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FoIk>w tho OMlwn1uIn of the Wuk girt who I'M1 IduItr , '01l.1'\ h~ 1:-, .Hood 'W ho Is It?' he rolled 'It's me, Grund mul It's U tt le Red Riding liood: ' I'm upstolrs In bed, door: wiled the woU ' 10m III today (l nd I ', gl:t up.' So UlIle Red Riding tlood went up the stoln 'Grandma's vola Is \~ry strange todoy!' she though t 'I,'s beco u~ s he Is ill.' ~he WO$ afTold 'Oh, Grandmo,' sold little Red Riding Hood, 'you've got very big eyes todoy!' 'Yes, my deor,' sold the wolf, 'And that's because I wont to eot you!' 'Tho!'s becouse I wont to see you, my cIeor: sold the wolf 'Oh, Grondmo,' sold little Red Ridi ng Hood, 'you've got very big eurs todoy! ' 'Tha t's because I wont to heur you, my deur: scald the wolf, 'Oh, Gmndma, you,,'t' got (I very big nose today!' 'Thot's bec(luse [ w(lnt to smell those beautiful flowers, my cIeor: And the wolf lumped ou l of the bed and all' little Red Riding Hood Now th e wolf was big and (ot ond he wanted 10 go to sleep He took off Gro ndmo's nightdress and put it on the floor 'Oh, Grandma!' said little Red Riding Hood, 'you've go! very big mouth todoy, ond a lot of very big teeth !' Then he got bock Into bed ond went to sleep Soon he begon to 5no~ loudly, 'Zhhhh: he snored, 'Zhhhhh!' He went upstairs to Grandma's bedroom, He looked ot the bed and SOw the wolf 'I t's you!' he soid He knew about the wolf All the men in the village wonted 10 flnd It and kill it ' ' • , "1 , ' ' ",' Soon ofter, lInle Red Riding Hood's fother come 10 the hou~ He 50W the open door 'Thot's strange.' he thought 'Why Is the door open? And whot's thot noise?' " 'Zhhhhhh: snon-d the wolf 'Zhhhhhhh!' 'What ore you doing in Grandma's bed? Well you con't run owoy now.' 'Grandmo 's YoiO' is very stronge todoy: thought And he took his knife and killed the wolf Uttle Red Riding Hood's father, Then he though t, ' Pt'rho ps Gra ndma Is o live!' " So little Red Riding llood's father took hIs knife ond cut open the wolf, And li llIe Red Riding Hood lumped oul 'Oh, Father! Quick! Help Grandmo She's in there, In the dark!' Then Little Red Riding Hood ond her fo ther went home to their !lull.' white tt le Red RidIng Hood ron to her mother and laid her everything Then Grandma lumped ou t 'Oh! Oh! Where's that bod wolf?' she said 'Everything's all right now,' said Uttle Red Riding Hood's father 'The wolf Is deod.' So Grcmdma hod a ( UP of teo and S(IIru? nice brood ond butter 'Sut it's all right nowl ' she SOld 'Yes,' said her mother 'Sut linle Red Riding Hood, not talk to wolves ogoln And not loove the rood when you go through the forest Do }'OU understand?' 'Yes, Mother.' After thot, little Red Riding lioOO always stayed on the rood And she never sow a wolf o9Oin " Exercises Moke sentences about tile story Then wri t e them in the correct order Who is spt'okingl Write the nome fO!" 1-4 For number S, whot does Grandma soyl Write one sentence Unle Red Riding Hood ron 10 her mal!we, and_ The wolf jumped oul of Ihe bed (lnd _ , 'UIIle Red Riding Hood, yol.l, grandma Is Ill.' Mother ale lInle Red tiding Hood ~- ron lnlOl he fOfHt Utt le Red Riding Hood', rg the took Ills knife aod _ told ller~r!fl"ing li ttle t ed Riding Hood _ / too k IIIe basket and killed tile wolf '~rhu~ I «In eot this little girl andhe'9.ondmg: 'Grandma, !/OU·~ got very big ey~ lode!,!I' 'Wkgl o,e!lOu doing In Grandma', bed?' , Grandmq Motch, then complete the sentences with the pos t tense stay run lotd SH' tell go raJ"! SIOyE1l \.(Ilj '-; SOid Write the words, went sow Little Red ~jdin.g Hood ond herfot lwe r -;;"~~"~':::::.:-::.~': th I.HUle wnite house Little Red Riding Hood to he mother Clnd _ hereveryth lng Grondma';""~'~'~~~~'~jq~,~".,,~= SIIe'! gal SIIe'! gal a 'Slit it's oil right nowl' she After 1M little Red Riding Hood olWCIys _:-:-_ on lhe rood And she ~r _ _ _ _ _ wolf agoin -;:======= SIIe', gal SIIe', gal a afraki Sht is a/raid 4l • "P cut open kill to make someone/ something die Sn gre to make IOLid noi~ when I,IOLI ore sleeping knife stai rs tOLldty ma king a lot of noise middle The box iJ;n the middle olive not dead •• ••• •• basket dark not light; at night the skl,l is dork teeth viUgg e very small town in the (oLintry voice the SOLind from YOLi mOLith when I,IOLI speok or sing forest plote with monl,l lrees grandmo t he mot her of l,Iour mot her or fot her h~d ~\dIJP noise 01000 SOLlnd; something you heor d (-;6 ,,, nightdress dead not olive; when someone / something has di«! butter strange unLlsLlgl ond d iffer('nt wolf flIn gway to lealle quic kll,l; to es.rll , ' ''' Ugl, I -_ _ ,._ " ""' ""' ' '" -., " '" ,"' """'"-"', "'"' - - ~ , " "" c