DICTIONARY of HISTORIC DOCUMENTS Revised Edition DICTIONARY of HISTORIC DOCUMENTS Revised Edition GEORGE CHILDS KOHN, Editor Foreword by LEONARD LATKOVSKI, PH.D Dictionary of Historic Documents, Revised Edition Copyright © 2003, 1991 by George Childs Kohn All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher For information contact: Facts On File, Inc 132 West 31st Street New York NY 10001 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dictionary of historic documents, revised edition / George Childs Kohn ; foreword by Leonard Latkovski p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-8160-4772-3 (acid-free paper) History—Sources—Dictionaries D9 D525 2003 016.90908—dc21 2002073856 Facts On File books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk quantities for businesses, associations, institutions, or sales promotions Please call our Special Sales Department in New York at 212/967-8800 or 800/322-8755 You can find Facts On File on the World Wide Web at http://www.factsonfile.com Text and cover design by Cathy Rincon Printed in the United States of America VB BVC 10 This book is printed on acid-free paper CONTENTS FOREWORD vii PREFACE ix ENTRIES A–Z TIMETABLE OF DOCUMENTS 515 ENTRIES BY CATEGORY 559 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY 605 INDEX 611 Editor George Childs Kohn Contributors Joan R Bothell Charles W Carey, Jr Kathleen G Colket Beverly R Dorsey Jutta K Kohn Ceila A Robbins Ashwinee Sadanand Elizabeth A Schick Genevieve Slomski Thomas Wiloch FOREWORD The beginning of the 21st century seems a fitting and appropriate time to reflect on what documents, past and present, are the most important That difficult question was addressed in preparing the revised edition of the Dictionary of Historic Documents, which includes major international agreements during the last decade of the 20th century, such as the Charter of Paris for a New Europe; Maastricht Treaty; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); Rio Declaration; Kyoto Protocol; Treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO); Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Antipersonnel Mines and Their Destruction; and the United Nations Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS Important social and religious documents of the 1990s have also been added, such as the Soviet Law on Freedom of Conscience, the Church of England’s Priests Measure (Ordination of Women), New Catechism of the Catholic Church, France’s Declaration of Repentance, Megan’s Law, Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act, and Americans with Disabilities Act This period has also seen the emergence of a new type of terrorism, which has resulted in documents like the U.S Aviation Security and Antiterrorism Act, Britain’s Terrorism Act of 2000, Canada’s Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001, United Nations Resolution 1373 (Declaration on Terrorism), and the USAPATRIOT Act In addition to new entries covering 1990 to 2002, the revised volume contains various, significant prior documents not in the original edition These “new” entries range from women’s rights documents, such as the Marquis de Condorcet’s On the Admission of Women to Citizenship, Olympe de Gouges’s Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, and Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women, to Frederick Douglass’s “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” Speech, the Wannsee Protocol, and Adolf Hitler’s Last Will and Political Testament Others are the United Nations Resolution 3236, Vatican II’s Nostra Aetate, Baruch’s Proposals for the Control of Atomic Energy, Japan’s Constitution of 1946, the, Solidarity Charter, Iran’s Constitution of 1981, the HAMAS Covenant, and the Reykjavı´k Agreement of 1986 In this work a “historic” document is defined as a significant written item of public record This definition maintains the traditional, and somewhat narrow but suitable, interpretation that a document be written and recorded and of a public nature A written record of “historic” importance should have sufficient force to influence people and events either in its immediate time-period or in subsequent periods Furthermore, a historic document need not be an official one initially; it may be the product of an individual or of a small private or public group, but ultimately it must become a key, or distinct, part of public events Assembling a comprehensive collection of significant and major documents is indeed a challenge Making such a listing balanced and useful certainly adds another degree of difficulty Because of the vast number of available public documents—political, legal, economic, scientific, religious, philosophical, and literary, among others—the selection process becomes critical Historic documents have to be of major consequence in a particular period or afterward Historians and other experts help determine this Yet special problems arise For instance, sometimes the impact or “weight” of a particular document is not universally recognized Also some time-periods have produced massive numbers of documents of all descriptions Determination for inclusion in a book such as this must then be based upon the documents that are the most conspicuous or far-reaching or extraordinary—a difficult process, which has been handled commendably in this singular reference work Although documents may vary greatly by type and form, most of those listed here are traditional ones: treaties, charters, laws, constitutions, judicial decisions, decrees, proclamations, bulls, concordats, protocols, and so forth They range from ancient to modern, from the Hammurabi Code and the Edict of Worms to the Atlantic Charter and the Wye vii viii Dictionary of Historic Documents River Memorandum Also included are distinct speeches, letters, tracts, pamphlets, reports, essays, and doctrines that deserve the designation “historic.” In this latter group are such examples as Emile Zola’s “J’accuse,” Franklin Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, and John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding Although a wider range of items of written public record can assuredly be defined as documents, almost no items from the following categories are included in the book: diaries, biographies, poems, novels, musical compositions, plays, and stone inscriptions Some books, fiction and nonfiction, are notable exceptions that properly qualify as landmark historical documents Thus included are certain political and economic works, such as Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Karl Marx’s Das Kapital, and Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations In addition, several literary works with a political and social message have entries in the dictionary; examples are Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Edmund Morel’s The Black Man’s Burden, and Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace Also included are a few scientific works of major impact; Galileo’s Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World, Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, and Albert Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory are examples Documents from all periods of Western civilization are covered, but those from the past three centuries predominate To choose key written records from antiquity to the Middle Ages is far less difficult than from the Renaissance to the modern period The closer we come chronologically to the present, the more demanding and complicated becomes the task of selecting landmark documents Understandably so The explosion of intellectual, social, and political activity with the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution (and later the scientific age and the present information age) generated a greater variety of “historic” writings This has clearly presented a challenge in identifying the most formative and outstanding documents In this proliferation of diverse writings are Franc¸ois Babeuf’s “Manifesto of the Equals,” the Ems Telegram, the Balfour Declaration, the Dominus Iesus Declaration, and many notable U.S Supreme Court decisions The focus of the dictionary is chiefly Western While nonWestern ideas and events have shaped history, the modern era, which has produced a greater proportion of historic documents, has been one in which Western civilization has been dominant In particular, the development of political liberalism and democracy in France, England, and the United States is reflected in the documents listed in this book However, the documents of the 20th century, while still Westernoriented, are much more internationally focused They indicate the rapid progress of events, the movements, issues, crises, and diplomatic problems of the modern era, including nationalism, imperialism, anticolonialism, the two world wars, the cold war, human and civil rights, and conflicts in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa The dictionary also contains some well-known documents whose authenticity is disputed Among these controversial or spurious “historic” writings are the Donation of Constantine, the Mecklenburg Resolves (Mecklenburg “Declaration of Independence”), and the Tanaka Memorial Their inclusion in the book does not authenticate them in any way but merely notes them as influential The Dictionary of Historic Documents is an authoritative, convenient reference guide to significant documents of the world from ancient times to the present Intended for use by both the general public and the scholarly community, the revised edition contains nearly 2,400 entries—documents that have influenced and helped steer the course of human history Because this book is clearly a dictionary, not an encyclopedia, the information is essentially limited to definitions, names of persons and places, dates, events, and cross-references Using the “Further reading” reference at the end of each entry and selective bibliography at the book’s end, readers have sources from which to draw much information for deciphering and interpreting particular documents It is hoped that readers will use the book readily to identify and penetrate many of the foremost and controlling documents of history —Leonard Latkovski, Ph.D Professor of History Hood College PREFACE tain everything about anything I welcome any suggestions from readers Throughout, the entries are alphabetically listed under the documents’ commonly known or familiar names If they have variant or alternative names (as many do), a “see” reference directs the reader from these names to the main one used in the book In addition, “see also” and cross-references are used, referring the reader to related entries A wide-ranging, single-volume dictionary demands brief treatment in format; accordingly priority has been given to identification and explication of when, where, why, and how the documents came into being and their significance Included at the end of each entry are bibliographic primary and/or secondary sources for each particular document in a “Further reading” reference Readers will thus be able to delve deeper into the material, if they wish However, readers should be aware that addresses of websites change frequently; those listed in the dictionary were current as of press time The dictionary also has a timetable of documents with entries in this book, a select bibliography, listing of documents by category, and a general index Many thanks are extended to the book contributors, who helped me immensely in the research and writing and who are listed separately on a preceding page In the preparation of the book’s revised edition, I would like to thank the Facts On File staff, particularly my editor, Claudia Schaab, whose interest and support were indispensable I am also grateful for the valuable advice of Dr Leonard Latkovski, a friend and consultant, who wrote the foreword Thanks also go to the numerous other persons who helped in the revision of the dictionary The first edition of this book appeared about a dozen years ago and received considerable praise This revised, updated, and enlarged edition represents my strong conviction that much of Western history or civilization has been influenced and distinguished by many famous (and not so famous) public documents or written records Among the most important are the Magna Carta, Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the Communist Manifesto, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Resolution 212, Joseph Stalin’s “Cold War” Speech, and the Camp David Accords, to name a few that have been included in this reference book Presently, a large part of world history has been shaped by many famous Western documents as well as by many less familiar (and some fairly unknown) public documents, such as the Clementine Vulgate, British North America Act, Government of Ireland Act, Rio Branco Law, Treaty of Tordesillas, Polish Constitution of 1791, Danton’s “Audacity” Speech, Pillersdorf Constitution, Syllabus of Errors, Plessy v Ferguson, Horace Greeley’s “Prayer,” Thomson-Urrutia Treaty, and Family Compacts Some readers may question why I included some documents that they consider fairly insignificant and left out others that they deem important That is their opinion and privilege Guided by many objective historical sources and comments, I was forced to make many choices among thousands of amazingly diverse documents In the end, what was selected for inclusion became principally my decision I am, however, immeasurably indebted to numerous historians and other experts, past and present A book such as this one unavoidably relies heavily on the work of others in their specific fields Any concise dictionary of this scope and with certain space limitations is bound to have some noteworthy, inadvertent omissions Obviously no reference work can con- —George Childs Kohn ix 632 Dictionary of Historic Documents Morocco France, peace treaty, 433 independence, 11 Morrill, Justin S., 283 Morrill Act, 283 Morrill Tariff Act, 283 Morrison, Bruce A., 210 Morrison v Olson, 283–284 Mortefontaine, Treaty of See Franco-American Convention of 1800 Mortimer, John, 69 Mortimer, Roger, 309, 332 Mortmain, Statute of, 284 Mosaic Law See Ten Commandments, The Moscow, Treaty of 1920, 284 1921, 284 Soviet-Japanese Non-Aggression Pact of 1941, 284 Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty, 284–285 Moscow Conference Declaration of 1943, 285 Moses, 436–437 Moss, Convention, 285 Mountbatten, Lord, 212 Moynihan, Daniel P., 285 Moynihan’s memorandum for President Nixon, 285 Mudros, Armistice of, 285 Muhammad Ali of Egypt, 239, 257 Muller v Oregon, 286 Mulligan Letters, 286 Mulroney, Brian, 275, 470 Muănchengraătz Agreement, 286 Munich Agreement of 1938, 286 Munich Crisis, Hitler’s Speech See Hitler, Adolph, Berlin Sportpalast Speech Municipal Corporations Reform Act of 1835 See Melbournes Six Acts Munn v Illinois, 286287 Muănster, Treaty of, 287 Murad II (Ottoman sultan), 6, 430 Murchison, Charles F., 287 Murchison Letter, 287 Murphy, Tim, 294 Muscovite Code of 1497 See Russian Code of 1497 Mussolini, Benito, 20, 159, 202, 243, 380 Doctrine of Fascism, 287 Munich Agreement, 286 Mutiny Act of 1689, 287 Mutual Assistance, Draft Treaty of, 287 Muzaffar ad-Din Shah, 340 Myers, Frank S., 287–288 Myers v United States, 287–288 N NAACP, 63 NAACP v Alabama, 289 Nadir Shah (king of Afghanistan), Nagoda, Law XXX of 1868 See Croatian-Hungarian Compromise of 1868 Nagyva´rad, Treaty of, 289 Nakaz See Instruction (Nakaz), Catherine the Great’s Nam II, 237 Namibian Agreement of 1988, 289– 290 Nanking, Treaty of, 290 Nantes, Edict of, 10, 290, 351 Nantes, Revocation of the Edict of, 290 Napole´on See Bonaparte, Napole´on Napole´on III, 140, 346, 482 Treaty with Austria, 291–292 Napoleonic Code, 290–291 Napoleonic Wars (1803–15), 15, 81, 108, 320–321, 333, 334, 378, 391, 480 Narcisse, 292 Nasic, Nikola, 107 Nassau, John, 474 National Bank Act of 1863, U.S., 292 National Bank of the United States, 212 National Convention on Feudal Rights in France, 168 National Council of Churches, 262 National Covenant, Scottish See Solemn League and Covenant Act of 1638 National Environmental Policy Act, U.S., 292 National Farmers’ Alliance and Industrial Union, 314 National Housing Act of, U.S of 1934, 292–293 of 1937 See Wagner-Steagall Act of 1965, 293 National Industrial Recovery Act, U.S., 293, 396 National Industrial Relations Court (NIRC), 213 National Insurance Act of 1911, British, 292, 293 Nationality and Flag Act, South African, 293 National Labor Relations Act, U.S., 293–294 National Labor Relations Board v Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation, 294 National Monetary Commission, 11 National Organization for Women, Inc v Scheidler, 294 National Origins Act of 1924, U.S See Immigration Quota Act of 1924, U.S National Pact, Turkey’s, 294 National Progressive Republican League’s Declaration of Principles, 294–295 National Prohibition Act, U.S See Volstead Act National Reclamation Act, U.S See Newlands Act National Security Act of 1947, U.S., 295 National Theatre Act, British, 295 Native Americans British, placation, 356 Cherokee and U.S commissioners, treaty, 204 Cherokee land, 300 Cherokee Nation, jurisdiction, 505 Cherokee Nation v Georgia, 83 debts to white traders, 32 Iroquois, 10, 158 Iroquois Confederacy, treaty with France, 363 Iroquois neutrality, 282 Jackson’s message on removal of southern Indians, 221 land, 213, 405 landholdings, 66–67 Medicine Lodge treaty, 274 Spanish colonies, 301 treaties, 158, 188, 483 tribes, dissolution, 115 Native Land Acts, New Zealand’s, 295 Native Land Husbandry Act, Rhodesian, 295 Native Representation Act, New Zealand’s, 295–296 Natives’ Land Act, South African, 296 Natives’ Trust and Land Act, South African, 296 NATO See North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Naturalization Act, U.S of 1795, 296 of 1798, 296 Naval Armament Limitation Treaty See Five Power Naval Treaty Naval Defense Act of 1889 British, 296–297 Naval Expansion Act, U.S See Vinson Naval Act Naval Law of 1900, 179 Naval Service Act of 1910 See Canadian Naval Bill of 1910 Navigation Act of 1630, English, 297 Nazi Germany concentration camps, 105 Four-Year Plan, 179, 297 Night and Fog Decree, 304 occupation of Austria, 20, 176 Wannsee Protocol, 488 Nazi-Soviet Pact See MolotovRibbentrop Pact Neagle, In Re, 297 Near, J M., 297 Near v Minnesota, 297 Nebbia v New York, 297–288 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 298 Nehru, Motalil, 298 Nehru-Liaqual Pact, 298 Nehru Report for a Constitution, 298 Nemours, Treaty of, 298 Netanyahu, Benjamin, 508 Netherlands barriers, 42 Belgium, union, 356–357 Britain, treaty, 180 charter of liberties, 56 Dutch independence, England, peace treaty, 497 Indonesia, agreement, 193, 372– 373 Neuilly, Treaty of, 298–299 Neurath, Constantin von, 204 Neutrality Act, U.S of 1794, 299 of 1937, 299 of 1939, 299 Neutrality Treaty, 329 Newburgh Addresses, 299 Newcastle Program, 299–300 Newcastle Proposals, 300 New Echota, Treaty of, 300 New England Confederation, Articles of, 300 New Granada formation of government, 153 Treaty See Bidlack Treaty New Jersey Plan, 187, 300 Newlands, Francis G., 300 Newlands Act, 300–301 Newlands Reclamation Act, 76 New Laws of the Indies, 301 Index Newman, John Henry Tract No 90, 445 New Orleans, Civil War, 68 Newport, Treaty of, 301 New Provinces Act, 301 Newton, Isaac Principia, 355 New York, Lochner v., 254 New York, Nebbia v., 297–288 New York, People of, Gitlow v., 181 New York Board of Regents, New York City exports, 55 September 11 See September 11, 2001 New York Criminal Anarchy Act of 1902, 181 New York ex Rel O’Keefe, Graves v., 94, 187 New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, 98 New York Sons of Liberty, Resolutions of the, 301 New York State Club Association v New York City, 301–302 New York State Crime Victims Board, Simon & Schuster v., 407 New York Times Company v Sullivan, 302 New Zealand Australia, pact, 24 Constitution Act of 1852, 302 Native Land Acts See Native Land Acts, New Zealand’s Native Representation Act See Native Representation Act, New Zealand’s natives’ land, 295 New Provinces Act See New Provinces Act provinces, creation, 301 reform legislation, 6–7 Nicaragua revolution, 115–116 Sandinista, 54 Nicene Creed, 302 Nicholas I (czar of Russia), 117, 286, 348 Nicholas II (czar of Russia), 79, 151, 315, 357, 479 Abdication Manifesto, 302–303 Declaration of Policy, 303 Decree Dissolving the First Duna, 303 Nicholas V, 255, 479 Nicholas Bobrikov, 151 Nicholls, George, 350 Nicholsburg, Treaty of, 303 Nicholson, Joseph Hopper, 307 Nicholson Non-Importation Act See Non-Importation Act of 1806 Nicias, Peace of, 303 Nicola, Lewis, 303–304 Nicola Proposal, 303–304 Nicomachean Ethics, 304 Nieszawa, Statute of, 304 Nietsche, Friedrich, 49 Beyond Good and Evil, 49 Night and Fog Decree, 304 Nijmegen (Nimwegen), Treaties of, 304 Nile River Distribution Agreement, 304–305 Nilus, Serge, 357 Nine Power Pacts, 305 Nineteen Propositions, 305 Nineteenth Amendment, U.S., 305 Ninety-five Theses, Luther’s, 305– 306 Ninety-two Resolutions, Papineau’s, 306 Ninth Amendment, U.S., 306 Nissa, Treaty of, 306 Nixon, Richard M arms limitation agreements, 22 “Checker’s” Speech, 306 China, visit, 470–471 inaugural address, 306–307 Moynihan’s Memorandum, 285 nuclear weapons, control of, 426 Resignation Speech, 307 speech Announcing a Freeze on Prices and Wages, 307 successor, appointment, 454 war powers, 489 Watergate scandal, 307 No 45 of The North Britain, 307 Nobel Prize speeches Faulkner, William, 151 Lewis, Sinclair, 250 Noble Edict of the Rose Chamber See Ottoman Imperial Edict of 1839 No Child Left Behind Act, 307 Non-Importation Act of 1806, 307 Non-Intercourse Act, U.S., 265, 307–308, 366 NORAD, 308 Nordau, Max Simon, 43 Norris, George W., 308 Norris–La Guardia Anti-Injunction Act, 107, 308 North American Air Defense Agreement, 308 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 308 Northampton, Assize of, 308–309 Northampton, Treaty of, 309 North Atlantic Treaty, 309 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 105, 161, 184, 309, 425, 447 Northern Ireland Peace Agreement See Good Friday Agreement Northern Securities Company v United States, 309 Northwest Ordinance of 1987, 309 Northwest Territories Act of 1875, 310 Norway Russia, treaty, 311 Sweden, union, 461 Norwegian-Swedish Treaty of Separation, 310 Nostra Aetate, 310 Noăteborg, Treaty of, 310 Nova Scotia’s General Assembly, Proclamation for, 310 November Treaty, 310–311 Novgorod, Treaty of, 311 Novum Organum, 311 Noyon, Treaty of, 311 nuclear explosions and waste, 22 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968, 311 nuclear power and weapons control of, 42, 216, 284–285, 311–312, 375, 423, 426–427, 458 disarmament, 233 Eisenhower’s speech, 136 Hiroshima, atomic bombing, 451 report on, 160 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963, 311–312 Nullification Proclamation, 312, 417 Nunez, Rafael, 9495, 100 Nuărnberg, peace of, 312 Nuărnberg Laws, 312 Nurses Act of 1919, British, 312 Nyerer, Julius K., 231 Nyon Agreement, 20, 313 Nyphenburg, Treaty of, 312–313 Nystadt, Treaty of, 313 O Obote, Milton, 95, 231 Obrenovich, Michael, 38, 485 Obrenovich, Milosh, 402 Ocala Platform, 314 Occasional Conformity Bill, 314 O’Connell, Daniel, 218, 251 O’Connor, Feargas, 81 633 Octavian See Augustus (Octavian) (emperor of Rome) October Diploma, 151, 314–315 October Manifesto, 315 October Revolution, Proclamation of the, 315 Ofen, Treaty of, 315 Offenses Against the State Act, Ireland’s, 315 Of Human Life See Humanae Vitae Ogden, Aaron, 180 Ogden, Gibbons v., 180 Ogdensburg Declaration, 315–316 Ogulnian Law, 316 O’Hanlon, Virginia, 511 O’Higgins, Kevin, 359 Ohio, Brandenburg v., 57 Ohio, Mapp v., 269 Oil Pollution Act of 1990, U.S., 316 O’Keefe case, 187 Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van, 454, 474 Ole´ron, Judgments of, 316 Olevianus, Kaspar, 198 Oliva, Treaty of, 316 Olive Branch Petition, 316–317 Olivier, Sydney, 148 Olmstead v United States, 317 Olmuătz, Punctuation of, 317 Olney, Richard, 317 Olney Doctrine, 317 Olney-Pauncefote Treaty, 317 Olson, Morrison v., 283–284 Olythiacs, 318 Omaha Platform, 318 Omnibus Crime and Safe Streets Act of 1968, U.S., 318 Onis, Luis de, On Liberty, 319 On the Admission of Women in Citizenship, 318 On the Crown, 318–319 On the Law of War and Peace, 319 On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals, 319 On the Nature of Things, 319–320 On the Navy Boards, 320 On the Origin of Species, 323 On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies, 320 On the Unity of Mankind See Human Generis Unitas OPA 90 See Oil Pollution Act of 1990, U.S Opium War (1839–42), 290 Oppian Law, 320 Ordanac¸oes Affonsinas See Afonsine Ordinances Order No 1, Petrograd Soviet’s, 320 634 Dictionary of Historic Documents Order of Geneva See Common Order, Book of Orders in Council of 1907, 320– 321 Ordinance of Nullification, South Carolina’s See South Carolina’s Ordinance of Nullification Ordinance of Succession, South Carolina’s, 321 Ordinances of the Holy Apostles through Clement See Apostolic Constitutions Ordinanze della Giusizia See Justice, Ordinances of Ordonnance Cabochienne See Cabochien Ordinance Oregon, Muller v., 286 Oregon Boundary Treaty, 321 Oregon Parochial School Case See Pierce v Society of the Sisters Organic Act for Puerto Rico See Jones Act of 1917 Organic Act of 1883, 321 Organic Act of 1902, 342 Organic Act of the Philippine Islands See Jones Act of 1916 Organic Articles of April 8, French, 321 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Pact of the, 322 Organization of American States, Charter of the, 322 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Pact of the, 322 Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, U.S., 323 Origin of Species, 323 Orkhon Inscriptions, 323 Orozco, Pascual, 35 Osgoodby, George A., 287 Osnabruăck, Treaty of, 323–324 Ostend Manifesto, 324 Osterreicher, John M., 310 Oswald, Lee Harvey, 489 Oswego, Treaty of, 324 Othmar, Cardinal Joseph, 99 Otis, James Rights of the British Colonies Arrested and Proved, Otis’s, 377 Speech Opposing Writs of Assistance, 324 Ottocar II (king of Budapest), 315 Ottoman Empire, 38–39, 43, 104, 409 Asia Minor, partition, 18 Britain, treaty, 285 Constitution, First, 324 Egypt, agreement, 239 Greek independence, 259 laws, 483 New Regulations of 1793, 325 peace treaties, 6, 223 Russia, agreements and treaties, 64, 207–208, 223, 238, 306 territories, 9–10 Ottoman Imperial Edict of 1839, 324–325 of 1856, 325 Ottoman Turks, Ouchy Convention, 325 Outer Space Treaty of 1966, 325 Owen, Robert L., 152 Oxford, Provisions of, 325–326 Oxford Act of 1665 See Five Mile Act Oxford Propositions, 326 Oxford Tracts See Tracts for the Times P Pacelli, Eugenio, 100 Pacem in Terris, 327 Pacification, Edict of See Amboise, Edict of Pacification of Berwick See Dunse, Pacification of Pacification of Ghent (1576), Pacification of Limerick See Limerick, Treaty of Pacific Islanders Protection Act, 327 Pacific Island Laborers’ Act, 327– 328 Pacific Railroad Act, 328 Pacta Conventa of 1355, 328 of 1573, 328 Pactes de Famille See Family Compacts Pact of Corfu See Corfu Declaration Pact of Guarantee See November Treaty Paine, Thomas Common Sense, 96 Rights of Man, The, 376–377 Pains and Penalties, Bill of, 328 Paix de Dieu See Peace of God Paix de Monsieur See Monsieur, Peace of Paix des Dames See Cambral, Peace of Paix Malheureuse See CateauCambre´sis, Treaty of Pakistan India, agreement, 298, 435 waters treaty, 214 Pakistan Constitution of 1962, 328–329 Palatinate Catechism See Heidelberg Catechism Palestine independent state, 500 partition of, 463 Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 25, 71, 329, 465, 508 Israel, agreements, 323 Palestine National Charter, 329 Pa´lffy, John, 430 Palmerston, Lord, 257, 338 Pan-African Congress Resolution of 1919, 329 Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC), 163 Panama, Declaration of, 329 Panama and United States, treaty, 197, 205, 329–330 Panama Canal Treaties of 1978, 329–330 Panama Congress, 4–5 Panamanian Constitution of 1904, 330 Pan Am flight 203, 34 Pan-German Creed of Lebensraum, 330 Pangkor Engagement, 330 papal agreements, 98–100 Papen, Vice Chancellor Franz von, 100 Papian Poppaean Law, 330 Papineau, Joseph Ninety-two Resolutions, 306 Rebellion of 1837, 367 Papists’ Disabling Act, 330–331 Paris, Convention of (1858), 331 Paris, Pact of (1928), 331 Paris, Treaty of 1229, 332 1259, 332 1327, 332 1763, 255, 307, 332–333, 393, 394, 472 1778, 331 1783, 333 1796, 333 1810, 333 1814, 9, 333–334 1815, 334 1856, 16, 257, 331, 334 1898, 156–157, 334, 342 1947, 331–332 Paris Commune, First Proclamation of the, 334–335 Paris Commune, Program of the, 335 Paris Peace Conference, 132 Parker, James S., 491 Parkes, Henry, 359 Parliament Act, British of 1911, 335 of 1949, 335 Parliamentary Qualification Act See Property Qualification Act Parnell, Charles S., 236, 335 Parnell Commission Report, 335 Parnellism and Crime, 335 Parrish, Elsie, West Coast Hotel Company v., 495–496 Pascal, Blaise, 357 Pascendi Gregis, 336 Pasha, Midhat, 324 Passarowitz, Treaty of, 336 Passau, Treaty of, 336 Passfield Report, 336 Pass Laws, South African See Freedom Charter Paterson, William, 300, 475 Paterson Plan See New Jersey Plan Patman, John William Wright, 379 PATRIOT Act, U.S See USAPATRIOT Act Patronato Law, 336 Paul VI, 206, 310 Pauncefote, Julian, 197 Pax Dissidentium See Warsaw, Compact of Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act of 1909, 124, 294, 336–337, 460 Peabody, Elizabeth, 86 Peace Corps, 233–234 Peace Manifesto, 337 Peace of Amboise See Amboise, Edict of Peace of Breda See Breda, Treaty of Peace of Chastenoy See Monsieur, Peace of Peace of God, 337 Peace of Kappfel, 36 Peace of Karlowitz (1969), 104 Peace of the Church See Clement IX, Peace of (Clementine Peace) Peace of Utrecht See Utrecht, Treaties of Peace of Westphalia (1648), 156, 287 Peace on Earth See Pacem in Terris Peace Preservation Act of 1870, British, 337 “Peace Without Victory” Speech, Wilson’s, 337 Peasant’s Manifesto, German, 337– 338 Peasants’ Revolt (1524–25), 338 Peck, Fletcher v., 155 Pedro I (emperor of Brazil), 57 Index Pedro II (emperor of Brazil), 57, 58, 377 Peel, Sir Robert, 62, 78, 198, 251 Peerage Act of 1963, 338 Peerage Bill, 338 Pehe, Jı´ri, 211–212 Peking, Peace of, 338 Peking, Treaty of, 338 Pendleton, George H., 338 Pendleton Act, 338–339 Penn, Richard, 316 Penn, William, 80, 316, 339, 405 Frame of Government, 160 Pennsylvania, Charter of, 339 Penry v Lynaugh, 31 Pentagon Papers, 339 Peoli, Isidoro Malmierca, 289 Peonage Abolition Act, U.S., 339 People, Agreement of the See Agreement of the People People’s Charter, 81, 339 Pepin, Donation of, 339–340 Pepin I of France, 203 Pericles’ Funeral Oration, 340 Perpetual Edict, 340 Perpetual Peace See Fribourg, Treaty of Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Essay See Peace Manifesto Perrers, Alice, 184 Perry, Matthew C., 231 Persian-British Agreements See Anglo-Persian Agreement Persian Constitution of 1906, 7, 340 Persian-Russian agreements and treaties, 191, 374, 453 Peru Chile, treaty, 16 debt, 129 United States, solidarity, 251 Peruvian Agrarian Reform Law of 1964, 340–341 Peter III (czar of Russia), 390 Peterloo Massacre, 92 Peter the Great (czar of Russia), 354, 358 Petition of Right, 341 Petrichenko, S M., 238 Petrograd Soviet, 320 Petro´polis, Treaty of, 341 Peutinger, Konrad, 341 Peutinger Table, 341 Philip I (king of Spain), 41 Philip II (king of Macedon), 249, 318, 341 Philip II (king of Spain), 2, 180, 478 Philip IV (king of France), 30, 91, 459 Philip IV (king of Spain), 253, 361 Philip V (king of Spain), 144, 192, 362 Philip of Anjou, 260 Philippics, 341 Cicero’s, 341–342 Philippine Constitution of 1987, 342 Philippine Government Act of 1902, 342 Philippine Islands legislature, 456 U.S sovereignty, withdrawal, 226 U.S trade, 45 Philippine Trade Act of 1946, U.S See Bell Trade Act Philip the Good (duke of Burgundy), 27, 450 Philo, Quintus Phililius, 359 Picot, George, 18 Picquigny, Treaty of, 342 Pierce, Franklin, 231 Pierce v Society of the Sisters, 342 Pie`rola, Nichola´s, 129 Pillar Edicts, Asoka’s, 342–343 Pillersdorf, Franz von, 343 Pillersdorf Constitution, 343 Pillnitz, Declaration of, 343 Pinckney, Charles, 509 Pinckney Treaty, 343 Pinerola, Pacification of, 343 Pinochet Ugarte, Augusto, 84 Pino Sua´rez, Jose´ Marı´a, 35 Piotrko´w, Statute of, 343–344 Pisa, Declaration of the Council of, 344 Piso, Lucius Calpurnius, 70 Pitt, William, 79, 449, 462 Pittsburgh Convention, 344 Pitt’s India Act, 344 Pius II, 146 Pius V, 370 Pius VII, 146, 443 Concordat, 245 Pius IX, 99, 100, 126, 479 Encyclical of 1871, 344 Pius X, 74, 336 Pius XI Encyclical of 1931 See Quadragesimo Anno Pius XII, 100 Place, Francis, 339 Planned Parenthood v Casey, 344– 345 Plan of a Proposed Union Between Great Britain and the Colonies See Galloways Plan of Union Plaăswitz, Armistice of, 345 Plato Republic, The, 373 Platt, Orville H., 345 Platt Amendment, 112, 345 Pledge of Allegiance, U.S., 345 Plessis, Armand Jean du See Richelieu, Cardinal de Plessy, Homer, 345 Plessy v Ferguson, 63, 345 Plimsoll, Samuel, 276 Pliny the Younger, 446 Letters, 345–346 Plistoanax (king of Sparta), 303 Plombie´res, Agreement of, 346 Plymouth Rock Speech, Webster’s, 346 Point Four Program, 346 Poitiers, First Edict of See Boulogne, Edict of Poitiers, Peace or Edict of See Bergerac, Treaty of Poland See also St Petersburg, Treaty of Austria, agreements and treaties, 34, 371 charter of rights, nobility, 237 constitution, 365 France, treaty, 223 freedom of worship, 489–490 Great Northern War (1700– 1721), 13 Lithuania and, 261 martial law, 223 Prussia, treaties, 236–237, 371 Russia, peace treaty, 16, 144 Soviet Union, treaty, 376 statutes, 304 Teutonic Knights, 356, 440–441 Thirty Years’ War (1618–48), 13 treaties, 43–44, 230, 237–238, 513 workers, solidarity, 414–415 Poland, Treaties of Partition of See Austro-Russian and RussoPrussian Treaties of 1795; Russo-Prussian Treaty of 1795; St Petersburg, Treaty of (1772) Polaniec, Manifesto of, 346–347 Polish Constitution (1791, 1807, 1815), 347 Polish–East German Agreements of 1950, 347–348 Polish Organic Statute of 1832, 348 Politeia See Republic, The Political Interference Act, South African, 348 635 Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture, 348 Polk, James K First Message to Congress, 348 inaugural address, 348–349 Message on War with Mexico, 349 Pollock, Charles, 349 Pollock v Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, 349, 410 Poll Tax of 1990, British, 349 Polyanov, Peace of, 349 Pomerone, Atlee, 492 Pomeroy, Samuel C., 349 Pomeroy Circle, 349 Poona Pact of 1932, 349–350 Poor Law of 1601, 350 of 1834, 350 of 1838, 350 Pope’s Dictate, 350 Porto Rico, Balzac v., 39 Portsmouth, Treaty of, 350–351 Portugal codification of laws, 7–8 Jews, peace treaties, 10–11 Spain, treaty, 253, 265–266 Positive Philosophy, 351 See Course of Positive Philosophy (Cours de Philosophie Positive) Potemkin, Vladimir, 162 Potsdam, Edict of, 351 Potsdam Declaration, 351 Pottinger, Sir Henry, 290 Powell, John Wesley, 373 Poynings, Edward, 129, 351 Poynings’s Act of 1494 See Drogheda, Statute of Poynings’s Laws, 181, 351 Praemunire, Statute of, 351 Praetorian Perpetual Edict See Perpetual Edict Pragmatic Sanction of 1712, 351–352 of Bourges, 352 of Charles III, 352 of Rhens See Rhens, Declaration of of St Louis, 352 Pragmatic Sanction of 1713, 9, 480 Prague, Compacts of, 352–353 Prague, Four Articles of, 353 Prague, Peace of, 353 Prague, Treaty of (1866), 353 Prantner, Joseph, 100 Prayer of Twenty Millions, The See Greeley, Horace Preamble to the U.S Constitution, 353 636 Dictionary of Historic Documents Pre-Emption Act of 1841, U.S., 353–354 Pre´face de Narcisse See Narcisse Preobrazhenskoe, Treaty of, 354 Presbyterian Church ascendancy, 71 Newport treaty, 301 religious restrictions, 154 statement of faith, 395–396 Presidential Succession Laws, U.S., 354 Pressburg, Treaties of (1491, 1805), 354 Prevention of Crimes Act, British, 354 Priests (Ordination of Women) Measure, 354–355 Prieto, Joaquı´n, 83 Primakov, Yevgeny, 511 Prince, The, 355 Principia, 355 Principia Mathematica, 355 Principles of Psychology, The, 355– 356 Privileges of Princes See Worms, Privilege of Process of Warsaw, Statements at the, 356 Proclamation of 1763, British, 356 Proclamation of March 14, 1917 See Order No 1, Petrograd Soviet’s Proclamation of Neutrality, Washington’s, 356 Progressive Party Platform of 1924 See La Follette Platform of 1924 Progressive Republicans’ Declaration of Principles, U.S See National Progressive Republican League’s Declaration of Principles Promotion of Bantu SelfGovernment Act (1959), 41 Property Qualification Act, 156 Proposals of Newcastle See Newcastle Proposals Protestant Church Ireland, 501 peace treaty, 1, 36 Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, 176 See Geneva Protocol of 1924 Protocol of the Eight Articles, 356– 357 Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 357 Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 498 Provincial Letters, 357 Provisions of Oxford, 15 Provisors, Statute of, 357 Prussia Austria agreements and treaties, 34, 47, 174, 317 ecclesiastical appointments, 273 emancipation, 138 France, treaty, 42–43, 59, 236, 397 Poland, treaties, 236–237, 371 proclamation by William I, 501 Roman Catholic Church, public funding, 58–59 Prussian Emancipation Edict of 1807 See Emancipation Edict of 1807, Prussian Prussian-Italian Alliance of 1866, 357–358 Prusso-Darmstadt Customs’ Treaty, 358 Pruth, Treaty of, 358 Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals See False Decretals Psychoanalysis, A General Introduction to, 358 Ptolemy III (king of Egypt), 75 Public Advertiser, 228 Public Health Act, British of 1848, 358 of 1875, 358–359 Public Order Act of 1970, Canadian, 359 Public Safety law of 1927, Irish, 359 Public Safety Law of 1953, South African, 359 Public Schools Act of 1866, Australian, 359 Public Utility Holding Company Act, U.S., 359 Public Works Employment Act, 170 Publilian Laws, 359–360 Pueblo Speech, Wilson’s, 360 Puerto Rican Constitution of 1952, 360 Puerto Rico imports, 121–122 territory, declared as, 39 U.S citizenship, 226 Pueyrredo´n, Juan Martı´n de, 466 Pujo, Arse`ne P., 360 Pujo Committee, Report of the, 360 Purandhar, Treaty of, 360 Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, U.S., 360–361 Pusey, Edward, 445 Puteshestvie iz Peterburga v Moskvu See Journey from St Petersburgh to Moscow Putin, Vladimir nuclear weapons, control, 285 Statement of Principles, 361 Pym, John, 186, 414 Pyrenees, Treaty of the, 361 Q al-Qaeda, 67 Quadragesimo Anno, 362 Quadruple Alliance of 1718, 362–363 of 1815, 9, 202, 362 Quakers, persecution of, 155 Quartering Act of 1765, 363, 429, 445 of 1774, 363 Quatre Ordonnances See July Ordinance of 1830 Quebec, Treaty of, 363 Quebec Act, 72, 93, 363 Quebec Resolutions, 363–364 Queiroz, Euse´bio de, 364 Queiroz Law, 364 Quesnel, Pasquier, 460 Quicumque Vult See Athanasian Creed Quintuple Alliance, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsetung, 364 Qur’an See Koran R Rabin, Yitzhak, 219 Race Relations Bill of 1968, British, 365 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act See RICO Law Radischev, Aleksandr N Journey from St Petersburgh to Moscow, 226 Radisson, Pierre Esprit, 205 Radom, Constitution of, 365 Railway Administration Act, U.S., 365–366 Railway Labor Act of 1926, U.S See Watson-Parker Act Raleigh Letter, Clay’s, 10, 366 Rambouillet Decree, 366 Randolph, Edmund, 484 Randolph Plan See Virginia Plan Rapollo, Treaty of 1920, 366 1922, 366 Rastatt, Treaty of, 366–367 Rathbun v United States See Humphrey’s Executor v United States Rathenau, Walther, 366 Ratisbon, Truce of See Regensburg, Truce of Ratisbon Interim, 367 Ratzel, Friedrich, 330 Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal, 77, 127, 215 Ravenna, Decree of, 367 Rawalpindi, Treaty of, 367 Raymond VII of Toulouse, 332 Reagan, Ronald W assassination attempt, 56–57 Berne Bill, 49 Canada, free trade, 470 fair housing, 149 first inaugural address, 367 Grace Commission, 185 health care and, 274 Nicaragua and, 54 nuclear weapons, control of, 216, 375 trade legislation, 445–446 Rebellion Losses Bill, Canadian, 367 Reciprocal Tariff Act, U.S., 368 Reciprocity Treaty, 368 Reconstruction Acts, U.S., 280– 281, 368 Recusancy Laws, 368 Redistribution (of Seats) Act of 1885, British, 368 Reed, James A., 211 Reed Treaty See U.S.-Chinese Treaty of 1858 Reflections on the Revolution in France, 369 Reform Acts 1832, British, 369 1867, British, 369 1868, Irish, 369–370 1868, Scottish, 370 1884, British, 368, 369 Refugee Relief Act of 1953, U.S., 370 Regensburg, Truce of, 32, 186, 370 Regnans in Excelsis, 370 Regula Monachorum See Benedictine Rule Regulating Act of 1773, British, 370–371 Reichenbach, Conventions of 1790, 371 1813, 371 Reichenbach, Treaties of (1813), 371 Reichstadt Agreement, 371 Reinsurance Treaty, 371–372 Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, U.S., 372 Remonstrance of 1610, 372 Remonstrance of Grievances, 372 Reno, Shaw v., 405 Index Reno v American Civil Liberties Union, 372 Rense, Declaration of See Rhens, Declaration of Renville Agreement, 193, 372–373 Repkow, Eike von, 396 Report on Manufactures, 373 Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States, 373 Report on the Public Credit, First, 373 Reproductive Health Services, Webster v., 494 Republic, The, 373 Republican Party of Illinois, Rutan v., 388 Requesens, Luis de, 180 Re´quin, Edouard, 287 Rerum Novarum, 272, 373–374 Resht, Treaty of, 374 Restitution, Edict of, 353, 374 Restraining Act for New England, British, 374 Restraining Act of 1775, British, 374 Restraining Acts See Coercive Acts Resumption Act, U.S See Specie Resumption Act, U.S Revenue Act of 1935, U.S See Wealth-Tax Act, U.S Rex Pacificus See Decretals of 1234 (Liber Decretalium Gregorii IX) Reykjavı´k Agreement of 1986, 374– 375 Reynolds v Sims, 375 Reynolds v United States, 375 Rheims, Archbishop Adelboro of, Rhens, Declaration of, 375 Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Charter of, 375 Rhodes, Cecil, 182 Rhodesia, 242, 295 Rhodesian Native Land Husbandry Act See Native Island Husbandry Act, Rhodesia Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 23, 161, 178, 424 Richard (duke of York), 69 Richard I (king of England), 316 Richard II (king of England), 351, 503 Richelieu, Cardinal de, 10, 42, 82, 260 Political Testament, 375–376 RICO Law, 35, 294, 376 Riga, Treaty of 1920, 376 1921, 376 Rights of Man, Dutch, 376 Rights of Man, The, 376–377 Rights of the British Colonies Arrested and Proved, Otis’s, 377 Rijswijk, Treaty of See Ryswick, Treaty of Rio Branco Law, 377 Rio Declaration, 377 Riot Act of 1715, British, 377 Rio Treaty, 377–378 Ripon, Lord, 209 Ripon, Treaty of, 378 Ritchie, Charles Thomson, 378 Ritchie Act, 253, 378 Rives, William C., 378 Rives’s Treaty, 378 Rivet-Vitet Law, 378 Robert of Be´thune, 30 Robespierre, Maximilien, 476 Speech on Property, 378 Robinson, Joseph T., 379 Robinson-Patman Act, 378–379 Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society, 128 Rock Edicts See Pillar Edicts, Asoka’s Rockingham Memorial, Webster’s, 379 Rodo´, Jose´ Enrique, 26–27 Roe v Wade, 344–345, 379 Roman Agrarian Law of 133 b.c., 379 of 111 b.c., 379–380 Roman Catholic Church catechism, 77 decrees, 448 dissent by theologians, 215 doctrine, 30 dogmatic constitution, 120 encyclical, 206 Great Schism, 103 Holy League, 46 justification doctrine, 126 official religion of France, 165 ordinances, 25 papal agreements, 98–100 papal infallibility, 126 peace treaty, 1, 31, 36 powers of, 94–95 public funding, 58–59 Roman Civil War of 43–41 b.c., 63 Romanian Organic Statutes of 1832, 380 Rome, ancient citizenship, 75, 227 code of law, 454 consular rank, 172 dress code for women, 320 extortion, legislation, laws, 228–229, 251 marriage law, 75 plebians, debts, 204 political power, 359–360 slavery, 169 social reform, 227–228 Rome, Treaties of (1957), 380 Rome-Berlin Axis, 23 Rome Protocols of 1934, 34, 380 Romorantin, Edict of, 380 Roncaglia, Degrees of, 380–381 Ronsard, Pierre de, 450 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 31, 92 bank holidays, 40, 139 Canada, agreement, 208 Canada, joint board of defense, 315–316 destroyers, agreement, 123 Einstein and, 135 farm credit, 150 first inaugural address, 381–382 “Four Freedoms” Speech, 159 FTC, 207 “Hands Off the Western Hemisphere” Speech, 382 Hitler, Adolph, speech replying to, 202 Japanese relocation, 146 judiciary reorganization, 227 lead-lease protocols, 473 Litvinov, communications, 381 “Quarantine the Aggressors” Speech, 382 second inaugural address (“OneThird of a Nation” Speech), 382 Statement on North African Policy, 382 term of office, 455 veterans, compensation, 55 War Message (“Day of Infamy”) speech, 383 works progress, 139 Yalta Agreement, 510 Roosevelt, Theodore, 350 “Confession of Faith” speech, 381 Conservation Message, 381 Corollary, 381 “New Nationalism” speech, 381, 382 Panama Canal, 421 “Strenuous Life” Speech, 383 Root, Elihu, 383 Root and Branch Bill, 383 Root-Takahira Agreement, 383 Rosen, Romanovich, 383 Rosen-Nishi Agreement, 383–384 Rosetta Stone, 384 Roskilde, Treaty of, 384 Rothschild, Lionel Walter, 38 637 Roth v United States, 384 Round Table Conference Agreement See Hague Agreement of 1949 Round Table Conferences (1930– 33), 185 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 292 Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, 125 Social Contract, 413 Rowell, Newton, 409 Rowell-Sirois Report See Sirois Commission Report Rowlatt Acts, 384 Royal Geographical Society, 176 Royal Marriage Act, British, 384– 385 Royal Titles Act of 1876, British, 385 Ruby, Jack, 489 Rudini, Antonio di, Rudman, Warren, 185–186 Rudolf II (emperor of Hapsburg), 267, 480 Rueil, Treaty of, 385 Runyon, Russell and Katheryne, 385 Runyon v McCrary et al., 385 Rush, Richard, 385 Rush-Bagot Agreement, 385 Ruskin, John Seven Lamps of Architecture, The, 403 Russell, Bertrand Principia Mathematica, 355 Russell, John Howe’s letters to, 205 Ten Resolutions, 437 Russell, Lord John, 131 Russia See also Soviet Union Afghanistan, relinquishing of, 21 agriculture, 425 Austria, convention, 65 Austria, treaty, 34 Chechnya and, 82 China, pacts and treaties, 338, 391–392 emancipation, 138 factory laws, 149 Finnish border, 310 France, agreements and treaties, 142, 162, 441 Germany, treaties, 51, 371–372 Great Britain, treaty, 20–21 land, 248–249 as monarchy, 315 Norway, treaty, 311 Ottoman Empire, agreements and treaties, 38–39, 64, 207– 208, 223, 238, 306 638 Dictionary of Historic Documents Russia (continued ) peace treaties, 11 Persia, agreements and treaties, 191, 274, 453 Poland, peace treaty, 16, 144 policies, 303 revolution, 117 Smolensk and, 123 Sweden, treaties with, 2, 231– 232, 313, 391, 438–439 territories, 9–10 United States, joint statement of principles, 361 United States, treaty, 284–285 U.S expeditionary force to Siberia, criticism, Russian-British Convention of 1755 See Anglo-Russian Convention of 1755 Russian-British Entente of 1907 See Anglo-Russian Entente of 1907 Russian Code of 1497, 386 Russian Constitution of 1933, 385– 386 Russian Decree of 1597 See Godunov’s Decree of 1597 Russian Emancipation Edict of 1807 See Emancipation Edict of 1807 Russian Fundamental Laws of 1864, 386 of 1906, 386 Russian New Code of 1649, 386 Russian Revolution of 1905, 315 Russian Revolution of 1917, 249 Russian Truth, 386–387 Russo-Chinese Treaty of 1896, 387 See also Sino-Soviet Treaty Russo-German Tariff Treaty of 1894, 387 Russo-Japanese Agreement of 1898 See Rosen-Nishi Agreement of 1910, 387 Russo-Japanese War of 1904–5, 21, 350–351 Russo-Polish War of 1658–67, 2, 376 Russo-Prussian Treaty of 1793, 387 of 1795 See Third Treaty of Partition of Poland Russo-Swedish War of 1741–43, 2, 425 Russo-Turkish War of 1787–92, 223, 358, 371, 395 Rutan, Cynthia B., 388 Rutan v Republican Party of Illinois, 388 Rutledge, Ann, 252 Ruz, Fidel Castro See Castro, Fidel Ryswick, Treaty of, 32, 388 S Sabotage Bill, 389 See General Law Amendment Act, South African Sacco, Nicola, 476 Sackeville-West, Lionel, 287 el-Sadat, Anwar, 71, 219 Sagauli, Treaty of, 389 St.-Clair-sur-Epte, Treaty of, 389 Sainteny, Jean, 164 St.-Germain, Treaty of 1632, 389–390 1679, 390 1919, 390 Saint-Just, Louis, 476 St Lawrence Seaway Treaties, 390 St.-Ouen, Declaration of, 390 St Petersburg, Treaty of 1723, 390 1762, 390–391 1772, 391 1805, 391 1812, 391 1875, 391 1881, 391–392 St Petersburg Protocol of 1826, 392 Saladin, 224 Salary Grab Act, U.S., 392 Salbai, Treaty of, 392 Salic Law, 392 Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 29, 222, 296 SALT I and II See Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Salvadoran Constitution of 1962, 392–393 Samoa Act See Berlin Act of 1889 Samoan Islands, 47–48 Samoan Treaty See Anglo-German Treaty of 1899 Sanaa, Treaty of, 393 Sandburg, Carl, 252 Sandford, Dred Scott v., 129, 160, 205 San Germano, Peace of, 393 San Giorgio, Cardinal, 98–99 San Ildefonso, Treaty of 1762, 393 1777, 393 1796, 393–394 1800, 394 San Lorenzo, Treaty of See Pinckney Treaty San Luis Potosı´, Plan of, 394 San Martı´n, Jose´ de, 466 San Remo Agreements, 394 San Sebastian, Pact of, 394–395 San Stefano, Treaty of, 395 Santiago, Declaration of, 395 Saraiva Law, 395 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 395 Savez, General Franc¸ois, 179 Savoy Declaration, 395–396 Sawtre, William, 200 Sawyer, Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company v., 511 Saxon Mirror, 396 Schechter Poultry Corporation v United States, 396 Scheidler, Joseph, 294 Scheidler, National Organization for Women, Inc v., 294 Schenck v United States, 142, 396 Schillebeeck, Father Edward, 94 Schism Act, 396 Schlietheim Confession, 396–397 Schmalkaldic Articles, 297 Schmerling, Anton von, 151 Scholberg, Andy, 294 Schoănbrunn, Treaty of 1805, 397 1809, 397 Schopenhauer, Arthur World as Will and Idea, The, 397, 505–506 Schuman, Robert, 397, 496 Schuman Plan, 144, 397 Schwarzenberg, Felix, 269, 317 Schwarzenberg Constitution See March Constitution Scotland England, union, 461 independence, 309 Pan Am flight 203, 34 Presbyterian ministers, 414 Scott, Winfield, 16 Scott-Moncrieff, Colin Campbell, 398 Scott-Moncrieff Commission Report, 397–398 Seabury, Samuel, 398 Seabury Commission Report, 398 SEATO Pact, 398 Seclusion, Act of, 398 Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665– 67), 59 Second Balkan War (1913), 64 Second Italian War (1526–30), 71 Second Maratha War (1803–5), 122 Second Opium War (1856–60), 441 Second Peace of Utrecht, 265 Second Punic War (218–220 b.c.), 320 Second Treaty of Partition of Poland See Russo-Prussian Treaty of 1793 Second Villmergen War (1712), Securities Act of 1933, U.S., 398 Securities Exchange Act, U.S., 398– 399 Security, Act of, 399 Sedgwick, Ellery, 252 Sedition Act, U.S of 1798, 399 of 1918, 3, 399 Seeger, United States v., 468 segregation, U.S public schools, 54–55, 63, 136– 137, 345, 385, 417 Selbourne, Lord, 226 Selective Service Acts, U.S 1917, 399 1948, 399 1951 See Universal Military Training and Service Act, U.S 1967, 181, 399–400 1971, 400 Selective Training and Service Act See Burke-Wadsworth Act Self-Renouncing Ordinance, 400 Selim III (sultan of Turkey), 223, 325 Sempach, Convention of, 400 Sempronian Law of 133 b.c See Roman Agrarian Law of 133 b.c Seneca Falls Declaration See Women’s Rights, Declaration of Senlis, Treaty of, 400–401 Sentences, Four Books of, 401 See Lombard’s Book of Sentences Separate Amenities Act, South Africa, 401 September 11, 2001 Canadian antiterrorism act, 23– 24 “Freedom and Fear Are at War” speech (Bush), 67 UN resolution 1373, 465 USA-PATRIOT Act, 23, 470 September Convention of 1864, 401 September Laws of 1835, 401 Septennate, Law of the, 401–402 Septennial Act, 402 Serbia Austrian ultimatum, 33–34 Karageorgevic dynasty, 107 Serbian Constitutions (1835, 1838), 402 Sermon on the Mount, 402 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, U.S See GI Bill of Rights Index Seti I (king of Egypt), Settlement, Act of 1662, 402 Succession Act, 402–403 Settlement for Ireland, Act of 1653, 403 1662, 403 Seven Division of Law See Seven Parts, Code of the Seven Lamps of Architecture, The, 403 Seven Parts, Code of the, 403 Seventeen Article “Constitution,” 403–404 Seventeenth Amendment, U.S., 404 Seventh Amendment, U.S., 404 “Seventh of March” Speech, Webster’s, 404 Seventy-two Resolutions, Canadian See Quebec Resolutions Seven Years’ War (1756–63), 205, 391, 497 Seville, Treaty of (1729), 404 Se´vres, Treaty of, 404–405 Seward, William Henry, 10 “Higher Law” Speech, 200–201 Sex Discrimination Act, British, 405 Sex Offender Notification Bill, U.S See Megan’s Law Sextius, Lucius, 251 Sextus Pompey, 280 Sexual Exploitation of Children Act of 1977, 83 Sfarifudin, Amur, 372 Sforza, Carlo, 366 Sforza, Francesco, 255 Sforza, Massimiliano, 169 SHAEF, 179 Shakamaxon, Treaty of, 405 Shamir, Yitzhak, 26 Shanghai Communique´ See U.S.Chinese Communique of 1972 Sharpe, Bolling v., 54–55 Sharpeville Massacre (1960), 163 Shastri, Lal Bhadur, 435 Shaw, George Bernard, 96, 148 Shaw, Lemuel, 96 Shaw v Reno, 405 Shays, Christopher, 50–51 Shays-Meehan Bill See Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, U.S Shelley, Percy Bysshe Declaration of Rights, 405–406 Shell Manifesto, 406 Shepilov, Dmitri, 419 Sheppard, John Morris, 406 Sheppard-Towner Act, 406 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Begums Speech, 406 Sherman, John, 406 Sherman, Roger, 187, 247 Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 5, 15, 89, 255, 406, 423 Sherman Silver Purchase Act, 406 Shimonoseki, Treaty of, 406–407 Ship Subsidy Act See Merchant Marine Act Shunichi, Matsumoto, 419 Shuzo, Aoki, 24 Siddhartha Gautama, 442 Siebener Concordat, 407 Siete Partidas, Co´digo de las See Seven Parts, Code of the Sieye`s, Emmanuel J., 119 Sigismund II Augustus, 328 Sigismund III (king of Poland), 13 Sikhs, 16 Simmons, Furnifold M., 460 Simnel, Lambert, 351 Simon & Schuster v New York State Crime Victims Board, 407 Simpson, Wallis, 134 Sims, Reynolds v., 375 Singh, Ranjit, 16 Single European Act, 407–408 Sinn Fein Proclamation of 1916, 408 Sino-Japanese War (1894–95), 383, 406 Sino-Soviet Agreement of 1923 See Sun-Joffee Manifesto Sino-Soviet Treaty of 1945, 408 of 1950, 408 of 1954, 408–409 Sintra, Convention of, 409 Siricius, Decretals of, 409 Sirois, Joseph, 409 Sirois Commission Report, 409 Sistova, Peace of, 409 Six Acts of 1819, British, 409–410 Six Articles, Act of, 410 Six Edicts, Turgot’s, 410 Six-Power Agreement of 1948, 410 Sixteenth Amendment, U.S., 410 Sixth Amendment, U.S., 142, 181, 410–411 Sixth and Last Coalition against Napole´on, 186 Sixty-seven Theses, Zwingli’s, 411 Slaughterhouse Cases, 411 Slave Codes, U.S See Black Codes, U.S Slave Emancipation Act Brazilian See Brazilian Slave Emancipation Act French, 411 of 1807, British, 411 of 1833, British, 411–412 slavery Brazil, 1–2, 57, 58, 183 France, 51 Fugitive Slave Law, international law, 105 Rome, ancient, 169 United States, 51–52, 70, 101– 102, 111, 128, 129, 138, 160, 169, 200, 281, 412, 432, 459– 460, 501 Slavery Compromise, U.S., 412 Slaves, Act to Prohibit Importation of, 412 Smidova, Jana, 211 Smith, Adam Wealth of Nations, 373, 492 Smith, Coyle v., 110 Smith, Hoke, 412 Smith, Howard W., 412 Smith, Lonnie E., 413 Smith, Walter B., 179 Smith Act See Alien Registration Act, U.S Smith Alien Registration Act of 1940, 122 Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act, 412 Smith-Hughes Act, 412 Smith-Lever Act, 412–413 Smith v Allwright, 413 Smoking and Health, 413 Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, 413 Smuts, Jan, 416 Snyder, John B., 190 Social Contract, 413 Social Democratic Workers Party, 23 Social Security Act, U.S., 413–414 Society Law on State Enterprise, 419 Society of the Sisters, Pierce v., 342 Soil Conservation Act, U.S., 414 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, U.S., 414 Solemn League and Covenant of 1638, 414 of 1643, 414, 460 Solidarity Charter, 414–415 Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, 415 Solon, Laws of, 415 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I Harvard Speech, 415 “Some Reflections on Marriage,” 415 Somnauth Proclamation, 416 “So Much Owed” Speech, Churchill’s, 415–416 639 Sons of Liberty of New York, Resolutions of the See New York Sons of Liberty, Resolutions of the Soule, Pierre, 324 South Africa Cape, Parliament, 182 Group Areas acts, 189 immigration, 29 nationality, 293 natives’ land, 296 opposition groups, legalization of, 121 Pass Laws, 163 Political Interference Act, 348 public safety, 359 Rhodesian government, 78 segregation, 401 self-government, 41 subversive activities, detainment, 174–175 South Africa Act of 1909, 416 South African Citizenship Act, 416 South African Constitution of 1983, 416 South African Exposition and Protest See Exposition and Protest, Calhoun’s South African Group Areas acts See Group Areas Act, South African South African Nationality and Flag Act See Nationality and Flag Act, South African South African Natives’ Land Act See Natives’ Land Act, South African South African Natives’ Trust and Land Act See Natives’ Trust and Land Act, South African South African Political Interference Act See Political Interference Act, South African South African Public Safety Law of 1953 See Public Safety Law of 1953, South African South African Separate Amenities Act See Separate Amenities Act, South Africa South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report See Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report, South African South Carolina Exposition and Protest See Exposition and Protest, Calhoun’s South Carolina’s Ordinance of Nullification, 157, 312, 417, 434 640 Dictionary of Historic Documents South Carolina’s Ordinance of Succession See Ordinance of Succession, South Carolina’s South Carolina’s Reply to Jackson’s Proclamation, 417 Southeast Asia Defense Treaty See SEATO Pact Southern Manifesto on Integration, 417 South Sea Bubble Act See Bubble Act Soviet-British Agreement of 1941 See Anglo-Soviet Agreement of 1941 Soviet Constitution of 1918, 113, 418 of 1936 See Stalin Constitution of 1977, 418 Soviet Constitutional Amendments of 1990, 417–418 Soviet Five-Year Plan, First, 418 Soviet-German Non-Aggression Treaty of 1939 See MolotovRibbentrop Pact Soviet-Japanese Non-Aggression Pact of 1941, 284 See Moscow, Treaty of Soviet-Japanese Peace Declaration of Life, 419 Soviet Law on Freedom of Conscience, 419 Soviet Law on Religious Bodies, 419 Soviet New Party Platform of 1990, 419–420 Soviet Union See also Russia Arab-Israeli War of 1967, 71 arms limitation agreements, 22– 23 Britain, agreement, 21 China, treaties, 408 Cuban Missile Crisis, 233, 473 dissolution of, 13, 280 Hitler proclamation on invasion, 202 Latvia and, 243–244, 376 Nazi-Soviet Pact See MolotovRibbentrop Pact Poland, treaty, 376 sailors, 238 sovereignty, 143 Turkey and, 21, 232 United States, agreements and treaties, 311–312, 374–375, 423–424, 426–427, 473 United States, relations, 137, 216, 381, 451 Spain Civil War (1936–39), 20, 204, 299 Code of the Seven Parts, 7–8 France, alliance, 26 France, treaty, 41, 42 Italy, treaty, 41 Mexico, treaty, 107 pagan areas, defined, 122 Portugal, treaty, 253, 265–266 West Florida, abandonment of claims to, 4–5 Spanish-American War (1898), 274, 334, 436 Spanish Civil War of 1820–23, 478 of 1936–39, 20, 204, 299 Spanish Constitution of 1812, 220, 420 of 1834, 420 of 1931, 420 Spanish-Portuguese War of 1657– 68, 253 Specie Circular, 420–421 Specie Resumption Act, U.S., 421 Spencer, Earl, 131 Speransky, Michael, 421 Speransky’s Plan, 421 Speyer, Decree of the Diet of 1526, 421 1529, 421 Spinoza, Benedict Ethics, 144 Spooner, John C., 421 Spooner Act, 421 1881, 391–392 Stalin, Joseph V., 97, 235, 351, 418, 421–422 “Cold War” Speech, 422 Decree of December 1, 1934, 422 Hitler Pact See MolotovRibbentrop Pact Yalta Agreement, 510 Stalin Constitution, 418, 421–422 Stamp Act of 1712, 422 of 1765, 118, 119, 422 Stamp Act Congress, 118, 150 Standard Oil Company of New Jersey et al v United States, 15, 423 Stangate, Viscount, 338 Stanislaus I Leszczynski, 481 Stanislaus II (king of Poland), 347 Stanley, Lord, 185 Stans, Covenant on the Diet of, 423 Stanton, Edwin M., 437 START I Treaty, 375, 423 START II Treaty, 423 State and Revolution, 423–424 Statute de Viris Religiosis See Mortmain, Statute of Steel, Christopher, 49 Steel, Pact of, 424 Stephen II, 340 Stephens, Alexander Hamilton Cornerstone Speech, 108 Stevenson, Adlai E Acceptance Speech, 424 “Nature of Patriotism” Speech, 424 Steward Machine Company v Davis, 424 Stockholm, Treaties of, 424–425 Stockholm Resolution, 425 Stockholm Security Conference Treaty, 425 Stoeckl, Baron Edoard de, 10 Stolbovo, Treaty of, 425 Stolypin, Peter, 425 Stolypin’s Agrarian Reform Act, 425 Story, Joseph, 270–271 Stowe, Harriet Beecher Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 459–460 Straits Convention, 74, 425–426 Stralsund, Treat of, 426 Strangford, Lord, 426 Strangford Treaty, 426 Strasbourg, Treaty of, 426 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty of 1972 (SALT I), 426 of 1979 (SALT II), 426–427 Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty, 284–285 Stuart, John, 32, 86 Stuart of Scotland, 59 Stuyvesant, Peter, 155, 195 Subversive Activities Control Act, U.S See McCarran Act Succession, Act of (1534), 427 Sudan/Egypt, treaty, 304–305 Suez Canal, 38 Suez Canal Convention, 427 Suffolk Resolves, 427 Sugar Act of 1764, 281, 427–428 Sugar Trust Case See United States v E.C Knight Company Sulayman (sultan), 104 Sulla, Lucius Cornelius, 107–108, 127 Sullivan, L B., 302 Sullivan, New York Times Company v., 302 Summa Theologica, 428 Sumner, Charles “Crime Against Kansas” speech, 111 Sun-Joffe Manifesto, 428 Sun-tzu, 29 Sun Yixian’s Three People Principles, 428 Supremacy, Act of 1534, 428 1559, 428–429 Supreme Court of Judicature Act See Judicature Act of 1873, British Surat, Treaty of, 360 Surgeon General, U.S Smoking and Health, 413 Surplus Property Act of 1944, 170 Susa, Treaty of, 429 Susloparov, Ivan, 179 Suspending Act of 1767, 429 Sussex Pledge, 429 Swabian Mirror See Saxon Mirror Sweden Denmark, treaty, 447 France, treaty, 42, 333 Germany, treaty, 261 Great Northern War (1700–21), 13 kingdom, unifying, 230–231 Lutheran Church, 105 Norway, treaty, 310 Norway, union, 461 Russia, treaties with, 2, 231– 232, 313, 438–439 territory, 310 Thirty Years’ War (1618–48), 13 Swedish Constitution of 1720, 429 Swedish-Norwegian Treaty of Separation See NorwegianSwedish Treaty of Separation Swift, Jonathan, 100–101 Drapier’s Letters, 128–129 Swiss Constitution of 1848, 429– 430 Swiss Federal Pact of 1815, 430 Switzerland Berne Convention, 49–50 cantons, 407 France, treaty, 169 peace treaties, 1, 43, 169, 231, 244 security treaty, 253–254 Sykes, Mark, 18 Sykes-Picot Agreement See AngloFrench-Russian Agreement about Asiatic Turkey Syllabus of Errors, 430 Sylvester I, 104, 150 Szatmar, Peace of, 430 Szegeden, Treaty of, 430 Szuros, Matyas, 207 T Table of Tanis See Canopus, Decree of Tables of Amalfi See Amalfitan Code Tabula Amalphitana See Amalfitan Code Index Tabula Peutingeriana See Peutinger Table Taff Vale Case, 431 Taff Vale Railway Company, 446 Taft, Robert A., 431 “Equal Justice Under Law” Speech, 432 Taft, William Howard, 37 Taft-Hartley Act, 242, 431–432 Taı´na, Treaty of, 431 Taishi, Shotoku, 403 Taiwanese Declaration of 1991, 432 Taiwan/United States, agreement, 473 Take Your Choice!, 432 Talley, Judge Alfred J., 115 Tallmadge, James, 432 Tallmadge Amendment, 432 Talmud, 432–433 Tambo, Oliver, 163 Tanaka Memorial, 433 Taney, Roger B., 2, 41, 276–277 Tangier, Convention and Statute of, 433 Tangier, Treaty of, 433 Tang Jiaxuan, 470 Tanis, Table of, Canopus, Decree of Tanucci, Bernardo, 99 Tao Te Ching, 433 Ta Quang Buu, 175 Tarbell, Ida M., 252 Tariff Act, U.S 1789, 433–434 1816, 434 1824, 434 1828, 312, 417, 434 1832, 417, 434, 435, 487 1833, 417, 434 1846 See Walker Tariff Act 1857, 434–435 1909 See Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act 1913 See Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act 1922 See Fordney-McCumber Act Tariff Law of 1879, German, 435 Tartu, Treaty of, 435 Tashkent Agreement, 435 Tate, Zouch, 400 Tauroggen, Convention of, 435 Tavole Amalfitane See Amalfitan Code Taxation No Tyranny, 435–436 Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, U.S., 436 Taylor, Zachary, 206 Tea Act, 301, 436 Telecommunications Act of 1996, 96 Teller, Henry M., 436 Teller Resolution, 436 Tell Leilan Tablets, 436 Temple, William, 449 Tenant Law Amendment or Act See Irish Land Act of 1860 Ten Commandments, 436–437 Tennessee Valley Authority, 3, 437 Tennis Court Oath See Jeu de Paume, Oath of the Ten Resolutions, Russell’s, 437 Tenth Amendment, U.S., 281, 437 Tenure of Office Act, U.S., 110, 437 Teplitz, Treaty of, 437–438 Terray, Abbe´, 452 terrorism Aviation Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1996, 34–35 Canadian antiterrorism act, 23– 24 war against, 67 Terrorism Act of 2000, British, 438 Terry, David, 297 Terry, Fernando Blaunde, 340–341 Terry, Randall, 294 Teschen, Treaty of, 438 Tesse´, R de Fromlay, 452 Test Act, English of 1673, 314, 438, 443 of 1678 See Papists’ Disabling Act Testament Politique See Richelieu’s Political Testament Tetrapolitan Confession, 438 Teusina, Peace of, 438–439 Texas, annexation of, 10 Texas Declaration of Independence, 439 Texas v Johnson, 439 Thatcher, Margaret, 17, 19, 134, 349 “Their Finest Hour” Speech, Churchill, 439 Theodoric, Edict of See Edict of Theodoric Theodoric the Great, 174 Theodosian Code, 66, 439–440 Theodosian Table See Peutinger Table Theodosius I the Great, 341 Theological Declaration of Barmen See Barmen Declaration Thiers, Adolphe, 378 Third Anglo-Afghan War (1919), 367 Third Silesian War (1756–53), 205 Third Treaty of Partition of Poland See Austro-Russian and Russo-Prussian Treaties of 1795 Third War of Religion (1578–70), 55 Thirteenth Amendment, U.S., 339, 440 Thirty-nine Articles, 440, 443, 445 Thirty Years’ War (1618–48), 13, 42, 261, 287, 323, 498 Thompson, Kilbourn v., 235 Thomsen, Vilhelm L., 323 Thomson-Urrutia Treaty, 440 Thoreau, Henry David “Civil Disobedience,” 86–87 Thorn, First Peace of, 440–441 Thorn, Second Peace of, 441 Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents, 441 Three Baskets of the Law See Tipitaka Three Emperors’ Alliance, 441 Three-Fifths Compromise See Slavery Compromise, U.S Tientsin, Treaty of, 441 Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, Tilden, Samuel J., 137 Tillman, Benjamin, 406 Tilsit, Treaties of, 441–442 Timber Culture Act, U.S., 442 Timmendequas, Jesse, 275 Tipitaka, 442 Tirana, Treaty of, 442 Tirpitz, Alfred von, 178 Tithe Commutation Act of 1836 See Melbourne’s Six Acts Titian Law, 442 Titulescu, Nicholas, 38 Tobacco Companies Settlement Agreement, 442–443 Tobar, Carlos R., 443 Tobar Doctrine, 143, 443 Tolentino, Treaty of, 443 Toleranzpatent See Edict of Toleration of 1781 Toleration Act of 1649, 443 of 1689, 105, 155, 443–444, 460 Tolstoy, Leo War and Peace, 489 Tome of Leo, 444 Tonkin Gulf Resolution See Gulf of Tonkin Resolution “Too Proud to Fight” Speech, Wilson’s, 444 Topeka Constitution, 444 Torah See Ten Commandments 641 Tordesillas, Treaty of, 444 Torgau, Book of, 444 Torrijos, Omar, 329 Torun, Peace of See Thorn, First Peace of; Thorn, Second Peace of Toshio, Shiratori, 23 Towner, Horace M., 406 Townsend, Grovey v., 413 Townsend, Peter, 444–445 Townsend Plan, 444–445 Townshend, Charles Champagne Speech, 79 Townshend Acts, 150, 272, 429, 484 Townshend Auto, 445 Tract No 90, Newman’s, 445 Tracts for the Times, 445 Trade Act of 1988, U.S 445–446 Trade Agreements Act, U.S See Reciprocal Tariff Act, U.S Trade Disputes Act of 1906, British, 446 Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act of 1927, British, 446 Trade Union Act of 1871, British, 446 Trade Union Act of 1884, French, 446 Trajan’s Rescript, 446–447 Transcontinental Treaty See Adams-Onı´s Treaty Transport Act, British of 1947, 447 of 1968, 447 Transportation Act of 1920, U.S See Esch-Cummins Act Travendal, Treaty of, 447 Treaties of Washington See Nine Power Pacts Treatise of Human Nature, Hume’s, 206–207 “Treaty Elm.” See Shakamaxon, Treaty of Treaty of Arbitration with China, 447 Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, 447–448 Trent, Decrees of the Council of See Tridentine Decrees Trianon, Treaty of, 448 Tridentine Decrees, 448 Triennial Act, 402, 448 Trieste Agreement, 448 Tripartite Pact of 1940 See Axis Powers, Pact of the Tripartitum, 449 Triple Alliance of 1668, 9, 128, 449 of 1717, 449 642 Dictionary of Historic Documents Triple Alliance (continued ) of 1788, 449 of 1882, 449 Triple Entente, 21 Troppau Protocol, 449–450 Troyes, Treaty of 1420, 28, 450 1564, 450 Truce of Antwerp See Twelve Years’ Truce Truce of God, 450 Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, 73, 359 True Laws of the Monarchy, 450 Truman, Harry S Announcement of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima, 451 atomic energy, control of, 42 Germany, plans for future of, 351 inaugural address, 451 Loyalty Oath, 451 MacArthur, Douglas, and, 263 Point Four Program, 346 Puerto Rico and, 360 Soviet expansion, resistance, 450–451 Statement on the Fundamentals of American Foreign Policy, 451 steel companies, 511 subversive activities control, 263–264 Taft-Hartley Act, 431 Truman Doctrine, 450–451 Trumbic, Ante, 366 Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report, South African, 451–452 Truth-in-Securities Act See Securities Act of 1933, U.S Tukujiro, Nishi, 383 Turgot, Robert-Jacques “Letters on the Freedom of the Grain Trade,” 452 Letter to Louis XVI, 452 Six Edicts, 410 Turin, Treaty of 1381, 452 1696, 452–453 1796 See Paris, Treaty of (1796) Turkey See also Ottoman Empire Cypriots, 61–62 France, treaty, 21–22 Grand National Assembly, 170 Iraq, treaty, 37 National Pact, 294 peace treaties, Poland, treaty, 513 Soviet Union and, 21, 232 Turkey’s Fundamental Law of 1921 See Fundamental Law of 1921, Turkey’s Turkey’s National Pact See National Pact, Turkey’s Turkish Constitution of 1982, 453 Turkish Runes See Orkhon Inscriptions Turkmanchai, Treaty of, 453 Turko-Egyptian War (1839–40), 257 Turko-Serbian War (1876–78), 371 Tutu, Desmond, 451 Tuxtepec, Plan of, 453 Twain, Mark “Horrors of the German Language” Speech, 453 “To a Person Sitting in Darkness,” 453 Twelfth Amendment, U.S., 454 Twelve Articles See Peasant’s Manifesto, German Twelve Tables, Law of the, 454 Twelve Years’ Truce, 454 Twentieth Amendment, U.S., 382, 454 Twenty-fifth Amendment, U.S., 354, 454–455 Twenty-first Amendment, U.S., 455 Twenty-five Articles of Religion, 455 Twenty-fourth Amendment, U.S., 455 Twenty-one Demands, Japan’s, 455 Twenty-second Amendment, U.S., 455–456 Twenty-sixth Amendment, U.S., 456 Twenty-third Amendment 456 Two-Plus-Four Treaty See Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany Two Thousand Words, 456 Tydings, Millard E., 456 Tydings-McDuffie Act, 456 Tyndale, William, 49 Type, 456–457 U Ubi Primum See Benedict XIV, Encycylical of 1740 Uccailli, Treaty of, 458 UDEAC, 78 Uganda, charter, 95 Ukraine Disarmament Accord, 458 Ukrainian Declaration of Sovereignty of 1990, 458–459 Uladislaus II (king of Hungary), 354, 449 Ullman v United States, 459 Unabomber Manifesto, 459 Unam Sanctam, 459 Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 459–460 Underwood, Oscar W., 460 Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act, 460 UNESCO, 50 Uniformity, Acts of, 96, 460 Unigenitus (1713) 460 Unigenitus (1730), 460–461 Union, Act of England and Scotland, 461 Sweden and Norway, 461 Upper and Lower Canada, 461 Wales and England, 461 Union and Security, Act of See Unity (Union) and Security, Act of Union of Arras, Union of Utrecht, 2, 454 Union with Ireland, British Act of, 462 United Hatters of North America, 255 United Nations, 219 Atomic Energy Commission, 42 Charter, 24, 462 Convention Against Torture (and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment), 462 Convention on the Law of the Sea, 462–463 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, 463 Declaration of January 1, 1942, 463 Declaration on Decolonization, 463 formation of, 31 General Assembly, 25–25, 311 genocide, international law, 105– 106 Resolution 181, 463–464 Resolution 212, 464 Resolution 242, 464 Resolution 338, 464 Resolution 661, 464–465 Resolution 678, 465 Resolution 1373, 465 Resolution 3236, 465 Resolution 3379, 465–466 Security Council, 13 space exploration, 325 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 468 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), 239 United Providence of Central America, Declaration of Independence of the, 466 United Provinces of the Rı´o de la Plata, Declaration of Independence of the, 466 United Public Workers v Mitchell, 466 United States abolitionist movement, 172 abortion, 379 abortion clinics, 294 administrative officers, 232 agriculture, 8–9, 76, 163, 196, 255, 265, 314, 406, 412–413 air defense, 308 air pollution, 501 air quality, alien acts, 12 antiterrorism act, 34–35 antitrust laws, 75, 89–90 arms limitation agreements, 22– 23 Australia and New Zealand, pact, 24 bank holidays, 40 banking, 40–41, 152, 292 Bill of Rights, 50 bituminous coal, 190–191 Blue Laws, 53 border security, 140 boxing, 487 Britain, agreements and treaties, 90, 123, 493 Canada, fishing treaty, 193–194 Canada, seaway treaty, 390 Canada, shared defense, 208 charters, 80 child abuse, 232 child labor, 37 child pornography laws, 83 China, agreements and treaties, 67, 447, 470, 471, 488 China, relations, 197–198, 500 See also White Paper of 1949, U.S Chinese immigration, 84, 85 church and state, separation of, 145 citizens, travel by, 184 civil rights, 87–88, 174 clear air, 90 clubs, admission of women, 301– 302 coinage acts, 93 Colombia, treaty, 197, 440 communications, decency, 96– 97 Index communism, 97, 122 confederation, 28 Congress, inquiries, 235 Constitutional Convention, 22 constitutional rights, 37 contraceptives, privacy in use of, 189 crime control, 318, 323, 376 criminal procedure, 142 criminals, profiting from crimes, 407 Cuba, attempted purchase of, 324 Cuba, relations, 345 Cuban Missile Crisis, 233, 473 currency, 406, 407, 421 currency law, emergency, 11 death penalty, 171 debts, assumption of, 30 declaration of war on Nazi Germany, 471–472 defendant’s rights, criminal cases, 280 Denmark, treaty, 471 desert land, 123 draft, 399–400 education, 137–138, 189, 269, 307 election campaigns, 196 election count, 137 emergency relief, 152 equal rights, 141 espionage, 142–143, 396, 399, 459 farm tenancy, 40 federal courts’ review of state courts’ decisions, 93 flag salute in public schools, 498 food, drug, and cosmetics, 156 food and drug act, 360–361 France, relations, 509 freed slaves, 163 free speech, 57 Germany, treaty, 472 gold, 183 graduations, religious benedictions, 248 Great Depression, 55, 151, 259 handguns, 56–57 hatters, 255 health care, 274 health insurance, 198 highways, 201 homeowners, loans, 203 homosexuality, 56 housing, 292–293, 487 immigrants, 135 immigration, 211 Indians See Native Americans industrial recovery, 293 interstate comity, 41 Japan, agreements and treaties, 176, 195, 222, 231, 243, 472, 510–511 Japanese relocation, 146–147 jury trial, 410–411 labor laws, 286, 293–294 labor unions, 96, 106–107, 308 land, 157, 171, 203–204, 213, 241–242, 248 land-grant colleges, 283 Latin America, policy, 502 layoffs and plant closing, advance warning, 505 legal tender notes, 228, 248 marriage as legal union, 120 meat inspection, 274 mentally retarded criminals, 31 Mexico, boundary issues, 172, 189–190 Mexico, war, 349 military curfew, 201 monopolies, 180 narcotic law, 195 national security, 295 naturalization, 296 navy, 483 noncitizen spouses, 69 nuclear explosions and waste, 22 obscenity laws, 279, 384 oil pollution, 316 Panama, treaty, 197, 205, 329– 330 Peru, solidarity, 251 Philippine Islands, trade, 45 Philippine Islands and, 226 political activity, rights of citizens to engage in, 306 political campaigns, financing, 50–51 political parties, 294–295, 318 political party membership, 413 poor, right to counsel, 180–181 poultry industry, 396 prayer in public schools, 140 price discrimination, 378–379 private property, 42 protective duties on manufactured goods, 501–502 public credit, 373 public interest, 503–504 public utilities, 499 Puritans, 71, 193 racial gerrymandering, 405 railroads, 138, 186–187, 200, 217, 286, 328, 365–366, 467, 486, 491–492 reconstruction, 368 refugees, 370 religion, free exercise of, 75 religion land use, 372 roads, 273 Rocky Mountains, report on, 373 Russia, joint statement of principles, 361 Russia, treaty, 284–285 salaries of government officials, 392 searches, criminal law, 210, 269 securities, 398–399 segregation, public schools, 54– 55, 63, 136–137, 385, 417 selective service, 67 sex discrimination, 189 shipping, 509 silver, coinage, 52 slaughterhouses, 411 slavery, 51–52, 70, 101–102, 111, 128, 129, 138, 160, 169– 170, 200, 281, 412, 432, 459– 460, 501 smoking, 198 Social Security, 413–414 soil conservation, 414 Soviet Union, agreements and treaties, 311–312, 375, 423– 424, 426–427, 473 Soviet Union, relations, 137, 216, 381, 451 St Patrick’s Day parade, 208 Stamp Act, 118 steel companies, 511 Supreme Court, creation, 227 Taiwan, agreement, 473 taxes, 188, 410, 436 Tea Act, denounciation, 301 timber, 442 tobacco industry, 442–443 transportation, 55 treaties, president’s right to make, 61 Underground Railroad, 170 veterans, compensation, 55 vocational education, 412 voting, 191, 375 wages, 488, 495 water, 491 White Papers See White Papers white slavery, 268 wiretapping, 317 women’s vote, 305 workers’ compensation, 505 Yazoo fraud case, 155 United States, Abrams v., United States, Adair v., United States, Addyston Pipe and Steel Company v., United States, American Tobacco Company v., 15 United States, Dennis et al v., 122 643 United States, Dickerson v 124 United States, Gillette v., 181 United States, Guinn and Beal v., 191 United States, Hirabayashi v., 201 United States, Humphrey’s Executor v., 207 United States, Kendall v., 232 United States, Korematsu v., 237 United States, Myers v., 287–288 United States, Northern Securities Company v., 309 United States, Olmstead v., 317 United States, Reynolds v., 375 United States, Roth v., 384 United States, Schechter Poultry Corporation v., 396 United States, Schenck v., 142 United States, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey et al v., 15, 423 United States, Ullman v., 459 United States v Butler et al., 8, 466– 467 United States v Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation, 467 United States v Darby Lumber Company, 149, 467 United States v Debs et al., 214, 467 United States v Earl Caldwell, 467 United States v E.C Knight Company, 5, 467–468 United States v Lanza, 468 United States v Seeger, 468 Unity (Union) and Security, Act of, 468 Universal Declaration, 50 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 145, 468 Universal Military Training and Service Act, U.S., 469 Universal Negro Improvement Association, 118 Universities Test, English, 469 University of California Regents v Allan P Bakke, 469 Unkiar Skelessi, Treaty of See Huănkar Iskelesi, Treaty of Uphaus v Wyman, 469 Urban II, 91 Urban VIII, 214 Ursinus, Zacharias, 198 Uruguay democracy, essay on nature of, 26–27 Uruguayan Constitution of 1830, 469 of 1919, 469–470 U.S.-Canadian Convention of 1903, 470 644 Dictionary of Historic Documents U.S.-Canadian Free Trade Agreement of 1988, 470 U.S.-China “Hotline” Agreement, 470 U.S.-Chinese Communique´ of 1972, 470–471 U.S.-Chinese Treaty of 1858, 471 U.S Constitution, 471 Preamble to the See Preamble to the U.S Constitution U.S.-Danish Treaty of 1916, 471 U.S Declaration of War on Nazi Germany, 471–472 U.S.-German Peace Treaty of 1921, 472 U.S.-Japanese Agreement of 1917 See Lansing-Ishii Agreement U.S.-Japanese Treaty of 1951, 472 of 1990, 472 U.S Note on Berlin Blockade and Airlift, 472 U.S Policy on “Open Door” for Oil in the Near and Middle East, 472–473 U.S.-Soviet “Hotline” agreement, 473 U.S.-Soviet Lend-Lease Agreement, 473 U.S.-Taiwanese Pact of 1954, 473 USA-PATRIOT Act, 23, 470 Utrecht, Treaties of, 42, 362, 449, 473 Utrecht, Union of, 473–474 Uxbridge Propositions, 474 V Vaculik, Ludvik, 456 Valentinian III’s Edict, 475 Vandenberg Resolution, 475 Van Dunem, Alfonso, 289 Vane, Harry, 212, 400 Vanhorne’s Lessee v Dorrance, 475 Vanzetti, Bartolomeo Final Court Statement, 475476 Vaăraă, Treaty of, 476 Vargas, Getulio, 57 Vasva´r, Treaty of, 476 Vatinian Law, 476 Vatinius, Publius, 476 Venetian-Milanese War (1448– 54), 255 Venezuela Britain and, 317 regime, establishment of, 21 Venice, Peace of, 476 Ventoˆse Decrees, 476–477 Verdun, Treaty of, 477 Vereeniging, Treaty of, 477 Vergara, Convention of, 477 Veritatis Splendor, 477 Vermont Civil Union Act, 477– 478 Verona, Mandate of the Congress of, 478 Versailles, Edict of See Edict of Toleration of 1787 Versailles, Treaty of 1715, 478 1783 See Paris, Treaty of, (1783) 1919, 478 Vervins, Treaty of, 478–479 Verwoerd, H F., 41 Vespasian Imperial Law, 479 Viborg Manifesto, 479 Victor III, 79 Victor Amadeus II (duke of Savoy), 452 Victor Amadeus III (king of Sardinia), 82 Victor Emmanuel II Speech Opening the Italian Parliament, 479 Speech to the Italian Parliament in 1871, 479 Vienna, Concordat of, 479–480 Vienna, Declaration of (1815), 480 Vienna, Final Act of the Congress of, 480 Vienna, Treaty of 1606, 480 1656, 481 1725, 480 1731, 481 1735, 481 1778, 438, 481 1809 See Schonbrunn, Treaty of (1809) 1864, 481 1866, 481–482 Vienna Declaration and Program of Action, 482 Vienna Four Points, 482 Vienna Note of 1853, 482 Vietnam division of, 175 independence of, 164–165 U.S policy, 339 Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, 482–483 Vietnam War (1956–75) defense of involvement in, 225 draft, 399–400 escalation, 500–501 unrest over, 196, 456 Vilayet Law, 483 Villafranca, Treaty of, 483 Ville`le, Jean-Baptiste de, 244–245 Vincennes, Treaty of, 483 Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 483 Viner, Ian, 2–3 Vinson, Carl, 483 Vinson Naval Act, 483 Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, U.S., 275 Virginia, Atkins v., 31 Virginia, Cohens v., 93 Virginia Bill of Rights, 483–484 Virginia Plan, 187, 484 Virginia Resolutions (1798), 399, 484 Virginia Resolves, 484 Virginia State Board of Elections, Harper v See Twenty-fourth Amendment, U.S Visegra´d, Agreement at, 484 Vishinsky, Andrei Y., 408 Vitale, Engel v., 140 Vitet, Louis, 378 Vloreă Proclamation, 484485 Voeslau, Treaty of, 485 Volksraad, 12 Volstead, Andrew Joseph, 75 Volstead Act, 135, 485 Voting Rights Act of 1965, U.S., 485 Vreeland, Edward B., 11 Vu Huong Khanh, 164 Vulgate, 485 W Wabash, St Louis and Pacific Railroad Company v Illinois, 486 Wade, Roe v., 344–345, 379 Wade, Thomas, 82 Wade-Davis Bill, 486 Wadgaon, Convention of, 486– 487 Wadsworth, James W., Jr., 67 Wadsworth, Joseph, 103 Wages and Hours Act See Fair Labor Standards Act, U.S Wagner, Robert F., 293 Wagner-Connery Act See National Labor Relations Act, U.S Wagner-Steagall Act, 487 Wainwright, Gideon v., 180–181, 410 Waitangi, Treaty of, 487 Waldeck-Rousseau, Pierre-MarieRene´, 30 Waldegrave, Robert, 450 Waldemar IV (king of Denmark), 426 Wales England, union, 461–462 Wales, Statute of, 487 Walesa, Lech, 223, 415 Walker, James J., 398, 487 Walker Law, 487 Walker Tariff Act, 435, 487–488 Wallas, Graham, 148 Wallon, Henri, 488 Wallon Amendment, 488 Walpole, Robert, 338 Walsh, Thomas J., 488 Walsh-Healey Government Contracts Act, U.S., 488 Walter, Francis E., 264 Waltham Black Act See Black Act Wang, C T., 17 Wanghia, Treaty of, 488 Wannsee Protocol, 488 War and Peace, 489 Warbeck, Perkin, 215 Ware v Hylton, 488–489 War Labor Disputes Act See Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act War Measures Act, Canadian, 359, 489 War of 1812, 195–196 War of Chioggia (1378–81), 452 War of Devolution (1667–68), 9, 91 War of Religion (1562–63), 13–14 War of the Austrian Succession (1740–48), 59, 150, 312–313, 352 War of the Breton Succession (1941–65), 190 War of the First Coalition (1792– 98), 72 War of the Pacific (1879–84), 16 War of the Polish Succession (1733–38), 481 War of the Public Weal, 102 War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718–20), 192 War of the Reform (1857–60), 246 War of the Sicilian Vespers (1282– 1302), 70 Warren, Earl, 489 Warren Bridge, Charles River Bridge v., 80 Warren Commission Report, 489 Warsaw, Compact of, 489–490 Warsaw Agreements See Polish– East German Agreements of 1950 Warsaw Pact, 105, 184, 425, 490 Washington, Booker T Address to the Atlanta Exposition, 490 Washington, George, 92, 273 Farewell Address, 490–491 first inaugural address, 491 neutrality proclamation, 299 Proclamation of Neutrality, 356 Index Washington, Treaties of See Nine Power Pacts Washington, Treaty of 1842 See Webster-Ashburton Treaty 1871, 490 1921 See Four Power Pacific Treaty 1922 See Five Power Naval Treaty Washington Conference on the Limitation of Armaments (1921–22), 155, 305, 511 Watauga Articles of Association, 491 Water Power Act of 1920, U.S., 491 Water Quality Act, U.S., 491 Watson, Aiken, 492 Watson, James E., 491 Watson-Parker Act, 491–492 Watson Report, 492 Wayne, Anthony, 188 Wealth of Nations, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the, 373, 492 Wealth-Tax Act, U.S., 492 Webb, Edwin Y., 492 Webb, Sidney, 148 Webb-Kenyon Act, 492 Webb-Pomerone Act, 492 Webster, Charles, 335 Webster, Daniel, 66, 156 first and second replies to Hayne, 493 Free Trade Speech, 164 Plymouth Rock Speech, 346 Reply to Huălsemann Letter, 493 Rockingham Memorial, 379 “Seventh of March” Speech, 404 Speech on Greek Independence, 493–494 Speech on the Deaths of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, 493 Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 492– 493 Webster, William, 494 Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 492– 493 Webster v Reproductive Health Services, 494 Wehlau, Treaty of, 494 Weimar Constitution, 494 Weisman, Daniel, 248 Weisman, Deborah, 248 Weisman, Lee v., 248 Weiss, Harvey, 436 Wellesley, Arthur, 122, 409 Wellington, Lord, 257 Welsey, John, 455 Welsh Disestablishment Bill of 1914, 494–495 Wenceslas (duke of Netherlands), 56 “We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah,” 495 “We Shall Never Surrender” Speech, 495 West African Economic Community Treaty, 495 West Berlin Kennedy, address by, 233 report on, 234 West Coast Hotel Company v Parrish, 495–496 Western European Union Accord, 496 Western Pacific Order in Council, 496 West German Bundestag Election Law See Bundestag Election Law West German Constitution See Basic Law of 1949, West German West German Parliamentary Council, 43 West German Peace Council, 496 West Germany, 179 election law, 66 Westminster, Provisions of, 496 Westminster, Statute of (1931), 496–497 Westminster, Statutes of, 497 Westminster, Treaty of 1654, 497 1674, 497 1756, 21, 497 Westminster Assembly Directory of Public Worship, 95 Westminster Confession of Faith, 71, 395, 497–498 Westphalia, Peace of, 498 West Virginia Board of Education v Barnette, 498 What Is Property?, 498 What Is to Be Done?, 498 “What’s the Matter with Kansas?”, 498–499 Wheeler, Burton K., 499 Wheeler-Howard Act, 499 Wheeler-Lea Act, 499 Wheeler-Rayburn Act, 499 Whig Tariff of 1842, 435 White, William Allan “What’s the Matter with Kansas?”, 498–499 White Australia Policy See Immigration Restriction Act of 1925, Australian Whitehead, Alfred North Principia Mathematica, 355 White Paper of 1922, British See Churchill, Winston, White Paper of 1922 of 1923, British, 500 of 1930, British See Passfield Report of 1939, British, 500 of 1945, British, 500 of 1949, U.S., 500 of 1965, U.S., 500–501 White Slave Traffic Act, U.S See Mann Act Whitgift, John, 241 Whitman v American Trucking Association, 501 Widjojoatmodjo, Raden Abdul Kadur, 372 Wiggins, Albert H., 246 Wilkes, John, 307 William (prince of Orange), 32 William I (emperor of Germany), 23, 178 William I (king of Prussia), 140 Proclamation to Prussian People, 501 William I of Orange, William I the Conqueror, 126 William II (emperor of Germany), 238 William III (king of England), 32, 118, 388, 398, 403 William III (king of the Netherlands), 257 Wills and Uses, Statutes of, 501 Wilmot Proviso, 501 Wilson, Woodrow Appeal for Neutrality, 502 Czechoslovakia, movement for independence, 243 dismissal of postmaster, 287– 288 Exposition of the League of Nations, 502 first inaugural address, 502 Fourteen Points Speech, 159– 160 Lusitania Notes, 262 Mobile Address, 502 “Old Order Changeth” Speech, 502 “Peace Without Victory” Speech, 337 Pueblo Speech, 360 “Too Proud to Fight” Speech, 444 War Message to Congress, 503 “What Is Progress?” Speech, 503 645 Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act, 124, 349, 501–502 Winchelsea, Robert de, 101 Windsor, Treaty of, 503 Winthrop, John, 71, 103 Wisconsin Supreme Court, Wisniowiecki, Michael (king of Poland), 65 Wittelsbach, Louis, 375 Wittenberg, Concord of, 503 Wolf, Karl, 330 Wolfenden, John, 503 Wolfenden Report, 503 Wolff Packing Company v Court of Industrial Relations of Kansas, 503–504 Wollstonecraft, Mary Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 483 Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), Declaration of Principles, 504 Women’s Rights, Declaration of, 504 Wood, Charles, 125 Wood, Leonard, 112 Wood, William, 128–129 Woodhead, John, 504 Woodhead Report, 504 Woodstock, Assize of, 504 Woodward, Dartmouth College v., 80, 115 Woolens Act, 504–505 Worcester v Georgia, 505 Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, U.S., 505 Working Class Program, 505 Workingman’s Compensation Act of 1906, British, 505 Workmen’s Compensation Law, Maryland’s, 505 Workrooms and Factories Act See Factory Act of 1873, Australian Works Progress Administration (WPA), 139 World as Will and Idea, The, 397, 505–506 World Conference on Human Rights, 482 World Congress, 97 World Council of Churches, Accord of the, 506 World Intellectual Property Organization, Treaties of the, 506 World Medical Association, 175 World Split Apart, 415 See Solzhenitsyn’s Harvard Speech 646 Dictionary of Historic Documents World War I (1914–18) See also Wilson, Woodrow Canada, 73 coded telegram, 513 Czech and Slovak movement, 243 Defense of the Realm, 121 end to, 337 peace decree, 249 peace treaty, 298–299 railroad workers, establishment of eight-hour day, Russian withdrawal, proposal, 25 schedule of, 511 Triple Entente, 21 veterans, compensation, 55 World War II (1939–45) See also Churchill, Winston; Hitler, Adolf; Roosevelt, Franklin D Britain and Soviet Union, agreement, 21 displaced persons, 125–126 German invasion of Poland, retaliation, 61 Germany’s surrender, 179 Japanese relocation, 146–147 Japanese surrender, 222–223 military curfew, U.S., 201 Nazi concentration camps, 105 Nazi occupation of Austria, 20 resistance, 176 speeches, 52–53 tripartite alliance, 35 U.S declaration of war on Nazi Germany, 471–472 world peace, principles for, 31 World Zionist Congress, 43 Worms, Charter of, 506–507 Worms, Concordat of, 507 Worms, Edict of 1231, 507 1521, 507 Worms, Privilege of, 507 Wright, James, 32 Writs of Assistance, Otis’s Speech Opposing See Otis, James, Speech Opposing Writs of Assistance Wyandotte Constitution, 507– 508 Wyclif, John, 103 Wye River Memorandum, 508 Wyman, Uphaus v., 469 Wyndham’s Land Purchase Act of 1903, 508 X “XYZ” Report, 255, 509 Y Yadrinstev, N N., 323 Yalta Agreement, 351, 510 Yangtze Agreement, 510 Yap Treaty, 510–511 Yellow dog contracts, 106–107, 308 Yeltsin, Boris Chechnya and, 82 nuclear weapons, control of, 423 Presidential Decree of 1998, 511 “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus,” 511 Yorck, Ludwig, 435 Yorke, Philip, 195 Yoshijiro, Umezu, 223 Yosuke, Matsuoka, 284 Young, Owen D., 511 Young Plan, 511 Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company v Sawyer, 511 Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia treaty, 253 Z Zabonnik, 512 Zamora, Treaty of, 512 Za´polya, John, 289 Zboro´w, Compace of, 512 Zelaya, Jose´ Santos, 116 Zeno the Isaurian, 199 Zhao Ziyang, 17 Zhou Enlai, 408 Zimmer, Dick, 275 Zimmermann, Arthur, 513 Zimmerman Note, 513 Zionism, 465–466 Zola, Emile J’accuse, 221 Zsitvatorok, Peace of, 513 Zuravno, Treaty of, 513 Zurich, Treaty of, 513 Zurich Consensus, 513 Zwingli, Huldreich, 101 Sixty-seven Theses, 411 .. .DICTIONARY of HISTORIC DOCUMENTS Revised Edition DICTIONARY of HISTORIC DOCUMENTS Revised Edition GEORGE CHILDS KOHN, Editor Foreword by LEONARD LATKOVSKI, PH.D Dictionary of Historic Documents, ... explanation, act of Act of Six Articles See six articles, act of Act of Succession See succession, act of (1534) Acts of Supremacy See supremacy, act of (1534); su- premacy, act of (1559) Acts of Uniformity... consti- tution Act of Seclusion See seclusion, act of Act of Settlement (1662) See settlement, act of (1662) Act of Settlement (1701) See settlement, act of (suc- cession act) Act of Settlement and