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Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring: Methodological Guidance

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Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring: Methodological Guidance Trinh Thang Long, Nguyen Xuan Dang and Richard Rastall April 2016 Acknowledgements This methodological guidance document is an output of the ‘Delivering Multiple Benefits from REDD+ in Southeast Asia’ (MB-REDD) Project, implemented by SNV Netherlands Development Organisation The MB-REDD project is supported by the International Climate Initiative The German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety supports this initiative based on a decision adopted by the German Bundestag The participatory biodiversity monitoring methodology and methodological guidance presented here has been developed and refined through piloting at field sites in Lam Dong province, in the Central Highlands region of Vietnam (2013-2015) as a component of the work under the MB-REDD project As such, SNV and the authors are grateful for the efforts of various agencies, organisations and individuals involved in testing and providing recommendations for the improvement of the methodological approaches In particular, the Forest Protection Department (FPD) of Lam Dong Province, the staff of Bao Lam, Don Duong and Loc Bac Forest Companies and D’Ran Protection Forest Management Board, and the members of local communities participating in the field pilots The authors are also grateful to Benktesh Sharma and Steve Swan (SNV consultants) for their comments and technical contributions in shaping earlier versions of this methodological guidance document Authors: Trinh Thang Long: Independent Biodiversity Expert Nguyen Xuan Dang: Independent Senior Biodiversity Expert Richard Rastall: SNV Vietnam REDD+ Advisor Citation: Trinh T.L., Nguyen X.D and Rastall, R 2016 Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring: Methodological Guidance SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, Hanoi, Vietnam SNV REDD+ www.snv.org Abbreviations & Acronyms CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CEPF Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund DME Distance Measuring Equipment DARD Department of Agriculture and Rural Development DoNRE Department of Natural Resources and Environment FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation FC&FCC Forest Cover & Forest Cover Change FORMIS Forest Management Information System FPD Forest Protection Department GHG Greenhouse Gas (emissions) GIS Geographic Information Systems GoV Government of Vietnam GPS Geographic Positioning System INDC Internally Determined National Contribution IUCN World Conservation Union JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LEAF Lowering Emissions from Asia’s Forests MoNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NFI&S National Forest Inventory & Statistics NTFP Non-timber Forest Product OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development PBCAP Provincial Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan PBM Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring PCM Participatory Carbon Monitoring PFES Payments for Forest Ecosystem Services PFM Participatory Forest Monitoring PFPDP Provincial Forest Protection and Development Plan www.snv.org SNV REDD+ PRAP Provincial REDD+ Action Plan PSR Pressure-State-Response REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation SIS Safeguards Information System UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UN-REDD United Nations REDD+ Programme VNFF Vietnam Forest Fund WWF World Wildlife Fund SNV REDD+ www.snv.org Mục lục ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS��������������������������������������������������������������������2 ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS�������������������������������������������������������3 MỤC LỤC��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS���������������������������������������������������������������8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY���������������������������������������������������������������������9 INTRODUCTION�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 1.1 Biodiversity���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 1.1.1 Defining Biodiversity������������������������������������������������������������� 11 1.1.2 Vietnam’s biodiversity����������������������������������������������������������� 11 1.1.3 Biodiversity Conservation Policy and Planning in Vietnam�� 12 1.1.4 Forest and Biodiversity Monitoring in Vietnam��������������������� 12 1.2 Biodiversity Monitoring in the Context of REDD+�������������������� 13 1.2.1 Overview������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 1.2.2 Biodiversity Monitoring in the Context of REDD+ in Vietnam ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 1.3 Participatory biodiversity monitoring (PBM)���������������������������� 16 1.4 Aims and audience���������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 DEVELOPING A PBM APPROACH��������������������������������������������� 20 2.1 PBM development process overview���������������������������������������� 20 2.2 Defining PBM Objectives������������������������������������������������������������ 21 2.2.1 National biodiversity objectives and biodiversity monitoring objectives��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 2.2.2 Provincial forest management and biodiversity objectives��� 22 2.2.3 Biodiversity monitoring objectives at forest owner level������� 23 2.3 Selection of PBM Sites��������������������������������������������������������������� 23 2.3.1 Selection of PBM sites based on priority biodiversity conservation areas����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 2.3.2 Selection of REDD+ pilot sites��������������������������������������������� 24 2.3.3 Selection of least costly PBM sites��������������������������������������� 24 www.snv.org SNV REDD+ 2.3.4 Site selection based on “theory of change”������������������������� 24 2.3.5 Site Selection in Lam Dong������������������������������������������������� 25 2.4 Selection of PBM Indicators������������������������������������������������������ 25 2.4.1 Principles and criteria for PBM indicator selection�������������� 26 2.4.2 Types of indicators��������������������������������������������������������������� 27 2.4.3 Selecting the indicators for PBM in Lam Dong province����� 31 DATA COLLECTION, MANAGEMENT, ANALYSIS AND REPORTING������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 36 3.1 Data collection method�������������������������������������������������������������� 36 3.1.1 Data collection on ecosystem health indicators including indicator species��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36 3.1.2 Data collection on pressure indicators��������������������������������� 36 3.1.3 Frequency and collection methods�������������������������������������� 37 3.2 Stratified sampling and establishment of permanent sample plots and transects�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 3.2.1 Stratification������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 3.2.2 Estimating the number of sample plots and transects required�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40 3.2.3 Layout of sample plots��������������������������������������������������������� 42 3.4 Data collection teams���������������������������������������������������������������� 43 3.5 Equipment����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44 3.6 Data Entry����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44 3.7 Data analysis������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 45 3.8 Reporting������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46 3.8.1 Reporting at district level and large forest owners��������������� 46 3.8.2.Biodiversity monitoring and reporting at provincial level������� 46 OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR PILOTING PBM�������� 47 4.1 Establishing Institutional Arrangements and Responsibilities ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47 4.2 Training requirements���������������������������������������������������������������� 48 SNV REDD+ www.snv.org CONCLUSION��������������������������������������������������������������������� 50 REFERENCES�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52 ANNEX 1��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 58 ANNEX 2: TEMPLATE FOREST OWNER PBM SURVEY REPORT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66 www.snv.org SNV REDD+ Glossary of key terms Biodiversity: Biodiversity is the diversity of gene, species and ecological diversity Genetic diversity is the genetic variety among individuals of a single species Species diversity is the variety of species within a particular geographical area Ecological diversity is the variety of ecosystems (such as forests, deserts, wetlands, grasslands, streams, lakes and oceans), the communities within these and the interactions between them Biodiversity indicator: Measurable biodiversity features that describe the quantity and quality of aspects of biodiversity, ecosystem health, services and drivers of change Biodiversity pressure indicator: Biodiversity pressure indicators are indicators of the effects, positive and negative, of natural events and human activities on the biodiversity Biodiversity state indicator: Biodiversity state indicators directly show the status of and trends in biodiversity elements Biodiversity response indicator: Biodiversity response indicators are indicators of the efforts to conserve biodiversity - interventions to mitigate the perceived pressure on biodiversity Ecosystem: An ecosystem is an interactive system that includes the organisms of a natural community association (the biodiversity) together with their non-living environment Forests, deserts, wetlands, grasslands, streams, lakes and oceans are different types of ecosystems An ecosystem can be any size of area where the biotic and abiotic components are regarded as linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows Biodiversity monitoring: Biodiversity monitoring is the organized collection of data and information over time to aid the understanding of trends and status in biodiversity The information may be used in management planning and decision-making Participatory biodiversity monitoring (PBM): PBM is an approach to biodiversity monitoring that aims to engage different stakeholders, from national government down to the grassroots level PBM has the potential to create and stimulate dialogue between State and non-State actors on conservation priorities, resource use and forest management interventions Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+): REDD+ stands for countries’ efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and foster conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks REDD+ Safeguards: Principles or conditions to be promoted and supported so that people and the environment are not harmed by but actually benefit from REDD+ activities In recognition of this, member countries at the 16th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP16), 2010 (in Cancun, Mexico) agreed to a set of principles to ensure that REDD-plus will be implemented in an inclusive, transparent manner, with respect for the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities and with consideration for the protection of biodiversity Safeguards Information System (SIS): At the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP17), it was further agreed that REDD+ countries are required to develop a Safeguard Information System to provide information on how the Cancun safeguards are being addressed and respected SNV REDD+ www.snv.org Executive summary This Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring (PBM) methodological guidance document has been prepared as part of a comprehensive framework for Participatory Forest Monitoring (PFM), including Participatory Carbon Monitoring (PCM) (Cassarim et al., 2013) The PFM framework aims to highlight the importance of local stakeholder and community participation in forest management and in the context of REDD+ implementation and monitoring This PBM methodological guidance elaborates a specific potential role for local stakeholders and communities and shares experience and lessons learned from piloting the approach in the field A PBM field manual (Nguyen and Luong, 2016) and a PFM information management system manual (Hoang and Phung, 2016) have also been produced based on the approaches outlined in this methodological guidance and accompany this document Work on participatory monitoring of social aspects of REDD+ is underway and once competed will complete the framework As part of the over-arching PFM framework, this PBM guidance document has two main intentions: Firstly, the document has a practical purpose in aiming to provide methodological guidance and protocols for PBM at both site (forest management unit), and provincial levels to support the effective management of forests and biodiversity in Lam Dong As such the guidance is intended for agencies responsible for forest and biodiversity monitoring at local and provincial levels in Lam Dong (i.e The Provincial Forest Protection Department, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment, and local Forest Management Boards in Lam Dong province) Secondly, this PBM approach has been developed within the context of ongoing development of a national REDD+ mechanism for Vietnam and a Provincial REDD+ Action Plan (PRAP), recently approved in Lam Dong (Lam Dong DARD, 2015) PRAPs are consistent with Provincial Forest Protection and Development Plans (PFPDPs) and provide implementation guidance for the management, coordination and operation of REDD+ at local levels in Vietnam Implementation of REDD+ activities on the ground could have a range of potential environmental and social benefits and risks and the receipt of REDD+ payments under the UNFCCC will be conditional upon REDD+ countries demonstrating how they are addressing and respecting various environmental and social safeguards Biodiversity is one of the most important environmental safeguard issues Therefore, the PBM pilot could also provide a potential approach to demonstrating how Vietnam is addressing and respecting REDD+ safeguards relevant to the protection of natural forests and biodiversity In fact, the Lam Dong PRAP already explicitly calls for the participatory M&E of REDD+ implementation and monitoring of REDD+ safeguards In addition PBM could provide the information needed to fulfil the reporting requirements for other national and international policy commitments, notably the National Biodiversity Strategies Action Plan (NBSAP) and Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD), respectively Hence, this guidance document is also intended for agencies, organisations and other stakeholders working on the development of country approaches to REDD+ safeguards and the development of a national safeguards information system, as well as on PRAP monitoring, especially in Lam Dong province (i.e the Vietnam National Forestry Administration, the Vietnam REDD+ Office, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Lam Dong, the United Nations REDD+ Programme and other international and national NGOs working on related issues) The procedures described for developing a pilot PBM scheme in Lam Dong province were based on a review of known methodologies, on consultative meetings with various stakeholders and adapted on the advice of national biodiversity experts The procedures include a participatory approach to setting monitoring objectives, site selection, indicator selection, data collection, data management, data analysis, reporting and operationalization of PBM at provincial level www.snv.org SNV REDD+ National-level biodiversity objectives are set in nationally-agreed policies such as the National Biodiversity Strategies Action Plan and the National Forest Protection and Development Plan Provincial-level biodiversity objectives are set in provincial plans The biodiversity objectives at forest owner level are determined for each particular forest owner PBM cannot and should not attempt to provide a full inventory of the biodiversity of an entire landscape The principle is rather one of sampling of selected indicators for biodiversity within representative forest areas The selection of sites can be based on conservation priorities, cost efficiency and theory of change Well-designed sampling strategies and statistical analyses can ensure that PBM does not become too resource-demanding either with regards to manpower or finances Sampling of data and information that is not later used for directing management decision-making is not worth the effort The selection of appropriate indicators for biodiversity monitoring is one of the most important and challenging steps for any biodiversity monitoring scheme Indicators should be selected on the basis of biodiversity conservation status of and forest management objectives of particular forest types This methodology provides stepwise guidance on reviewing of indicators types and principles for the selection of indicators, developing candidate indicators and, finally, selecting of appropriate indicators through a consultative process Overall, the methodology follows a ‘pressure-state-response’ model for the selection of biodiversity monitoring indicators Pressure indicators refer to threats to the ecosystem such as illegal logging or fires, whilst ‘state’ indicators refer to ecosystem health (e.g presence of certain key (endangered/ rare, keystone, invasive) species of fauna/flora Response indicators are planned or implemented interventions aimed at reducing the perceived pressure on biodiversity, such as frequency of law enforcement activities This pilot methodology does not provide any methods for collecting data on response indicators This type of monitoring would primarily monitor activities happening on the ground at a higher level (e.g including the monitoring of the PBM activities themselves) Data collection and analysis methods depend on the selected indicators Field data on the selected state of biodiversity indicators and pressure on biodiversity indicators for the pilot monitoring sites in Lam Dong was collected by establishing transects and random or systematic sample plots at forest owner level or use of note books during patrolling Data collection teams should be established in each district and for each large forest owner The data collected may then be aggregated to inform the biodiversity monitoring objectives at district, provincial and national levels The operational considerations proposed for piloting PBM in Lam Dong include establishing a competent provincial advisory team This team can provide: • technical backstopping on selection of indicators, • assessment of results and development of solutions and action plans, • assigning PBM coordinators at provincial and district levels in order to facilitate and coordinate PBM activities, and • development of training programs on PBM While the primary focus of this document is Lam Dong province, through sharing the approach, experiences and lessons learned from the piloting of PBM in Lam Dong, the methodology could also be used for other interested government agencies and provinces The methodological guidance concludes by also considering the application of PBM within the framework of monitoring and reporting on how biodiversity-related safeguards are being addressed and respected in the implementation of REDD+ 10 SNV REDD+ www.snv.org Table Monitoring indicators, measuring parameters and survey methods No Indicator & parameter Monitoring rate Survey method Ecosystem health and Biodiversity indicators and parameters Forest coverage - Once per year (dry season) Plot of 500 m2 size Forest layer structure - Once per year (dry season) Plot of 500 m2 size Mature trees: - Twice per year (Rainy and Dry seasons) - Species composition Plot of 500 m2 size - Once per year (dry season) - Stem diameter D1.3 - Once per year (dry season) - Tree height - Twice per year (Rainy - Tree quality and Dry seasons) Tree saplings and bushes (Height > - Twice per year (Rainy Sub-plot of 100 m2 size 1.5 m, D1,3 < 6m): and Dry seasons) - Tree height Tree seedling (height below 1.5 m): - Twice per year (Rainy Sub-plot of 3.14 m2 size - Species composition and Dry seasons) - Tree height Bamboo: - Number of clumps - Twice per year (Rainy Sub-plot of 100 m2 size and stems and Dry seasons) Important plant species: - Twice per year (Rainy Transect of 1-2 km long and Dry seasons) - Species composition and data from 500 Once per year (dry season) m2 plot survey - Stem diameter D1.3 - Once per year (dry season) - Tree height Important animal species: - Twice per year (Rainy Transect of 1-2 km long and Dry seasons) - Species compositions and data from 500 m2 plot survey - Encounter rate Indicators on threats to biodiversity Timber logging: - Level of severity - Twice per year (Rainy and Dry seasons) 10 Harvesting of NTFPs: - Level of severity - Twice per year (Rainy and Dry seasons) 11 Wildlife hunting/trapping: - Level of severity - Twice per year (Rainy and Dry seasons) 70 SNV REDD+ Transect of 1-2 km long and data from 500 m2 plot survey, statistic data of violation cases Transect of 1-2 km long and data from 500 m2 plot survey, statistic data of violation cases Transect of 1-2 km long and data from 500 m2 plot survey, statistic data of violation cases www.snv.org No Indicator & parameter Monitoring rate Survey method Transect of 1-2 km long and data from 500 m2 plot survey, statistical data of violation cases Transect of 1-2 km long and data from 500 m2 plot survey 12 Free-ranging cattle raising - Level of severity - Twice per year (Rainy and Dry seasons) 13 Invasive species: - Species list - Level of severity - Twice per year (Rainy and Dry seasons) - Twice per year (Rainy and Dry seasons) 1.4 Calculation of key indices a Average forest canopy coverage (CTB): Sum of coverage from all plots CTB (%) = Total number of plots b Average density DTB.gỗ (for mature trees, sapling and bush tree, and seedlings) Total number of trees in all plots DTB.gỗ (tree/ha) = -Total area of all plots c Important value index (IVI) of mature tree species: IVI is the best index of tree species importance in forest ecosystems The higher IVI indicate higher importance of the species in the ecosystem IVI can be calculated by following formula (Curtis 1959) IVI = RD + RF + RDo Where, IVI - Importance value index of species in concern, RD - Relative density of the species, RF - Relative frequency of the species and RDo - Relative dominance of the species These paparmenters can be estimated by following formulas: ■■ Relative density (RD): Total number of individuas of a species found in all plots in ecosystem in concern RD = - x 100 Total number of individuas of all species found in all plots in ecosystem in concern ■■ Relative freqhuency (RF): Number of plots where species in concern is found RF (%) = - x 100 Total number of all plots in the ecosystem www.snv.org SNV REDD+ 71 Relative dominance (RDo) ■■ Total basal area of all trees from species in concern RDo = Total basal area of all trees from all species found in all plots x 100 Where, basal are of each tree = 3,1416 x 0.25(D1.3)2 d Encounter rate of each important animal species (F): Total number of individuals found in all transects F (individual/km) = -Total length of all surveyes transects Where, basal are of each tree = 3,1416 x 0.25(D1.3)2 e Notes on unusual results (Description of any unusual results in the monitoring year which may affect the results of the biodiversity monitoring such as unusual flood/ drought, large forest fire, delay of monitoring time, etc) 72 SNV REDD+ www.snv.org PART MONITORING RESULTS 2.1 Forest canopy coverage and plant density of forest ecosystems Forest canopy coverage, density of mature trees, density of sapling and bush trees and density of bamboo indicate the health status of forest ecosystems Values of these indices in 201x monitoring are shown in table No Forest ecosystem TXG Co (%) Dmt (tree/ha) Dsb (tree/ha) Dsa (tree/ha) Dd (tree/ha) Db (tree/ha) Average for all ecosystems: Note: TXG - Rich Evergreen Broad-leaf Forest; Co - Forest canopy coverage, Dmt - Density of Mature trees, Dsb - Density of sapling and bush trees, Dsa - Density of saplings; Dd - Density of dead trees; Db - Bamboo density Notes on trend of indices: (notes on trend of these indices, if any index shows un-usual change, identify the reasons causing the change and propose measures for remedy) ………………………………… …… 2.2 indices on mature trees 2.2.1 Species composition and distribution of mature trees Number and species composition of mature trees (D1.3 ≥ 6cm) indicate species diversity and specificity of the forest ecosystem Inventory from xx plots found xx tree species with total of xxx trees (Annex 4) [Compile raw data on mature trees from field datasheets in Annex 4] The list of recorded species and their distribution by habitat types is shown in table Table Species composition and distribution of mature trees No Vietnamese name Ba bét ………… Scientific name Mallotus paniculatus No of trees 15 Habitats TXG, TXB, TXN, TXP Notes on trend of indices: www.snv.org SNV REDD+ 73 2.2.2 Important value index (IVI) of tree species Index IVI indicates importance of each tree species in forest ecosystem The higher IVI indicates higher importance of the species in the ecosystem Values of IVI of all recorded tree species is shown in Annex [Calculate the IVI of all tree species recorded from all plots and put these values in Annex 7] The list of 10 tree species with highest IVI is shown in Table Table List of 10 tree species with highest IVI No Vietnamese name Scientific name N (trees) IVI Dẻ Thông ba Lithocarpus microspermus Pinus kesiya 136 43 38.37732 23.09002 Notes on trend of indices: 2.2.3 Distribution of tree frequency by tree height classes Distribution pattern of tree frequency by tree height indicates specificity of forest structure specificity Monitoring data on number and frequency of mature trees by each tree height classes is shown in Annex [Count number of trees of each species by tree height classes and put these values in Annex 8] and summarized in table and figure Table Number and frequency of mature trees by tree height classes Tree height (cm) ≤5 m No trees (tree) Frequency (%) - 10 >10- 15 > 15-20 >20 Total Figure An example of diagram of tree frequency by stem diameter classes 74 SNV REDD+ www.snv.org Notes on trend of indices: 2.2.4 Distribution of frequency of mature trees by stem diameter classes (D1.3) Frequency of mature trees by stem diameter (D1.3) indicates age structure of forest ecosystem Monitoring data on number and frequency of mature trees by each stem diameter (D1.3) class is shown in Annex and Annex [Count number of trees of each species by stem diameter classes in Annex and put values in Annex 9] and summarized in table and figure Table Tree frequency by stem diameter classes (D1.3) D 1.3 (cm) 6-15 >15-20 >20-30 >30-40 >40-50 >50-60 >60-70 >70-80 >80-90 Total No trees (tree) Frequency (%) Figure Example of diagram of tree frequency by stem diameter classes Notes on trend of indices: 2.3 Indices on sapling and bush trees 2.3.1 Species composition and distribution of sapling and bush trees Number of species and species composition of sapling and bush trees indicate species diversity www.snv.org SNV REDD+ 75 and forest layer structure Inventory from xx plots found xx tree species with total of xxx trees (Annex 5) [Compile raw data on sapling and bush trees from field datasheets in Annex 5] The list of recorded species and their distribution by habitat types is shown in table Table Species composition and distribution of sapling and bush trees No Vietnamese name Ba bét Scientific name Total (tree) Mallotus floribundus Habitat TXN, RKB Notes on trend of indices: 2.3.2 Distribution of sapling and bush tree frequency by tree height classes Distribution of sapling and bush tree frequency by tree height classes indicates specificity of age structure of forest ecosystems Monitoring data on number and frequency of sapling and bush tree by each tree height classes is shown in Annex 10 (Count number of trees of each species by tree height classes and put these values in Annex 10) and summarized in table and figure Table Distribution of sapling and bush tree frequency by tree height classes Tree height (m): Tree number (tree): Frequency (%): 1.5 -2 >2-3 >3-4 >4-5 >5-6 >6-7 >7-8 Total Figure An example of diagram of sapling and bush tree frequency by tree height classes Notes on trend of indices: 2.4 indices on tree seedlings 76 SNV REDD+ www.snv.org Species composition and distribution of tree seedlings indicate regeneration capacity of tree community in forest ecosystem Species list and distribution of tree seedling are shown in Annex 11 and summarized in Table Total of xx species was recorded during 201x monitoring survey Table Species composition and distribution of tree seedlings No Vietnamese name Mallotus floribundus No of seedlings by height classes (m) < 0.5 0.5- > 1- 1.5 Total 1 Habitat RKB Total (tree): Notes on trend of indices: 2.5 Indices on bamboo Data from plot survey in 201xx on number of bamboo stems and their distribution by each forest ecosystems is shown in Table 10 The density of bamboo in TXG is xx stem/ha, in TNB is stem/ ha, and averagely for all survey ecosystems is stem/ha Table 10 Density of bamboo in forest ecosystems Age class Number of stems in ecosystems (stem) TXN Total Young shoot Stems of < years old Stems of 2-3 year old Stem of >3 years old Total (stem) Density (stem/ha) 2.6 Indices on important plant and animal species 2.6.1 Species composition and number of individuals of important plant species Number and species composition of important plant species indicate plant biodiversity significance of forest ecosystem Results of 201n transect survey on important plant species is shown in Annex [Compile raw data on important plant species from field datasheets in Annex 4] and summarized in Table 11 Total of xx important plant species were recorded during 201x monitoring survey www.snv.org SNV REDD+ 77 Table 11 Species composition and number of individuals of important plant species No Vietnamese name Hồng tùng No of trees Rainy Rainy season season 5 Scientific name Dacrydium elatum Habitat TXB Notes on trend of indices: 2.6.2 Distribution of tree frequency of Important plant species by stem diameter D1.3 Frequency of important plant species recorded in 201x transect survey is shown in Annex and summarized Table 12 Number of trees with D1.3 ≤ 50 cm account for xx % of total tree number Table 12 Tree frequency of Important plant species by stem diameter D1.3 Species name Number of trees by D1.3 classes 6-15 1620 Dacrydium elatum 2130 3140 4150 5160 6170 7180 8190 91100 >100 Total Notes on trend of indices: 2.6.3 Regeneration of important plant species Monitoring data on saplings and seedlings of important plant species are shown in Annex 11 and summarized in table 13 Total of xx species was found to have sapling and seedlings in 201x survey records Table 13 Species and number of sapling and seedlings No Vietnamese name Hồng tùng Scientific name Dacrydium elatum No of trees 78 Habitat TXB, RKB, Notes on trend of indices: 2.6.4 Species composition and individual number of important animal species Species composition and number of important animal species indicate animal biodiversity significance of forest ecosystem Transect survey in 201x recorded xxx species of important 78 SNV REDD+ www.snv.org animal species The list of animal species recorded and their encounter rates are shown in table 14 Table 14 Species composition and individual number of important animal species No Vietnamese name Rắn hổ mang mắt kính Scientific name Naja kaouthia Observation Indiv Rate 0.667 Sign* Indiv Rate 0 Habitat HG, TXB, Note: * Estimate number Encounter rate (individual/km) Notes on trend of indices: 2.7 Indices on threats to biodiversity Threat assessment by each transects are shown in Annex 12 and summary results for each ecosystems and for whole monitoring area are shown in table 15 Overall rate for all survey area is “xxx” except timber logging is “xx” Table 15 Rating score of direct threats to biodiversity Ecosystems TXB HG Overall Severity rating score Timber logging Harvest of NTFPs Wildlife hunting Cattle raising 0 Overall rate 1 1 Note: - no threat, 1- low, - medium, 3- high Notes on trend of indices: www.snv.org SNV REDD+ 79 PART III CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 3.1 Conclusion 3.1.1 Indices on forest ecosystem state Indices that are stable or with little change are Indices with un-usual change in comparison with previous years are: Factors causing this un-usual change are: 3.1.2 Indices on important species Indices that are stable or with little change are: Indices with un-usual change in comparison with previous years are: Factors causing this un-usual change are: 3.1.3 Indices on threats to biodiversity Threats of “low” and “medium” severity are: Threats with high severity and requiring immediate mitigation actions are Factors causing “high” severity threats are: 3.1.4 Overall conclusion: 80 SNV REDD+ www.snv.org 3.2 Recommendation 3.2.1 Proposed measures for remedy of un-usual change in monitoring indices 3.2.2 Other recommendations: REFERENCES ANNEXES Annex Location of plots and transects in 201x PBM Annex General information on monitoring transects in 201x No Transect code LNLB_ T20 Coord Coord Transect of startof end length ing point point (m) (VN2000) (VN2000) 490357 / 1309052 489696 / 1309514 1000 Forest Forest ecoComp system 389 TXG Survey time Commune Lộc Bảo Rainy season Dry season 26/06/ 2015 15/11/ 2015 Annex General information of sample plots 500 m2 size in 201x No Plot code LB1-389 www.snv.org Coordinates VN2000 X Y 489000 1309500 Altitude (m) Forest comp 650 389 Ecosystem Commune TXG Lộc Bảo Survey date 26/9/2014 SNV REDD+ 81 Annex Raw data on mature trees from plot survey in 201x No Vietnamese name Scientific name Stem diameter D1.3 (cm) of each trees Ba bét Mallotus floribundus 15; 15; Number of trees in each ecosystems TXG Total (trees) Annex 5.Raw data on sapling and bush tree from plot survey in 201x No Vietnamese name Scientific name Sòi tía Number of tree in each ecosystems TXG Height of each tree (m) 5; 5; 6; 3; 5; 6; Sapium discolor Total (tree) Annex 6.Raw data on important plant species recorded in 201x transect survey Vietnamese No name Thông tre Rainy season Dry season TS (tree) TS (tree) Ecosys- TranEcoTranTT (D1.3 TT (D1.3 tem sect system sect cm) cm) Podocarpus TS: TXG; LNLB_ TS: – TT: TXG; LNLB_ neriifolius T20; ; 14; T03; ; TT: 45; 23; Scientific name Note: TS: Saplings & seedlings, TT: Mature trees Annex Important value index (ivi) of tree species No Species Lithocarpus sp N (tree) 136 RD 15.5251 RF 6.796117 RDo 16.05609306 IVI 38.37732 Annex Frequency of mature trees by stem height No Species name ≤5 m Number of trees by tree height classes - 10 >10- 15 > 15-20 >20 Total Frequency (%) 82 SNV REDD+ www.snv.org Annex Frequency of mature trees by stem diameter D1.3 No Species Ba bét Number of trees by D1.3 classes >20 >30 >40 >50 >60 >70 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -15 >15 -20 Total (tree) >80 Annex 10 Frequency of sapling and bush trees by tree height classes No Species >11.5 Tree frequency by height >2 >3 >4 6 >7 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 >1.52 Bã đậu, Sòi tía >8 -9 >9 -10 Total (tree) Annex 11 Raw data on sapling and seedlings of important plant species No Species name Sòi tía Number of trees in Ecosystem TXG Number of trees by height (m) < 0.5 0.5- > 1- 1.5 Total 3 Annex 12 Ranking of direct threats to biodiversity by transect survey Transect code Date Ranking severity score Eco- Timber system logging TXB LNLB-N1.1 2015 Whole Ecosystem LNLB-N4.1 2015 TXN Whole Ecosystem LNLB-N2.2 2015 RKB Whole Ecosystem For all survey areas Harvest NTFPs Wildlife hunting 0 0 All threats 1 Invasive species Note: - no, 1- low, - medium, - high www.snv.org SNV REDD+ 83 SNV Netherlands Development Organisation rd Floor, Building D, La Thanh Hotel, 218 Doi Can Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam Tel.: 84 438463791 Fax: 84 438463794 Email: vietnam@snvworld.org ... This Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring (PBM) methodological guidance document has been prepared as part of a comprehensive framework for Participatory Forest Monitoring (PFM), including Participatory. .. Vietnam REDD+ Advisor Citation: Trinh T.L., Nguyen X.D and Rastall, R 2016 Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring: Methodological Guidance SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, Hanoi, Vietnam SNV... with the conservation of biodiversity This guide contributes a potential monitoring option in this context 1.3 Participatory biodiversity monitoring (PBM) Participatory biodiversity monitoring

Ngày đăng: 11/01/2018, 08:11

