This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems. The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.
Trang 2Center Activity 1 @ Learn from Context £3) | ABA sman Groups |S Suns” |
ae What's Special About Cats?
Mac the Cat tore up a rug with his sharp teeth What other special tools does a cat have? A Read the Words |
Vocabulary Link
cat Pupils help
New Words ' the cat see
pupils round black in the dark
dots in the eyes whiskers long, stiff
hairs that grow by the mouth
Cats feel in the dark with their whiskers
fangs long, sharp, pointed front teeth
pads soft ends of | = ae Cats can hold
the fingers or toes J | and tear food
with their fangs
claws the sharp nails Cats walk quietly Claws let the cat
on animals’ toes on pads scratch and climb
Trang 3Building Vocabulary Activity Card 1 3, Activities :ò | Â Singles claws pupils cat fangs whiskers pads sò | địa Small Groups A : lò | Â Singles
What Do You See? Look in the mirror Find the pupils in your eyes
Draw a picture of your
eyes Then, label the pupils Grade 1 Theme 1, Week 1: Mac the Cat What's the Difference? Talk about your body compared to a cat's What New Word goes with a part of a person's
claws heels
Trang 4Center Activity 2 % Learn from Context ch | Ada small Groups | & Social Studies |
` 4 it A Day at School
3Saho«El ' - aa
Nee My School
The children in A Day at School did many of the same things you do at school What is your school like? 1 Read the Words |
bul ink A classroom has Children eat lunch in
LẠ books that help k the cafeteria
school you learn 3 New Words ' classroom a room where children learn cafeteria a room where food is served | The principal A custodian
principal a person keeps the
who is in charge of a school clean school makes sure teachers have what they need custodian someone
who takes care of a
building Children should
walk quietly in
hallway a place to : the hallway
walk between rooms
Trang 5Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 2 classroom custodian
= ey school | cafeteria hallway principal 3, Activities :ò | & Singles sò | Â Singles A Our School Draw a picture of what you see in your school Think of things in your
classroom and in the cafeteria sò | £22 small Groups [| What's Cooking Pick the Words that Go Together My Favorite What is your favorite thing to do in the
classroom? Draw it Show one or more
New Words
cafeteria book classroom food
What do you see in the hallway mop hallway? custodian _ office
Where do you see the principal locker
Trang 6Center Activity 3 # Learn from Context £3) | AAA smal croups | gy Saas"
Down on the Farm
Sid, Pal, and Fig live ona farm What is life like for pigs ona real farm?
A Read the Words |
Vocabulary Link ¬ Me A fence keeps animals
pig 3" 4 — from getting out
New Words
fence a kind of wall 3 = i | ee | Pigs eat and sleep
outdoors - > ấi ina pen
pen a small area to
keep animals safe A bucket can hold
bucket a pail A = food or water
trough a big
container for food or
water for animals | ae Pigs eat food from
a trough
hose a long tube
that water flows > The hose is for washing
through a = ? =e * and watering
Trang 7Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 3 fence trough
pig pen hose bucket :& | £2 Pairs sò | £22 small Groups A Other Farms
Talk about different kinds of animals on farms with
: lò | Â Singles [|
Too Many!
Add an s to the end of each New Word to make
it mean more than one
Use a Bucket What things do people put in buckets? Witha partner, make a list using either words or drawings
your group
1 The farmer made two so his pigs have more room to play
Draw a picture of your
favorite farm animal eating from a trough
2 He had to make more so they wouldn't get out Draw a picture of two
Trang 8ee ate nie $} Learn from Context CW | ABA small Groups | ẾP S23 |
Party Time!
Bob’s family and friends had a birthday party for him What other special days do people share? 4k Read the Words |
4 |
ae ị The Fourth of July is
P y "me — tiểu a favorite holiday
New Words
holiday a day sah Decorations make a
people celebrate : <8 porry more colorful
decorations pretty things to make a room look fun
Guests come to eat, play, and be with friends
guests visitors
The host makes sure
Trang 9Building Vocabulary Activity Card 4 3, Activities - | £2 Pairs party holiday host decorations’ celebration guests sò | Z Singles A sò | £22 small Groups Let's Party!
Draw a celebration Who will be the guests? What is your most colorful
Talk about your picture with your partner
Grade 1 Theme 2, Week 1: A Party for Bob
Draw a picture of your
favorite celebration Is it a holiday or maybe your
birthday? Add labels, using all of the New Words
Trang 10Center Activity 5
The Bunnies and the Fox
1 Read the Words |
Vocabulary Link snow
New Words
blizzard a big
snowstorm with lots of wind and snow
frost a thin covering of ice
sleet frozen rain
snowdrifts snow that blows into a pile slush partly melted
2) Learn from Context £1) | BEA sma Groups |S Sse” Let It Snow
Kev and Viv played in the snow What is winter like where you live?
A blizzard can close roads and schools
Frost sticks Sleet makes Wind makes Slush is cold
to windows, roads slippery snowdrifts tall and wet
but it melts in Wear your
the sun boots!
Trang 11Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 5 blizzard snowdrifts
snow | frost slush sleet :& | £2 Pairs sò | £2 Pairs A The Blizzard Pretend this happens: sò | £22 small Groups [| Don't Be Cold
As a group, fill in the blanks with the New Words to write a poem
The Blizzard
Can You Guess? On your own, draw simple pictures of three of the
New Words Then, show
your pictures to your partner Can he or she
The blizzard stopped Go outside Take a look at the snowdrifts See the frost on windows What
hich d Icy , whistling winds,
uess which word goes
er hich _— will the snow - †o when draw a flower on my
p It gets warmer‘ window
Draw a picture of this Soon the melt +o
winter scene Use all the
New Words that you can
Then I'll sleeo—Hush!
Trang 12Center Activity 6 % Learn from Context €% | ABA smail Groups | & Science |
Don't Bug Me
Zig Bug is a friendly bug, but not all bugs get along Some bugs eat other bugs!
1 Read the Words A ladybug is a kind
Vocabulary Link of beetle bug New Words ladybug a spotted beetle that eats Crops are food You can tell a : ki beetle a bug with bugs! 7 : morkings four wings markings spots or \ stripes on an animal
harmful dangerous, Ladybugs help Some harmful bugs
able to hurt by eating bad eat and hurt plants
crops groups of bugs
plants grown ona farm
Trang 13Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 6 harmful beetle
= eI bug | ladybug markings crops 3, Activities - | £2 Pairs sò | £2 Pairs A Get Away!
Tell your partner how each word pair below is related:
sò | £24 Small Groups [|
Time for Lunch
Draw and label a picture of a ladybug on a leaf
Be a Bug
How do ladybugs help us? Using as many of the New Words as you can,
share your ideas with a harmful and beetle the ladybug Draw the markings on
friend Draw a picture
of your thinking Draw a picture of crops
growing ladybug and markings
crops and ladybug
Draw a harmful beetle on the crop
Trang 14lội Learn from Context £1) | BRA sma Groups | Sit” |
fleme Sweet Home
In Seasons, you learned about how different animals live Read more about one of these animals
A Read the Words |
Vocabulary Link
animals Bears like a habitat with
New Words lots of food and water
habitat a place
in nature where A bear's den may be
animals to live underground den a home or
hiding place for a
wild animal
A bear must move swiftly to catch a slippery fish in a stream
swiftly quickly
stream a small, Animals know how to
flowing river forage for food in the
forage the way wild
animals look for food
Trang 15Building Vocabulary r
Activity Card 7 habitat stream
animals | den forage swiftly
3 | £8 Pairs sò | £28 Small Groups A : lò | Â Singles [|
Where Do Would You Rather Season to Season
They Live? Discuss your answers with How does your habitat
change during the four
seasons of Winter, Spring,
Summer, and Fall? Write
your observations down
Write which habitat, a your group
stream or a den, each
animal would live in:
Would you rather:
forage or hunt for your
2 2
bear food? Why’ Use at least two of the fish live ina den or a nest? New Words
wolf Why?
crayfish live ina desert ora woodland stream
Draw a picture of one of habitat? Why?
the animals in its habitat
Trang 16|
Center Activity 8 3 Learn from Context CB | RRA smatt Groups | @ Sz55.54 |
How Much Is That?
Miss Jill worked hard scooping ice cream in her shop Would you work as hard as her in your own store?
4k Read the Words |
Vocabulary Link 4
shop - A clerk helps people
New Words \ buy things
clerk a worker ina
Shoppers pay the price
store PP pay P
shown on a sticker
price how much
money you need Clerks sell things that
Trang 17Building Vocabulary Activity Card 8 :& | £2 Pairs “& | £ singles A clerk purchase shop | price register sell sò | £24 Small Groups [|
Which One Works?
Write the correct word Compare your answers
with your partner’s
1 If you buy a new bike
do you make a price or purchase?
2 At the store, do you ask
for help from the clerk or the register?
Grade 1 Theme 3, Week 2: Miss Jill's Ice Cream Shop
Purchase and Sell
Make webs like the one below Write words that
relate to sell in the first web, and words that relate to purchase in the second sell CO For Sale
Draw a picture of a clerk helping a customer with a purchase What kind of shop will you draw? What items will the clerk want
to sell? Use all the New
Trang 18Center Activity 9 L2) Learn from Context Cồ | ABA smali Groups | & Science
At the Aquarium :
Sink or Swim
In At the Aquarium, people cannot swim like fish Where do you like to swim?
oA Read the Words
Vocabulary Link
sea There is plenty to do
New Words at the sandy shore
shore the land at
the edge of a body Diving under the
of water water is one way
20 to see some fish
diving jumping into
water head first
You can float on
float to rest on top a raft
of water
raft arubber boat When you swim in
filled with air the sea, always be
currents the careful of currents
movements of water
Trang 19Building Vocabulary Activity Card 9 3, Activities :ò | & Singles sò | £2 Pairs A shore raft sea diving currents float sò | £22 small Groups [| In a Flash
With a partner, write the
New Words on cards Have your partner hold a card up Read it Use it in a sentence Trade places
Grade 1 Theme 3, Week 3: At the Aquarium
Word Meanings
Write which New Word goes with the words below 1 jumping in head-first: 2 letting the water hold you up: 3 a toy boat to float on: 4 water moving:
5 where you wade:
Spin a Web Of Words
Make webs of words that
relate to each New Word
Trang 20Center Activity 10 # Learn from Context CB | BRA smatl Groups| Seria Go Away, Ofto!
at Clean Sweep
Otto needed to clean his messy room How do you help take care of your home and family?
A Read the Words |
Vocabulary Link
fa mily Everyone in a household
New Words should help one another
household a place
where people live Sharing chores makes
together work go faster
chores small jobs to
If someone needs help,
do around the house ask how you can assist
assist to help
Be gentle when cleaning
gentle very careful things that can break
order a way of
being neat Keeping a house in
order makes everyone
Trang 21Building Vocabulary Activity Card 10 :& | £2 Pairs sò | Â Singles A household gentle chores order assist family sò | £24 Small Groups I Can Do It
Draw a line between each New Word and the words
that go with it
Make a chart List three
chores done in your
household Write who will
assist with each chore chores everything
Talk about your chart with in its place
your partner gentle to help
Chores Assist order your home Put away sister assist careful and laundry tender household = work to do Grade 1 Theme 4, Week 1: Go Away, Otto! Assist Me
Trang 22Center Activity 11 lội Learn from Context cy | AAA Small Groups | @ Social Studies |
You’ve Got Mail
Peg writes to her friend Jan How do you let your friends know what's up?
4k Read the Words |
Vocabulary Link = Everyone likes to read
write | =| a friendly letter
New Words
letter a written ` : ` | ve ie, A letter can inform
message sent i’ „ myo you about a friend
through the mail |
inform to tell L a : Writing a reply lets
= people know you care
reply an answer
e-mail mail sent = | You can send an e-mail
on a computer : == = ona computer
message something told in writing or talking
Type your message and press the send button
Trang 23Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 11 letter e-mail
write | inform message reply :& | £2 Pairs sò | B28 Pairs A Keep in Touch Talk with your partner about writing an e-mail and writing a letter What is different about the two? What is the same? Use the New Words reply and inform
in your talk
: lò | Â Singles [|
Dear Aunt Sally
Finish this letter by using the New Words
Message to Mom Your brother calls to inform you he will be late for dinner Write a message to your mom Tell her why he is late and
when he will be home Use at least one New
Word in your message Read your message to your partner
Dear Aunt Sally,
I’m writing this to
say hello I don’t have my computer, so I can't write an
Then, write a message I want to _ you of
Choose a letter or an
e-mail It’s up to you!
Trang 24Center Activity 12 # Learn from Context cy | AAA Small Groups | & Social Studies
tt Try and Try Again!
In Dog School, a boy thinks his dog will never learn to behave Have you ever tried to teach something
A Read the Words ¡ toa friend? Vocabulary Link learn Sometimes you need pM help to improve at improve to make something better A friend can model how to do something Then you can try model to show practice to do something over and
over to get better You must practice
something many times
master to learn before you master it
something completely
Try not to repeat
repeat do again your mistakes
Trang 25Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 12 improve master
learn | model repeat practice :& | £2 Pairs sò | £2 Pairs A Get a Clue
Choose the best New Word to go with each clue
sò | £24 Small Groups [|
House Plans
Think of something that took hard work before you got better at it Draw three pictures In the first, show the friend who knew how to model what to do
In the second, show how
you had to repeat the skill to improve In the third, show that you can master the skill Share your
pictures with the group
Do It Again
Talk with your partner about something you do well Talk about how you practice to get better Share what you did to improve your skill Then, trade places and let your partner talk
1 show what to do 2 rehearse every day 3 do the same thing
Trang 26| Center Activity = N2 Learn from Context C| ễ ễ ễ small Groups | a Connect t
Đua Out of Your Shell
In Moving Day, a hermit crab looks for a new shell What other animal uses a shell to stay safe?
L1) Read the Words
Vocabul Link A shell keeps its owner
protected from enemies New Words
A turtle’s shell is a When the danger is gone,
protected to refuge from danger the turtle will relax be covered from something that would hurt refuge a place that gives safety relax torest simple plain; not fancy
This shell is simple, but it Shells can be fancy, plain,
rough scratchy; not comes in handy! smooth, or rough like
smooth or soft sandpaper
Trang 27Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 13 protected simple
= 7 fancy | refuge rough relax 3, Activities - | £2 Pairs Kick Back
Tell your partner what you do to relax at home Use the New Words simple and relax Then draw yourself relaxing
sò | £2 Pairs A
Put It On
Discuss these sentences
with your partner
: lò | Â 5ingles [|
Come Out of
Your Shell
Draw a picture of a shell you like Is it simple or fancy? Rough or smooth?
Then, write about how
your shell is a refuge
1 Do you feel protected
ina refuge? Why? 2 What is a simple way
at home to relax at home?
Do you like to sleep under a rough or a silky blanket? Why?
Trang 281 Read the Words Vocabulary Link Town New Words community a group of people or places living close together village a place smaller than a town familiar someone or something you know well area space comfort a feeling of
support and calm
N2 Learn from Context
Our Town
EB | R&R small Groups | @ seria | The girl in Me on the Map knows a lot about her
town How well do you know your town?
3, Do an Activity
People spend most of their time in their community
Some people live ina big city Some live ina small village
Trang 29Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 14 community area
town | village comfort familiar :& | £2 Pairs “& | £ singles A | Know This!
Tell your friend about your community Do you
live in a village or a city? Describe an area you are familiar with Why do you know it so well? Tell
why it gives you comfort
to be there
sò | £22 small Groups [|
Plan for It
You have a job making a plan for a community Draw your plan Draw an area where people can play Draw streets in the plan Write familiar names for them What kind of homes will bring comfort to people? Draw them Discuss your plan with the group, using all the New Words
Future Home
What kind of community do you want to live in? A big city? A little village? Why? Discuss with a partner Then, draw the area where you want to live
Trang 30Center Activity 15 12) Learn from Context CR | äãâ sman 6roups | Ñ, S2” |
_ Take Off!
In The Kite, a family flies a kite Planes can also fly Read about flying on an airplane
q$ Read the Words Vocabulary Link fly New Words There are many planes at an airport airport a place where planes take off and land
launch to take off into the air from the
soar to go up in the air
flight a trip through
air Powerful engines help the plane Planes can soar intheair Some people watcha movie Keep your seat belt on for the
landing coming back launch into the air like birds ona long flight — landing!
to the ground after flying
Trang 31Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 15 airport flight
fly launch landing soar
ce | £2 Pairs sò | £22 small Groups A - | £2 Pairs [|
Ready for The Right Flight Flight Control
Take Off Finish the sentences, using Your job is to help the
Ona piece of paper draw the New Words pilot with the plane
3 pictures of a plane 1 An is a place for Pretend you are ona
that go with these New passengers radio talking to the pilot
Words: Use all the New Words
2.Pilots _——s the plane h il the oil
launch an from the runwa 1 wnen you ren ine Prot how to safely launch the
landing 3 The plane will in plane and make a safe
the air landing Then, trade
Label each picture with laces with your partner
Trang 32Center Activity 16 12) Learn from Context C| 44d small Groups | ä Science
Focus on Genre: Poetry
ns What Do You See?
Poetry uses words to paint pictures There are many
different ways to describe people, animals, or things
1) Read the Words
Vocabulary Link
describe Would you say this
New Words frog is shiny or dull? shiny bright and
sparkling This frog is spotted
The spots help the
dull not interesting; frog hide
spotted marked Other animals like with dots tigers or zebras are
striped marked
with a line or lines With a few rapid
rapid quick hops, this frog can
escape a snake!
Trang 33Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 16 shiny striped
describe | dull rapid spotted :& | £2 Pairs sò | £22 small Groups A Storm Brewing Put the New Words in their right places
sò | £22 small Groups [|
Have to Hand It to You Fill out a chart like this one with as many examples as you can of things that go with each New Word The
New Word du// has one
example already
Tell Me About It
Describe an animal to your partner without
naming it Is it striped,
spotted, or something else? Can it make rapid movements? Use as many
The sky was filled with gray clouds They looked like animals
Isawa seal anda
New Words as you can
zebra dull d
to describe your animal u a wooden spoon
Have your partner guess ne, my seal and zebra shiny
what it is ranina race across
the sky rapid I grabbed my , new spotted
bike and raced home striped
Trang 34kana Center Activity 17 12 Learn from Context Cđồ | ääâ smail eroups | & sexe
The Sleeping Pig
a Garden Melons
Celine and the cricket ate a delicious watermelon
What other melons grow in a garden?
L1) Read the Words Vocabulary Link watermelon New Words cantaloupe a round, sweet melon
vine a plant witha long thin stem peel to pull or cut
the skin from fruit
A cantaloupe melon is smaller than a watermelon
EIS All melons grow on It is not easy to peel off the
a vine tough skin of a melon
juicy having a lot of sour having a sharp
tangy taste Inside a cantaloupe is Melons are sweet, not sour You
juicy orange fruit can even eat them for dessert!
Trang 35Building Vocabulary Activity Card 17 - | £2 Pairs cantaloupe juicy watermelon | vine sour peel “& | £ singles A : lò | Â Singles [| Pucker Up
Show your partner what your face looks like when you eat something sour like a lemon Draw pictures of each other making a sour face Now, write about a time when
you ate something sour
Grade 1 Theme 6, Week 1: The Sleeping Pig
On the Vine
On your own paper, write
the New Word that goes
with the others in each
In a Hurry
Your garden is growing One sunny morning, you look out and see
growing on the
You are so excited; you jump out of bed and pick the fruit Your mother
uses a knife to the
melon ÏI†'s_ and
drips everywhere You take a bite ugh!! Picked
Trang 36EM." '1Center Activity 18
Eekl There's a Mouse in the House <a L1) Read the Words | Vocabulary Link barn New Words stable a building that holds horses or COWS
plow a farm tool
used to turn soil over
silo a tall building used to hold corn and other grains loft a room just
under the roof
bale a tightly packed bunch of hay
N2 Learn from Context cB | £44 small Groups | ä Science
A Barn on a Farm
Would you really see a hog, cow, or horse in a house? Those animals belong in a barn! Read about barns
3) Do an Activity
Animals sleep or rest in a stable
Farmers use a plow to get land ready for planting A grain silo can be seen from far away
Trang 37Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 18 stable _ loft
barn | plow bale silo
:& | â 2 Pairs ` sò | Â Singles A : sò | £22 small Groups [|
Neigh! > Which Word? A Farmer's Work
Pretend you are a horse Write down your answers _ Fill in the blanks with the
livingina stable Write <1, Would you put a bale correct New Word
a sentence about what ` of hay ina stable or › Youarea farmer Before
you see and hear Use the ° silo? Why? ° breakfast, you the
New Words học ane ° 2 Would you usea plow ° field Your horse is in the
° - hon a prenure "0 : to start a field of corn ° - You climb into
ge wit eee ° or to collect the cornat the , and toss down
Give it to your partner : the end? Why? == of hay for her
to read ° r h Then, you get some corn : 3 ev vou ee a ese from the for the
° on i" © rst he | „ 2 e chickens You go to the
Wn > or In the lort: - house to eat, but there
` J' ° are no eggs in the fridgel
Trang 38Center Activity 19 k2 Learn from Context C | &â&â smail Groups | gh ses" |
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
_ Don't Gat Me!
In Red-Eyed Tree Frog, the frog eats a tasty moth A boa almost eats the frog
1) Read the Words |
Vocabulary Link Ề 1 Xà tà Kho f= =Allanimals must
boa \ RS er ee ` s 3 eat to survive
New Words
When a boa gets
survive to stay alive =` v b ie ae ee tit hungry, it looks
after danger has eReNES ĐÀ | MU for prey
prey an animal that Without feet,
is hunted for food a snake must
slither to move by Bs SS as = slither to
sliding and twisting move eroune
e steamy steamy hot and wet ae = 2W rainforest
creep to move slowly
and quietly A mouse must creep quietly so it
won't get caught
Trang 39Building Vocabulary
Activity Card 19 steamy creep
boa | prey survive slither :& | £2 Pairs sò | B28 Pairs A Card Flash
Write each New Word on the back of a card Have your partner pick a card, read it aloud, and say what it means
sò | £24 Small Groups [|
Chart It!
Fill in the chart with as
many words as you can
that go with each New Word The New Word prey has been started
Act It Out
With a partner, act out
how an animal would creep, slither, and slide toward its prey Drawa picture and label it
Go through all the cards for you
Then, trade places When h‡
you finish, write as many prey —"9
Trang 40en anaes ©) Learn from Context EB | R&R small Groups | @ seria
Ẻ Helping Hands
John and his friend spent most of their time outside Read about helping our Earth
1 Read the Words
Vocabulary Link
New Words
Some people make taking care of Don't pollute Pick up instead!
our environment a hobby Share the work with a friend
care to look after environment the air, land, and water, around us hobby an activity you do for fun