This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems. The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.
Trang 2K.}O HopwKopa
Bce n0MaiIHH€ DaÕOThi
Trang 3YK 372/53 BBK 22.1 Aur 72
dia 7 Kilacca CD€H€Ï ILIKOJBI H paÕØOdeli Terpann ENJOY
ENGLISH (7 xaacc) M 3 Bu6onetosa, O A Tenuceuko,
H H Tpy6aHepa — M.: — «JlanKoM» — 2012 — 256 c ISBN 978-5-91336-077-9
Tloco6ve mpeaqHa3sHayeHO yYeHHKaM CDp€HHEH HIKOJIBI, HX DOHMT€IIM HW YYNTeIAM, DAỐOTAIOUIHM HO yq€ỐHHKY M.3 bu6onetosoi, O.A enHucenko wú H.H Tpy6anesođ «En-
joy English — 7 knacc»
Trang 4BneneHHe
Hoporộl npyr!
yueOHuKa w pa6owcl TeTpanw MaTepwan pa3MeIHIAeTc1 HO
Trang 5Yactp 1 Mex ayHapognpie
Pas3zea 1 Jlo6po nomxanoBaTb Ha Me yHapogHble CopeBHOBaHHaA
3 llepeseQume Ha DỤCCKUÚ 83bIK C1080CO0w@fia-
Chance — ulauc, yaya
To try one’s chance — pvcKHYyTb, MOMbITaTb cya-
To take one's chance — BOCIO.Ib30BATbCđ HIAHCOM To miss one’s chance — yIVCTHTb BO3MO)KHOCTb
To have (no) chance — (He) đMe€Tb IIAHC It’s chance in a million — IHlaHC HA MHJIJHOH
Competition — copeBHoBaHHa
To take part in different kinds of competitions — IIDHHHMATb ÿWACTH€ B D43/HHHbIX BH2X COD€BHOBđ-
To win a competition — BbIMrpaTb CopeBHOBaHHe
To lose a competition — mpourpaTb copeBHoBaHHe
Luck — ynaua
To be in luck — Be3TH
Trang 6lipeƠA02VeHUus:
This is my chance to get a good mark
This competition takes place once a year and you must try your chance
If you don’t take part in the competition you will miss your chance
He had no chance to go on a trip
The UNESCO competition is a chance in a milli- on
My friend won the competition because he was in luck
I lost the competition because I was out of luck
4 O6cyOume co ceoum napmnepom, xomeau bot
6bl NONbimamb cuacmbe B KONKYpce muHnaiORKe- poe
Try / take my / your chance — pHCKHYTb / HCIO/Ib30BATb MOH / CBỘ IHIAHC;
Be in luck — Be3Tu;
Win the prize — BbIurpaTb mp3;
Test my / your English — npopeputb MoÄ / cBoÄ aHT/IHlCKHÄ A3bIK; Find many new Íriends — HaÏTH MHOFO HOBHIX IpY3€l; Miss my / your chance — ynYyCTHTb MỘ / cBođ IIAHC;
[ts worth trying — 2To cTOHT IOIDOỐOB4ATb; It’s interesting to win something for nothing — MHHT€D€CHO BbIHTDATb YTO-TO 34 HHU€FO;
Have no chance — He HMeTb HH ONHOTO LIAH€A;
Trang 7It’s a chance in a million — 3T0 HIAHC HA MH.1J1NOH; Too many participants — o4eHb MHOro yyacTHH- KOB;
Be out of luck — He Be3Tu; It’s boring — 9To cKy4HO;
Hate loosing — HeHaBHJ€Tb IpOHTPBIBATb;
Can’t use the Internet — He yM€Tb I0./Ib3OBATbCf WHTepHeTOM;
Waste of time — TpaTa BDeM€HH; In my opinion — no Moemy MHeHHW;
As for me — 4To KacaeTca MeHs; I believe — a aya
— In my opinion, it’s just waste of time to take part in such compitition
— And I believe that it is a chance in a million — | think you have no chance because there are too many participants And I hate losing
— As for me, I'll try my chance and test my
— So, Good luck! Pa6ouaa mempado
1 HatiOume caoea c npomusBonoAOHHbdiM 3HA4e- Huem Boinuuume napol
Socialbe (oốmwTrebpHHli) — Shy (cTecHHTesbHbIM) Polite (Be usb) — Rude (rpyốnl)
Friendly (npyxeoốnhii) — Uniriedly (Henpyxe- JIOỐHH)
Industrious (Tpy1o.toốØwBHli) — Lazy (1eHHBbil)
Trang 8Unlucky (HeynauHwk) — Lucky (cqacTIHBHWK) Cruel (ecTrokwl) — Kind (noốpH)
2 fcnoAb3aUlme e2nazorvt @ npoweduem unu 6yOyuem epemeHnu 1) Got up; ran; swam; went back; ate; drank; fed; were glad 2) Will join; will take part; will have; will (you) go
3 Bolpa3ume eae necoenacue c ymeepxcdeHun- Mu U Oatime npasunrvnyto und@opmayuro [lepeoe
npednowenue ye cOenaHo OAA Bac, noAbsyt-
mecb OaHHolm OOpa3yom
2 Jane went to the mountains in July to ski No, she didn’t go to the mountains to ski She went to the sea to swim
3 Jack lost the competition on Friday No, he didn’t lose the competition He won 4, Jane likes oranges very much
No, she doesn’t like-oranges She likes apples - 5 Laura watches political programmes every eve- ning No, she doesn’t watch political programmes She watches cartoons 6 Paul will take part in the swimming competiti- on next Saturday
No, he won’t take part in the swimming compe-
tition He will take part in the running competition 7 When Martin goes fishing, he’ll leave his puppy
Trang 9No, he doesn’t leave his puppy at home He brings his puppy with him
4 Hcnoas3ytime croga u3 pamKu 6 meKcme
Out of luck; a waste of time
Lose; try my chance; miss a very good chance 5 [lpoumume npedotdywee ynpascnenue u Hanu-
uume, C Kem Bbl CoenacHol Hcnonvsytime caoea
u 6oilpancenuan u3 ynp 38-5, cmp 7 6 yuebnuke
] agree with Robert I think that it is very im- portant to take one’s chance because one can miss it I always take part in different kinds of competitions Sometimes I am in luck and win them but sometimes I'am out of luck, but I don’t get upset Taking part is
more important
6 3JqKOHWHI€ D€K1GMHO€ OỐ%8816@HU€ Hcnoro- 3Uúme€ 8ADHđHffbi H3 Dđ.MKUH U11 6L COỐCH66H- Hole UdeU
If you are over 14 you can take part in Beauty
Competition that will take part in the school concert
hall If you want to take part in it, send your name,
beautiful photo and a composition about your life and
motto to our e-mail: Remember that
Trang 10Peanei 2 QnwCaHHe JIIOI€Ư, OIHCaHHe ce6a
7 [Ipouumatime caoea Hatidume npuaazamerc-
Hole (Cyp@uKcol MO2ZyM NOMOYb BAM pacno3HaMb
npunaazamearvnole) [lepeeedume ux Hcnoav3yti- me CAOBAaPb, ECAU HYICHO
Enjoy, enjoyment, enjoyable (Hacaaxgatpca,
Create, creation, creative, creativity, creator (Co- 30aBaTb, CO312HH©, TBODW€CKH, TBODW€CTBO, €O03714-
Beauty, beautiful; science, scientist, scientific
(KpacoTa, KDpaCHBbll; HayKa, yu©HHIl, HaYHHHI]); Use, useful, using, user (Ucnonb30BaHne, I0O/163- HbIl, HCHOAb30BaHHEe, IO/Ib30B4T€.Ib);
Friendship, friendly, friend, uniriendly (JIpyx-
Care, careful; impression, impress, impressive,
impressionism (Sa6oTa, 3a60TAHBbIM: Bhe4yaTeHHe,
BMeYaTATb, BHYLIHT€JIbHBIỦ, HMIDECCHOHM3M)); _Talk, talker, talkative, talking (Paarosop, opa-
Help, helper, helpful (IloMoiib, đOMOHIHHK, NO- JI€3HHH),
Love, lovely, loving (Jlo6oBb, mpekpacHblii, s110- ỐốaHinŸ);
Russia, Russian; history, historical, historic (Poccua, pyccKHi: ucTOpHA, WCTODHMECHHỦ, UcTO-
Trang 11Music, musical, musician (My3pika, My3bIKaJIb-
ở Cocmagome npunazameavnoie Hcnoav3ytime mabsuyy Bolle, ecau HYyx#HO Tlepeeedume ux
a) to enjoy — enjoyable (HactaxaaTbca — MpH- aTHbIH); to forget — unforgettable (sa6piBaTb —
He3a6blBaembil); to create — creative (co3qaBaTb —
TBopuecKwi); to talk — talkative (roBopWTb — ỐO.IT- JIHBHH); †o impress — impressive (BIeuaT/8Tb —
BneqaT/mtoIu0nl);, to help — helpiul (noMoraTb —
b) humor — humorous (1omop — !OMODHCTWwe-
ckui); danger — dangerous (onacHocTb — onacHbli4);
care — careful (3a60Ta — 3a60TMHBbIH); music — mu- sical (My3bIKa — My3bIKaJIbHbIM); wonder — wonderful
(yaHBleHHe — 3aMeuaTeJbHbI); history — historical,
historic (acTopHa — HCTODWdeCKHỦ, CB132HHhIl € HC-
TopH€ử); curiosify — CuriOUS(JIOỐOHBITCTBO — J1O-
ỐonbTHbIđ); love — lovely (11060Bb — IpeKpaCHHIỦ);
science — scientific (Hayka — HaydHHIil); beaufy — beautiful (kpacota — KpacuBpii); friend — friendly (apyr — aApy2eo6HbIM); use — useful (đcno/Ib30B4-
Hữ€ — T0/163HhIẩ)
c) America — American (ÂwepwKa — aM€DpHKAH-
cKwđ); ltaly — Halian (Wrannn — wTanbqHCKHH);
Africa — African (A@puka — adpukanckuh); India —
Trang 129 3akon4uume npednonenua Hanpumep: Uenosek, KoToppi m:06HT MHOrO pa3- TDOB4DHBATb — ỐO/ITJIMBHIH 1 A person who is nervous in the company of others is nervous 2 A person who produces new and original ideas is creative
3 A person who likes to be with others is sociable 4 A person who works hard is hardworking 5 A person who wants to learn is curious
6 Children who don’t get along with their parents are naughty
7 A person who doesn’t like to work is lazy 8 A person who is very unkind is spiteful
10 a) CKaxcu, umo mot o6vt4HO (4acmo, uHO2da)
When I am happy I usually play jokes and talk
with my friends I also listen to music when I am
happy When I am nervous I have a cup of tea or eat tasty things When I am angry I often cry and shout When I am sad I like to stay at home and be alone When I am tired I usulally read books and go to bed
b) Y3HaH, 4TO fenaeT TBOH pyr B TaKOH xe
When my friend is happy he arranges a party When he is nervous he plays jokes or shouts When
my friend is angry he likes to be alone When he is sad he usually talk with his friends and when he is tired he often goes to bed
Trang 1311 [lod6epu 3 cywecmeumeronoix, 3 enaeona u 3
npuAazamelbHolx, umobol Onucampd ce6a
A pupil, a football player, a friend To play foot- ball, to laugh, to study Sociable, hard working,
Pa6ouwan mempado
1 Coeduxu caoea Hexomopole uz Hux moeym 6biMb UCNOND3OBAHbI H€CKO/bKO D3
Humorous story, novel, report, event
Exotic drink, flower, music
Historical novel, report
Scientific report
Energetic drink, music
Classical music, novel Delicious cake
Unforgettable story, event, report, music
2 Cocmắb sonpocol, umobo y3snamo Oorvwe
uxgdopmauuu 3anuwu ux Hcnoav3yti Past Sim-
ple, Present Simple uau Future Simple [lepeoe nNpeONoHeHUe BLINOAHEHO B KaYecmMBe NpumepaA
1 Why? Was she nervous?
2 Why? Was she tired?
3 Why? Is he curious? 4 Why? Will she be angry?
Trang 143, 3adati eonpocol, umo6er ysHamb demaau Hc-
norvsyti Past Simple, Present Simple uau Future Simple
1 Where did you see him?
2 What countries will you travel to? 3 What kind of books does she like? 4, When did you and your friends see it? 5 Who do you go to the pool with? 6 How will you arrange it?
4 Cdenat uz caoé npusazamerbnole 3anoAanu
nponycku O3zaenắo ucmopuw A Story about My Friend
1 Responsible; 2 talkative; 3 friendly; 4 danger-
ous; 5 lucky; 6 musical; 7 creative; 8 beautiful 5 [lepeeedume Ha aH2AulicKuli 301K
1 When I am nervous I eat a lot of sweets 2 When I am tired I listen to a quiet music 3 When I am angry I count to twenty 4, When I am sad I call my friends
5 When I am happy I jump, sing and dance
Pasnea ở To ỐbI Tbi XOT€JI H3M€HHTb B ce6e?
13 dioỐuutb 4U mi ceốn?” PqccKdđ2%CU C8O€@MU
co6eceOnuky, 1O 6ol mol xomen uAuU He xomen
uamenumb 6 cebe
a) I would like to get a new haircut and dress well, but I would not like to lose weight or look older
Trang 15b) I would like to improve my memory and be- come more independent, but I would not like to get
smarter because I am smart enough
I would like to get along with parents and all the
14, [Ipouumatime Kpamkyto easemunyto 3amemKy o HoeozodHux wenranuax CKramume, cmasusu 44 8bL KO#Ơq-HuỐUưb neped coboti KaKue-subo qeau 6 Hosoiti Tod? Hcnoaxunucd Au Kakue-
HuÕUdb u3 Hux?
I usually make New Year Resolutions but often
forget about them They are usually about my study
I promise to improve my study
18 lipoqumal u 3anowHu Cocmaeb c80u npe0- AOWCEHUA CO CLOBAMU
I go to the swimming-pool twice a week I meet
my little brother from school three times a week I went to my grandmother’s place many times
I6 3axonuu npedaoxcenun Cmapatica 6vmo 4eCMHOLM
Ứd like to go to the country once a year I'd like to go to a cinema twice a week I'd like to ride a bike
Trang 1618 [Ipouumat caedyroumue 0e8u3oL KaKol us Hux me6e Oonrbue Hpasumca u nouemy? Ka- Kou Oueu3z moe bi nodotimu meoum ma-
me/nane/dpyzy/cecmpe/u m.d.? |
Most of all I like the motto «Why not?» I think
that: it means that one must try everything and not to be afraid because it can’t be a success if you don’t try to do it First you must try and then you'll see that nothing is impossible
20 3akon4u npedaowmenua
1 1 am afraid he has already missed his chance 2 Our students will take part in the competition
the day after tomorrow ‘
3 Yesterday the boys lost the game
4 Where is Steve? — He is in his room He is sleeping
5 He always helps his niece with her homework 6 Next time you wil! win the prize
7 Martin never takes part in competition He hates competition
8 I have forgotten Jill’s telephone number, so I cannot call her
21 3akoHwu Qua.A02
a) — What are you doing now?
— lam answering the questions oÍ the Teenagers' Competition at the moment
— Are the questions difficult?
— Not for me We often answer similar questions in our English lessons
Trang 17b) — Have you taken part in the competition
— Yes, I have tried my chance two weeks ago — Have you won the competition?
— No, I have not But it was worth trying Pa6ouaa mempads 1, 3anoanu mabauyy HenpasuAbHolx enazonoe break broke hear heard know knew pay paid shake shook show shown wear wore win won find found broken heard known paid shaken shown worn won found 2 3qKOHuuUme npeOAOHeHUA NDUAAeAMeAbHoIMU U3 PAMKU 1 independent; 2 curious; 3 cunning; 4 helpful; 5 musical; 6 serious
1 be less talkative; 2 be smarter; 3 improve
her memory; 4 be more independent; 5 be more
Trang 184 3a0aũme øonpocbi, 4moƠbi J3Hdffib nÕO/bLd€
unqdopmayuuu O6pamume eHumanue Ha dopmol enaeonos [lepeoe npednowenue 6bLf10/LH€HO 6 Ka- 4“ecmee npumepa
a) 1 Does she sing or dance? 2 Is Tim sleeping?
3 How do you get along with him? 4 Is she teaching her parrot to speak? 5 Is Tim trying to play the guitar? b) 1 Has he got a new haircut? 2 Has she lost any weight?
3 Has he written an advertisement about the lost
dog? _
4 Have we arranged everything for the party? 5 Have you eatten the whole of it?
5 Tlepeeedume na anenutickull A301K 1 — Are you good friends with Jim? — No, we aren’t We met only once
2 Jason is a good swimmer, he goes to swim-
ming-pool twice a week in any weather
3 He is only twelve but he took part in com- petition of the English language He won all of them
4 I lost my chance to win the running competiti- on, but I’ll try again
Paanean 4 Aro Th tyMaeulb O0 ốy/1yHIeM?
23 Onuuume ce6a uepe3 10 rem
I think that in ten years I'll have long blond hair and will be well dressed I will be a good doctor and
Trang 19people from all over the country will come to consult me I will have a beautiful intelligent and careful husband and two kind and clever children They will be a boy and a girl My house will be not very large but beautiful and comfortable It will be well-lit and
24 lipouumai wHeHue 4 JqeHuKO6, KaKOl OHU eudam naanemy uepe3 10 nem C Kem u3 Hux mot CO2110CGH
I agree with Martin I am also optimistic about the future Peolple will invent new technologes and medicine | think that our future is bright and life will become better and easier
Trang 2028 O6cyOume, wmo oi Oymaeme o 6bydywem Kaxkoti 6ot eudume Hawy naanemy uepe3 10 nem? It seems to me that the life will change and people will make progress People will be able to travel to space and of course will invent new technologies People will have a cure for most diseases and will live for more then hundred years
30 Omeemb Ha 80npOCbi CODÊ8HO8@HUỦ noỞ- pocm«oe
1 I am a creative, friendly, communicative, kind-
hearted and responsible person
2 I would like to become more hard-working and
3 My motto is: «Every day is full of interesting
4 In ten years I would be an actor/actress and would play in movies
5 I think that in 10 years our scientists will discover a lot of new technologies and the life will become even more interesting
Paốowax mermpado
Trang 212 In future people will develop informational tech- nologies and will be able to communicate without facilities
3 After living school I will become independent and will travel a lot
4 Yesterday I missed a chance to take part in the running competition because I left school early
2 Kakue npedmemoi 6ydym ean 6 6yOyuem? 4) 3aHHIIHT€ ID©HM€TbI B paMKe B NMopAaKe UX Ba)KHOCTH B OyAyLUeM Information Technology Physics Mathematics Biology Geography and Space Maps Foreign Languages
History of Space Discoveries History of Space Travelling Arts
10 Literature and Culture 11 Physical Education
b) HanulMte ellie BA ID©IM€TA, KOTODBI€ WeTH
6yAyT H3y4aTb B OyAyileM
Spaceship Driving, Time Travelling History â G ơ\ỡ Œ› CI H WN mm
Trang 22development of computers new war technologies
new discoveries in medicine new serious diseases
new electronic technologies space travelling air pollution stressful life
space discoveries dangerous technologies progress in different areas water pollution
4 Hcnoav3ya evipaxcenun u3 ynp 3 3akoHuume
1 When I think about the future, I think about new electronic technologies
2 I'm looking forward to ‘Space travelling and space discoveries
3 I’m afraid of new serious diseases and stressful
5 Hanuwume, eepume au @ mo, 4mo Hanucano, uau nem Ilepeoe npednomweHue COenano 6 Ka4e- cme6e npumepa
1 People won’t have any diseases
I don’t believe that people won’t have any diseases 2 Children won't go to school, they will study at home
I believe that children won't go to school
3 There will be no teachers, computers will teach
I believe that there will be no teachers
4 Children will study a special subject Space Travelling
I believe that children will study a special subject Space Travelling
Trang 235 Robots will do all the housework
I believe that robots will do all the housework 6 Most people will be very athletic
I don’t believe that most people will be very athletic
7 Most people will travel by bicycles
I don’t believe that most people will travel by
6 [Ipedcmaeome, umo y Bac ecmb mawuHa Bpeme-
HU U 6AM YOANOC’ nonacmpd e byOywee 3adatime
eoemy npasHyky sonpocwt o 6ydywem, umobol y3Hamb, onpasdanucd AU Balu npedOnoaowenua
1 Do people have any diseases? 2 Do children go to school? 3 Arc there any teachers?
4 Do children study a special subject Space Travelling?
5 Do robots do all the housework?
6 Are most people very athletic? 7 Do most people travel by bicycles?
Pasnea 5 JlaBaiite Bocnosb3yemca IIAHCOM
Jl lipoqumẳme meKcm Õotcmpo CKq24Wme Kd- KOỦ KOHKUDC Ốbl1 Ốbi UNMepeceH OANA: BAC, MO-
nO3IMmo6, MONOOLLX G@omoepagoe, eaweeo Opyea
Competition 5 will be interesting for me, because
Trang 24Competition 5 will be interesting for young ac- tors, because they will see a good play
Competition 2 will be interesting for young wri-
ters, because they can try their chance
Competition 3 will be interesting for young poets because they like to write poems
Competition | will be interesting for young pho- tographers, because they can send their best pictures Competition 4 will be interesting for my friend, because he is fond of Godzilla
32, IIpouumatime mexcm ewe pa3 u omeemome Ha eonpocot 1 We should answer the question for the compe- tition 1 We should fill an entry form for the competitions 4 and 5 We should write a story for the second competiti- on We should go to the post office for the competiti- ons 2, 3, 4, 5
- We should call up to win the first competition
2 In the competition 5 we could win a family
We could win $ 1,000 in the competition 2
We could win a present in the third poetry com-
We could win a tour in competition 4
We could win a camera bag in the first competiti- on
3 I would like to win a family ticket to Disney show because I like Disney cartoons and characters
Trang 25I would like to attend the show and to invite all my family
34 []punumaau Au Bot yuacmue 6 Copeenoeanu-
I took part in a competition of the English langu- age studying It took place in our school and all the participants were my classmates I answered a lot
of different questions about England and the English Grammar I won the competition because I know English very well But most of all I enjoyed the competition because all the participants were very friendly Pa6owan mempado I, [lod6epume Kk cnoeam pudmy Competition — composition fight — light mouth — south never — clever announce — pronounce
2 Coedunume Hekomopsie caoea moeym
6oimb UCNOAb30BAHbI HeCKOAbKO pa3 Cocmắo- me 6 npedaowcenutl CO CnhoBamu
1 d); 2 f); 3 a); 4 e); 5 b); 6 ¢)
1 That boy always has an optimistic opinion
2 We live in the age of communications, don’t
Trang 263 In the nearest future all the human resour- ces should be forced into development of electronic technology
4, Endangered animals should be saved carefully 5 In future there will be no serious diseases 6 In future students will have a new subject in school — space discoveries
ở Cocmagsme sonpocot u 3adatime Opy3vam Tlepeoe cdenaHo Ona Bac 8 Kauecme6e Npumepa
Have you ever taken part in any competition?
Have you ever won a prize? Have you ever won a camera? Have you ever lost a competition?
Have you ever spoken to a famous person?
PacKpolrte cKOỐKU
Will start; will be; will be Will get
Has lost; is looking for
Took part; didn’t win; made; enjoyed PWN A TWN — Pasnen 6 Kak untarotca tHC.IHT©JIbHBI€ H LaTbl
40 [lpouumatime QaHHotũ meKcm o vJÏlonƠone,
BauuuHemoHe, MocsKe, BeAAuHemoHe, Cudnee
u Ommaee Omeemome na eonpocet
1 Ottawa is the biggest city Wellington is the smallest city
Trang 272 Wellington is the oldest city London is the
youngest city
3 Moscow is the driest city Wellington is the
wettest city
4, Wellington has the coldest summer Sydney has the warmest winter
5 Moscow has the biggest population Wellington
has the smallest population
6 All these cities are the capitals of the famous states Pa6ouaa mempado 1 Pewume YPQBHEHUA U 3QANUUUMe UX, KAK NOKA3aAHO 6B NpumMepe 1 102 + 135 = 237
One hundred and two plus one hundred and thirty
five is two hundred and thirty-seven
2.70 + 47=117
Seventy plus fourty-seven is one hundred and
3 3.586 + 89 = 3.675
Tree thousand five hundred and eighty-six plus
eighty-nine is tree thousand six hundred and seven-
4 9.000.000 — 8.800.000 = 200.000
Nine million minus eight million eight hundred thousand is two hundred thousand
5 4.874 — 2.672 = 2202
Four thousand eight hundred and seventy-four
Trang 286 1.000.000 — 5.647 = 994.353
One million minus five thousand six hundred and fourty-seven is nine hundred ninety-four thousand tree hundred and fifty-three
2 3akonuume npednromenun 3anuuwume damo CAOBAMU
1 I was born in nineteen ninety-nine
2 My mother was born in nineteen eighty-three 3 My grandfather was born in nineteen fifty-nine 4 I went to school in two thousand six
5 I will leave school in two thousand and sixteen 3 [Ipoumume ynp 39 na cmp 16 6 yue6nuKe u omeemome Ha Bonpocut Hanuwume ece dame nponucow
a) 1 How many people live in Moscow? — There are more than nine million people in Moscow
2 How many people live in Washington? — More than half a million people live in City of Washington 3 How many people live in Moscow and Was- hington together? — About nine and half a million people people live in Moscow and City of Washington
4 How many people live in London and Moscow together? — More than sixteen million people live in Moscow and London together
5 How many people live in your city / town / village? — I live in St Petersburg There are about
five million people
b) 1 How old is London now? — London is almost
two thousand years old
Trang 292 How old will London be in two thousand and fifteen? — In two thousand and fifteen London will be one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two
3 When will Washington be three hundred years old? — Washington will be three hundred years old
in twenty ninety
4 When will Ottawa celebrate its three hundredth birthday? — Ottawa will celebrate its three hundredth
birthday in twenty-one fifty-five
5 When did Sydney celebrate its two hundredth
birthday? — Sydney celebrated its two hundredth
birthday in nineteen and eighty-eight
6 Has Wellington celebrated its one hundred and fiftieth birthday? When? — Yes, it has It was in
nineteen ninety
7 When will Moscow celebrate its two tho- usandth birthday? — Moscow will celebrate its two thousandth birthday in thirty one and fourty-seven
4 Cpaenxume eopoda llepaoe npeÐ10%€eHue cưe-
AQHO 8 Kauecmee nNpumepa
1 Wellington is larger than Sydney 2 Moscow is bigger than Washington
Trang 30Paanex 7 [oBODWMM OỐ H3B€CTHbIX JIOT8X
43 3Haeme Au Bol ẴL46@ dínO-HUỐUOb O Yun-
cmoHe Yepuune? Pacckanctume OONOKAACCHUKaM, ucnoAvsya cmp 134
Sir Winston Churchill was born in 1874 He died in 1965 He was an English politician He was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War I] and in 1951-1953 He made many famous speeches He made the V-sing, meaning victory
44 [lpouumatime u cKascume uem 3HaMeHUM
ẬnOpeú Caxapoa
A Sakharov was famous for his decision to devote himself to fighting against future atomic wars He realized advantages and disadvantages of technical progress in modern world A Sakharov is the author of several books on progress and freedom all over the world
45 PaccKđ2CUIne O CaMbiX 6đ2CHbLX (GKHAX u3
2cuaHu Ä Caxapo8d 1921 — he was born
1942 — he started his work in physics
1953 — A Sakharov became the youngest aca- demician in Russia
1975 — He won the Nobel Peace Prize
1987 — Sakharov participated in the International
Conference against atomic wars
1989 — He died on the 14 of December 1989
Trang 3146 Paboma 6 napax 3adatime eonpocol eawemy napmuHepy 0 AtOOOM UZBECMHOM 4eNOBeKe, KOMO- DO£O ebi Budume Ha KapmuHe BHU3Y CMpaHuul
Hcnoas3ytime Jluneeucmuyeckuu u Kyaomypnoti
TuƠ, ecAu Heoốxo0uwo FlcnoAb30úme euxmopu-
HỤ 43 Unp 42, KaK MOỞ@Ab
Who was Princess Diana? — She was the Princess
of The United Kingdom
What is she famous for? — She is famous for her
charitable and peace work
48 Cocmasgome npedronenua
I like making new friends and playing jokes
My friend enjoys using computer
My sister stops shouting
My brother hates asking silly questions My teachers love thinking up puzzles People gave up killing innocent animals 49, 3axkonuume npednoncenun
1 Would you mind closing the door? 2 Is she going to give up playing tennis?
3 I'll have a cup of tea when I’ve finished writing the letter
4 The great painter enjoyed walking in this park
5 She doesn’t like travelling
6 Could you please stop laughing?
Trang 3250 Cocmaaome npeƯAO2C€HU11 ucnorb3syA 2nazo-
aot: enjoy, like, stop, love, give up, hate, finish, mind u oxon4anue -ing °
I enjoy taking pictures
- [like playing computer games I hate crying
I finished turning the radio down
I love making friends
I like playing with my dog
I mind taking part in competitions I hate losing I like winning Pa6ouaa mempadd 1 3anuwume caraoéa 6 O6e KOAOHKU words with a long sound words with a short sound forty treat feel large feet foggy trick fit luck fill pool
2 a) Hanuwume, umo xpasumca / He Hpagumca Bauemy Ayuuemy Opyey Hcnoav3sytime 2nazoro 6 pamke Cc -ing OKOH4aNUeM
1 It seems to me that my friend likes writing true stories for the school newspaper
2 In my opinion my friend loves swimming in the
Trang 333 As I see it my friend enjoys loves playing the
4.1 believe that my friend get up early
5 My friend doesn’t mind arguing with teachers 6 My friend doesn’t really like speaking on the phone
7 My friend enjoys washing up after meals
b) [lpogepome, ỐplH au evi npaeot Hanuwume Bonpocol U 3a0alime ux Balemy Opy2y
1 Do you like writing true stories for the school newspaper?
2 Do you love swimming in the pool? 3 Do you enjoy playing the guitar?
4 Do you get up early?
5 Don't you mind arguing with teachers?
6 Don’t you really like speaking on the phone?
7 Do you enjoy washing up after meals?
3 [lepemopmyaupytime npedrox#enuan — coenat-
me UX Kopo4e, uCcnoAb3yA -ing oKOH4aNue Ilep- B0€ NPeONOMEHUE BLLNOAHEHO B KaYUecmBe NPUMe- pa
1 Do you mind if I open the window?
Do you mind (my) opening the window?
2 Does she mind if we travel by air? Does she mind our traveling by air?
3 Does she mind if he takes part in the competiti- on?
Trang 34Does he mind our coming to dinner? 5 Does he mind if we borrow his car? Does he mind our borrowing his car?
4 30ecb nepemewanot 6uozpamuu Andpea Ca- xaposaa u ŸuHcmona Yepuurana Pasdeaume amu
Ốuoapajuu u eoinuuume (cm ynp 42-44 na
cmp 18 yue6nuxa)
1 Andrei Saharov was born on the 21st of May,
1921 in Moscow He graduated from the Moscow State University and became one of the most famous researchers in physics As a scientist he understood the danger of atomic wars and fought against them He also fought for human rights, progress and peace all over the world In 1975 A Saharov won the Nobel
Peace Prize
2 Winston Churchill was born on the 30th of November, 1874 in Britain, in a rich and famous fa- mily In 1895 he graduated from Sandhurst Military Academy and in five years time, in 1900, became
a member of Parliament He was the Prime Minister
during the Second World War
Paane 68 CyeB©pHbi JIH BbI?
52 lĩocayuualime ucmopu1o Ilocae 2020, 3GKOH-
yume Credyrouue npedromwenun [lepeoie ỐỤK@bi NPONYU4,eHHOLX CAOB NOMOZYM BAM
1 You look sick and tired What’s happened?
2 We were out of luck yesterday
3 It is usually a very unlucky day, isn’t it?
Trang 354 But the other team won
5 Or, maybe they don’t believe in superstitions 53 Ecmo y eac npedpaccyoxu? PaccKkascume
I believe that people mustn’t kill spiders because they will be out of luck And sometimes I look for a fourleaf clover, because I think that it will bring me luck
59 IIpouumatime mexcm u 3aKOKHYUMe NpedAo-
1 Hallowe’en is on the 31 October
2 People dress up as witches, ghosts, devils, cats
or bats
3 Houses are decorated with pumpkins with
candles inside them
4 Some children knock at the house and ask «Trick or treat?» 5d If you don’t give any money or sweets, they go away 6 People usually tell a scary story on Hallowe’en night
60 Hacmpykyua n0 u32OmO81€HUIO donapsa na
Xennaoyun nepenymanaco, Hanuuume ee 6 npa-
8U/1bHOM nNopsAOKe
1 Cut the top and the bottom of the pumpkin
2 Take out the pulp from inside the pumpkin
3 Cut two eyes, a nose and a mouth on one side
Trang 364 Stand a candle in the bottom piece of the pumpkin 5 Put «the head» over the candle and light the candle Pa6ouan mempado 1, Coedunume 4acmu wkoAbnolx npedpaccydKoe a) 4; b) 3; c) 1; d) 2
1 Trying to experiment on Physical equipment without teacher’s help means troubles with the head-
2 Trying to play a trick on teacher means standing
at the blackboard and answering lots of questions 2 lIpeOcmasbrne, umo eot ye3xeaeme Ha Hederto
6 Aazepbs Cocmagome cnucok den Orn podume- 4G, WIHO OHH ỞOA2CHbL U He ỞOA12CHbL Oenamb
80 6pemMA Bauezo Omcymcmeuan FÍcnoa»aulme
caooco4emanua Husce u ceou udeu (He noka3ot-
eatime 3mo ceoum podumenam)
get up early enough to take my dog for a walk; walk the dog twice a day;
Trang 37use my computer;
replace anything in my bedroom;
take anything from my table
3 [locmompume Ha KapmuHKu u npodormxHume
This story happened in a dark wood in October There was a little village there, called Green Village where some little animals lived Tim and Jim were
little worms, they enjoyed travelling on their own, without mothers, teachers, elder brothers and sisters
One day, just before Hallowe’en, Tim and Jim went for a walk They imagined themselves as brave
travellers discovering new lands It was already very
late and dark when the two brothers understood that they had to go home But then they realized that they lost their way They sat down and could not go any longer They wanted to eat and were very tired Then they decided to shout and to cry because someone could hear them The vil- lage people heard the noise and came up to the
All the village people were standing round the little pumpkin, which they had prepared for the Hal- lowe’en lantern They were listening to a strange
noise and shouts coming out of the pumpkin
«It’s a real Hallowe’en,» they thought, «but we’ve
never seen how ghosts and witches celebrate it inside
64 lIpouumẳme meKCm u o3aeAasome e¿o Ơm- eemome na credyrouue Bonpocol
1 Thousands of years ago, people used the light of fires at night and the smoke of fires by day to send messages over a long distance They also used the loud sound of drums to send messages across the great forests of Africa
2 The invention of the electric telegraph in 1832 by the Russian scientist P.L Shilling gave a new beginning to the history of long distance commu- nication Also the invention of telephone by Bell played a great role
65 3axkonuume npedaomenua
_ | Long ago men used different means of long dis-
tance communication such us: light of fires, smoke of fires and loud sound of drums
2 The electric telegraph was invented by the
Russian scientist P L Shilling `
3 People used a special code to send words over the telegraph
4 The person who talked into the first telephone could not hear and the person who heard could not
5 Today we can talk across seas, oceans and
continents: there is hardly a corner of civilized world that cannot be reached by telephone
Trang 3966 llepeseQume cA08d cA080cOdemaHus Co- cCmasome CBOU NpeOOHWeHUA C HUMU
communicate with people (o6ulaTbca c JIO1bMH) communicate with each other (o6ulaTbca apyr c Apyrom)
means of communication (cpencTBa cB83n)
by means of (c nomMoutb10) mean (O3Ha4aTb 4TO-1H60)
What do you mean? (Uro Th! HMeelllb B BUY?) The dark clouds mean rain (TemHbie TyuH K JO-
2K 110.)
telephone (3BoHHT no Te/IeÙOHYV)
to ring up smb / place (3BOHHTb KOMY-1MỐO / Kya-s1H60) to phone smb / place (3BoHWTb KOMY-JIMỐO / KVJA- H60) to call up smb / place (no3BoHHTb Komy-1H60 / KV1a-nốo)
to talk / speak to smb over / on the telephone (pa3sroBapHBaTb / rOBOPHTb KeM-TO M10 / Ha CBA3H)
phone (Te.eQoH, 3BOHWTb HO Te.Ie€OHY)
What’s your phone number? (Kaxoh y Te6s Ho- Mep?)
a phone card (TemedouHaa Kapta) a phone box (reeoHHẫ ỐyđKa)
1 It is very important to communicate with
2 1 did this job by means of my talents 3 — Look at the sky
Trang 40— The dark clouds mean rain
4 Danny, wait a minute, please I am speaking over the phone
68 Bcmaeome each other uau one another
1 Do you often write letters to each other?
2 I’ve got two true friends We invite one another to our birthday parties
3 People should help each other in difficult situ-
4 All cities have much in common with one another
5 My pet and I understand each other very well
- 70 TIpocmompume ewe paz mexcm e ynp 64
Pa3zdenume e2o Ha mpu He3zaeucumMble “acmu Tlepedatime cyme Kaxdoti 4vacmu odnum npedao- WCEHUEM
1 Thousands of years ago, men could send messa- ges over a long distance They used the light of fires at night and the smoke of fires by day They used the loud sound of drums to send messages across the great forests of Africa These means of long distance communication were used for centuries
2 The long distance communication changed in 1832, when the Russian scientist P L Shilling in-
vented the electric telegraph The telegraph could not carry voices People used a special code to send
words over the telegraph
3 The telephone was invented by A G Bell, who was born in Scotland, in 1847 The first telephone was not at all like the one we use every day The