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Customers online purchasing intention_ an exploratory study on affecting factors in Vietnam

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  • Table of Content




    • 1.1. Research background

    • 1.2. Problem statement

    • 1.3. Research questions and research objectives

    • 1.4. Significances of the research

    • 1.5. Research scope

    • 1.6. Research structure


    • 2.1. E-commerce

    • 2.2. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)

    • 2.3. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

    • 2.4. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

    • 2.5. Salient Beliefs of Usefulness and Ease of Use

    • 2.6. Salient Beliefs of Compatibility, Privacy and Security

    • 2.7. Salient Beliefs Normative-Beliefs and Self-Efficacy

    • 2.8. Research model


    • 3.1. Research design

    • 3.2. Pilot study

    • 3.3. Measurement

    • 3.4. Research sampling

      • 3.4.1. Target population

      • 3.4.2. Sample size

    • 3.5. Collecting data

    • 3.6. Data Cleaning

    • 3.7. Methods of data analysis

      • 3.7.1. Reliability assessment of measurement scales (Cronbach alpha)

      • 3.7.2. Explore Factor Analysis (EFA)

      • 3.7.3. Multi Linear Regression (MLR)

    • 3.8. Summary


    • 4.1. Descriptions of sample

    • 4.2. Reliability and validity of the measurement scale

      • 4.2.1. Reliability testing (Cronbach Alpha)

      • 4.2.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis

        • EFA implementation for independent variable

        • EFA implementation for dependent variable

    • 4.3. The Modified Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses Restatement

      • 4.3.1. The Modified Theoretical Framework

      • 4.3.2. Hypotheses restatement

    • 4.4. Research Hypothesis Testing

      • 4.4.1. The first multiple regression analysis

      • 4.4.2. The second multiple regression analysis

      • 4.4.3. Results of testing the hypotheses

    • 4.5. Summary


    • 5.1. Discussion of Study Finding

    • 5.2. Practical implication

    • 5.3. Limitations and future research






Nội dung

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRANNING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY  TRẦN THANH SƠN CUSTOMER’S ONLINE PURCHASING INTENTION: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY ON AFFECTING FACTORS IN VIETNAM THESIS OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HO CHI MINH CITY – 2013 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRANNING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY  TRẦN THANH SƠN CUSTOMER’S ONLINE PURCHASING INTENTION: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY ON AFFECTING FACTORS IN VIETNAM Subject : Master of Business Administration Code : THESIS OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ADVISOR: DR TRẦN HÀ MINH QUÂN HO CHI MINH CITY – 2013 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT For the successful completion of this thesis, I would like to show my sincere thanks to all those who have supported me during the time I conducted the study First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Dr Tran Ha Minh Quan, for his generous and patient guidance to my thesis His inspiring advices are essential and valuable for me to finish this thesis The advisor is very knowledgeable, and nice to me all the time I feel very lucky appreciate him to give a chance to be his student Secondly, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to respectful lecturers of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh city, who have empowered me with considerably useful knowledge during the time I studied in University Thirdly, I would like to send special thanks to my friends, students of the eMBA course of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh city for kindly helping me collect useful information for the study Specially, Tran Cong Tan, he always encourages me when I have trouble duration of carrying out thesis Fourly, I would like to send special thanks to Dang Huu Phuc for his strong support in the completion of the thesis Lastly, I would like the send the most special thanks to my family, who always help me with so much love, care and encouragement Although I have tried my best to complete my thesis, but errors could not be avoided Therefore, I am looking forward to receiving the comments from respectful lectures and friends, so that my thesis could be more improved Trần Thanh Sơn Ho Chi Minh, December, 2013 ii COMMITMENT I hereby would like to commit that the thesis, “Customers’ online purchasing intention: an exploratory study on affecting factors in Vietnam”, was accomplished based on my independent and serious studies and researches The data was collected in reality and it has clear origins In addition to that, the data would be trust-worthily handled and it has never been released in any menu Trần Thanh Sơn iii ABSTRACT Vietnam has witnessed rapid development of Internet, in terms of infrastructure, users and internet-based services As for Vietnamese people, Internet gradually becomes a very important channel for shopping, introducing products and services, characterized by the surging numbers of online transactions It inspired the need to study the issues related to the intention of customers for online purchasing The purpose of the thesis is to study the main factors influencing the intention of customers when they carry out the online shopping The study is based on the data which is collected through google document Usefulness, Ease of Use and Security are three important factors influencing Vietnamese customer attitude as they purchase online Attitude, Normative Beliefs and Usefulness were identified as three important factors influencing Vietnamese customer’s online purchasing intention iv Table of Content ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i COMMITMENT ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES viii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY 1.1 Research background .1 1.2 Problem statement 1.3 Research questions and research objectives 1.4 Significances of the research: 1.5 Research scope 1.6 Research structure CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 E-commerce .9 2.2 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) 2.3 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) .11 2.4 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 12 2.5 Salient Beliefs of Usefulness and Ease of Use 14 2.6 Salient Beliefs of Compatibility, Privacy and Security 14 2.7 Salient Beliefs Normative-Beliefs and Self-Efficacy 15 2.8 Research model 16 CHAPTER RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 20 3.1 Research design 20 3.2 Pilot study .21 3.3 Measurement 21 3.4 Research sampling 23 v 3.4.1 Target population 23 3.4.2 Sample size 23 3.5 Collecting data .24 3.6 Data Cleaning 24 3.7 Methods of data analysis 25 3.7.1 Reliability assessment of measurement scales (Cronbach alpha) 25 3.7.2 Explore Factor Analysis (EFA) .26 3.7.3 Multi Linear Regression (MLR) .26 3.8 Summary 27 CHAPTER RESULTS AND DISCUSION 28 4.1 Descriptions of sample 28 4.2 Reliability and validity of the measurement scale 30 4.2.1 Reliability testing (Cronbach Alpha) 30 4.2.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis 32 EFA implementation for independent variable 33 EFA implementation for dependent variable 35 4.3 The Modified Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses Restatement 35 4.3.1 The Modified Theoretical Framework 35 4.3.2 Hypotheses restatement 38 4.4 Research Hypothesis Testing 39 4.4.1 The first multiple regression analysis .39 4.4.2 The second multiple regression analysis 41 4.4.3 Results of testing the hypotheses 43 4.5 Summary 44 CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 46 vi 5.1 Discussion of Study Finding 46 5.2 Practical implication .47 5.3 Limitations and future research 48 LIST OF REFERENCE 50 APPENDIX 56 APPENDIX 65 APPENDIX 74 APPENDIX 80 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Theory of Reasoned Action from Davis, Bagozzi et Warshaw (1989) 10 Figure 2.2 Theory of planned behavior 12 Figure 2.3 Technology acceptance model (adopted from Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw 1989) 13 Figure 2.4 Research Model 17 Figure 4.1 Modified theoretical framework .38 Figure 4.2 The updated research model 44 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1 Measurement scales of research 22 Table 4-1 Statistical summary of socio – demographic variables 29 Table 4-2 Cronbach alpha coefficients 31 Table 4-3.EFA implementation for independent variables .34 Table 4-4.Cronbach Alpha coefficient of group 34 Table 4-5 EFA implementation for dependent variables 35 Table 4-6 Seven new factor in the research model 36 Table 4-7 Model Summary of first multiple linear regression 40 Table 4-8 ANOVA of first multiple linear regression .40 Table 4-9 Coefficient of independent variables in first multiple linear regression 40 Table 4-10 Model Summary of first multiple linear regression 41 Table 4-11 ANOVA of first multiple linear regression 42 Table 4-12 Coefficient of independent variables in first multiple linear regression42 Table 4-13 Summary of restatement hypotheses testing result .43 77 Ease3 Ease2 Ease1 Self1 Self2 Norm3 Norm1 Norm2 Use1 Use2 Use3 Sec1 Sec2 Pri1 Pri2 Rotated Component Matrixa Component 832 830 679 570 511 884 876 854 899 833 756 887 862 836 792 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.a a Rotation converged in iterations Component Component Transformation Matrix 598 552 452 354 -.224 -.347 714 -.130 -.671 638 -.103 192 -.014 -.408 -.202 867 377 037 -.484 -.264 089 549 309 204 744 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization 78 Appendix 3.2 : The first EFA implementation of two dependent variables KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx Chi-Square df Sig .748 974.845 10 000 Communalities Initial Extraction Att1 Att2 Int1 Int2 Int3 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 867 871 874 828 859 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Componen t Total 3.270 1.028 321 194 186 Component Total Variance Explained Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative Variance % Variance % 65.409 65.409 3.270 65.409 65.409 20.562 85.971 1.028 20.562 85.971 6.429 92.400 3.871 96.271 3.729 100.000 Total Variance Explained Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cumulative % 2.504 50.084 50.084 1.794 35.887 85.971 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis 79 Int3 Int1 Int2 Att2 Att1 Component Matrixa Component 870 -.318 861 -.365 857 -.305 720 593 720 591 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.a a components extracted Rotated Component Matrixa Component Int1 Int3 Int2 Att2 Att1 912 892 874 902 900 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.a a Rotation converged in iterations Component Transformation Matrix Component 811 -.585 585 811 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization 80 APPENDIX MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION Appendix 4.1 First Regression Results – Intention (INT) is dependent variable Attitude (ATT), Usefulness (USE), Normative Beliefs (NORM) are independent variables INT USE NORM ATT Descriptive Statistics Mean Std Deviation 4.4759 1.49690 4.6711 1.37636 4.1239 1.44791 5.2862 1.33449 N 304 304 304 304 Correlations Pearson Correlation Sig (1-tailed) N INT USE NORM ATT INT 1.000 368 422 496 USE 368 1.000 195 348 NOR M ATT 422 195 1.000 427 496 348 427 1.000 INT 000 000 000 USE 000 000 000 NOR M ATT 000 000 000 000 000 000 INT 304 304 304 304 USE 304 304 304 304 NOR M ATT 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 81 Variables Entered/Removed a Model Variables Entered ATT, USE, NORM b Variables Removed Method Enter a Dependent Variable: INT b All requested variables entered Model R 582a Model Summary b R Square Adjusted R Std Error of Square the Estimate 338 332 DurbinWatson 1.22379 1.917 a Predictors: (Constant), ATT, USE, NORM b Dependent Variable: INT Model Regressio n Residual Total ANOVAa Sum of Squares df 229.635 449.299 678.934 300 303 Mean Square 76.545 F Sig 51.110 000b 1.498 a Dependent Variable: INT b Predictors: (Constant), ATT, USE, NORM 82 Model Unstandardized Coefficients B Std Error (Constant) 480 335 USE 228 055 NORM 254 054 ATT 356 061 a Dependent Variable: INT Mode l Dimension 1 Coefficientsa Standardized Coefficients Beta 210 246 318 t Sig 1.434 4.178 4.721 5.838 153 000 000 000 Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF 876 815 745 Collinearity Diagnosticsa Eigenvalue Condition Variance Proportions Index (Constant) USE NORM 3.850 079 042 030 1.000 00 7.001 02 9.622 20 11.395 78 a Dependent Variable: INT Residuals Statisticsa Minimum Maximum Mean 00 31 66 03 01 71 28 01 1.141 1.227 1.343 ATT 00 00 31 69 Std Deviation N Predicted Value Residual Std Predicted Value 1.6746 -3.67419 -3.218 6.3479 3.79711 2.150 4.4759 00000 000 87056 1.21772 1.000 304 304 304 Std Residual -3.002 3.103 000 995 304 a Dependent Variable: INT 83 Charts 84 85 86 Appendix 4.2 Second Regression Results – Attitude (ATT) is dependent variable Usefulness (USE), Ease of Use (EASE), Privacy (PRI), Security (SEC) are independent variables Descriptive Statistics Mean Std Deviation N ATT 5.2862 1.33449 304 USE 4.6711 1.37636 304 EASE 5.4204 1.12844 304 PRI 3.6563 1.49402 304 SEC 3.6349 1.37153 304 Correlations Pearson Correlation Sig (1-tailed) N ATT USE EASE PRI SEC ATT 1.000 348 564 040 273 USE 348 1.000 307 278 161 EASE 564 307 1.000 -.016 299 PRI 040 278 -.016 1.000 088 SEC 273 161 299 088 1.000 ATT 000 000 246 000 USE 000 000 000 002 EASE 000 000 388 000 PRI 246 000 388 062 SEC 000 002 000 062 ATT 304 304 304 304 304 USE 304 304 304 304 304 EASE 304 304 304 304 304 PRI 304 304 304 304 304 SEC 304 304 304 304 304 87 Variables Entered/Removeda Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method SEC, PRI, EASE, USEb Enter a Dependent Variable: ATT b All requested variables entered Model Summaryb Model R R Square 601a Adjusted R Std Error of the Durbin-Watson Square Estimate 353 1.07359 361 1.915 a Predictors: (Constant), SEC, PRI, EASE, USE b Dependent Variable: ATT ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig Regression 194.977 48.744 42.291 000b Residual 344.625 299 1.153 Total 539.602 303 a Dependent Variable: ATT b Predictors: (Constant), SEC, PRI, EASE, USE 88 Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std t Sig Collinearity Statistics Beta Tolerance VIF Error (Constant) 1.068 355 3.008 003 USE 184 049 189 3.719 000 823 1.215 EASE 562 060 475 9.356 000 828 1.208 PRI -.013 043 -.014 -.295 768 906 1.104 SEC 099 047 102 2.095 037 900 1.111 a Dependent Variable: ATT Mode l Dimension Collinearity Diagnosticsa Eigenvalue Condition Variance Proportions Index (Constant) USE EASE 4.725 1.000 00 00 00 128 6.079 00 00 01 083 7.558 02 19 04 045 10.209 13 81 15 019 15.700 85 00 79 PRI 01 64 24 01 10 Collinearity Diagnosticsa Model Dimension Variance Proportions SEC a Dependent Variable: ATT 00 27 61 12 00 89 Residuals Statisticsa Minimum Maximum Mean Std Deviation N Predicted Value 1.9000 6.7633 5.2862 80218 304 Residual -4.38286 2.77497 00000 1.06648 304 Std Predicted Value -4.221 1.841 000 1.000 304 Std Residual -4.082 2.585 000 993 304 a Dependent Variable: ATT Charts 90 91 ...MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRANNING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY  TRẦN THANH SƠN CUSTOMER’S ONLINE PURCHASING INTENTION: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY ON AFFECTING FACTORS IN VIETNAM. .. shopping in Vietnam, I study the thesis: Customers online purchasing intention: an exploratory study on affecting factors in Vietnam This study want to know the reasons, why the Vietnamese... that the thesis, Customers online purchasing intention: an exploratory study on affecting factors in Vietnam , was accomplished based on my independent and serious studies and researches The

Ngày đăng: 10/01/2018, 15:56



