This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems. The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.
Trang 1conversation 1
S We've met before hачеп't we?
В Yes, I I'm rea[ly sorry, I don't
remember уочr паmе
S Sophie.,
В Sophie, Thats right, yeah
S And уоч'rе Вriап, aren't уоч?
В Yep, уер, уер, yeah
S Yeah yeah We did the er, we did that
other сочrsе Last уеаr
В Thafs right, уеаh (Yeah) It was about
this time ofyear too, (yeah) actua[[y,
wasn't it, yeah
S Апd i seem to rеmеmЬеr you'd just had а
kid, hadn't уоч?
В Yes thats right yeah, yeah, little gir[
S Littte gir[, How is she?
В She's very we[L (Нmm) Yes, yes, grоwiпg
reatly quickty
conversation 2
М I mеап, I thjnk the ancient history of the
Greeks is fascinating (Нmm) so to, to
study it (Hi) оп а соursе like this
D Hi! Tyler
Т DeborahI Неl'[о!
D He[Lol
Т How are you?
D I'm very we[[, thank you How аrе you?
Т Fiпе, thanks Djd you, did you drive hеrе
to night?
D I did, yes
Т Do уоч, do уоu know Mike?
М HeL[o
D Yes, we аlrеаdу know each other
М Yes, we did а course together Last year
т Ohl
D Thats гight
М So, hеrе we are for the Greeks thеп!
D Nice to see youl
Look, I said по mobi[e phones in class!
But Miss, it's mу grаппу - shеЪ just fallen
Ьеер Ьеер
It's the hospital - they wапt mе to go and qive
blood - it's urgent,
for 15 minutes It's not that compLicatedl 0К,
Ьчt don't bother mе аgа,iп
Now thеп
Ьеер Ьеер
Miss! Don't forget the salt
1.2 yes we оftеп ta[k аЬоцt fashjon How
М and I needed to have а look at his А to
Z, because I needed to fiпd my waysomewhere, and er, it tumed out that hewas actually а doctor fтоm Colombia
R 0h, rightl
М and he had just decided to change hislife for а while апd соmе over and trysomething completely different апd еr hewas just talНng about how different it was,
уоч know his life iп Colombia апd being а
а motorbike соuгiеr here, he was
fascinating, actuatly, and it was so
was going оп and оп and he was just поt
saying anything, and just smiling, youknow Апуwау it опý turns out he's justgot engaged to herl
Listen, Crystal, how mапу times do I have to
te[L you? You peel the potatoes and boiI them
unit one
Trang 2Juliet
J I was,in а pub the оthеr night,
R Нmm
J and I had this real[y extraordinary
conversation with thjs mап Не, he was
quite а young guy he had а а shaved
J Yeah, exactty, and and, he'd already Ьееп
in prison for tеп years before, but whi[e he
was in prison, he'd he'd had this idea of,
that the thing to do was Ье, wou[d Ье to
rob banks
R Right
J because before he'd Ьееп [ike а hоusе
burgla1 поw he was going to stагt rоЬЬiпg
banks, апd it was just, I couldn't believe
that he wou[d соmе out and tell this to а
complete stranger iп а pub l,!ad!
R I know What was he thinking?
Excuse mе, is апуопе sitting hеrе?
Sorry, have you got the time, please?
I think we've met before, haven't we?
Ifs really hot, isn't it?
Are you going а[[ the way to Sап Fвncisco?
I'm going to spend а week in the deserl
А 0h, rea[Ly? How interesting!
В Ooh, how excitingl
С That sounds great
С Good раrý, isn't it?
Е Great, yeah, I'm hайпg а rea[[y good time
Are you?
С Yеаh, yeah, Гm enjoying it, yeah
Е So еrm
С So what do you, what do you do?
Е 0h, we[[, еrm, I'm I'm sti[[ at schoo[,
actually and I'm er, I'm studying physics,
chemistry and bioLogy
С 0h, right 0К, so what аrе you hoping to
do, then, when you Leave schoo[?
Е Wett, I'd like to go to universiф еrm, to
еr study medicine
С 0h right
Е and еr, I'm thinking of doing part of the
course mауЬе in the in the States
С 0h, right, that sounds interesting (Yeah) Is
that because there's better teaching thеrе,
better courses or universities there?
Е We[[, по, I just [ike the idea of, of going
overseas and training а bit abroad
С Нm, getting а bit of ехреriепсе over thеrе
(Yeah) Yeah, that's very valuab[e I did а
year out too
4 unit опе
Е Did you?
С Yeah, yeah, studied iп AustraLia, actuaLý
Е Did you?
С Yeah that was good
Е I think, you kпоц Ijust, just Ljke the jdea
of, of Ьiпg with people fTom а diffеrепt
соuпtrу, (Rigtтt) апd you know, spendingsome time iп апоthеr ciý.
С Yeah, по I think
А I'm going to stay with mу чпсLе
В I'm рlаппiпg to rent а car
С I'm hoping to get а раrt-timе job.
D i'm thinking of going abroad this wiпtеr
L Are уоч meeting somebody, perhaps?
А No, I'm just going оп holiday Ьу myself.
L ohl
А Апd you, you're mееtiпg somebody,mауЬе?
L We[[, I hope so!
А I th,ink probab[y we atl hope thatl
L We[t, it's еr, it's quite еmЬаrгаssiпg
actually, I'm еr, I'm оп а blind date I'rп
going to meet а boyl
А 0h, how fascinafingl
L We[[ I'm er, I'm hoping he's going to Ье
there (We[[l) I have this, this ter,.ibLe
picture that mауЬе when I _oet :,е.е, *е
he won't Ье there
А 0h, I'm sure he йLl I:'s :s t7
adventurous you k:c* -,e:-g aJ thisway оп а b[ind da:e_
L Wet[, I ф,iпk ,*s :,: -;"t ;:*е:т;пЕ iпсоmmоп 1-1-? #е = :[:: ;,-Bbats
А Really?
L - yes - .-€: т _.:- з:]
А 0h _._ l- *е- зсп-r:" ] а dentist
L 0:] I- *ear J {;r:.з: :г :lЁists.
А ,Зс:- :e,es -r]Ji i J= - :е scared about
I was iп а pub the other nioht
с Now try lo read the tapescript, paying attention tо the stressed words First read al your own speed
Тhеп trу to Iead while уоu ptay thecaБSelte
Look at lhese words frоm tapescript
lД Notice how we рrопоuпсе йе
letlers in bold.
!в/", '1u1, ':','_,, / ,l |.,, le{ ,
ffап shaved 5tал cigarette
РuttЬ,ЙЙds,iп the Ьох iпmfоЙ
grоuрs, ассоrdiпg to lhe рrопчлсiаliоп of the letters in bold.
asleep exactly ЬuфаrStrangeIStand
andJninteTes1.7 соп
а Iюоk а
similaI repetit сопYеrCliveЕmпв
Ь TheiT с
topics:stud_riTgoing а
CiTde t
in а dil соlоrrп сопYег Тhе пt
Tepetitl1.8 strЕ
Stresselr'*gш I'mda I,шЬЕ
I'm йil
toйe! 7.9
а Tokeq LoIa аr questic
Апdгы They aJ
shoril t
thе oth ехашр]
Ь Lookа
Апdrеr ехашрJ
Ttre qut the pos
1.5 intonation
а ] isten lo the casse|.le Notice the inloneition of ,фс,'quеýtiоrrý.:, , .,.,,'''Excuse mе, is апуопе sitting here?
fuJц]hiYe ynu.gnt,the]time пl |5f?., 1 1 ,
I think we've met Ьеfоrе, hачеп't we?
It's rеа[[у hot, isn't it?
Аrе you going a[L the Йау to San Frапсisсо?
tlý{ | ,, , ,, |лlt
Trang 3tDo-1пl гпееiiпg somebody, perhaps?
Гr just go,ing оп holiday Ьу myse[f
!axJ, llвJ're rпееtiпg somebody,
ftеъ гюt а [ot to Ье scared about
а Look at фе tapescripT Read ;d
I wqз i1 q !ф lha qtner nioht ., .:
Check wiй lhе answer key.
paying апепliоп to фе stressed words FiTst read at уоur owTl Speed
without Iistепiлg to lhe cassette
Тhеil tryto Tead while you рlqy:thеcaSSelLe
I.4 NoficB how wg prohounce the letters in bold.
h P,tactise salzing йе phTases
, Exaggeratе the words really, ooh,aýd ýлчаtj so that you юuпd really
Theii:conyeTsation has two main
SlUdyiлg goiлg аЬrоаd
ciTcle]tfu wогdý conneсted with studying in опе соIоuт, and the words connected with gоiлg abToad
in а different colouT Notice how thе
coloured cfucles help to hold the conversation together
The пехt гimе you listen to а
conversation in English, listen fоr rереГitiоп о[ words алd ideas
1-8 stфзsапd rhythm
Pr,r!'the wмdý,in the l}o' ialo fOuI grqups, accordiлg to йе
pronunciation of the letters iп bold.
mad lat her asleep
Sоrry, have уоu got the time, p[ease?
I think we've met before, haven't we?
Ifs rеа[[у hot, isn't it?
Аrе you going atl" the way to San Frапсisсо?
b'.lPractiýёl:saying.thе queýtioný, :.-.' : ]],
paiinc attention 1о йе inlonation.
1.6 intonation
interested, we often make some of our words longer, Ьу ехаggеrаtiпg
I'm hoping to get а paTt-time job.
Lo[a How are you?
Andrew I'm, I'm very we[L thank you.' They also
use positive adjeclives to
show they ате interested iп what the otheT реrsоп is saying, fоr ехаmрlе:
LoLa 0h that's Love[v
Ь ]-,Eook ai],Jhe.tapestript o_f Lola ffId: Andrew's сопчетsагiоп and find examples ot:
йе questions тhеу askthe positive adjecives they use
l*l.: leil , .
шап.' : straved
lral ,,,ieallу
Trang 4There's this mап, 0К, апd he's traveLLing
across the desert, апd he suddenLy finds he
hasn't got апу water Left So he's stагtjпg to
get worried, and he'5 very thirsý, but lucki|y,
а mап comes towards him оп а camel
So he says to the mап, 'i'm thirsý Have уоu
got апу Water?'and the other mап says, 'No,
I haven't, but I've got а wопdегfuI seLection
of ties Would уоu Like to buy опе?'So the
other mап says, 'No, of course not!' апd the
mап rides away оп his саmе[
After about another hour оr two, he's
desperately thirsty and he sees а beautiful
5-star hote[ So he sLowly goes up the steps,
crying 'Waterl Water!'and the hotel manager
says, 'I'm sorry, s,ir, уоч can't соmе in here
without а tiej
We[[, erm, last year, when I was in Indja,
еrm, myself and mу Ьоуfriепd wanted to go
from опе side of the riчеr to the other side of
the river (Mm) апd so we asked this mап to
take us iп his coracle - which is, I don't
know if you know what they are (NoI) but
they're а tiny boat, they're circu[ar, a[most
Like еrm, а dish really (0h) апd еrm, so we
stepped in very carefuL[y, there wеrе three of
us in this boat and еrm, off we went, and it
was just beautiful, it was so oeacefuL and
qu,iet апd a[L we cou[d hear was the water,
and it was а rea[Ly beautiful ехреriепсе
(Yeah) untiL suddený the water started
whirling rоuпd and rочпd and round, апd so
our little boat started going round and rочпd,
and we were rea[ly frightened because water
started coming in (0h поl) to the coracle and
it was going faster and faster, and the mап
seemed out of control апd we cou[d hear the
water and it was splashing us (Ah!) and we
seemed to Ье sinking (0h) апd eventua[[y he
pulled us to the side and er we mапаgеd to
get out, so it was, it was exciting and it was
different, but еrm, it was а bit too
fгig hteni ng
А coup[e of years ago, I took this trip to
Africa, (Нmm) and I f[ew d,irectly to Viсtогiа
FaLb (0h, extraordinary) oh, abso[utely
extraordinary, апd i decided to take, there's а
special trip you can take on а microlite (Yeah)
which is, ifs Like а hапg glider (Yeah, I know)
but it has а tiny little engine (Нmm) I can't
be[ieve how wonderful it was yоч sit behind
а pilot, and уоч go чр for about ha[f ап hour,
and you, уоu sоrt of zigzag across the faL[s
and there's masses of this steam, ifs just so
beautiful апd the pilot points out to you the
various animals down be[ow - thеrе сап Ье
hippo оr zebra, elephant - ohI it's just so
beautifuL ifs it's, tike а piece of mag,ic - you
know what I mеап? (Yeah) And уоu can't hеаr
anything up there, its completeý siLent, yoLl
чоч don't notice the [ittle sound of the
engine, because it's very tiny апуwау, and еr,,it's the пеаrеst thing to flying, you kпоw, it's
reaL[y, reaLLy fantastjc
and еrm, whaf уо-.a,a'' ,,_ -;,: _.:_
hаче Like а Little саЬiл i,J-!: ::-_n:-+:
to the bicycle апd you, агJ :,:_ :;- sЁ::
two people in this iп this Little
Е Is it comfortable?
J Some of them are - it depends
Sometimes the seat is quite weL[ еrm,
you know, is quite soft (Yeah) sometimes
it сап Ье quite hard апd it makes for а
very bumpy ride (Ah, right) еrm, and alsothe streets аrе full of holes, (Нmm) and it , and it can make for again for а veryЬumру ride
Е And it must Ье very hot too
J Yeah it gets very hot in еr, very hot and
very humid, er but you know sometimesthey сап get quite а good speed uр, and
then the breeze you know, cooLs уоudown а little bit, but it's а great way tosee the city
Е Would you go again?
J Definitely, ifs а wопdеrful р[асе, great
А I think the most important thing is good
В Hot, sunny weather's а priority for mе
С I think you have to have some adventureапd excitement
D You don't need great beaches
1 I'm having problems with the bathroom
taps - they keep dripping and I can't turnthem off
2 The TV isn't working properly - апd we
сап опLу get one сhаппеL
3 The phone's out of order - апd I пее: iэ
ring mу famiLy
4 The washing mach,ine's .=:.'-: - ,-:
there's water aL[ ove, :-:
'.::-5 The fan isп't wоrk-: - :-: :-: ,-:
JuJia's story Listen again How аrе
they рrопоuпсеd? Practise saying them.
Ь Yotr сап deýcribe ihings using r'r's
like , {= i!З siмilar to ), for
а stretch limousine is like а чеrу lопg саr
they dеsсriЬе the соrасlе алd lhe microlite7
]rYhеп Ju}iet tells ETic аЬоut her
most important words.
story (uпtil Eric says ls i/
comfortabte?) with the tapescript.
as you сап I-isten аgаiп, if yоu wапt.
Check youT woгds wilh the answeT
Тrr" ne*r lime you listen to spoken
sпessed words- it will hеф you
[о understand the general mеапiпg,
2.3 sочпdg
we рrопоuпсе the letters in bold.
speed best wonderful gfeat put the words iп the Ьох into fоur groups, according to thе
рrопuпсiаtiоп of the ]etters iп bold.
а In eadStreSse
the ап<
red grey them break definite
Trang 5gюцрs according lo ihe pronunciation of the letters in bold.
2.4 word stress
.Loo.kat::!hý,йбrdý, €riined-jп,.l
they рrопочпсеd? Practise saying йеm,
they describe йе coracle апd ttte
2.13 ],,ýrrеýi.iйJ'.1!$hЙ,i,,i,'] .,,,, .,,,,,.
:,l.:lhotriday:,ix :,.Cubr;,:sfu e]ý1teýseýihe]]]]l,'most impoпant words.
Iriýteцi]to'.the,:1ntroduсtion, tý],:heT ]' ],, .
.,1.1, , зtо,ri (цrr'til ]Erie.,rayý:,fý й,ii],.] :l.,,] ].-l]' l,юmfortable?| wiф the tapescript.
as уоц сап Listen again, if you want.
.2;ý,', ilUid;j].l,,].,.,],,,::,, ,.,]','.i,:::]i,],l]:]:"i:',: ]:] ,' ,]:
we рrопо[шсе the letleTs in bold.
] ,:
irпроrtапt accommodation аdчепturе еЯýtе*еПt
; :::i ,,,l
Trang 6conversation 1
СМ Соmе inl 0h, hello
G He[Lo
СМ What сап I do for you?
G Um, mу washing mасhiпе isn't working
СМ 0h, dear Еrm, since whеп?
G Since yesterday
СМ Right
G We tried it yesterday for the first time and
it isn't working After ten minutes, itjust
СМ Uhum, so the [ight does соmе оп?
G The tight соmе5 оп
СМ Fine
G yes, and then itjust stops, and also I
realize that the powder isn't being used
СМ Right, wel[, [isten, I'm not ап ехреrt оп
this I think what we'[[ have to do is ,
oh, сап I just ask you, how Long аrе you
here for? Аrе you hеrе for another week
or is it two weeks just апоthеr week?
G Yes, it's опе mоrе week
СМ I telt you what I'tL do, I'tl' get sоmеопе in,
first thing in the mоrпiпg
G Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but there's
something wrопg with the front door Lock
СМ 0h, yes, what is it?
G Wett, it seems to Ье Ьrоkеп ] had trouble
getting in Last night when I саmе home
with some food that I wanted to cook for
dinner, апd it took forever to get in
СМ And is the prob[em with the the door
itself оr ?
G No, it's the lock itself I don't know
exactly what it is (Yes) but it just doesn't
seem to work right and еrm
СМ Does the key fit into the Lock, еrm ,?
G Yes, it does, but I I just had so muсh
troub[e getting ,in Last night, (Yes) you
know Last week it was the kitchen tap,
and now it's the front doob (But) it's а
Little difficuLt, reatly
СМ But the kitchen tap is, that рrоЬ[еm is
G That's Ьееп fixed
см sorted out
G Yes But mауЬе, could уоu get 5оmеопе :о
have а [ook at it?
Clt 0h, yes indeed Еr are уоu in Later оп
G Yes, iater оп ,,TjLL Ье fiпе
Cl,,l \о э,сэiе- - I'LL sепd somebody rоuпd
G 0(,:-a-<s.
I[ you сап idenrify the stages in а
conversation, уоu wiIl Ье able to
converýatioa/ there are five
Ь Read lhe conversalion Тrу to
identi[y the difIerent stages Check
8 unit two
Trang 70h, it's such а perfect day, I'm glad I spent it
with you
Ве quiet, wiL[ youl I'm reading
0h, such а perfect day
You just keep mе hanging оп
WeL[, I'm next to you, and you stink
I'[[ get you later!
0h, hi Yeah, homework for the music class?
What? The tуriсs to Рефсt Dоу? Aaarghl I'd
compLete[y forgotten
Fоr tomorrow do you know the words?
Have you got the CD?
Just а perfect day, see animals in the zoo
тhеп later the mооп is new, апd then hоmе
0h! it's such а perfect day
I'm mad I spent it with you
OhI such а реrfесt day
You must keep mе hang,ing оп
Just а perfect day, problems are [eft at hоmе
Weekenders оп очr оwп/ ifs just fun
Just а perfect day you made me forget my
I thought ] was sоmеопе еЬе, someone good
You're going to reap just what you sow
You're going to reap just what you sow
You're going to rеар just what you sow
You're going to reap just what you sow
С So, how [опg have you been ап actor?
L 0h, Long time, long time now, about 20
С Twenty years! (Мm) Gosh! (Сап
yo-imagine) So you must have done а Lot of
L I hаче, I've done a[L kinds of work as we[L,
I've done, еr radio, quite а Lot of radio,
I've done а fair bit of teleйsion, I've done
а Lot of er, voice-over work (aha) - I've
L Yeah, I've done а few of those rесепtLу, I
did а fiLm called Nоfhпg Hill
С 0h, right yeah
L which was great, it had JuLia RоЬегts
and Hugh Grant in it, апd they wеrе
tremendous fuп to work with, and I really,
really enjoyed it
С 0h, right And were they nice? I mеап,wеrе they nice to you?
L They were very пiсе I'm happy to say,
because you hеаr hоrrоr stories don'tyoU, about big Hol[ywood stars, Ьut theywere, по, they were both fantastic
Т Chris, how long have you Ьееп ап actor?
С OohI About just over 12 уеаrs, I think
Т Right
С 12 уеаrs, I've dопе loads of work iп thattime
Т Yeah, and what sогt of things, fоr example?
С WeL[ erm I I I've done shоrt
fiLms, I've made shогt fi[ms, I've er,
written а lot of things, for comedy forteLevision, апd stuff tike that
Т Yes, theatre - have you done theatre?
С 0h, yes I've wгitten plays as we[L as, aswe[L as, er, регfоrmеd in them
fоr а we[L-known EngLish Ьееr
Т Yes, tel[ us!
С Er, we[L, the good thing about it rras jtwas recorded in Los Angeles trз-:аs:': ':
Now ]ook at the natural English Ьох on p.J8 о[ the student's book.
Ь CoveT the tapescript Which words
could gФ in the gaps?
6 I'че 1vritlen а _ oI
7 I've dопе ап lot ol соmmеrсiаis
8 , iл fact, atl ' of countries а1] ovel the world
Check with fhe tapeýgipt.
10 unit three
Trang 8Ju the great thing about acting rea[Ly for
mе is the variety, еrm
Jo What do you mеап Ьу that?
Jч Wel[, еr, I've done Lots of different things,
I've dопе еrm, radio, еrm I've done
television jobs, I've Ьееп iп quite а few
television programmes, (0h, reaLLy?) еrm
I've done theatre, еrm, I've ечеп dопе
some work in advertising I did а
commerc,iaL iп ItaLy еrm, а whiLe ago
Jo Was that fun?
Ju It was, it was great fuп Еrm, I've met
some interesting peopLe Еrm, so yes, I've
had а, I've had а rеа[[у good time
Jo Go оп, tell us - who've you met?
Ju Who've I met? Еrm we[L, I did а а play
wjth ALan Rickman а few years ago, I did
Hamlet with him, (0h, right) and I've
done, еrm, I did а fitm with ВоЬ Hoskjns
а couple ofyears ago Еrm, I've had а
good time - it's а great job Yeah
I сап remember [earning to swim very clear[y
I сап just rеmеmЬеr learning to ridе а bike.
I can't rеmеmЬеr Learning to tie mу shoeLaces
at aL[.
1 Whеп I was at рrimаry school, we used to
write stories, апd then draw pictures to
go with them
2 Whеп I was а child, I used to enjoy оur
painting lessons at schooL, Ьчt I печеr
Liked going round аrt ga[Leries
3 Whеп I Left school, I started а History of
Агt сочrsе at university, but i didn't
finish it
4 I rеmеmЬеr when I was younge1 I drew
pictures of mу family aL[ the time 0h, mу
mum really loved that
5 Whеп I was in my еаr[у twenties, I
worked in а museum fоr six months Must
have Ьееп the best time of mу [ife
How mапу limes does she use the present perfecl lo describe ал
tapescTipt 1о help you, if you wапт.
stresses Lhе past parliciple алd the
object of lhe sепlепсе.
I've done radiq ['ve dопе te]eйsion jobs I've done theatre
с Now practise ýaying theýe phTases.
we рrопоuпсе lhe letters iп bold.
а \Yhеп оftеп L
lhrее groups, according to lhe
pizza interesting sardine
di[lerent night advertise
we often use tlre schwa /oi to рrопоuпсе unstressed vowel
sounds (indicated in bold below).
I сап rеmеmЬеr lеаrпiпg to swim чеrу сIеаrlу
Trang 93.5 stress and rhуthm
,l ],, .ýоwl;mатrУ,.tiшеý dоёз,lshе.,lчsе :ihe:
present perfect to describe ап
ехреriепсе she bas had? Use the
tapescTipt to help you, if you want.
.,, , str,ёssеs the,.pnsi paяiciýIe .and,the,
]с] : ]Nб!-t tr8aGiýe ýaying.lheýe phiaseýi
:., ] ] Think, аЪr.ui] йhеrё тёа put.: thei.,: l
il:, -,:1l"; ,' ,,:,| ,,'.: .|:,:.: , ,:.::: ,]|,.'
we pronorrnce the letters in bold.
Ь Time clauses аrе not usuatly the
moýt] iцr.prttant.parf of the'.' ]:.: ] ;.',.,l lj,
three grоuрs, according lo lhe
, pizza interesting sardine
di[[erent night advertise
il .iook.4t:,the'.exaщpleý; :Nofice hбф.
;];а, оfiе;i,uýё the:]ýchцra.'lбi -iý, :,,|,":,,
pronounce uлstrеssеd vowel
Trang 10So there's а mап going to work and he's
walking through the раrk, and he sees а
kangaroo hopping about the park So he
thinks, 'We[[, I can'tjust [eave it therei so he
goes to the police station, and he says to
them, 'What sha[L I do? There's а kangaroo
hopping about the park.' And the policeman
says, 'Er, weLL, sir, I think you should take it
to the zoo]
So еrm, а few days Later the po[iceman is
wa[king down the street, апd he suddenф
sees the mап with the kangaroo, standing at
а Ьчs stop together
So the policeman goes over to them, and hе
says, 'Erm, excuse me, si1 I thought I totd
уоu to take that kапgаrоо to the zooI'
And the mап grins at him апd says,'E1 yes,
we went to the zoo yesterday I suggested
the zoo again today, but he said he'd рrеfеr
to go to the cinema]
1 А Would he like to go to the zoo?
В No, he'd prefer to go to the cinema
2 А Shatl I get her а present?
В I think she'd rаthеr have mопеу
1 А Му паmе's McMurdoch
В Pardon?
2 А So here's mу пчmЬеr - it's 87б4 З379
В Sorry, I didn't quite catch that
3 А Do you want ice in it?
В Sorry?
4 А 0К, that's Oundle O-U-N-D-L-E
В Sorry, I missed that
I'm reaL[y interested in sрогts рrоgrаmmеs.
I'm not very interested in drаmа series
I'm definitely not interested in quiz shows
Ма Mike, what particuLar ideas have уоu had
about this?
Mi Wel"[, there are two that I particularty Like
(Yep) I l,ike еrm, 'New Whee[s', which is
the рrоgrаmmе, еr, about the choice of а
пехt, а пеw саr, (0h, indeed, yeah) which
affects everybody I know it's а thing that
mostly mеп are interested iп, but I think
with а woman presente1 we сап actually
get wоmеп invo[ved iп that, and I also
Like еrm er, the рrоgrаmmе, е1 'SurvivaI
about surviving in the rainforest (Yes,
hmm) which I think would appeaL to
a[L age groups, and in fact would also, I
think witL Ье er, quite cheap to make,
because it's just опе person w.ith а
са mеrа
Ма That's а good point, yes Eric, what do
you think?
Е WeLt, еrm, I [ike this fashjon mode[ idea ]
think it wouLd арреа[ to both, еr mеп
апd wоmеп Young wоmеп would want to
know, perhaps, еr they see so mапу
images iп the magazines, and they mау
indeed Ье interested in iп getting in thebusiness themselves, and mеп naturally
[ike to [ook at pretty wоmеп оп television
- this is паturаL, we aLL know about that
(Нmm) I tike the, еr, rainforest survivaLрrоgrаmmе too, I think that couLd make а
Ма because these days, реор[е аrе trying
to give up smoking, or Lose weight, апd
they've tгiеd so mапу options (Yes) апd
apparently hypnosis сап work if you, if
you appty yourse[f to it, I quite Like thatidea (Нmm) Еrm, апd the other was
animaI psychoLogists, and I know we
speaker uses only Раrdоп? ar Sorry?
Praclise sayiпg Раrdоп? апd Sorry?
Ь When the speaker uses one of the Ionger phrases, notice how йе
iпtопаtiоп goes down оп Sorry?
and a_lso goes down at the end of
the senlence Practise saying these phTases iп this way.
4.4 tinking
а when а word tinishes wiй асопsопапt sоuлd, and the nexl
them as if They ате опе word.
|'m reatly inierested in sроrts рrоgrаmmеs,
I'm not very interested in drama
I'm dеliпiгеlу поt interested*in quiz shows.
Ь Practise saying the senten(es Try
_ а|] аgе groups.
4 Men паturаllу like to look at рrеltу wоmеп _ tе|ейsiоп.
5 I was mоrе a[Iracted _ rhe
рrоgrапuпе аЬоu t hypnosis.
Wоrd :
Ь Uпdеr] these r
Тhеп р
itli с:.Sl]:
саj] a
hl l:
74 unit four
Trang 11а The wold Ic is по1 often stressed.
Ь Now practise saying Йе sentences.
Ве caTeful поt to stress fo .4.3 intonation
,,l:',.l',., inteTested presenter
'" ,,,':, survival rainforestl,;;,::: : саmеrа Паturаl
а Сочеr the tapescript Fil| йе gaps
1 lt's а lhing that mostly Йе., ur.
Trang 12Ма We[L, еr, we[L, we seem to have опе
programme that we сап а[[ agree on, and
that's the опе about the Amazon
Mi You're happy with that, are you?
Ма Yes, I аm I think I could drop the апimаl
psycho[ogist опе because
Mi You did have two ideas, they wеrе both
rеа[[у sоrt of about the Ьrаiп
Ма Yes
Е That'tl bring animals in anyway from
the Amazon
Ма Exactly, exactly, that's what I thought
(Yeah) So that's, we cou[d go with that
опе, the surviva[ опе and aLso the point
is, jt's not expensive (No) as you made
that роiпt earlier оп, (Right) еrm, and
[et's see if we сап аgrее on the second
опе Тhеrе was the cars
Mi I'm still very kееп оп the cars
Ма Are you? Yeah
Mi But по, I'm wel[, you know, I mеап I'm
happy to change ,
Mi But what about уочr idea though, for the
hyp nosis?
Ма WeL[, I, I'm very kееп оп that, because we
haven't seen апуthiпg Like that for а
while Again, back to mопеу, it's itЪ
not ап expensive рrоgrаmmе to make, апd
couLd Ье very usefu[ (Yes)
Е I think we сап give it а try, if we make
sure that the er, the costs are kept down
В 0h, hi, Jim, ifs Саrriе
А 0h, hi, Carrie How аrе you?
АС Helto?
CJ 0h, good аftеrпооп ]s that Mrs Саrtеr?
АС Yes
CJ Му name's Chris Jackson I'm caL[ing from
A[pha Television ,jп Cardiff Е1 I got your
паmе and, еrm, пumЬеr from а coL[eague
of miпе (Мmm) Еrm, the соmрапу's
organizing the, er, annuaL management
сопfеrепсе, er from the first to the third
of June (Мmm) and I'm ringing to inviteуоu to gjve а talk оп the use of differentinterviewing techniques
АС Ohl Еrm, сап you just give mе the dateапd time of the ta[k again, please?
CJ 0К, the slot we've got iп mind fоr youwould Ье оп the second оfJчпе between10.00 and 11.З0
АС Second ofJune, 10.О0, 11.30 - fiпе Еrm,how, how [опg do уоu want the talk to
CJ We[t, if we aim for about ап hour's talkand then there's some time for questionsand answers afterwards
АС Riqht
CJ Еrm, the audience wi[L Ье about 30mапаgеrs, who'll Ье watching you, and
the talk's going to take place at the Park
Hotel outside Cardiff
АС Park Hotel, weLL, I |ive пеаr Cardiff, so I
think I probab[y know where that is
That's fine
CJ Еrm, сап I get down to the nitty gritty?
We can offer уоu а fee of fЗ00 plusехреп5еs
АС Right, Сhrjs, well, I'd Ье delighted toaccept уоur оffеr Trat's fпе
need the mар, do you?
АС No, I don't think I do
CJ You kпоw where it is 0К and if you justacknowledge that you've received that
Try lo use these questions пехt time you hаче а conyerýatiolr in
tapescript 4.6 Notice how we
рrопоuпсе the lettffs in bold.
drор thought mопеу рчt the wordý in the Ьох into four groups/ acaording to the
pronrrnciation of the letters in
not young court
4.8 сопчеваtiоп featurвs
telephone eonverýation between .
ChTis Jackson and Аппе Carter.
жtd Мhm underline all the examplcs of these w0rdý, I{hy does she uýe theýe explesýions?
Ь How do you say lhese expressions
16 unit fоur
Trang 13I've got а present for Вуrоп
Ah, he'[t Ье thritled
Who's this for darling?
Say thank уоu, Вуrоп,
He's a[ready got that опе
0h Thats 0К I сап change it
45 quidI I
0h dеаr, they've left the рriсе оп!
When I think what I could do йth t45l
Неу thats епоugh, Agrippine
And here's а Little something for you
0h, greatl Thanks а [otl
Look, dad, Auntie Mo's given mе 50 quid
-thats kind of her, isn't ,it?
Yeah, but what сап уоu get these days йth 5О
quid? Реор[е аrе so mеап!
А Why don't you try giйпg up йth а friend?
В Yes thafs а good idea
А Have you thought about hypnosis?
В Нmm, I'm not surе about that
А You cou[d avoid places where реор[е smoke,
В Yеаh, that sounds sensible
It s extremely чпсоmfоrtаЬlе
He's unbeLievabLy [azy
She's got ап incredibly good mеmоry
Where I grew up in Sussex, еrm, we had these
neighbours Major апd Mrs Wise, very formal
реорl,е, very smаrt реор[е he'd just соmе
очt of the аrmу, еrm, апd some other
neighbours of ours were hайпg а dгiпks раф,
апd mу father рhопеd Маjоr and Мrs Wise,
and said, yоч'че Ьееп asked to this dгiпks
раrtу, I'Ve Ьееп told to рhопе you, еrm, it's а
fancy dress, so pLease come as whatever you
want, the mоrе outrageous, the better]
Еrm, we aL[ went to this, to this рагtу, апd еr,
we were standing there and I Looked around
and I thought, 'Something's поt quite right
hereJ Everybody was jn suits and ties the
wоmеп wеrе а[[ iп dresses, it was а very
fоrmа[ driпks рагtу.
Suddenly, there was this knock at the door,
the rооm went quiet, the door flew ореп
there was Major and Mrs ll/ise Не screamed
'Ме, Тавап!'and was dressed just as Таrzап.
апd she was dressed чр juýt as Jane It Was
horrendous They never spoke to us again
Т You know what hаррепеd to mе Last
W No, what was that?
Т It was tеrriЬlе This friend of miпе iпйtеd
mе to this wedding (Uhuh) of his friends
(Yeah) and so I assumed it's going to Ье
Т and shirts in shirtsleeves, and jt was
Lovely, it was in the country, and they
decided they'd have this very relaxed,casual wedding, but лоЬоdу told me aboutit
W They hadn't told уоu.
Т I felt like such ап idiot, and I couldn't
change, there was по way I could сhапgе
the situation
W Sti[[, you've got а long dress and а hat поw
Т Thats truе
1 Yоu should leave your tro[ley over there
2 Yоч аrеп't allowed to take the trolley hоmе
3 You mustn't push in when реор[е аrе
4 You don't have to make а shopping List
5 You shou[dn't [eave your troL[ey in other
people's way,5.7
S Now Janice, I kпоw that this tooks l,ike аsimpLe job, but еrm, there are а few thingsthat you shou[d, еr, bear in mind The firstthing is to keep your eyes ореп, (Right) еr,
you know, watch out that people don'tsteal chocolate оr you know, magazines,whatever, er, Ьесачsе some реор[е do try tosort of, er, sneak а few things from the
J Еr, do I hаче to ask children for some
identiý, if I think that thеу'rе under 18,under 16?
S 16, 0h yes absolutely, you know, because
they do sometimes look bigger and olderthan they are, (Yeah) but ifs very
impotant, because it's the Law of the lапd,
S Yeah, уоu сап have а driпk апd а уоu know,
а piece of chocoLate оr whatever Just te[L
mе what you've had so that when I соmе
to do mу stocktaHng, I'l[ kпоw
J 0К, thank youl
5.jl intonatioп l: l
а 1{e;ugualty ýJreýý iutensifying
adverbs; Ьut'.wе also tend to make them lопgеr Usten to the
Ь Say the Sеr}t€псеý RеmеmЬет to make the.intensiýing adverb Ionger;lll 'l , '
а Liýten agairr ta the:part in bold.
.IIоrдr does Tom рIФпоirпсе wаý, at
a+d 4ý? Pr4ctise this paTt of the Tec.ordiФ with уФur].раrtilеr.
ь we often usё lhis l tъеýе,wtlепwе
]aтe]telling а ýtary or.ajoke in а
Сirс}е this-and t|tese im'tlсе .
tapescript; Which of youT ciTcled
ехацц}.lеý mention ýоlпеоце or ,
'ýФmething for'.the firýt.tim€? ]
а In het ýtory аЬФut the Йedding,
Liýten without tooking at thg
ýonie of the aфectiveý ýhe tises,
qheck yodr аýswеIý,
Ь \{hat does.eaqh,adjective {efer'to?, Fоr ехаmрIе,, t*Ur,,"r"Ig to the
Look, tapes(
colmt Put й
ыd ruie
muс: чsе Iruе
Look; tapeýc чпdег] magaz mista}
ilтtроп absolu
Trang 14е are а few things
iл m,iпd The first
,,';,j,iýФlс rt,theýe words from
: ::,],рiýпiоцтrее the IetteTs in ыd.
Eow does Тоm рrопоЙсе waL at
and 4s? Practise ihis DaIt of йе
recording with уоur ратtпеr:
сirсlе flrli and lftae in the tapescript Which of уочr circ]ed examples meпtion sоmеопе оr, :'.,',ýбЙефi9€a!Фi'.ф-аr'fi T1l.l'ý1|1,1,,', .,.,,
,5; }1ШЙ!$tФ, ;.,:,,:ill:',,::,,,i
"l::, :,]:::l,,.,.,,.]
,а:,,lllTa,ihi_t,$tф},аЬФu{,ihе,:tаеddiцg.,1,1, l,.,::
Tfude цsеs а lot ofзdjectives.
tapescript, and trу to write down
: l'';fi*g.'ýf:fhe,ladiettiveB:lýhе,,цýdý;']:: :],]]]:.
chqck youT answels.
:Ь,:,,ФЙi,абВgiасЬ,ПФigiЙеl.iifет.tо?.,,,., Fоr'ехаmрIе, lsrпЬls геfеrs to йе
Trang 15Yоч know George he's got an incredibý bad
mеmоryj he says 'I asked him to Ьuу mе
some sandwiches at [unchtime, Ьчt I'm sure
he'[[ соmе back to the office without them.'
Sudden[y George arrives - very excited - and
says, 'You'L[ never guess whafs happenedl At
Lunch I met Fred Brown from the National
Bankl We started talking and he agreed to
buy опе mi[[ion do[Lars'wогth of computers
from us!'
The sales mапаgеr then turns to his co[league
апd says, Yоu see? I totd you he wou[d
forget the sandwiches.'
А You'LL печеr guess what's happenedl I've
Wоп $1,000l
В What? Yоч'rе jokingl
А You won't believe who I've just metl
С We[t I suppose the mаiп advantage of
working in а famiLy business, еrm, has to
Ье job securiф, er, mауЬе mоrе than in
апу other working situation ,
А 0h right, yeah
С А famity business, er, I've соmе iп
a[ongside mу fаthеr, (I see) еrm,
wоrkiпg together, consequently another
advantage is working with peopl,e that
уоu know very we[[ I mеап, I've, I'че
kпоwп most of the people here alt mу [ife,
we[[ I've grown чр, I used to йsit mу
father in the, ,iп the factory
А Yes, of course, yeah
С and er, уоч know, уоu сап, уоu сап
almost see апd guess how they're going
to react
А Yes, I сап imagine
С knowing them very we[[, апd еr, of
course опе day, I'[[ Ье boss
А Yeah, absoluteý
С Something I'm looking forward to, and
something that worries mе too in а way
А 0f course, right
С There аrе disadvantages as we[L.
А Нmm what are the disadvantages, then?
С We[t, I suppose the disadvantage of mу
situation has to Ье that other peopLe in
the соmрапу might поt completeý trust
me because ]'m the boss's son
А 0h, right, yeah
С Yоч see, iп а way, that affects mу
relationship with them, they assume that
20 unit six
I've taken the job or Ьееп offered the jobbecause I'm mу fathe/s son
А Нmm, I see
С Erm, апd of сочrsе, if you have а рrоЬ[еm
at work with somebody iп the famity, itaffects уоur work, and of сочrsе you take
jt home, it affecb
уочr famity Lifb as wetl
А Yes, of сочrsе it does
С Вчt оп the whole, I еrm, оп the whote, I
[ove it I rеа[ý feet раrt of the соmрапуапd er yes, I'm епjоуiпg myse[f but iti
поt for ечеryопе
А No
Е So, do you like working from home?
й 0h, yes the great advantage is that I сап
work when I want to (Right) and I сапstop when I want to eat, and we[[, eatwhen I want to, rеа[[у, it's very good ifуоu have а famity and chil,dren (Мm)Еrm, аЬо, you don't waste time travel[ing
to апd fro from work
Е Ah that's very good, yeah
1.1 so уоu have that extra extra tjme, butthe mаiп disadvantage is that we[l, youdon't have that sociaI contact that уЬuget (Нmm) in ап office
Е , оr the friends yeah
!| оr the fellow workers, yeah, еrm .
and it's harder to get away frоm work, it'salways, if you've given а рагt of yourhouse over to ,it, it's always there, уоu
know, when уоu pass Ьу tbe office,"yousee уочr соmрчtеr (Yes yes) ItЪ harder
to е5саре, and it does take up а lot ofroom iп the house as we[[
Е Surе
t{ Thafs the main disadvantage
ý,Еl,r!пtопаfiац.],.r,,l :,,
g1 1 _ LоФý at:thё:tареaсIфL.Nýtiie th€, рФiýбý.:о{:.ihе.€ iФi;iiBaýoril nlalks,
Notice how_Marcel]a lists the advantages.ot wоrkirц at home She speaks in а cleaT,.diTect way.
Ь Now Iisten without the tареsсrф1,,:,,,е_ýаiя ýayЦý.atianilati,16,,!6Ф .',.,, l,
Малсеllа speaks.
] - : j.1,.l -.".]_."_.,] :|, , ).'|, : : ".:|-.
Trang 16Re HeL[o, сап I help you?
М Е1 yes I'm enquiring about, е1 опе of
the courses I actua[Ly пееd опе that's
going to give me а qualification, so do
уоu rчп courses that lead to dip[omas?
Re Iп what subject exactly?
М 0h, соmрutеr studies
Re 0h, оh yes, we have courses leading to а|[
the best recognized qua[ifications
М 0h right, great 0К Еrm, what's the exact
length of the course?
Rе Er wel[, we hаvе опе which is а
пiпе-month course (Right) That starts оп
September the 12th, еr finishes iп Juпе
(Nine months) And er the other опе is а
опе-уеаr course from January to
December Its а bit [ess intensive
М 0К The first опе you mentioned, What's
the staгting date for that опе?
Re The staгting date is the 12th of
М 12th, 0К, great Еrm, and the week[y
timetable Сап you te[L mе, оr give -е ап
ехаmр[е of how that works?
Re Sчrе Еrm, it's а 15-hоur week, usually
over about four days, so (15 hоurs) you
usuaL[y have опе day а week frее
М 0h riqht, great, 0К, erm that's the
timetable The fees Do I пееd to give you
а deposit of апу sоrt, оr ?
Re Yes abso[utely The whole соursе js 1500
but we require а deposit of З00, whjch
we'd Like you to send iп with the
appLication fоrm
М 0К, that sounds good Just, еr, as а
matter of interest, what's the cLa5s sjze
for for this course?
Re 0h, it's very good actually, about 12-15
students реr class.
М 0h, that's good Yeah 0К Еrm апd
what sоrt of requirements do you пееd
fo1 you know for епtry? You know, r,vhat
sогt of qualifications do I пееd to hаче?
Re WetL, if you have schooL quaLifications
(Yep) апd basic computer skitls (0К), you
Re Right We[L, if you fitL that in and send it
iп with your deposit (0К), апd е1 whеп
the course staгts, you рау the rest of the
М Great 0К, I think thats everything 1
need Еrm thanks very much for уочr
Re 0К, p[easure, Вуе Ьуе
М 0К, Ьуе Ьуе
С So Апdrещ what have you апd Rowena
decided to do iп the end?
А 0h, welt, you, you know, so wе'че Ьееп er,
we've Ьееп taLking about this for ages Itold you the options we were discussing,(yeah) the рhоtоgrарhу, mе stating mу
оwп busjness
С Yes, that sounded Like а good idea,
А WeL|, it sounded like а good jdea butactually it's far too risky I dоп't rеаL[у
know how to ruп mу own business, and
еr, jt wouLd Ье expensive to set up (Sure)апd I haven't really got the ехрегiепсе, I
don't think
С No, that's trче
А Нmm So then there was the option ofеrm, staying at home, me staying athоmе
С Yes, Looking after the ЬаЬу
А hmm, while Rowena саrгiеd оп
working Еrm, neither of us аrе rеа[ýhappy with that (Нmm) No, I would like
to саrry оп working, апd strange[y
епоugh, Rowena wants to stop
Yeah, we[[ that's understandab[e, yeah
yeah? she wants to Ье at hоmе and Look
after the ЬаЬу (Мm) so еrm, so that's notreaLý going to work, I don't think (Нmm)
Апd then there was the idea of moving
somewhere else where I wоч[d Ье аЬ[е toget the same sогt ofjob as I've got at themoment (Yes) Еrm, по! (No) We reallydon't wапt to because aL[ our famiLy
Your fami[y, exact[y
absolutely, wе'rе aL[ hеrе in this area,a[L our friends, we know the area and so,
еrm, по We don't want to mоVе,
No, stay put
Yep And then finaLLy there's retraining,
mе retraining, еr, in а different аrеа We[L,
business management is what we've set
оп Ьесачsе (Right) there's а course at the
|ocaL coLLege (ExceLtent) that I can do,опLу takes а уеаr, (Yeah) апd then thereаrе Lots of, еr, chances of mе getting work
iп that аrеа (Mhm) it will mеап thatmопеу wiLL Ье tight for а while, (Мm) but
еrm, there won't Ье much mопеу, but I'[L
get а sгпа[| grant so еrm, that's whatlve've decided to go for (Good) I'm going
to rеtrаjп
0h, that sounds great
I'lт going to De а student again
6.5 conveвation features
oflen need time to think about
ourselves time to Ihink, we сап rереаt сеrtаiп sounds оr words.
lhemselves 1ime to think, [отexample Er .
Notice the ýOurrd /зI/ in the word
work When vowelS ате placed next
ro the Ietter r they are sometimes pronounced /з:/ Look al these exalтlples:
heard (e+a+r)univerýitY (е+r)IirSt {i+r)
пurSе ( u+г)Guess lhe words Ьу reading the
the sound lз:l in them.
l'm going to Ье away [оr thrее days - Ttresday Wednesday, and
Do you lind it easy to languages?
'Сап you help mе please?'
What's the
ma ll еr?' 'Сап I tlrrrrow your dictionaly? Iпееd то |ook up this _ _ _ _ .'
22 unit six