MODERN MARINE ENGINEER'S MANUAL Volume I THIRD EDITION EVERETT C HUNT, Editor-in-Chief Consulting Engineer CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Gus Bourneuf Jr Ronald A leva American Bureau of Shipping Ashland Chemical Company Boris S Butman Cynthia Lakis United States Merchant Marine Academy American Bureau of Shipping Roger Butturini Engineering Technical Associates United ~tates Merchant Manne Academy Donald A Dalley Mechanical Solutions, Inc W a It er M M acIean William D Marscher Manne Management Systems, Inc William J Sembler Paul A Dupuy General Electric Company United States Merchant Marine Academy James A Harbach Eugene D Story United States Merchant Marine Academy Marine Management Systems, Inc Joseph Tiratto Joseph Tiratto and Associates Copyright © 1999 by Cornell Maritime Press, Inc All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews For information, address Cornell Maritime Press, Inc., Centreville, Maryland 21617 For the Regiment of Midshipmen at Kings Point, New York In memory of Jay Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Modern marine engineer's manual - 3rd ed / Everett C Hunt, editor -in-chief; contributing editors, Gus Bourneuf, Jr [et al.] p em Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-87033-496-4 Marine engineering I Hunt, Everett C., 1928II Bourneuf, Gus VM600.M65 1999 623.8'7-dc21 Manufactured in the United States of America First edition, 1941 Third edition, 1999 99-14987 CIP Contents PREFACE PREFACE FOREWORD : xv TO THIRD EDITION : xvii TO FIRST EDITION : xix CHAPTER Thermal Sciences and Engineering James A Harbach Thermodynamics 1-1 Fluid Mechanics 1-28 Heat Transfer 1-35 Review 1-47 References 1-47 CHAPTER Engineering Materials Walter M Maclean Engineering Material Requirements 2-1 Engineering Material Types 2-3 Engineering Material Manufacturing Processes 2-41 Material Properties and Performance 2-46 Review 2-67 References 2-68 Acknowledgments 2-69 viii CONTENTS CONTENTS CHAPTER IX Boiler Operation and Maintenance Steam Power Plants J ames A Harbach 5-80 Review 5-103 References 5-105 Acknowledgments 5-105 3-1 Ideal Vapor Cycles 3-7 Actual Marine Steam Power Plants CHAPTER Steam Power Plant Systems 3-21 Steam Power Plant Operating Procedures 3-31 Emergency Operations 3-38 Review 3-42 History of Steam Turbines 6-1 References 3-43 Steam Turbine Classifications 6-2 Acknowledgments 3-43 Steam Turbine Principles 6-4 CHAPTER Bearing Application and Lubrication William D Marscher Introduction 4-1 Bearing Selection 4-2 Bearing Lubricants and Lubrication Systems 4-37 Bearing Installation and Maintenance 4-59 Bearing System Condition Monitoring and Troubleshooting 4-68 Closure 4-85 Additional Information 4-85 Review 4-86 References 4-88 Acknowledgments 4-90 Marine Steam Turbines Everett C Hunt Steam Turbine Performance 6-18 Turbine Bucket Considerations 6-20 Steam Conditions 6-25 Steam Turbine Construction 6-25 Steam Turbine Controls 6-37 Tests and Inspections 6-39 Rotor Vibration Modes and Amplitude 6-44 Propulsion Turbine Operation 6-45 Propulsion Steam Turbine Operating Problems 6-48 Turbine-Generator 6-57 Sets Review 6-58 References 6-59 Acknowledgments 6-60 CHAPTER Gas Turbines CHAPTER Paul A Dupuy Steam Generation James Boiler Types A Harbach 5-1 Introduction 7-1 Principles of Gas Turbines 7-8 Performance 7-19 7-30 7-94 Combustion of Fuel Oil 5-13 Propulsion Gas Turbines Boiler Components and Construction 5-26 Auxiliary Gas Turbines 5·49 Review Boiler Automation Systems 7-104 x CONTENTS xi CONTENTS References 7-106 Gear Problems 9-47 Acknowledgments 7-107 Gear Inspection and Repair Using a Plastic Hone 9-49 Propulsion Line Shaft 9-51 Propulsion Clutches 9-58 Booster Motor and Tunnel Gear 9-61 Review 9-64 References 9-65 Acknowledgments 9-65 CHAPTER Petroleum Fuels Everett C Hunt and Ronald A leva Introduction 8-1 Marine Fuel Properties 8-3 Marine Bunker Industry 8-9 CHAPTER 10 Safety Considerations During Bunkering 8-14 Fuel Analysis 8-18 Heat Exchangers and Desalination Emissions Testing and Control 8-25 Everett C Hunt Mechanical Fuel Treatment 8-30 Heat Exchanger Performance 10-1 Chemical Fuel Treatment 8-34 Heat Exchangers 10-4 Gas Turbine Fuels 8-36 Heat Exchanger Monitoring 10-19 Fuel Oil Systems 8-38 Heat Exchanger Operation 10-24 Operational Problems in a Diesel Engine Fuel Oil System 8-39 Heat Exchanger Maintenance 10-25 Summary Approach to Shipboard Fuel Problems 8-39 Desalination Systems 10-27 Review 8-44 Reverse Osmosis Desalination 10-38 References 8-44 Review 10-43 Acknowledgments 8-45 References 10-44 Acknowledgments 10-45 CHAPTER CHAPTER Mechanical Transmission Systems 11 Piping Components and Systems Everett C Hunt William J Sembler Introduction 9-1 Reduction Gears 9-3 Pipe 11-1 Gear Nomenclature 9-8 Tubing 11-4 Reduction Gear Principles 9-13 Hose 11-5 Gear Tooth Loading and Stresses 9-18 Connections 11-8 Propulsion Reduction Gear Construction 9-21 Fittings 11-24 Lubricating Oil System 9-34 Pipe Bends 11-31 Transmission System Monitoring 9-36 Valves 11-33 Gear Alignment 9-38 Orifices 11-97 rii xiii CONTENTS CONTENTS Strainers 11-100 References 13-87 Steam Traps 11-105 Acknowledgments 13-88 Insulation 11-113 Jacketed Pipe 11-114 Installation 11-116 Valve Maintenance 11-122 Piping Design 11-128 Review 11-159 References 11-160 Acknowledgments 11-162 CHAPTER 12 Fluid Transfer Devices William J Sembler Pumps CHAPTER 14 Computerized Maintenance Management Eugene D Story and Donald A Dailey Introduction 14-1 Planning a System 14-2 System Hardware 14-6 System Applications 14-8 Database Development 14-36 Conclusion 14-50 Review 14-51 Acknowledgments 14-51 12-1 Compressors 12-137 Blowers and Fans 12-163 Ejectors' 12-172 Review 12-181 References 12-183 Acknowledgments 12-184 CHAPTER 13 Management and Safety of Marine Engineering Operations Boris S Butman and Roger Butturini General Principles 13-1 Shipboard Engineering Operations 13-4 Shipyard Repairs and Overhauls 13-11 Shipboard Safety 13-34 Occupational Health 13-65 ERM-Engine RoomResource Management 13-76 Shipboard Computer Applications 13-82 Review 13-85 CHAPTER 15 Classification and Regulatory Requirements Gus Bourneuf Jr., Cynthia Lakis, and Joseph Tiratto Ship Classification 15-1 Maritime Administrations-Flag State 15-15 Maritime Administrations-Port State 15-19 International Maritime Organization (IMO) 15-21 Quality Assurance for Ship Management 15-37 Review 15-47 References 15-48 Appendix to Chapter 15 15-49 APPENDIX INDEX : A-I Foreword T he term "global economy" has been much overused to describe many things-the rise and fall of financial powers, the redistribution of wealth, streamlining, downsizing, and more-all suggesting a relatively new phenomenon However, global economy is still largely about international commerce-trade across the seas-as it has been for centuries And transport across those seas continues to be done by high-capacity ships capable of moving cargo over long distances Commerce always involves a balance of factors such as superior materials, skilled labor, low cost, and state-of-the-art technology These factors can be readily modeled and analyzed using computer software costing as little as a semester at a local college The interaction of variables has been examined sufficiently so that patterns of trade or specifics of vehicle selection can be fine-tuned for viability Sea trade remains the favored method of global transport; the overwhelming majority of international commerce is still carried by ships, as it has been for nearly three millennia Over the last quarter-century, technical developments and economies of scale have resulted in dramatically lower costs for building, propelling, and loading ships; the attendant labor cost components are becoming almost the sole determinant of competition among the world's fleets Materials for shipbuilding can now be produced, refined, and shipped anywhere at such low cost that sourcing differences are insignificant Much of the credit for this progress goes to advancements in areas closely aligned with and including marine engineering Ships-those remarkable, self-contained, floating cities-still face the timeless challenges associated with the sea No other mode of carrier transport is required to function reliably and continuously at full power for long periods and have the capability for adequate maintenance and repair to be done in-situ Ships must be designed so that basic ship functions can be carried out at untoward angles of trim or heel and despite the alternating orientations caused by pitching or rolling Engineering considerations are complicated by ever-increasing engine cycle temperatures further compounded by salt-laden combustion air; engineers must continually strive for the economy to be gained from using lower-quality fuels xv .ll.Vl FOREWORD New challenges appear at a brisk pace While ship operating economy continues to favor lower-paid and potentially less-skilled crews, these same individuals are still expected to be knowledgeable about the increasingly complex ships they sail The extensive use of shipboard electronics and the expansion of international safety criteria have significant potential for worldwide benefit, but they also present additional concerns regarding the day-to-day operations of ships of all sizes and types These operating realities further challenge those who design, build, and manage ships This book offers the fundamental elements required to help engineers stay current on ways to benefit from the technological advances occurring in these rapidly changing times The third edition of volume of the Modern Marine Engineer's Manual is a superb up-to-date reference for students and practicing professionals alike It incorporates state-of-the-art changes that have been implemented since the publishing of the second edition, with emphasis in appropriate areas Written by experts in marine engineering and the relevant academic fields, it is authoritative and contains a significant amount of high-caliber input DavidA O'Neil President, 1997-1998 The Society ofN aval Architects and Marine Engineers Preface to Third Edition T he first edition of volume of Modern Marine Engineer's Manual was published on the eve of World War II to provide a useful and practical text for the engineering officers, students, port engineers, and ship repair specialists of a rapidly expanding American merchant marine The second edition, published twenty-four years later, provided useful updates of the original text Due to dramatic changes in all aspects of ship machinery and ship operations during the past thirty years, this third edition is not a revision of past editions but an entirely new text written in the tradition of earlier editions All the contributing editors are experts in the areas for which they have prepared chapters Many are employed as consultants; others hold academic appointments in their fields The diesel engine-now the most popular form of main propulsion system-is covered in volume The third edition ofvolume remains primarily a source of information on steam and gas turbine power plants The reciprocating steam engine is no longer covered in the text, and the material on steam turbine propulsion has been reduced However, gas turbine main propulsion has been covered in detail in the expectation that this type of power plant will become increasingly popular as new environmental regulations continue to require the use of higher-quality fuel, contributing to improved economics for the gas turbine It is possible that gas turbines combined with heat recovery steam generators and steam turbines may become the most popular propulsion system for cruise liners Also covered in this newest edition is the personal computer, which is rapidly becoming essential shipboard equipment for many tasks, including spare parts management, maintenance programs, vibration analysis, power plant analysis, management systems for quality and safety, communications, and record keeping International, national, and local laws and regulations concerning the protection of the environment and the safety of shipboard personnel and property plus the rules of classification societies and flag states all combine to provide a new challenge to ships personnel Shipboard systems designed to comply with many of these requirements (including ISO 9002 and the ISM code) are described in the text XVII xviii PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION Pumps, pumping systems, and heat exchangers, which are found on all types of ships, are given extensive coverage Petroleum fuels are frequently treated chemically and processed mechanically on modern ships The characteristics of fuels, fuel chemical treatment, fuel mechanical processing, and the implications of such treatments and processes for the maintenance of both internal combustion engines and boilers are presented Since shipboard equipment in most ofthe world is manufactured to the metric system, metric measurements are used along with the traditional American units of measure In recognition of the use of the text by students, each chapter includes review questions as well ~s references to materials for further study The editors wish to thank all the companies and organizations who gave permission for the use of illustrations and other material in this edition The names and locations of these companies are acknowledged at the end of each chapter Preface to the First Edition T he expansion of shipbuilding made evident about four years ago that there was need of an American textbook on marine engineering that would adequately explain the design and operation of all the general types of marine equipment and at the same time should be written simply, to be easily understood Because marine engineering was, and is advancing and changing so rapidly, it was necessary that a considerable amount of theory be included in order that the student be prepared to understand future developments in the field of marine engineering There was the thought too, that for effective use in this time of stress, it would have to be widely distributed among the shipyard and seagoing personnel This meant that the price ofthe book had to be such that the men could pay At this point, it may be mentioned that methods of study of a technical book are very important if useful results are to be obtained A certain time should be set aside each day for study This may be interfered with by outside emergencies, but every effort should be made to adhere to it A short section of the book should be read through completely each day Then it should be re-read and important words underlined in pencil The drawings may then be copied in the notebook It may also be mentioned that many men "look, but see not." Every man in the "black gang" should be able to sketch on paper the position of every important piece of equipment in the engine room of his ship and know the position of every important control and valve More and more marine engineering design is breaking up into specialties and this is the reason that this book is written by a number of men The authors of the various chapters of the book are specialists, each on his subject, some are engineers of the U.S Maritime Commission and others are engaged in various outside branches of the maritime industry Anyone of the authors of the manual will be glad to answer any difficult point that may be brought up in regard to his specialty Should the student wish to reach one of them he should write care of the Cornell Maritime Press It will be noted by those familiar with the subject that a large use has been made of the instruction pamphlets of the U.S Navy This use was made both because of the short time available to prepare this manual and because of the excellence of the Navy material XIX xx PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The experienced marine engineers will notice the omission of many excellent pieces of marine equipment from these pages This was due to the sharp necessity for conserving time and printed space In regard to printed space the editor believed that a full description of a single type of equipment to be greatly preferred to cursory and inadequate descriptions of the products of all the various manufacturers That a piece of equipment is presented in this book does not mean that the author prefers it to some other piece of equipment that may not be mentioned It may but illustrate the point of the subject better The thanks of the editor go out to the splendid cooperation he has received from the authors of the chapters, from the publishers, from all branches of the marine industry without exception and from his superiors in the U.S Maritime Commission Grateful acknowledgment is hereby made to those companies which have supplied us with data and illustrations concerning their products: [The remaining paragraphs of the preface were devoted to an extensive list of companies and organizations that were of help to the editor.] September 2,1941 A.O [Alan Osbourne] MODERN MARINE ENGINEER'S MANUAL Volume I 15-56 6.4 CLASSIFICATION AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ISM Code The Company should ensure that all personnel involved in the Company's SMS have an adequate understanding of relevant rules, regulations, codes and guidelines 6.5 The Company should establish and maintain procedures for identifying any training which may be required in support of the SMS and ensure that such training is provided for all personnel concerned 6.6 The Company should establish procedures by which the ship's personnel receive relevant information on the SMS in working language or languages understood by them 6.7 The Company should ensure that the ship's personnel are able to communicate effectively in the execution of their duties related to the SMS Development of plans for shipboard operations The Company should establish procedures for the preparation of plans and instructions for key shipboard operations concerning the safety of the ship and the prevention of pollution The various tasks involved should be defined and assigned to qualified personnel APPENDIX TO CHAPTER 15 lACS 6.4 Company should plan how to provide personnel involved in safety and pollution prevention with information on mandatory requirements 6.5 Company should identify individual(s) having responsibility to define training needs for specific tasks 6.6 The details and amount of documentation should be determined by what is necessary to ensure the crew can understand their respective roles 6.7 Sufficient instructions in a suitable language need to be verified, as well as ensuring an understanding of them by the crew This could be verified by witnessing an exercise 7.0 Development of Plans for Shipboard Operations Procedures for key shipboard operations should have safety and pollution prevention as primary objectives, eg watchkeeping, loading, discharging, gas freeing, tank cleaning, confined waters navigation, passage planning, etc Comprehensive list of applicable codes, guidelines and regulations Examples of key Shipboard Operations: cargo shifting, collision, grounding, fire, flooding, heavy weather, pollution control, loss of propulsion 15-57 ICS 6.4 ICS Guide lists major international conventions Other relevant information and guidelines published by Class, industry organizations, etc should be made available to shore staff and crew 6.5 Safety training drills should be carried out in accordance with the SMS Results of drills, and analysis of accidents should be analyzed to assist in identifying any additional training or changes to the SMS The company should consider the establishment of procedures for the conduct of refresher courses and on job training 6.6 Important that all procedures and instructions established in the SMS are written in a clear manner Where contract crew agencies are used, copies of the relevant part ofthe SMS should be supplied 6.7 The ability of the crew to communicate with each other should be reviewed at recruitment stage and during appraisals Companies using crewing agencies should ensure that company requirements are understood and the agency should be monitored Emphasis should be placed on preventative actions Companies should identify key shipboard operations and issue instructions on the manner in which these are performed Continuing supervision and verification of compliance with instructions is important The ICS Guidelines append a list of typical key shipboard operations Reference is also made to dividing key operations into 'Special Operations' and 'Critical Operations.' 15-58 CLASSIFICATION AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX TO CHAPTER 15 ISM Code Emergencies preparedness lACS 8.0 Emergency Preparedness 8.1 The Company should establish procedures to identify, describe and respond to potential emergency shipboard situations 8.2 The Company should establish programs for drills and exercises to prepare for emergency actions 8.3 The SMS should provide for measures ensuring that the Company's organization can respond at any time to hazards, accidents, and emergency situations involving its ships 8.1 Examples of emergency situations: overloading, ballasting, deballasting, collision, abandon ship, man overboard etc Duties and responsibilities of crew members in each emergency should be documented and methods of communication defined 8.2 Drills should cover those required by statutory regulations and company defined emergency situations 8.3 The company should have available shoreside organizational structure, resources and equipment for responding to a shipboard emergency Reports and analysis of nonconformities, accidents and hazardous occurrences The SMS should include procedures ensuring that nonconformities, accidents and hazardous situations are reported to the Company, investigated and analyzed with the objective of improving safety and pollution prevention The Company should establish procedures for the implementation of corrective action 9.1 9.2 10.2 Maintenance of the ship and equipment The Company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained in conformity with the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations and with any additional requirements which may be established by the Company In meeting these requirements the Company should ensure that: 10.2.1 inspections are held at appropriate intervals; 10 10.1 9.0 Reports and Analysis ofNonconformities, Accidents, and Hazardous Occurrences 9.1 Records of non conformities, corrective actions, and internal audits should be provided by the company to the auditor(s) 9.2 The company should have procedures for responding to nonconformities 10.0 Maintenance of the Ship and Equipment 10.1 Maintenance of the ship and equipment should be in accordance with procedures based on conventions, flag, class and company policy Objective evidence is required to demonstrate conformance with established maintenance requirements 10.2.1 The Company should define the appropriate intervals and may be expected to justify them There should be routine inspections of machinery, equipment, and structural integrity of the ship 15-59 ICS 8.0 Shore based contingency plans may include: duties of personnel, procedures for mobilization of shore staff, communications, ship specific plans, checklists appropriate to the type of emergency, list of contact names and telecommunication details of all organizations that may be involved 8.1 Shipboard contingency plans should take account of: Allocation of duties, action to regain control, procedures for requesting assistance, communication methods onboard, procedures for dealing with the media, maintaining communications with the shore 8.2 Contingency plans should be established on how to deal with emergencies associated with: ship damage, fire, pollution, injury to personnel, security, passengers, cargo etc Emergency drills should be carried out for defined contingencies 9.0,9.1 and 9.2 as per lACS SMS should require the Master to report: accidents, hazardous occurrences, NCNs within the SMS, suggested modifications to the SMS The company should have a system for recording, investigating, evaluating, and analyzing reports Feedback to ships' crews of such analysis should be provided 10.1 Procedures should be established which ensure maintenance, repairs and relevant surveys are carried out in a safe and timely manner Procedures should include reference to the provision of tools, technical information, spare parts and supplies These guidelines provide list of essential equipment, machinery and hull items that should be covered by maintenance procedures 10.2.1 Company initiated inspections should be properly planned and carried out by competent and qualified personnel The SMS should include ship safety inspection instructions APPENDIX TO CHAPTER 15 15-60 CLASSIFICATION AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 10.2.2 ISM Code any nonconformity is reported with its possible cause, if known; 10.2.3 appropriate corrective action is taken; and 10.2.4 records of these activities are maintained 10.3 The Company should establish procedures in the SMS to identify equipment and technical systems, the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the reliability of such equipment or systems These measures should include the regular testing of standby arrangements and equipment or technical systems that are not in continuous use The inspection mentioned in 10.2 as well as the measures referred to in 10.3 should be integrated in the ship's operational maintenance routine 10.3 List of critical equipment and systems should be available, and periodicity off unction testing defined Examples of equipmentJsystems: alarms and shutdowns, fuel oil systems, cargo systems, safety equipment, emergency equipment etc Documentation The Company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and data which are relevant to the SMS The Company should ensure that: valid documents are available at all relevant locations; changes to documents are reviewed and approved by authorized personnel; and 11.0 Documentation Nil interpretation 10.4 11 11.1 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 lACS 10.2.2 Shipboard personnel should be expected to correct NCNs whenever possible NCNs can mean damage, malfunction, deficiencies concerning ship and equipment NCNs should be documented, including a record of their correction System should be in place to notify appropriate personnel both ashore and onboard of NCNs 10.2.3 Company should have documented procedures for corrective action 10.2.4 Records of inspections, maintenance, damages, defects and relevant corrective actions should be kept 15-61 lCS 10.2.2 Maintenance nonconformities should be reported promptly and a finite time set for their rectification The Master should be made aware of his responsibilities for reporting maintenance and repair requirements 10.2.3 Procedures should ensure that reports are investigated and that corrective action is taken The responsibility of persons dealing with these reports should be defined 10.2.4 Signed originals of bona fide statutory certification and reports should be held onboard Copies of certification, survey reports, and certificates for national requirements should be held ashore Records should be retained onboard and ashore 10.3 When critical equipment and systems onboard are identified, appropriate tests and other procedures should be developed to ensure functional reliability The testing of standby equipment should assist in ensuring that a single failure does not cause the loss of a critical ship function 11.1 The control of all documents and data relevant to the SMS is a vital element in the effectiveness of the system A document control procedure should be established which allows personnel to identify the revision status and so preclude the use of out of date documentation Care should be taken to limit the SMS documentation to that which adequately covers the application of the system 11.2.1 The method of distrubuting documents and the place or person prescribed to keep them should be defined The company should consider appointing a person ashore to be responsible for the control of documentation 11.2.2 Procedures should be established to allow changes to be made to documentation in a controlled manner 15-62 11.2.3 CLASSIFICATION AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ISM Code obsolete documents are promptly removed 11.3 The documents used to describe and implement the SMS may be referred to as the 'Safety Management Manual.' Documentation should be kept in a form that the Company considers most effective Each ship should carry onboard all documentation relevant to that ship 12 Company verification, review and evaluation The Company should carry out internal safety audits to verify whether safety and pollution prevention activities comply with the SMS The Company should periodically evaluate the efficiency and when needed review the SMS in accordance with procedures established by the Company The audits and possible corrective actions should be carried out in accordance with documented procedures personnel carrying out audits should be independent of the areas being audited unless this is impracticable due to the size and the nature of the Company The results of the audits and reviews should be brought to the attention of all personnel having responsibility in the area involved The management personnel responsible for the area involved should take timely corrective action on deficiencies found 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Certification, verification and control The ship should be operated by a Company which is issued a document of compliance relevant to that ship A document of compliance should be issued for every Company complying with the requirements of the ISM Code by the Administration or by the Government ofthe country, acting on behalf of the Administration in which the Company has chosen to conduct its business This document should be accepted as evidence that the Company is capable of complying with the requirements of the Code A copy of such a document should be placed onboard in order that the master, if so asked, may produce it for the verification of the Administration or organizations recognized by it A Certificate, called a Safety Management Certificate, should be issued to a ship by the Administration or organization recognized by the Administration The Administration should, when issuing the Certificate, verify that the Company and its shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved SMS The Administration or an organization recognized by the Administration should periodically verify the proper functioning of the ship's SMS as approved APPENDIX TO CHAPTER 15 15-63 lACS ICS 11.2.3 Procedures should be established to deal with the removal and destruction of obsolete documentation 11.3 The company's 8MS should encompass all the requirements of the ISM Code and should consist of both office and shipboard manuals The company should ensure that the relationship between the 8MS and other shore and shipboard systems is properly understood 12.0 Company Verification, Review and Evaluation 12.1 Internal audits should be carried out in the company and on each ship once per year Records of Internal Audits and NCNs are to be made available to the auditor 12.2 The management review of the 8MS should be initiated by: results of internal audits, investigations as a result of accidents, results of implementation of the SMS, change of company policies/practice etc 12.0 Audit plans should be established and should encompass all departments involved with the SMS, and the ships Plans should cover: specific areas to be audited, qualifications of auditors, procedures for reporting findings Evaluations of results from audits should review: organization structures, administrative procedures, personnel and their authority, adherence to the SMS policies, training, reports and record keeping Management Reviews should be conducted into: analyses of accidents, hazardous occurrences, and nonconformities, audit findings, review of the SMS for updating etc Minutes should be taken and retained 13.0 Certification, Verification and Control 13.1 Reference should be made to IMO Resolution A788(19)-Guidelines on the Implementation of the ISM Code by Administrations, and lACS 'Procedural Guidelines for ISM Code Certification.' 13.1 Reference is made to IMO Resolution A788(19)-see lACS on left APPENDIX Useful Conversion Factors To convert from To Multiply by atmospheres feet of water @ 4°C inches Hg @ QOC 3.39E+1 atmospheres atmospheres meters Hg 7.6E-1 atmospheres Kg/sq em @ O°C 2.992E+1 1.0333E+OO atmospheres pounds f/sq in 1.47E+1 barrels (U.S liquid) gallons 3.15E+1 barrels (oil) gallons (oil) 4.2E+1 Btu foot-pounds 7.7816E+2 Btu horsepower-hours 3.927E-4 Btu joules 1.055E+3 Btu kilowatt-hours 2.928E-4 Btu/hour horsepower 3.929E-4 Btu/hour watts 2.931E-1 Btu/minute horsepower 2.356E-2 Celsius degree Fahrenheit degree C x 9/5 + 32 Celsius degree Kelvin degree C + 273.18 centimeters feet 3.281E-2 centimeters inches 3.937E-1 centimeters mils 3.937E+2 centimeters/second knots 1.943E-2 centimeters/second miles/hour 2.237E-2 centimeters/see/see feet/see/see 3.281E-2 centipoise gram/em-see 1.0E-2 A A-2 APPENDIX APPENDIX A-3 To convert from To Multiply by To convert from To Multiply by centipoise pound/ft-sec 6.72E foot-pounds 5.05E-7 cubic centimeters cubic feet 3.531E-5 foot-pounds horsepower-hours joules cubic centimeters cubic inches 6.102E-2 foot-pounds kilowatt-hours 3.766E-7 cubic centimeters gallons U.S 2.642E foot-pounds/minute horsepower 3.03E-5 cubic feet cubic inches 1.728E+3 foot-pounds/minute kilowatts 2.26E-5 cubic feet cubic meters 2.832E-2 gallons cubic feet 1.337E-l cubic feet cubic yards 3.704E-2 gallons cubic meters 3.785E-3 cubic feet gallons U.S 7.48052E+O gallons of water, fresh pounds of water 8.337E+O cubic feet liters 2.832E+l gallons/minute cubic feet/second 2.228E-3 cubic inches cubic feet 5.787E-4 gausses lines/sq inch 6.452E+O cubic inches gallons U.S 4.329E-3 gilberts ampere-turns 7.958E-l cubic meters cubic feet 3.53IE+1 grams avdp ounces 3.527E-2 cubic meters gallons U.S 2.642E+2 grams troy ounces 3.215E-2 days seconds 8.64E+4 horsepower Btu/minute 4.244E+ days minutes 1.44E+3 horsepower Foot-pounds/minute 3.3E+4 degrees angle radians 1.745E-2 horsepower metric horsepower 9.863E-l dynes/square centimeter inches of Hg 2.953E-5 horsepower kilowatts 7.457E-l dynes/square centimeter inches of H20 4.015E-4 horsepower boiler Btu/hour 3.352E+4 dynes poundals 7.233E-5 horsepower-hours Btu 2.547E+3 ergs Btu 9.486E-ll horsepower-hours Foot-pounds 1.98E+6 ergs foot-pounds 7.376E-8 horsepower-hours joules 2.684E+6 ergs horsepower-hrs 3.725E-14 horsepower-hours kilowatt-hours 7.457E-l ergs/second kilowatts 1.0E-IO inches centimeters 2.54E+O faradays ampere-hour 2.68E+l inches of Hg feet of water 1.133E+O farsdays coulombs 9.649E+4 inches of Hg pounds/sq inch 4.912E-l fathoms meters 1.8288E+O inches of H20 a 4°C pounds/sq inch 3.613E-2 fathoms feet 6.0E+O joules Btu 9.486E feet kilometers 3.048E-4 joules foot-pounds 7.736E-l feet meters 3.048E-l joules watt-hours 2.778E-4 feet nautical miles 1.645E kilograms pounds 2.2046E+O feet statute miles 1.894E kilograms long tons 9.842E feet of water inches of Hg 8.826E-l kilograms short tons 1.102E-3 feet of water pounds/sq inch 4.335E-l kilograms avdp ounces 3.5274E+l feet/second knots 5.921E-l kilograms-calories Btu 3.968E+O foot-candle lumens/sq meters 1.0764E+l kilograms-calories foot-pounds 3.086E+3 foot-pounds Btu 1.286E-3 kilograms-calories horsepower-hours 1.558E-3 @ 4°C 1.356E+O A-4 To convert from kilograms-calories APPENDIX APPENDIX To joules A-5 Multiply by To convert from To Multiply by 4.183E+3 square centimeter square inch 1.55E-l square meters 9.29E-2 1.076E+l kilograms-calories kilowatt-hours 1.163E-3 square feet kilometers feet 3.281E+3 square meters square feet kilograms 1.016E+3 2.24E+3 kilometers statute mile 6.214E-l tons long kilometers nautical mile 5.396E-l tons long pounds kilowatts Btu/minute 5.692E+l tons long tons short 1.12E+O tons metric kilograms 1.0E+3 kilowatts horsepower 1.341E+O kilowatt-hours Btu 3.413E+3 tons metric pounds 2.205E+3 tons short kilograms 9.0718E+2 kilowatt-hours foot-pounds 2.655E+6 kilowatt-hours joules 3.6E+6 tons short pounds 2.0E+3 tons short tons long 8.9287E-l knots feet/hour 6.076E+3 knots kilometer/hour 1.852E+O tons short tons metric 9.078E-l watts Btu/hour 3.4129E+O knots statute miles/hour 1.151E+O knots feet/second 1.688E+O watts foot-pounds/minute 4.427E+ 3.531E-2 watts horsepower 1.34lE-3 watts metric horsepower 1.36E-3 liters cubic feet meters fathoms 5.468lE-l meters feet 3.281E+O meters inches 3.937E+l meters nautical miles 5.4E-4 miles nautical feet 6.076E+3 miles nautical meters 1.852E+3 miles/hour feet/minute 8.8E+ miles/hour feet/second 1.467E+O miles/hour kilometers/hour 1.6093E+O miles/hour knots 8.684E-l newtons dynes 1.0E+5 poise gram/centimeter-second 1.0E+O poundals dynes 1.3826E+4 poundals joules/centimeter 1.383E-3 pounds kilograms 4.536E-l pounds troy long tons 3.6735E-4 pounds troy metric tons 3.7324E-4 pounds troy short tons 4.1l43E-4 radians degrees 5.7296E+l slugs kilograms 1.459E+l slugs pounds 3.217E+l INDEX Index ABS See American Bureau of Shil?ping Absolute pressure, 1:4 Absolute viscosity, 1:35 Absolute zero, 1:4 Adm Wm M Callaghan, 7:2 Air heaters, 5:35 Air lubrication, bearings, 4:37 Alignment bearing, 4:62 shaft, 4:56, 63, 9:56 Alkalinity, 5:81 Alloys, metal See Metal alloys American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), 13:34 history, 15:7-9 rules, 13:5, 15:8, 10-11 American National Standard taper pipe threads (NPT) dimensions, 11:15, 16 Annular seals, 4:36-37 Antifriction bearings, 4:2 APU See Auxiliary power unit Aquastrada, 7:4 Arc of action, gearing, 9:11 Asphaltenes, marine fuel, 8:6 Astern valve, steam turbine, 6:37 Atmospheric pressure, 1:5 Atomizer fuel oil, 5:21 Racer steam, 5:25 return-flow, 5:24 rotary-cup, 5:25 straight mechanical, 5:22 Auris, 7:1 Automatic control valve, 11:79 Automation systems, boiler, 5:49-80 Auxiliary exhaust and extraction system, steam power plants, 3:26, 30 Auxiliary power unit (APU) AlliedSignal,7:100-101 installation, 7:102 maintenance, 7:102 Auxiliary steam system, 3:22, 25, 26 Axial compressors, 12:155-156 Axial-face shaft seal, pump, 12:25 Axial-flow pump, 12:12 Bacharach Fyrite stack gas analyzer, 5:17,19 Back-pressure-regulating valve, 11:77 Ball bearings, 4:25, 27 Ball thrust bearings, 4:28 Ball valve, 11:48 Bar chart, drydocking, 13:30 Bar coding, 14:19, 20 Bases, gas turbine, 7:59 Bearings air lubricated, 4:34, 37 alignment, 4:62-63 ball, 4:27-28 cavitation damage, 4:73 ceramic, 4:16 components, 4:29 condition monitoring, 4:68 Cutless rubber, 4:15, 35 damping coefficient, 4:8, design principles, 4:3 DN number, 4:26 eccentricity ratio, 4:7, elliptical bore, 4:11, 14 externally pressurized, 4:32 failure, 4:69-78 fatigue damage, 4:73 fixed pad, 4:11, 14 fluid-film, 4:3 fluid-lubricated,4:34-36 hand scraping, 4:60 hot alignment, 4:64 indications of failures, 4:69 installation, 4:59 joumal,4:3-16 life rating, 4:25 line shaft, 9:55 load capacity, 4:5 load rating, 4:25 lubricants, 4:37 See also Lubrication systems magnetic, 4:32-33 maintenance, 4:59-68 marine applications, 4:3 nonmetallic sleeve, 4:30 offset bore, 4:11 oil change, 4:60 pillow block, 4:29 plain bore, 4:11 power loss, 4:5 pressure dam, 4:11,14 pressure, loss of, steam turbines, 6:48 product-lubricated, 4:34-36 pumps, 12:15-16 PV rating, 4:31 reaction influence, line shaft, 9:57 reactions, 9:44-45 refurbishment, 4:59 repacking, 4:60-61 roller, 4:28-29 rolling element, 4:23-27 seals, 4:57 selection, 4:2 setting clearance, 4:61 shaft whip, 4:12 sleeve, 4:30-31 Sommerfeld number, 4:10 stability parameter, 4:10 stiffness coefficient, 4:8 thrust, 4:19 tilting pad, 4:11, 17 types, 4:2 Bent-tube boilers, 5:4 Bemoulli's equation, 1:28 Bias relay, 5:63 Birmingham wire gauge, 11:5 Bleed system gas turbine, 7:82 steam power plant, 3:14 Blowers axial-flow, 12:165 centrifugal, 12:164 differential pressure, 12:163 forced-draft, 12:170 installation, 12:168 operation, 12:169 performance, 12:166-167 positive-displacement, 12:167 power, 12:163 straight-lobe, 12:167 troubleshooting, 12:169 ventilation systems, 12:171 Blowing tubes, 5:94 Boiler auxiliary, 5:8, 10 bent-tube, 5:4 chemical addition, 5:87, 8:34 combustion, fuel oil, 5:13-16 control systems, 5:49-80 dry layup with desiccant, 5:93 dry layup with nitrogen gas, 5:94 efficiency, 3:8, 5:18-20 emergency procedures, 5:99 inspections and surveys, 5:95 layup, short and long term, 5:91 layup, steam blanket method, 5:91 light-off, 5:88 loss offeedwater supply, 5:102 loss of fire, 5:100 mountings, 5:39 reheat, 5:5-8 Scotch marine, 5:2 sectional header, 5:3, steam flow anticipation, 5:57 steam separators, 5:48 tube failure, 5:101 types, 5:1 waste-heat, 5:10-13 water monitoring, 13:9 water sampling, 5:85 water treatment and control, 5:8 water treatment control limits, 5:81 wet layup, 5:92 Borescope inspection, gas turbine, 7:91 Brayton cycle, 7:8, 9, 12 Breathing devices, emergency escape, 13:73 Breathing equipment, 13:69 Bronze bushing bearing failure, 4:71 Bucket dovetails, steam turbines, 6:20, 22-23 Bucket efficiency, steam turbine stage, 6:11-15 Bucket stress, steam turbines, 6:20 Budget tracking, 14:23 Bumpless transfer, 5:65 Bunker industry, 8:9 Bunkering communications, 8:17 delivery receipt, 8:17 fire precautions, 8:14 hoses, 8:17 mooring precautions, 8:14 oil flammability, 8:18 procedure, Singapore, 8:13-14 process, 8:13-14 safety, 8:14-18 Bumer management systems, 5:74-79 Butterfly valve, 11:45, 46 BWG (Birmingham wire gauge) values, 11:5 Calorimeter, 1:23 Carbon aromaticity index, 8:8 Camot cycle, 1:17-18, 3:1 Cascade bleeds, 3:12, 15 Casing, centrifugal pump, 12:5-13 Casing construction, steam turbines, 6:29-31 Cavitation index, 11:83 Celsius temperature scale, 1:4 Centrifugal blowers, 12:164 Centrifugal compressors, 12:153-154 INDEX Centrifugal pump affinity laws, 12:39 alignment, 12:29-34 balancing disk, 12:19, 20 balancing drum, 12:19, 20 barrel-type, 12:11 bearings, 12:15-17 cargo, 12:129-131 casing, 12:5-13 casing collector, 12:8 couplings, 12:27,28 critical speed, 12:55 diffuser, 12:10 efficiency, 12:36 entrained gas, 12:49 Euler head, 12:34 36 flow orientation, 12:4 foundation, 12:28 head, 12:34 36 horizontal, 12:2 horizontal radially split casing, 12:8 hydraulic axial unbalance, 12:17, 18 impeller, 12:3 inducer, 12:44 instability, 12:54 installation, 12:28-34 interstage seals, 12:15 momentum change, 12:21 multiple-pump performance, 12:52-53 net positive suction head (NPSHJ, 12:42-45 operating speed, 12:42 operation, 12:34-42,55-57 overheating, 12:50-52 performance, 12:34-42, 50 piping, 12:29 power, 12:36-37 priming, 12:47 radial reaction, 12:21 recirculation, 12:45-47 rotating assembly, 12:13 self-priming, 12:48 shaft axial unbalance, 12:21 shaft seal, 12:26 shaft sealing, 12:23-27 shroud configuration, 12:5 specific speed, 12:4, 46 stuffing box, 12:23 troubleshooting, 12:57-58 twin-volute casing, 12:22 velocity vector, 12:35 vertical, 12:2 vertical axially split casing, 12:6 vertical radially split casing, 12:7 vibration, 12:55 viscosity, 12:50 volute, 12:8, wearing rings, 12:13-14, 19 Ceramics, materials, 2:37 Cetane ignition index, 8:9 Check valves, 11:53 Chemical feed pipe, 5:48 Choked flow, steam nozzle, 6:8 Classification ship, 15:1 societies, 13:34, 15:1-3 surveys, 13:12 Clayton forced-circulation steam generator, 5:1 Cleanliness factor, heat exchanger, 10:4 Client server architecture, 14:4 Closed feed water heater, 3:6 Closed system, thermodynamic, 1:2 Clutches, 9:2, 58-61 Coal-fired boilers, 5:8 Coatings 2:67 CODAG (combined diesel and gas turbine), 7:4 CODOG (combined diesel or gas turbine), 7:3 COGAG (combined gas turbine and gas turbine), 7:5 COGAS (combined gas turbine and steam), 7:5, 16, 18, 19 COGEN (cogeneration), 7:18 Combustibles, 13:54 Combustion analysis, 5:14 Combustion control electronic, 5:66-70 metering, 5:54 57 parallel, 5:53-57 pneumatic, 5:58-66 series, 5:53, 55 Combustion Engineering LTG reheat boilers, 5:7 V2M-5 boiler, 5:4 V2M-8 boiler, 5:4 V2M-9 boiler, 5:4 Combustion offuel oil, 5:13-26 Combustors, gas turbine, 7:45-48 Composites, 2:38 Compounding steam turbine, 6:4 Compressed liquid, 1:12 Compression process, 1:21, 12:137-140 Compressive stress, propeller shaft, 9:53 Compressors axial, 12:155 centrifugal, 12:153-155 control-air systems, 12:162 diesel-start systems, 12:162 dynamic, 12:153-158 efficiency, 12:138 head, 12:137 high-pressure systems, 12:161 installation, 12:158 liquid-ring, 12:153 INDEX operation, 12:159-160 performance curves, 12:146 reciprocating, 12:140-146 rotary, 12:147-153 ship's service systems, 12:161-162 single-screw, 12:147 sliding-vane, 12:151-152 troubleshooting, 12:159 twin-screw, 12:148-150 Computer applications, shipboard cargo loading, 13:83 equipment management, 14:9-14 machinery operating information analysis, 13:85 management systems, 13:83 See also Maintenance management system, computerized parts inventory, 14:16-19 payroll, 13:84 personnel systems, 13:84 repair scheduling, 13:27-28 requisitions, 14:20-23 training programs, 13:85 Condenser hot-well level, 6:53 Condenser leak, 3:41 Condensing steam turbine, 6:2 Conditioned-based maintenance, computerized, 14:33-35 Conduction, 1:35-39 Conductivity, thermal, 2:40 Conservation of energy, 1:9-11 Conservation of mass, 1:8 Contaminated lube oil, steam turbines, 6:50-51 Contaminated steam and drains system, 3:31-32 Continuity equation, 1:8 Control components, gas turbine, 7:62-64 Control pilot valves, 11:85 Control system, steam turbine, 6:37-39 Control valves, 11:57 Controller derivative, 5:52 gain, 5:50 integral, 5:51 pneumatic integral (reset), 5:59 pneumatic proportional, 5:59 proportional, 5:50 rate, 5:52 reset, 5:51 Controls, gas turbine, 7:62-65 Controls, steam turbine, 6:37-39 Convection, 1:35, 39-41 Convective film coefficient, 1:40-41 Convergent-divergent nozzle, steam turbine, 6:5,8 Cooling air, gas turbine, 7:75 Cooling water pumps, 12:111 Coordinated phosphate treatment, 5:85 Copper water tube sizes, 11:6 Corrective maintenance, gas turbine, 7:91 Corrosion 2:66 turbine steam path, 6:42 Counter-flow heat exchanger, 1:46 Coupling misalignment, power turbine, 7:53-55 Couplings, 9:2 CPM (critical path method), 13:27 Critical pressure ratio, steam nozzle, 6:8 Critical speed, pump, 12:55 Cross limiting, 5:57 Crystal atomic structure arrangements, 2:7 Current-to-pressure (I/P) converter, 5:69 Curtis stage, steam turbine, 6:16-17 Cycle, thermodynamic, 1:2, D-type boilers, 5:4 Damping coefficient, 4:8 Darcy-Weisbach equation, 11:147 Database development, 14:9, 14, 36-46 Data communications, 14:47-50 Deepwell cargo pumps, 12:133 Density, 1:6 Derived units, 1:2-3 Desalination, 10:27 reverse osmosis, 10:38-43 systems, 10:27-38 Desuperheaters, 5:33 Diaphragm construction, steam turbines, 6:26, 29 Diaphragm pumps, 12:96-99 Diaphragm valve actuator, 5:65 Diesel engine, fuel chemical treatment, 8:35 Disk clutch, 9:61 Disodium phosphate, 5:82 Distributed databases, 14:48, 49 Dovetail shear stress, steam turbines, 6:22 Dovetails, impulse steam turbine, 6:22 Drains, gas turbine, 7:84 Drum internals, 5:47 Drum level indicators, 5:45 Dry box, 5:47 Dry pipe, 5:47 Dual fuel system, gas turbine, 7:77 Dynamic compressors, 12:153 Dynamic pressure, 1:29 Economics of ship repair, 13:32 Economizer inspection, 5:99 Economizers, 5:33, 35 Eductors, 12:174 Efficiency, steam turbine stage, 6:12 INDEX Ejectors, 12:172 condenser deaeration system, 12:174-179 dewatering system, 12:178 distilling plant systems, 12:178 eductors, 12:174 steam-jet, 12:173-174 stripping cargo system, 12:180-181 two-stage, 12:175 Electrical equipment monitoring, 13:9 Electric supply, gas turbine, 7:85 Electrohydraulic thottle control, steam turbine, 6:37, 39 Elements, metal See metal elem~nts EMA (experimental modal analysis), 4:84-85 Emergency operations, steam power plants condenser leak, 3:41 loss of control air pressure, 3:41 loss of electric power, 3:40 loss oflube oil pressure, 3:42 loss of main condenser vacuum, 3:40 loss or securing of fires in boilers, 3:39 low water level in deaerator, 3:40 Emergency shutdown, gas turbine, 7:87 Emission testing and control, 8:25-30 emulsified fuel effect, 8:30 Emissivity, 1:41-42 Energy forms, 1:9 Engine cleaning, gas turbine, 7:81 Engine problems correlated to fuel properties, 8:28 Engine room automation, 13:5 resource management See ERM Engineering operations management, 13:1-4 inspection, 13:10 inventory, 13:10 maintenance, 13:5-10 officers, 13:6 watchstanding, 13:4-5 Engineering Operations Manual, 13:4 English engineering unit system, 1:2 Enterprise-wide computing model, 14:3 Enthalpy, 1:10 Enthalpy drop test, steam turbine, 6:41 Entropy, 1:18 Equal temperature rise principle, 3:6 Equipment information, computerized maintenance coding, 14:10, 19, 38-41 history, 14:30-31, 32 management, 14:9-16 nameplate list, 14:40 reporting, 14:12-14 validation, 14:45 ERM (Engine Room Resource Management), 13:76-82 awareness, 13:79 elements, 13:77 emergency response, 13:81-82 human factor, 13:77 information, 13:79 job stress, 13:80 management, 13:78 need for, 13:76 responsibilities, 13:82 training, 13:77 Erosion, turbine steam path, 6:43 Euler equation, 12:34 Euroliner, 7:2 Evaporator air leakage, 10:30 condensate-cooled, 3:10 double-effect, 10:30-31 effects, 10:27 flash, 10:33, 36-37 low-pressure, 10:27-29 operation, 10:30 plate-type, 10:38-39 shell-side cleaning, 10:29 thin-film, 10:31, 34-35 triple-effect, 10:29 vertical-tube, 10:31-35 Excess air, 5:14 Excess-pressure governor, 11:70 Exhaust collectors, gas turbine, 7:53 Exhaust gas, typical composition, 8:29 Expansion process, 1:20 Extraction stage pressure, steam turbine, 6:53 Fahrenheit temperature scale, 1:4 Failure offorced-draft fan, 5:102 Fans, 12:163 See also Blowers Feed and condensate system, 3:26 Feed pumps, 3:8, 12:101 Feedwater heaters, 3:6, 10:18 Feedwater regulator single-element, 5:71 systems, 5:70 thermohydraulic, 5:70 three-element, 5:72 two-element, 5:72 Field level transactions, 14:50 Fire control alarm system, 13:65 automatic sprinkler, 13:59-62 classifications, 13:52 extinguishing agents, 13:54 fire-fighting rules, 13:52-53 fire main system, 13:53 fixed carbon dioxide system, 13:56-58 flame detectors, 13:64 INDEX foam system, 13:58-59 hoses, 13:55 hydrants, 13:54 nozzles, 13:55 piping, 13:54 portable extinguishers, 13:53, 55 pumps, 13:54 smoke detector, 13:63 water mist system, 13:62-63 Fire detection and extinguishing system, gas turbine, 7:61, 79-81 Fire hose connection screw threads, 11:25 Fire stop sequencing system, gas turbine, 7:80 Fireside inspection, 5:96 Fittings, wall thickness, 11:141 Five-heater nonreheat cycle, 3:9 Flag state, 15:15-16 Flame detectors, 5:74, 13:64 Flammable gases, 13:67 Flanges pressure rating, 11:142 thickness, 11:141 Flexure, 2:57 Flicker flame detector, 5:74 Floating drydocks, 13:15 Flow energy, 1:10 Fluid-film bearings, 4:2, Fluid mechanics, 1:28 Fluid regenerative air heater (FRAH) cycle, 3:12 Force coordinate system, 2:51 flexure, 2:57 load, 2:53 moment, 2:53 strain, 2:55 stress, 2:54 system of units, 2:50 torque, 2:53 twist, 2:54 Forced feed lubrication system, 4:50 Foster Wheeler ESRD reheat boiler, 5:5 Fouling factor, heat exchangers, 10:3 Friction clutch, 9:60 Fuel analysis, 8:18 Fuel, coal, 8:1 Fuel, marine, 8:1 aluminum content, 8:7 analysis, 8:18-25 area meter, 5:61, 63 ash content, 8:8 asphaltenes, 8:6 automatic process sampling, 8:19, 22 burners, 5:21 calorific value, 8:23 carbon aromaticity index, 8:8 carbon residue, 8:8 cetane ignition index, 8:9 chemical properties, 8:6-7 chemical treatment, 8:34-35 clarification, 8:30, 33, 34 cleaning system, 8:32 density, 8:3, 5, 23, 24 diesel engine system, problems, 8:43 diesel oils, 8:3 drip samples, 8:19, 20 emulsified, 8:30 filtering, 8:30 flammabiity, 8:18 flash point, 8:6 gas oils, 8:3 gas turbine, 7:3, 8:36-38 grab samples, 8:19 handling, 8:35, 41 heating, 8:30 heavy fuel oils, 8:3 ignition quality, 8:8-9 intermediate fuel oils, 8:3 laboratory testing, 8:25, 26, 27 mechanical treatment, 8:30-33 monitoring, 8:30 point of sampling, 8:20 pour point, 8:6, 23-24 price, 8:9-10 problems, 8:39-43 properties, 8:3-9 correlated to engine problems, 8:28-29 proportional samples, 8:19, 21 pumping, 8:30 purchasing, 8:9-13 purification, 8:30-33 quality, 8:9-13 rates, typical steam power plant, 3:16 requirements, 8:11-12 residue, 8:8 sampling, 8:18-20 sediment, 8:6 service system, steam plant, 8:42 settling, 8:30 shipboard testing, 8:21-25 silicon content, 8:7 sludge, 8:24 specific gravity, 8:5 specifications, 8:11-12 sulfur content, 8:7 systems, 8:38-39 vanadium content, 8:7 venting, 8:30 viscosity, 8:5-6 water content, 8:7,24 Fuel system, gas turbine, 7:76 Fuel tank inspection form, 8:15 measurement form, 8:16 INDEX Fundamental units, 1:3 Fusible element sprinkler temperature ratings, 13:61 Fyrite stack gas analyzer, 5:17, 19 Gas turbine auxiliary, 7:94 bases, 7:59 bearings, 7:39-41 blade, 7:48-51 bleed air system, 7:82, 83 Brayton cycle, 7:8-12 combustors, 7:45-48 compressors, 7:42-45 configuration, 7:32-37 controls, 7:62-65, 67 cooling air, 7:75 corrective maintenance, 7:91 coupling shaft alignment, 7:53-55 dual fuel, 7:56, 77 electric supply, 7:85 electronic controls, 7:69 emergency shutdown, 7:87 enclosures, 7:59, 60-62, 72 engine cleaning, 7:81, 82 engine inlets, 7:37 exhaust collectors, 7:53 exhaust system, 7:76 fire control, 7:79-81 frames, 7:39,40 fuel, 8:36-38 fuel components, 7:56 fuel flow calculation, 7:24-26 fuel system components, 7:76 high-pressure turbine, 7:48-51 ICR,7:15-17 ignition system, 7:58 inlet air system, 7:73-75 installation, 7:71, 72 intercooling,7:14-15 LM 2500, 7:40 lube oil components, 7:56 lube oil system, 7:78, 79 maintenance and repair, 7:88-93 mounting, 7:72 number of shafts, 7:30 operating parameters, 7:69-71 operation, 7:85-88 overhaul factors, 7:89 performance corrections, 7:20-27 postshutdown, 7:88 power turbine, 7:51-53 prestart checks, 7:86 preventive maintenance, 7:90 regenerative cycle, 7:13-14 reheat cycle, 7:14 repair interval, 7:88 shutdown, 7:87-88 simple cycle, 7:8-12 single-shaft, 7:11 specific fuel consumption, 7:21, 22, 31 start sequence, 7:65 starter, 7:57 starting systems, 7:83, 86 stop sequence, 7:65 sumps, 7:39 time between overhauls, 7:89 turbine blade, 7:48-49, 51 two-shaft, 7:11, 12 vents and drains, 7:84, 85 Gate valve, 11:33 Gauge glasses, 5:44 Gauge pressure, 1:4 Gear classifications, 9:3 Gearing abrasion, 9:48 addendum, 9:8 alignment, 9:38-39 arc of action, 9:11 axial pitch, 9:10 backlash, 9:8 base diameter, 9:9 base pitch, 9:10 bearing forces, 9:16 bearing reactions, 9:44-45 bottom land, 9:11 center distance, 9:8 circular pitch, 9:10 clearance, 9:8 conjugate action, 9:13 construction, 9:21-34 contacting procedures, 9:46-47 contact patterns, 9:39-43 contact ratio, 9:9-10 dedendum, 9:8 diametral pitch, 9:10 double helix, 9:17 double reduction, 9:15, 23, 25-27 dual torque path, 9:28, 29 effective face width, 9:9 face width, 9:9 galling, 9:48 gear ratio, 9:9 helical, 9:16 helical tooth proportions, 9:18 helix angle modification, 9:41-42 Hertz stress, 9:20 horsepower, 9:15 intermediate span, 9:27 involute profile, 9:13 involute teeth, 9:11 K factor, 9:20-21 lead, 9:9 line of action, 9:11, 12 line of contact, 9:11,13 locked train, 9:27, 28 INDEX lower casing, 9:30-31 manufacturing processes, 9:33-34 manufacturing tolerances, 9:31-32 materials, 9:32 monitoring, 9:36 nomenclature, 9:8-13 normal module, 9:9 outside diameter, 9:9 pitch, 9:7 pitch diameter, 9:8 pitch plane, 9:11 pitting, 9:47-48 plastic hone inspection, 9:49-51 precision, 9:7 pressure angle, 9:14,17-18 quill shaft bending, 9:46 radial forces, 9:17 reaction forces, bearings, 9:16 red and blue check, 9:41 reference planes, 9:12 reliability, 9:7 resistance temperature detectors, 9:36-37 root circle, 9:11 root diameter, 9:9 root stress, 9:37 scratching, 9:48 shaft speed calculation, 9:15 single helix, 9:17-18 single reduction, 9:21-23 spalling, 9:48 spur, 9:14 surface stress, 9:20 tangential forces, 9:17 thrust forces, 9:17 tooth action, 9:40 tooth bending, 9:41 tooth bending stress, 9:18-20 tooth breakage, 9:47 tooth contacting procedures, 9:46-47 top land, 9:11 total face width, 9:9 transverse diametral pitch, 9:10 transverse module, 9:9 turning gear, 9:32 typical specifications, 9:30 unit load, 9:20 upper casing, 9:31 velocity factor, 9:20 vibration monitoring, 9:36 visible observation, 9:49 whole depth, 9:9 working depth, 9:9 Gear pumps, 12:71 external, 12:71 internal, 12:72 Gears, 9:1-2 bevel, 9:3 classifications, 9:3 double reduction, 9:15, 23, 25-27 epicyclic, 9:3 helical, 9:16-18 load index, 9:20-21 materials, 9:32 multiple input, 9:21-23 parallel axis, 9:3 planetary, 9:3 problems, 9:47-48 reduction, 9:3-8, 13-18,21-27, 32-34 single reduction, 9:21-23 spur, 9:14 worm, 9:3 Generator set, 7:94-99 Gland seal regulator, 6:53 Glass bulb sprinkler temperature ratings, 13:62 Globe valve, 11:39 Governor valves, 11:64 Graving docks, 13:15 Gravity-feed lubrication system, 4:49 Grease, 4:41 Grease additives, 4:42 Hand/auto station, boiler control system, 5:62-65 Heat, energy form, 1:9 Heat balance calculations, 3:14-16 diagrams, 3:9, 11, 13 Heat exchanger, 1:45,47,10:1-38 air to liquid, 10:8-9 cleaning, 10:7, 26 cleanliness factor, 10:4 control chart, 10:21 counter-flow, 10:2, 22-24 double-tube, 10:11 effectiveness, 10:2 feedwater heater, 10:18 fouling, 10:7-8 fouling factor, 10:3 inspection, 10:26 lube oil cooler, 10:16 main condenser, 10:11 maintenance, 10:25-27 monitoring, 10:19-22 multiple-pass, 10:10 operation, 10:24 parallel-flow, 1:45, 10:2 performance, 10:1 plate-type, 10:4, 25 shell-and-tube, 10:10, 24 single-pass, 10:10 temperature relationships, 10:19 Heat transfer, 1:35, 10:2 coefficient, overall, 1:42 INDEX INDEX Heat transfer (cont.) rates, typical, 10:2 thin-film, 10:31 Helical gear tooth proportions, 9:18 Hertz stress, gearing, 9:20 High water in boiler, 5:100 Hose, 11:5-8 connections, 11:20-24 dimensions, American National Standard fire hose connection (NH), 11:25 low-pressure, 11:8 Huddling chamber safety valve, 5:39 Hydraulic-system hose, 11:7 Hydrazine, 5:83 Hydrodynamic bearings, 4:2 Hydrostatic bearings, 4:2 IACS See International Association of Classification Societies ICR gas turbine, 7:15 ICS See International Chamber of Shipping Ideal gas laws, 1:24 Ideal vapor cycles, 3:1 Ignition system, gas turbine, 7:58 IMO See International Maritime Organization Impregnated bronze bearings, 4:30 Improved boiler efficiency, 3:8 Impulse stage, steam turbine, 6:11 Impulse steam turbine, 6:3 Individual gas constant, 1:25 Inlet steam valve leaks, 6:54 Inspections and surveys, 13:10 Inspections, steam turbines, 6:39, 41-44 Insulation boiler, 5:26 electrical, 2:39 piping, 11:113 thermal,2:39-41 Internal energy, 1:10 Internal feed pipe, 5:48 International Association of Classification Societies (lACS) history, 15:4 ISM code interpretations, 15:49,51, 53, 55,57,59,61,63 management, 15:5 members, 15:4 purpose, 15:4 relationship to IMO, 15:6 unified requirements, 15:5 working groups, 15:5 International Chamber of Shipping (lCS), 15:49,51,53,55,57,59,61,63 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), 15:30-34 International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 13:55, 59, 67, 69, 15:25-30 International Labor Organization, 13:38 International Load Line Convention, 15:34 International Maritime Organization (IMO), 13:36-37, 15:21-24 codes, 15:24 committees, 15:22-24 conventions, 15:24 Load Line Convention, 15:34-35 MARPOL convention, 15:30-34 organization, 15:22 SOLAS convention, 15:25-30 tonnage convention, 15:35-37 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series standards, 15:37-41 International Safety Management Code (lSM) boundary recognition, 13:45 code, 13:41, 14:5, 15:44,45,49,50,52, 54,56,58,60,62 communications, 13:46 dedication of resources, 13:46 definitions, 13:45 documented procedures, 13:46 identification of actions, 13:46 identification of priorities, 13:46 measurement of performance, 13:46 responsibilities, 13:45 rewards for success, 13:47 International Ship Management Standards, 15:45 International Ship Managers Association (ISMA), 15:45-46 Inventory, 14:16-20 adjustments, 14:19 consumable, 14:18, 19 Involute profile, gearing, 9:13 Isentropic expansion, 6:6 ISM See International Safety Management Code ISMA See International Ship Managers Association ISO See International Organization for Standardization Jacketed pipe, 11:114, 115 John Sergeant, 7:1 Journal bearings, 4:3-16, 22 babbitt fatigue, 4:74 Kelvin temperature scale, 1:4 Kinematic viscosity, 1:35 Kinetic energy, 1:9 Kinetic pumps, 12:3 Labyrinth packing, steam turbine, 6:31, 34 Ladder logic diagram, 5:79 Layered architecture, 14:3 Lewis Equation, 9:19 Lewis Form Factor, 9:19 Lift-check valves, 11:53 Lighting boiler off-cold plant, 5:90 Linear-shaft valve, 11:33 Line shaft alignment, measurements, 9:57-59 Liquid horsepower, 1:30-32 Liquid-ring compressor, 12:153 Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 15:1 Load, static and dynamic, 2:53 Lobe pumps, 12:72 Log mean temperature difference, 1:43-44 Logic diagram, drydocking, 13:31 Lomakin effect, 4:37 Low-oxygen atmosphere, 13:68 Low water in boiler, 5:100 Lube oil analysis, 14:33, 34 contaminated, steam turbines, 6:50 cooler, 3:9, 10:16, 17,23,24 leakage, steam turbines, 6:50 monitoring, 13:9 strainer problems, steam turbines, 6:51-52 Lubricants, bearing grease, 4:41 mineral oil, 4:43-46 properties, 4:39-41 synthetic oil, 4:46-47 Lubricating-oil pumps, 12:117 Lubricating oil system gas turbine, 7:78 gearing, 9:34, 35 operation, 9:34-36 Lubrication systems, bearings contamination control, 4:54-59 failures, 4:69-80 filtration device, 4:56, 58 forced feed, 4:50, 51 gravity feed, 4:49 oil distribution, 4:51-54 potential problems, 4:79 recirculating pressure feed, 4:48 separators, 4:57 static oil feed, 4:48-51 strainers, 4:55 Magnetic bearings, 4:2, 32 advantages, 4:33 applications, 4:33 Magnetite, 5:81 Main condenser, 10:11-16 axial flow, 10:12 characteristics, 10:14 downward flow, 10:13, 15 Main steam system, 3:22 Maintenance gas turbine, 7:88 heat exchangers, 10:25 procedures management, 13:5 reverse osmosis plant, 10:41 Maintenance management, computerized maintenance due information, 14:29-30 planned maintenance, 14:23-30 predictive maintenance, 14:31-35 reporting, 14:35-36 schedule, 14:46 system planning, 14:2-8 work procedures, 14:25, 42 Maintenance management responsibilities Chief Engineer, 13:6 Chief Officer, 13:6 First Assistant Engineer Officer, 13:6 Master, 13:6 Port Engineer, 13:10 Manufacturing processes, metal casting, 2:42 cutting off, 2:42 extruding, 2:43 finishing, 2:43 forging, 2:44 heat treating, 2:45 joining, 2:44 machining, 2:45 rolling, 2:46 sintering, 2:46 Marine chemist, 13:65 Marine railways, 13:15 Marine Safety Information System (MSIS), 13:36 Maritime Administration (MARAD), 13:36 Maritime administrations, 15:15-21 MARPOL See International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Material properties, 2:46 boiling point, 2:46 brittleness, 2:60 creep, 2:61 ductility, 2:59 elasticity, 2:60-61 expansion, coefficient of thermal, 2:64 galvanic, 2:66 hardness, 2:62 malleability, 2:64 melting point, 2:46 Poisson's ratio, 2:56 resilience, 2:60 rupture, 2:60 INDEX INDEX Material properties (cont.) strength, 2:59 buckling, 2:62 compressive strength, 2:61 fatigue, 2:64 shear, 2:62 testing, 2:47-50 toughness, 2:60 weldability, 2:64 Materials inventory management, 13:10 freshwater pumps, 12:1O~ oil pumps, 12:101 pumps, 12:99, 100 Mechanical seal, pump, 12:26 Metal alloys, 2:22 aluminum, 2:22-25 babbitt, 2:25 brass, 2:26 bronze, 2:27-29 cast iron, 2:29-31 constantan,2:31 invar, 2:31 manganin, 2:32 monel, 2:32 solder, 2:32 steel, 2:33-36 stellite, 2:36 Metal elements aluminum, 2:8 antimony, 2:9 cadmium, 2:9 chromium, 2:10 cobalt, 2:10 copper, 2:10 gold, 2:11 iron, 2:12 lead, 2:13 magnesium, 2:14 manganese, 2:15 mercury, 2:15 molybdenum, 2:16 nickel, 2:16 physical properties, 2:4 platinum, 2:17 silicon, 2:17 silver, 2:18 sodium, 2:18 sulfur, 2:19 tin, 2:19 titanium, 2:20 tungsten, 2:20 vanadium, 2:21 zinc, 2:21 Metal hose, 11:7 Military Sealift Command, 13:4 Mineral oils, 4:43 Modal impact testing, 4:84 Modem, 14:7 Molecular mass, 1:25 Mollier chart, 1:19 Moment, 2:53 quill shaft bending, 9:46 Moody diagram, 11:147, 148 Multiple-pass heat exchanger, 10:10 National Fire Protection Association, 13:65 Newton's second law, 6:12 Noise, shipboard, 13:73 effective exposure limit, 13:74 health exposure, 13:74 sound pressure level, 13:75 Nonmetalic sleeve bearings, 4:30 Nozzle, steam turbine characteristics, 6:10 construction, 6:26, 29 discharge area, 6:7 exit velocity, 6:5, Nozzle-flapper amplifier, 5:58 Nozzle reaction'safety valve, 5:39 NPSH (net positive suction head), 4:84, 12:42-45, 93, 105-110, 124, 128 NPS units, 11:1-3 NPT See American National Standard taper pipe threads Occupational health air-purifying respirator, 13:71-72 emergency escape breathing device, 13-73 noise, 13:73-76 safe space entry, 13:65-69 self-contined breathing apparatus, 13:69-71 Oil distribution, 4:51-54 Oil flow, steam turbine, 6:49 Oil level indicator, 4:52 Oil pressure, steam turbine, 6:48-49 Oil pumps, 12:115, 116 Oil temperature, steam turbine, 6:49 Oil testing service, 8:25 Open architecture, 14:4 Open systems, themodynamics, 1:2 Operating procedures, steam power plant at-sea steaming, 3:36 departing from port, 3:36 "Finished with Engines," 3:38 preparing for arrival, 3:36 preparing for departure, 3:31 Orifices, 11:97,99-100 Orsat stack gas analyzer, 5:17-18 Osmosis, 10:38, 41 Overspeeded rotor, steam turbine, 6:44 Oxidation resistance, 4:45 Oxygen control, 5:83 Oxygen trim system, 5:57 Parallel-flow heat exchanger, 1:45 Parts inventory, 14:16-18 Parts requisitions, 14:21 PERT (program evaluation and review technique), 13:27 Petroff equation, 4:5 Petroleum aromatic, 8:2 cracking process, 8:2 crude sources, 8:2 light ends, 8:2 naphthenic, 8:2 olefinic, 8:2 paraffinic, 8:2 refining process, 8:2 visbreaking, 8:2 pH, 5:81 Phases, substance, 1:2 Phosphate-hydroxide, boiler water treatment, 5:85 Phosphates, 5:82 Pilot safety valve, 5:39 Pipe connections, 11:8 bolted-flanged, 11:9, 142 butt-welded, 11:8, 141 couplings, 11:17 expansion joint, 11:14 intersection weld joint, 11:9, 10 mechanical flareless fittings, 11:19 socket, 11:8, 9, 10, 141 threaded, 11:11, 12, 141 Pipe fittings, 11:24 bolting, 11:144 bushing, 11:30 coupling, 11:30 cross, 11:29 dimensions, 11:26-27 elbow, 11:24 nipple, 11:29 plug, 11:30 pressure limitations, 11:143 reducing coupling, 11:30 reducing elbow, 11:24 reducing tee, 11:28 resistance coefficients, 11:153 return bend, 11:28 service tee, 11:28 side-outlet elbow, 11:24 side-outlet tee, 11:28 side-outlet-reducing elbow, 11:24 side-outlet-reducing tee, 11:28 street elbow, 11:24 tee, 11:28 union, 11:30 Y-bend, 11:29 Pipe threads NPT dimensions, 11:15 NPT tap drill sizes, 11:16 Piping, 11:1 bending moment, 11:138 bends, 11:31-33 bolting, 11:144 chemical gaskets, 11:119 coatings, 11:115 color-coding, 11:115 design, 11:128-140 design classification, 11:128 diagrams, 11:157-158 drainage fixture units, 11:136 dynamic head, 11:145 expansion stress, 11:138 finite element analysis, 11:139 flanged joint, 11:120 flow rates, 11:135 fluid friction, 11:147 fluid velocity, 11:134 gasketed-flanged joints, 11:117-121 gaskets, 11:117-121 grounding, 11:117 head loss, 11:151 heat tracing, 11:114 identification marking, 11:115 installation, 11:116-122 insulation, 11:113 jacketed, 11:114 leaks, 11:127, 128 linear thermal expansion, 11:137 liners, 11:115 longitudinal stress, 11:136, 139 materials, 11:129, 130 Moody diagram, 11:148 O-ring, 11:119 pressure test, 11:116 resistance coefficient, 11:151, 153 roughness, 11:147, 149 screwed, 11:143 screwed joints, 11:121 section modulus, 11:137 sizes, 11:2-4, 129 strength, 11:131 stress, 11:132, 133 symbols, piping diagram, 11:158 system diagrams, 11:157 system head, 11:144-147 system vibration, 11:156 thermal expansion, 11:138 vibration, 11:156 wall thickness, 11:131 water hammer, 11:140, 141 Piston actuator, 5:65 Planned maintenance, 14:23-30 Plastic hone, 9:49 ' Plastics, 2:37, 38 INDEX Plate-type evaporator, 10:38 Plate-type heat exchangers, 10:4 Pneumatic control system components, 5:58 Poisson's ratio, 2:56-57 Portable fire extinguishers, 13:53, 55 Port engineer, 13:16 Port state, 15:19-21 Positive-displacement pump, 12:67 Post shutdown, gas turbine, 7:88 Potential energy, 1:9 Pour point, 4:40 Power turbines, gas, 7:51 Predictive maintenance, 14:24,.31-35 Pressure, 1:4-6 static, stagnation, dynamic, 1:29 Pressure compounding, steam turbine, 6:15 Pressure reducing valves, 11:58, 59, 62, 63 Preventive maintenance system, 13:7 Process, thermodynamic, 1:2 Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), 13:27 Programmable logic controller (PLC), 5:78 Propeller shaft calculations, 9:54 Proportional band, 5:51 Propulsion line shaft, 9:51 Propulsion turbine operation, steam turbines, 6:45 Pump governor, 11:69 Pump head, 1:30 Pumps See also centrifugal pumps, reciprocating pumps, rotary pumps, and turbine pumps applications, 12:101-137 ballast, 12:124 bilge, 12:122-124 cargo, 12:128-136 chilled-water system, 12:127 circulating, 12:111 condensate, 12:107-110 condensor exhaust, 12:111 cooling water, 12:111-114 diaphragm, 12:96-99 drain collection, 12:110 feed booster, 12:106 feedwater, 12:101-106 fire fighting, 12:121-122 flash distilling plant, 12: 125 freshwater cooling, 12:114 freshwater-drain-collecting-tank, 12:110 fuel-oil service, 12:115-116 fuel-oil transfer, 12:116 117 hydraulic-fluid, 12:120 inert gas system, 12:136 jacket-cooling-water, 12:112-113 lubricating-oil, 12:117-120 materials, 12:99-101 plate-type distilling plant, 12:126 potable water, 12:126 rotary piston, 12:80-82 sanitary system, 12:127 seawater cooling, 12:113-114 sewage system, 12:127 submersible, 12:132-135 tank cleaning system, 12:136 total head developed, 12:1 typical system, 12:2 vacuum, 12:66-67 wet pit, 12:65 Pure substances, properties, 1:11 Quality standards, ship management, 15:37-43 Quality system registration, 15:41 Quick disconnect coupling, 11:22, 23 Radial ball bearings, 4:27 Radiation, 1:35, 41 Rankine cycle, 3:1-7 temperature scale, 1:4 Rateau, 6:1 Reaction stage, steam turbine, 6:17 Reaction steam turbine, 6:3 Reciprocating pumps acceleration head, 12:94 alignment, 12:89 cargo, 12:136 direct-acting, 12:84-88 drive end, 12:84-88 duplex, 12:84-86 flow, 12:91 installation, 12:89-90 liquid end, 12:82-83 net positive suction head (NPSH), 12:93-94 operation, 12:95 performance, 12:90-92 piping, 12:89 power, 12:88, 89 priming capability, 12:94-95 simplex, 12:87 troubleshooting, 12:96 Red and blue check for gear contact, 9:41 Refractory, 5:26 Register, air, 5:21 Reheat boilers, 5:5-8 Reheat cycle, steam power plants, 3:12 Reheaters, 5:27 Reliefvalve, 11:78 Repairs, shipyard activities schedule, 13:17 completion, 13:32 computerized scheduling, 13:27-29 crew size, 13:24 INDEX documentation, 13:18-21 drydock project, typical, 13:28, 30, 31 economics, 13:32-34 facilities, 13:13 labor cost estimating, 13:34 owner supplied materials, 13:18 planning, 13:11 preaward survey, 13:23 preparation, 13:15-17 project planning and scheduling, 13:27 shipowner management, 13:25-26 specification development, 13:21-23 Requisitioning, 14:20-23 Requisitions consumable, 14:23 general, 14:22 parts, 14:21 Residual fuel manufacture process, 8:4 Residue, marine fuel, 8:8 Respirators, air-purifying, 13:71 Reverse osmosis, 10:38-41 Reynolds number, 4:3,11:147,150 Rotary pumps alignment, 12:74 relief valve, 12:75 Rolling element bearings, 4:23, 24 Rolls-Royce, 7:16 Root stress monitoring, 9:37 Rotary cargo pumps, 12:135 Rotary compressor, 12:147 Rotary pumps alignment, 12:74 flexible-vane, 12:74 foot valve, 12:75 gear, 12:71 installation, 12:74-76 lobe, 12:72, 73 multiple pump performance, 12:78 net positive inlet pressure, 12:78 operation, 12:79 performance, 12:76-78 piping, 12:75 power, 12:77, 78 priming, 12:79 relief valve, 12:76 screw, 12:67-70 sliding-vane, 12:73, 74 troubleshooting, 12:80 Rotary regenerative air heaters, 5:36 Rotor balancing, 4:65-68 Rotor construction, steam turbines, 6:25 Rotordynamic analysis, 4:81 Rotor, steam turbine, 6:27 Running-hour maintenance, 14:27 Safe space entry, 13:65 flammable gases, 13:67 low-oxygen, 13:68 testing spaces, 13:65-66 toxic gases, 13:66-67 Safety factor, materials, 2:65 Safety management classification societies, 13:34-35 crew responsibility, 13:41 goals, 13:42 government agencies, 13:35-38 human factors, 13:47 operator responsibility, 13:39-41 owner responsibility, 13:39-41 systems, 13:42-47 proactive, 13:45 reactive, 13:44 trade organizations, 13:38-39 Safety, ship, 13:42 bulkhead penetrations, 13:48 fire control, 13:51 flooding boundries, 13:48 hatch covers, 13:48 piping components, 13:48 watertight doors, 13:49-51 watertight integrity, 13:47 Saltwater cooling, 10:26 Saturated vapor, 1:12 Scoop injection, 10:14 Scotch marine boiler, 5:2 Sealift ships, 7:5 Sectional header boilers, 5:3 Securing a boiler, 5:91 Securing, steam propulsion turbines, 6:47 Sentinel valve, 11:78 steam turbine, 6:31 Shaft hip, 4:12, 83 shear stress 9:53 Shipping company organization, 13:3 Shore-based maintenance, gas turbine, 7:93 Shore-based management, 13:3 Single input gear, 9:21 Single pass heat exchanger, 10:10 SI unit system, 1:2, 2:50 Sleeve bearings, 4:2 Smoke detectors, 13:63 Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), 4:85 Sodium sulfite, 5:83 Soft patch, piping repair, 11:128 Solar Centaur Taurus marine gas turbine, 7:37-38 SOLAS See International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea Sommerfeld number, 4:6,7,8 Sonic velocity, steam nozzle, 6:8 Sootblowers, 5:43-44 Space coordinate system, 2:51-52 INDEX INDEX Spare part coding, 14:40 inventory management, 13:10 master records, 14:16-18 status, 14:18 validation, 14:45, 46 Specificheat, 1:25-27 Specificspeed, pump, 12:4, 5, 46, 47 Specificvolume, 1:6 Spherical roller bearings, 4:29 Spur gear, 9:14 Square root extractor, 5:60 SSS clutch, 9:58, 60 Stack gas analysis, 5:16 Stack loss, 5:19 Stage efficiency,steam turbine, 6:15 Stagnation pressure, 1:29 Standard repair specification,13:19 advantages, 13:20 contents, 13:20 Starters, gas turbine, 7:57-58, 83, 86 Static pressure, 1:29 STCW(Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers), 13:41 Steam power plant auxiliary, 3:22, 25 condensate, 3:26, 27 efficiency,3:16-20 emergency operations, 3:38-42 exhaust and extraction, 3:26, 29 feedwater, 3:26, 27 main system, 3:21, 24 operating procedures, 3:31, 36-38 symbols, steam systems, 3:23 Steam tables, 1:12-16 Steam traps bellows-type,11:108, 109 bimetallic, 11:108, 109 disk-type, 11:109, 110 float-and-lever, 11:105, 106 inverted-bucket, 11:106, 107 lever-valve-typeimpulse, 11:112, 113 mechanical,I1:105 open-top-bucket,11:107, 108 piston-valve-typeimpulse, 11:110-112 thermodynamic, 11:109 thermostatic, 11:108,109 Steam turbine bypass valves, 6:3 classifications,6:2-4 condensing, 6:2 controls, 6:37-39 convergent-divergentsteam nozzle,6:8-9 convergent steam nozzle, 6:5, cross compound,6:4 electrohydraulic throttle control, 6:37, 39,40 history, 6:1-2 impulse stage, 6:3,11-15 inlet valves, 6:3 journal bearing, 4:13 low bearing pressure, 6:48 low-pressure, 6:32 main throttle valve system, 6:37 noncondensing,6:2-3 nonreheat, 6:3-4 nozzles, 6:4 11 oil flowloss, 6:49 operating problems, 6:48-57 performance, 6:18-20 preparation for getting underway, 6:45-47 pressure compounding,6:15-16 principles, 6:4 18 propulsion, 6:19-20, 9:2-3, reaction, 6:3, 17-18 reheat arrangement, 6:3 securing, 6:47 stage efficiency,6:15 steam seal loss, 6:52 tandem compound,6:4 tests and inspections, 6:39-44 throttling, 6:19-20, 21 vacuum loss, 6:52 Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 1:41 Stena, 7:6 Stiffness coefficient,4:8 STLE (Societyof Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), 4:85 Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio, 5:15 Straight roller bearings, 4:28 Strainers basket-type, 11:100, 101 cone-type, 11:101 duplex basket, 11:101, 102, 104 simplex, 11:101, 104 Y-type, 11:101, 103 Strain, 2:55 Stress, 2:54 propeller shaft, 9:52 Submersible cargo pumps, 12:132-135 Superheaters, 5:27 inspection, 5:98 temperature control, 5:31, 73 Surface blow,5:48 Surface stress, gearing, 9:20 Surveys damage, 15:15 drydocking, 15:14 electrical, 15:13 hull, 15:12-13 intermediate, 15:12 machinery, 15:12-13 periodic, 15:12 tailshaft, 15:14 Symbols,steam systems, 3:23 Synthetic oil lubricants, 4:46 Tapered pipe threads (NPT), 11:15 drill sizes, 11:16 Tapered roller bearings, 4:29 Temperature regulating valve, 11:72 scales, 1:4 Tests steam turbines, 6:39 tensile, 2:58 test machines, 2:47-50 Thermal conductivity, 1:37-39 Thermodynamics, 1:1 cycle, 1:3 first law, 1:7 second law, 1:17 Thermostatic steam traps, 11:108 Thin·film heat transfer, 10:31 Throttle control, steam turbines, 6:21 Throttle valve-control,steam turbine, 6:37 Throttling process, 1:22 Thrust bearings, 4:19-21 failure, 4:72 Thrust collar babbit degradation, 4:71 Tilting pad bearings, 4:17,18 Tonnage convention, 15:35 Tooth bending stress, gearing, 9:18 Tooth contacting procedures, 9146 Tooth pitch, gearing, 9110 Torque, 2:54 measurement, 9136 propeller shaft, 9163 Total dissolved solids (TDB),5184 Total head, 12:1-3 Toxicgases, 13:66 Trade and standards organization., 18138 Transfer data, 14:46-60 Transmission system booster motor, 9161 clutches, 9:58 components, 9:1 diesel engine, 9:3 gas turbine, 9:2, line shaft, 9:51 mechanical, 9:1 medium-speed diesel, 9:7 monitoring, 9:36 propeller shaft, 9:52 Sea-Land conversion,9:62 steam turbine, 9:2, tunnel gear, 9:61 Transmitters, 5:60 Traps, steam See Steam traps Tribology,4:38 Trisodium phosphate, 5:82 Tubing, 11:4 Tubing connections, 11:16-21 bite-type flareless, 11:19 compression,11:19 ' flared, 11:18 heat-recoverable, 11:20 inverted flare, 11:18 permanent swaged, 11:20 self-flaring, 11:19 socket, 11:17 thickness values, 11:19 Tubular air heaters, 5:36 Turbine buckets, 6:20 Turbine, gas See Gas turbine Turbine pumps bowl assembly, 12:60 cargo pumps, 12:131 discharge head, 12:62 installation, 12:63-65 performance, 12:65 regenerative, 12:58, 59 right-angle gear, 12:62-63 shaft assembly, 12:60 thrust bearing, 12:62 vertical, 12:60-62 Turbine-generator sets, steam, 6:57 Turning gear, 9:32, 33 Twist, 2:54 Two-heater nonreheat cycle,3:9 Ultraviolet flame detector, 5:74 United Sates Coast Guard (USCG),13:35, 15:17-19 Code of Federal Regulations, 15:18 Marine Safety Manual, 15:18 Unit converl3ionfactors, 1:6,Appendix Unit systems metric, 1:2, 2:50 SI, 2:50 U.S customary, (USCS), 1:2,2:50 Universal gas constant, 1:25 USCS units, 1:2,2:50 USCG See United States Coast Guard User interface, 14:10 Vacuum, 1:5 Vacuum pump, liquid-ring, 12:66 Valves, 11:33 angle, 11:40,43, 123-125 back-pressure-regulating, 11:77 ball, 11:48-49 ball-check, 11:53, 56 butterfly, 11:45,46 check, 11:53 control, 11:57, 79-85,98 control pilot, 11:85-93, 94, 95 control-valve-flowcharacteristic, 11 diaphragm, 11:44 diaphragm-operated reducing, 11:61 ... absolute viscosity 11 to density p often arises This ratio is called the kinematic viscosity v Since density is mass divided by volume (length3), the usual unit of kinematic viscosity in the English... are insignificant Much of the credit for this progress goes to advancements in areas closely aligned with and including marine engineering Ships-those remarkable, self-contained, floating cities-still... engineering and the relevant academic fields, it is authoritative and contains a significant amount of high-caliber input DavidA O'Neil President, 1997-1998 The Society ofN aval Architects and Marine