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TANDEM PLUS AT A GLANCb I TITLE MAIN ruNCTION MAIN LEXICAL AREA EXAMPLE EXPONENTS Classmates Asking for and giving Countries Numbers 11 - 20 What's her name? personal information , , Where's she from? Ralfle tickets Asking and saying numbers Numbers 20 - 100 What number is ticket I? (It's number) twenty - seven A secret code Asking and saying letters The alphabet What's code letter 'G'? (It's) 'a ' Numbers i ·20 Have you got any treasure in F 3? Yes, (I have) of the alphabet Find the treasure Pen-pals Saying letters and numbers The alphabet Asking for and giving Hobbies and interests George Watson's family tree Crossword opposites See.side fun ]() Arrangirlg a stlidy bedroom 11 The corner shop 12 Last day 01 the 13 Asking and talking about personal belongings Talking about family relationships What's two across? (It's) the opposite of 'young.' Asking about and describir.g present actions The seaside In my picture a woman is Asking and describing Furniture where things are I - Ther"e '5 a desk near the -I I window I'd like some jam, please Food and drink Yes, certainly Would you like peac'h Or strawberry? sales prtces Prices How much does Q T-shirt cost? (It costs) £10 75 Airport Asking about and saying Times Cities What time does flight IB65 I Q17iue? (It arrives ar) } lO Physical appearance What does she look like? Clothes She's got fair ir 15 Famous cities Asking about and describing places Cities location, population, industries, weather Where's Sydney? What's Sydney like? 16 Star profile Asking and talking about likes and dislikes Food and drink Hobbies and interests What's her favourite food? What does she like doing? l7 Time for a meeting Asking and talking about daily routines and jobs Jobs Routine activities Times What time does he get up? Whar does he usually in the evening? 18 Magic recipes Asking lor and giving cooking instructions Food Cookery First, put two eggs in a bowl 19 Snap dragon Asking and explaining how to make something Paper models, Numbers I - Colours First fold the paper in half 20 Party plans Making requests and offers Food and drink Things tor a party I'll make sandwiches Can you bring a cake? 21 V/orld records qUlZ Making intelligent guesses (in answer to general knowledge questions) Natural produce and manufactured goods Countries Which country produces the most coffee? f think It's Columbia 22 Jeffers of Asking and saying where places are Shops Public buildings Excuse me, where is the University bookshop? It's in Trinity street Tambridge • Clothes Asking about and describing people r • silting in a deckchair Asking about and saying Store detectives 14 r Commonly-used adjectives Numbers - 18 times , ,• Edward is George's son Family relationships , - Whose is the guitar? (It's) Paul Simon 's Personal belongings Asking lor and giving definitions of words Asking for things Offering a choice • What's his address? What are his interests? personal information Charity auction • 11 • • -, " '.', ; ", - • , TITLE 23 Bath Carnival MAlN FUNCTION MAIN LEXICAL AREA EXAMPLE EXPONEi'!TS - Describing a route Directions Public buildings Firs/, the procession goes along Dorchester Street Animal life WeIghts and measures A baby whale isn'l four processIOn 24 Animai facts Interrupting politely and correcting information metres long ft's about seven metres 2S Media poll Agreeing and disagreeing Films and T V programmes Adjectives for opinions 26 Roberta and Rodney ?_I A day out 28 T.V choice 29 Island hotels 30 The best way to go 31 Holiday prize Asking and talking about / think quiz programmes are boring ! agree./So I Household jobs Can Roberta make lea? Yes, she can declining invitations Days of the week Diary engagements Times, Dates Would you like 10 come oul On Sunday? Yes, I'd love to Making and responding to suggestions T.V programmes Times Shall we watch the News at six 'clock? Asking about and qualifying factual information Hotel facilities It says there's good food Is Asking about and giving Holidays anu travel How long is the holiday? How much does it cost? Outdoor sports What aTe you going to Leisure activities there? abilities Ivlaking, accepting and that so? Yes, but it's expensive travel information Asking and talking about future plans • I'm going to visit a castle 32 Weekend weather Asking and talking about the weather The weather What's the forecast for Sunday? ft's going to rain 33 By the year 2100 Talking about cegrees of certainty The future Do you think people willliue in space cities? 34 Geography quiz Asking about and making Geographical features and comparisons regions, Comparative Which continent is larger? Asia is larger than Africa adjectives, Numbers 35 Late for school 36 UFOs 37 Holiday Asking and giving reasons and explanations arriving late Why was Mark late? Because he missed the bus Asking about and describing objects (in the past) Shapes, Colours, Sizes Substances How many UFOs did you see' What shape were they' Talking about the past Hoiidays Prices Mick and Mary wen I on holiday together Asking and talking about extended actions in the past Routine and leisure activities What was Peter Lewis doing yesterday evening? Asking for and giving biographical information Biography, Dates, Voyages of discovery Where was he born? When did he die' Describing pictures Street robbery In picture A there is a couple going into a shop Last Saturday Dave went out problem 38 A murder puzzle 39 Famous explorers 40 Last Saturday morning Narrating Explanations for • , III - _-_ : - _ - - ... puzzle 39 Famous explorers 40 Last Saturday morning Narrating Explanations for • , III - _-_ : - _ - - ... things are I - Ther"e '5 a desk near the -I I window I'd like some jam, please Food and drink Yes, certainly Would you like peac'h Or strawberry? sales prtces Prices How much does Q T-shirt cost?... Asking about and saying Store detectives 14 r Commonly-used adjectives Numbers - 18 times , ,• Edward is George's son Family relationships , - Whose is the guitar? (It's) Paul Simon 's Personal