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National Options for REDD+ Environmental Safeguards: Operational Guidance

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National Options for REDD+ Environmental Safeguards: Operational Guidance This guide, based on a full technical paper prepared by SNV4, presents six broad categories of options for operationalising the Cancun safeguards, translating these broad generic statements into national policy and practice These options for national-level safeguard responses are presented in the context of delivering environmental co-benefits; however, they are equally applicable to social co-benefits Points to consider • There are a range of options available for operationalizing REDD+ safeguards: national policy strengthening, integrated subnational planning, regulatory and economic instruments and improved monitoring systems • Incorporating co-benefits into a national REDD+ strategy or programme doesn’t require the creation of brand-new systems or technologies but the re-evaluation and enhancement of those already at a country’s disposal • REDD+ countries are already committed to environmental and social outcomes in the forestry sector Integrating co-benefits into REDD+ could reduce investment and transaction costs of delivering these outcomes • It is important to adopt national-level standards They are a direct intervention that demonstrates political commitment to environmental and social co-benefits, but they are not the totality of a country’s safeguard response • Investing in biological diversity is a necessary risk management strategy to ensure the effectiveness of REDD+ and the principal aim of lasting emissions reductions and greenhouse gas removals in the long-term – carbon sequestration is an ecosystem service and a function of biological diversity Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+) has emerged as a potential response to tackling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from the global forestry sector The notion of “co-benefits” was raised in the 2007 Bali Action Plan of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), along with the potential of REDD+ to complement the aims and objectives of other multilateral environmental agreements, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity To ensure that environmental and social co-benefits are delivered and that potential risks are minimized, a series of aspirational statements about how REDD+ should be implemented were established in 2010 by the international community – the so called ‘Cancun safeguards’[1] of the UNFCCC Countries seeking to implement REDD+ programs must “promote and support” these safeguards at the national and subnational levels In addition to the Cancun safeguards, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat is exploring how biodiversity impacts from REDD+ can be net positive In 2010, the parties to the CBD adopted a new Strategic Plan2, the primary mechanism guiding the implementation of the CBD over the next 10 years The Plan establishes five strategic goals and 20 headline targets to be met by 2020 (the “Aichi Targets”3), including a number of targets relevant to REDD+ Safeguard compliance does not demand substantive policy innovation or adoption of new tools and technologies What must be done to deliver emissions reductions and biodiversity conservation in the forestry sector remains largely unchanged from current actions; forest management and governance practices need to be improved upon through REDD+ rather than overhauled or replaced SNV REDD+ National Options National policy strengthening and coherence • Ensure that REDD+ plans and policies are consistent with existing biodiversity policies This can go a long way to addressing some of the weaknesses of the broad, generic statements in the Cancun safeguards It can also help in ensuring that implementation of REDD+ does not conflict with other national and international commitments and obligations (a safeguard in itself) • Make explicit statements of biodiversity conservation in national REDD+ strategies and programmes The Government of the United Kingdom has already commissioned guidelines5 on how biodiversity safeguards can be addressed during the development of national REDD+ strategies and programmes Equally, statements of proactive REDD+ engagement should be made in national biodiversity policy, such as National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and national protected area strategies • Bring together information, and engage staff from different government departments in policy reform processes In many countries, responsibilities for forests and for biodiversity are not held in the same government departments or line ministries A relatively simple action, already taken by some developing countries, is to establish inter-ministerial committees and multi-stakeholder technical working groups for REDD+ Integrated and strengthened subnational planning • Climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation performance measures need to be mainstreamed into planning at the subnational level The first step towards operationalizing the Cancun safeguards is integrating environmental co-benefits into a policy frame work for REDD+ However, a significant gap can exist between national policy and local practice – an effort should be made to close it • To balance competing needs for land, explore trade-offs across the broader productive landscape This requires an integrated landscape-level approach to land use It can be thought of as an application of the Ecosystem Approach6, a primary framework for action under the CBD, which involves considering multiple needs and uses at a landscape scale As a baseline, decide which areas are best suited for different types of REDD+ activity and identify areas where there might be a risk to, or opportunity for, biological diversity National REDD+ co-benefits standards • Adopt national REDD+ programmatic standards to clearly demonstrate a national commitment to the Cancun safeguards There are already a number of multilateral initiatives developed at the international level that can be (and are being applied to) national standards for delivering REDD+ co-benefits Work to harmonise processes that are similar within REDD+ and the broader forestry sector, such as the negotiation processes for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance & Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPA) • Countries must play a leading role in defining appropriate standards Using a country-led approach to determine biodiversity priorities has considerable advantages, which would not disregard internationally developed standards but translate them for a specific national context 4 Regulatory approaches • Consider using regulatory approaches beyond national-level co-benefit standards for REDD+ Regulatory approaches that can be used to promote safeguards that would build on and strengthen existing national forestry policy and practices include: protected area management; forest landscape restoration; sustainable forest management (SFM); and improved forest governance • Focusing on the maintenance of existing and development of new protected areas is the most direct regulatory safeguard response Natural forest carbon stock enhancement activities under REDD+ could also incentivise mosaic and broad-scale forest landscape restoration, significantly expanding forest habitat quality and quantity across the tropics7 • In production forests safeguards regulatory responses could include promotion of sustainable forest management SFM approaches, such as extension rotation length and reduced impact logging, could yield improvements over conventional logging both for carbon emission reductions and biodiversity • Renewing or revitalizing political commitments to forest governance reform, such as community forest management, collaborative management and co-management of forests can promote and support REDD+ safeguards Good governance is also essential for effective forest biodiversity conservation Statutory reinforcement of customary forestland tenure and management practices can help to protect forest carbon stocks and biological diversity in the longer term Economic incentives • Apply economic incentives as appropriate, where governments are supporting local actors to deliver REDD+ Incentives can increase revenues, reduce costs, or reduce risks for the local stakeholders, be they subnational government agencies, private companies, civil society or local people, in implementing REDD+ activities Economic incentives could be applied to those REDD+ actions that have potential to yield higher biodiversity performance in addition to climate change mitigation, e.g payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes, community forest management and sustainable production forest management • Economic incentives applied internally within the developing countries’ domestic supply chain for REDD+ emission reductions can take a number of forms: biodiversity premiums; differential taxes on REDD+ credits; front- loading of payments; risk mitigation discounts; subsidies on inputs of goods and services required to deliver co-benefits from REDD+ actions The appropriateness of these incentive types will depend on the specific institutional context of each country They are not mutually exclusive and could be applied in combination Some countries already have national or subnational PES schemes in operation to promote forest conservation and sustainable management; governments can build on these to promote REDD+ co-benefits • A domestic PES scheme that incorporates forest carbon with other ecosystem services provides an indication that national efforts go beyond carbon sequestration This may serve as a lever for international-level financing for delivering multiple benefits from REDD+ oriented forest protection and management actions Adding REDD+ credits to other domestic and foreign ecosystem service revenues may make PES schemes more economically viable forest financing options Monitoring and reporting • Monitoring of REDD+ actions and their impacts will be required to demonstrate tangible net gains in environmental co-benefit performance from REDD+ The safeguards agreed upon at Cancun not commit developing countries to co-benefit impact monitoring programmes, but instead to developing “a system for providing information on how the safeguards… are being addressed and respected throughout the implementation of [REDD+ activities]” Monitoring of biodiversity outcomes8, however, is required under renewed CBD commitments and the Aichi Targets, in addition to existing national policy commitments in many developing countries • The value of co-benefit standards can only be fully realised through (ideally, independent third party) verification of measured performance To be effective, regulatory standards implementation requires monitoring of compliance with the standards and of biodiversity outcomes A crucial first step for any country preparing for REDD+ will be to undertake an in-country process of identifying a set of national framework indicators based on emerging international guidance • Potentially reduce costs for measuring REDD+ co-benefit performance, and engage local stakeholders, through participatory forest monitoring (PFM) Depending on the forestland tenure situation, PFM could be applied as a “community-based” monitoring approach, where local people hold statutory and/or customary land title in a community forestry management model In cases where forests are under public or private ownership, local people could be contracted to provide the monitoring services for State or private land owner www.snvredd.com International commitments on biodiversity and REDD+ Cancun safeguards (UNFCCC) Para (a) [REDD+ activities] complement / consistent with the objectives of national forest programmes and relevant international conventions and agreements Para (d) full and effective participation of relevant stakeholders, in particular indigenous peoples and local communities, in [REDD+] activities and…national strategies Para (e) [REDD+ activities are] consistent with the conservation of natural forests and biological diversity, ensuring that actions are not used for the conversion of natural forests, but are instead used to incentivize the protection and conservation of natural forests… Para (f) address the risks of reversals Para (g) reduce displacement of emissions Aichi Targets (CBD) Target rate of loss…forests, is at least halved and where feasible brought close to zero…degradation and fragmentation significantly reduced Target 7 areas under agriculture, aquaculture and forestry are managed sustainably, ensuring conservation of biodiversity Target 11 at least 17 per cent of terrestrial…areas…of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through…well-connected systems of protected areas…integrated into wider landscape Target 14 ecosystems that provide essential services…are restored and safeguarded, taking into account the needs of women, indigenous and local communities… Target 15 ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks has been enhanced, through conservation and restoration, including restoration of at least 15 per cent of degraded ecosystems C H I N L O Outside KBA With funding support from the International Climate Initiative (ICI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), SNV is working with the Vietnam Administration of Forestry to respond to international safeguard commitments for REDD+ as identified by UNFCCC, as well as biodiversity targets established by the CBD Hainan A Total Biomass Carbon (MgC/ha) Guidance in Practice: Exploring mechanisms to promote biodiversity conservation through REDD+ in Vietnam A Inside KBA THAILAND Biodiversity-focused REDD+ standards are currently being identified and tested at international, national and field levels Through participatory processes, comprised of stakeholder workshops and consultation meetings, the partners are working to introduce these standards as part of Vietnam’s national REDD+ programme, thereby demonstrating a commitment to the Cancun safeguards A participatory forest monitoring framework is being developed, together with biodiversity methodologies and field protocols to measure REDD+ co-benefit performance assessment An initial output of the project is a series of high-biodiversity REDD+ maps that could inform national and subnational REDD+ policy and measures S - 17 17 - 66 66 - 98 99 - 115 115 - 183 Key Biodiversity Area(s) Biodiversity Conservation Corridor(s) CAMBODIA 150 75 150 Km Vietnam Biomass Carbon Density, Key Biodiversity Areas and Conservation Corridors Endnotes Contact UNFCCC 2010 Conference of the Parties decision 1-/CP.16: Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention UNFCCC, Bonn CBD CoP 10, 2010 Decision X/2 - Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 SCBD, 2010 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 and the Aichi Targets: “Living in Harmony with Nature” SCBD, Montreal Swan, S and McNally, R.H.G 2011 High-Biodiversity REDD+: Operationalising Safeguards and Delivering Environmental Co-Benefits SNV, Hanoi Epple, C et al 2011 Making Biodiversity Safeguards for REDD+ Work in Practice – Developing Operational Guidelines and Identifying Capacity Requirements Summary Report UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge See www.cbd.int/ecosystem for further details on the Ecosystem Approach BMU, IUCN, GPFLR, 2011 Bonn Challenge on Forests, Climate Change and Biodiversity: Co-Chairs’ Summary - Restoration Leadership Forum BMU, IUCN, GPFLR, Bonn Gardner, T.A et al I.C.G A framework for integrating biodiversity concerns into national REDD+ programmes Biol Conserv (2011) SNV Netherlands Development Organisation 6th Floor, Building B, La Thanh Hotel 218 Doi Can, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi, Vietnam Tel: 84 43 8463 791/2 Fax: 84 43 8463 794 Email: sswan@snvworld.org www.snvredd.com SNV REDD+ www.snvredd.com ... preparing for REDD+ will be to undertake an in-country process of identifying a set of national framework indicators based on emerging international guidance • Potentially reduce costs for measuring REDD+. .. protocols to measure REDD+ co-benefit performance assessment An initial output of the project is a series of high-biodiversity REDD+ maps that could inform national and subnational REDD+ policy and... co-management of forests can promote and support REDD+ safeguards Good governance is also essential for effective forest biodiversity conservation Statutory reinforcement of customary forestland tenure

Ngày đăng: 09/01/2018, 09:40