Grammar , * | Puzzles & Games
Kids Can't Resist! [ 40 Super-Cool Crosswords, Codes, Mazes & More |, 4x That Teach the Essential Rules of Grammar |
by Karen Kellaher +* oy
| |
Trang 2*ô Grammar „
Puzzles & Games
Kids Can't Resist!
40 Super-Cool Crosswords, Codes, Mazes & More
That Teach the Essential Rules of Grammar
by Karen Kellaher *
New York Toronto London Auckland Sydney
Trang 3
To Colin
for all your love and support
And special thanks to Mr Ed Miller, * who made grammar fun for me
Scholastic Inc grants teachers permission to photocopy the activity sheets from this book for classroom use No other part
of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission of the publisher For permission, write to Scholastic Inc., 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
Edited by Sylvia Charlesworth Cover design by Jaime Lucero Cover illustration by Mike Moran
Interior design by Grafica, Inc
Interior illustration by Mike Moran
ISBN; 0-439-07756-7
Copyright â 2000 by Karen Kellaher
All rights reserved
Trang 4
Introduction 5
Word Search Puzzles Noun Hunt (common nouns) 0000s eee eee eee 9 Find the Verb (predicate of sentence) - 10
Verbs Help Out (helping verbs) .- 11
Good, Better, Best (comparing adjectives) 12
Noun Substitutes (pronouns) .- 13
Contraction Action (contractions) .- 14
For Short (abbreviations) - - 15
Snail (“Wraparound”) Puzzles Single Minded (singular and plural nouns) 16
In the Past (past tense verbs) 17
Pick a Preposition (prepositions) - 18
Create a Word (compound words) 19
'Which One (Won) Is I2 (homonyms) 20
Do They Agree? (subject/verb agreemenl) 21
Crossword Puzzles Make It Twol (plural nouns) - 22
Invisible Nouns (abstract nouns) - 23
Where's the Action2 (action verbs) - 24
Pronoun Magic (pronouns) .- - 25
Awesome Adverbs (adverbs) 26
It’s Only Proper (proper adjectives) 27
Trang 5
Partner Stories
Food Fight! (common nouns) 29
The Strangest Field Trip Ever (proper nouns) 30
Alien Adventure (present and past tense verbs) 31
I See the Future! (future tense verbs) - 32
Say It With Adjectives (adjectives) 33
A Parts-of-Speech Circus (parts of speech review) 34
Crack-the-Code Stories A Pet Adventure (adverbs) 35
Prepositions Show Position (prepositions) 36
A Conjunction’s Function (conjunctions) 37
Hew, Wow! (interjections): sẻ (Ă020202202020 00 6 6k2 0 6 t6 65 kuố s 38 To Be or Not To Be (the verb “to be”) - 39
Riddle Bubble Tests A Capital Idea (using capital letters) 40
'Whose Is If2 (possessive noUnĐ) ‹ 42
The Genuine Articles (œ, 2, and /3_ - 44
Using Contractions (contractions) 46
Be Agreeable (subject/verb agreemenft) 48
Is It a Sentence? (sentences and fragments) 50
Be a Comma Cop! (commma placemenf) 52
Sentence Enders (punctuation) ‹ 54
Quotation Location (quotation marks) 56
Trang 6
here is something about games and puzzles that
motivates even the most reluctant learner We see
this clearly when we look at our own habits: As
adults, few of us would jump at the chance to take a test
on world history, literature, science, or geography However, we rush to answer questions in these subject areas when they're part of a trivia board game, TV quiz show, or Sunday newspaper crossword puzzle Why? I believe it's because the idea of a game or puzzle lends an exciting context to learning, and we achieve a real sense of accomplishment when we get the answers right
Children are no exception When subject matter is
part of a game or puzzle, students are more motivated to learn, to remember, and to apply the material That's the thinking behind Grammar Puzzles & Games Kids Can't Resist!
Why Use Grammar Games?
At Scholastic we recognize that grammar is not the easiest topic to teach Too often, grammar seems like a collection of rules that must be memorized Students have a hard time seeing its
relevance to real life And teachers sometimes have a difficult time changing students from the comfortable—but incorrect—grammar habits which the kids are used to using It is our hope that Grammar Puzzles & Games Kids Can't Resist! will make the teaching of grammar a little bit easier and a lot more fun You'll find crossword puzzles, word searches, code games, partner stories, and more These are entertaining activities that children already love to do, so consider
your battle half won!
Some of the special features of this book include:
Grammar “fast facts” with every activity These reminders review the specific grammar
concept the children need for each activity—right there on the reproducible For example, when students are working with helping verbs, they'll find a list of helping verbs right there on the page When they are working with proper nouns, they'll find a helpful reminder to
always use a capital letter That means your students will not have to look elsewhere for
pertinent information
Opportunities for both independent and collaborative learning Some of the activities—
Trang 7
Special attention to typical problem areas As veteran teachers know, some grammar
rules are more troublesome than others For example, many children have a hard time
forming contractions, forming the past tense of irregular verbs, and choosing the
homonym that makes sense in a sentence This book addresses these tough topics clearly
and decisively
How to Use the Book
You may use the reproducible activities in any order Here are some suggestions for making the most of
1 Use each reproducible as an immediate follow-up to a grammar lesson to assess what students
have learned Because the activities include very
simple instructions and grammar rule
reminders, you can easily assign the activities as
homework I can assure you that your students
won't mind digging into these assignments!
2 Use the reproducibles as part of a Grammar Learning Center where the focus changes
each week For example, while you are teaching about nouns, you may want to copy all
of the activities that focus on nouns and store the activities in a designated spot in the classroom Send students to the Grammar Learning Center when they finish work early,
when you are working with small groups, or any other time individual students are look-
ing for something to do Invite students to make colorful posters of important grammar
rules and use them to decorate your Learning Center
3 Consider having students check their own work (Use the answer key on page 58 to post
the answers on the board.) Then work with each student to highlight and focus on any
problem areas
4 After students have completed the puzzles for a given grammar topic, invite them to cre-
Trang 8
About the Puzzle Formats: A Special Note to Teachers
Each of the puzzles in this book includes easy-to-follow directions
The puzzles are broken down as follows:
Word Searches
Students hunt for their answers in a letter grid Answers may go across, down, or on the diagonal
In these puzzles, the answers wrap around in the shape of a snail
The last letter of one answer is the first letter of the next Crosswords
These crosswords are designed simply with elementary students in
mind All of the clues and answers relate to grammar There are no
“filler” words
Partner Stories
Pairs of students work together to complete a story using specific
parts of speech When they're done, they have a hilariously funny story to share with the class These activities can be used over and
over with new, exciting results each time
Crack-the-Code Cloze Games
Students complete a short story by filling in the missing part of speech Then they use their answers to decode a secret message!
Riddle Bubble Tests
Students fill in the bubble next to the sentence that uses correct
grammar Then students use their lettered answers to unravel the punch line to an amusing riddle These riddle tests are not only fun; they're also great practice for state and national standardized
tests (students get into the habit of filling in the circle next to the
correct answer)
Trang 10SKILL: Common Nouns Noun Hunt
Read the clues to name the nouns in each list Then find the nouns in the word search puzzle
ST FACT A noun is a person,
place, or thing For example: sister, park, insect s c H 0 0 L L E l B M A ~Z—=>m=C+mCrerzx Z2@œœ~=Z@Uœ>CœẲ@œCcm %đœ@=<mre>âơaGœ@ơzZzCc> âuœ~œxzxmzrzữềCCV ”—m~<mr=Pữ>ơa—=>x ơảZm>><=mrCmeGe Zœ><ơazmzœGœ>mơ -ẽíẮmơZ>zC>ơatmứ” xXđỉT—=œđ%zmzơaCc=ơữ Zzư:zhằC@œG@mEz=e6@œưtu> B A P P L E Ss T 0 R E B PEOPLE
1 An adult who teaches in a classroom
2 Your parents (two words)
and 3 A person between the ages of 13 and 19
4 A person who sings
5 Your mother's sister is your
6 A place where you buy things 7 A place where you go to learn 8 A place where you go to eat 9 The place where you live
10 A place where planes take off and land
11 A vehicle with two wheels
12 Something you use to carry groceries
Trang 11
SKILL: Simple Predicate of a Sentence
Find the Verb
Read each sentence and underline the verb Then find each verb in the word search puzzle
FAST FACT Some verbs, like runs and thinks, describe action Other verbs, like is and was, describe a state of being H E s s U B J 0 $ R A R ââ<z~z<€zơÄZzZzDƠCGC m—=>mCmhmP>:= PenNDWEZOMNOCD wre-mnc=-< POs “âơmaCŒGœZ>U0C@œ7zr MOwnnwns re m4 42> Smou-aomeorra â<mz0œz—=ưz#—=cec m#zứzơaœo%mz<zr~— BP LA MI EN PT IE YD BR RF LE CW XH
1 The play begins at six o'clock
2 Lucas visits his grandmother at least once a week 3 The snake caught its prey under a boulder
4, I read an exciting novel last week
5 Rebecca painted a picture of a beautiful sunset 6 My cat is three years old
7 Our school basketball team just won the state championship 8 Megan loves pizza with pepperoni
9 The two brothers shared a seat on the school bus 10 We sang the national anthem at school today
11 A rabbit made its nest in our front yard
12 During the storm, winds blew at speeds of 50 miles per hour, 13 Jared listens to many kinds of music
14 Anne broke her arm last winter 15 That film has terrific special effects
Trang 12SKILL: Helping Verbs
Verbs Help Qut
Read each sentence and locate the helping verb When you are finished, find your answers in the word search puzzle
D 0 I H B M c L D Ị 0 E G =.ễ Ố Ắ _- “.“ˆesessesesse
HADTNPVBOSFWT Helping verbs help the main verb
DUTGQOMNUURHE describe the action There are 23
ABNJWYWALIMAS helping verbs They are:
VAIDCHARDL q SE am could have should
CMKTFKSNLGCOS are did is was LRSXAMUHDIDNT be do may were PUAOSBVUNPZBI been does = might will MSITHAVEJERAHI being — had must W0uld
BWTOEDSVPTYOF can has shall
ecco vccccccccccceccnccccsescccccses
1 Our neighbors were playing loud music last night
2 You should say thank you to Uncle Roy for the gift
3 I can see the park from my bedroom window
4 My train is leaving in ten minutes
5 I am planning to join the swim team
6 | knew that you owned a dog, but I did not know that you owned a fish 7 Yes, I do like to work with clay
8 I have started my homework
9 My cousins are visiting for the weekend 10 Julia has written a poem for class
11 | was walking to school when I saw an injured bird 12 I might win the contest
13 Tina had just fallen asleep when the telephone rang
Trang 13
Cood, Beller, Best
Read each sentence On the line, write the positive, compar- ative, or superlative form of the missing adjective Then find each of your answers in the word search puzzle cẨoửồẻ>zùmCz>rr> ỉ0œ—=>>ơaCEƯŒưE >>mẽm—=r=zố>mœư “aC>C ma F7C=EC 2?”>@œm<>z>z.< œ"“"ơazưz~m oro<ma"o0r7 "“mœ=>=mz=6@œcc Cưwmœmzzmơacoco mơauưzrceœ>zcCEC œmơmzZ+%ưœECmvđ rabGéữm~>>ƯU—==zm 1 Nora was fast, but Caitlyn was (comparative of fast) 2 Snowball is than the other kittens (comparative of cute) in the litter 3 Kevin is (positive of smart) 4 January is the month of the year (superlative of cold) 5 I filled the {superlative of taff)
6 Someone must have turned up the volume, because the
music suddenly got
(comparative of loud)
7 The clouds were a sign that the storm
(positive of dark)
was on its way
8 Today's math assignment is than {comparative of hard) yesterday's 9 David has an bedtime than I do {comparative of early) 10 Tina is my friend (superlative of close) 12 glass I could find with water SKILL: Comparing Adjectives PAST FACT
A positive adjective lets you describe one or
more things: A puppy is nice; puppies are nice A comparative adjective
lets you compare two or more things: Barbara is nicer than Gerard; Gerard is nicer than all the other boys in our class
A superlative adjective lets you describe only one thing: Mount Everest is the tallest
mountain in the world;
Trang 14SKILL: Personal and Possessive Pronouns
Sab Noun Subststutes
Read each sentence and fill in each blank with a pronoun from the lists cept When you are finished, find your answers in the word search puzzle AQURSMCLBHEDA IBHCNPSAHXITD " "`
ELYAIKCOWBLEI Pronouns take the place of nouns Here are some: JQHOSIREQJGML HEDSHEVCASRKO| / â him who KUTEGWTNITSER| 7 “Moun i RXSPRCHBEHLMU | „ gọy inom DFMIAFEMKETSZ
BHEREYIDFYHIM Pronouns can be possessive, just like nouns:
PHMALURAQSZRM her/hers mine their/theirs
TRUJOTBRECPET his my whose
2 NUFYIGCMYDAHQ its our/ours your/yours
z 'A 00 006060006000000000000000060000 6008000066
1." am happy to meet you,” I said
2 Ryan has a doctor's appointment after school, so will miss practice 5 3 She baked the cake for so long, was as hard as a rock!
: 4 Frank and Erin said would be back in one hour
5 I just saw a man run down the street Did you see 2
Ễ 6 The fourth graders invited to their holiday party, so we will invite them to
7 Mary, do walk to school or ride the bus?
8 Elizabeth hopes will get the lead in the school play
9 Our family is very busy, but always try to eat dinner together
10 | reminded Derek that owes me a dollar
11 When I saw Aunt Sue get off the train, | hugged and offered to carry her bags 12 The children were misbehaving, so Mrs Nelson asked to quiet down
13 I know that's lunch because it has my name on it
14 A kitten must stay with mother for several weeks
15 The twins invited all of friends to the birthday party
Trang 15
Read each sentence, paying special attention to the contraction On the line, write the word that completes each contraction 1 3 4 5 7 Contraction Action SKILL: Contractions FAST FACT A contraction is formed by putting two words together and leaving out some letters An apos-
trophe takes the place
Trang 16‘cholastic 2 For Short
hunt for each full word in the word search puzzle
Match each abbreviation to the full word it stands for Then $ ; ~\ CG>—=Z><=e<ưtzZzzm*%< —=><œmuw~œzZzeeœœ><Cm >ũO>7mmơaưừ—==~>mz>= ABBREVIATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and pre Dr Mr St TV Jan PA Ave Sat Oct mph U.S CA Z>r7ezZz>rezxm—=cC—-Cơc âẨ<—=xzrCcCơtù>mr=ơ=Ccmz >mmCzZz>—=um>*%om=~= ZZm—=ECzCưtơzơm> <enm-V9SH< TVH+O<D zzmzZm==mamœmr7e>—=e= S=Z—t><>C>Cơa>t 7 đ^>>ơahS TC €âzTZ Ca —=ơ— SKILL: Common Abbreviations VN a a REV ó
0NE Mr Michael Woodham â
OPO 39 Union Street 3
CGs San Franc 156, C2 |
RIT ‘An abbreviation is a
UKL â shortened version of a
MCE : word or phrase Some
ERB : abbreviations use peri-
Trang 17SKILL: Singular and Plural Nouns
Single Minded FAST FACT
Some nouns add -s to become plural Others add -es Other nouns change completely when they become plural, and still others do not change at all!
Look at the plural noun underlined in each sentence, and write the singular form of the noun on the line Then write the singular noun in the puzzle grid The last letter of one answer will be the first letter of the next answer Some answers will go around corners o | Singular Plura! (ON ae = B | a ho [3
1 There are nine planets in our solar system
2 Cars and trucks lined the street
3 I can't find my house keys anywhere!
4 Many homes have back yards
5 There are ditches on both sides of the road
6 It's fun to ride a bike over the hills in this neighborhood 7 Plants have chemicals in their leaves to help them make food
8 Graciela is just under five feet tall
9 Our class has gone on three field trips this school year 10 I save pennies in a jar in my bedroom
11 Does your family eat yams at Thanksgiving?
12 Fifty men, women, and children were left homeless by the storm
13 I have a pocket full of nickels 14 Bright lights filled the sky
Trang 18
Rewrite each sentence in the past tense Then write each past-tense verb in the snail puzzle The last letter of one answer will be the first letter of the next answer Some answers will go around corners
SKILL: Verbs/Past Tense In the Past The past tense is used to describe something that hap-
Trang 19SKILL: Prepositions
Read each sentence below, and choose a preposition from the box to fill in the blank Then write the prepo- sitions in the snail puzzle In the puzzle, the last letter of one answer is the first letter of the next answer Some answers will go around corners FAST FACT
Prepositions usually tell where something is, where something is going, or when something is
happening Some common prepositions are: Scholastic T K Cee ccccccccccesceseccscccccceseseces about after with 2 near throughout — to
below because despite
without beside instead
3 in over on
i except toward onto
š 1 South America is located the Equator
- 2 You cannot bake a cake flour
3 The sprinter ran the finish line
4 We played outside for a while the cold weather 5 | like all vegetables for lima beans
6 Basketball is popular the entire United States 7 Hannah sent a thank-you note her grandmother
8 Will you help me load the heavy box the truck? 9 Anthony lives North Birchfield Avenue
10 The twins live the school, so they do not ride the schoolbus
Trang 20SKILL: Compound Words Create-a-Word —_—_— 1isà lighthouse, >rn⁄
Read each clue below and figure out the compound word that is 4 ` )
being described Then write the compound words in the snail puzzle + | aj VN
The last letter of one answer will be the first letter of the next answer Some answers go around corners FAST FACT A compound word is a word that is made up of two or more smaller words For example: notebook, newspaper, = thunderstorm
1 A mark your foot leaves in snow or mud
2 These fall from your eyes when you are sad
3 At night we have moonlight; in the day we have 4 A natural disaster that makes the ground shake 5 The skin that closes over your eye
6 You turn this to open a door 7 Asport played with a bat and ball 8 All the years that a person lives 9 The hard covering around an egg 10 A house that warns ships of danger 11 A piece of jewelry you wear on your ear
Trang 21Kai SKILL: Homonyms Which One (Won) Is It? 2N
Read each of the sentences below, and underline the Qs JOS
homonym that makes sense in each one Then write the ^S WON correct homonyms in the snail puzzle The last letter of th \ / & 7 one answer will be the first letter of the next answer
Some answers will go around corners FAST FACT Homonyms are words that sound alike but
have different spellings 11 12 18 14 and meanings For example: peace/piece and bare/bear
My (aunt, ant) is coming to visit for a few weeks Jack likes to play soccer (to, too, two)
We will eat lunch in about (one, won) hour Rosa's brother is (ate, eight) years old Nigel (threw, through) the ball to first base
Room 16 is having a spelling test next (weak, week)
1 don’t (know, no) where I left my backpack
How much does your puppy (way, weigh)?
The frightened campers (herd, heard) a noise in the forest
The (dear, deer) drank from the cool stream
The principal's office is the third door on the (right, write)
(There, They're, Their) favorite movie is showing tonight at 8 p.m
The audience filled 100 (rose, rows) of seats
Lori's arm was (sore, soar) after her softball game
Trang 22Kai Do They Agree? Read each of the sentences below, and underline the
verb that agrees with the subject Then write the correct S verbs in the snail puzzle, The last letter of one answer
will be the first letter of the next answer Some answers will go around corners
1 Bears (has, have) a powerful sense of smell
2 We (eat, eats) out about twice a month
3 He always (try, tries) to do his homework before dinner
4 On the island, the sun (shine, shines) almost every day
5 The recipe (says, say) to cook the muffins for 25 minutes 6 They (swim, swims) in the lake every afternoon
7 I (make, makes) the best lemonade in town!
8 Ralph (earn, earns) money by mowing his neighbor's lawn 9 The kids often (swing, swings) at the playground
10 My house plants (grows, grow) an inch every month
11 Henry (were, was) in charge of the class party
12 At lunch time, Rita always (sit, sits) near the windows
18 They (switch, switches) seats every week
14 Christopher (has, have) on a striped sweater today 21 SKILL: Subject/Verb Agreement ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ° ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` FAST FACT lf the subject of a sen- tence is singular, the verb must also be sin- gular If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural Here’s a secret, though: While a noun that ends in -s is usual-
Trang 23SKILL: Plural Nouns Make It Two!
Write the plural T we ere
of each singular z ^~—e~c ~ „
noun on the line ` > Sa a
provided Then is z e\ XL,
write the plurals Cs _“~Ê#—~
in the crossword as) _^”^~
puzzle grid
is ũ 7
5 :
= Some nouns add -s to
i P ‡ Đecome plural Others
‡ add -es, Other nouns
m 1z Ta : change completely
7 : when they become plur-
sal, and still others do
? not change at all!
1 16 :
- 3 one banana; many 1 one plant; many
5 one president; many 2 one waitress; many
8 one subject; many 4 one foot; many 9 one itch; many 6 one deer; many
11 one disk; many 7 one note; many
14 one tomato; many 10 one child; many
17 one television; many 12 one cookie; many 13 one person; many
15 one key; many 16 one mouse; many
Trang 24
Invistble Nouns
Use a noun from the box to fill in the blank in each sentence Then write your answers in the crossword puzzle SKILL: Abstract Nouns FAST FACT
Some nouns name ideas or feelings that you cannot see, hear, smell, or touch Some examples are happi- ness, wonder, and justice These nouns are called abstract nouns ` respect anger fairness concern sadness beauty democracy sharing courage T Z 5 4 5 6 7 is s T6 11 12 13 ACROSS
4 Madison has that
the future will be bright 6 Jack has
ability to play soccer
in his 8 The students had great
for their teacher 9 For the sake of `
Marianne gave each child the same number of cookies,
11 Caroline's main
after the hurricane was the safety of her
12 Josh treats everyone with
, so he has many friends 13 When Grandpa saw what the burglars had done to the house, he was filled with
confidence intelligence kindness
1 Felicia was filled with
when her dog died
2 My parents fell in
when they were in college
3 The United States government is a
5 In the spring, flowers fill the world with
6 It takes
speech in front of the whole class
7 Albert Einstein had
but he did not do well in school
10 The kids know that
to give a
is important They always take turns with their toys
Trang 25Grammar Puzz
Read each sentence and
Wheres the Action? SKILL: Action Verbs fill in the blank with an action verb from the box Write the verb in
the crossword puzzle FAST FACT An action verb
describes activity that happened in the past, is happening now, or will happen in the future i8 ACROSS 2 Jeanette as she thought of the exciting day ahead of her 6 Jạcc thehome
work assignment in his notebook 7 During the earthquake, the whole house
9 Alexis at
Courtney's joke 10 Our basketball team
the state championship! 11 Iam so hungry, I could
ten pizzas!
13 Chris all the way
to the top of the tree
17 The lion loudly,
surprising the zoo visitors 18 Victor “Fire!” as soon as he saw the flames 24 DOWN 1 Samantha her team to victory 3 “lam pleased to you,” Jacob said
4 The teacher the
writing on the chalk board
5 Don't the boat; it
may tip over!
6 Gregory the dog
around the block
8 1 the envelope as
soon as I saw it
12 Let's a kite today
14 In honor of your birthday, Aunt Rose
a cake
15 My book bag weighs at least 15 pounds It is
too heavy to !
Trang 26
Pronoun Magic
Use a pronoun from the box to fill in the blank in each sentence You ( may use some pronouns more than once Then write the pronouns in
the crossword puzzle SKILL: Personal and Possessive Pronouns mà Ắ A ( T z Ts ‘ : PAST FACT 4 5 6 : $ Pronouns take the place of nouns: 7 8 9 ° ° T8 it iz is : | it him 3 you we her : he me us
oF = : she they them
3 720 Jar z†z Pronouns can be possessive,
Ê just like nouns: 24 ° ;$ my their/theirs 25 : his your/yours : our/ours its ; mine whose - : her/hers ACROSS DOWN
2 Look at that flower! is 1 Mike and Rob went to the park because
beautiful wanted to play ball
4 This letter is addressed to my neighbors It 3 The students have recess after
must be * eat lunch
6 Joanna can't wait for the class trip It will 5 Amanda loves space, so
be first visit to a muse- wants to become an astronaut
um 8 That pen belongs to me It is
7 George helped me with the science home- 11 A cat followed Bob and me home It stayed
work I helped with the behind the whole way!
math problems 13 The blue car belongs to our family The van
9 Will you join fora is „ too
walk? I would enjoy your company 17 Mrs Miller remembers every solo
10 If you don't hurry, are daughter sang
going to be late for school 18 | was in a rush, so I asked the waiter to
12 Can you find way home bring food quickly
from here? 20 Many nutrients of an apple are in
16 Our school has two playgrounds Everyone peel works to keep clean 21 My mom knows me well
19 Brian forgot lunch can tell when I've had a
today bad day
22 Is this backpack ?Ithas 28 My friends and I love to ride bikes It is
your initials on it favorite activity
24 The Smiths took new 25 My brother and I hope
puppy for a walk both make the soccer team
25 jacket is this?
Trang 27Awesome Adverbs SKILL: Adverbs Many—but not all— Hungri ly Read each 7 5 À sentence and b fill in the _ hon blank with an > 3 27 N adverb from Te the box Then write your ° id answers in is the crossword uzzle : 3H ] 9, ' Ă PAST FACT s 16 3 An adVerb can descrie ; aVerb, adjecfiVe, 0r ; another adverb Adverbs
Tr s often answer the ques-
: tions how, when, where,
: and to what extent
loudly happily slowly hungrily fast adverbs end in -ly
hard well lightly there
angrily hopefully never finally
1 Hillary ate her soup 1 Bryan agreed
4 Natasha hit the ball
and ran to first base
6 David brushed the canvas
with yellow paint
8 All of the students did very
sin the reading test
9 The twins couldn't believe their birthday had
11 I will sit here; you can sit arrived
to join the game
2 The crickets chirped
outside the window 3 The tired children walked home from
5 The cat hissed when the dog walked by
Trang 28
Its Only Proper
Use a proper adjective from the box to fill in the blank in each sen- tence Then write the answers in the puzzle
SKILL: Proper Adjectives FAST FACT A proper adjective is an adjective that forms 1 2 from a proper noun For 11 12 example, a king from England is an English
king A proper adjective uses a capital letter Sau Amtrak Disney Hawaiian South Christmas ACROSS 1 We took an train
across the country
3 Polar bears and snowshoe rabbits are both
7 The ————
ed between the United States and Canada Lakes are locat- 8 Anthony bought a pair of blue
sneakers 10 No one lives at the
Pole all year long 11 Japan is an country 12 Sara enjoys watching movies 27
Atlantic Nike Irish
Great American Chinese DOWN 2 They went swimming in the Ocean 3 The flag has stars and stripes
4 The New Year is
celebrated with parades and fireworks
5 Mike received many
presents from his friends
6 The Islands are
part of the United States
9 An person is
Trang 29Kids Ca c
Read each sentence and underline the word that is the simple subject
Sub ject Search
Write the word in the crossword puzzle ACI SKILL: Subject of Sentence PAST FACT The simple subject is the noun or pronoun 1
that tells what or whom
the sentence is about 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 T6 Ti 12 13 14 ROSS DOWN They knew that they were going to be 1 Travis rode the roller coaster four 1 11 12 13 14
late [or the meeting
Teachers have exciting jobs She owns several rare books
The local newspaper ran an article
about helping the environment
My new shoes gave me painful blisters The tall brown mare guarded her new- born foal The hot sun scorched the farmer's crops Mrs Edwards’ store closes at 7:30 p-m on weeknights
It is almost summer time
Cheese is a popular pizza topping The letter arrived in yesterday's mail
The telephone rang loudly
A single star shone in the night sky
Everyone shouted “Surprise!” when
Nathan walked in the front door
Beautiful music played while we
worked on our projects
Shelly is one of my closest friends
Trang 30SKILL: Common Nouns Food Fight! PAST FACT
Work with a partner on this Oy NN Common nouns are
activity One partner will be ơ \ general names for peo-
the Clue Giver The other ^^ ộ ple, places, and things partner will be the Word \ Zlos`\ @ Th ital
Giver XY Â } 3 & ey do not use capita
( letters For example:
1 The Clue Giver asks the Ê ` — Mm
Word Giver for a word to fill 5 student, home, and in each blank Fill in all the =3 5< 2s ~ ‡ apple
blanks before reading the — (2 —_ _n S\ Noe
story wR C3 a € es —
2 The Clue Giver reads the * s$=ˆ @ \ story out loud ° 23 ẹ
One day the students in our class were having a quiet lunch in the common noun/place At first everything was going smoothly The kids were enjoying fried common noun/thing baked , and a variety of other tasty treats ‘common noun/thing
Trouble started when one of the students was carrying her tray to her seat Her stomach
grumbled as she gazed at the › , and
‘common noun/thing ‘common noun/thing on her tray A and
‘common noun/thing ‘common noun/person common noun/person
sitting nearby both looked hungrily at the piping hot lunch Suddenly, the student tripped on a
on the floor, and her tray went flying A large
‘common noun/thing ‘common nounAthing
landed on a who was walking by “You know what that means!” anoth-
‘common noun/person
er student shouted “Food fight!”
Before long, the kids’ lunches were sailing through the air A burned
common noun/thing
plopped down on a A greasy flew out
common noun/person ‘common noun/thing
the window and headed for the The food fight continued until a
‘common noun/place
mushy sailed right into the teacher
common noun/thing
“Stop this nonsense,” the teacher cried “Each one of you is behaving like a Clean up this mess right now or I will send you to the
common noun/person
!” Needless to say, that was the end of the food fight! ‘common noun/place
Trang 31
The Strangest SKILL: Proper Nouns
Field Trip Ever FAST FACT
Proper nouns are the
Work with a partner on ộ oo) = names of specific peo-
this activity One partner ey ‘N 5 2 ple, places, and things will be the Clue Giver “Ẩ~Y 992” H in with
The other partner will be GC SZ g Tnevatvay ĐEUMUM
the Word Giver C 3ọ SN 2 a capital letter For
1 The Clue Giver asks : example: George, Texas,
the Word Giver for a : and the Statue of
word to fill in each $ Liberty
blank Fill in all the blanks before reading the story
2 The Clue Giver reads the story out loud
Last night I had a very unusual dream In my dream, was the
Proper noun/person
principal of our school! One day, the principal announced that we were going on a field trip to
Now, I had been to and to
proper noun/place proper noun/place proper noun/place
but never there!
Believe it or not, my dream got even crazier after that We rode a
proper noun/form of transportation
all the way to our destination Once we arrived, we met all kinds of people I personally saw
and and even got to give
proper noun/person proper noun/person proper noun/person
me an autograph | will always treasure it!
On the way home, we talked the principal into stopping in and
proper noun/place
We tried to stop in , too, but we ran out of time
proper noun/place proper noun/place
Even so, it was the most awesome field trip I had ever been on Was I ever disappointed when it was time to wake up!
Trang 32SKILL: Verbs/Present and Past Tense Alten Adventure
Work with a partner on this activity One partner will be the Clue Giver The other partner will be the Word Giver
1 The Clue Giver asks the Word Giver for a word to fill in each blank Fill in all the blanks before reading the story 2 The Clue Giver reads the story out loud
FAST FACT The present tense describes an action that is happening now The past tense describes an action that already hap- pened Many verbs form the past tense by
adding -ed or -d
When I saw the flashing lights, I knew right away it was a
UFO It right next to me The doors opened, and out came
verb/past tense number over 2
The creatures marched toward me and began to speak “We are from the plural noun’ planet ” they said “We travel around the Milky Way, stopping only to noun Tell us about yourself, Earthling.” verb/present tense
I and I | did not know what to say, “My name
verb/past tense verb/past tense
is ” | began “I like to and
word giver’s name verb/present tense
My favorite thing to do is and hang out
verb/present tense verb/present tense with my good friend,
noun/person’s name
The creatures looked at each other and “Aha,” they said verb/past tense
“Earth is very different from our planet Come, and we will show you.”
I hopped aboard the UFO and we took off The creatures and I and verb/past tense
They also gave me a delicious to eat
verb/past tense noun/thing
Finally, we arrived I could tell we were there when the UFO x
verb/past tense
stepped outside | watched as alien creatures and mg
verb/past tense verb/past tense
I was homesick already, without my family and my favorite “Take me
home!” | told the aliens They shrugged and put me back on the UFO—by myself! “Wait” I cried
“I don’t know how to fly this thing!”
The doors closed, and I spied a control panel I did not know which button to press, so I
just Amazingly, the UFO and started its journey back
verb/past tense verb/past tense
to Earth It took me days, but I finally made it home
Trang 33
SKILL: Verbs/Future Tense I See the Future
FAST FACT To form the future tense, verbs add the word will For example:
He will run tomorrow
Work with a partner on this activity One partner will be the Clue Giver The other partner will be the Word Giver
1 The Clue Giver asks the Word Giver for a word to fill in each blank Fill in all the blanks before reading the story
2 The Clue Giver reads the story out loud What will life on Earth be like 100 years from now? Here's what I think: People much less often than they do today, but they verb/future tense
at least ten times a day Children in
verb/future tense verb/future tense
schools and they in their neighborhoods
verb/future tense
In the United States, most people , but in other parts of the verb/future tense
world, people People everywhere
verb/future tense verb/future tense
In the future, all cars and bikes - It verb/future tense verbffuture tense
will be so much fun! Computers , and machines :
verb/future tense verb/future tense What will I be doing 100 years from now? Thanks to medical advances, I will still be around I probably , and I definitely But most
verb/future tense verb/future tense
of all I ! 1 can hardly wait! verb/future tonse
Trang 34
SKILL: Adjectives
Say It With
Adjectzves! FAST FACT
Adjectives are words
Work with a partner on this that describe nouns or
activity One partner will be the < ao, pronouns For example:
Clue Giver The other partner Go? -
will be the Word Giver ƒ beautiful, sloppy, blue,
1 The Clue Giver asks the Word ` broken
Giver for a word to fill in each RA | ~~
blank Fill in all the blanks
before reading the story v
2 The Clue Giver reads the
story out loud
One spring afternoon, a student adjective adjective named was playing basketball The student was wearing the latest noun/first name fashion: pants and a very shirt adjective adjective
The student threw the ball toward the basket, but it bounced into the woods “I guess I'll
have to chase it.” The student ran to get the basketball but it was nowhere in sight Instead, there was a ‘ bottle with a adjective adjective lid propped beneath a tree adjective The student opened the bottle cautiously Out popped a genie adjective wearing a strange outfit! adjective “Finally!” said the genie as he glanced at the watch on his adjective wrist “It's about time someone let me out of this bottle | only have time for one wish So make it snappy.” The student thought What would be the best wish? To be a adjective superstar? To have some really toys? Finally, the student thought adjective
of the perfect wish and told the genie
“Whatever,” said the genie as he snapped his fingers And just like that, the wish came
true The student became a
adjective ` adjective
, and never forgot that day in the forest
noun adjective
Trang 35| SKILL: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs (Review) A Parts-of-Speech Circus ~ tờằ 2 B FACT A noun is a person, place or thing : : : : : : :
Work with a partner on this :
activity One partner will be : (Mr Simpson, Ohio,
the Clue Giver The other part- : banana ) A verb tells
ner will be the Word Giver : the action in the
1 The Clue Giver asks the 3 sentence (lifts, dances,
Word fiver for aword ic ‘sil : sees) An adjective
In eaci jank, Fill in al ie 3 1"
blanks before reading the : describes a noun (blue,
story \ sl 3 nice, smart) An adverb
bề *
2 The Clue Giver reads the : usually describes a :
story out loud 3 verb (quickly, happily,
3 wildly)
Last week, the circus came to our town It was set up near the old [wasn’t planning to go, but
common nour/place
and talked me into it They were dying to see the
proper noun/person Proper noun/person
and the
adjective common nourvthing adjective ‘common noun/person
When we arrived, we were starving, so we got in line to buy some snacks
1 ate the , and my friends ate the adjective ‘common noun/thing
adjective common noun/thing :
Then the show began The ringmaster announced the first act
Then came out and started to
adjective/number plural noun verb/present tense
! When the act was over, everyone began to
adverb verb/present tense
adverb verb/present tense adverb
Later in the show, we saw a anda
adjective ‘common noun/thing
who could and
adjective ‘common noun/person verb/present tense
The best part of the show was the last act, when a
verb/present tense adjective
on top of a !
‘common noun/person verb/past tense adverb ‘any common noun
We ran into and They were carrying a
common noun/person common noun/person
that they had bought as a souvenir They said they loved the show, too! common noun/thing
Trang 36SKILL: Adverbs A Pet Adventure
This adventure story is miss- ing its adverbs! Fill in the blanks in the story with
‘FACT Adverbs can describe verbs, adjectives, or even other adverbs
adverbs from the box below They usually answer th
When you are finished, put ey - Sually answer the
the numbered letters in the questions how, when,
correct order and get the or where They often
secret message end in the letters -ly
suddenly loudly high sadly fearlessly wildly
quickly breathlessly desperately hungrily innocently
My neighbors asked me to watch their dog, Sophie | needed the money, so I took the job Sophie barked
big kiss | took her by the leash and waved good-bye
Trouble began when she chewed off her leash and ran _ _ _._ down the street When I caught her, she was _ licking someone's ice cream cone! Then she
ran across the street I followed 3 4 behind her 5 Sophie stopped at the park There,she — — — made some new 8 9 friends, leaped into the air to grab their Frisbee, and greeted a man who was 7 feeding the squirrels
We were invited to a picnic and ate 5 Then [
as realized it was time to go We 6 atid
10 1 12
good-bye, and got home minutes before Sophie’s owners They saw her sitting
aC by the dor and exclaimed “Sophie's so good for you Are you available next week?”
Now use the circled letters to decode the message:
Trang 37
SKILL: Prepositions Prepositions
Show Position FAST FACT
Prepositions usually tell where something is, where something is going, or when some-
This story is missing its prepositions! & im Fill in the blanks in the story with
prepositions from the box below vi“ ONS IS 2
When you are finished, put the num- cb 2 ~ thing is happening
bered letters in the correct order and ° 1 9 tEENHg
get the secret message s ° : B 2
about before except in near with to
above by from inside on without
Last summer, I went Space Camp! | went for three days, Z TT — a
1 3
Monday to a Wednesday On the first day, I got to try on a space suit just like the ones worn by real astronauts It had an American flag _ the front and all kinds of special equipment
built into it It even had a device to control the temperature inside the suit
=5 this equipment, astronauts could not survive _ _ space
The next day, | got to taste astronaut food I especially liked the freeze-dried ice cream In
fact, all of the kids at Space Camp ( for one or two) thought the
6 7
ice cream was the best
Finally, I got to go : a special anti-gravity chamber It was
invented scientists to give astronauts an idea of what it's like to be weightless in
outer space While I was floating inside the chamber, I imagined that I was traveling far
the Earth Wow!
Before | knew it, it was time to head home But before I left, | got to meet a real-life astro-
naut She sat down all the campers and told us
12 13
—— —_— _—_ me, so I even got an autograph! Now I don’t just /zI
want to be an astronaut I know for sure! her job She sat
Now use the numbered letters to decode the message:
3 6 11 7 12 2 1 3 10 1 5 3
Trang 38A Conjunction s Function AST FACT Conjunctions are linking words They join words, phrases, clauses, and This story is missing its conjunc-
tions! Fill in the blanks in the story
with conjunctions from the box sentences together
below When you are finished, put
the numbered letters in the correct order and get the secret message
and or yet if since before
but nor so until because once
The day we moved into our new house, the weather was rainy cold
1 2
I could not play outside, I decided to explore the attic It was mostly empty, a few dusty boxes sat in the corner, belonging to the previous owners
my family had not come up here yet
I began to look through one of the boxes filled with papers that looked old and fragile, 1 was careful | uncovered an old map and recognized our neighborhood It showed a large “X” near the lake, at the end of our road “Hmmmm,” I thought to myself “X” marks the spot.” For a chest full of gold a priceless piece of jewelry? I could hardly wait to find out!
Luckily the next day was sunny I finished breakfast, I set out to search
for the spot marked on my map I had gotten very far, | heard a
voice say, “I'm Kate You must be the new kid.” I said “hello.” | didn’t want Kate to think I was
silly, I knew she might be a big help so I showed her my map Soon both of us
were having a great time
We found plenty of garbage, and may never know there is treasure by the lake, but 10
I have a new pal!
Trang 39SKILL: Interjections > FAST FACT
This letter is missing its inter- Â An interjection is a word
jections! Fill in the blanks in or phrase that express-
the story with interjections : trong feelings It i
from the box below When you ¿ 03 Strong feelings it Is
are finished, put the numbered s usually punctuated with
letters in the correct order and : an exclamation point
get the secret message
All right Hello Thanks Wow Hey Yuck Oops Phew
Dear Aunt Linda,
there! I just got the train set you sent for my birthday
=—=—— —— ! | really love it It has eight cars and a long, curving track
! It has to be the nicest train set I've ever seen
It took me about three hours to put the set together (with mom's help) ! It sure was hard work! But when I was finally finished, | was very excited I invited my best friend, Tim, over to take a look Tim loves trains as much as | do When he saw it, he shouted,
ee àè !" Tim and I played with the trains for a while Then
Tim's brother, Lou, came over, and we had to put the set away That’s because Lou tried to play
with the track and almost broke it I said, “ ! Please be careful with that!”
I hear my mom calling me for dinner, so I will wrap up this letter We are having liver and lima beans 11 hope you are having something tastier! 7 8 I will talk to you soon! Love, Daniel P.S.: ! | almost forgot to tell you that my first soccer game of the season will 9
be this Saturday morning!
Now use the numbered letters to decode the message:
1 3 5 1 6 9 2 5 4 1 7 8
Trang 40SKILL: The Verb “To Be” To Be or
Not to Be? FAST FACT
The verb “to be” is the most frequently used
This ke is missing verb in the English lan-
some of its verbs! Fill in Eight different 5 Ă
the blanks in the story GUBOE “RIOT ONTer eM)
with verbs from the box words are part of the
below All of the verbs verb “to be.”
are forms of the verb “to be.” When you are finished, put the num-
bered letters in the cor- rect order and get the secret message
is am are was were be being been
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It quite an honor to stand before you this evening and accept this award | am
thrilled to named the Inventor of the Year Believe it or not, just a few years ago | 2
a poor, unknown inventor with plenty of ideas but no money to make them happen Today, I a big success, all thanks to my famous Two-In-One Dental Floss and Fishing 3 Line If it not for this amazing device, | might still be dreaming away in my 4 basement workshop As I accept my award, I'd like to thank some special people in my life They 5 6
my parents and my fifth-grade science teacher, Mrs C A Labrat To all three of them, I say,
“Thanks for there for me!” And to all of you in the audience, I say
that I have never happier or more proud than I am tonight