IPv6, the Protocol ofthe Future, Today MathewHarrisIPv6 Part of TCP/IP Current version IPv4 32 bit addressing Octets Established in 1996 by IETF 128 bit addressing groups of hexadecimal #s Different IP header IP Headers IPv6 Benefits More addresses Hierarchical Fewer routing field in the header Supports IPSec IPv6 Implementation Clients Only select Operating Systems Servers DNS AAAA records WINS DHCP Network Gear IPv4 to IPv6 Transition Mechanism Dual Stacks All nodes able to resolve IPv4 and IPv6 addresses Tunneling Encapsulate IPv6 inside IPv4 packet Encapsulate IPv4 inside IPv6 packet NAT Private network FutureofIPv6 Already deployed in Japan & Korea France next USA last Most work 66.9% of all registered IPv4 addresses ... nodes able to resolve IPv4 and IPv6 addresses Tunneling Encapsulate IPv6 inside IPv4 packet Encapsulate IPv4 inside IPv6 packet NAT Private network Future of IPv6 Already deployed in.. .IPv6 Part of TCP/IP Current version IPv4 32 bit addressing Octets Established in 1996 by IETF 128 bit addressing groups of hexadecimal #s Different IP header IP Headers IPv6. .. routing field in the header Supports IPSec IPv6 Implementation Clients Only select Operating Systems Servers DNS AAAA records WINS DHCP Network Gear IPv4 to IPv6 Transition Mechanism