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Class 11 and class 12 reference 1 from recipient to donor japan s official aid flows, 1945 to 1990 and beyond(1)

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ESSAYS IN INTERNA■ ■ONAL FINANCE No.196,Ma℃h1995 FROM RECIPIENT TO]DONOR:JAPAN'S OFFICIAL AID FLOヽ VS,1945T01990 AND BEYOND ͡ SHINJI TAKACI ͡ INTERNAT10NAL FINANCE SECT10N DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS PRINCETON UNIVERSI■ ■ PRINCETON,NEVν JERSEY ESSAYS IN INTERNAT10NAL FINANCE EssAys rN IMTERNATToNAL FTNANCE are published by the Intemational Fiaance Section of the Deparhnent of Econourics of Princetotr University The Section sponsors this series of pub)ications, but the opiaions expressed are those of the authors The Section welcomes tle submission of manuscripts for publication in this and its other series Please see the Notice to Conkibutors at the back of tlis Essay The auttror of ttris Essay, Shinji Talagi, is Professor of Economics at the Unive$ity of Osaka He has also served on the staff of the Intemational Mouetary Fund and as a seEior ecoDomist at the Japaaese Mlnistry of Finance Professor Takagi's publications iaclude nuraerous articles a:rd several books, the most recent of wlich is lapanese Capito) Markas (1993) PETER B KENEN, Director Internatiannl Finanoe Section INTERNATIONAL FINANCE SECTION EDITORIAL STAFF Peter〕B.Kenen,DirOσ `Or Marg″ et B.Riccardl,E占 めr Li■ an SPals,Eあ っ″ A,bレ `ο Lahtha H.Chandra,Subsc,ρ ′‐ヽ "ο '"ι 'ど 0´d`1■ Libraγ oF(α ,ngr“ Catab」 ュg‐ in‐ Publca● on Data Taka」 ,Shln,1 From“ oPiei toおnon JT霞 ヽ omO」 da nows,1%501"O md腱yond p cn._ (Essり s in intena● on』 142X,no.lC6) Indu“ s bibLoFaplucal reL“ n∝ s.'nance,ISSN 0071‐ ISBN O‐ 88165‐ 103-6(Pbk):38.00 1.E∞ nomc 6slstan∝ ,Japanes― Devel"ng∞ Imtnes Hヽ toγ -20tll∝ nhヮ 2.Intema● on』 anan∝ 3.EcOnOmic 6● まancc.JaPan― H燎o,一 カ 慟 centu7 4.J叩 躙 一 Econonuc conaions-1鱒 5_1.Ti山 H.Scncs HC136.P7nO.196 HCα )] 〔 332.042s― ― dc20 338.9r520172090451 〔 954442 CIP Copyrght @ ͡ 1995 by lfltenationol Finonce Section, Depdnnent of Econa cs, Princatcm Unilxtsity All rights reseryed Except for brief quotetions embodied in critical articles and reviews, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by sny means, including photoclpy, witlout written permission from the publisher Printed in tlre United States of Amedca by Princeton University Printing Services at Princeton, New Jersey Internatlond Standard Send Numberi 0071-142X Interlatloni Standard Book Nulllberi O-88165‐ 103‐ Lbralッ oF Congress Cェ alog Crd Number:95‐ 4`“ ー ー CONTENTS I rNTRoDUcrroN ^N orERvrEw op JAPAN As ,A.N JAPANESE ArD Flows, 1945-1990 ,r.tD RECIPIENT Ecoaomic Assistance duriog the Immediate Postwar Period Official loaas ia the 1950s aud 1960s JAIAN BEcoMEs A DoNoB Reparatioas and Quasi Reparatious Techoical Assistance Offrcial toans J^!AN As A M.A.JoR DoNoR Japaa as a Developed Country l4 The Erpansion of Foreign Aid from 1965 to 1990 t5 Multilateral Assistance 18 rNsrrrurroNAl AND euALrr^TnE ,A.spEcrs oF JAPANESE AtD The Major Institutions The Funding of Foreign Aid Characteristics of Japauese Officlal Developrnent Assistance 2l 2l IssuEs AND PRoSPECTS Japan's A.id Philosophy Motives for Giving Aid Fiscal Austerity and the Staff Shortage The Outlook 14 Zs 25 28 28 29 31 coNCLUSToN 34 REFERENCES 35 FICURES んd Flows,1945-1970 JaP帥 'sO■ ci」 んd Flows,1971-1990 ︵、 ︶    ら、 ︶ l Jar)m's Offlci」 、︶ TABLES I U.S Assistaace to Japan under GARiOA and EROA, 1946- 1951 Ofiicial loans to Japan, 1953-i970 Japan's Reparations and QuasiReparations Payments Japan's Offtcial Loans to Developing Countries, 1958-1965 11 (Contractual Basis) 14 Japan's Resource Flows to Developiag Countries, 1961-1990 16 Japan's Relative Position vis-l-vis Major Multilateral Development Bad

Ngày đăng: 25/04/2018, 16:23

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