Besides Offering a Lively, Conversational Tone, the N.ew E~ition of Whitten, Bentley, and Dittman Connects with the Student by Allowing Them to Understand First-Hand How Technology Impacts BusinessDecisions > Additional Learning Tools are spread throughout the margins of the text to foster greater understanding concepts covered in each chapter of Jeffery L Whitten Professor Lonnie D Bentley Professor Kevin C Dittman Assistant Professor All at Purdue University West Lafayette/ IN SIXTH EDITION Boston Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, IA Madison, WI New York San Francisco St Louis Bangkok Bogota Caracas Kuala Lumpur Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipei Toronto SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN METHODS Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10020 Copyright © 2004, 2000, 1998, 1994, 1989, 1986 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learriing Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States This book is printed on acid-free paper domestic DOW/DOW international I DOW/DOW ISBN 0-07-247417-3 Publisher: Brent Gordon Senior sponsoring editor: Paul Ducham Developmental editor: Kelly L Delso Marketing manager: Greta Kleinert Media producer: Greg Bates Project manager: Destiny Rynne Lead production supervisor: Heather D Burbridge Lead designer: Pam Verros Photo research coordinator: Judy Kausal Photo researcher: Mary Reeg Senior supplement producer: Rose M Range Senior digital content specialist: Brian Nacik Cover design: Pam Verros Interior design: Pam Verros Cover Photos: © Masterfile Typeface: 10/12 Garamond Light Compositor: GTS Graphics, Inc Printer: R R Donnelley, Willard Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Whitten, Jeffrey L Systems analysis and design methods / Jeffrey L Whitten, Lonnie D Bentley, Kevin C Dittman.- 6th ed p em ISBN 0-07-247417-3 (alk paper) -ISBN 0-07-121521-2 (international: alk paper) I System design System analysis I Bentley, Lonnie D II Dittman, Kevin C III Title QA76.9.S88W48 2004 005.1 dc21 2003046322 International Edition ISBN 0-07-121521-2 Copyright © 2004 Exclusive rights by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc for manufacture and export This book cannot be re-exported from the country to which it is sold by McGraw-Hill The International Edition is not available in North America To my lovely wife Cheryl and my children Robert, Heath, and Coty To my coauthor and good friend Jeff and our twenty years of writing side by side -Lonnie To my father You instilled in me the work ethic, perseverance, and curiosity for knowledge that has made this book possible -Jeff To my loving and caring wife Diana and my children Brandon, Bryan, Andrew, and Ashley To my father Robert, who taught me my set of values-to look for the best in people And to Jeff and Lonnie-thanks -Kevin work hard and for the opportunity Intended Audience Systems Analysis and Design Methods, sixth edition, is intended to support one or more practical courses in information systems development These courses are normally taught to both information systems and business majors at the sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate level We recommend that students take a computer- and information systems-literacy course before using this text While not required or assumed, a programming course can significantlyenhance the learning experience provided by this textbook Why We Wrote This Book More than ever, today's students are "consumer-oriented;' due in part to the changing world economy, which promotes quality, competition, and professional currency They expect to walk away from a course with more than a grade and a promise that they'll someday appreciate what they've learned They want to "practice" the application of concepts, not just study applications of concepts We wrote this book to (1) balance the coverage of concepts, tools, techniques, and their application, (2) provide the most examples of system analysis and design deliverables available in any book, and (3) balance the coverage of classic methods (such as structured analysis and information engineering) and emerging methods (e.g., object-oriented analysis, agile development, and rapid application development) Additionally,our goal is to serve the reader by providing a postcourse, professional reference for the best current practices We have written the book using a lively,conversational tone This approach (and the numerous examples) delivers a comprehensive text that still connects with the student throughout the learning process Changes for the Sixth Edition We have preserved the features that were well received in the previous editions, and in the spirit of continuous advancement we have made the following improvements: • Integrated Object-Oriented Coverage: Based on feedback from the previous edition, the object-oriented analysis and object-oriented design chapters have been integrated into the main body of the book Chapters 11 and 18 have been expanded to include coverage of the most common UMLtools and techniques that are applied during systems analysis and systems design • Use Cases: The sixth edition includes a new chapter devoted to use cases as a requirements specification tool While use cases are often mistakenly viewed as being an object-oriented tool, in Chapter we demonstrate how use cases are used throughout systems development to complement the variety of systems development methods • Simplified Presentation of Zachman's Framework: The matrix framework based on Zachman's Framework for Information Systems Architecture continues to organize the subject's conceptual foundations The sixth edition's framework has been updated (and simplified!) to reflect contemporary technologies and methods The framework has been visually integrated both into the textbook's system development methodology and into every chapter as a chapter opening home page The home page shows which aspects of the framework are relevant to the chapter Columns now represent the three fundamental goals of an information system: (1) improved information and knowledge management, (2) improved business processes, and (3) improved communication within and between organizations • Improved Technology Coverage: This edition presents expanded coverage of mobile computing and telecommuting and discussion of the role of today's analyst as an architect and integrator We also include new roles of graphic artists and website designers in systems development This can be seen in the Analysts in Action boxes which precede nearly every chapter • Clearer Presentation of Development Options: The revised systems development coverage makes project identification and selection more visible This coverage includes demonstration of a taxonomy of systems development paradigros and methodologies, with explanations of their advantages and disadvantages, to better compare development paradigms • Broader Coverage of Alternative Methods: New methods introduced include extreme programming and agile development • Improved Coverage of Emerging Applications: The sixth edition further emphasizes systems analysis and design techniques for developing client/server and web-centric applications This includes the emergence of the Internet, corporate intranets, and intercorporate extranets as legitimate application architectures • Improved Coverage of Automated Tools: The use of automated tools (such as CASEand RAD)for systems analysis, design, and construction is once again reinforced throughout the book Some of the tools demonstrated in the sixth edition include Visio Professional, System Architect, Project, and Visual Basic • Better Project Management Coverage: The project management chapter has been updated to include more coverage of CMM and industry usage Chapter introduces the concepts of a project office and virtual teaming and includes additional coverage of risk management, change management, and expectations management Pedagogical Use of Color The sixth edition continues the use of full.color applied to an adaptation of Zachman's Frameworkfor Information Systems Architecture The color mappings are displayed in the inside front cover of the textbook The information systems building blocks matrix uses these colors to introduce recurring concepts Systemmodels then reinforce those concepts with a consistent use of the same colors Organization Systems Analysis and Design Methods, sixth edition, is divided into four parts The text's organization is flexible enough to allow instructors to omit and resequence chapters according to what they feel is important to their audience Every effort has been made to decouple chapters from one another as much as possible to assist in resequencing the material-even to the extent of reintroducing selected concepts and terminology Part One, The Context of Systems Development Projects, presents the information systems development scenario and process Chapters through introduce the student to systems analysts, other project team members (including users and management), information systems building blocks (based on the Zachman framework), a contemporary systems development life cycle, and project management Part On~ can be covered relatively quickly Some readers may prefer to omit project management or delay it until the end of the book Part Two, Systems Analysis Methods, covers the front-end life-cycle activities, tools, and techniques for analyzing business problems, specifying business requirements for an information system, and proposing a business and system solution Coverage in Chapters through 11 includes requirements gathering, use cases, data modeling with entity-relationship diagrams, process modeling with data flow diagrams, solution identification and the system proposal, and object-oriented analysis Part Three, Systems Design Methods, covers the middle life-cycle activities, tools, and techniques Chapters 12 through 18 include coverage of both general and detailed design, with a particular emphasis on application architecture, rapid development and prototyping, external design (inputs, outputs, and interfaces), internal design (e.g., database and software engineering), and object-oriented design Part Four, Beyond Systems Analysis and Design, is a capstone unit that places systems analysis and design into perspective by surveying the back-end life-cycle activities Specifically, Chapters 19 and 20 examine system implementation, support, maintenance, and reengineering Supplements and Instructional Resources It has always been our intent to provide a complete course, not just a textbook We are especially excited about this edition's comprehensive support package It includes web-hosted support, software bundles, and other resources for both the student and the instructor The supplements for the sixth edition include the following components Website/OLC A completely redesigned website provides easy-to-find resources for instructors and students 766 Glossary/Index Ishikawa, Kaoru, 238-239 Isshiki, Koichiro B., 491, 496 J J D Edwards, 33 Jacobsen, Ivar, 136,267,270-271,289,375,430,464, 465,711 JAD; see Joint application development Java, 30, 31, 70, 73,90,519,528 JDBC (Javabean database connectivity), 526 Johnson, Spencer, 161, 177 Joint application development (JAD), 477 joint project planning (JPP) A strategy in which all stakeholders attend an intensive workshop aimed at reaching consensus agreement on project decisions., 149, 151 joint requirements planning (JRP) The use offacilitated workshops to bring together all of the system owners, users, and analysts and some systems designers and builders to jointly perform systems analysis lRP is generally considered a part of a larger method called joint application development (lAD), a more comprehensive application of the lRP techniques to the entire systems development process., 192-193 joint requirements planning (JRP) A process whereby highly structured group meetings are conducted for the purpose of analyzing problems and defining requirements., 257 agenda, 261 benefits, 262 conducting sessions, 261-262 data modeling and, 310 end product, 262 facilitator, 258, 261 participants, 257-259, 260-261 planning, 259-261 for process modeling, 370 room layout, 259 sponsor, 257-258 Jonsson,Patrik,267,289,464,7l1 Joslin, Edward 0., 491, 496 JPP; see Joint project planning JRP; see Joint requirements planning Junctions, 358, 363 K Kana, 35 Kara, Dan, 540 Kara, Daniel A., 540 Kawasaki, 239 Keane, Inc., 152, 162, 164 Kennedy, John F., 166 Kernzer, Harold, 177 key An attribute, or a group of attributes, that assumes a unique value for each entity instance It is sometimes called an identifier., 296; see also Foreign key alternate, 298 candidate, 298 concatenated, 297-298, 551 intelligent, 316- 317 primary, 298 secondary, 298, 551, 560 selecting, 316-317 of table, 551 Key-based data model, 310, 316-317 Keyboards, 620-621, 656-657 Keyless data entry, 524 King, William R., 78 knowledge Data and information that is further refined based on the facts, truths, beliefs, judgments, experiences, and expertise of the recipient Ideally information leads to wisdom., 27 Knowledge asset management, 27 Knowledge building blocks, 64-67 knowledge worker Any worker whose responsibilities are based on a specialized body of knowledge., 14, 15 Kozar, Kenneth, 647 Kulak, Daryl, 267 L LAN; see Local area network Language-based syntax, 665 Lantz, Kenneth E., 496 Larman, Craig, 286, 289, 464, 711 Leflour, Ron, 165 Letter of transmittal, 419-420 Leventhal, N S., 267 Levine, Martin, 49 Linderman, James, 49 Linkletter, Art, 255 Linux, 655 List boxes, 630-631 Listening, 254-255 local area network (LAN) A set of client computers connected over a relatively short distance to one or more servers., 510-511 Location conversion, 725 Logical data modeling; see Data modeling logical design The translation of business user requirements into a system model that depicts only the business requirements and not any possible technical design or implementation of those requirements Common synonyms include conceptual design and essential design, the latter of which refers to modeling the "essence" of a system, or the "essential requirements" independent of any technology The antonym of logical design is physical design (defined later in this chapter)., 100-101 Logical design phase, 215 acceptance test cases, 218 functional requirements structuring, 215 functional requirements validation, 218 prototyping,217-218 logical model A nontechnical pictorial representation that depicts what a system is or does Synonyms are essential model, conceptual model, and business model., 110,344 Log-ins, 667 London, Keith, 161, 177,423 London, Keith R., 267 Lord, Kenniston W., Jr., 267 Lorensen, William, 464-465, 711 Lotus 1-2-3, 592 Notes, 513, 525 SameTime, 32 SmartSuite, 663 Glossaryllndex M 767 Microfilm, 592 Microsoft; see also Windows Access,511-512,554,556,558,593,618,626,634,666,671 collaboration with Oracle, 27 COM+,513 Excel, 592, 641 Exchange Server, 513, 525 FoxPro,511-512,558 help agents, 670 Internet Explorer, 112,620,656 MSN Messenger Service, 32 Netmeeting, 32 Office, 663,668, 670 PowerPoint, 422 SourceSafe, 736 SQL Server, 90, 513, 521, 558 management information system (MIS) An information Transact SQL, 557 system that provides for management-oriented reporting based Transaction Server, 513, 516 on transaction processing and operations of the organization., 12 Visual Basic, 516, 527, 626, 634, 652, 672, 748 Mandel, Theo, 681 Visual, 70, 90, 126 Manugistics, 35 Windows CE, 524, 656 Microsoft Project, 126 Many-to-many relationship; see Nonspecific relationship Mariga, Julie, 540 budgets, 158 Mariga, Julie R., 78 critical path analysis, 170 Martin, Alexander, 681 Gantt charts, 147, 156-157, 163-164 Martin, E w., 752 intertask dependencies, 156-157 Martin, J., 464, 711 milestones, 155-156 Martin, James, 295, 339, 396 PERT charts, 149 recording progress, 163-164 master file A table containing records that are relatively permanent., 552 resource assignment, 158 Matthies, Leslie H., 396 scheduling, 157 Mellor, Stephen J., 339 work breakdown structure, 153, 154 Menu bar, 660 middleware Software (usually purchased) used to translate menu driven A dialogue strategy that requires that the user and route data between different applications., 35 select an action from a menu of choices., 658-660 middleware Utility software that allows application software Menus, 658-660 and systems software that utilize differing technologies to cascading, 660 interoperate., 73-74, 125 hypertext and hyperlinks, 664 middleware Utility software that enables communication iconic, 663 between different processors in a system., 525-526 pop-up, 660-661 milestone An event signifying the completion of a major projpull-down, 660 ect deliverable., 154, 155-156 tear-off, 660 Miller, Granville, 277n, 289, 464, 711 toolbars, 661-663 Miller, Irwin, 267 Mercator Software, 35 MIL-STD-498, 242 Merrill Lynch, 24 MIS; see Management information system Mitchell, Ian, 267 message Communication that occurs when one object invokes Mnemonic syntax, 665 another object's method (behavior) to request information or some action., 438 Mobile technology, 30-31 messaging or groupware server A server that hosts services mobile user A user whose location is constantly changing for groupware., 513 but who requires access to information systems from any Metadata, 310, 555,747 location., 15 method The software logic that is executed in response to a model A representation of either reality or vision Since "a message., 688 picture is worth a thousand words," most models use pictures to of design objects, 704 represent the reality or vision., 188, 191-192 visibility, 688 model A pictorial representation of reality., 344; see also Data Methodology; see Systems development methodology modeling; Process modeling; System model Methods and procedures section, 419 model-driven analysis A problem-solving approach that Metzger, Philip w., 731 emphasizes the drawing of pictorial system models to document MICR; see Magnetic ink character recognition and validate existing and/or proposed systems Ultimately, the Micro Focus Dialog Manager, 527 system model becomes the blueprint for designing and conMicrofiche, 592 structing an improved system., 188-190 McClure, Carma, 396 McConnell, Steve, 136 McDonnell Douglas, 165 McFadden, Fred,578 Machiavelli, Niccolo, 421 McLeod, Graham, 161, 177 McMenamin, Stephen M., 351, 396 McNealy, Scott, 28 Macromedia Cold Fusion, 30, 73, 126 Dreamweaver, 73, 90 Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR), 622 Majer, 165 Malloy, John T., 423 768 Glossary/Index model-driven design A system design approach that emphasizes drawing system models to document technical and implementation aspects of a system., 472 model-driven development A system development strategy that emphasizes the drawing of system models to help visualize and analyze problems, define business requirements, and design information systems., 107, 110-112 modern structured design A system design technique that decomposes the system's processes into manageable components., 473 Mosely, D J., 731 Moses, John, 267 most likely duration (D) An estimated amount of time required to complete a task, based on a weighted average of optimistic, pessimistic, and expected durations., 155 mouse A device used to cause a pointer to move across a display screen., 621, 657 Multimedia outputs, 590 multiplicity The minimum and maximum number of occurrences of one object/class for a single occurrence of the related object/class., 436 N Naturallanguage syntax, 666 net present value An analysis technique that compares the annual discounted costs and benefits of alternative solutions., 413-414 Netscape, 25 Commerce Server, 513 Navigator, 112, 620, 656 network computing system A multi tiered solution in which the presentation and presentation logic layers are implemented in client-side web browsers using content downloaded from a web server., 517-519 Networks; see also Internet; Local area network architects, 15 architectures, 530, 531-532 building and testing, 718, 721 clean layering approach, 74 as driver for information systems, 28-30 intranets, 30, 518, 528 role in information systems, 74 Newcomer, Eric, 540 nonfunctional requirement A description of other features, characteristics, and constraints that define a satisfactory system., 213, 236 nonidentifying relationship A relationship in which each participating entity has its own independent primary key., 301-303 nonspecific relationship A relationship where many instances of an entity are associated with many instances of another entity Also called many-to-many relationship., 303-307 normalization A data analysis technique that organizes data into groups to form nonredundant, stable, flexible, and adaptive entities., 310, 322-323 automated tool, 331 first normal form (lNF), 323-325 as prerequisite for database design, 558-559 process of, 329-331 second normal form (2NF), 323, 325-326 third normal form (3NF), 323, 326-329 Normalized data model, 310 Nortel/Clarify, 35 novice user An inexperienced or casual computer user., 652-653 NSA Report Web, 592 o object The encapsulation of the data (called properties) that describes a discrete person, object, place, event, or thing, with all of the processes (called methods) that are allowed to use or update the data and properties The only way to access or update the object's data is to use the object's predefined processes., 190 object Something that is or is capable of being seen, touched, or otherwise sensed and about which users store data and associate behavior., 431; see also Class attributes, 431, 688, 696, 703-704 behaviors, 432, 698-700 design, 686-687, 693, 698, 703 discovery of, 454 encapsulation, 432 interactions, 697, 699, 700, 702 life cycle, 700-701 messages, 438 methods, 688, 704 relationships; see Object/class relationship reusability, 688-689 design patterns, 691 generalization/specialization hierarchies, 689-690 object frameworks, 692 Object database management systems, 572 Object diagrams, 441 object framework A set of related, interacting objects that provide a well-defined set of services for accomplishing a task., 692 object instance Each specific person, place, thing, or event, as well as the values for the attributes of that object., 431 Object Management Group (OMG), 430 object modeling A technique that attempts to merge the data and process concerns into singular constructs called objects Object models are diagrams that document a system in terms of its objects and their interactions Object modeling is the basis for object-oriented analysis and design methodologies., 112 object modeling A technique for identifying objects within the systems environment and identifying the relationships between those objects., 430; see also Unified Modeling Language (UML); Use-case modeling concepts, 430-431 development of techniques, 430 notation, 432 process of, 442 aggregation relationships, 459 analysis use-case model, 443-445 associations and multiplicity, 455-457 class diagrams, 459-461 finding business objects, 454 functional description of system, 442-443 generalization/specialization hierarchies, 457 -459 use-case activities, 450, 454 reverse engineering, 748 Glossary/Index object responsibility The obligation that an object has to provide a service when requested and thus collaborate with other objects to satisfy the request ifrequired., 688, 699 Object robustness diagrams, 697 object state A condition of the object at one point in its lifetime., 700 object technology A software technology that defines a system in terms of objects that consolidate data and behavior (into objects) Objects become reusable and extensible componentsfor the software developers., 31 Object/class matrix, 455-457 object/class relationship A natural business association that exists between one or more objects and classes., 435-436; see also Generalization/specialization aggregation, 436-438, 459 dependencies, 687, 704 design, 687 discovery of, 455-457 multiplicity, 436 navigability, 687, 704 objective A measure of success It is something that you expect to achieve, if given sufficient resources., 207-208 object-oriented analysis (OOA) A model-driven technique that integrates data and process concerns into constructs called objects OOA models are pictures that illustrate the system's objectsfrom various perspectives, such as the structure, behavior, and interactions of the objects., 190, 225 object-oriented analysis (OOA) An approach used to (1) study existing objects to see if they can be reused or adapted for new uses and (2) define new or modified objects that will be combined with existing objects into a useful business computing application., 430; see also Object modeling object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) A collection of tools and techniques for systems development that will utilize object technologies to construct a system and its software., 31, 112 object-oriented design (OOD) An approach used to specify the software solution in terms of collaborating objects, their attributes, and their methods., 476-477, 686 design objects, 686-687 process of modeling object interactions and behaviors, 693, 696-702 object model updating, 702-705 role playing, 701-702 statechart diagrams, 700-701 use-case model refinement, 692-693 relationships, 687 reusability, 688-692 Object-oriented programming languages, 31 observation Afact-finding technique wherein the systems analyst either participates in or watches a person perform activities to learn about the system., 245-248 OCR; see Optical character recognition OD; see Optimistic duration ODBC; see Open database connectivity (ODBC) tools Odell, J., 464, 711 office automation system An information system that supports the wide range of business office activities that provide for improved workflow between workers., 12, 14 OMG; see Object Management Group OMR; see Optical mark recognition 769 Oncken, William, Jr., 161-162, 177 Online help, 668-670 online processing A data processing method whereby data about a single transaction is processed immediately., 516, 522-523,620 OOA; see Object-oriented analysis OOAD; see Object-oriented analysis and design Open database connectivity (ODBC) tools, 73-74, 526 open-ended question A question that allows the interviewee to respond in any way that seems appropriate., 251 Operating costs, 408 Operating systems, user interfaces, 655-656 operational database A database that supports day-to-day operations and transactions for an information system Also called transactional database., 554 operational feasibility A measure of how well a solution will work or be accepted in an organization., 404, 405-406, 529 opportunity A chance to improve the organization even in the absence of an identified problem., 93 Opportunity costs, 411 Optical character recognition (OCR), 524, 621-622 Optical mark recognition (OMR), 524, 621 optimistic duration (OD) The estimated minimum amount of time needed to complete a task., 155 Oracle Corporation collaboration with Microsoft, 27 Designer 2000, 123,555 Developer, 126 enterprise resource planning, 33 Oracle, 558 Oracle database, 27, 90, 513, 521, 554 Oracle Forms, 90 PL/SQL, 557 Orfali, Robert, 540 OIT, Ken, 136 Outlook, 32 Output design, 483; see also User interface design architectures batch processing, 522 document interchange, 525 electronic data interchange, 525 e-mail, 525 imaging, 525 middleware, 525-526 online processing, 522-523 work group technology, 525 automated tools, 592-593 guidelines, 593-596 preprinted forms, 522, 587-588, 598-599 process of design, 599-601 logical requirements, 596-597 physical output requirements, 597-598 preprinted forms design, 598-599 prototyping, 603 user feedback, 603-604 prototyping, 584, 592-593, 603 Outputs; see also Reports distribution and audience, 584, 587 external, 584, 587, 599 implementation methods 770 Glossary/Index e-mail, 590 hyperlinks, 590-592 microfilm, 592 multimedia, 590 point-of-sale terminals, 590 printed, 587 -588 screen, 588-590 Web-based, 590-592, 604-607 internal, 584 turnaround, 587, 599 Overgaard, Gunnar, 267, 289, 464, 711 override A technique whereby a subclass (subtype) uses an attribute or behavior of its own instead of an attribute or behavior inherited from the class (supertype)., 440 p Packages; see Commercial application package paging Displaying a complete screen of characters at a time, 656 Palm, 30, 524, 621, 656 Palmer, John F., 351, 396 Paradice, David, 267 Parallel conversion, 725 Parrington, Norman, 267 partitioning The act of determining how to best distribute or duplicate application components across a network., 517 Paulk, Mark c., 136 payback analysis A technique for determining if and when an investment will pay for itself, 411-413 payback period The period of time that will lapse before accrued benefits overtake accrued costs., 411 PD; see Pessimistic duration PDFD; see Physical data flow diagram Penker, Magnus, 464, 711 Pens, 524, 657 PeopleSoft,33 PeoplesoftNantive, 35 Perkins, W C., 752 persistent class A class that describes an object that outlives the execution of the program that created it., 459-460 Personal data assistants (PDAs); see Handheld computers Personal databases, 554 Person/machine boundaries, 536 PERTchart A graphical network model used to depict the interdependencies between a project's tasks., 147, 149, 170 pessimistic duration (PD) The estimated maximum amount of time needed to complete a task., 155 physical data flow diagram A process model used to communicate the technical implementation characteristics of an information system., 479, 502; see also Data flow diagram application architecture modeling, 529-530 data flows, 506-508 data stores, 508-509 design units, 530, 533-535, 596 drawing, 530 external agents, 508 input design using, 635 network architecture, 530, 531-532 output design using, 596 person/machine boundaries, 536 prerequisites, 530-531 processes, 503-506 use of, 502-503 Physical data flows, 506-508 Physical data stores, 508-509 physical design The translation of business user requirements into a system model that depicts a technical implementation of the users' business requirements Common synonyms include technical design or, in describing the output, implementation model The antonym of physical design is logical design (defined earlier in this chapter)., 102-103; see also System design physical model A technical pictorial representation that depicts what a system is or does and how the system is implemented Synonyms are implementation model and technical model., 110,344 Physical processes, 503-506 PIECES framework, 93, 236, 405 Platform independence, 656 Plumber, Donald H., 152n PMBOK; see Project Management Body of Knowledge Point-of-sale (POS) terminals, 590, 621 policy A set of rules that govern a business process., 69 policy A set of rules that govern how a process is to be completed., 356 polymorphism Literally meaning "many forms," the concept that different objects can respond to the same message in different ways., 438-441 Popkin; see System Architect Portals, 30, 518 POS; see Point-of-sale (POS) terminals Powersoft Powerbuilder, 527 Premerlani, William, 464-465,711 Prescott, Mary, 578 present value The current value of a dollar at any time in the future., 412 presentation The ongoing activity of communicating findings, recommendations, and documentation for review by interested users and managers Presentations may be either written or verbal., 105; see also Formal presentation; Reports, written Presentation middleware, 526 Primary elements (of reports), 419 primary key A candidate key that will most commonly be used to uniquely identify a single entity instance., 298 primary key Afield that uniquely identifies a record in afile., 551,560,565 Primavera Monte Carlo, 147 Project Planner, 147 Primitive diagrams, 368 Printed outputs, 587-588 Privacy, 25-26 problem An undesirable situation that prevents the organizationfromfully achieving its mission, vision, goals, and/or objectives., 17,93 Problem analysis phase, 201-202 business process analysis, 206 communication of findings, 209-210 data modeling, 309 FAST methodology, 98-99 feasibility analysis, 404 goal, 201 problem and opportunity analysis, 205-206 problem domain, 202-205 process modeling, 368 project plan updating, 208-209 systems improvement objectives, 207-208 Problem discovery and analysis, 238-239 prOblem statement A statement and categorization of problems, opportunities, and directives; may also include constraints and an initial vision for the solution Synonyms include preliminary study and feasibility assessment., 98 Problem-solving, 88 procedure Step-by-step set a/instructions and logic/or accomplishing a business process., 69 process Work performed by a system in response to incoming data flows or conditions A synonym is transform., 347 business, 27 in data flow diagrams, 345, 347 decision tables, 356-357 decomposition, 348-349 distribution, 388, 533 elementary, 351, 386 implementation methods, 505-506 instructions (logic), 351-352 logical, 349-350, 351 names, 504-505, 506 person/machine boundaries, 536 physical, 503-506 procedural language, 352-356 Process building blocks, 67-70 process management The ongoing activity that defines, improves, and coordinates the use of an organization's chosen methodology (the "process") and standards for all system development projects., 37 process management An ongoing activity that documents, teaches, oversees the use of, and improves an organization's chosen methodology (the "process" )for systems development Process management is concerned with phases; activities, deliverables, and quality standards that should be consistently applied to all projects., 90-91, 105,107 process management The activity of documenting, managing, and continually improving the process of systems development., 143 process manager application An automated tool that helps to document and manage a methodology and routes, its deliverables, and quality management standards An emerging synonym is methodware., 124,126 process mOdeling A process-centered technique popularized by the structured analysis and design methodology that used models of business process requirements to derive effective software designs for a system Structured analysis introduced a modeling tool called the data flow diagram to illustrate the flow of data through a series of business processes Structured design converted data flow diagrams into a process model called structure charts to illustrate a top-down software structure that fulfills the business requirements., 111 process modeling A technique used to organize and document a system's processes., 344; see also Data flow diagram (DFD) automated tools, 370-371 for business process redesign, 367- 368 fact-finding, 370 process of, 368, 371 balancing, 381, 384 context data flow diagrams, 372 event decomposition diagrams, 377-378 event diagrams, 378-380 event-response lists, 374-377 functional decomposition diagrams, 372-374 primitive diagrams, 384 system diagrams, 381 use-case lists, 374-377 reverse engineering, 368 skills, 225 strategic, 367 synchronizing with data models, 386-388 in systems analysis phases, 368-370 in systems design, 370 process requirements A user's expectation of the processing requirements for a business process and its information systems., 69 process-to-Iocation-association matrix A table used to document "processes and the locations at which they must be performed., 388 Procurement phase, 485 Production systems, 736 Program library, 736, 743, 747 Program maintenance, 736 objectives, 739-740 tasks, 740 benchmarking, 741 debugging, 742 problem validation, 741 testing, 742-743 Programmers, 16 Programmers Paradise, 527 Programming; see Systems construction Programs, 70 analysis, recovery, and restructuring, 747-748 benchmarking, 741 components, 692 modules, 473 reverse engineering, 748 testing, 722 project A sequence of activities that must be completed on time, within budget, and according to specification., 142 budgets, 158,200 canceling, 91-92 failures, 84,105,143-144,270 impetus for, 93 launching, 200-201 schedule, 157, 161, 169-170,200 scope, 152, 164-165, 197-199 sponsors, 200 success criteria, 143 Project charters, 195-196,201 project management The activity of defining, planning, directing, monitoring, and controlling a project to develop an acceptable system within the allotted time and budget., 37 project management The process of scoping, planning, staffing, organizing, directing, and controlling a project to develop an information system at minimum cost, within a specified time frame, and with acceptable quality., 91, 105, 107 772 Glossary/lndex project management The process of scoping, planning, staffing, organizing, directing, and controlling the development of an acceptable system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame., 142-143 activities change management, 164-165 direction of team effort, 161-162 expectations management, 165-169 intertask dependency specification, 156-157 progress reporting, 162-164 resource assignment, 158-161 result assessment, 170 schedule adjustments, 169-170 scope negotiation, 152 task duration estimation, 154-156 task identification, 152-154 budgets, 158 functions, 146-147 life cycle, 149 schedules, 157, 161 tools and techniques, 147 Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), 145, 147 Project Management Institute, 145 Project Management Solutions Risk +,147 project manager An experienced professional who accepts responsibility for planning, monitoring, and controlling projects with respect to schedule, budget, deliverables, customer satisfaction, technical standards, and system quality., 22 competencies, 145 leadership hints, 161 project manager application An automated tool that helps to plan system development activities (preferably using the approved methodology), estimate and assign resources (including people and costs), schedule activities and resources, monitor progress against schedule and budget, control and modify schedule and resources, and report project progress., 126, 147, 155 Project teams, 18-20 development stages, 161 recruiting members, 160 resource assignment, 158-161 roles, 158 prototype A small-scale, representative, or working model of the users' requirements or a proposed design for an information system Any given prototype may omit certain functions or features until such a time as the prototype has sufficiently evolved into an acceptable implementation of requirements., 112 prototype A small-scale, incomplete, but working sample of a desired system., 191 database, 569 reverse engineering, 192 prototyping A technique for quickly building a functioning but incomplete model of the information system using rapid application development tools., 70; see also Discovery prototyping advantages and disadvantages, 474-476 automated tools, 191,592-593 input design, 618, 634-635, 637-639 output design, 584, 592-593, 603 use in system design, 473-476 use in systems analysis, 191,217-218,256-257 user interface design, 652, 671-672, 674-677 proxemics The relationship between people and the space around them., 256 Purdue University, 518-519 Q QBE; see Query by Example Quality management, 27 Query by Example (QBE), 665 Question-answer dialogues, 666-667 questionnaires A special-purpose document that allows the analyst to collect information and opinions from respondents., 248-250 Quicken, 520, 624, 664 R RAD; see Rapid application development Radio buttons, 629 Railroad Paradox, 246 randomization A sampling technique characterized by having no predetermined pattern or plan for selecting sample data., 245 rapid application development (RAD) A system development strategy that emphasizes speed of development through extensive user involvement in the rapid, iterative, and incremental construction of a series of functioning prototypes of a system that eventually evolves into the final system (or a version)., loo, 112 rapid application development (RAD) A systems design approach that utilizes structured, prototyping, and lAD techniques to quickly develop systems., 477 advantages and disadvantages, 114-115 analysis techniques, 191 FAST methodology, 112-115 future of, 225 timeboxing, 114, 213 rapid architected analysis An approach that attempts to derive system models (as described earlier in this section) from existing systems or discovery prototypes., 191-192 Rational ROSE, 123, 188,473 Rational Unified Process (RUP), 100 Rawles, Phillip, 540 Rawles, Phillip T., 78 record A collection offields arranged in a predetermined format., 551-552 sizes, 569 recursive relationship A relationship that exists between instances of the same entity., 300 referential integrity The assurance that a foreign-key value in one table has a matching primary-key value in the related table., 566 Regression testing, 743 Reingruber, Michael, 339 relational database A database that implements data as a series of two-dimensional tables that are related via foreign keys., 520, 556 distributed, 520-521 schema, 556, 560-563 SQL commands, 556-557 user interface, 558 relationship A natural business association between one or more entities., 298 cardinality, 299-300 degree, 300 Glossaryllndex identifying, 302 multiple, 316 names, 298, 314 N-ary, 300 nonidentifying, 301-303 nonspecific (many-to-many), 303-307 recursive, 300 Relationships in use-case modeling, 273-276 associations, 274 depends on, 275 extends, 274 inheritance, 275-276 uses (includes), 274 Relationships of objects and classes; see Object/class relationship remote batch processing A data processing method wherebJ data is entered online, collected as a batch, and processed at a later time., 523-524, 620 remote user A user who is not physically located on premises but who still requires access to information systems., 15 Renaud, Paul, 541 Replication, 568 Reports; see also Outputs design tools, 593 detailed, 584 exception, 584 formats, 599-601 prototypes, 603 summary, 584 writing tools, 746 Reports, written administrative format, 419 factual format, 419 length, 418-419 letters of transmittal, 419-420 need for, 418 organization of, 419-420 writing, 420 repository A database and/or file directory where system developers store all documentation, knowledge, and artifacts for one or more information systems or projects A repository is usually automated for easy information storage, retrieval, and sharing., 105 repository A location (or set of locations) where systems analysts, systems designers, and system builders keep all of the documentation associated with one or more systems or projects., 186; see also CASE repository data models stored in, 310 implementation alternatives, 186 role in systems support, 736, 746 Repository-based programming, 626-627, 636 request for proposal (RFP) Aformal document that communicates business, technical, and support requirements for an application software package to vendors that may wish to compete for the sale of that application package and services., 116, 489 request for quotation (RFQ) A formal document that communicates business, technical, and support requirements for an application software package to a single vendor that has been determined as being able to supply that application package and services., 116, 489 773 Requirements analysis phase, 210-212 communication of requirements statement, 214 data modeling, 309-310 FAST methodology, 99-100 ongoing requirements management, 214-215 priorities of requirements, 213-214 project plan updating, 214 requirements identification, 212-213 requirements discovery The process, used by systems analysts, of identifying or extracting system problems and solution requirements from the user community., 192 requirements discovery The process and techniques used by systems analysts to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from the user community., 236; see also Fact-finding; Joint requirements planning (JRP); Use-case modeling methods, 192-193 process of analysis of requirements, 241-243 documentation, 241, 242-243 fact-finding, 239-240 problem discovery and analysis, 238-239 requirements management, 243 requirements management The process of managing change to the requirements., 243 resource leveling A strategy for correcting resource overallocations., 160-161 return-on-investment (ROI) analysis A technique that compares the lifetime profitability of alternative solutions., 413 reverse engineering A CASE tool capability that can automatically generate initial system models from software or database code., 124 reverse engineering The use of technology that reads the program code for an existing database, application program, and/or user interface and automatically generates the equivalent system model., 191-192 CASE tool support, 124, 192 data models, 309, 311, 747 object models, 748 process models, 368 programs, 748 of prototypes, 192 of software packages, 748 reverse scheduling A project scheduling strategy that establishes a project deadline and then schedules backwardfrom that date., 157 RFP; see Request for proposal RFQ; see Request for quotation RIM Blackberry, 30 risk management The process of identifying, evaluating, and controlling what might go wrong in a project before it becomes a threat to the successful completion of the project or implementation of the information system Risk management is driven by risk analysis or assessment., 92 Robertson, James, 267, 351, 396 Robertson,Suzanne,267,351,396 RoboHelp, 669 Roetzheim, William H., 177-178 Role names, 568 role playing The act of simulating object behavior and collaboration by acting out an object's behaviors and responsibilities., 701-702 774 Glossaryllndex Rosenblatt, H., 612 Rumbaugh, James, 136,430,464-465,711 RUP; see Rational Unified Process S Salvendy, G., 267 sampling The process of collecting a representative sample of documents,forms, and records., 244-245 SAP AG, 33, 35 Sarson, Trish, 502, 540 SAS, 746 schedule feasibility A measure of how reasonable a project timetable is., 405, 407 Schema; see Database schema Schlaer, Sally, 339 Schmeiser, Lisa, 682 Scitor Project Scheduler, 147 SCM; see Supply chain management scope The boundaries of a project-the areas of a business that a project may (or may not) address., 152 scope creep A common phenomenon wherein the requirements and expectations of a project increase, often without regard to the impact on budget and schedule., 98 scope creep The unexpected and gradual growth of requirements during an information systems project., 144 Scope definition phase baseline problem and opportunity identification, 196-197 baseline project worthiness, 199 baseline schedule and budget, 200 baseline scope negotiation, 197-199 FAST methodology, 95, 98,193-196 feasibility analysis, 402-404 project manager role, 152 project plan communication, 200-201 Scott, Kendall, 464, 711 Screen outputs, 588-590; see also Graphical user interfaces (GUls); Output design designs, 601 prototypes, 603 Screen scrapers, 514 scrolling Displaying information up or down a screen, one line at a time., 656 SCT, 35 SDE; see Software development environment Seagate, Crystal Reports, 593, 746 second normal form (2NF) An entity whose nonprimary-key attributes are dependent on the full primary key., 323, 325-326 Secondary elements (of reports), 419 secondary key Afield that identifies a single record or a subset of related records., 551, 560; see also Alternate key Security business issues, 25-26 of e-commerce, 668 log-ins, 667 Self-checking digits, 626 sequence diagram A UML diagram that models the logic of a use case by depicting the interaction of messages between objects in time sequence., 441, 442, 702 Serial codes, 316 Servers; see also Client server system application, 513 database, 513, 516 messaging or groupware, 513 transaction, 513 web, 513 Sethi, Vikram, 78 Shelly, G., 612 Siebel, 35 Significant position codes, 317 Silver, Denise, 231, 267, 496 slack time The amount of delay that can be tolerated between the starting time and the completion time of a task without causing a delay in the completion date of a project., 160, 161, 169-170 Slider, 675 Smalltalk, 31, 689 Smart cards, 623 Smith, Derek, 161, 177 Smith, Patrick, 541 Smith, Randi Sigmund, 427 Software configuration tools, 736, 743 software development environment (SDE) A language and tool kit for developing applications., 526-528 Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 84 software metrics Mathematically proven measurements of software quality and developer productivity., 747 Software packages; see Automated tools; Commercial application package software specifications The technical design of business processes to be automated or supported by computer programs to be written by system builders., 70 Sound inputs, 621 SoundStage case study application architecture, 498-499 business events, 340-341 construction and implementation phases, 714-715 data modeling, 290-291 database design, 542-545 decision analysis phase, 398 FAST methodology, 80-82 input design, 614-615 joint project planning, 138-139 joint requirements planning, 232-233 output design, 580-581 project charter, 51-54 project launch meeting, 50-57 project planning, 80-82 system operation and support, 732-733 systems analysis, 180-181 systems analysts, 4-8 systems design, 468-469 user interface design, 648-649 source document Aform used to record data about a transaction., 618 designing, 623-625, 639-641 prototyping, 641 Specialization; see Generalization/specialization Speech inputs, 621 Spin boxes, 632 Spreadsheets, 592, 641 SQL (Structured Query Language) commands, 556-557 Glossary/Index database generation, 559, 569, 572 use by end users, 665 Staged conversion, 725 stakeholder Any person who has an interest in an existing or proposed information system Stakeholders may include both technical and nontechnical workers They may also include both internal and external workers., 12-14 Stallings, Warren D., Jr., 267 Standish Group, 270 State events, 375 state transition diagram (STD) A tool used to depict the sequence and variation of screens that can occur during a user session., 673-674 state transition event An occurrence that triggers a change in an object's state through the updating of one or more of its attributes' values., 700 statechart diagram A UML diagram that depicts the combination of states that an object can assume during its lifetime, the events that trigger transitions between states, and the rules governing the from and to states an object may transition., 442, 700-701 statement of work A contract with management and the user community to develop or enhance an information system; defines vision, scope, constraints, high-level user requirements, schedule, and budget Synonyms include project charter, project plan, and service-level agreement., 98 statement of work A narrative description of the work to be performed as part of a project Common synonyms include scope statement, project definition, project overview, and document of understanding., 152 STD; see State transition diagram steering body A committee of executive business and system managers that studies and prioritizes competing project proposals to determine which projects will return the most value to the organization and thus should be approved for continued systems development Also called a steering committee., 200 steering committee An administrative body of system owners and information technology executives that prioritizes and approves candidate system development projects., 95 Steiner, James B., 267 Stewart, Charles J., 267 stored procedures A program embedded in a table that can be called from an application program., 557-558 Strategic data modeling, 308-309 strategic enterprise plan A formal strategic plan (3 to years) for an entire business that defines its mission, vision, goals, strategies, benchmarks, and measures of progress and achievement Usually, the strategic enterprise plan is complemented by strategic business unit plans that define how each business unit will contribute to the enterprise plan The information systems plan (above) is one of those unit-level plans., 91 strategic information systems plan Aformal strategic plan (3 to years)for building and improving an information technology infrastructure and the information system applications that use that infrastructure A synonym is strategic information systems plan., 91 Strategic planning, 95, 367 stratification A systematic sampling technique that attempts to reduce the variance of estimates by spreading out the sampling-for example, choosing documents or records by 775 formula-and by avoiding very high or very low estimates., 245 Structure charts, 111,473,503,748 structured analysis A model-driven, process-centered technique used to either analyze an existing system, define business requirements for a new system, or both The models are pictures that illustrate the system's component pieces: processes and their associated inputs, outputs, and files., 188-189; see also Data modeling; Process modeling Structured analysis and design, 100, 111,368,502-503 structured English A language syntax for specifying the logic of a process., 352-353, 354-356 structured interview An interview in which the interviewer has a specific set of questions to ask of the interviewee., 251 Structured methods, 31, 100 Structured programming, 353-354, 473 Structured Query Language; see SQL Strunk, William, Jr., 420 Stuart, Ann, 427 Stub test A test performed on a subset of a program., 722 Stubbe, John, 427 subsetting criteria An attribute( s) whose finite values divide entity instances into subsets Sometimes called inversion entry., 298 subtype An entity whose instances may inherit common attributesfrom its entity supertype., 307, 317, 563 subtype An object class that inherits attributes and behaviors from a supertype class and then may contain other attributes and behaviors that are unique to it Also referred to as child class and, if it exists at the lowest level of the inheritance hierarchy, as concrete class., 435, 457-459 summary report An internal output that categorizes informationfor managers., 584 Sun Computer, 28, 528 supertype An entity whose instances store attributes that are common to one or more entity subtypes., 307, 317, 563 supertype An entity that contains attributes and behaviors that are common to one or more class subtypes Also referred to as abstract or parent class., 435, 457-459 supply chain management (SCM) A software application that optimizes business processes for raw material procurement through finished product distribution by directly integrating the logistical information systems of organizations with those of their suppliers and distributors., 32, 34-35 Sybase Corporation Powerbuilder, 73, 90, 126,516,626 Sybase database, 521, 554, 558 Symantec Visual Cafe, 528, 626 Symbol Technologies, 621 system analysis The study of a business problem domain to recommend improvements and specify the business requirements and priorities for the solution., 38-39; see also Systems analysis system analysis use case A use case that documents the interaction between the system user and the system It is highly detailed in describing what is required but isfree of most implementation details and constraints., 444-445, 692 System Architect (Popkin), 123, 188 data modeling, 312, 314, 568 database design, 555, 559, 563-565, 572 process modeling, 370-371, 384, 386 776 Glossary/lndex screen design, 593, 634, 672 state transition diagrams, 673 system design models, 472-473 system builder A technical specialist who constructs information systems and components based on the design specifications generated by the system designers., 16 communications building blocks and, 73-74 knowledge building blocks and, 66-67 perspective on information system, 62 process building blocks and, 70 system design The specification or construction of a technical, computer-based solution for the business requirements identified in a system analysis (Note: Increasingly, the design takes the form of a working prototype.), 39 system design The specification of a detailed computer-based solution., 472 FAST methodology, 102-103 goal, 479 model-driven approaches, 472 automated tools, 472-473 information engineering, 473 modem structured design, 473 object-oriented design, 476-477 process modeling, 370 prototyping,473-476 rapid application development strategy, 477 tasks for commercial software integration, 485-488 contract negotiations, 491-492 decision analysis phase, 485, 487 evaluate and rank proposals, 491 procurement phase, 485, 487, 488-489 proposal solicitation, 489 technical criteria and options, 488-489 vendor claims and performance validation, 489-491 vendor debriefings, 492 tasks for in-house development application architecture, 479 database design, 479-483 design specifications packaging, 484-485 project plan updating, 485 user interface design, 483-484 system designer A technical specialist who translates system users' business requirements and constraints into technical solutions She or he designs the computer databases, inputs, outputs, screens, networks, and software that will meet the system users' requirements., 15 communications building blocks and, 72-73 knowledge building blocks and, 66 perspective on information system, 62 process building blocks and, 69-70 specialties, 15-16 system development process A set of activities, methods, best practices, deliverables, and automated tools that stakeholders use to develop and maintain information systems and software., 36 alternative routes, 105-107 Capability Maturity Model, 84-86, 149 cross life-cycle activities, 105 iterative approach, 42 sequential approach, 40-42 standardized, 84, 85, 86 steps, 36-37 System diagrams, 368, 381 System enhancement, 40, 738 reasons for, 744-745 tasks enhancement request analysis, 745-746 quick fixes, 746 recovery of existing system, 746-748 system implementation The construction, installation, testing, and delivery of a system into production (meaning day-today operation)., 39-40; see also Systems implementation system initiation The initial planning for a project to define initial business scope, goals, schedule, and budget., 37-38 system life cycle The factoring of the lifetime of an information system into two stages, (1) systems development and (2) systems operation and maintenance-first you build it; then you use and maintain it Eventually, you cycle back to redevelopment of a new system., 86-87 system model A picture of a system that represents reality or a desired reality System models facilitate improved communication between system users, system analysts, system designers, and system builders., 100 System obsolescence, 748 system owner An information system's sponsor and executive advocate, usually responsible for funding the project of developing, operating, and maintaining the information system., 14,15 communications building blocks and, 72 knowledge building blocks and, 64 perspective on information system, 62 process building blocks and, 67-69 system proposal A report or presentation of a recommended solution., 224, 417; see also Reports, written System recovery, 104,738,743-744 system requirement Something that the information system must or a property that it must have Also called a business requirement., 236; see also Requirements analysis phase; Requirements discovery costs of errors, 236 criteria, 236-237 functional; see Functional requirement nonfunctional, 213, 236 PIECES classification, 236 technical,241-242 system support The ongoing technical support for users of a system, as well as the maintenance required to deal with any errors, omissions, or new requirements that may arise., 104 activities, 104 entropy of system, 92-93 FAST methodology, 104, 119, 122 projects, 40 System use case; see System analysis use case system user A "customer" who will use or is affected by an information system on a regular basis-capturing, validating, entering, responding to, storing, and exchanging data and information., 14,15 communications building blocks and, 72 documentation for, 727 external, 15 feedback on user interface design, 603-604, 637-639, 677 Glossary/Index internal, 14-15 knowledge building blocks and, 64-66 perspective on information system, 62 process building blocks and, 69 training, 726-727 types, 652-653 systems acceptance test A test performed on the final system wherein users conduct a verification, validation, and audit test., 218, 725 systems analysis A problem-solving technique that decomposes a system into its component pieces for the purpose of studying how well those component parts work and interact to accomplish their purpose., 186 approaches, 186 accelerated, 190-192, 225 model-driven, 188-189 object-oriented, 190 decision analysis phase, 218 candidate solution analysis, 222 candidate solution comparison, 222-223, 414-417 candidate solution identification, 218-220, 222, 415 feasibility analysis, 222, 404, 414 project plan updating, 223-224 system proposal, 224 future of, 225 logical design phase, 215 acceptance test cases, 218 functional requirements structuring, 215 functional requirements validation, 218 prototyping,217-218 problem analysis phase, 201-202 business process analysis, 206 communication of findings, 209-210 data modeling, 309 feasibility analysis, 404 goal, 201 problem and opportunity analysis, 205-206 problem domain, 202-205 process modeling, 368 project plan updating, 208-209 systems improvement objectives, 207 - 208 requirements analysis phase, 210-212 communication of requirements statement, 214 data modeling, 309-310 ongoing requirements management, 214-215 priorities ofrequirements, 213-214 project plan updating, 214 requirements identification, 212-213 requirements discovery; see Requirements discovery scope definition; see Scope definition phase systems analyst A specialist who studies the problems and needs of an organization to determine how people, data, processes, and information technology can best accomplish improvementsfor the business., 16 career prospects, 19 ethics, 21 place in organization, 17-18 relations with other stakeholders, 13, 16-17 roles, 17 skills needed, 20-21 777 systems construction The development, installation, and testing of system components., 718 database building and testing, 721 FAST methodology, 103-104 network building and testing, 718, 721 programming and testing, 722 software package installation and testing, 721-722 systems design A complementary problem-solving technique (to systems analysis) that reassembles a system's component pieces back into a complete system-hopefully, an improved system This may involve adding, deleting, and changing pieces relative to the original system., 186; see also System design systems development methodology A standardized development process that defines (as in CMM Level 3) a set of activities, methods, best practices, deliverables, and automated tools that systems developers and project managers are to use to develop and continuously improve information systems and software A common synonym is system development process., 87; see also FAST; Rapid application development (RAD) agile, 31, 100, 107 automated tools, 122-123 classification of, 107 examples, 88 model-driven, 100, 107, 110-112 phases and activities, 88-89 structured methods, 31, 100 underlying principles, 88-93 use of, 85, 86 systems development process A set of activities, methods, best practices, deliverables, and automated tools that stakeholders (jt-om Chapter 1) use to develop and continuously improve information systems and software (from Chapters and 2).,84; see also System development process systems implementation The installation and delivery of the entire system into production., 718 conversion, 727-728 conversion plan, 723-726 database installation, 726 system testing, 723 user training, 726-727 Systems operation, 736 Systems support, 736 program maintenance; see Program maintenance system enhancement; see System enhancement system recovery, 104, 738, 743-744 technical support, 738, 744 systemstest A test pelformed on an entire system., 722, 723, 743 systems thinking The application offormal systems theory and concepts to systems problem solving., 347 T table The relational database equivalent of a file., 552 indexes, 560, 565 key, 551,560,565 names, 560 records, 551-552, 569 relational, 556 sizes, 569 stored procedures, 557-558 table look-up files A table containing relatively static data 778 Glossaryllndex that can be shared., 552 Tabs, 675 tabular output An output that presents information as columns of text and numbers., 588, 599 Tactical application architecture, 529 tangible benefit A benefit that can be easily quantified., 408-409 Task diagrams, 195 Tasks; see also Gantt chart dependencies, 156-157 durations, 154-156 identification, 152-154 PERT charts, 147, 149, 170 primitive, 154 summary, 154 Taylor, David, 78 Taylor, David A., 465, 711 technical feasibility A measure of the practicality of a technical solution and the availability of technical resources and expertise., 404, 406-407, 529 Technical support, 738, 744 temporal event A system event that is triggered by time., 273,374 Teorey, Toby, 578 Teorey, Toby J., 339 Terhune, Alyse D., 78 Testing acceptance, 218, 725 audit, 726 commercial packages, 721-722 networks, 718, 721 regression, 743 stub, 722 systems, 722, 743 unit or program, 722, 743 updated programs, 742-743 user interface, 677 validation, 725-726 verification, 725 Texas Instruments Composer, 528 Performer, 528 Text boxes, 628-629 Theby, Stephen E., 541 Thill, John V., 427 thin client A personal computer that does not have to be very powerful., 513 third normal form (3• •F) An entity whose nonprimary-key attributes are not dependent on any other nonprimary- key attributes., 323, 326-329 TIBCO Software, 35 Time value of money, 410-411 timeboxing The imposition of a nonextendable period of time, usually 60 to 90 days, by which the first (or next) version of a system must be delivered into operation., 114 timeboxing A technique that delivers information systems functionality and requirements through versioning The development team selects the smallest subset of the system that, if fully implemented, will return immediate value to the system owners and users That subset is developed, ideally with a time frame of six to nine months or less Subsequently, value- added versions of the system are developed in similar time frames., 213 Tool tips, 669 Toolbars, 661-663 total quality management (TQM) A comprehensive approach to facilitating quality improvements and management within a business., 27 Touch screens, 621 TPS; see Transaction processing system TQM; see Total quality management Training, user, 726-727 transaction file A table containing records that describe business events., 552 transaction processing system (TPS) An information system that captures and processes data about business transactions., 12,516 transaction server A server that hosts services which ensure that all database updates for a transaction succeed orfail as a whole., 513 Transactions; see Event transient Object class A class that describes an object that is created temporarily by the program and lives only during that program's execution., 460 Transitive dependencies, 326-328 trigger A program embedded within a table to automatically invoke updates to another table., 557-558 turnaround output An external output that may reenter the system as an input., 587, 599 U Unified Modeling Language (UML) A set of modeling conventions that is used to specify or describe a software system in terms of objects., 430 associations, 435-438 diagrams activity diagrams, 442, 450, 454, 705 class diagrams, 441, 455, 459-460 collaboration diagrams, 441-442, 701 component diagrams, 442, 705-706 deployment diagrams, 442, 706-707 object diagrams, 441 sequence diagrams, 441, 442, 701 statechart diagrams, 442, 700-701 use-case diagrams, 441 syntax, 190,432,433,435 unit or program test A test performed on an entire program., 722, 743 U.S Department of Labor, 13, 19 U.S government, MIL-STD-498, 242 U.S Navy, 147 UNIX, 655 unstructured interview An interview that is conducted with only a general goal or subject in mind and with few, if any, specific questions The interviewer counts on the interviewee to provide a framework and direct the conversation., 251 UPS, 524, 620 Uris, Auren, 427 usability analysis A test of the system's user interfaces., 406 use case A business scenario or event for which the system must provide a defined response Use cases evolved out of objectoriented analysis; however, their use has become common in Glossary/Index many other methodologies for systems analysis and design., 213 use case A behaviorally related sequence of steps (a scenario), both automated and manual,for the purpose of completing a single business task., 272 use case An analysis tool for finding and identifying business events and responses., 375 abstract, 274, 443, 445 actors, 273, 276-277 business requirements, 277-278 course of events, 282-285 dependencies, 286-287 design, 692-693 discovery of, 278, 375 entities and, 375 extension, 274, 443, 445 glossary, 278 names, 278, 281 ranking, 286 system analysis, 444-445, 692 types, 281 use during life cycle, 272 use-case dependency diagram A graphical depiction of the dependencies among use cases., 285, 286-287 use-case diagram A diagram that depicts the interactions between the system and external systems and users In other words, it graphically describes who will use the system and in what ways the user expects to interact with the system., 271, 278-279,441,444 Use-case list, 368, 374-377 use-case modeling The process of modeling a system's functions in terms of business events, who initiated the events, and how the system responds to those events., 270 benefits, 271 design objects, 693 design using, 692-693 development of, 270-271 objective, 276 process of, 276 actor identification, 276-277 analysis use-case model, 443-445 business requirements use cases, 277-278 diagram construction, 278-279 use-case narratives, 280-282,442-443 project management and, 285-287 relationships, 273-276 use-case narrative A textual description of the business event and how the user will interact with the system to accomplish the task., 271, 272 course of events, 282-285 developing, 280-282, 442-443 for system analysis use cases, 444 use-case ranking and priority matrix A tool used to evaluate use cases and determine their priority., 285, 286 User data, 555 user dialogue A specification of how the user moves from window to window or page to page, interacting with the application programs to perform useful work., 72; see also Menus User interface design, 72-73, 483-484; see also Graphical user interfaces (GUIs); Input design; Output design automated tools, 652, 671-672 779 concepts, 652 consumer-style, 663-664 controls, 658, 672 dialogue tone and terminology, 655 guidelines, 653-655 help systems, 668-670 human factors, 652, 653-654 hybrid Windows/web, 664-665 instruction-driven interfaces, 665-666 internal controls, 667 -668 log-ins, 667 menus; see Menus object-oriented, 112 problems, 653 process of, 670-671, 672-673 dialogue charting, 673-674 prototyping, 674-677 testing, 677 user feedback, 677 prototyping, 652, 671-672, 674-677 question-answer dialogues, 666-667 technology display monitors, 656 keyboards, 656-657 operating systems, 655-656 pointing devices, 657 user dialogue, 72 user-centered development A process of systems development based on understanding the needs of the stakeholders and the reasons why the system should be developed., 270 Users; see System user V Validation testing, 725-726 variable cost A cost that occurs in proportion to some usage factor., 408 Variable-length record structures, 551 Vatarli, Nicholas P., 396 Vendors; see Commercial application package Verification testing, 725 version control The tracking of change made to a program., 743 Viasoft VIAlRecap, 747 Virtual businesses, 518 visibility The level of access an external object has to an attribute or method., 688, 704 Visible Systems, Visible Analyst, 123, 188,473 Visio Enterprise, 473, 555 Visio Professional, 188,472 Visual Basic, 516, 527, 626, 634, 652, 672 interface building, 73 reverse engineering programs in, 748 Visual, 31, 70 Visual C++, 516 Vitalari, Nicholas P., 93 Voice recognition, 621 W Wal-Mart,27 Walton, Donald, 255n, 267, 427 Watson,Mark,396,464,711 WBS; see Work breakdown structure 780 Glossaryllndcx Web; see also Internet Web browsers platform independence, 656 toolbars, 663 as user interface, 520, 620, 626, 663 web server A server that hosts internet or intranet websites., 513 Web services, 30 Web-based inputs, 642 Web-based outputs, 590-592, 604-607 Web-enabled applications, 25, 554 Weber, Charles v., 136 Weinberg, Gerald, 49 Weinberg, Gerald M., 231, 236n, 246, 267 Weinschenk, Susan, 682 Wetherbe, James, 93,136,231,396,427 White, E B., 420 Windows Active Desktop, 520 advanced input controls, 632 market dominance, 655 object-oriented user interface, 112 user dialogue, 659 user interface, 620, 626 Windows CE, 524, 656 Wireless technology, 30-31 Wood, Jane, 231,267,496 work breakdown structure (WBS) A graphical tool used to depict the hierarchical decomposition of a project into phases, depict the hierarchical decomposition of a project into phases, activities, and tasks., 153-154 work flow The flow of transactions through business processes to ensure appropriate checks and approvals are implemented., 69 Work group databases, 554 Work group technology, 525 work sampling Afact-finding technique that involves a large number of observations taken at random intervals., 248 Written reports; see Reports, written Wysocki, Robert K., 142n, 146, 149n, 178 X XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language), 30 XML (Extensible Markup Language), 30, 74, 520, 528 Y Yeo, Sarah C., 682 Yourdon, E., 464, 711 Yourdon, Edward, 231, 351, 368, 372n, 396, 496 Z Zachman, John A., 74, 78, 231, 496 zoned output An output that presents text and numbers in designated areas of a form or screen., 588 ... PART THREE Systems Design Methods PART ONE The Context of Systems Development Projects The Context of SystemsAnalysisand Design Methods 10 Information SystemBuildingBlocks 58 Information SystemsDevelopment... information systems development methods All businesses and organizations develop information systems. You can be assured that you will play some role in the systems analysis and design for those systems- either... 428 20 Systems Operations and Support 734 Photo Credits 753 Glossary/Index 755 xiii A Frameworkf