SƠ YẾU LÝ LỊCH Your name Telesales EXPERIENCE 2012-2015 Number EMAIL CAREER GOAL ADT INTERNATIONAL Telesales Vice Manager Build an effective Telesales structure - Search customer database - Mail chimp and customer care 2013-2015 Address CÔNG TY CP ADT QU ỐC T Ế Telesales Staff - Customer support - Resolving claims Use presentation skill to convince the customer and create a better relationship with them Become a telesales expert after years and guidance for new Telesales staff Write an EBook about Telesales, raise awareness about Telesales PERSONAL SKILL Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill DEGREE 20032005 Skill Skill Skill Skill Skill REFERENCE DEGREE NAME UNIVERSITY 20012003 PROFESSIONAL SKILL DEGREE NAME UNIVERSITY Name Address Phone number Email