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Ho liquidated; an ethnography of wall street (2009)

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Liquidated A JOHN HOPE FRANKLIN CENTER BOOK KAREN HO Liquidated AN ETHNOGRAPHY OF WALL STREET Duke University Press Durham and London 2009 ∫ 2009 Duke University Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper $ Designed by C H Westmoreland Typeset in Chaparral by Keystone Typesetting, Inc Library of Congress Catalogingin-Publication Data appear on the last printed page of this book For my daughter and son, Mira and August, in the hope that their generation will see greater socioeconomic equality Contents acknowledgments ix Introduction: Anthropology Goes to Wall Street ∞ Biographies of Hegemony: The Culture of Smartness and the Recruitment and Construction of Investment Bankers 39 ≤ Wall Street’s Orientation: Exploitation, Empowerment, and the Politics of Hard Work ≥ Wall Street Historiographies and the Shareholder Value Revolution 122 ∂ The Neoclassical Roots and Origin Narratives of Shareholder Value 169 ∑ Downsizers Downsized: Job Insecurity and Investment Banking Corporate Culture 213 ∏ Liquid Lives, Compensation Schemes, and the Making of (Unsustainable) Financial Markets 249 π Leveraging Dominance and Crises through the Global 295 notes 325 references 353 index 369 73 Acknowledgments An intellectual commitment to social and economic justice first galvanized this book’s journey My search to understand the massive sea changes occurring in American business practices during the past three decades took me to the doorstep of Wall Street investment banks, an unconventional site for anthropological research This project found a champion in my graduate advisor, Emily Martin, during a time when studying centers of power within the United States was still uncharted territory for most anthropologists I still remember how, after I was offered a job at an investment bank, I called Emily in a panic as Wall Street demanded my immediate response, leaving me little time to think through how to negotiate a job with potential fieldwork Her voice registered excitement and concern simultaneously, and she knew instinctively what I should ‘‘Take it,’’ she answered, sensing the opportunity and trusting my ethnographic and ethical sensibilities Upon accepting the job, I took a leave of absence from graduate school and informed my coworkers of my future research intentions Despite the tendency for disciplines to reproduce caution, Emily believed that ethnography was about challenging the status quo, literally putting one foot in front of the other She taught me that passion and desire for social change are not irrational noise to the scholarly temper, but rather constitutive of pathbreaking research The job on Wall Street led me directly into the belly of the financial markets; taking this path made the book possible I am thus also deeply indebted to the Management Consulting Group at Bankers Trust, where I worked as a business analyst before I began my fieldwork I want to thank in particular Tony Brown, Richard Gibb, and Kimberly Thomas Not only were they instrumental in hiring me, but they graciously introduced me to a number of influential contacts from which I built a strong web of informants Of course, I owe an incredible thanks to all my Wall Street interviewees and informants who shared with me their experiences, introduced me to their networks and coworkers, and allowed me to understand aspects of their worldviews, values, and practices I am grateful to a few Wall Street organizations, such as the Securities Industry Association and Jesse Jackson’s Wall Street Project, who waived their hefty conference references 361 Martin, Emily 1994 Flexible Bodies: Tracking Immunity in American Culture— From the Days of Polio to the Age of aids Boston: Beacon Press ——— 1997 ‘‘Anthropology and the Cultural Study of Science: From Citadels to String Figures.’’ Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science, edited by A Gupta and James Ferguson, 131–46 Berkeley: University of California Press ——— 1999 ‘‘Flexible Survivors.’’ Anthropology News 40, no 6, 5–7 Mason, Edward 1959 ‘‘Introduction.’’ The Corporation in Modern Society, edited by E Mason, 1–24 Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press Masters, Brooke 1986 ‘‘Harvard Graduates Buck National Trend.’’ Harvard Crimson, 25 February, www.thecrimson.com (accessed 27 February 2007) Maurer, Bill 1999 ‘‘Forget Locke? 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managerial, 140, 170, 173, 176, 183, 190, 194–98, 201, 203, 205–7, 209–10; profit accumulation and, 3; shareholder value and, 153; U.S capitalism, 327 n 10; welfare, 36, 125, 153, 167, 170, 183 See also Globalization, capitalist Carrier, James, 34–35 Certeau, Michel de, 30 Chrysler merger See Daimler-BenzChrysler merger Clark, Gordon, 136 Class inequality, 58, 77–78, 117–18, 120 Clinton, Bill, 22 Compensation schemes, 11–12, 25, 79–80, 86, 257–71; crisis and, 263; discriminatory, 87; downsizing and, 240; institutional culture and, 252, 255, 284–85, 348 n 11; job insecurity and, 272–74, 286–94; politics of, 249; stock market ties, 128, 141, 197, 214 Conglomeration: defined, 133–34; downsizing and, 135; failure of, 136 Corporate America, defined, 326 n See also Managerial capitalism 370 index Corporate culture See Institutional culture Creating Shareholder Value (Rappaport), 150 Credit Suisse First Boston See Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette merger Daimler-Benz-Chrysler merger, 154– 56 Deal Decade, 132 Den of Thieves (Stewart), 149 Deregulation, 134, 136 DiFazio, William, 162–63 Dill, James, 181 Disembedding, 32–35, 331 n 33 Disposition, 11 dlj See Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette merger Donaldson, Gordon, 205, 210 Donaldson, Lufkin, and Jenrette merger, 281–82 Dow Jones Industrial Average origins, 178 Downsizing: abstraction and, 34; bear market and, 224–27, 346 n 10; bull market and, 1–3, 222–25, 238–41; conglomerates and, 135; connection to stock prices, 1, 2; by investment banks, 15–18, 67, 213–48, 251, 293–94; market externalizations and, 238–43; overwork and, 104–5; shareholder value and, 4, 16, 36, 67, 126; stock prices and, 1, 2–3 See also Job insecurity Drexel Burnham Lambert, 10, 139–40, 142, 340 n 23 See also Junk bonds Drucker, Peter, 123–24, 207 Dudley, Kathryn Marie, 198, 337 n Dyer, Richard, 37, 195 Economics: culture/society and, 32; neoclassical, 34; real vs virtual practices, 36 Efficiency, 157–64 Elitism: cross-pollination, 55–66; kin- ship, 13, 58–62; post-graduation, 56–58; smartness and, 50, 76 See also Powerfulness Emerging market crisis, 223, 232–33 Employment: corporate health and, 4, 127–28; cycles, 162; Fortune 500 companies drop in, 137; fungibility, 274, 284, 291; stock ownership and, 183 See also Downsizing; Job insecurity Empty office syndrome, 311–14 Entrepreneurs See Ownerentrepreneurs Ethnography: access and methodology, 13–16, 31; of investment banks, 3– 4, 15–16, 25–26; of powerful, 19, 30; representation and shareholder value, 22–31 Face time, 98–99 Faludi, Susan, 143–44 Finance capital: abstraction and, 31– 37; accumulation and, 72, 350 n 16; defined, 152; dominance of, 6, 12, 295, 297, 318, 328 n 13; employment and, 17; height of, 343 n 8; ideal worker and, 244–48; kinship and, 13; markets and, 17, 179–80; production and, 17, 163, 167, 323; smartness and, 332 n 1; success and, 74, 121; U.S.-centric, 3, 5–6 Financial models: abstraction of, 33– 37; market prices and, 251; relationship with practice, 28–29, 250–51 Fischer, Michael, 38, 329 n 15 Foucault, Michel, 145, 171 Frank, Thomas, 22 Fraser, Steve, 199–200, 203 Front-office employees, 66, 76, 77–78, 81–82, 85 Gender inequality, 13, 16, 37, 79–80, 107–8, 117, 120, 270–71 Glass-Steagall Act, 7, 199 index 371 Globalization, capitalist, 5, 31–38, 75, 184, 295–324; contradictions, 309– 11; fissures in, 304–5; marketing of, 296, 298, 306–9; presence and, 311–18 Goldsmith, James, 146–47 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Grubman, Jack B., Gusterson, Hugh, 19 Guyer, Jane, 28 Habitus, 11, 12, 34, 138, 249 Hard work: culture of, 11, 42, 74, 85, 97–99, 99–107, 249; perks, 90–91; politics of, 73–121; relationships vs., 113 Harvey, David, 163, 338 n 12 Hegemony, 42 See also Powerfulness Henderson, Carter, 207–8 High-yield bonds See Junk bonds Holmes, Douglas, 38 Houser, Theodore, 196–97 Identity: formation, by investment bankers, 55, 256–57; institutional, Inequality See Gender inequality; Racial inequality; Socioeconomic inequality Initial Public Offerings (ipos), 128 Insecurity See Job insecurity Instability, culture of, 75 Institutional culture: compensation schemes and, 252, 255, 284–85, 348 n 11; elite kinship and, 13–21; financial crisis and, 10–11, 285–94, 321–23; growth of, 136–37; of investment banks, 6–7, 11–12, 13– 21, 58, 75, 213–48; mergers and acquisitions and, 6–7; social vs investment cultures, 30; strategy and, 215, 227–28, 249, 274–85 Investment bankers: African American, 21, 108–15, 118–19; Asian American, 20, 110–11, 119–20; identityformation, 55, 256–57; internships, 53–54; kinship and, 58–62, 67, 72; marked/unmarked, 107–21; ranking of, 73–74; recruitment of, 11, 39, 42–55, 62–67; recruitment schedule, 46–47; smartness and, 11–12, 39–42; white male, 41, 60, 62, 112, 121, 271, 347 n 7; women, 116–20, 336 n 18 Investment banks: commercial banks vs., 7, 66, 328 n 12; as corporate system creator, 27; culture of employment, 17–18, 213–48, 249; downsizing by, 15–17, 67; ethnographic analysis, 3–4, 16; ethos, 11; institutional culture, 6–7, 11– 12, 13–21, 58, 75, 213–48, 285–94; making markets, 4; maps, 8–9; as market spokesperson, 5–6; orientation program, 74–77; pinnacle status and, 40, 62–67, 71, 105; process for deals, 106; relationship to corporate America, 5, 27, 131, 243; shortterm gains and, 18; stock prices and, 1; strategy and, 215, 274–85; student view of, 53; takeovers and, 139–40 See also Shareholder value ipos See Initial Public Offerings (ipos) Jackson, Jesse, 23 Jensen, Michael, 27 Job insecurity: abstraction and, 34; compensation schemes and, 272– 74, 286–94; corporate profits and, 4; culture of, 11–12, 80, 213–48, 251; market externalizations and, 238–43, 249; narratives, 215–22, 231–38; shareholder value and, 126 See also Downsizing Jobless recovery, 162–63 Junk bonds, 131, 138, 140–43, 145, 235 Kaysen, Carl, 195 Kinship, 13, 58–62, 67, 72 Klein, Naomi, 350 n 11 372 index Kolhberg, Kravis, and Roberts (kkr), 139, 143–45 Lasher, Albert, 207–8 Layoffs See Downsizing Leveraged buyouts (lbos), 10, 139– 46, 151, 173, 340 n 22 Levine, Dennis, 149 Levy, Leon, 200 Lewis, Michael, 140–41, 337 n 10 Lippmann, Walter, 195 Liquidation, 4–13, 129, 142 Liquidity, 183–88, 198, 214, 245 Long Twentieth Century, The (Arrighi), 152 MacKenzie, Donald, 28, 251 Malinowski, Bronislaw, 29 Management consulting vs investment banking, 43–44, 332 n Managerial capitalism, 140, 170, 173, 176, 183, 189–91, 194–98, 201, 203, 205–7, 209–10; self-interest, 127–28, 133–34, 189–92 Managing directors, 86–87 Marcus, George, 38 Market formations, 4, 32–33; culture of market simultaneity, 230, 242, 250, 252, 285, 301, 320; market cycles and, 10–11, 235–38, 239 Martin, Emily, 314, 351 n 17 Mason, Edward, 207 Masters in Business Administration (mba) See mba programs Maurer, Bill, 28, 33–34, 251 mba programs: as channels to Wall Street, 54 Meadows, Lacey, 16 Means, Gardiner, 184–86, 189, 191– 94 Mergers: confidentiality agreements and, 96; failures and, 135–36, 154– 56; identity and, 5–6; shareholder value and, 25, 128, 177; takeovers vs., 138–39 See also Acquisitions Mergers, Sell-Offs, and Economic Efficiency (Ravenscraft and Scherer), 135 Meritocracy, 55, 58, 60, 71, 77; money, 107–8, 112, 347 n Merrill, Charles, 200, 202 Merrill Lynch, 315–18 Middle office workers, 66, 77, 78–79 Milken, Michael, 131, 142, 149, 235 Miller, Daniel, 36 Miyazaki, Hirokazu, 28, 34, 250 Modern corporation: legal definition, 206; neoclassical assumptions vs., 188–94, 195; rise of, 176–83; social entity vs property view of, 209–12; soulfulness of, 195–96 Morgan, J P., 178, 342 n 7, 343 n Morgan Stanley Dean Witter recruitment ad, 70 Mortgages See Subprime mortgages Nader, Laura, 329 n 15 Neoclassical economics, 34–35, 129; influence of, 170; modern corporation and, 172–76, 188–94, 195; narratives of shareholder value, 169–212; persistence of, 205–8 Neoliberal discourses, 31, 33–34, 107–8 New Deal, 125, 194, 199, 207 New Economy, 22 New York Stock Exchange, 178, 202–3 Old boys’ networks See Kinship One-stop shopping, 134 O’Sullivan, Mary, 156, 179, 207, 339 n 18 Ott, Julia, 178–79, 182 Outsourcing, 35 Owner-entrepreneurs, 172–75, 177– 79, 183 Pfeffer, Jeffrey, 341 n 28 Pinnacle status See under Investment banks index 373 Pitch book, 69, 85, 93–94, 100, 105–6 Polanyi, Karl, 32 Polymorphous engagement, 19 Powerfulness: abstraction and, 36–37; ethnography of, 19, 29–30; hegemony, 42; powerlessness vs., 35; shareholder value and, 30–31 Private property: ownership value, 176, 179, 182; rejection of notion, 193; rights, 129, 133, 186 Professional space, 114–15 Profitability crisis, 137 Profit accumulation: desire for, 3, 128; finance capital and, 72, 350 n 16; flexible, 125, 152; regimes, 152; smartness and, 40, 332 n 1; socioeconomic inequality and, 35 Property See Private property Public corporations: as exchangeable stock, 129–30 Racial inequality, 12, 16, 37, 56–57, 61–62, 79–80, 107–10, 120, 347 n 5, 347 n Rappaport, Alfred, 150–51 Ravenscraft, David, 135 Recruitment See under Investment bankers Relationship managers vs product side, 109–11, 113, 114 Reregulation, 134 Restructuring: investment banker habitus and, 34; shareholder value and, 25 Restructuring movement See Takeover movement (1980s) Riles, Annelise, 28, 34 Ripley, William, 182 Risk, 250, 259, 291, 321–22 Roth, Louise Marie, 270–71, 347 n Safeway leveraged buyout, 143–44 Salaries, ceo, 141 Salomon Brothers, Scherer, F M., 135 Schoenberger, Erica, 214–15 Schrader, David, 172, 174, 175–76 Secrecy, 83 Securities Act (1933), 199 Securities Exchange Act (1934), 199 Segregation: elevators and, 77–83; politics of, 76 Self-confidence and recruitment, 40, 41 Self-interest, 127–28, 133–34, 169– 70, 173, 175, 189–92, 205–6 Serwer, Andy, 10 Sexism See Gender inequality Shareholder value: capitalism and, 153; corporate interest and, 175; creating, 3, 5, 122; culture of banking and, 12, 36, 152, 251–52, 283; deterioration of, 25; downsizing and, 4, 15–16, 37, 67, 126, 135; ethnographic representation and, 22– 31; failures of, 28, 153–56; fixed expenses and, 15; focus on, 137; fungibility and, 150; historiographies, 123; job insecurity and, 126; liquidity and, 183–88; marginalized communities and, 23; as measure of success, 13, 24–26, 28–29; mergers and acquisitions and, 25, 128, 177; narratives of, 30, 157–64, 169–212; neoclassical economics and, 169– 212; perfect capitalism and, 169; populism and, 22–24, 138, 315–16; postwar worldviews, 198–205; power elite and, 30–31; problematizing, 169–70; reclaiming, 150–53; rights and, 152, 189; shortterm vs long-term, 210–12; stock market and, 176–83; temporalities, 164–68; transitory nature, 124 Siegel, Martin, 149 Simmel, Georg, 186–87 Sklar, Martin, 205–6 Smartness: banker recruitment and, 11–12, 39–72; culture of, 40–41, 57–58, 59, 67–72, 74, 75, 107, 249, 251; elitism and, 50, 56, 76; use of term, 39 374 index Smith, Adam, 172, 173–74, 176, 191–93 Smith, George, 134 Smith, George David, 195 Smith, Steven, 183–84 Social networks, 33 Social studies of finance, 17, 28, 250 Socioeconomic inequality, 18, 32–33, 35, 37 Stewart, James, 149 Stock market: ceo salaries and, 141; connection to downsizing, 1, 2–3, 126–27; crashes, 135, 138; cycles, 286–87; democratization of, 23; financial models and, 251; fungibility and, 150; price increase as mission, 3, 23–24, 35, 126; shareholder value and, 176–83; takeovers and, 129–30 Stone, Oliver, 132 Subprime mortgages, 7, 10, 235, 297– 301, 318–24 Success, culture of, 57, 113 Sweezy, Paul, 195 Takeover movement (1980s), 129–33; deregulation and, 136; historicization, 133–37; key actors, 139–40; mergers and acquisitions vs., 138– 39; resistance to, 146, 149; simulated takeover, 146–49; socioeconomic issues, 149–50 See also Leveraged buyouts (lbos) Tsing, Anna, 331 n 31, 350 n 16 20 Million Careless Capitalists (Henderson and Lasher), 207–8 Underwriting, 137 Universities See Elitism; Investment bankers, recruitment Virtualism, 35 Wall Street: defined, 4; during Great Depression, 199–203; habitus, 4–13 Wall Street (film), 132 ‘‘Wall Street Project,’’ 23 War bonds, 180 Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 172 Welfare capitalism, 36, 125, 153, 167, 170, 183 Werner, Walter, 183–84 White-collar sweatshop, 83–87 Whitman, Marina, 133 Yanagisako, Sylvia, 13, 29, 331 n 30 KAREN HO is associate professor of anthropology at the University of Minnesota Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ho, Karen Zouwen, 1971– Liquidated : an ethnography of Wall Street / Karen Ho p cm ‘‘A John Hope Franklin Center Book.’’ Includes bibliographical references and index isbn 978-0-8223-4580-0 (cloth : alk paper) isbn 978-0-8223-4599-2 (pbk : alk paper) Securities industry—United States—Employees Stockbrokers—United States Investment banking— United States Downsizing of organizations—United States I Title hd8039.s432u68 2009 331.7%6133264273—dc22 2009007594 ... ethnography is to analyze both Wall Street s role in the reshaping of corporate America and its corresponding effects on market formations, and how Wall Street helped to instantiate these changes.∫... banks, the corresponding restructuring of U.S corporations, and the construction of markets, specifically financial market booms and busts I ask how exactly Wall Street investment bankers and banks,... embodiment, and shows how it is infused with the organizational strategies of investment banks.∞∞ Despite the recent, much-proclaimed ‘‘death of Wall Street, ’’ it is important to understand that the financial

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Mục lục

    Introduction: Anthropology Goes to Wall Street

    1. Biographies of Hegemony: The Culture of Smartness and the Recruitment and Construction of Investment Bankers

    2. Wall Street’s Orientation: Exploitation, Empowerment, and the Politics of Hard Work

    3. Wall Street Historiographies and the Shareholder Value Revolution

    4. The Neoclassical Roots and Origin Narratives of Shareholder Value

    5. Downsizers Downsized: Job Insecurity and Investment Banking Corporate Culture

    6. Liquid Lives, Compensation Schemes, and the Making of (Unsustainable) Financial Markets

    7. Leveraging Dominance and Crises through the Global