This title is a TopicBased Course Preparing Students For The First Certificate Examination. Special Focus Is Given To Vocabulary Expansion, With Sections On Words Often Confused And Phrasal Verbs In Every Unit.
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STAR Student's Book
Trang 2Contents
11 Yabba dabba doo pages 2 tngood company pase 16
3 The good, the bad and the unbearable page 24
4 Culture shock pane 32
Review: Unlts 1-4 page 40
5 comic genius ae
6 Talking sense mạc SỐ
Lelsurc for pleasurc pane 58
B Sherlock Holmes pane 66
Review: Units 5-8 page 74
9 Mysterious monsters
pate 76
10 what's page 84 tn a face?
11 Meat: to cat oF not to eat? page 92
Questions & uestion tgs
Prevent simple & present Stative 8 dynamic verbs Ariclcs
Past simple & past Comparative & xupefiai\e adkecives
Present perfect simple & present perfect continuous Past perfoct simple & past perfec continuous ‘The pasive Aajestive oar heron bot a not oni but alia ee Causative verbs Prepositions Vocabulary
‘Words of similar meaning Cinema Phrasal vers and idioms Phrasal verbs with | Personaliey Modifying adjectives Phrasal vers with ov Town and co Transpoe Phrasal verbs (tavel)
Nationalities & languages Words Phrasal verbs with tan of simile meaning
‘Words of similar meaning ‘Word formation Phra verbs ith tae Verbs of sound & sight Phrasal verbs th go Leisure
Collective nouns Phrasal ver & fiom Phrasal verbs with back
Phrasal Serbs th fade Phrasal cers with dow Deserbing people Compound adjectives Phrasal vere (ime) Food & farming Phrasal verbs food)
Use of English
Pare 5: Word formation art 4: Eror correction
Pare 1: Mulkiple choice clore Part 5: Word formation Exam information: Pt Pare 5: Word formation Var 4: For conection Exam information: Pact 4
Trang 3Reading
Bam 1: Multiple matching Par 2: Mukiple choice ‘Exam information: Part Fas 5: Gapped text ‘Exam information: Pact 3 am 3: Gapped text Pan 3: Mukiple matching 2a 2: Muhiple cholce le matching ae + Multiple matching, ‘Zam infomation: Part
Pax & Capped text Pas: Multple mat Bast Multiple choive SE monmation: Par 2 Listening
Part 1: Mukiple choice Past 2 lank Nling: Pan 3: Multiple matching Pan 1: Mukiple choice Exam information: Part 1 Part 4: Multiple choice ut 3 Multiple matching eam informations Part 3 Part 1: Multiple choice Spoken English Pat 2 lank filling Pare 4: Mixed questions Exam information: Par
Pa 2: Bank ling xan information: Par 2 Part 1: Multiple choice Speaking, Information gp Part I: Persona information information: Part 1 Roleplay Part 2 Photographs Discussion fremation: Part 2 Questionnaize & discussion Pare 2: Photographs
Trang 4Contents Unit 12 The power and magic of dreams page 100 Review: Units 9-12 pe 108 13 Goodies and baddies pate 10 141 times page 118
15 the end of intelligence? pate 126
16 Good luck, bad luck page 131 Review: Units 13-16 page Lid
17 Worth a thousand words ae M4
1B Onc small sep page 152
19 From rags to riches page 16 Review: Un ts 17-19 pane 168
20 an American dream page 170
21 Potato races page ITS
22 Holidays are bad for your health pase 150 Review: Units 20-22 pve 194 Grammar Reported speech & reported questions Relative cases {sd to wont + iafintive lye used 10+ ing Vers flowed hy infinitive fo ng Fore (eran) lipss
Faure forms (1: fature simple, ong 0, present continuons present simple ` 8 second
Moxa verbs (1: obligation necessity Faure forms (2: ftuee perfect simp, perfect continua Toure continuous
Condiionals 2) thi & ‘Modal verbs (2): cenainty speculation
Verbs followed hy infinive with or without fo Genande cing forms)
Linking & contesting ideas expressing wishes & regrets Inversion
Communicative activities paze 196 UCLES sample answer sheets page 201, Grammar review pase 205
Vocabulary Expressions with skp Sanam Phrasal vers with brig
crime Phrisl verbs with fae Television Phytsal verbs with foep Phrasal verbs (nixed Science & technology Dhyceal verbs (review)
Phrasal verbs with do & mate
Countable & uncountable Cole tions
Phil veri with on Soff uid one out Prefixes & sixes Phas verbs with gor Shops & services Phan verbs with got Fetish & American English Phnsil veri wth pt Sport Phrasal verbs (por)
Formal & informal words Phrasal verbs (eview)
Phrasal verb dictionary page Word list pase 231
Use of English at 5 Transformations Part 5: Word formation Pare 4: Ertor correction Exam information: Par Š
Pan 5: Word formation Part 4 Transformations Đàn Ì Enor coeteeton Par: Err conection Par 2 Open chức Pare 3: Transformations ant 2: Open eloze
Part 2: Open clare Prat 1: Muiple choiee eloze
Prt: Transformations Part 5: Woed formation Pare: Envor correction Word fommation Error conection
Trang 5
Part 1: Multiple matching Part 8: Gapped text Part 4: Multiple matching Part 3: Gapped text Part Multiple matching Par 4: Muiple matching Part 3: Gapped text Pan
Pan 2: Multiple choice
Par 3: Gapped text Part 1: Mule matching,
Multiple matching
Par 4 Which speaker said what Part 2: flank filling Part 2: Blank filing Part 3: Multiple matching, Spoken English
Part 1: Multiple choice
Spoken English
Part 2: Blank filling Pat 2: Blank filling
Pant 3: Multiple matching art 4 Mukiple choice Đam 3: Muliple man Đan á; True/False Part 2: Blank filling Speaking, Information gap Describing a painting ars discussion 3 8 4: Pairwork task Part 2: Photographs Paris 3.8 4: Paiework task S discussion Pat 3: Paiework task Describing objects Pare 1: Personal information Parts 3&4: Pairwork tase discussion Questonnaine Discussion
Trang 6Exam information
This is an overview of the five Papers in the Cambridge Fist Genificate in English examination, For more information and tips on each Part of eich Paper, see the exams boxes in the units
Paper 1 Reading 1 hour 15 minutes
Aim: to test your ability 10 read in a vasiety of ways: reauling for gist oF For detall, understanding, how a text ‘organized and deducing meaning from the context Past 1 Multiple matching (headings o¢ sum sentences) (exam box p 8) Part 2 Multiple choice (exam box p 93) Part 3 Capped text (sentences or paragraphs) box p 58) Number of questions: 55
Length of texts: 350-700 words per text
‘Types of text: advertisements, letters, stories, brochures, guides, manuals, magazine and newspaper anicles Ans angwer sheet by filling in the comect lozenge rou will mark your answers on a separate
(Gee p 200)
Marks: questions in Pans 1, 2 and 3 are worth two marks, ‘Questions in Part 4 are worth one mark,
Paper 2 Writing 1 hour 30 minutes
Aim: to test your ability 10 write diferent types of text It is particularly important to show your abiliy to write for a particular reader and to achieve your purpose in writing Part 1 ‘Transactional letter (exam boxes pp 22 and 140)
Part 2 One tusk from a choice of four Options include: ‘an anicle (exam boxes pp 38 and 98) + 8 teport (evimm boxes pp 30 and 153) * ăn opinion composition (exam boxes pp 57 and 125) ‘+ narrative composition (exam boxes pp 14 and 107) + a descriptive composition + a letter (exam boxes pp 48, 177 * a task on one of the set
(exam box p 73) Number of questions: 2
Length of writing tasks: 120-180 words
Answering: you wil be given a booklet in which to write your answers Marks: oth) stions are worth the sime marks, Paper 3 Us
‘Aim: to test your knowledge of and ability © use grammar ancl vocabulary Part 1 Multiple choice clozc (exam box p 11) Part2 Open cloze (exam box p 90)
Part 3 Key word transformations (exim box p 86) Part 4 Enor correction (exam box p 55) Part 5 Word formation (exam box p 104) Number of questions: 65
Answering: you will write your answers on x separate answer sheet either by writing a word ora shor phrase, or by filing in the correct lozenge (see p 202/3) Marks: questions in Pars 1, 2, and 5 are worth one mark Questions in Patt 3 are worl ewo marks
of English 1 hour 15 minutes
Paper 4 Listening 40 minutes
Aim: 10 test your abiliy wo listen and understand the gis the main points, specific information or to deduce meaning Part 1 Multiple choice (exam box Part 2 Note tiking ot blank filling (exam box p87) p 37) Part 3 Multiple matching Part 4 Selecting from evo oF three possible answers (i
YewNo, True/False, multiple choice, which speaker said what Cexam box p 81) Number of questions: 50
‘Types of text: monologues or shor dialog Answering: you will write your answers on a sepa answer sheet either by writing word of a short ph by filling in the corsect lozenge (sce p 200) Marks: cach question is worth one mark
Paper 5 Speaking 14 minutes (approximately) Aim: to test your abil to use your spoken language skills effectively in diferent types of interaction Part 1 Personal information Part 2 Talking about photographs (exam box p 24) (exam box p 10)
Part 3 Pairwork task (exam box p 63) Part 4 Discussion (exam box p 63)
Answering: other candidate you will alk both to the examiner and to the A second examiner will assess your speaking but will not join in the conversation, Marks: you will be given a mark etween 0 and 5 for your performance throughout the test in the following areas: grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency and ability to take part in conversation
Trang 7
#XXTwenty common questions about the exam
1 What is the pass mark? There is no absolute pass mark but candidates need to ‘3:1 about 60% of the total marks to pass with a Gricke C 2 Are the Papers equally important? Yes Each of the ive Papers is worth 40 marks (20% of
the tora,
3 Do we have to pass all the Papers to pass the exam? ‘No Your final grade is based on your total score from al five Papers, so you can do badly in oae paper but sake up for it by doing hetter on another paper 4 Gan we write on the question paper?
‘Yes but your notes will not be marked
5 Do we write in pencil or ink? For Papers 1, 3 and 4, use a pencil, In Paper 2 you can «do your rough notes in pencil, but the final answer must xenmk
© Can use deleting fluid/0ppex? ‘Ge all the Papers involving & computerized answer ‘tex (Papers 1, 3 and 4) you should not use tippex In he writing test tis beter to cross out mistakes neatly
sand write the word agin
(7 hat happens if! fill in the answer sheet wrongly, Sec example by filling in two lozenges for the | same question? computer will spot the mistake and your paper will
checked individually,
‘need 10 write an address on the letter in 2 ‘you do, you will just be wasting time and space, pou wail not lose marks if you do write an address,
be topics suitable for young people in
1s designed for people who are sixteen and
‘but a lot of younger candidates manage very al Papers
-aced rough paper? finitely need rough paper for Papers 2 and ‘eco exits rough pape put your hand up and for some mex
spelling or vocabulary wrong? frou do use American English or other you should try to be consistent
12 What happens if we write ewo possible answers for the same question in Paper 3? I both answers are correct, you get the mark; iF une answer is wrong, no mark is given,
13, Are contractions like didn't counted as one or ‘two words in the key word transformations on Paper 3?
Contractions do not count as one word, so ditt’? ‘would count as ewo words: did and rot (Note: cam 1 counis as one word, carol.)
14 Is there any background noise on the cassette in the listening paper? There may be some sound effects ac che beginning, but not during the speaking
15 Are all four Parts of the speaking Yes, test assessed? 16 Will there always be two candidates speaking test? in the
Usually, yes If there is a problem arranging two ‘candidates atthe sume time, the test may be done on a ‘one-to-one basis,
17 Are candidates from the same school put together in the speaking test? Possibly, but in lage centres you may be wich candidate from another school
18 Don’t candidates in the speaking test who know ‘each other stand a better chance than (wo ‘candidates who are strangers?
‘No Communication can be tested just as well benweca strangers as between friends,
19 What happens in the speaking test if one candidate talks a lot and the other one is a bit shy? ‘The examiner will make sure you both get a fair chance to speak Make sure you! use the opportunity to demonstrate what you cin do
20 Where are the papers marked? Apart from the speaking test, all papers ane marked in the United Kingdom by experienced examiners,
Trang 81 Yabba dabba doo
Tense review
Speaking and Reading
1 Work in pairs Student A, describe the picture on this page to your partner Student B, describe the pictures on page 12 and 13 How many similarities can you find? Talk about what the people look like, how old they are, where they are
2 Now quickly read the text Rock Stars and answer these questions,
1 Whar are the people in the pictures called? 2 What is their rcltionship?
3 In which year did they first appear on TV?
Exam practice: Part?
InPart1 HN cana eae
hheadings or summary sentences tot “text This type of exam question tes "to read quickly and understand the general TH to part of THỜ heating or summary TH hi cá] sete OH | fie te
3 Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-H for ‘each part (1-7) of the text There is one extra heading which you do not need to use
A Rocky jokes
B A Stone Age fury in skins C Anew idea
DA popular show
Trang 9Unit 7
* Rock Stars *
© [eet the Flintstones, a modem Stone Age family Stone Age gadgets and endless jokes about rocks, which is From the town of Bedrock, here's a bit about their why the Flintstones’ neighbours got to be called “Rubble” history Sarah ‘Pebbles’ Burns tells the prehistoric story _and why they al live in ‘Bedrock’ Fred Flintstone’s
15 famous yell ~ ‘yabba dabba doo” ~ wasn’t originally in the
eee lỆ TH gi6nilel280tEE ty the
Somewhere in the work, every hour of every day, The + Flintstones is being broadcast An incredible 300 million
fans tune in to wateh it regularly Whether you like them ‘or not, Fred, Wilma and their neighbours, Bamey and
Betty Rubble, are impossible to avoid Recently, all 166 Joe Barbera explains the cartoonists’ detailed preparation: episodes were broadcast non-stop on television actoss theo “We researched into prehistoric times, learning about the
JSA Not bad for a cartoon which was badly received by animals and other natural elements and surroundings the erties on its first run 38 years ago characteristic of that period All this helped in the creation
of the series.’ Hanna adds: It was originally called The "=p ttle, mi we received eter from acarioons «6 who already had a comic strip of that name Reluctantly, ‘we changed it to The Flinistones.” E=== sẻ Ms] Se ee before, but with the fast growing popularity of their Quick Story lines were based on other TV series about families,
gave ita go Itwasa decision they were never to regret unemployment and the dentist Plenty of modern day
SPM :=- .ẽ.ẽa<.-] Curtis' and the conduetor 'Leonard Bernstone" Rock
© problems as contemporary suburban families, but with ‘bound to make an appearance
eres” \
Ee nonce wtesepees mer eee nce
‘Neanderthal-type characters,” says Hanna, “That was it ‘Teat’s what we wanted them to look like
$5 Armed wih he new carton fan, Barber st off New York toy and sel he idea toa TV network Iwas ad rk he esis ae nt never being made at all After eight weeks of hard sell, still no one was
interested, but an hour before Barbera was due to fly
FJ te: toted a Thy toot at once and eee tobreades the sow On 3 September 1960, th fist TÐenthey thew an average maried couple ino aStone _epsade was shown Mos ofthe reviews wer ep, ASccrvronment Draving the chances with everday some ven hate bu the viewer sboltly Iv
= Se wan fay 30 they tied toe and other Store matrle The elt was whole oof clever 6 ben sean nearly evry cumin he word Since then it hes ben translated int 2 angege has
Trang 10
% Yabba dabba doo
Exam practice: Part 2
4 Read the text about the Flintstones again For questions 1-7, choose the correct answer A, 8, C or D,
1 What is susprising about The Hinustones" success? A Itis on TV every day
B Everyone likes it nowadays, © The critics didn't lke it at first
D All of the episodes were shown in one day How did The Flintstones come
A They had appeared in other cartoons, B Ie was a popular idea with viewers
© The producers wanted a Stone Age cartoon, D Hanna and Barbera thought of the idea
Why did Hanna and Barbera choose a Stone Age family? Because
A Stone Age people had problems like ours B the others didn't look right
€ Ít Was the first idea that came to them
D they saw someone wearing Stone Age costume, What do the names ‘Rubble’ and ‘Bedrock’ have in
weant f0 be amusing, are prehistoric materials, C They are everyday objects
D They are Stone Age gadgets
5 The Stone Age f A lived happy lives, B were quite frightening, had modem problems
D were taken from other TV series 6 What was the reaction to the first episode?
A Some critics loved it B Some critics did not lke it
Some viewers were negative, D Few critics liked it
The main purpose of the article is 10,
A describe the people behind Tite Hinistones B describe the origin of The Hintstones, € show how difficue itis to sueceed in TV D describe the history of cartoons,
5 Decide whether these statements are true or false according to the text
1 Hanna and Babert had never produced a sucessful cartoon before The Hitstones, 2 The success of The Flintstones is due mainly to
Hanna and Baeb
3 Hanna and Barbera were not keen on the name The Flinisiones 4 The customer is always right Speaking
"Exam practice: Personal information
In Part 1 of the speaking exam, the examiner wil
Trang 11Unit ƒ 1 Work with a partner and ask and answer the questions Fed out: 2 Whatis the difference between the words in exercise 1? Complete these pairs of sentences using the correct
ae form of one of the words in each space
‘What hivher parents do 1a Cinema _ loved the movie
3 What he/she enjoys most about work/stuclies, ‘What he/she does in his/her free time b Millions of —_ switched on their TV sets to watch the election results,
‘What sort of films he/she watches ‘The lawyer asked the witness what she could How ofien he/she goes to the cinem: about the accident
b Tm always forgetting things 1 just can't Vocabulary — ' M:ch words from list A with words from list B that will vote for him again ae Festal b The ship hit some ind sank rock make Cinema hostile
remember 3 Put the words in the box under the following headings
create environment connected with the cinema = kinds of fim
= people ~ other words
4 Complete these sentences using one of the words from the box above in each space
1 There are songs in nearly every scene, its just the kind of film I like best There's nothing like a good 2 Tthink they should have cut the opening
‘was a boring way t0 begin the film,
3 dont think the star actually jumped through the ‘window; it must have been done by a
4 Audiences everywhere love her films, particularly when she plays the lead role She's a born 5 A _ describes the action that takes place in a
film, whereas the is what the actors say 6 She's a wonderful She knows how to get &
good _ out of her cast
Trang 12% Yabba dabba doo Grammar Tense review
1 Match these tenses with the sentences below present simple present continuous past simple past continuous
present perfect simple present perfect continuous, past perfect simple past perfect continuous future simple (orl)
gong to
A stranger approached me and asked for a light, 1
2 People have been watehing TV since the 1930s Til come round and see you this evening,
They are broadcasting the match live
5 Thad never seen The Fintstones befor
6 Millions of people have seen The Flintstones on TV
My dad tells us realy funny stories 8 Thad been watching TV all evening 9) Rosie was wearing a new skint at the pay 10 We're going to see The Hlinistones at the cinema tonight
2 Choose the correct tense in these sentences,
1 Lean come to the phone ~ Lhave/t shower! hi 2 Te decided | will/'m going to be an actor one 3 Lfinished/1ve finished my dinner, Can I go out VL was watching TV when suddenly the telephone rang
She looked/She has looked lovely caring/She wore a long, red dress
6 Before T went to London I had never been/t have never been abroad before 7 Come in! Thad just been reading/Tve just been reading that book you gave me
Thad been raining all night and in the morning the streets were flooded
9 Lhad been waiting/1 had waited in the rain for ages when she finally tumed up 10 When you've finished/y:
you wash the dishes? had ished eating, 12 3 Complete this text using the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1) (go) to the cinema ever since Twas a child, bot T rarely (2) _ (go) to see cartoons tn fact, 1) _ (no/Se0) cartoon for about five years, The last time 14) (See) a cartoon at the ‘cinema was when 1 5) (take) my two sons, who (6) _ (be) now iwelve years old, to see Walt Disney's Fantasia They (7) (be) only seven at the time and so they (8) seeing a cartoon at the cinema ook) forward to
1 hope thịs (9) (be) good,’ said Tony 140)
‘OK, OK, Ï sửd, T (11) — (ged you some coke and popcom, But let's go, or we (12) (be) late! lewas the first time (03) (take) the boys to the cinema, We (14) _ (go) to the theatre together before, but never to the cinema 15) (buy) them some coke and popcom as 1 (16)
(promise) As they 7) (watch) the Ñlm they (8) — (crunch) their popeorn noisily and shurped their coke, We (19) _(only/watch) the film for ten minutes or so when Tony (20)
loud voice, his mouth full of popcorn,
On the sereen at that moment an orchestra (21) (play) a piece of classical music; there had been no
Trang 13
Words often confused
invent discover create 1 Complete this table,
verb ngun person adjective invent
discoverer =
2 Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the words above,
I Hanna is one of dl of The Flintstones 2 Newton gravity when an apple fell on his, head 3 The government's economic policy has alot Of problems,
+ The _ of the washing machine has made
people's everyday lives easier:
Leonardo da Vinel made many scientific © Television way by John L Baird in 1926,
Unit 7
count add measure calculate subtract 3 Complete these sentences using the correct form of
tone of the words above 1 Close your eyes and
2 âm going to have myself for a new suit 3 What do you get if you the two figures
4 My arithmetic was never very good What do we getifwe from 1000?
5 Can you weeks in Majorca? how much it will cost (0 spend two 6 When I have difficult computer 7 na clothes shop) ‘IN just take your sir’ to do, Tse the
Phrasal verbs and idioms
4 Find phrasal verbs or idioms in the reading text on age 9 that mean
~ tried something (paragraph 2)
~ thought of an idea or solution (paragraph 3) Vinvented (paragraph 4)
red a journey (paragraph 7) ~ liked something (paragraph 7)
Phrasal verbs with up
give up
come up catch up make up
look up goup take up
5 Complete these sentences using the correct form of ‘one of the phrasal verbs above,
1 I don't believe you; I'm sure you've whole story!
2 Which questions do you think are going to in the exam?
3 Ifyou sport, ill help you lose weight ‘smoking hundreds of times! I's really the
5 The temperature’s _today ~ I'm feeling hot 6 Talways difficult words in the dictionary
7 If you miss lessons, you will have to ty and ‘with the rest of the class later
Trang 14
%_Yabba dabba doo Listening
Exam practice: Part 1
1 Before you listen, read the questions What sort of information will you need to listen for? Underline the key words in the questions
2 You will hear people talking in five different situations For questions 1-5, choose the best answer A,BorC
1 Listen to this woman talking on TV, Wh: job? A She is a newsreader,
B She isa TV announcer She isa film eritic fisher 2 You hear a man talking on the phone Where is he going this evening? A to the airport B tothe cinema C toa restaurant A
3 Listen to these two people talking Who are they? A a lecturer and a student
B two friends
C a manager and a secretary f
4 You overhear this man talking to your neighbour, Mrs Wright Why is he visiting her? A He wants to meet her husband,
B He wants to meet her = C He wants to speak to her father
5 You hear a woman talking about her job What does she do? A She is a director B She is an actor © She is an historian, |: mm 3 How did you choose your answers? What clues did you hear? 14 1 Complete these sentences using the correct form of ‘one of the verbs below in each space look see
snow stay find think watch say ring wear 1 Outside it _ heavily and the house was cold 2 T 1Valllevening, when the doorbell _ 3 The stranger 4 a long, black coat,
1 _never the man before in my life ina soft voice with a
‘Good evening, he foreign accent
6 1 _ only a shor while.”
7 After 1 _ about it for a moment, 1 let him in 8 “Thank you,’ he said, 't _ for you for years.” 9 1 you at las
Trang 15
2 5zed thịs question and a student’ "swer Has the student followed te tips in the exam box?
ou have decided to enter a short ‘ony competition The
competition rules say that the sory must end with the sentence: couldn't believe it, "Fate your story for the
competition You should write Semveen 120 and 180 words
Nw its your turn Write your sie this question
Nes have decided to enter a short Sexy competition The competition “aes say the story must begin with ‘Ge following words:
‘See shut the door and picked up ‘Se telephone, Fate your story for the
competition, You should write Sexween 120 and 180 words
‘Complete these proverbs What do they mean?
gathers no moss
‘People who live in glass houses should not throw _
‘Sticks and will break my bones, but words will never hurt me
Unit 7
| could never have guessed what was going to happen that winter evening, two years ago Outelde it wae énowing heavily ‘and the house was cold |was alone and | had been watching TV all evening, when the doorbell rang,
Feeling alittle frightened, | went to the front dor and called ‘ut, Who is i There was no reply | opened the door slow Through the thick enow, | saw the figure oF a man standing in the deorway The etranger was wearing along, black coat and | ould just make out hi face | had never seen the man before in my life oF 60 | thought,
“Good evening’ he said in a soft voice with a foreign accent ‘Can | come in? | will only stay for a short while! After |had ‘thought about it for a moment, | let him in Thank you! he ‘ai ‘Ihave been looking for you for years | have found you at last!" | ehowed him into the living room an in the bright light | suddenly recognized Bily Tanner, an old echoolfriend | hadn'e ‘seen for thirty years | couldn't believe it
Trang 16
2_ Ingoodcompany
Questions and question tags
Vocabulary and i How to lose friends and alienate people Have you ever been offended at not beng invited to a party which everyone else
Reading joke that no one found very amusing? [ER] eesowwetetglxtrbeettimttg r7 TÌ nen <1] Making friends and
influencing poople isa gift tha a select Few seem be bom with, while forthe rest of us it isa skill that needs tobe pratised: and it canbe learnt Afterall, positive adjectives sympathetic everyone likes to be popular~ we all like tobe invited to parties and tobe the
negative adjectives seffish ‘centre of attention, atleast some of the time Although experts have written
books on how to make friends and influence people for me, the first lessons I received in how to he sociable go hack to when we were a primary school 1 Put the words in the box under the following headings:
Bas ire we ay po onc ik wae tbcemise Ney
(Ginguatings {lko Billy Rolly, who chewed erasers and then spadut Ge Riese y onto his desk Nor was elke Loraine Smit, whose da was the headmaster of
he school and who always wanted to be popular with the teachers and so kept
2 choose thre adjectives from the box | Puling er hand up answer questions even when she had no idea what he
fo describe the qualities you ke most | answer was)HEB He was o desperate tobe liked bythe et of us that
re sttena Now choose other tives | evenly even he mas olerant amongst ws couldn't san him (We were only to desenbe someone you con tice, eset italia irony was that on the surface Edgar Price should have been the most popular kid na fl le Isat al
ee rete cere eats ate ace
3 Read the text quickly Which of the following adjectives describe Edgar? seat birthday pares, ‘But underneath it gradually bacame obvious tht Edgar cared only forone | |
sociable disgusting person ~ himself He was totally self-centred, but made it worse by pretending
selfeenteed miserable popular inating he cared about others EB] You could tell from hi voice that ‘was on other things And he always managed o twist every topic of eonver- his mind sation back round to his favourite subject ~ the lie and times of Edgar Price It |
was rather dall story, anyway : r:Ê
Another thing which made him difficult like was that he was so miserable — «real prophet of doom He was always predicting bad weather when there was aig ‘match on, infectious diseases when someone was ofill and earthquakes round, We knew he just wanted attention [JET —] Once there really wasan all year | | ‘earthquake and when Edgar suid, “told you so, no make s ike him moe ‘think it was an American president who once sai, ‘Ifyou're talking, you | ain't listening’, and, in spite ofthe faulty grammar, there isan important bere, [EI[ ] The upshot of allthis is that one should not try too hard to be lesson |
HE isis
talking less and listening more isthe golden rule for becoming someot hà
200d to be with, :
Trang 17Exam practice: Part 3
{In Part 3 of the reading exam, you have to complete a gapped text The missing extracts will be either sentences or short paragraphs This type of question tests your ability:
~ to understand the general meaning of the text ~ to understand details of the text, particularly in
‘those parts of the text where an extract is missing,
~ to understand how a text is structured
‘meaning and underline the key information (people, places, times, events)
+ Read the missing extracts and underline key words
+ Look carefully at the lines just before and after the gaps Look for words and ideas that are related to the missing extracts
*+ Look out for words that help to organize the ‘text, such as pronouns, demonstratves (this that), connecting words (however, secondly) and words of similar meaning
+ Read the completed text quickly Does it make sense?
‘+ Read the text quickly to get the general |
4 Eight sentences have been removed from the text Choose from the sentences A-I the one which fits each ‘gap (1-8) There is one extra sentence which you do
not need to use
A He would even ask to cary your bag if it seemed stuffed with books,
B He wasn't even very good at covering up his real feelings
No, Edgar's problem was far more irritating: he tied too hard to be a ‘good guy
D Of course, if you make a dozen predictions, one of, them is bound to come true
E Once during a maths test, Thad no idea what the F His dad was an accountant with customers in the
Middle East, hardly Lawrence of Aral
G Do people ‘switch of? when you're talking to then H Though it was a long time ago, I remember some
Of the kids as if it were yesterday
I We like the sound of our own voice, but the person we're speaking to probably feels the same about their voice too unit 2
5 Which other adjectives from the vocabulary box on page 16 would you use to describe Edgar? What advice ‘would you give him?
"Modifying adjectives
‘You can increase or reduce the strength of adjectives by using modifiers Here are some ‘modifiers arranged roughly from weak to strong: abit quitelfairly ~ ratherlpretty -> reallylvery — extremely
You're driving abit fast! You're driving pretty fast! You're driving extremely fast!
6 Use a modifier and an adjective from the box on page 16 to describe the people who said these sentences, You can use more than one adjective
1 a bit gloomy, rather pessimistic 1 Things are bound to get worse Ém the best stuclent in the class
I've got two free tickets for the concert Why don’t you have one of them?
4 Well, it s been really great chatting to you Why don't we meet for coffee sometime?
5 [hope you don't mind my mentioning it, but you've got chocolate on your cheek
6 Who's that Jeter from? What does it say? I's not private, is lữ 7 Tm not giving any money to the homeless If they need money, they can go out and work for i hike 1 do
8 I find it difficult to talk to people at patties 9 1 don think my score was anything special It was
partly luck and pasty team-work
10 Look, T'm somry, could you take this soup back, its too sally, And by the way, could you bring me a clean glass? And could you change this butter for ‘margarine please
Trang 18
+ _Ingood company Grammar
“When there is no auxiliary or modal vert
“What do you usualy do at weekends?
Here are some rules Vy for formin Sere yuestions a
ie ban nu eee 00A
er auxiliaryimodal + subject + ver
| should I hand in my homework?
are you going for your holidey?—
+ doldoesidid + subject + infinitive your driving test?
1 Complete these questions
1 people often ask you for adv
2 _— you ever lost or found a lot of money? 3 _ you remember the words of a song in English
—— there something you are really afraid of would you like to be at the moment? is the best thing that has ever happened to
you like to change anything about yoursel” —— ong have you known your best friend?
is your best quality and what is your worst Quality as a person? hhas had the greatest influence on your life? 10 Work with a partner, Ask and answer three of the questions above, 18
2 Correct these sentences said by students of English in Paper 5 of the First Certificate exam
1 Yes, English likes me a lot
2 My mother is a wifehouse but she used! to be a typewriter
3 Thave been learning English since 1 ten o'clock 4 Lam interested in spots lam dying for the basket 5 Tkeep fit by joking and nkle has grey hairs and he is a begger I only eat when Lam angry
m bomed to 1986 Tam only sixty 8 Lear English because I love them,
9) Like travelling by sheep because itis safer know a lot of people and you 10 No, my father never bit me,
What question did the examiner ask in each case? Write the questions and ask your partner three of them
Trang 19Unit 2 Lister
g 2 Now roleplay another problem situation Thí time,
Student 8 should ask for advice and Student A should Pern practica! pare2 give advice Choose one of these situations
1 You think that your English teacher doesn't ike 4 Sou will hear a radio interview with Professor Finney, who gives advice on how to be liked by other people ‘you, He/she often criticizes your homework in front Of the class and never asks you to answer
For questions 1-7, complete the sentences with a word questions
of a phrase, 2 You're wortied thar you're going to fail the Fits F Professor Finney is a you are often too tired to study in the evening, You Certificate exam You have a parttime job and so 2 She has heen studying the way friends and family also find it difficult to concentrate be
can affect a child's §EE————] home is very noisy (The TV is abv have two younger brothers)
school e
Finney believes that itis important to feel People should try not to be
IF someone has had [EEF] , you
should say something nice about it
When you'r feeling [EP] good strategy isto listen to other peopl
When you talk to people, you should always
| - Mi
‘ork with a partner and discuss the advice given by
#rcfessor Finney, What do you think is the best piece of
sac? Useful language Giving advice Why don't you ? You could ty (+ -ing) 2
[mem You should Perhaps b9 you could Bi beak wit a perverse suaier Creo | seen Be Pon ete E oe chờ not phòng ` ` - nea siren wtanen spc oem | WSS 9 Can
% ssudent in your class secs 10 you for advice, Why don’t people understand don't understand wiy
madent A has upset can't see why 1get fed up with
sped friend and doesn't know what
Trang 20% In good company Grammar Question tags
| ‘You use question tags to check information orto ask other people if they agree with you You form
| a question anda subject pronoun, The main patterns fo tag with an auxiliary or @ modal verb Question tags are:
positive: 000000010255)
| Youtlike pizza, don'tyou?
+ negative statement + positive que on tg | You can't speak French, can you? the tag, 2a You haven't been to Spain, baceenbiehieneat + the answer) ;
If you're asking someone to agree with you, „ :
vote ges down en hea : Km) 1 Match the sentences in lst A with the question tags in list B A B
1 You couldn't lend me some money, hadn't you? 2 You weren't bom here, fe you? 3 You haven't read Warand Peace, 4 You usually get up late, wwere you? arent 5 You hadn't seen a cartoon before, do you? 6 You'd beter study more, could you? 7 You don't know of any good books did they?
on grammar, couldnt i
8 Itcould be a bic warmer this time dontyou?
of year, had you
9 Ym taller than you, 10 No one failed the fast test, 2 Complete these questions with a tag
1 You've finished school, 2 You live in flat, 3
You don't have
You'd rather go to the cinema than the theatre,
5 You hud an accident in a car last ye
6 You've been wearing that jacket for over a year,
7 You've never met anyone famous, ?
‘3 Glisten to these sentences and decide if the voice goes, up or down on the tag — ‘The Hinastones are American, aren't they?
Mafalda is from Argentina, tithe?
1 James Bond is English, isn't he? 2 Everyone watches TV, don't they? 3 You didn’t do your homework, did you? 20
4 You've got a video at home, haven't you! 5 You haven't been to America, have you!
4 write four sentences about what you think you know ‘about other students in your class Maria tikes rock must
John's mother is an architect
‘Now check your sentences by asking the people you wrote about tag questions,
Maria, you like rock music, don't you? John, your mother’s an architect, it she? Use of English
Exam practice: Parts 5 and 4
1 Look at these two diagrems What do you think they show? Now read the first text quickly and check your answers, Ignore the spaces for now
body language 55%
tone of
Trang 21
2 For queslons 1-10, read the ‘ext again Use the word given in capitals atthe end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line,
3 What advice will the writer sive to help the reader achieve rapport? Read the next text and check your answers Ignore the errors for now
4 For questions 1-15, read the text again and look carefully at each line Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there Ifa line is correct, put a tick () f a line has a word which should not be there, write the word
Rapport: how to make friends and influence people
If people have rapport with each other, they have a
ăn which they have a special (1) _ to understand other's feelings or points of view
Knowing what rapport is is a small step towards achieving it ‘The (2) question is: how does one go about getting itif one does not have it? How do we ereate ä (3)-— 0F ‘nist and how cin we extend this (4) —— skilữ Ho do you, know when two people are in rapport
(6) _ seems to flow when two people are in rapport; their bodies as well as their words match each other, What we Sty can create or (6) rapport, but that is only seven per cent of the communication, Body language and tone of voice are ‘more (7) You may have noticed that people who are in apport tend to mirror and match each other in posture, gesture and eye contac ICs like ä dance, where partners respond and
‘mirror each other's (8) Have you ever found yourself enjoying a (9) with someone and noticing that both your bodies have adopted the sime posture? The (10) _ apport, the closer the match will (end to be This skill seems to the ‘be inbom, for new-born babies move in rhythm with the voices ‘of the people around them,
they are saying, their bod
respect This builds 10 world Matching besid
11 exaggerated copying of which
13 your head movements, When people move like
When people are not in the rapport their bodies reflect it
‘will not be matching They are not ‘engaged in the dance and you can see in it immediately Successful ‘people create rapport and rapport creates trust You can to ereate rapport with anyone you wish By consciously matching and mirroring, body language and tone of voice, you can very quickly gatin rapport with even almost anyone To create rappor, join the other person's dance by matching to their body language sensitively and with
Trang 22% In good company
Vocabulary Writing
Words often confused Exam practice: Transactional letter (letter asking for information) nervous bad-tempered moody anxious In Part 1 of the writing exam, you have to write a
1 Complete these sentences using one of the words above | transactional letter A transactional letter has a
practical purpose (you want to get something done) and it requires a reply from the person you | send it to Here are some of the different types of letter you may have to write:
letter of complaint a letter of invitation
alletter asking for information 1 A teacher or parent who is always shouting is
2 You are expecting the results of an exam, oF you don't want to miss your plane; you fee
3 Before an interview or exam you may Feel 4 Your friend is often cheerful or depressed within a
very short time, He is
5 John was so _ on his wedding day that he forgot his bride's name
6 My boss is usually very on Monday morning = aletter describing something (eg something lost 7 ‘The drought has made farmers _—— abour the or stolen)
harvest You will be given information with which to
8 Susan admits she's but says i's because she’s | answer the question, such as an advertisement, anatist notes, another leter ora picture You may also be asked to add your own ideas, The style ofthe letter
should be formal or semi-formal, depending on
Phrasal verbs with on eee |
lokon geton sgoon counton Here are some tips on writing a transactional letter, |
tumpon take pg spukony + Make sure that you include all the information 2 Complete these sentences using the correct form of one you are supposed to, You will lose marks if you
of the phrasal verbs above 1 Her applaton was sucesso they ee Pamala her + Use key words from the information given non) Dore coyote waniencee | |
: a + Think about who you are writing to, and make
2 Gould you sat the radio ? Ta like to hear the the style of your letter appropriate The
3 We're going to the show at Christmas Pramines oles matisdaranpiont acy a5,vel) as for accurate grammar and vocabulary ‘+ Open and close your letter appropriately (itis sd and passers-by just In New York people get mug, | | | 5 Tim sony I cant _ working like this - Ive had enongh + Organize the information clear not necessary to write addresses) | } 6 ‘tf you want to in life, you have to work hard paragraphs Each paragraph should havea
7 Cant you to help me? You won't let me down? specific purpose |
‘+ Explain in the first sentence why you are writing | | + State in the last sentence what you expect from the reader |
1 You are going to answer this question
You are interested in visiting the USA and you have seen this advertisement in a magazine Write a letter 0 Oceanview Adventures asking for more information Use the notes on the advertisement, Write berwveen
120 and 180 words
Trang 23
What kind of place is it
Which countries do STUDENTS! “te con 000 NAST FLORIDA, USA
‘Spend 6 days of fun in Orlando this summer with ‘other stuclents 12-18 years old from around the ‘world Tour Disney World, Kennedy Space Center, ` S0£ak ErBl 2Ù for foe details ofthis holiday adventure Oceanview Adventures, POBox 108, Clarksville, IN37D41, USA
2 Here are two students’ answers to the question Read them ‘quickly and decide which is better
Dear Sir or Madam,
| am writing in response to the advertlement about ‘student holidays in Florida who | saw in yesturday’s International Herald News, Although | am interested to ‘the holiday, | would Ike and more informations
{lam 15 yeare old and my Enalioh are very good but | ould lke to improve It
First, could you tell me where the other children wll be coming from? Wil they be able to epeak English? What kind of acomodation wil there be | would and lie to know if ‘must to shalr a room with others students
Could you also tell me more about how the obx days wil be organized? Are the tripe you are referred to included in the fee or do we must pay extra? ook forward to hearing from you, ‘yours faithful, Maria == <‹« -: B Dear Mister (or Madam), eee mena | ‘more details, as quickly ‘exactly Orlando is? | as iis possible The frat ‘thing | | ar from | ‘many other students will it be and which countries the | hav to now the foal ha te Informations? Yes and how wil pay | | fee aa | a 3 Complete this table, according to whether the letters have the
following features Underline examples of the features in the letters
Good features ~ LetterA Letter B Bad features LewerA Letter B
4 Now its your turn Write your own answer to the question Write between 120 and 180 words
Trang 243 The good, the bad and the unbearable
Trang 25
1 Choose two of the photographs and compare and contrast them Use expressions from the box 2 Which cities are shown in the photographs? Match
these names with the photographs Vienna London Berlin Stockholm Athens
Which city do you think has the most serious traffic problems? Why?
Useful language
Describing photographs This picture shows
There seems to be Itlooks like there’ On the leftiight
Its probably
This photo was probably taken nat Comparing and contrasting photographs Both photos are on the subject of
Both photos show The photos show different
‘in comparision to photo A photo Bis In this picture while in the other picture
Town and country
1, Complete these sentences using one of the words below
outskirts suburb surroundings region ‘enviconment district neighbourhood
1 My parents’ house is set in beautiful 2 A new family bas just moved into our
3 Our business is located in the old inchistial —— of the city 4 Ilive ina quiet _ of London called Muswell Hill 5 We are not doing enough to protect th from pollution 6 The mountainous _ in the north of our country is very beautiful
7 The factory is on the _ of the city
Trang 26+ The good, the bad and the unbearable Vocabulary and Reading
1 Put the words in the box under the following headings: ~ types of road ~ forms of transport ring road metro 2 Read the texts quickly and find out which cities have ‘9004 public transport and which cities have bad public transport,
Exam practice: Part 3
23 Seven sentences have been removed from the text Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits ‘each gap (1-7) There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use,
A Getting there means choosing between an efficient underground system or being stuck in traffic jams for much of the journes
B Most city dwellers bought a second car, The ring road was opposed by environmentalists, but has tumed out to be a great success,
D Many of the city’s highways are blocked off t0 allow construction work to go ahead
E Predictably, private cars were found to be the main source of pollution F Half the money is provided by the government, the remainder comes from fires G Above ground, Londoners are not doing much better, H Ie will certainly be the most modem,
Exam practice: Part 4
4 For questions 1-12, choose from the cities A-E Some of, the cities may be used more than once When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order,
Which city or cities
does not have an underground
system yer ae
hhas good facilities for cyclist?
has a cheap and efficient railway service? has an expensive underground system?
hhad better bus services in the past?
fs planning to improve its ral has serious parking problems? has tried to limit the number Of cars in the city centre? hhas increased in size recently? hnas unsuitable roads for ears? 5 Find words in the text that mean:
~ make something change direction (Vienna) connections (Vienna)
repairs, improvement (Berlin)
— people who travel long distances to and from work (Berlin) ~ severe, dramatic (Athens)
= putting money into a project (Athens) = heavy taffic that blocks the roads (London) ~ forbidden (London)
areas on the edge of a town or city (Stockholm) = pushed into a small space (Stockholm)
1 Work with a partner and discuss these questions How bad is the traffic in your town/city?
How has the local government tried to improve the situation?
Trang 27Unit 3 Li ii
Although Vienna already has a superb public transport (© For a nation which once prided itself on building roads and system, work has begun on a plan to divert traffic away from railways for others, transport inthe capital is in a sorry state the streets of the city Key plans include building new and ‘Today, the world’s oldest Tube (the first section was opened ‘improved motorway and rail links and a city ring road Within in 1863) still boats 735 million passenger journeys a year ‘the city, 30 kilometres of underground lines will be added to ‘But it is widely regarded as over-priced, inefficient and in
the Metro over the next ten years At present, five billion _45 need of extensive repair EEE] The worsening of public scillings is poured into Vienna's public transport system services has brought an increase in private transport The every year JEEZ] The underground links well with the subsequent congestion on the capital’ streets was made extensive tram lines and bus routes There are already 500 ‘worse when cars were banned from the City, London's {ms of eyele paths, although Viennese eyclists grumble at financial centre, following bomb attacks by the IRA
<eep potholes in the paths
Huge building sites, large-scale repairs of roads and the reconnection ofthe two halves of the city have all combined to make Berlina difficult place to move about in PB —_] = Several ofthe underground and eross-town railway stations
‘© closed down for renovation For car drivers the worst problem is trying to “get tothe other side’ ~to move from ast to west or vice versa, There are simply not enough roads ‘o meet the demand The good news is that allthis ineon- ‘venience is working towards a good cause When all the
59 It is ten kilometres from my house inthe Stockholm suburbs to the office inthe city centre where I work EET] For ‘me, public transport wins hands down If [leave home just
ht o'clock, I'm at the office by half past eight The train rans every three minutes o So at peak times on the main 55 routes During the rush hour it can be difficult to get a seat, but its rare to be crammed in like sardines, as in London or
Paris For the price of a monthly pass (375 krona), you can travel on all buses and trains within Stockholm to me thats ‘ve value for money and certainly ess than the cost of the building and rebuilding is finished, Berlin's commuters will petrol you would use By comparison, driving to work, with
Save one of Europe's most efficient traffic systems the congestion and difficulty finding parking space, is just not
EW] Atpresent, the ‘Green Wave’ guarantees the fee onthe hale, flow of allie along the city’s main streets: drivers who keep
£050 km can hit a wave of green lights and avoid getting suck in tral
‘The Greek metropolis was confirmed as Europe's most polluted city this week FEIT —_] Given the city's poor public transport, cas are overwhelmingly the means of © sansport chosen by most Athenians Unfortunately, i is a
cice to which Athens is particularly ill-suited, with its high Seildings, narow streets and a single ring road, which forces ‘ost vehicles to enter the city entre at some point along their jamey The most drastic ofa series of measures ~ hanning © 26d or even number-plated cars from the city centre on
‘ publie transport and, after long delays, is now building the <iy's first underground metro system
Trang 28+ The good, the bad and the unbearable Grammar
"Present simple and present continuous
"+ for temporary actions or situati _
1 Complete these sentences using the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verbs in brackets
1 Buses usually _ Gun) on time in my town, 2 The government _ (build) a new motorway to
Tink the capital with other cities,
3 ‘So I _¢walk) into the room and what Windy?
4 1 Gravel to work by taxi until I get my car back from the garage
5 Bus drivers (always/go) on strike It really makes me angry! 6 Toften _ (walk) to work when the weather is fine 7 Water (boil) at 100 degrees
8 Lot's run =the bus ! (come)
9 Public transpon ( expensive nowadays,
10 He —_— (answet) the phone and leners in-a lawyer's office
4) more and more (pe) 28
2 Correct these sentences,
Tam loving the nature Like very much the music
“The sun is always setting in the west, ‘What is going up must come down,
Tam share a flat with my cousin who studies psychology
Listen! The telephone tings,
1 go to the supermarket Do you wan You're look very nice in that dress, Tony is not here He plays basketball You are always complain about the
3 Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct position in
these sentences,
1 Lwony about him (sometimes) He is in a bad mood (rarely)
‘The man from the post office says ‘hello! when he sees me, (always) 4 Ido the cooking at home (normally)
5 spend my summers managing a dlving school (usually)
6 You must give up trying, (never) I go for walks by myself (frequently) 8 She travels to conferences abroad, (often)
4 Write three things about a friend or relative using the present simple, and three more sentences using the present continuous
She wears jeans, She goes to bed late,
Trang 29‘Some verbs are not usually used in continuous tenses
‘because they refer to states rather than actions This
‘group of verbs includes: believe, know, think,
Ea cac an
Bog ‘own, seem, cost
EneYieithliirfet ‘an action rather than a state, In these cases the meaning of the verb
5 Complete these sentences using the verbs below Use each verb once in the present simple and once in the present continuous What isthe difference in meaning? depend think love smell stay sec 1a Tam just this eau de cologne Is it expensive?
These flowers _ lovely 2a Tying on the beach all day
b L _ every minute of this holiday 3.4 1 your hair looks great!
b f _ of going to Italy next year
4a Lalways at The Riz when T go to New York I with friends because my house was ooded last week
5 a don't know whether I'll go to the pany It ‘on how I feel
b You can't let me down now ~ 6 a 1 what you mean ‘on you!
6 Finish these sentences AAs soon as L wake up, I
Before | go out for the evening, | Tam iritated by people who are always Whenever I travel by bus, 1
When the telephone rings, 1 AsT grow older, I feel 1am getting I eel nervous when
avoid people who are always
Work with a partner and discuss your answers
1b There is no one at the window You things!
Words often confused
cheque bill menu recipe'
fare catalogue fee receipt
Complete these sentences using one of the words above
1 Tan go to cotr becaose I can't ford the lawyers 2 We had a Tovely meal and our Greek friend insisted on paying the 3 You should get a the shops
1 can pay by either or credit exe
‘You must let me have the Indian dish you made on Sưurdsy, for that wonderful 6 Bus are expensive in London
7 Waiter what's on the tonight?
8 Tdon' know whether we have the CD in stock I lookin the
for everything you buy in Phrasal verbs (travel) come across
get away pick up hold up set off get back take off 2 Replace the underlined words in these sentences with
the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs above 1 Somy ¥'m late, I was in a meeting and I couldn't leave 2 Wait for me at the airport and Tl come and get you in the car, 3 We should get to the airport one hour before the plane leaves 4 Twas walking along the High Street when old friend,
‘What time shall we start our journey tomorrow? Sony we're late, We were delayed by the traffic ‘When did you retum from your holidays?
Trang 30
% The good, the bad and the unbearable
1 You will hear five people talking about how they get to work Choose from the list A-F the type of transport each person uses to get to work Use the letters only conce There is one extra letter which you do not need to A motorbike Speaker 1 [EE —] B cứ Speaker 2 © bicycle Speaker 3 [BEM—] D bù Speaker 4 EE —] E underground Speaker 5 IE] F scooter
Exam practice: Report
in Part 2 of the writing exam, you may be asked to write a report A report contains facts and information which are often based on some kind of esearch and also may include suggestions The report could be written for your employer, your class ‘ra magazine, depending on its aims ond contents
TEkbt9 wiirtshseiisxeitiite miefiE thôn nã
‘+ Make sure you answer the question and include all the relevant information ‘+ Remember who you are writing the report for,
and how this will affect the kind of language you tse (more or less formal)
‘+ Plan your report before you start writing ‘+ Use headings to make your report clearer ‘+ Use appropriate expressions to give examples, to generalize and to link ideas * Inyour introduction, say what the aim of the
report is and where the information comes from * Inyour conclusion, summarize the main points of the report | ‘+ Check your report for mistakes when you have finished, 30
1 Look at this question,
This is part of a letter you have received from a pen friend,
We're doing a project at school on the types of transport and traffic problems in different cites round the world, Could you write me a short report on a ci in your country to include in the projec?
Write a tepon for your pen friend, Write between 126 and 180 words
2 Read the model answer opposite and give each paragraph a heading There is an extra heading which you do not need to use,
Trang 31Unit 3
This report summarizes the results of a survey into traffic problems in our city It also describes how people travel to work and what problems they face The report ends with a look at possible future developments
In our city most people travel to work either by car or by bus There are very few lucky people who can walk to work Most people own one car but more and more families are acquiring a second car
People who rely on buses often complain that they do not run often enough and when they do arrive, they are often full and uncomfortable As for trains, very few people use them to travel to work because they are slow and infrequent
‘The government is building plenty of new roads within the city and motorways linking our city to others A new metro is also being planned
They are also building new pedestrian precincts, but not enough in my opinion
can't see many improvements in our city, except for the pedestrian streets I mentioned above Traffic congestion is getting worse and so is pollution There are fewer and fewer places for people and especially children to go and relax [think life in the city will get worse rather than better unless serious action is taken soon
3 You are going to write an answer to the question ‘opposite First ofall, interview people in your class using the questions below
1 How do people usually travel to work? Do most people own one or two cars? How often do buses and t
Are bus fares cheap or ex
Is the govemment constructing any of the Following, at the moment?
roads al links ridges
buildings parks pedestrian precincts 6 What aspects of city life do people grumble about?
7 Do drivers and pedestrians keep to the h code?
8 What improvements are being made in your city? What is getting worse?
9 What do you think are the prospects for the Future? 10 What suggestions do you have for improving the
quality of life in your city?
4 Now write your report, giving each paragraph an appropriate heading, Write between 120 and 180 words
, he is tire
all that life can ‘tford.|
Trang 324 Culture shock
1 Work with a partner Choose three topics each from the 4 Each part of the text contains a false statement about
‘box below and discuss how you think your countrys Britain, Read the text again and underline these
culture and customs ae different from others statements,
= food: Our food is very oily = drink: We drink a lot of alcohol
= driving: We are very dangerous drivers 5 Compare the customs in the text with those in your country What are the differences and what are the
2 Read the text quickly and choose patton babs wale a heading for each a Nationalities and languages Bet se
1 What nies? do we call the people who come from these
Exam practice: Part 4 one
3 For questions 1-11, choose from the situations A-F ‘When more than one answer is required, these may be ‘iven in any order ‘Some of the situations may be used more than once,
In which situation or si should you make small talk?
should you keep an eye on a]
the time? MERE 2 wnat languages do the nationalities above speak? |_: mị _: mị
What other nationalities do you know? should you keep your distance?
mall gift appropriate? should you wait in a queue? should you not ask about people's political belief? might you have t buy someone a drink? ET] Em —
‘should you ask permission from your hose
‘ean you buy something to eat?
Trang 33Unit 4
Avoid culture shock
Harrods is a tourist attraction, but for shopping in London try other big department stores, such as Selfridges, Lewis's 2nd Debenhams A good place for clothes is Marks and Spencer Take a stroll along Oxford Street, the main
encounter, and do not stand too close to the other person, {As you are introduced to someone you say, How do you do” or Pleased to meet you.’ You need not wat to be introduced - just introduce yourself | shopping centre When there are sales on, you are ‘owed, and even expected, to bargain with the shop 35 You can “break the ice’ with strangers by talking about the weather: ‘Shame about the weather \sitstil raining? or
sistant to try and get a better price for goods fthere ‘Bit cilly today, don’t you think" When you have broken zealot of people, you should wait your turn to be served, the ice lke this, you can then go on to ask the person you Most large stores aso have restaurants where customers are talking to how much money they earn Another good can have lunch ora quick snack topic for conversation is work However, people do not like talking about politics except in a general way, and you
should avoid asking them what political part they vote for On first meeting someone, itis also not appropriate to = you are Invited to dinner at someone'shiome you should ask about their age or how much they weigh,
sake some flowers ora box of chocolates you are imited *oan informal party itis quite common to take a bottle of ine or even a few bottles of beer At Enalish parties men 22 expected to wear a suit and tie Ifyou wish to bring a nd along, that's fine, butt is polite to ask frst You are not expected to turn up with very expensive presents
gs eel eet | ‘cople in Britain are generally quite careful about time
en you ate invited to someone's house, you should ther arrive on time or no later than fifteen minutes after she time arranged If in doubt, give your hosts a ring You should be careful about overstaying your welcome Look
st for signs of tiredness in your hosts The best time to
12 is when they appear with their pyjamas on You can 5 A pubis where you drink beer or other alcoholic drinks, = s3y, ‘Well | think it’ time we were going ” but light refreshments are also available Pubs serve drinks at fixed times and generally accept last orders at about 11
| It may be difficult to get a drink after this time At
Ễ lunch-time and sometimes in the evening, food is served If
Usually in Britain we introduce people by their first name +» you order more than three pints of beer, the food is free of their first name and surname together Most people use chargs, so drink as much as you can and then ask (politely) “st names at informal parties tis usual toshake hands _ foryour free meal.People may pay for their own drinks or ‘sith men and to kiss women on the cheek when you are take it in turns to buy a ‘round’, in other words, to pay for
Trang 34+ Culture shock Grammar Articles Here ae some rules for using articles
“You use the definite article (the
+ when you talk about something mentioned
| before
| saw.a man vith a quo in the street yesterday Then Jone the man jumped in and the car drove off
+] Wht semethng theron oaot, The winner received a gold medal | + with certain geographicalplace names |The Mediterranean is becoming more and more
| + with certain public places
| freally should goto the theatre more often * with something that both the speaker and,
|" Tistener know about ‘We went to the mew Indian restaurant lastnight
1 Complete these sentences with a, an, the or © (when ro article is needed), car is giving me problems; I'm going to buy 2 Tlove listening to ——— music but I can't play ‘musical instrument
3 Did you enjoy_—— phy?
4 My friends are backpacking through 5 I'm going to by French director called Depardieu nema to see new film Asia, 6 Thave to stay at ——_ home tonight because
expecting phone call
7 She wants to be —_—— actresswhen she grows up 8 [believe friendship is more important than love 9 Law man talking to
rman was about fifty years old; woman was tall and attractive,
10 How long has Jean been in hospital 3
‘You use the indefinite article (a/an):
*+ when you talk about something forthe firs time, ‘'ve got a cat called Leonardo, + with jobs My father is a doctor
+ with singular countable nouns (when the person or thing is nota particular one) Let's goto see afm tonight
You use the zero article (no article):
* with abstract nouns (used in their general sense), plural nouns and uncountable nouns, ‘Music is very important to me
‘+ with most geographical/place names J went to Spain last year * with certain places or situations, eg hospital, ‘home, school
He has been in hospital for three weeks now 2 Complete this text with a, an, the or @ (when no article is needed) “There is plenty to see and do in and around Athen both during ()_day and at @) night Vist 3) _ Acropolis, G@) _ most famous site in
Athens; walk round (5) —— busy sưeets and buy (©) museum or spend the clay at the seaside leather bags and jackets; go to (7)
Trang 35
_ How Cosmopolitan are You?
1 Ifyou Invite a visitor from an Arab country for dinner, which of the following should you avoid serving?
pork shellfish alcohol chips lettuce 2 You are with someone from Saudi Arabia and
‘you notice they are wearing two watches ~
3 In which languages do the following mean thank you? Match the countries with the word
Spanish danke
French ‘orazie
German Italian gracias merci
4 What do the following mean and in which
hasta la vista arrivederci cestla vie
5 Inwhich of these countries do people avoid eye contact?
— Japan Brazil Pakistan
6 Inwhich countries do people tend to stand close to you when they speak to you and in which do they ‘keep their distance’? Write close ‘or distant next to these countries
Japan Britain Arab countries Mexico Finland
7 What typically American and British gesture below means OK, but in Australia and Bangladesh is rude?
8 In which country is blowing your nose in public considered bad manners?
Greece Spain Korea Russia
‘9 Which day is the day of rest in Arab countries? Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday "10 True or false? There is no difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain unit 4 Speaking and Liste g
1 How much do you know about different cultures around the world? Work with a partner and do this quiz 2 You will hear five people talking about culture
around the world What accent does each speaker have? Match each extract to the accents below Spanish British American Australian German 3 Now listen again Which of the questions in the quiz are answered by the speakers? Did you get them right? HEAVEN — is where the police are — 5® the cooks
4 Complete the gaps in the cartoon above with these nationalities Then work with a partner and discuss the ‘questions below
British French Greek/s Swiss German Explain your reasons for completing the gaps in the way you did
What stereotypes do you know about other nationalitie?
What stereotypes do people from other countries have about the people in your country? Do you think they
11 accurate? If not, why not?
Trang 36
+ Culture shock
Vocabulary and Reading 1 Match words from lst A with words from lst 8 that have a similar meaning, 4 B insu habit persist custom straight embarrass reason sggmal
persuade common accept usually information hhumiliace offend regulations sign receive orlinao insist
direct prompt convince cause
rules knowledge
frequently punctual
2 Complete these pairs of sentences using the correct form of one of the words above Use the definitions to help you choose the right word
‘The police officer gave us a _to stop (A sound or an action intended to give a message.) b Road you about something, (A notice that gives haped like a triangle usually war
information or instructions.)
She _ that she was innocent (To say something forcefully, especially when someone ‘opposes you.)
b If you in cheating, 1 will have to fail you to do something, even if someone t you t0 do so.)
3a Wh: lid he give for leaving his last job? (The fact which explains why something happens.) b What was the _ of the accident? (A person or thing that makes something happen.) 4a My mother _ me to get my haie cut (To
ike someone do something they were "unwilling to do by giving good reasons,) b You will never ‘other planets (To make someone believe me that there is life on something.)
5 a Donkeys are _on Greek islands (Some that is usual or frequent.)
bb Although she is a famous star she lends a/an life (Something th (oF special in any way.)
6 a Iti the oon the bride and groom at a wedding, (An activity that is common among a particular group in some countries to pin money Of people and is part of their way of life) b Smoking is a very bad repeatedly, often without thinking.) (Something we do 7 4 Td ike some abou holidays in Spain (Facts or details that tell you something
about a situation, person, event ee)
b My of foreign languages is not very good (Unformation and understanding gained through leaming or experience.)
3 Read the text fo Tip or not to Tia? Which of these topics does the text discuss? hotels restaurants pubs taxis
To Tip or not to Tip?
The art of tipping is a difficult one to leam, given the differences in atitude and (1) _ of the game And: in today’s supposedly classless society, it's a wonder the custom (2) since the historical (3)
for tipping have now disappeared
“The word tip, itis said, isan acronym of the sign ‘To Insure Prompiness’, which was posted in ejghteenth century London coffee houses However, the
) _ of giving a tip to low-paid workers, such as ‘maids, waiting staff and bellboys, goes back much further Originally, London cab drivers (5) a tip to) _ them to go from A to B by the quickest,
‘most (7) route In France, the term pourboire means, literally, or drinking’ The custom of handing over the price of a beer (even if the service is poor or non-existent) is still (8)
in some European Sometimes the customer ~ for lack of (9) _ about
the local custom
may give to0 much, but if you do fot give enough, you had better watch out Waiters in some restaurants (10) make their
Trang 374 Complete the text using one of the words from ‘exercise 1 in each space,
5 Complete these questions with an appropriate word and then answer them,
1 _ is tipping difficult to learn? 2 3 does the word tip come from? does the word pourboire mean?
4 the custom of giving tips sll common in Europe?
cdo waiters react if they think they have been given a small tip?
6 Why? you ever been embarrassed in public? When?
people tip in your country?
8 yotthin we should tp? Why? Why no#'
Exam practice: Part 1
In Part 1 of the listening exam, you will listen to eight short extracts The extracts will be taken from different contexts and may be either monologues ‘or dialogues You have to answer a three-part ‘multiple choice question on each extract The questions may ask you to decide:
= who is speaking
where the extract takes place
what the speaker or speakers are talking about = what emotion, attitude or opinion is being expressed + Prepare for the exam by listening to English whenever you can For example, listen to pop
songs, the BBC World Service and watch English programmes on TV
+ Underline key words when you listen for the first time, and make your choice,
* Check your answers when you listen for the second time ‘+ Don't leave any questions unanswered
in doubt, guess!
Unit 4
1 Before you listen, read the questions What sort of information will you need to listen for? Underline the key ‘words in the questions
2 You will hear people talking in six diferent situations For questions 1-5, choose the best answer A, B or C 1 You hear a man talking about a wip to Germany
Why dl the barman bring him three martinis? A He was with «wo German friends,
B ‘The barman thought he was thirsty C He didn't speak German very well
You hear a woman
Why is she phoning? king on the phone
A to make an appointment B to check an appointment
€ to change an appointment
You overhear a womn talking about her job ‘What does the woman do?
AA She is a nurse, B She is a teacher € She is a shop assistant
You hear this conversation of a tain, What does the man think of Birmingham? A Itcan be interesting, B tis too big € is a very nice p ice 10 lve
‘You hear this man talking about a visit to the theatre What was his impression afterwards? AA twas a pleasant susprise
B It was too expensive
C Th was quite pleasant
6 Listen to this woman talking to a coll Why was she late for work?
À The alarm clock did not go off
B Her watch was wrong,
C Her clock was not working properly
3 How did you choose your answers? What clues did you hear?
Trang 38* Culture shock Vocabulary
Words often confused
suit dress costume custom
1 Complete these sentences using one of the words above
1 I'm going to wear a clown's to the carnival pany
2 Thaven't wor a and tie since I got married 3 I's the _ in Britain for the bride and groom to
cat the wedding cake together
She was wearing a lovely, long evening Tonly wea on formal occasions, 'm going to the party in fancy
Til need a king's for my role in the play Wearing black at funeralsisa — — in most European counties, eae Phrasal verbs with turn turn off
turn on tum out turn up turn down turn back 2 Complete these sentences using the correct form of ‘one of the phrasal verbs above Use one of the verbs
1 There's too much snow on the road 'm afraid we're going to have to 2 That music is much too loud Can you please oe 3 Please _all the lights when you go to bed 4 Thave a radio in my car but Tdont often it 5 [thought the test would be difficult but as i it was easy 6 We weren't expecting Harry at the party — he just 7 We made her the offer of the job but she it Writing Exam practice: Magazine article
In Part 2 of the writing exam, you may be asked to write an article for a magazine An article is about
| ® particular subject and is written for a general
audience It could include information, description, your opinions or arguments for and against a topic The key to writing a good article is that it attracts the reader's attention - you want them to read it! Here are some tips on writing an article,
| + Read the question carefully Make sure you Understand what is being asked for | + Think about who you are writing for What age are they? What interests do they have?
* Think about who you are writing for, and how this will affect the kind of language you use
* Think about how you can make your article interesting and different
+ Plan your article before you begin writing + Begin and end your ate nan interesting and
unusual way
* Write in a neutral or friendly style
| '* Organize your article into paragraphs, each
with a clear topic
‘+ Use a good range of grammar and vocabulary, + Use appropriate punctuation
* Check your article for mistakes when you have finished i
1 You are going to write an article about your country for {an international student magazine The aim of the article is to give information to visitors so that they can {get the most out of their stay
2 Here isa student article Read the article quickly Which country is the student describing? Use the photographs asa cue,
Trang 39
‘Travel Tips for Tourists
There are certain things you should remember if you want to get the most out of a visit to my country,
First of all, traveling around One good way of seeing ‘the country ie to travel by train The trains in my country are quite efficient and not too expensive In ‘he big cities, you can take the bus or a taxi Hitch hiking le quite dangerous and should be avoided If You want to get around cheaply, try cycling
Hotels in the summer are usually ful Ifyou are stuck, try asking for rooms in private houses However, you may have to share a bathroom with other guests, Do not expect the owners to spend a
(ot of time with you: they will tend to keep themselves to themselves
‘The traditional food of my country ie rich and tasty and uses a lot of meat; not many fresh vegetables are used The golden rule is: eat the main meal at
uunch-time In the evening, we prefer to eat a cold
4 Before you begin to write your article, work with a partner and discuss the topics in the box in exercise 3 Think about what information, advice or suggestions you could giwe to visitors to your country Make notes con your ideas,
5 Now organize your notes into paragraphs, and write your article Use some ofthe expressions below Useful language
‘Giving advice
‘One thing you should remember You hed better you want t Remember to SE reful not to A golden rule
People general ‘On the whole,
Unit 4
dish, such a9 sausages and cheese The first course {s usually soup: the famous goulash Is not a main dish but a soup
My country has a wide variety of wines, both red and white, Try the white demi-sec Tokaj Aszu, which is probably the best, but quite expensive, Besides wine, there is an excellent local beer ard Russian vodka is also available, which is very cheap,
My country is famous for ite colourful traditional ‘embroidery, found on blouses, tablecloths etc Typical souvenirs also include dolls and clowns made of porcelain, Welcome to 1 ~— — How many languages are there in the world? About 200, 500 or 5 000? Which language do these ‘English’ words come from?
yoghurt piano banjo philosopher | recipe karate caravan anorak tea
Trang 40
Kreview: Units 1-4
Exam practice: Use of English, Part 2
For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the ‘word which best fits each space, Use only one word in leach space
A famous cartoon
‘There are few people in the world today who have not heard of The Flintstones The Hinustones is broadcast on ‘TV channels all (1) the world every hour of every clay Its watched regularly 2) in incredible 300 million fans Recently the whole series of 166 episodes ‘was broadcast non-stop across the USA ~ a remarkable achievement for a cartoon (3) _ was so badly received by the critics on its first appearance nearly 40 years (4)
Hanna and Barbera are the cartoonists responsible for Fred and Wilma Flintstone and (5) _ neighbours, Bamey and Betty In the late 1950s they were approached by an animated prime-time TV progga which 6) successful creators of Huckleberry Hound give C try
‘The cantoonists created a Stone Age married couple but gave (8) —_— the problems of a modem suburban family The characters were also given a whole lot of| gadgets made of stone ancl (9) prehistoric ‘materials, Fred's famous cry of ‘yabba dabba doo’ was not at first part ofthe script but was made (10) the actor who was responsible for Fred's voice ‘The cantoonists carried (11) _ research into prehistoric times, which helped them in the creation of the series The storylines were based on other TV series me, something never been done before, The already ‘ded to
(12) _—_— familles and many of the episodes depended
G3) audience fears, like unemployment or going, to the dentist, There were also guest appearances by famous personalities, (14) äs “Leonard Bemstone and ‘Stony Curtis
Ikis hard to believe toclay that some of the reviews of the first episode (15) actually very bad, To ‘one of the most populir cartoons on TV 40 xeen Gems with the idea of proxlucing by itis
Exam practice: Use of English, Part 3
For questions 16-25, complete the second sentence so) that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You mus Use between two and five words, including the ward ghen 16 Berlin is not an easy city t move about in, difficult 1 in Berlin, I wonder if you could open the window could ‘You couldn't you? 18 Ido my best not to get stuck in the rush hour on the way home avoid 1 uy very hard
hour on the way home, Jn the rush 19 [dont think anyone passed the test did
No one they?
20 No other European city is as polluted as Athens, most
Athens is city in Europe film to 21 Why don't we go and se cinema Let's go tonight 22 The city’s first metro system is now being built building, The government
system, first metry
23 Could you tell me which person has influenced greatest
Who_ CC — influence on you? 24 Londoners used transpomt system, to pride themselves on their
proud Londoners
their transport 25 When did you star to learn English? been