The Letter·s of MACHIAVELLI Copyrighted material Copyrighted material The Letters of MACHIAVELLI A SE L ECT IO N ~- Translated and Edited with an Introduction by ALLA N G ILBERT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHI CAGO PllliSS Copyrighted material ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To THE RESEARCH COUNCIL of Duke University am indebtedfor assistance over some thirty-five years ofMachiavellian studies The Duke University Press has graciously allowed the use oftlae version of the Familiar Letters soon to be published as pan of my comprehensive translation of Machiavelli in three volr•mes wish also to tlwnk the University of Pennsylvania for· opportunity to write the lntrodrtction during a pleasant year as visiting professor ofItalian literature The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637 © 1.961 by Alltm H Gilbert AU rights reserved Publ;sbed 1961 University of Chicago Press Edition 1988 Printed in the United Stutes of America 07060504030201009998 34567 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Machiavelli, Ni