AN INTRODUCTION applications,.. .Machine Learning for Text Charu C Aggarwal Machine Learning for Text 123 Charu C Aggarwal IBM T J Watson Research Center Yorktown... characteristics of text Chapters through will discuss core analytical methods in the context of machine learning from text Information retrieval and ranking: Many aspects of information retrieval