Comprehensive nuclear materials 4 01 radiation effects in zirconium alloys Comprehensive nuclear materials 4 01 radiation effects in zirconium alloys Comprehensive nuclear materials 4 01 radiation effects in zirconium alloys Comprehensive nuclear materials 4 01 radiation effects in zirconium alloys Comprehensive nuclear materials 4 01 radiation effects in zirconium alloys
4.01 Radiation Effects in Zirconium Alloys F Onimus and J L Be´chade Commissariat a` l’Energie Atomique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France ß 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved 4.01.1 Irradiation Damage in Zirconium Alloys 4.01.2 4.01.3 References Damage Creation: Short-Term Evolution Neutron–zirconium interaction Displacement energy in zirconium Displacement cascade in zirconium Evolution of Point Defects in Zirconium: Long-Term Evolution Vacancy formation and migration energies SIA formation and migration energies Evolution of point defects: Impact of the anisotropic diffusion of SIAs Point-Defect Clusters in Zirconium Alloys hai Dislocation loops hai Loop formation: Mechanisms hci Component dislocation loops hci Loop formation: Mechanisms Void formation Secondary-Phase Evolution Under Irradiation Crystalline to amorphous transformation of Zr-(Fe,Cr,Ni) intermetallic precipitates Irradiation effects in Zr–Nb alloys: Enhanced precipitation Postirradiation Mechanical Behavior Mechanical Behavior During Tensile Testing Irradiation hardening: Macroscopic behavior Irradiation hardening: Mechanisms Post-yield deformation: Macroscopic behavior Post-yield deformation: Mechanisms Effect of Postirradiation Heat Treatment Postirradiation Creep Deformation Under Irradiation Irradiation Growth Irradiation growth: Macroscopic behavior Irradiation growth: Mechanisms Irradiation Creep Irradiation creep: Macroscopic behavior Irradiation creep: Mechanisms Outlook Abbreviations BWR CANDU DAD EAM EID FP-LMTO Boiling-water reactor Canadian deuterium uranium Diffusion anisotropy difference Embedded atom method Elastic interaction difference Full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital GGA hcp HVEM LDA MB MD NRT 2 2 4 7 9 10 10 10 13 14 14 14 14 16 16 17 18 19 19 19 21 24 24 25 26 27 Generalized gradient approximation Hexagonal close-packed High-voltage electron microscope Local density approximation Many body Molecular dynamics Norgett–Robinson–Torrens Radiation Effects in Zirconium Alloys PKA PWR RXA SANS SIA SIPA SIPA-AD SIPN SRA TEM Tm UTS YS Primary knocked-on atom Pressurized water reactor Recrystallization annealed Small-angle neutron scattering Self interstitial atom Stress-induced preferential absorption Stress preferential induced nucleationanisotropic diffusion Stress preferential induced nucleation Stress-relieved annealed Transmission electron microscopy Melting temperature Ultimate tensile strength Yield stress 4.01.1 Irradiation Damage in Zirconium Alloys Damage Creation: Short-Term Evolution Neutron–zirconium interaction Zirconium alloys are used as structural components for light and heavy water nuclear reactor cores because of their low capture cross section to thermal neutrons and their good corrosion resistance In a nuclear reactor core, zirconium alloys are subjected to a fast neutron flux (E > MeV), which leads to irradiation damage of the material In the case of metallic alloys, the irradiation damage is mainly due to elastic interaction between fast neutrons and atoms of the alloy that displace atoms from their crystallographic sites (depending on the energy of the incoming neutron) and can create point defects without modifications of the target atom, as opposed to inelastic interactions leading to transmutation, for instance During the collision between the neutron and the atom, part of the kinetic energy can be transferred to the target atom The interaction probability is given by the elastic collision differential cross section1,2 which depends on both the neutron kinetic energy and the transferred energy.3 For a typical fast Þ of neutron of MeV, the mean transferred energy ðT % 22keV For low value of the the Zr atomglide processes occur at even higher stress For very high stress, close to the YS, dislocation channeling occurs For cold-worked zirconium alloys, such as SRA Zircaloy or cold-worked Zr–2.5Nb alloy,163 the SIPA mechanism on the initial dislocations is a likely mechanism for irradiation creep However, according to Holt,171 the creep anisotropy of cold-worked zirconium alloys computed from the SIPA mechanism assuming only hai type dislocations is not in agreement with the experimental anisotropy The anisotropy computed from the climb-plus-glide mechanism assuming 80% prism slip and 20% basal slip is in good agreement with the experimental anisotropy, demonstrating that climb-plus-glide mechanism is probably the effective mechanism It should also be pointed out that, since dislocations climb toward grain boundaries or toward other dislocations, recovery of the initial dislocation network occurs In order to maintain a steady-state creep rate, multiplication of dislocations should also occur either via loop coalescence or via dislocation sources, as discussed previously It should also be pointed out that, as there is a coupling between swelling and irradiation creep in stainless steel,181 we could assume a coupling between growth and irradiation creep to occur in zirconium alloys due to the effect of the stress on the partitioning of point defects.134,162 Nevertheless, the simple assumption of two separable deformation components has proved to hold correctly for the results given in the literature.163,180 Outlook Concerning damage creation and point-defect cluster formation, improvement in the knowledge of anisotropic diffusion of SIAs as well as better understanding of the microstructure of vacancy and interstitial hai loops and basal hci vacancy loops (origin of the loop alignment, origin of the corduroy contrast Radiation Effects in Zirconium Alloys for instance) has to be aimed at Multiscale modeling approaches coupled with fine experimental analyses of the irradiation microstructure (high-resolution TEM, synchrotron radiation analyses, tomography atom probe, etc.) should bring new insight concerning the previous points mentioned but also elements in order to propose modeling of the microstructure evolution during irradiation: for instance, origin of the alignments of Nb precipitates, stability of b-Nb precipitates, etc Concerning the mechanical behavior of Zr alloys after irradiation, multiscale modeling of the postirradiation deformation with a better understanding of the dislocation channeling mechanism and understanding of its effects on the postirradiation mechanical behavior are needed Moreover, better understanding of the postirradiation creep deformation mechanisms is also needed using multiscale modeling The last point concerns the deformation mechanisms under irradiation In that field, the basic questions are still without answers: What are the irradiation creep deformation mechanisms? What are the coupling between the deformation under irradiation and the thermal creep and growth? 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