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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business HOANG THI KIM KHANH RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMMUNICATION SATISFACTION AND AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT - AN EMPIRICAL STUDY IN THE VIETNAMESE BANKS MASTER THESIS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUPERVISOR: DR NGUYEN THI NGUYET QUE HO CHI MINH CITY – 01/2014 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business HOANG THI KIM KHANH RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMMUNICATION SATISFACTION AND AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT - AN EMPIRICAL STUDY IN THE VIETNAMESE BANKS ID: 22110029 MASTER THESIS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUPERVISOR: DR NGUYEN THI NGUYET QUE HO CHI MINH CITY – 01/2014 Running head: Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks Hoang Thi Kim Khanh 19th January, 2014 ISB Research Committee i Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my supervisor Dr Nguyen Thi Nguyet Que for the guidance, patience and support during my thesis’s writing period I am also grateful to all ISB members who helped me with necessary materials and paper submission I would like to appreciate all my friends and responders for their contribution to my survey Especially, I would like to give my special thanks to my family who always encourage me throughout my life Hoang Thi Kim Khanh Ho Chi Minh city, 20th December, 2013 ii Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is figure out the relationship between communication satisfaction’s factors (personal feedback, communication climate, horizontal communication, supervisory communication) with affective commitment in Vietnamese banking industry These factors are tested in previous studied in the world, and the previous result indicated that all of them have a positive impact to commitment After conducting a research, collecting and analysing 225 employees in many banks in Ho Chi Minh City, the result indicated that first, the horizontal communication was divided into new components, horizontal formal communication and horizontal informal communication Second, only communication climate, supervisory communication and horizontal formal communication affects to affective commitment Third, communication climate is a strongest factor contributes to employee affective commitment Personal feedback and horizontal informal communication not have influences on affective commitment in Vietnam banking industry Although having a few limitations, but this study highlights the importance of communication satisfaction in workplace It is necessary for banking managers to develop good relationships with their employees to improve employee affective commitment The conclusion of this study discusses the practical implications for managers and the recommendation for future research iii Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES .viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND QUESTIONS 1.3 SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY 1.4 RESEARCH SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY 1.5 THESIS STRUCTURE CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS 2.1 COMMUNICATION SATISFACTION 2.1.1 Definition of communication 2.1.2 Definition of communication satisfaction 2.1.3 Dimensions of communication satisfaction 2.2 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT AND AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT 2.2.1 Definition of organizational commitment 2.2.2 Dimensions of organizational commitment .9 2.2.3 Affective commitment .10 2.3 COMMUNICATION SATISFACTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT 11 2.4 PROPOSED MODEL AND HYPOTHESIS .12 2.4.1 Personal feedback and affective commitment 13 2.4.2 Communication climate and affective commitment 14 iv Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks 2.4.3 Horizontal communication and affective commitment 14 2.4.4 Supervisory communication and affective commitment 15 2.5 RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESIS .15 2.6 CONCLUSION 16 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 17 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN PROCESS 17 3.2 QUESTIONNAIRE DEVELOPMENT .18 3.2.1 Measurement scale 18 3.2.2 Questionnaire design 22 3.3 PILOT STUDY 22 3.3.1 Purpose of pilot study .22 3.3.2 Method of pilot study .22 3.3.3 Result of pilot study 23 3.4 MAIN SURVERY .23 3.4.1 Sampling method 23 3.4.2 Sample size .24 3.4.3 Questionnaire administration 24 3.5 DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE 24 3.5.1 Cronbach’s alpha 25 3.5.2 Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) 25 3.5.3 Multiple regression analysis 26 3.6 CONCLUSION 26 CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 28 4.1 DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS 28 4.2 MEASUREMENT ASSESSMENT 29 v Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks 4.2.1 Cronbach’s Alpha 29 4.2.2 Exploratory factor analysis 32 4.3 MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS 37 4.3.1 Assumption testing 37 4.3.2 Result of regression analysis 38 4.4 CONCLUSION 40 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 42 5.1 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS 42 5.2 CONCLUSION 43 5.3 PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS 44 5.4 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY .46 5.5 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 46 REFERENCES 48 APPENDIX A 53 APPENDIX B 55 APPENDIX C 57 APPENDIX D 58 APPENDIX E 60 APPENDIX F 64 vi Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks LIST OF TABLES Table 01: Scale of personal feedback .19 Table 02: Scale of communication climate 19 Table 03: Scale of horizontal communication 20 Table 04: Scale of supervisory communication 20 Table 05: Scale of affective commitment 21 Table 06: Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient 25 Table 4.1 Sample Description 28 Table 07: Reliability analysis 30 Table 08: Summary of Cronbach’s Alpha 32 Table 09: KMO and Barrtlett’s Test 33 Table 10: Total Variance Explained in EFA process .34 Table 11: Factors loading 35 Table 12: Model Summary .38 Table 13: ANOVA 38 Table 14: Correlations .60 Table 15: Model Statistics 61 Table 16: Coefficients .39 Table 17: Result of testing hypothesis 40 vii Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks LIST OF FIGURES Figure 01: A conceptual model 16 Figure 02: Research design process 17 Figure 03: A new conceptual model 37 Figure 04: Overall regression plot 62 Figure 05: Histogram of Affective Commitment .62 Figure 06: Normal P-P Plot of Affective Commitment 63 viii Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks Jaros, S (2007) Meyer and Allen model of organizational 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PART 1: AFFECTIVE COMMITMENT Please kindly circling only 01 number Rule: 1: totally disagree; agree; neutral; agree; totally agree I feel a strong sense of belonging to this organisation I feel “emotionally attached” to this organisation This organisation has a great deal of personal meaning for me I feel “part of the family” in this organisation I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this organisation I enjoy discussing my organisation with people outside it I really feel as if this organisation’s problems are my own I think I could easily become as attached to another organisation as I am to this one 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 PART 2: COMMUNICATION SATISFACTION Part 2A: Please indicate how satisfied you are with the amount and/or quality of each kind of information by circling the appropriate number at the right Rule: very dissatisfied; satisfied; neutral; satisfied; very satisfied Information about how my job compares with others Information about how I am being judged Recognition of my efforts Reports on how problems in my job are being handled 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks 54 Part 2B: Please indicate how satisfied you are with the following Rule: very dissatisfied; satisfied; neutral; satisfied; very satisfied 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Extent to which the organization's communication motivates and stimulates an enthusiasm for meeting its goals Extent to which the people in my organization have great ability as communicators Extent to which the organization's communication makes me identify with it or feel a vital part of it Extent to which I receive in time the information needed to my job Extent to which conflicts are handled appropriately through proper communication channels Extent to which the grapevine is active in our organization Extent to which horizontal communication with other organizational members is accurate and free flowing Extent to which communication practices are adaptable to emergencies Extent to which my work group is compatible Extent to which informal communication is active and accurate Extent to which my superiors know and understand the problems faced by subordinates Extent to which my supervisor listens and pays attention to me Extent to which my supervisor offers guidance for solving job related problems Extent to which my supervisor trusts me Extent to which my supervisor is open to ideas Extent to which the amount of supervision given me is about right 5 5 5 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 1 1 2 2 Personal information: Kindly inform your gender: Female Male Kindly inform your age: lower than 18 18-25 26-33 34-40 higher than 40 How long have you been working in your current bank? Under year year or greater What’s your average income per month? Lower than 5.000.000 VND From 5.000.000VND to under 10.000.000VND From 10.000.000 to under 1.5000.000 VND 15.000.000 VND or greater What’s yout current position in your bank? Staff Supervisor Manager Thank you very much! 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks 55 APPENDIX B: VIETNAMESE QUESTIONNAIRE Kính chào Chị/Anh, Tơi tên Hồng Thị Kim Khánh Tơi học viên Viện đào tạo quốc tế ISB- trường Đại học Kinh tế TP HCM Hiện nghiên cứu đề tài “Mối quan hệ thỏa mãn giao tiếp gắn kết với tổ chức nhân viên cơng ty”, đó, tơi tiến hành khảo sát nhằm tìm hiểu ý kiến Chị/Anh vấn đề Rất mong Chị/Anh bớt chút thời gian trả lời số câu hỏi Tất ý kiến Chị/Anh có giá trị nghiên cứu Tôi xin cam kết thông tin Chị/Anh bảo mật dùng với mục đích phục vụ nghiên cứu Mọi thông tin liên quan đến đề tài này, xin liên hệ địa email goldbell1303@gmail.com Xin chân thành cám ơn giúp đỡ Chị/Anh PHẦN 1: SỰ GẮN KẾT VỚI TỔ CHỨC Chị/Anh vui lòng chọn 01 số để thể ý kiến Quy ước: Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý; Khơng đồng ý; Khơng có ý kiến; Đồng ý; Hồn tồn đồng ý Tơi có cảm giác vơ phấn khởi làm việc công ty Tôi cảm thấy gắn bó với cơng ty Cơng ty có ý nghĩa lớn cá nhân Tôi cảm thấy thành viên thực công ty Tôi hạnh phúc dành quãng đường nghiệp sau để tiếp tục gắn bó với cơng ty Tơi thích nói cơng ty với người ngồi cơng ty tơi Tơi cảm thấy vấn đề khó khăn cơng ty vấn đề khó khăn tơi Tơi cảm thấy tơi dễ dàng gắn kết với công ty khác giống gắn bó với cơng ty 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 PHẦN 2: SỰ THỎA MÃN TRONG GIAO TIẾP Phần 2A: Chị/Anh vui lòng chọn 01 số thể mức độ hài lòng Chị/Anh chất lượng và/hoặc số lượng loại thơng tin mà Chị/Anh nhận Quy ước: Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý; Khơng đồng ý; Khơng có ý kiến; Đồng ý; Hồn tồn đồng ý Tơi hài lòng với thơng tin cách thức mà cấp so sánh công việc với đồng nghiệp khác Tơi hài lòng với thơng tin cách thức cấp đánh giá Tôi hài lòng với việc nỗ lực tơi ghi nhận Tơi hài lòng với báo cáo cách xử lý vấn đề xảy công việc 1 5 5 Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks 56 Phần 2B: Chị/Anh vui lòng chọn 01 số để thể ý kiến Quy ước: Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý; Khơng đồng ý; Khơng có ý kiến; Đồng ý; Hồn tồn đồng ý Việc giao tiếp thúc đẩy tơi hồn thành mục tiêu công việc Mọi người công ty có khả giao tiếp, truyền đạt thơng tin tốt Việc giao tiếp giúp cảm thấy phần cơng ty Tơi nhận thông tin cần thiết cho công việc lúc Mâu thuẫn cơng việc giải hợp lý thông qua kênh giao tiếp thích hợp Tơi hài lòng với mức độ nhanh nhậy thơng tin ngồi lề 10 cơng ty Thông tin trao đổi thành viên cơng ty ln xác 11 tự Trong tình khẩn cấp, việc trao đổi thơng tin diễn 12 kịp thời để giải vấn đề 13 Các thành viên nhóm tơi phối hợp làm việc với tốt Kênh giao tiếp khơng thức (trao đổi ngòai cơng việc) nhanh nhậy 14 xác Cấp tơi biết hiểu vấn đề mà cấp phải 15 giải 16 Cấp biết lắng nghe ý đến Cấp đưa dẫn để giải vấn đề 17 công việc 18 Cấp tin tưởng Cấp sẵn sàng tiếp thu ý tưởng công 19 việc 20 Tôi theo dõi (kiểm tra, giám sát) mức độ hợp lý 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Thông tin cá nhân: Vui lòng cho biết giới tính: Nữ Nam Vui lòng cho biết độ tuổi: dưới 18 18-25 26-33 34-40 trên 40 Vui lòng cho biết tính đến tại, anh chị làm việc Ngân hàng rồi? Dưới năm Từ năm trở lên Thu nhập trung bình hàng tháng anh chị? Dưới triệu Từ đến 10 triệu Từ 10 đến 15 triệu Từ 15 triệu trở lên 10 Vui lòng cho biết vị trí Chị/Anh Nhân viên Giám sát/Kiểm sóat viên Quản lí Rất cảm ơn Chị/Anh hòan thành khảo sát ! Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks APPENDIX C: LIST OF THE BANKS Name of the bank 10 11 12 Eximbank transaction office Eximbank Hoa Binh branch ANZ Phu My Hung branch Standard Charter Ho Chi Minh branch BIDV Ho Chi Minh branch Sacombank Binh Tay branch Indovina Bank Head Office Nam Viet Bank Head Office Nam Viet Bank Card Centre Maritime bank Ho Chi Minh branch Woori bank Ho Chi Minh branch Hua Nan bank Ho Chi Minh branch 57 Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks 58 APPENDIX D: MEASUREMENT SCALE AND CODIFIED VARIABLES Name of variables Affective Commitment 01 Affective Commitment 02 Affective Commitment 03 Affective Commitment 04 Affective Commitment 05 Affective Commitment 06 Affective Commitment 07 Affective Commitment 08 Personal Personal Personal Personal Feedback 01 Feedback 02 Feedback 03 Feedback 04 Personal Feedback 05 Communication Climate 01 Communication Climate 02 Communication Climate 03 Communication Climate 04 Communication Climate 05 Horizontal Communication 01 Horizontal Communication 02 Horizontal Communication 03 Horizontal Communication 04 Horizontal Communication 05 Supervisory Communication 01 Supervisory Communication 02 Statement I feel a strong sense of belonging to this organization I feel “emotionally attached” to this organization This organization has a great deal of personal meaning for me I feel “part of the family” in this organization I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this organization I enjoy discussing my organization with people outside it I really feel as if this organization’s problems are my own I think I could easily become as attached to another organization as I am to this one Information about how my job compares with others Information about how I am being judged Recognition of my efforts Reports on how problems in my job are being handled Extent to which my superiors know and understand the problems faced by subordinates Extent to which the organization's communication motivates and stimulates an enthusiasm for meeting its goals Extent to which the people in my organization have great ability as communicators Extent to which the organization's communication makes me identify with it or feel a vital part of it Extent to which I receive in time the information needed to my job Extent to which conflicts are handled appropriately through proper communication channels Extent to which the grapevine is active in our organization Extent to which horizontal communication with other organizational members is accurate and free flowing Extent to which communication practices are adaptable to emergencies Extent to which my work group is compatible Extent to which informal communication is active and accurate Extent to which my supervisor listens and pays attention to me Extent to which my supervisor offers guidance for solving job related problems Measure Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks Supervisory Communication 03 Supervisory Communication 04 Supervisory Communication 05 AC PF CC HCinformal HCformal SC Extent to which my supervisor trusts me Scale Extent to which my supervisor is open to ideas Scale Extent to which the amount of supervision given me Scale is about right Affective commitment Scale (Mean of Affective commitment 01 to 07) Personal feedback Scale (Mean of Personal Feedback to 4) Communication climate Scale (Mean of Communication climate 01,03,04,05) Horizontal informal communication Scale (Mean of Horizontal communication 01 and 05) Horizontal formal communication Scale (Mean of Horizontal communication 02,03,04) Supervisory communication Scale (Mean of Supervisory Communication 01 to 05) 59 Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks APPENDIX E: RESULT OF ASSUMPTION TESTING AND REGRESSION Table 12: Model Summary Model Summaryb Model R R Square 541a Adjusted R Square 293 Std Error of the Estimate 277 Durbin-Watson 64870 2.053 a Predictors: (Constant), SC, HCinformal, HCformal, CC, PF b Dependent Variable: AC Table 13: ANOVA ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares 38.224 Regression Residual 92.157 df Mean Square 7.645 219 421 F Sig 18.167 000b Total 130.381 224 a Dependent Variable: AC b Predictors: (Constant), SC, HCinformal, HCformal, CC, PF Table 14: Correlations Pearson Correlation Sig (1-tailed) N AC PF HCinformal HCformal CC SC AC PF HCinformal HCformal CC SC AC PF HCinformal HCformal CC SC Correlations AC PF HCinformal HCformal 1.000 346 203 408 346 1.000 297 403 203 297 1.000 356 408 403 356 1.000 456 465 381 498 421 655 309 413 000 001 000 000 000 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 CC 456 465 381 498 1.000 434 000 000 000 000 000 225 225 225 225 225 225 SC 421 655 309 413 434 1.000 000 000 000 000 000 225 225 225 225 225 225 60 Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks Table 15: Model Statistics Model Statistics Model Number of Predictors ACModel_1 Model Fit statistics Ljung-Box Q(18) Stationary R- Statistics squared 363 13.944 DF Number of Outliers Sig 17 671 Table 16: Coefficients Coefficients a Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Model (Constant) B Std Error 883 277 PF -.001 074 HCinformal HCformal -.045 191 317 247 CC SC t Sig Beta Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF 3.193 002 -.001 -.019 985 524 1.908 067 070 -.042 188 -.669 2.717 504 007 804 677 1.245 1.477 082 081 276 238 3.862 3.056 000 003 633 532 1.580 1.878 a Dependent Variable: AC (where AC is dependent variable affective commitment; PF is personal feedback; HCinformal is horizontal informal communication; HCformal is horizontal formal communication; CC is communication climate; SC is supervisory communication) 61 Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks Figure 04: Overall regression plot Figure 05: Histogram of Affective Commitment 62 Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks Figure 06: Normal P-P Plot of Affective Commitment 63 Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks APPENDIX F: LIST OF TEN PARTICIPANTS IN THE PILOT STUDY Name of the participants Name of the bank Đàm Hoàng Oanh Eximbank transaction office Lục Thế Bảo Vietcombank Phu Tho branch Đặng Thị Thanh Nga ANZ Phu My Hung branch Nguyễn Dương Nguyệt Minh Standard Charter Ho Chi Minh branch Nguyễn Trung Hậu BIDV Ho Chi Minh branch Đoàn Vạn Hậu HSBC Ho Chi Minh Nguyễn Ngọc Đan Thy Nam Viet Bank Card Centre Lương Ngọc Trâm Anh Maritime bank Ho Chi Minh branch Huỳnh Thị Hồng Nhung Woori bank Ho Chi Minh branch Phạm Thị Tuyết Mai Hua Nan bank Ho Chi Minh branch 10 64 ... empirical study in the Vietnamese banks Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks Hoang Thi Kim Khanh 19th January, 2014... climate and affective commitment 14 iv Relationship between communication satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks 2.4.3 Horizontal communication and affective. .. satisfaction and affective commitment – an empirical study in the Vietnamese banks supervisory communication, and communication climate) have strong relationship with organizational commitment Banking industry