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To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com CHAPTER 13 RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTING, SUPPORT DEPARTMENT COST ALLOCATIONS, AND TRANSFER PRICING Learning Objectives After reading and studying Chapter 13, you should be able to answer the following questions: Which factors determine whether a firm should be decentralized or centralized? How are decentralization and responsibility accounting related? What are the four primary types of responsibility centers, and what distinguishes them from each other? How are revenue variances computed? Why and how are support department costs allocated to operating departments? What types of transfer prices are used in organizations, and why are such prices used? What difficulties can be encountered by multinational companies using transfer prices? ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM Terminology Administrative Department: an organizational unit that performs management activities that benefit the entire organization and include top management personnel, legal, payroll, insurance, and organization headquarters Advance pricing agreement: a binding contract between the IRS and a company that provides details of how a transfer price is to be set and establishes that no adjustments or penalties will be made if the agreed-upon methodology is used Algebraic method: a method of allocating support department costs that considers all interrelationships of the departments and reflects these relationships in simultaneous equations Benefits-provided ranking: a listing of support departments in an order that begins with the one providing the most service to all other corporate areas and ends with the support department providing the least service to all other support areas Centralization: term used to describe an organization’s approach to decision making in which top management retains the major portion of decision-making authority Cost center: a responsibility center in which the manager has the authority only to incur costs and is specifically evaluated on the basis of how well costs are controlled Decentralization: is a transfer of authority, responsibility, and decision-making rights from the top to the bottom of the organization structure Direct method: a process of support department cost allocation that assigns support department costs only to operating areas Dual pricing arrangement: a transfer pricing system that allows the selling division to record the transfer of goods or services at a market or negotiated market price and the buying division to record the transfer at a cost-based amount Goal congruence: a situation that exists when the personal and organizational goals of decision makers throughout the firm are consistent and mutually supportive Investment center: an organizational unit in which the manager is responsible for managing revenues and current expenses and has the authority to acquire, use, and dispose of plant assets in a manner that seeks to earn the highest feasible rate of return on the center’s asset base Negotiated transfer price: an intracompany charge for goods or services that has been set through a process of bargaining between the selling and purchasing unit managers Profit center: a responsibility center in which the manager is responsible for generating revenues and managing expenses related to current activity Pseudo-profit center: unit created when one responsibility center uses a transfer price to artificially “sell” goods or services to another responsibility center thus creating artificial revenues and profits Responsibility accounting system: a system that facilitates decentralization by providing information about the performance, efficiency, and effectiveness of organizational subunits and their managers ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM Responsibility center: a cost object under the control of a manager such as a division, department, or geographical region Responsibility reports: reports that assist each successively higher level of management in evaluating the performances of its subordinate managers and their respective organizational units Revenue center: an organizational unit for which a manager is accountable only for the generation of revenues and has no control over setting selling prices or budgeting costs Sales price variance: the variance calculated by multiplying the actual number of units sold by the difference between actual and budgeted sales prices; indicates the portion of the total revenue variance that is related to a change in selling price Sales volume variance: the variance calculated by multiplying the budgeted sales price by the difference between the actual and budgeted sales volumes; indicates the portion of the total revenue variance that is related to a change in sales volume Service department: an organizational unit (e.g., maintenance department) that provides one or more specific functional tasks for other internal units Step method: a process of support department cost allocation that allows a partial recognition of the effects of interactions among support departments Suboptimization: a situation in which individual managers pursue goals and objectives that are in their own and/or their segments’ particular interests rather than in the company’s best interests Support departments: service departments that provide one or more specific functional tasks for other internal units and administrative departments that perform management activities that benefit the entire organization Transfer price: an internal price established for the exchange of goods or services between organizational units of the same company ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM Lecture Outline LO.1: Which factors determine whether a firm should be decentralized or centralized? A Introduction One of the most common progressions made by high-growth companies is from highly centralized organizational structures to highly decentralized structures This chapter describes the accounting methods that are appropriate in decentralized organizations: responsibility accounting, support department cost allocations, and transfer pricing B Decentralization The degree of centralization can be viewed as a continuum a Centralization exists when a single individual (normally the company owner or president) performs all decision making and retains full authority and responsibility for that organization’s activities b Decentralization exists when authority, responsibility, and decision-making rights are transferred from the top to the bottom of the organizational structure i Text Exhibit 13-1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of decentralization Either extreme of the centralization-decentralization continuum represents an undesirable arrangement a In a totally centralized company, a single individual may not have the expertise or sufficient and timely information to make effective decisions in all functional areas b In a totally decentralized organization, subunits may act in ways that are not consistent with the goals of the total organization c Most businesses tend to structure themselves according to the pure centralization versus pure decentralization factors listed in text Exhibit 13-2 d The combination of managers’ personal characteristics, the nature of decisions required for organizational growth, and the nature of organizational activities help a company find the appropriate degree of decentralization Decentralization does not necessarily mean that a unit manager has the authority to make all of the decisions concerning a unit, as top management selectively determines the types of authority to delegate and the types to withhold from lower-level managers a For example, in a survey one-third of financial executives listed centralization of the treasury function as a top priority ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM LO.2: How are decentralization and responsibility accounting related? C Responsibility Accounting Systems A responsibility accounting system facilitates decentralization by providing information about the performance, efficiency, and effectiveness of organizational subunits and their managers and is the key management control tool in a decentralized organization Responsibility reports are reports that assist each successively higher level of management in evaluating the performances of its subordinate managers and their respective organizational units a Text Exhibit 13-3 provides examples of information that can be shown in responsibility reports b A manager’s responsibility report should reflect his or her degree of influence and should include only the revenues and/or costs under that manager’s control c Some unit costs are not entirely controlled by the unit manager, causing the responsibility report to take one of two forms: a single report showing all costs incurred in the unit, separately classified as either controllable or noncontrollable, or separate reports, one for the organizational unit and one for the unit manager A responsibility accounting system helps organizational unit managers conduct the following basic control functions: a prepare a plan (for example, using budgets and standards) and use it to communicate output expectations and delegate authority; b gather actual data classified in accordance with the activities and categories specified in the plan; c monitor the differences between planned and actual data at scheduled intervals; d exert managerial influence in response to significant differences; and e continue comparing data and responding and at the appropriate time begin the process again Responsibility reports reflect the upward flow of information from operational units to company top management and illustrate the broadening scope of responsibility a Managers receive detailed information on the performance of their immediate areas of control and summary information on all organizational units for which they are responsible b Reports at the lowest level of units are highly detailed, whereas more general information is reported to the top of the organization i c Text Exhibit 13–4 presents a responsibility report that illustrates this pyramiding of information Variances are itemized in performance reports at the lower levels so that the appropriate manager can take corrective action related to significant variances ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing i IM Under the management by exception principle, major deviations from expectations are highlighted to assist upper-level managers in determining whether they need to become involved in their subordinates’ operations d The process of responsibility accounting creates some issues for management i The idea of rolling up information to each successively higher level allows potentially important details to be buried ii Assuming different units within the responsibility accounting system are competing with each other for resources, managers could try to promote their own agendas, thus leading to a lack of goal congruence between or among organizational units  Goal congruence exists when the personal and organizational goals of decision makers throughout the firm are consistent and mutually supportive iii Additionally, by partitioning each responsibility unit as a separate part of the report, interdependencies among units might be obscured e Responsibility accounting’s focus is on the manager who has control over a particular cost object i In a decentralized company, the cost object is an organizational unit or responsibility center ii A responsibility center is a cost object (e.g., a division, department, or geographical region) under the control of a manager LO.3: What are the four primary types of responsibility centers, and what distinguishes them from each other? D Types of responsibility centers Responsibility accounting systems identify, measure, and report on the performance of responsibility centers and their managers a Responsibility centers are generally classified according to their manager’s scope of authority and type of financial responsibility: costs, revenues, profits, and/or asset base b The four primary types of responsibility centers are illustrated in text Exhibit 13–5 Cost Center a A cost center is a responsibility center in which the manager has the authority only to incur costs and is specifically evaluated on the basis of how well costs are controlled b Cost centers commonly include service and administrative departments c In the traditional manufacturing environment, the production department is the largest cost center ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM i Cost center managers often concentrate only on the unfavorable standard cost variances and ignore the efficient performance indicated by favorable variances ii If the management by exception principle is applied properly, top management should investigate ALL variances (favorable and unfavorable) that fall outside the range of acceptable deviations d In some instances, a cost center can generate revenue, but the revenues are either not under the manager’s control (e.g., tax dollars provided to a community library by the local taxing authority) or are not effectively measurable (e.g., research and development center) i Such revenues should not be included in the manager’s responsibility accounting report LO.4: How are revenue variances computed? Revenue Center a A revenue center is an organizational unit for which a manager is accountable only for the generation of revenues and has no control over setting selling prices or budgeting costs b Actual performance in revenue centers (as well as in any other area that has control over revenue) should be compared against budgeted performance to determine variances from expectations c Budgeted and actual revenues may differ either because of volume of units sold or price of units sold i The sales price variance is calculated by multiplying the actual number of units sold by the difference between actual and budgeted sales prices This variance indicates the portion of the total revenue variance that is related to a change in selling price ii The sales volume variance is calculated by multiplying the budgeted sales price by the difference between the actual and budgeted sales volumes iii The model for computing revenue variances is as follows: ASP x ASV BSP x ASV Sales Price Variance BSP x BSV Sales Volume Variance Total Revenue Variance where ASP = actual sales price; BSP = budgeted sales price; ASV = actual sales volume BSV = budgeted sales volume iv In most instances, pure revenue centers not exist because managers are also responsible for managing some costs in their centers Thus, a more appropriate term for this organizational unit is a revenue and limited cost center ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM Profit Center a A profit center is a responsibility center in which the manager is responsible for generating revenues and managing expenses related to current activity b The major goal of a profit center manager is to maximize the center’s net income c Profit centers should be independent organizational units whose managers: i have the ability to obtain resources at the most economical prices; ii sell products at prices that will maximize revenue; and iii have a goal of maximizing the center’s profit Investment Center a An investment center is an organizational unit in which the manager is responsible for managing revenues and current expenses and also has the authority to acquire, use, and dispose of plant assets in a manner to earn the highest feasible rate of return on the center’s asset base b Many investment centers are independent free-standing divisions or corporate subsidiaries c Suboptimization is a situation in which individual managers pursue goals and objectives that are in their own and/or their segments’ particular interests rather than in the company’s best interests A unique challenge for the design of responsibility centers arises from the instance in which one center supplies its outputs largely to other internal centers a Top management must make judgments about the nature and extent of the costs and revenues to include in such responsibility centers b Frequently, rather than attempting to make performance assessments about cost centers, management assigns the costs incurred in cost centers to operating areas through a process of support department cost allocation c Alternatively, management can attempt to “create” revenues for the cost center by using an internal transfer pricing system to assign a price to the center’s tangible or intangible output that is used by other company units LO.5: Why and how are support department costs allocated to operating departments? E Support Department Cost Allocation General a Organizations incur two types of overhead costs: those directly related to the operating (or primary revenue-generating) activities and those indirectly related to operating activities ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM b As the number of product lines or service types increases, so does the need for additional indirectly-related activities An organization’s support departments include both service and administrative departments c i A service department is an organizational unit (such as central purchasing, maintenance, engineering, security, or warehousing) that provides one or more specific functional tasks for other internal units ii An administrative department is an organizational unit that performs management activities that benefit the entire organization and include top management personnel, legal, payroll, insurance, and organization headquarters All support department costs must be covered in the long run by sales of products and services i Support department costs must therefore be allocated to production departments to meet the objectives of full cost computation, managerial motivation, and managerial decision making ii See text Exhibit 13–6 for the reasons for and against allocating support department costs Allocation Bases a Four criteria must be considered in determining a rational and systematic allocation base: i measure the benefits the operating department receives from the support department; ii capture the causal relationship existing between factors in the operating department and costs incurred in the support department; iii reflect the fairness or equity of the allocations between operating departments; and iv measure the ability of operating departments to bear the allocated costs b Text Exhibit 13-7 provides alternative bases for assigning various types of support department costs Methods of Allocating Support Department Costs a The idea underlying support department cost allocations is that the responsibility centers that benefit from the services provided by support units should bear the costs of such support units b Three basic methods are used to allocate the pooled support department costs to the operating departments: i The direct method assigns support department costs only to operating areas;  This is the simplest method but may result in distorted cost allocations if there is significant exchange of services among support departments as well as operating departments ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing ii IM 10 The step method allows a partial recognition of the effects of interactions among support departments in assigning costs; and  A benefits-provided ranking is a listing of support departments in an order that begins with the one providing the most service to all other support areas and ends with the support department providing the least service to all other support areas The two most common approaches used to implement the ranking are the dollar volume of services and the percentage of total assistance to other support areas iii The algebraic (or reciprocal) method considers all departmental interrelationships and reflects these relationships in simultaneous equations  The algebraic method is the most complex method but it is also the most theoretically correct and, if relationships are properly formulated, provides the most accurate and reliable allocations F Support Department Cost Allocation Illustration The text uses an example company, Athens Supplements Co (ASC) to illustrate the three methods of allocating budgeted support department costs a Budgeted costs of each support department are first allocated to each operating division using one of the three methods of support area cost allocation and are then added to the budgeted overhead costs of those divisions to determine an appropriate divisional overhead application rate b Text Exhibit 13–8 provides an abbreviated budget of the direct and indirect costs for each support department and operating division of ASC c Text Exhibit 13–9 presents the bases selected for allocating ASC’s support department costs These bases are proxies for the quantity of services consumed by each service area and operating division Direct Method Allocation a The direct method assigns support department costs only to operating areas b Text Exhibit 13-10 illustrates the direct method of allocating support department costs to operating areas at ASC c Text Exhibit 13-11 presents the company’s total budget pre-tax profits by operating area if support department costs are allocated using the direct method Step Method Allocation a The step method assigns support department costs to operating departments as well as to certain other support departments b The benefits-provided ranking was provided in text Exhibit 13-9 c Text Exhibit 13-12 illustrates the step method of allocating support department costs to operating areas at ASC ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM 11 d Note that under the step method allocation process, a support department is “eliminated” once its costs have been assigned e The step method is a hybrid between the direct and algebraic methods in that while it does recognize relationships among support departments, it does so only partially Algebraic Method of Allocation a The algebraic method considers all interrelationships of the departments and reflects these relationships in simultaneous equations b Text Exhibit 13-13 presents the allocation proportional relationships for ASC’s support departments c The simultaneous equations are developed in the text narrative and text Exhibit 13-14 presents the resulting allocations d The algebraic method can be solved manually if the company has only a few departmental interrelationships However, a computer is needed if numerous variables are present Determining Overhead Application Rates a Regardless of the method used to allocate support department costs, the final step is to determine the overhead application rates for the operating areas b After support department costs have been assigned to production, they are included as part of production overhead and allocated to products or jobs through normal overhead assignment procedures c As shown in text Exhibit 13–15, the total allocated overhead costs of ASC’s two operating areas will be divided by an appropriate overhead allocation base to assign both manufacturing and non-manufacturing overhead to products In conclusion, allocating support department costs to operating divisions makes managers more aware of, and responsible for, controlling support service usage a However, if such allocations are made, evaluation of the operating manager’s performance should exclude these allocations While operating managers can control their usage of support services, they cannot control the actual incurrence of support department costs b An alternative to using cost allocation to assign support costs to operating units is to use a transfer pricing system LO.6: What types of transfer prices are used in organizations, and why are such prices used? G Transfer Pricing General a Transfer prices are internal charges established for the exchange of goods or services between organizational units of the same company ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM 12 b Transfer prices may be established to promote goal congruence, make performance evaluation among segments more comparable, to transform a cost center into a profit center, and/or to motivate managers and make them more entrepreneurial c A pseudo-profit center is created when one responsibility center uses a transfer price to artificially “sell” goods or services to another responsibility center: The selling center has artificial revenues and profits, and the buying center has an artificially inflated product or service cost d The appropriate transfer price should be one that ensures optimal resource allocation and promotes operating efficiency i Text Exhibit 13-16 presents the advantages of transfer prices for services between organizational units e The general rules for choosing a transfer price are as follows: f i the maximum price should be no higher than the lowest market price at which the buying segment can acquire the goods or services externally; and ii the minimum price should be no less than the sum of the selling segment’s incremental costs associated with the goods or services plus the opportunity cost of the facilities used; The difference between the upper and lower transfer price limits is the corporate profit (or savings) generated by producing internally rather than buying externally i Transfer prices act to divide the corporate profit between the buying and selling segments ii While divided profits are eliminated for external reporting purposes, leaving only the actual cost of the items on balance sheets or income statements, divided profits can be extremely important for internal reporting where unit managers compete iii The supplier-segment manager tries to obtain the highest transfer (selling) price, whereas the buying-segment manager tries to acquire the goods or services at the lowest transfer (purchase) price Types of Transfer Prices a There are three traditional types of transfer prices: cost based, market based, and negotiated b Text Exhibit 13–17 lists some questions that should be addressed for each type of transfer price c Cost-Based Transfer Prices i A cost-based transfer price is equal to total unit absorption cost, variable cost, or modified variable and/or absorption cost ii If only variable costs are used to set a transfer price, the selling division has little incentive to sell to another internal division because no contribution margin is generated on the transfer to help cover fixed costs ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM 13 iii Transfer prices based on absorption cost at least provide a contribution toward covering the selling division’s fixed production overhead iv Modifications may be made to address various issues associated with cost-based transfer prices  When variable cost is used as a base, an additional amount can be added to cover some fixed costs and provide a measure of profit to the selling division (i.e., a costplus arrangement)  Absorption cost can be modified by adding an amount equal to an average of the non-production costs associated with the product and/or an amount for profit to the selling division  Because actual costs can vary according to the season, production volume, and other factors, standard costs which can be specified in advance and are stable measures of efficient production costs, provide a superior basis for transfer pricing d Market-Based Transfer Prices i A market-based transfer price is believed to be an objective, arm’s-length measure of value that simulates the selling price that would be offered and paid if the subunits were independent companies ii If operating efficiently relative to the competition, a selling division should be able to show a profit when transferring products or services at market prices Similarly, an efficiently operating buying division would have to pay market price if the alternative of buying internally did not exist iii Several problems can be associated with the use of market-based transfer prices:  transferred products may have no exact counterpart in the external market, which means there will be no established market price;  internal sales can reduce packaging, advertising, or delivery expenditures and eliminate bad debts thereby making market prices inappropriate;  temporary downturns in market demand could result in the transfer price being set at an artificially depressed price which could result in inappropriate performance evaluation of the division; and  when different prices, discounts, and credit terms are offered to different buyers, there is a question of what market price to use e Negotiated Transfer Prices i Negotiated transfer prices are often set through a process of bargaining between the selling and purchasing unit managers ii Such prices are typically below the normal market price paid by the buying unit but above the selling unit’s combined incremental and opportunity costs ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM 14  If internal sales would eliminate any variable selling costs, such costs are not considered  If external sales not exist or a division cannot downsize its facilities, no opportunity cost is involved iii Negotiated transfer prices are often used for services because their value—as shown through expertise, reliability, convenience, or responsiveness—is often qualitative and can be assessed only judgmentally from the perspective of the parties involved  Negotiated transfer prices are commonly used for customized high-cost and highvolume services such as risk management and specialized executive training iv When segment managers have the autonomy to sell or buy products externally if internal negotiations fail, dysfunctional behavior and suboptimization are possible Top management may need to provide a means of arbitrating a price in the event that the units cannot agree f Dual Pricing i A dual pricing arrangement is a transfer pricing system that allows the selling division to record the transfer of goods or services at a market or negotiated market price and the buying division to record the transfer at a cost-based amount ii Dual pricing eliminates the problem of having to artificially divide the profits between the selling and buying segments and allows managers to have the most relevant information for decision making and performance evaluation Selecting a transfer pricing system a The final determination of what transfer pricing system to use should reflect the circumstances of the organizational units and corporate goals; no one method of setting a transfer price is best in all instances b Transfer prices are not permanent; they are frequently revised in relation to changes in costs, supply, demand, competitive forces, and other factors c Regardless of what transfer pricing system is used, transfer prices have the potential for both positive and negative outcomes (Refer to the text for a comparison of bad and good outcomes) LO.7: What difficulties can be encountered by multinational companies using transfer prices? H Transfer Prices in Multinational Settings The setting of transfer prices for products and services becomes quite difficult when the company is engaged in multinational operations due to differences in tax systems, customs duties, freight and insurance costs, import/export regulations, and foreign exchange controls a In addition, as shown in text Exhibit 13-18, the internal and external objectives of transfer pricing policies differ in multinational entities ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM 15 Transfer pricing policies should be followed consistently a For example, a company should not price certain parent company services to foreign subsidiaries in a manner that would send the majority of those costs to the subsidiary in the country with the highest tax rate unless that method of pricing is reasonable and equitable to all subsidiaries b The general test of reasonableness is that a transfer price should reflect an arm’s-length transaction c As indicated in text Exhibit 13-19 Individuals who represent numerous discipline areas should be involved in establishing a transfer pricing system Tax authorities in both the home and host countries carefully scrutinize multinational transfer prices because such prices determine which country taxes the income from the transfer a In the U.S., the IRS can be quick to investigate U.S subsidiaries that operate in low-tax areas and have unusually high profits Advance pricing agreements (APAs) are binding contracts between the IRS and a company that provide details of how transfer prices are to be set and establish that no adjustments or penalties will be made provided agreed-upon methodologies are used a These agreements usually run for three to five years and may be renewed if no major changes occur b APAs also help eliminate the possibility of double taxation on the exchange of goods or services c One disadvantage of seeking an APA is that several years typically pass before it acquires approval from the IRS d An important advantage is that APAs may fulfill documentation requirements under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to substantiate “proper allocation of revenues and expenses” making the “development of effective, SOX-compliant internal controls more attainable and acceptable.” Transfer pricing audits by tax authorities are becoming the rule rather than the exception Text Exhibit 13-20 indicates the types of circumstances that often trigger transfer pricing audits More countries are adopting transfer pricing legislation and, as multinational enterprises (MNEs) begin doing business in a new country, they must comply with that country’s tax requirements relative to transfer pricing a The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has been actively involved in helping establish internationally accepted procedures for APAs i In 2007, the European Community adopted OECD recommended guidelines “to avoid costly and time-consuming tax examinations into the transactions included in the APA, relieve the large administrative burden on taxpayers, and eliminate double taxation.” Multi-state firms can also employ transfer pricing strategies to move profits from state to state a Firms can take advantage of different income tax rates across states and the fact that a few states impose no income taxes at all ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM 16 Multiple Choice Questions (LO.1) Select the incorrect statement concerning decentralization a When top management delegates decision-making authority to subunit managers, decentralization exists b The degree of centralization can be viewed as a continuum c Decentralized companies often centralize certain functions such as the treasury function d When functions and the decision-making authority for those functions are delegated, top management no longer retains any responsibility for those functions (LO 1) All of the following are advantages of decentralization except: a reduces decision-making time b helps top management recognize and develop managerial talent c requires less communication between organizational units d All of the above are advantages LO.2) A responsibility accounting system is the key management control tool in a decentralized organizations b centralized organizations c sole proprietorships d none of the above (LO.2) Which of the following is not a basic control function of a responsibility accounting system? a Monitor the differences between planned and actual data at scheduled intervals b Prepare a plan and use it to communicate output expectations c Exert managerial influence in response to significant differences d Insure the company’s books not get out of balance (LO.3) The men’s shoe department at Macy’s is most likely organized as a an investment center b a cost center c a revenue center d none of the above (LO.3) Select the incorrect statement from the following a Another term for investment center is profit center b Service departments (e.g., maintenance and housekeeping) are commonly organized as cost centers c Responsibility accounting systems identify, measure, and report on the performance of responsibility centers and their managers d In most instances, pure revenue centers not exist because their managers are also responsible for managing some costs in the center (LO.4) The following sales data is provided for one of J Company’s products: Unit Selling Price Unit sales volume Budgeted $10 10,000 Actual $8 12,000 What was the product’s total revenue variance? a $24,000 unfavorable b $20,000 favorable c $4,000 favorable d $4,000 unfavorable ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM 17 (LO.5) In allocating the factory utilities support department costs to producing departments, which one of the following would most likely be used as an activity base? a Units of products sold b Salary of support department employees c Units of electric power consumed d Direct materials usage The next three questions are based on the following information: M Company wishes to allocate the costs of its support departments, Housekeeping (HK) and Maintenance (MN) to its production departments, Machining and Finishing The following information is provided: Overhead costs HK $35,000 MN $20,000 Machining $200,000 Finishing $100,000 Total $355,000 The company plans to use budgeted service hours as the allocation base and provides the following information: S e r v i c e s P r o v I d e d T o: HK MN Machining Finishing Total Service provided by HK — 7,000 21,000 7,000 35,000 Service provided by MN 10,000 — 18,000 12,000 40,000 (LO.5) If the direct method of allocating support department costs is used, the total service costs allocated to the Finishing Department would be: a $8,000 b $8,750 c $12,000 d $16,750 10 (LO.5) If the step-down method of allocating support department costs is used, how much Maintenance Department costs would be allocated to the Finishing Department if the allocation process begins with Housekeeping? a $7,000 b $10,800 c $16,200 d $20,000 11 (LO.5) If the reciprocal method of allocating service costs is used, what total amount of Housekeeping costs (rounded to the nearest dollar) will ultimately be allocated to the other departments? a $42,105 b $35,000 c $33,684 d $28,421 ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM 18 12 (LO.5) The following information is provided for V Company which has two service departments (S1 and S2) and two production departments (P1 and P2): Overhead costs S1 $10,000 Service provided by S1 Service provided by S2 S2 $15,000 S1 — 15% P1 $125,000 Services ProvIded S2 P1 10% 45% — 40% P2 $150,000 T o: P2 45% 45% Total $300,000 Total 100% 100% Select the correct equation for use in allocating S1 costs under the reciprocal method a S1 = $10,000 b S1 = $10,000 + 15(S2) c S1 = $10,000 + 10(S2) d S1 = $10,000 + 10(S2) + 45(P1) + 45(P2) 13 (LO.6) Which of the following is not a type of transfer price used by companies that transfer products or components among sister divisions? a Negotiated b Market-based c Standard-based d Cost-based 14 (LO.6) Transfers between units often have lower packaging, advertising, and delivery costs than similar sales to external customers This can be a problem for which of the following transfer pricing systems? a Negotiated b Market-based c Standard-based d Cost-based 15 (LO.7) Which of the following is a difficulty encountered by multinational companies? a Differences in tax systems, customs duties, freight and insurance costs, import/export regulations, and foreign-exchange controls b The ability to determine what transfer price would be considered reasonable as though generated in an arm’s-length transaction c The increase in transfer pricing audits by tax authorities d All of the above are difficulties ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions and test bank, visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com Chapter 13: Responsibility Acctg., Support Dept Cost Allocations & Transfer Pricing IM 19 Multiple Choice Solutions d c a d c a d c d (CMA Adapted) HK to Finishing: $35,000 x 7/(21+ 7) = $ 8,750 MN to Finishing: $20,000 x 12/(18+12) = $ 8,000 Total allocation to Finishing = $16,750 10 b (CMA Adapted) HK to MN: $35,000 x (7/35) = $7,000; Therefore: MN = $20,000 + $7,000 = $27,000 MN to Finishing: $27,000 x (12/30) = $10,800 11 a (CMA adapted) HK = $35,000 + 25MN; MN = $20,000 + 2HK Therefore: HK = $35,000 + 25($20,000 + 2MN) HK = $35,000 + $5,000 + 05HK 95HK = $40,000 HK = $42,105 12 b 13 c 14 b 15 d ©2011 Cengage Learning All Rights Reserved SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank ... SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions... SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions... SM Cost Accounting 8th Edition by Raiborn and Kinney Visit http://downloadslide.blogspot.com to download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank To download more slides, ebook, solutions

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