ASSEMBL Y ELEVENTH - SESSION 15 November 1979 RESOLUTIONS AND OTHER DECISIONS (RESOLUTIONS 410 - IMO London, 1980 462) Published in 1980 by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR Printed by the International Maritime Organization, London 10 ISBN 92-801-1102-7 IMO PUBLICATION Sales number: IMO-063E Copyright © IMO 1980 NOTE: The name of the Organization as it appears in this publication was changed to "International Maritime Organization" by virtue of amendments to the Organization's Convention which entered into force on 22 May 1982 CONTENTS Page AGENDA OF THE ELEVENTH RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY ON 15 NOVEMBER 319 1979 Number Title Agenda item A.41O(XI) Ratification of the 1975 amendments tional Convention on Load Lines, 1966 A.411(XI) Amendment Lines, 1966 Annex: to the International to the Interna- Convention Amendment to the International on Load Lines, 1966 on Load Acceptance and enforcement of ments relating to maritime safety ment protection A.413(XI) Gu idel ines on surveys and inspections under the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of life at Sea, 1974, and under the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 A.414(XI) Code for the Construction Offshore Drilling Units international instruand marine environ- and Equipment of Mobile Code for the Construction and Equipment Mobile Offshore Drilling Units 1O(c) 10(b) Improved ships A.416(XI) Examination A.417(XI) Improved A.418(XI) Revised Regulation 62 of Chapter 11-2 of the Internationa I Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 steering gear standards for passenger and cargo of steering gears on existing tankers fire safety standards for ships Annex: 10(b) 21 10(b) 93 10(b) 94 1O(b) 95 10(b) 96 10(b) 102 of A.415(XI) Revised Regulation 62 of Chapter 11-2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (inert gas systems) World-wide Annex Guidelines on Mandatory Annual Surveys, Unscheduled Inspections of All Cargo Ships as well as Intermed iate Surveys on Tan kers of Ten years of Age and over under the Protocol of 1978 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 Annex: A.419(XI) 10(b) Convention A.412(XI) Annex: Navigational 1: World-wide Annex 2: Warning Service Navigational Warning Service Procedure for amending the World-wide Navigational Warning Service Contents Number Agenda Title Page item A.420(XI) Development Annex: A.421 (XI) Maritime Operational Generators I) I) Performance Aids (ARPA) I) Automatic Radar 1: Recommendation on the Marine Radar Beacons and Transponders Annex 4: Recommendation standards for gyro-compasses Recommendation on Performance for Gyro-compasses 10(b) 119 10(b) 127 10(b) 133 10(b) 136 Recommendation for Differential mitting Stations Arrangements for embarking very large ships 10(b) 141 10(b) 143 10(b) 144 10(b) 146 Standards Omega correction on Performance Standards Omega Correction Trans- and disembarking pilots in Recommendation on Arrangements for Embarking and Disembarking Pilots in Very Large Ships A.427(XI) Recommendation Sound on the use of pilotage A.428(XI) General provisions on ships' routeing (iv) 116 on Transponders Performance standards for differential transmitting stations services in the Amendments to general provisions routeing (resolution A.378(X)) on ships' Routeing systems Annex: 10(b) Uses of Recommendation on Operational Standards for Fixed Frequency Radar Beacons Annex: 111 Radar Annex 3: Annex: A.429(XI) Plotting Recommendation on Operational Standards for Swept Frequency Radar Beacons Annex: A.426(XI) for Performance Standards for Automatic Plotting Aids (ARPA) Performance 10(b) Rad iotelephone Annex 2: Annex: A.425(XI) Standards Alarm Signal Radar beacons and transponders Annex A.424(X for Radiotelephone Operati onal Standards for Alarm Signal Generators Annex: A.423(X distress and safety system distress and safety system Standards Annex: A.422(X of the maritime Routeing systems other tion schemes than traffic separa- Contents Number Title A.430(XI) Navigation in the Strait of Bonifacio Annex: Regulations Information Bonifacio Agenda item Page 10(b) 149 concerning Ship Reporting and for Ships in the Strait of A.431(XI) Recommendation concerning vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre when engaged in an operation for the maintenance of safety of navigation in a traffic separation scheme 10(b) 152 A.432(XI) Compliance Regulations with the Convention on the International for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 lO(b) 153 Annex: Form for reporting contraventions of the International Regulations for Preventing Coli isions at Sea, 1972 A.433(XI) Resolutions to be revoked as a result of the entry into force of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 10(b) 155 A.434(XI) Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes 10(b) 156 lO(b) 244 10(b) 245 10(b) 252 10(b) 257 10(b) 258 10(b) 259 10(b) 260 Annex: Code of Safe Practice for Sol id Bul k Cargoes (including cargoes which may liquefy and those possessing chem ical hazards) A.435(X I) Safe transport, in port areas A.436(X I) Harmonized International Annex: A.437(X I) Training handl ing and storage of dangerous goods interpretation and implementation Convention for Sate Containers Recommendation on Harmonized Interpretation and Implementation of the International Convention for Safe Containers of crews in fire-fighting Annex 1: Annex 2: Basic training of crews in fire-fighting Advanced training A.438(XI) Training and qualification cal care aboard ship A.439(XI) IMCa Search and Rescue Manual Annex: A.440(X I) A.441 (XI) in fire-fighting of persons in charge of medi- Procedures for amending and updating IMCa Search and Rescue Manual Exchange of information casual ties Control of the for investigations the into marine by the flag State over the owner of a ship (v) Contents Number Title Agenda item Page A.442(XI) Personnel and material resource needs of Administrations for the investigation of casualties and contraventions of conventions 10(b) 261 Decisions of the shipmaster with regard to maritime safety and marine environment protection 10(b) 262 Recommendation concerning the Installation of OilyWater Separating Equipment under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto 11 263 oil 11 275 and 11 276 11 294 or 11 299 A.449(XI) Improved methods and procedures for communication between the Secretary-General and Member Governments 300 A.450(XI) Amendments to the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization 13 301 A.443(X I) A.444(XI) Annex: A.445(XI) A.446(X Oil discharge tan kers I) A.447(XI) Interim Harmful and control systems for Operation Revised Specifications for the Design, Operation and Control of Crude Oil Washing Systems Guidelines Substances Annex: I) monitoring Revised Specifications for the Design, Control of Crude Oil Washing Systems Annex: A.448(X Recommendation concerning the Installation of Oily-Water Separating Equipment under the Internati onal Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto for Reporting Incidents Involving Interim Guidelines for Reporting Involving Harmful Substances Incidents Regional arrangements for combating threats of marine pollution Annex: major incidents Amendments to the Convention on the InterGovernmentaJ Maritime Consultative Organization A.451(XI) Acceptance of the amendment Convention on Facilitation of Traffic, 1965 to Article VII of the International Maritime 12(c) 303 A.452(XI) Application of automatic data processing (ADP) as provided for in the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965 12(c) 304 A.453(XI) Arrears of contributions 21 305 22 306 A.454(X (vi) I) Presentation and the Working of accounts and audit reports Capital Fund Contents Number Title Agenda item Page A455(X I) Budgetary deficit for 1979 22 307 A456(XI) Long-term work programme of the Organization 23 308 Annex: Subjects for consideration in the long-term work programme A457(X I) Relations with non-governmental international organizations 28 313 A.458(X I) Work programme and budget for the eleventh financial peri od 1980/81 24 315 Annex 1: List of meetings approved for 1980 and 1981 Annex 2: List of posts approved for 1980/81 Annex 3: Appropriations approved for 1980/81 A.459(X I) Rate of exchange for estimating the budget and assessments for 1981 22 318 A.460(XI) Loans for financing installation costs in the new Headquarters building 19 318 A.461 (XI) Barratry and unlawful seizure of ships and their cargoes 36 319 A.462(XI) Appointment 31 319 OTHER of the External Auditor 320 - 328 DECISIONS Date adopted 1979 Title Agenda item Page November Adoption of the agenda 320 November Election of the President and Vice-Presidents 320 November Appointment of the Credentials Committee 320 November Appointment 320 November Appl ication of Article 41 320 November Status of the IMCO Convention (IMCO Membership) 321 November Conference of Contracting Governments to Amend the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965 15 321 November International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention, 1978 15(b) 321 November International Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers, 1978 15(c) 321 of other committees (vii) Contents Date adopted Title 1979 Agenda item Page 15(d) 322 November International Conference Rescue, 1979 November Approval of the report of the Counci I 322 November Amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly 14 322 13 November Designation of World Maritime Week 33 322 13 November Establishment of the IMCa Prize 34 322 14 and 15 November Election of Members of the Council 29 323 14 November Election of members of the IMCa Staff Pension Comm ittee 30 323 15 November Approval of the reports of the Maritime Safety Comm ittee 10(a) 323 15 November Approval of the reports of the Marine Environment Protection Committee 11 323 15 November Approval of the reports of the Legal Committee 12(a) 324 15 November Approval of the reports of the Committee on Technical Co-operati on 12(b) 324 15 November Approval of the reports of the Facilitation Committee 12(c) 324 15 November Apportionment 20 324 15 November Relations with the United Nations and the specialized agencies 25 324 15 November Relations with inter-governmental organizations 27 325 15 November Determination of the place and date of the twelfth regular session of the Assembly 35 325 on Maritime of expenses among Member States STATUS OF THE CONVENTION ON THE INTER-GOVERNMENTAL CONSULTATIVE ORGANIZATION (viii) Search and MARITIME 326 AGENDA OF THE ELEVENTH OF THE ASSEMBLY SESSION Opening of the session by the Head of the Delegation of the State of Kuwait Adoption of the agenda Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Assembly Appl ication of Article 41 of the IMCO Convention - Arrears of Contributions Establishment of the Credentials Committee Establishment of Committees of the Assembly as necessary and assignment of items to Committees Status of the IMCO Convention (IMCO Membership) Status of Conventions and other Multilateral ,Instruments in respect of which IMCO performs depositary or other functions Report of the Council to the Assembly on the work of the Organization since the tenth regular session of the Assembly Implementation of Conventions and other Multilateral Instruments 10 (a) Consideration of the Reports of the Maritime Safety Committee transmitted by the Council in accordance with Article 22 of the IMCO Convention (b) Adoption of recommendations related to maritime safety (c) Consideration of proposed Amendment to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 11 Consideration of the Reports of the Marine Environment Protection Committee 12 Consideration of the Reports of the subsid iary organs of the Counci I 13 (a) Reports of the Legal Committee (b) Reports of the Committee on Technical Co-operation (c) Reports of the Facilitation Committee Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group to Study Proposals for Amend ing the IMCO Convention 14 Amendment to the Rules of Procedure-of the Assembly 15 Reports on International Conferences convened by the Organ ization since the tenth regular session of the Assembly (a) The Conference of Contracting Governments to amend the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965 (b) The International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention, 1978 (c) The International Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers, 1978 (d) The International Conference on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979 16 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972: Report on the performance of Secretariat functions and other duties 17 Report on the Establishment of the INMARSAT 18 Report on the Establishment of the International 19 Headquarters facilities and accommodation: session of the Assembly 20 Apportionment 21 Arrears of contributions 22 Presentation 23 Long-term 24 Work Programme and Budget for the eleventh financial 25 Relations with the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies 26 Joint 27 Relations with Co-operation 28 Relations with non-governmental Organization Oil Pollution Fund Report on progress since the tenth regular of expenses among Member States - Working Capital Fund of accounts and audit reports work programme Inspection of the Organization period - 1980/81 Unit inter-governmental for consultative organizations: Proposed Agreements or Arrangements (a) Applications (b) Establishment status (c) Review of list of non-governmental of guidelines for consideration of applications organizations as provided for consultative in consultative Election tion of Members of the Council, 30 Election of Members to the IMCO Staff Pension Committee 31 Appointment in Articles 32 Publications 33 Report on World Maritime 34 Establishment of the IMCO Prize 35 Determination of the place and date of the twelfth 36 Consideration of criminal 17 and 18 of the IMCO Conven- information Days, 1978/79 barratry and unlawful status status of the External Auditor and public of organizations 29 Compensation regular session of the Assembly seizure of ships and their cargoes Res A.457(XI) Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses International Superphosphate Manufacturers' Association Limited European Nitrogen Producers' Association International Maritime Committee International Association of Ports and Harbors Baltic and International Maritime Conference International Association of Classification Societies International Law Association International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association European Council of Chemical Manufacturers' Federations European Industrial Space Study Group Oil Companies International Marine Forum European Tugowners' Association International Maritime Pilots' Association International Shipowners' Association Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources Eurosat S.A Friends of the Earth International International Air Transport Association Institute of International Container Lessors International Association of Drilling Contractors International Association of Institutes of Navigation International Association of Producers of Insurance and Reinsurance International Council of Marine Industry Associations International Federation of Shipmasters' Associations International Lifesaving Appliance Manufacturers' Association International Salvage Union Oil Industry International Exploration and Production Forum Latin American Shipowners' Association International Group of P and I Associations International Association of Independent Tanker Owners Association of West European Shipbuilders 314 Res A.458(X I) RESOLUTON A.458(XI) Adopted on 15 November 1979 Agenda item 24 WORK PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR THE ELEVENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD 1980/81 THE ASSEMBLY, RECALLING Article 16 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization and in particular paragraph (f) thereof with regard to the functions of the Assembly in relation to the budget, NOT ING that the provisions of Article III of the Financial Regulations with regard to the preparation of the budget estimates, including details of the work programme and appropriate information annexes, have been compl ied with, RECALLING that, in accordance with resolution A.100(IV), the disposal of any amount standing to the credit of the Printing Fund at the end of a financial period shall be decided by the Assembly, APPROVES the work programme submitted by the Secretary-General, as recommended by the Council; FURTHER APPROVES the list of meetings and of posts contained in Annexes and respectively to the present resolution; DECI DES that: (a) For the financial period 1980/81 appropriations are here voted for the following purposes: $ I II III IV V Meetings Personnel General services Printing and publications Other budgetary provisions 1,474,600 13,400,100 2,497,000 122,300 4,970,600 22,464,600 (b) The appropriations voted in subparagraph (a) above shall be financed by contributions from Member States after adjustment as provided in the Financial Regulations; for this purpose miscellaneous income is estimated at $521 ,600; (c) The amount of $3,742,100 in Section V Chapter of the budget is provided for new Headquarters installation expenditure and shall be transferred to the Headquarters Installation Fund established under resolution A.409(X) for meetinq any necessary expenditure towards equipping and turnishing the new Headquarters building; (d) Transfers of uncommitted balances of appropriations to the same section of the budget in the second calendar year other than those authorized by Article IV of the Financial Regulations and transfers of appropriations between sections of the budget, shall only be carried out with prior concurrence of the Council; Res A.458(XI) (e) In respect of each of the calendar years 1980 and 1981 covered by the financial period, the approved meetings shall be as shown in Annex 1, the approved posts as in Annex 2, and the appropriations shall be those indicated under the relevant headings in Annex 3; (f) The amount standing to the credit of the Printing Fund at the end of the financial period 1978/79 shall be carried forward to the Printing Fund for the financial period 1980/81 ; INVITES the attention of the Council to the above-mentioned provisions; REQUESTS the Secretary-General to ensure their application while endeavouring to effect the maximum economies on the budget ANNEX LIST OF MEETINGS APPROVED FOR 1980 AND 1981 Number of meeti ng-weeks Meetings Assembly, twelfth session Council and Technical Co-operation Committee Maritime Safety Committee and subordinate bodies Marine Environment Protection Committee and subordinate bodies Legal Committee Facilitation Committee Ocean Dumping Working Group on Assessment of Contributions TotallMCO meetings Oil Pollution Compensation Fund INMARSA T 1980 1981 - 1 13 2 1 - 25 22 - 15 3 - ANNEX LIST OF POSTS APPROVED FOR 1980/81 PROFESSIONAL AND ABOVE Office of the Secretary-General Maritime Safety Division Marine Environment Division Legal Affairs and External Relations Division Administrative Division Conference Division Technical Co-operation Division 15 8 28 10 83 GENERAL SERVICE 166 Total, all posts: 11R 249 Res A.458(XI) Af\jNEX APPROPRIATIONS APPROVED FOR 1980/81 1980 1981 Total $ $ $ MEETINGS (1) Conferences and meetings (2) Travel 500,100 168,700 621,700 184,100 1,121,800 352,800 Total, Section I 668,800 805,800 1,474,600 3,486,550 1,328,700 202,000 98,500 1,135,300 10,250 3,786,450 1,716,000 213,700 132,500 1,237,900 10,250 7,273,000 3,044,700 415,700 231,000 2,373,200 20,500 21 ,000 21 ,000 42,000 6,282,300 7,117,800 13,400,100 9,200 145,100 181,600 23,100 187,700 633,000 34,000 10,000 159,900 169,300 25,400 207,700 673,600 37,400 19,200 305,000 350,900 48,500 395,400 1,306,600 71 ,400 1,213,700 1,283,300 2,497,000 100 58,500 100 63,600 200 122, 100 58,600 63,700 122,300 9,400 1,418,300 10,800 3,532,100 20,200 4,950,400 Total, Section V 1,427,700 3,542,900 4,970,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 9,651,100 12,813,500 22,464,600 INCOME 309 ,800 211 ,800 521 ,600 NET TO BE ASSESSED 9,341,300 12,601,700 21,943,000 SECTION I II PERSONNEL (1) Salaries (2) Post adjustment (3) Overtime and temporary assistance (4) Recruitment and separation expenses (5) Staff benefits and allowances (6) Representation allowances (7) Jointly-financed United Nations bod ies Total, Section II III GENERAL SERVICES (1) Hospital ity (2) Office and reproduction suppl ies (3) Furniture, equipment and vehicles (4) Library (5) Communications (6) Headquarters prem ises (7) Other supplies and services Total, Section III IV PRINTING AND PUBLICATIONS (1) Printing (2) Public information Total, Section IV V OTHER BUDGETARY PROVISIONS (1) External audit (2) Miscellaneous expenditure MISCELLANEOUS 3'\7 Res A.4b!:J(XI) Res A.460(XI) RESOLUTION A.459(XI) Adopted on 15 November 1979 Agenda item 22 RATE OF EXCHANGE FOR ESTIMATING THE BUDGET AND ASSESSMENTS FOR 1981 THE ASSEMBLY, NOTI NG that, on the recommendation of the Council, the Assembly adopted the work programme and budget for the eleventh financial period 1980/81 at the exchange rate applicable at the time it was approved ($2.10 to the pound), NOTING ALSO that the Exchange Reserve Fund was likely to be fully utilized by the end of 1979, AUTHORIZES the Council to approve, at its forty-fifth session, any necessary recalculation of the budget and assessmentfigures for 1981 on the basis of the rate of exchange applicable at the time the Council meets RESOLUTION A.460(XI) Adopted on 15 November 1979 Agenda item 19 LOANS FOR FINANCING INSTAllATION COSTS IN THE NEW HEADQUARTERS BUilDING THE ASSEMB l Y, RECALLING that at its forty-second session the Council requested the Secretary-General to study the possibilities for spreading the financing of the 1980/81 installation costs in the new Headquarters building over a period of years, NOTING that, after consultation with the Ad Hoc Working Group on Headquarters Facilities and Accommodation, the Secretary-General has approached Member States enquiring whether they would be able to offer loans on soft terms as regards repayment period and interest rate to finance installation costs in the new Headquarters building, NOTING FURTHER that several Member States have indicated that they would consider favourably offering such a loan, AUTHORIZES the Secretary-General to accept any loans offered on soft terms by Member States for financing new Headquarters installation costs; 318 DECIDES: (a) That any such loans should be paid into the Headquarters Installation Fund established under resolution A.409(X); (b) That repayments of such loans be effected through the regular budget Res A.461 (X I) RESOLUTION A.461(XI) Adopted on 15 November 1979 Agenda item 36 BARRATRY AND UNLAWFUL SEIZURE OF SHIPS AND THEIR CARGOES THE ASSEMBLY, CONSIDERING that criminal acts of barratry and the unlawfil seizure of ships and their cargoes are highly prejudicial to the legitimate interests of the owners of ships and goods, shippers, consignees, insurers and users of international maritime transport, RECOGNIZING that an alarming increase in such fraudulent integrity of international seaborne trade, acts gravely endangers the NOTI NG that urgent measures should be taken in order to attempt such acts, to prevent and suppress RECOMMENDS that Governments, subject to applicable national and international laws, take and co-operate in appropriate legislative, administrative or other measures which could help to prevent and suppress acts involving or likely to involve barratry and the unlawful seizure of ships and their cargoes and safeguard the legitimate rights of all persons and authorities concerned; INVITES Governments to notify the Secretary-General of measures taken by them in this respect and requests the Secretary-General to communicate such information to all Member Governments; REQUESTS the Council to provide for a study of this matter on the basis of highest priority in order to determine the steps IMCO should take in respect of this matter and to report the results of its efforts to the Assembly at its twelfth regular session RESOLUTION A.462(XI) Adopted on 15 November 1979 Agenda item 31 APPOINTMENT OF THE EXTERNAL AUDITOR THE ASSEMBLY, RECALLING Articles 12.1 and 12.20fthe Financial Regulations of the Organization, T AKI NG NOTE that the Financial Regulations provide that the External Auditor be the Auditor-General (or officer holding the equivalent title) of a Member State, shall DECI DES to appoint the person at any time performing the duties of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of the United Kingdom as External Auditor for a period of four years, commencing July 1980 319 Other decisions OTHER DECISIONS ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA November 1979 Agenda item The Assembly adopted the agenda for the eleventh regular session ELECTION OF THE PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS November 1979 Agenda item The Assembly elected the following officers to hold office until the twelfth regular session of the Assembly: President of the Assembly: Rear Admiral R.Y Edwards (United States) First Vice-President: Mr R Piriz (Uruguay) Second Vice-President: H.E Mr S K Kimalel (Kenya) APPOINTMENT OF THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE November 1979 Agenda item The Assembly appointed a Credentials Committee composed of representatives from Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, Senegal, Singapore and Sweden APPOINTMENT OF OTHER COMMITTEES November 1979 Agenda item The Assembly appointed, in addition to the Credentials Committee, an Administrative, Legal and Financial Committee (Committee I) and a Technical Committee (Committee II) and assigned certain items of the agenda to these committees for consideration and report APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 41 November 1979 Agenda item The Assembly decided to waive the provisions of Article 41 of the IMCa Convention 320 Other decisions STATUS OF THE IMCO CONVENTION (IMCO MEMBERSHIP) Noverrrber 1979 Agenda item The Assembly emphasized the importance of the early entry into force of the amendments to the IMCO Convention adopted in 1975 and 1977 and agreed that Governments should be requested to take the appropriate steps to accept these amendments as soon as possible CONFERENCE OF CONTRACTING GOVERNMENTS TO AMEND THE ANNEX TO THE CONVENTION ON FACILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC, 1965 November 1979 Agenda item 15(a) The Assembly decided to endorse the decisions of the Council on the results of the 1977 Conference of Contracting Governments INTERNATIONAL TION,1978 CONFERENCE ON TANKER SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVEN- November 1979 Agenda item 15(b) (a) The Assembly took note with satisfaction of the results of the International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention, 1978, and endorsed the decisions of the Council authorizing the acceptance of the depositary and related functions assigned to the SecretaryGeneral and to the Organization in respect of the Protocols relating to the 1974 SOLAS Convention and the 1973 MARPOL Convention (b) The Assembly further endorsed the decisions taken by the Council with a view to promoting the implementation of the Protocols and resolutions adopted by the Conference and the measures taken pursuant to these decisions INTERNATIONAL 1978 CONFERENCE ON TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION OF SEAFARERS, November 1979 Agenda item 15(c) (a) The Assembly noted with satisfaction the results of the International Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers, 1978 and endorsed the decisions of the Council in respect of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 In particular the Assembly endorsed the decisions of the Council authorizing the acceptance of the depositary and related functions assigned to the Secretary-General and to the Organization in respect of the Convention (b) The Assembly -approved the other decisions of the Council on the outcome of the Conference and endorsed the proposals for the establishment of a fund for financing technical assistance in the field of maritime training 321 Other decisions INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MARITIME SEARCH AND RESCUE, 1979 November 1979 Agenda item 15(dj (a) The Assembly noted with satisfaction the results of the International Conference on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979, and endorsed the decisions of the Council authorizing the acceptance of the depositary and related functions assigned to the Secretary-General and to the Organization in respect of the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979 (b) The Assembly approved the decisions taken by the Council at the request of the Conference, and the measurestaken or proposed to be taken by the Secretary-General pursuant to those decisions APPROVAL OF THE REPORT OF THE COUNCIL November 1979 Agenda item The Assembly approved the report of the Council on the work of the Organization since the tenth regular session of the Assembly, submitted in accordance with Article 24 of the IMCO Convention AMENDMENT TO THE RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE ASSEMBLY November 1979 Agenda item 14 The Assembly decided to amend Rule of its Rules of Procedure to provide for observers from Iiberation movements recognized by the League of Arab States to attend sessionsof the Assembly DESIGNATION OF WORLD MARITIME WEEK 13 November 1979 Agenda item 33 The Assembly decided that, from 1980, World Maritime Day shall be observed in the last week of September, with each country free to decide on what particular day in that week it would hold the celebration ESTABLISHMENT OF THE IMCO PRIZE 13 November 1979 Agenda item 34 The Assembly approved the institution of an IMCO Prize as the "I nternational Maritime Prize", and approved that the trophy for the Prize should be based on the dolphin in a form to be determined by the Secretary-General in consultation, as appropriate, with the Council 322 Other decisions ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL 14 and 15 November 1979 Agenda item 29 In accordance with Articles 17 and 18 of the IMCO Convention, Members of the Council as follows: Under Article 18(a): United Under Article 18(b): India, Canada, the Federal Republic Under Article 18(c): Egypt, Panama, Kuwait, Liberia, Peru, Cuba, Nigeria, Pakistan, :3pain, Poland, Morocco and Jamaica ELECTION OF MEMBERS Kingdom, the Assembly elected OF THE United States, Japan, Norway, IMCO STAFF of Germany, PENSION Greece and the USSR Brazil, FranceandChina COMMITTEE 14 November 1979 Agenda item 30 In accordance with Article of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, the Assembly elected Mr G Santa Cruz (Chile) as representative and Dr M Bley (Federal Republic of Germany) as alternate representative on the IMCO Staff Pension Committee for the 1980/81 biennium APPROVAL OF THE REPORTS OF THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE 15 November 1979 Agenda item 1O(a) The Assembly approved the reports of the Maritime thirty-ninth and fortieth sessions, subject to the decisions raised in these reports under various items of the agenda tion to the Chairman and Members of the Committee for 1978/79 biennium APPROVAL COMMITTEE OF THE REPORTS OF THE MARINE Safety Committee on its thirty-eighth, taken in connexion with the matters The Assembly expressed its appreciathe work accomplished during the ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION 15 November 1979 Agenda item 11 The Assembly approved the reports of the Marine Environment Protection Committee on its eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh sessions, subject to the decisions taken in connexion with the matters raised in these reports under various items of the agenda The Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Chairman and Members of the Committee for the work accomplished during the 1978/79 bienniwm Other decisions APPROVAL OF THE REPORTS OF THE LEGAL COMMITTEE 15 November 1979 Agenda item 12(a) The Assembly approved the reports of the Legal Committee on its thirty-fourth to forty-first sessions, subject to the decisions taken in connexion with the matters raised in these reports under various items of the agenda The Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Chairman and Members of the Committee for the work accomplished during the 1978/79 biennium APPROVAL OF THE REPORTS OF THE COMMITTEE ON TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION 15 November 1979 Agenda item 12(b) (a) The Assembly approved the reports of the Committee on Technical Co-operation on its fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth sessions, subject to the decisions taken in connexion with the matters raised in these reports under various items of the agenda The Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Chairman and Members of the Committee for the work accomplished during the 1978/79 biennium (b) The Assembly recorded its appreciation of the generous contributions from UNDP and donor Governments and the dedication with which the Secretary-General had worked to promote the IMCO technical co-operation programme APPROVAL OF THE REPORTS OF THE FACILITATION COMMITTEE 15 November 1979 Agenda item 12(c) The Assembly approved the reports of the Facilitation Committee on its twelfth and thirteenth sessions, subject to the decisions taken in connexion with the matters raised in these reports under various items of the agenda The Assembly expressed its appreciation to the Chairman and Members of the Committee for the work accomplished during the 1978/79 biennium APPORTIONMENT OF EXPENSES AMONG MEMBER STATES 15 November 1979 Agenda item 20 The Assembly decided to appoint a workin~ group open to all Members to consider and submit proposals, together with the comments and recommendations of the Council thereon, to the Assembly at its twelfth regular session RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES 15 November 1979 Agenda item 25 The Assembly decided to refer the proposal by Venezuela, as contained ment A XI/WP.2, to the Council for consideration and action as appropriate 324 in docu- Other decisions RELATIONS WITH INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS 15 November 1979 Agenda item 27 (a) The Assembly approved the conclusion of agreements of co-operation between IMCO and the following inter-governmental organizations: (1) the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund; (2) the Inter-Governmental Standing Committee on Shipping (ISCOS); (3) the Commission established by the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft (Oslo Commission); (4) the Commission established by the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources (Paris Commission); and (5) the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS) (b) The Assembly also approved revisions proposed in the Agreement with the League of Arab States and in the Arrangement of Co-operation with the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) DETERMINATION OF THE PLACE AND DATE OF THE TWELFTH OF THE ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION 15 November 1979 Agenda item 35 The Assembly decided that its twelfth regular session should take place in the autumn of 1981, the precise date and place to be decided by the Council at a later date 325 STATUS THE OF THE CONVENTION INTER-GOVERNMENTAL CONSULTATIVE ON MARITIME ORGANIZATION As at 15 November 1979 MEMBERS DATEOFREC~PTOFTHE INSTRUMENT Algeria Angola Argentina Austral ia Austria Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Burma Canada Cape Verde Chile China Colombia Congo Cuba Cyprus Czechoslovakia Democrat ic Kampuchea Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia Finland France Gabon Gambia German Democratic Republic Germany, Federal Republic of Ghana Greece Guinea Guinea-Bissau 326 OF ACCEPTANCE 31 October 1963 June 1977 18 June 1953 13 February 1952 April 1975 22 July 1976 22 September 1976 27 May 1976 January 1970 August 1951 March 1963 April 1960 July 1951 15 October 1948 24 August 1976 17 February 1972 March 1973 19 November 1974 September 1975 May 1966 21 November 1973 October 1963 January 1961 June 1959 20 February 1979 25 August 1953 12 Ju Iy 1956 17 March 1958 September 1972 July 1975 21 April 1959 April 1952 April 1976 11 January 1979 25 September 1973 January 1959 July 1959 31 December 1958 December 1975 December 1977 Status of the IMCO Convent ion MEMBERS DATE OF RECEIPT OF THE \NSTRUMENT Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lebanon Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Madagascar Malaysia Maldives Malta Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Morocco Mozambique Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Papua New Gu inea Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea Romania Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore OF ACCEPT ANCE 23 June 1953 23 August 1954 10 June 1970 November 1960 January 1959 18 January 1961 January 1958 28 August 1973 26 February 1951 24 April 1952 28 January 1957 November 1960 11 May 1976 17 March 1958 November 1973 22 August 1973 July 1960 May 1966 January 1959 16 February 1970 March 1961 17 June 1971 31 May 1967 22 June 1966 May 1961 18 May 1978 21 September 1954 30 July 1962 17 January 1979 31 January 1979 31 March 1949 November 1960 15 March 1962 29 December 1958 30 January 1974 21 November 1958 31 December 1958 May 1976 15 April 1968 November 1964 16 March 1960 17 March 1976 19 May 1977 10 April 1962 28 April 1965 25 February 1969 November 1960 13 June 1978 14 March 1973 17 January 1966 Status of the IMCO Convention MEMBERS DATE OF RECEIPT OF THE INSTRUMENT Somalia Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Republic of Cameroon United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Venezuela Yemen Yugoslavia Zaire OF ACCEPTANCE April 197.8 23 January 1962 April 1972 July 1974 14 October 1976 27 April 1959 20 July 1955 28 January 1963 20 September 1973 27 April 1965 23 May 1963 25 March 1958 24 December 1958 14 February 1949 May 1961 January 1974 17 August 1950 10May1968 27 October 1975 14 March 1979 12 February 1960 16 August 1973 ASSOCIATE MEMBER Hong Kong 328 June 1967 ... Organization's Convention which entered into force on 22 May 1982 CONTENTS Page AGENDA OF THE ELEVENTH RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY ON 15 NOVEMBER 319 1979 Number Title Agenda item... contraventions of the International Regulations for Preventing Coli isions at Sea, 1972 A.433(XI) Resolutions to be revoked as a result of the entry into force of the International Regulations for... Compensation regular session of the Assembly seizure of ships and their cargoes Res.A.410(XI) RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION A.410(XO Adopted on 15 November 1979 Agenda item 10(b) RATIFICATION INTERNATIONAL