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TEFL uncovered how to teach your way abroad with TEFL

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This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems.The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.

L F E T UN D E R E V O C H C A E T O HOW TOUR WAY Y D A O R B A FL E T H WIT Written Biyn enk JamesEJdited By ally Mike Sc y B issioned -i Comm t i- o About the Author James Jenkin has been teaching English as a foreign language since 1994, having managed English language programmes in Vietnam, China and Australia His classroom career has included teaching Sudanese refugees,Vietnamese government ministers and Chinese airline pilots As well as developing English language programmes and training teachers, James is also the proud author of Lonely Planet’s Russian Phrasebook! Needless to say, he has had invaluable experiences in the TEFL and travel world and can offer you a whole world of TEFL-Travel advice With his extensive teaching experience, as well as ten years’ experience as a teacher-trainer on Cambridge CELTA Courses and i-to-i’s Classroom TEFL Courses, he truly understands the needs, fears and hopes of people entering the TEFL world Qualifications: l Cambridge CELTA l Bachelor of Arts Degree in Russian and Latvian l Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics What James Has To Say How and why did you get into teaching English overseas? “I’d studied languages and I thought I’d be a good teacher because I knew about grammar I used to stand in the front and lecture I wish I’d done some worthwhile teacher training before I started – it took me a couple of years to realize that being a good teacher is about helping ‘learners’ get involved and practise with each other and develop their skills.” 02 Any tips for first time TEFL/TESOL teachers? “Get the students talking! The less time you’re up in the front talking, the better They need the practice, not you!” About the Author What you most enjoy about TEFL training on the Classroom TEFL Course? “It’s a thrill to see people develop such confidence in such a short period of time.” l James with one of his students Welcome To TEFL Qualifications Finding Good Work Getting Good Work Resources Instant TEFL Country Guides Are You Ready To Start TEFL-ing? Introduction A Life Changing Choice Your Opportunities What Is Teaching English Like? Types Of English Teaching Introduction Do You Need A Qualification? Qualifications Demystified Introduction The Internet Job Placements & Agents Networking Conditions Introduction Personal Contact Application Letter Or Email Creating A Teaching Resume Introduction Print Resources Online Resources Teaching With No Resources Introduction Making A Contribution What Do Students Want? Getting Students Talking Being An Effective Teacher Introduction Country Guides Introduction Glossary Teaching Terms Language Terms The TEFL Profession 04 06 07 08 11 16 19 25 30 31 33 37 42 43 44 47 50 53 58 59 60 62 67 73 74 76 80 84 87 88 90 95 99 104 107 108 109 137 138 140 141 142 143 03 Foreword The World’s First TEFL Self-Help Book l Foreword Contents Contents Foreword They say that ‘meaning’ is the new ‘money’ Recent research into ‘happiness’ suggests that the key components in pursuit of it are: l being involved in activities that have ‘meaning’ for us l having opportunities to use our skills to make a difference The research also suggests that we become happier by promoting the well-being and happiness of others Surely, therefore, the world of TEFL offers huge opportunities for the pursuit and promotion of happiness The material that follows opens up to us a world in which bright, committed people are making a contribution to the concept of ‘one world’ by reducing barriers, engaging respectfully with different cultures and passing on learning that expands the horizons of its recipients These ‘TEFL people’ are taking part in life-changing experiences themselves and are inviting millions of their students to the same Each of us is a unique individual Nobody else has our combination of DNA, upbringing, experiences, education, skills, values, ambitions, or aspirations Nobody else has ever carried that uniqueness into this particular time in an ever-evolving world The world of TEFL offers unique opportunities to unique individuals to make unique interventions in the lives of others As a result, there is therefore no blueprint or guidelines that would work for everybody What follows is not a blueprint but pages of wisdom and learning drawn from the experiences of many who have gone before What follows is yours to engage with, to reflect on, to select from and to apply what fits to support your purpose and plans 04 l To get the best out of it, plan your study for times when you are at your best, tackle it in ‘bite-size chunks and note the things that occur to you (thoughts, feeling, ideas, questions etc.) ‘Harvest’ your thoughts and your awareness because this is your learning and the basis for your planning and decision-making Talk through the things that occur to you with someone who knows you well, and get their reaction and feedback as a contribution to your decision-making Foreword It is a book ‘to do’ rather than to read The most effective teachers are not those who lecture others on what must be learnt They are rather those who provide opportunities for learners to access and assess information, reflect on its relevance to them, their world and their needs, to select, absorb, ‘own’ and apply That is what is on offer here.You will only get out of it as much as you put into it You won’t find ‘the’ answers, but hopefully you will find ‘your’ answers in the thoughts it provokes, the awareness it creates, the clues it supplies and your choices it informs It will reward reflection, motivation, and honesty with oneself You could be on the brink of a great adventure and a life-changing experience The hope is that the material in this book will be an introduction to the most creative and rewarding time in your life and that you (and those you teach) will be happier as a result! Mike Scally (Author of ‘Lifeskills Teaching’) l 05 Foreword Please note ; Any information and advice in this book is offered in good faith, but it cannot and should not replace the reader’s own need for judgment of its relevance and value in their context and the need for each of us to be responsible for our own risk assessment and decision-making The World’s First TEFL Self-Help Book! i-to-i commissioned TEFL Uncovered: How to Teach Your Way Abroad to help you understand TEFL and all your opportunities around the world… With 16 years’ in the TEFL industry, i-to-i’s expert TEFL team is committed to making the TEFL world real and accessible to you, so you can understand TEFL as well as the experts do! Teaching English as a foreign language is as simple as you’ve probably heard – you only need to speak English fluently to teach English abroad; however, understanding the global TEFL industry, as well as the most effective teaching methods, can be a bit more complex as all countries, schools, job requirements and people are different Therefore, i-to-i felt strongly about creating a book that told you exactly what you needed to know about the industry, courses and opportunities before you dove straight in and possibly got lost! Interestingly enough, hundreds of thousands of people have been teaching English abroad for decades with nothing more than their knowledge of the English language But as the market has become far more competitive, requirements and restrictions have increased and peoples’ general concerns have broadened Today, understanding TEFL is not so simple and eager travellers are more than keen to understand the market inside and out This book will serve as a perfect guide for you to begin your TEFL endeavours It is a truly unbiased view of the TEFL world based on our experiences (16 years!) teaching abroad and training people to teach abroad too We hope you enjoy this first step into your TEFL career abroad All the best! 06 l the i-to-i team Book Introduction The i-to-i TEFL Team Section Welcome To TEFL Your Opportunities Take a look at the number of job opportunities in the TEFL industry and the types of conditions you can expect What Is Teaching English Like? Decide whether a TEFL classroom is right for you and learn about the activities you might need to with your students Types Of English Teaching From outdoor activities with primary students to teaching technical English to oil and gas engineers – there are all sorts of teaching opportunities overseas 707 A Life Changing Choice Explore how the experience of living and working abroad is very different from being a tourist and how TEFL can transform your future l Section 1: Welcome to TEFL Introduction Introduction to Section 1 Welcome! If you think … l l l TEFL allows you to travel almost anywhere TEFL is exciting and rewarding TEFL will change your view of the world … you are right! This book will show you how to make your dream of teaching abroad come true.You will have a clear understanding of what being a TEFL teacher is like – the many positives and the challenges – and the sorts of opportunities there are for you Is TEFL For You? Before we look at opportunities in TEFL, let’s reflect on what you want in your life What made you think about teaching English abroad? Tick the things that are true for you and add some more if you like I want to experience other cultures I want to help people I’m interested in English I’m eager for a break from my career and life at home I’d like to travel and earn I like languages I like mixing with people I think I would teach English well I’d like to explore something completely new and different Section 1: Welcome to TEFL I like travelling 08 - l 2.1 Back in 2007 I was in a job I hated and was very much part of the rat race! I had always enjoyed helping and guiding my employees and loved travelling, so the decision was easy! Don’t worry about the stress of adjusting to another culture, that’s part of the fun! Ashley Griffiths from the UK Which you think are the most important reasons for you – and for your students? For yourself: Imagine you could be somewhere different in three months Complete the sentence I would like to be in _ because _ l There are TEFL jobs in my dream destination l I can secure a job there before I go l I not need a teaching qualification to teach there l I don’t need to know the local language to teach there l I will be there in three months Let’s look at the facts to see if you were right 09 Section 1: Welcome to TEFL Answer yes, no or not sure to the following: l 2.3 - _ For the people you will teach: 2.2 ‘ ‘ See what TEFL-Travellers have to say! TEFL – The Situation English is the international language of business, politics, science and communications The British Council estimates there are over a billion people learning English worldwide.* About three quarters of these people live in non-English-speaking countries In other words, every country needs English teachers (there are even foreign TEFL teachers in North Korea) Asia 300,000,000+ learners Europe 200,000,000+ learners South America 150,000,000+ learners Middle East 50,000,000+ learners Most language schools advertise on the internet and many like to arrange a contract in advance There are hundreds of websites dedicated to TEFL jobs It’s estimated that there are over 20,000 new TEFL jobs listed each month One of the best known, www.eslcafe.com, has over 2,000 listings at any time The demand for TEFL is so huge that many schools will employ teachers with no teaching qualification or degree This does depend on the country – you may need to be qualified to get a work visa in some countries (we will see which ones later) Also, the question of whether you want to teach without some training needs serious consideration You could actually be teaching in one of many countries tomorrow.You will need to decide whether you want to simply arrive in a country and approach schools or arrange a job before you go We will look at the pros and cons of each later Section 1: Welcome to TEFL Most English language schools are English language environments.You will use English for all interactions at work However, knowing some basic phrases in the local language shows respect for people and will add considerably to your cultural experience l 10 * British Council Learning August 2009 < http://www.britishcouncil.org/learning-faq-the-english-language.htm> Middle East Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE l Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Jordan have the highest demand Most jobs through colleges & universities l Sep/Oct is the start of the academic year in most countries Challenges Solutions l Laws are strictly enforced (e.g no pork or alcohol is allowed in Saudi) l These laws are no joke! You have to accept them before accepting a job l l Strict social ‘rules’, especially in Saudi Arabia & Kuwait – e.g no public display of affection between a man and a woman, no discussion of family members in class, no reference to decadent behaviours in class Again, you have to accept this if you want to live there l l Many jobs ask for a male or a female teacher, depending on the gender of students – both men and women will receive respect in a teaching context Sexism l l Anti-Semitism Israeli passports and teachers with ‘Jewish’ sounding names may be refused a visa 129 Times of Year? l l What Jobs Are There? Section 7: Country Guide Why Choose The Middle East? l Can be highly lucrative May be tax free Often accommodation is supplied and free schooling for children l Sponsoring schools arrange all paperwork l Longer contracts 2-3 years (but only year in Saudi) Jordan ‘ Marhaba! ‘ Types of Work l Sep/Oct is the start of the academic year in most countries Conditions Monthly salary: Official Requirements l Generally a degree is required l Must be sponsored Hourly rate: Insider Information l The law is strictly enforced Other benefits: Living expenses: Kuwait ‘ Salaam! ‘ Hourly rate: Insider Information l The law is strictly enforced Other benefits: Living expenses: 130 Official Requirements l Generally a degree is required l Must be sponsored l Conditions Monthly salary: Section 7: Country Guide Types of Work l Colleges & universities l Some foreign institutes Saudi Arabia ‘ As-salam alaykum! ‘ Types of Work l Colleges & universities l Some foreign institutes l The demand for native-English speaking males is strong Colleges offer high tax-free salaries, free transportation and accommodation, along with other perks l You will have to organise a job before going there because there are no tourist visas for Saudi Arabia Conditions Monthly salary: Official Requirements l Degree l Must be sponsored Hourly rate: Insider Information l The law is strictly enforced Other benefits: Living expenses: UAE ‘ Aahlan wa sahlan! ‘ Hourly rate: Insider Information l The law is strictly enforced Other benefits: Living expenses: 131 Official Requirements l Degree l Must be sponsored l Conditions Monthly salary: Section 7: Country Guide Types of Work l Colleges & universities l Some foreign institutes l Private schools KEY RESOURCES Jordan www.esljobs.com/teach-english/jordan/ Kuwait www.esljunction.com/TEFL/TEFL_Jobs_Kuwait.html Saudi Arabia www.jobsabroad.com/SaudiArabia.cfm 132 Section 7: Country Guide UAE www.eslbase.com/jobs/uae/ l E Africa Egypt Sudan Demand for volunteer teachers is very high Some international schools are present, but the requirements for qualifications & experience is very strict l Year-round Challenges Solutions l Very few well-paid teaching positions in Africa l Do not consider Africa for making money l Difficult living conditions l This will be a meaningful experience – just have realistic expectations l Hard to get work permits in many countries (employer needs to show no local can the job and there are many high-level English speakers in Africa) l Volunteering is a much easier option l Learn about possible classroom activities with limited resources – check out any training courses that specialise in this l Lack of teaching resources l Act sensibly l Security (crime and terrorism) 133 Times of Year? l l l What Jobs Are There? Section 7: Country Guide Why Choose Africa? l Volunteering is very fulfilling work – teachers report Africa is ‘life-changing’ l You are directly helping people in difficult circumstances l Sense of adventure l Because of lack of resources, Africa will quickly develop a teacher’s skills & creativity Egypt ‘ Ahlan wa sahlan! ‘ Types of Work l Private schools l Volunteers for various international organisations l Foreign institutions like the American University in Cairo and the International Language Institute Heliopolis Conditions Monthly salary: Official Requirements l Work permit & work visa (school arranges) before arriving Hourly rate: Insider Information l Making contact in person is effective Other benefits: Living expenses: Sudan ‘ Salaam aleikum! ‘ Hourly rate: Insider Information l Ensure you are emotionally prepared if you’re volunteering – as much of the population is below the poverty line Other benefits: Living expenses: E KEY RESOURCES Egypt www.elgazette.com/teach_in_egypt.cfm Sudan www.eslbase.com/jobs/sudan/ www.volunteerabroad.com/Sudan.cfm 134 Official Requirements l Work permit plus letter of recommendation l Conditions Monthly salary: Section 7: Country Guide Types of Work l High demand for volunteers through various international organisations that work directly with Sudanese institutions The Indian Subcontinent India, Nepal Volunteering Niche jobs such as accent modification Times of Year? l Year-round Challenges Solutions l l Paid jobs are scarce There are many local English teachers – English is a national language in India – and many foreign teachers looking for work Have a point of difference – e.g Business English experience l Low cost of living l Low salaries l Be emotionally prepared l Poverty & crowded conditions 135 l l l What Jobs Are There? Section 7: Country Guide Why Choose The Indian Subcontinent? l Culturally exciting l Cities like Mumbai are booming l You can directly help people in difficult circumstances India ‘ Namaste! ‘ Types of Work l Strong demand for volunteers l Business English l Interesting work such as accent training for call centres Conditions Monthly salary: Hourly rate: Other benefits: Living expenses: Official Requirements l Degree l Work permit for paid work Insider Information l Most teachers are volunteers and have entered on a tourist visa l Not many paid positions are advertised on the internet.You generally need to be on the ground and look for opportunities To get a work permit you need a letter from your employer Nepal ‘ Namaste! ‘ Types of Work l Strong demand for volunteers l Short-term work at private schools l Interesting work such as teaching at monasteries Conditions Monthly salary: Official Requirements l Work permit for paid work Hourly rate: Insider Information l Most teachers are volunteering and have entered on a tourist visa Living expenses: E KEY RESOURCES India www.esljobs.com/teach-english/india/ Nepal http://www.tefl365.com/country/nepal Section 7: Country Guide Established schools may help you get a work permit 136 l l Other benefits: l 137 Section 8: Are You Ready To Start TEFLing? Section Are You Ready To Start TEFLing? Are You Ready To Start TEFL-ing? Congratulations! You should now have a clear understanding of the TEFL world and so, there is much to reflect on What you wish to on the basis of all the TEFL information you have worked through? A useful structure for reflection and decision–making can be the ‘5 W’s’ l l l l l Who? What? Where? When? Why? Addressing those questions can help us become very clear about our ambitions, our motivation, our action plans, our preparation and our timescale The value in those questions is that they cannot be answered ‘yes’ or ‘no’, they require an amount of thought and analysis which should be the basis for any important decisions They also have to be answered in clear, practical language Having absorbed much data on TEFL, it is now, as all good game shows conclude, ‘make your mind up time’! Where will your plans take you? How different would your lifestyle be in the place you choose to work? What would be the challenges for you in that context? What could you to meet those? _ _ 138 What have you decided to about TEFL? Think about whether or not you want to be involved, if so in what way Think about anything you might have to ahead of starting any TEFL project _ _ l Who can tell you what you need to know? Think about anyone you know with TEFL experience or any organisation with TEFL expertise Plan your data search thoroughly? _ _ Section 8: Are You Ready To Start TEFLing? Jot down your thoughts on the following When will you implement your decision? Think about the timescale of your plans What will you have to in preparation, in what sequence? What might you have to bring to a close before you start? _ _ Why have you decided this? Think about what you are looking for in making that decision, think about how realistic those ambitions or aspirations are, how achievable they might be What skills will you need to make your plans successful, what skills might you need to develop? What might you be giving up, what would you be looking to gain? _ _ Travel, Earn, Find-meaning and Learn So, ahead of embarking on a TEFL adventure: Ioannis Latsis from the UK I came to Italy four odd years ago to try out a totally new experience I didn’t know any Italian and I didn’t have any teaching experience All I had was an TEFL certificate and no more than ten survival expressions in Italian I’m currently the Director of Studies at the same institute where I started off and as for my Italian well, I can survive!” Section 8: Are You Ready To Start TEFLing? ‘ See what TEFL-Travellers have to say! 139 you have all the information you need you have reflected thoroughly on what you are seeking and hoping for and have also considered the challenges that could be involved l Be clear about what you will be taking on and what you might be leaving behind l Be confident you have talked through the contract and are clear what support is available and from whom l Be ready for a life-changing experience and hopefully one which will enhance your happiness beyond expectations l l Ensure l Ensure ‘ l 140 Section 9: Glossary Section Glossary Teaching Terms Activity book A book containing activities for the classroom, often including handouts that you can photocopy Communicative classroom A classroom where students often interact and speak with other students Course book The main book used in a class, often set by the school EAP English for Academic Purposes; teaching students planning to study at university ESP English for Specific Purposes; teaching students in a specialised field, e.g engineering or health General English English with no specialised focus Handout A worksheet or other activity a teacher gives to students in class Ice-breaker A student-to-student speaking activity at the start of a class; also called a warmer Learner A language student Learner’s dictionary A dictionary specially designed for learners Methodology An approach to teaching (e.g the communicative methodology believes students should speak to each other in class) Reference grammar A book where you can look up grammar rules Resources Print or electronic materials Role-play Students pretend to something in real life (eg shop assistant and customer) Test Preparation A course for students who are going to take an important test Young Learners Teaching English to children 141 Teaching practice A lesson a trainee teaches on a teacher training course l Student-to-student Happening between students; e.g in a student-to-student ice-breaker students talk to other students (rather than the teacher) Section 9: Glossary Student-centred Focussed on what the students want and need Language Terms Accuracy Saying or writing something correctly Error A mistake a learner makes in speaking or writing, caused by their language knowledge Fluency Saying or writing something without unnatural pauses Language analysis Examining the structure and meaning of language Macro skills The four primary language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking Native-speaker Someone who learnt a language from early childhood Non-native speaker someone who learnt a language after early childhood l 142 Section 9: Glossary Vocabulary Words The TEFL Profession Agent A person or company who arranges teaching work Application letter A letter sent to an employer to apply for a job together with a resume CELTA The Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults, run by Cambridge University Certificate The entry level of qualification for the TEFL industry Chain school A school with a number of branches in different cities or countries Diploma A higher level of qualification than a certificate; only required for positions of responsibility in a school EFL English as a Foreign Language; generally used to mean English for work or study ESL English as a Second Language; generally used to mean migrant English ESOL English as a Second or Other Language (used mainly in the UK); any English teaching to non-native speakers Networking Making contacts in the industry Resume A document showing your qualifications and employment history; used interchangeably with CV Selection criteria The skills and attributes an employer looks for to choose someone for a job Split shift A work schedule with a long break in the middle (e.g hours in the morning and hours in the evening) Teacher forum A page on a website where teachers post comments 143 Trinity The Certificate in TESOL, run by Trinity College, London l TESOL Teaching English as a Second or Other Language (used mainly in the US, Australia and New Zealand); any English teaching to non-native speakers Section 9: Glossary TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language (used mainly in the UK); generally used to mean English for work or study ... each of us to be responsible for our own risk assessment and decision-making The World’s First TEFL Self-Help Book! i -to- i commissioned TEFL Uncovered: How to Teach Your Way Abroad to help you... follows is yours to engage with, to reflect on, to select from and to apply what fits to support your purpose and plans 04 l To get the best out of it, plan your study for times when you are at your. .. unbiased view of the TEFL world based on our experiences (16 years!) teaching abroad and training people to teach abroad too We hope you enjoy this first step into your TEFL career abroad All the best!

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2018, 21:36
