bai tap top notch danh cho tieng anh thuong mai de dang cho moi nguoi cap nhat va lam tot phan tieng anh thuong mai. De lam bai tap nay moi nguoi chi can kien thuc co ban va mot von tu vung ve tieng anh thuong mai don gian. Day la trinh do dau cua hoc tieng anh thuong mai. Moi nguoi chi can moi ngay hoc mot unit. Hoc top notch se cho ban kha nang giao tiep trong mot thoi gian ngan. Sach nay giao trinh rat hay va tinh thuc te cao. Hoc xong la co the ap dung trong cong viec hang ngay
NAME: _ DATE: _ Extra Reading Comprehension Questions (Unit 1, page 10) COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS A Look at the Reading on page 10 Write the name(s) of the mystery person or people name(s) She is a financial manager _ He lives in Switzerland _ His wife’s name is Zheng Yang _ He comes from Germany _ She is not married _ He has two children _ She lives with her parents _ He is from Shandong Province _ Their wives are teachers _ 10 He enjoys listening to English on the radio _ CRITICAL THINKING B Based on the information in the Reading and your own world knowledge, check the statements that are probably true Explain your choices Ms Marques speaks English only with people whose first language is English _ The foreign businesspeople Mr Yuan works with probably all come from English-speaking countries _ The Stolzes probably speak to each other in English sometimes _ Top Notch 1, Second Edition Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Unit