HyperMesh Desktop Introduction Pre-Processing for Finite Element Analysis www.altairhyperworks.com | HyperWorks is a division of Altair Engineering Support Contact Information Web site www.altairhyperworks.com Location Telephone e-mail Australia 64.9.413.7981 anzsupport@altair.com Brazil 55.11.3884.0414 br_support@altair.com Canada 416.447.6463 support@altairengineering.ca China 86.400.619.6186 support@altair.com.cn France 33.1.4133.0992 francesupport@altair.com Germany 49.7031.6208.22 hwsupport@altair.de India 91.80 6629.4500 1.800.425.0234 (toll free) support@india.altair.com Italy 39.800.905.595 support@altairengineering.it Japan 81.3.5396.2881 support@altairjp.co.jp Korea 82.70.4050.9200 support@altair.co.kr Mexico mx-support@altair.com New Zealand 64.9.413.7981 anzsupport@altair.com North America 248.614.2425 hwsupport@altair.com Scandinavia 46.46.460.2828 support@altair.se United Kingdom 01926.468.600 support@uk.altair.com In addition, the following countries have resellers for 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Usage of the software is only as explicitly permitted in the end user software license agreement Copyright notice does not imply publication Table of Contents HyperMesh Desktop Introduction Pre-processing for Finite Element Analysis Chapter - Basic Interaction with HyperMesh Desktop - Getting Started With HyperMesh Desktop - Opening and Saving Files 18 - Controlling the Display 21 - Working with Panels 32 - Organizing a Model 37 Exercise 1a - Interacting With HyperMesh Desktop 47 Chapter - Geometry 63 - Importing, Exporting and Repairing CAD 63 Exercise 2a - Loading and Repairing CAD Geometry 74 - Simplifying Geometry 81 Exercise 2b - Simplifying CAD Tools 84 - Generating a Midsurface 92 Exercise 2c - Midsurface 100 Exercise 2d - Midsurfacing with Advanced extraction options 122 - Generating and Editing Surfaces 133 Chapter - 2D Meshing 141 - Automeshing 141 Exercise 3a - 2D Shell Meshing and Topology Refinement 150 - Checking and Editing Mesh 159 Exercise 3b - Refining Topology to Achieve a Quality Mesh 173 Exercise 3c - Checking and Editing Mesh 186 – Comparison Tool 214 HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction - Batch Meshing 215 Chapter - Solids and 3D Meshing 221 - Creating and Editing Solid Geometry 221 - Tetra Meshing 227 Exercise 4a - Tetra Meshing 239 Exercise 4b - Tetra Meshing Process Manager 255 - Solid Meshing 269 Exercise 4c - 3D Solid Meshing with Hexas and Pentas 274 - Shrink Wrap 281 Exercise 4d - Shrink Wrap Meshing 282 Chapter - 1D Meshing and Connectors 289 - 1D meshing 289 1.1 - 1D Elements 291 1.2 - HyperBeam 292 1.3 - Connectors 293 Exercise 5a - 1D Meshing and Connectors 300 Chapter - HyperMorph 319 - Introduction to Morphing Technology using HyperMorph 319 - Free Hand 322 Exercise 6a - Using Free Hand 326 - Domains and Handles 332 Exercise 6b - Using Domains and Handles 346 - Morph Volumes 354 Exercise 6c - Using Morph Volumes 358 - Map to Geometry 366 Exercise 6d - Using Map to Geometry 368 Chapter - Analysis Setup 371 - General Analysis Setup Process & Tools 371 - Part Replacement Tool 389 Exercise 7a - Analysis Setup and Loading 391 Chapter - Capstone Project 413 - Bringing it all together 413 Exercise 8a - Capstone Project 414 Appendix A - HyperWorks Desktop Customization 431 DEMO A1 - HyperMesh Desktop Customization 431 DEMO A2 - HyperMesh Desktop Customization 432 HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction Appendix B - HyperWorks Collaboration Tools & Assembly 433 - HyperWorks Collaboration Tools 433 1.1 - Benefits 433 1.2 - Components: Explore, Organize, Connect 434 1.3 - Terminology and Concepts 437 1.4 - Organize Browser & User Interface 439 1.5 - Creating and Using a Personal Library 441 - HyperWorks Assembly Browser 445 2.1 - Modules 446 Exercise B1 - Creating and Using a Personal Library 449 HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction Chapter 1: Basics HyperMesh Desktop Chapter Basic Interaction with HyperMesh Desktop 1- Getting Started with HyperMesh Desktop In this section, you will explore the basic layout of the HyperMesh Desktop user interface Overview of Finite Element Analysis Finite Element Analysis was first developed over 60 years ago as a method to accurately predict the reaction of complex parts to various inputs Prior to the development of FEA, the only way to validate a design or test a theory was to physically test a part This was and still is both time consuming and expensive While FEA will never replace the final physical testing and validation of a design, it can drastically reduce the time and money spent on intermediate stages and concepts FEA in its infancy was limited to large scale computing platforms but the development of powerful personal computers, combined with intuitive software packages such as HyperWorks, has brought FEA to the engineers desktop This has broadened its use and accuracy many fold Finite Element Analysis is now a vital and irreplaceable tool in many industries such as Automotive, Aerospace, Defense, Consumer Products, Medical, Oil and Gas, Architecture and many others FEA is performed in three stages; Pre-Processing, Solving and Post Processing These stages are outlined below HyperWorks 13.0 HMD Introduction Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc Chapter 1: Basics HyperMesh Desktop Step 1: Pre- Processing Pre-Processing is the act of preparing (meshing) a model for analysis Complex geometry is broken down into simple shapes (elements) in the act of meshing This allows the solver in the next step to predict the action of these elements and analyze the reaction of a complex part to external forces and interactions The part is meshed and then definitions for the type and thickness of the material(s) are added Next, forces and constraints are applied The model is then prepared for the analysis with information the solver will need to perform its calculations The model is then written in a format that the solver can understand and is sent to the solver for processing Step 2: Solving Solving is performed by any of the many commercially available software written to perform Finite Element Analysis Some of these include popular packages such as RADIOSS, OptiStruct, Acusolve, Nastran, LS-Dyna, Abaqus, and Ansys, as well as others The solver takes the information provided in the file (input deck) created in HyperMesh in Step One and calculates the part’s reactions to the inputs defined Common outputs are Displacement, Stress, Strain and Acceleration These results are stored in a file that then can be read in HyperView in the Post-Processing stage Step 3: Post-Processing Post-Processing is where the results of the solver solution can be reviewed and analyzed HyperView can provide presentation quality color contoured plots and animations highlighting any of the requested results Information can be queried, displaced and even graphed in numerous windows allowing for customization geared toward the desired audience HMD Introduction HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc Chapter 1: Basics HyperMesh Desktop HyperMesh Desktop Introduction Running HyperMesh Desktop Windows: The installation process creates a HyperWorks group under All Programs on the Start menu The default name of the group can be changed during installation Most applications can be started using the following instructions o o o From the Start Menu, select All Programs Click Altair HyperWorks (version or the name defined during installation) Select the name of the program you want to run HyperMesh Desktop Or o User can create a Windows Shortcut by right clicking on the above program and selecting Create Shortcut UNIX and Linux: o At the prompt, type /scripts/hm o Set up an alias HyperWorks 13.0 HMD Introduction Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc Chapter 1: Basics HyperMesh Desktop Mac OS X: The HyperWorks Mac OS X applications can be invoked as follows o The icons in the Applications Menu under the default location (if defaults were used) or the chosen install folder location o The install location under scripts via a terminal window (For example, the command /Applications/AltairHyperWorks/altair/scripts/hm under a terminal window would launch HyperMesh.) The Start-In Directory The “Start-In Directory” or “Working Directory” is the location from which the HyperWorks Desktop application is launched This directory defines where certain settings files are written by default, and where customization files will be searched Configuration files (hmmenu.set, hmsettings.tcl, hwsettings.xml, hm.mac, etc.) History File (command.cmf) HyperMesh Model Files, FE Data and Geometry Files (User can browse to different directories for opening and saving) The file browser will also use this directory as its default location for browsing for files This can be considered as the "current working directory" This directory can be changed, thereby changing the location where these files are written to or read from This has the benefit of allowing different settings to be stored in different directories to give control over the HyperWorks Desktop environment for different projects or use cases 10 HMD Introduction HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools • Automatic metadata extraction • Maintain pedigree • Version history • Compare properties between versions • Compare files between versions Use Cases & Connectors Examples • Examples of Use Cases • Retrieve CAD from PLM System • Retrieve BOMs from PLM System • Publish FE Meshes/Solver Decks to PLM System • Publish CAE Results & Reports to PLM System • Retrieve Material information from Material Database • Examples of Existing Connectors • Siemens Teamcenter • PTC Windchill • Other PLM Vendors … • Material DB (e.g Key To Metals) • Other 3rd Party Enterprise Applications 444 HMD Introduction Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HyperWorks 13.0 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools – HyperWorks Assembly Browser • Build FE assembly models • Maintain properties from PDM FE PDM • Seamless Integration within HyperWorks Desktop environment • Batch meshing integration HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction 445 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools 2.1 - Modules • With the ever growing need to reduce model build times and manage models more effectively, a new and innovative approach to the way models are constructed within HyperMesh is underway • A new HyperMesh entity, called the Module entity, will enable users to manage their model data in a modularized fashion • Modularization allows for light-weight self-containment of parts & sub-assemblies • mod·ule [moj-ool] … a separable component, frequently one that is interchangeable with others, for assembly into units of differing size, complexity, or function • Currently used by the Assembly browser • NVH Director • Crash Profile • Teamcenter Integration • Modules are created when BOMs are loaded • In HW 13.0, we’ve taken the first steps to expose Modules as a new entity in HyperMesh 446 HMD Introduction Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HyperWorks 13.0 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Current Module • The user will be able to set a current module similar to current component from • Assembly Browser • Status Bar HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction 447 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Organization within Modules • Organize components, properties or materials from one module to another • Show Contents - The user will be able to review the contents of a module • The user will be able to set a current module similar to current component from • Assembly Browser • Status Bar 448 HMD Introduction Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HyperWorks 13.0 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Exercise B1 - Creating and Using a Personal Library In this exercise, you will learn to: Set up a first Personal library and populate it with CAE files Search for files both in the Organize Browser Load files into HyperMesh using the Organize Browser Viewing Model Properties and Version History Step1: Creating a Personal CAE library The first step to use any part of the Collaboration tools is to setup a library The library will store all the files you wish to be part of that given library Note: If you’ve upgraded your HyperWorks Desktop to version 13.0, then is highly recommended to remove C:\Users\\.Altair folder before to open HyperMesh Desktop To create a Personal CAE library: Create two directories as shown below: Create the folder “My_HWCT” under C:/ C:/My_HWCT Create the folder “Libraries” under C:/My_HWCT C:/My_HWCT/Libraries The Organize Browser user interface can be accessed within HyperWorks Desktop by clicking on the top window pull-down menu Go to View >Browsers > HyperWorks > Organize to open the Organize Browser Click the Organize tab Click the Repository: arrow and select Personal from the list HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction 449 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Click the Library: arrow and select In the New Library dialog, fill in the fields as shown below: Click OK 450 HMD Introduction Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HyperWorks 13.0 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Step2: Adding CAE files to the Personal library Once you have created your personal library, then the next step is to populate it with files You can simply add files one at a time, or by directories To add a directory of files to a given library: Right click in the Content browser to access the Context menu HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction 451 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Click Add Files and Folders In the Select Files/Folders dialog, click Add Folder Files/Folders to Add” section icon in the “List of In the Select File dialog box, locate the following folder: \Model Files\CHAPTER-10-APPENDIX-B-HWCTC\demos 452 HMD Introduction Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HyperWorks 13.0 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Click OK Back in the Select Files/Folders dialog, click OK When the HyperWorks Organize confirmation dialog appears, click Ok Wait for the indexing process to complete (it should take 10-20 seconds or few minutes, depending on your client.) Please wait till the entire directory has been indexed Or you will not be able to complete the exercise It will complain "Library is currently locked" When the indexing process has completed (will take few minutes), a confirmation dialog will appear asking to refresh the Organize browser, click Yes If the dialog will not appear just click on Refresh HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction 453 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Step3: Searching for CAE files Once your library has been populated with your CAE files, the Organize browser provides a simple searching tool to find any files in a given library To perform a simple search for a CAE file within a given library: Right click in the Content browser and then click Show Find from the Context menu Click the Options for searching icon and click Use Wildcards In the Find: text box, enter: cleaned_up_geom* 454 HMD Introduction Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HyperWorks 13.0 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Press Enter It should find and highlight the file: cleaned_up_geom.hm Step4: Loading in a CAE model Once you have found the proper file, you can quickly load in the model by simply rightclicking on the file and click option to load in the file To check-out a file and load it into a HyperMesh graphics area: Right click on the cleaned_up_geom.hm file from the Content browser to access the Context menu From the Context menu, click Get HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction 455 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Right click on the cleaned_up_geom.hm file and from the Context menu click Load HM model The model will load automatically into the HyperMesh graphics area to the right 456 HMD Introduction Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HyperWorks 13.0 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Step5: Viewing Model Properties The Organize browser has a built-in feature that extracts the meta-data for each file that has been populated into a given library While the files are being imported into a library, it also indexes and categorizes each of the file’s meta-data These CAE meta-data can come in handy when you want to quickly review the properties of each file without loading into HyperWorks To view the meta-data of any given file within a given library: Click anyone of the files within the Content browser Click Show/Hide Properties icon from the Content browser tool bar A sub panel should appear below to the Content browser showing the Properties panel HyperWorks 13.0 Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HMD Introduction 457 Appendix B: HyperWorks Collaboration Tools Step6: Viewing Version History On each instance when a file has been updated and checked-in; it will record a new version number into a library This feature helps to track the number instances of that file has been checked-in However, more importantly users can retrieve a particular version of that same file to review what changes were made To review the version history of a file: Click anyone of the files within the Content browser Right click on anyone of the files from the Content browser to access the Context menu From the Context menu, click Version History The Version History sub-panel should appear similar as below If this file has multiple in-checks, you will see the different version umbers under the Version column To return back to the main Organize browser, click on the blue arrow icon 458 HMD Introduction Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering, Inc HyperWorks 13.0