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Chapter 3 – paleotsunami research—current debate and controversies

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  • 3. Paleotsunami Research—Current Debate and Controversies

    • 3.1 Introduction

    • 3.2 Current Research Subjects under Debate

      • 3.2.1 Origin of Tsunamis from Extraterrestrial Impacts and the Chevron Debate

      • 3.2.2 Fine Washover Sediments Stored in Geobioarchives

      • 3.2.3 Boulder Movement: Observations, Calculations, Modeling and the Contrast to Storm-Wave Impacts

    • 3.3 Future Research Directions

    • 3.4 Conclusions/Outlook

    • References

    • Further Reading

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Chapter 3 – paleotsunami research—current debate and controversies Chapter 3 – paleotsunami research—current debate and controversies Chapter 3 – paleotsunami research—current debate and controversies Chapter 3 – paleotsunami research—current debate and controversies Chapter 3 – paleotsunami research—current debate and controversies Chapter 3 – paleotsunami research—current debate and controversies

Chapter Paleotsunami ResearchdCurrent Debate and Controversies Anja M Scheffers Southern Cross GeoScience, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia ABSTRACT During 1989e2014, our knowledge and research focus on modern and paleotsunami events have increased exponentially Before the catastrophic Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 AD, nearly 1000 scientific papers had discussed the topic, but since then, over another 1000 research articles have been published The strong tsunami events of Chile, 2010, and particularly the Tohoku megatsunami in Japan of March 2011 will certainly advance tsunami research further Hitherto, a large percentage of tsunami-related articles have highlighted the origin of tsunamis, their geophysics, tsunami wave progradation, tsunami risk evaluation, and mitigation This contribution focuses on fields of debate that still exist, in particular the identification of paleotsunami sediments in geoarchives, the discussion of boulder movements induced either by strong storms or tsunami waves, the enigma of impact tsunamis during the Quaternary, and modeling versus field observations in paleotsunami science 3.1 INTRODUCTION One of the earliest research papers that attributed sedimentary evidence to paleotsunami events is the publication of Atwater (1987) and the detection of the so-called “Orphan Tsunami” of 1700 AD in Washington State, United States (with the source along the coast of Japan), and the article by Dawson et al (1988) on the submarine Holocene Storegga slides, west of Norway Since then several reviews of tsunami research have been published (e.g., Dawson and Shi, 2000; Synolakis and Okal, 2005; Dominey-Howes et al., 2006; Tappin, 2007; Dawson and Stewart, 2007; Shiki et al., 2008; Synolakis et al., 2008; Scheffers et al., 2009; Satake et al., 2011) The aim of this contribution is to highlight some aspects of palaeotsunami research that are contentious in the current debate Catalogs on historical tsunamis have been Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-396483-0.00003-0 Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved 59 60 Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters published for many sections of the world’s coastlines, for example, Altinok and Ersoy (2000) for Turkey; Baptista and Miranda (2009) for Portugal; Papadopoulos and Chalkis (1984), Soloviev (1990), Tinti and Maramai (1996), Soloviev et al (2000), Papadopoulos and Fokaefs (2005), Ambraseys and Synolakis (2010) for the Mediterranean Sea; Lander et al (2002) and O’Loughlin and Lamb (2003) for the Caribbean; Goff (2008), as well as Goff et al (2010c) for New Zealand; Hamzah et al (2000) for Indonesia; or the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) in Boulder, Colorado (2013), which aims to provide a global dataset for certain coastal areas and spans nearly 4,000 years with >2,000 tsunami events in different probability categories The NGDC dataset not only lists tsunamis based on historical reports but also those from “mythical” sources such as the collapse of Santorini volcano in the Aegean Sea (w1628 BC) Hitherto, this event attracted public attention, several publications, and also speculations, though substantial field evidence is lacking compared to other events, with the exception of deep sea tsunamites (Augias turbidites), which have been associated with the last Santorini calderaforming event (Cita and Aloisi, 2000; Hieke and Werner, 2000; McKoy and Heiken, 2000; Dominey-Howes, 2004; Gutscher, 2005; Sironi and Rimoldi, 2005; Bruins et al., 2008; Goodman-Tchernow et al., 2009) More problematic is the reliability of these ancient reports The question that must be asked is how much of their content is simple fantasy or exaggeration, whether for political or religious reasons? The NGDC dataset classifies the reports that describe events before the year AD 1500 into different categories of reliability; nevertheless, an uncertainty remains In some instances, these historical reports could be verified by field research and numerical dating, but so far, even events that have been classified as reliable have been elusive with regard to physical evidence as sedimentary signatures in the landscape On the other hand, paleotsunami research has unearthed and dated many tsunami events of often strong impacts during historical times, which are not listed in any of the catalogs Whether this conundrum can be attributed to the rather young scientific discipline of tsunami research and the gap will close in the years to come, or the catalogs and conclusions of field event studies are false for a large proportion of cases, has to be elaborated by future and interdisciplinary research Well-studied examples of ancient tsunami events include that of Caesarea Maritima, Israel, in AD 115 (Reinhardt et al., 2006), and multiple tsunami impacts in the Lechaeon region north of Corinthos in Greece (Hadler et al., 2011) Often cited is the coseismic sudden uplift of western Crete in 365 AD with several written sources describing associated strong tsunamis in the eastern Mediterranean (Pirazzoli, 1986; Kelletat, 1991; Stiros, 2001; Stiros and Drakos, 2006; Scheffers, 2006; Shaw et al., 2008) In a European perspective, the Lisbon earthquake and tsunami of 1755 AD continue to Chapter j Paleotsunami ResearchdCurrent Debate and Controversies 61 receive attention because of the great number of fatalities, that is, >35,000 victims (Baptista et al., 1999; Martinez-Solares, 2001; Scheffers and Kelletat, 2005; Gracia et al., 2006; Lario et al., 2010; and many others) In contrast and quite surprisingly, the Messina earthquake and strong tsunami of 1908 AD (with >60,000 fatalities) is much less investigated Strong tsunami events outside of Europe have only attracted scientists in exceptional cases, such as the explosion of Krakatoa volcano in the Sunda Strait between the Indonesian Island of Sumatra and Java in 1883, or the 1960 Chile event where one of the strongest earthquakes since instrumental records began caused a destructive tsunami event (Eaton et al., 1961; Pfafker and Savage, 1970) A comparable seismic energy was released by the AndamaneSumatra earthquake of December 26, 2004, the first megatsunami to be documented continuously with photographs, videos, and immediate postevent field research The magnitude and the unpreparedness of the affected countries, with approximately 230,000 fatalities along thousands of kilometers of coastline in the northern Indian Ocean, triggered tsunami and paleotsunami research worldwide This tsunami disaster forced political and scientific organizations worldwide to deal with tsunami as natural hazards and associated socioeconomic risks much more intensively than in the past Ten years have passed since that event, and hundreds of tsunami studies have been published, older tsunami events have been reinvestigated, new physical models for tsunami wave propagation have been developed, and warning systems have been discussed and established Still, the AndamaneSumatra earthquake event will have an impact on tsunami and paleotsunami research for many years to come (compare, e.g., Bishop et al., 2005; Lay et al., 2005; Lavigne et al., 2006; Tsuji et al., 2006; Richmond et al., 2006; Bahlburg and Weiss, 2007; Kelletat et al., 2007; Choowong et al., 2007; Goto et al., 2007; Sawai et al., 2009) The Tohoku Tsunami of March 2011 along the northeast coast of Japan had a similar earthquake energy released (9.3 on the Richter scale) to that in AndamaneSumatra, but there were significantly fewer fatalities Seismic activity along plate boundaries (mostly subduction zones) accounts for >85 percent of the generation of tsunami events, including oceanwide megatsunamis In several cases, it is difficult to discriminate a seismic origin from a volcanic induced tsunami event as active volcanoes are concentrated along the “Ring of Fire” and collision structures that are parallel to subduction zones Volcanoes in the sea or near the coast may collapse as calderas (e.g., Santorini and Krakatoa), or breakdown because of steep slopes and a very rapid construction of the volcanic edifice The latter has been reported from Mt Fogo on the Cape Verde Islands off West Africa (Figure 3.1) with a failure volume of >100 km3 that occurred over 10,000 years ago, or collapses of Mt Etna on Sicily, Italy (Pareschi et al., 2006) Advances in mapping sea floor topography have provided ample evidence for slides, slumps, or mass failures of (steep) slopes mobilized either by seismic shocks, oversteepening of the slope profile, or occasionally by gas hydrate 62 Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters FIGURE 3.1 Scar of the collapsed Fogo volcano (8.5Â 11.3 km wide) on the Cape Verde Archipelago off western Africa The slide reaches nearly 15 km out into the sea A new volcanic cone has grown within the slide area Image credits: ©Google earth 2014 eruptions The largest of these submarine slides have been found (and partly dated) around the volcanic group of the Canary Islands, Spain (Carracedo et al., 1999; Masson et al., 2008) and the Hawaiian Islands in the central Pacific Ocean (e.g., Moore et al., 1989) They have been active during the Last Interglacial period of high sea level (w125,000 years ago) back to the early Quaternary, >1.2 Million years ago One prominent Holocene slide that left deposits along many coastal sites around the northeastern Atlantic Ocean is the Storegga Slide event (in fact, probably three different slides) with the oldest around 7,200/8,200 BP and the youngest slide occurring about 1,500 years BP (Bondevik et al., 1997 a, b; Haflidason et al., 2004; Bryn et al., 2005; see also Figures 3.2 and 3.3) Examples from smaller submarine slides and tsunamis are described in Charalampakis et al (2007) and Tinti et al (2007) Studies by the IFM-Geomar at Kiel University, Germany (cf Kopp and Weinrebe, 2009) showed that seamounts on the subducting sea floor area may affect the overriding plate as instruments triggering faults and seismic activity that may initiate submarine slides with possible tsunami generation (Figure 3.4 as well as Brune et al., 2010) Based on the knowledge of past submarine slides around volcanic islands, the question arose whether similar disastrous events may occur in the future Computer simulations have been conducted to model a collapse of the western slope of La Palma island in the Canaries, Spain (Figure 3.5(a)e(c)), in particular the Cumbre Vieja region in the south, which developed an NeS-trending open fault in 1949 This site has the potential for many hundreds of cubic kilometers of land being set in motion, thereby triggering a megatsunami with high velocity over the deep water of the open Atlantic Ocean The resulting tsunami would affect the east coast of the United States with wave heights surpassing 30 m and Chapter j Paleotsunami ResearchdCurrent Debate and Controversies 63 FIGURE 3.2 Three slides in the Storegga area west of southern Norway They ran out for >300 km on a very flat sea floor The two smaller slide sections have a volume of about 1,700 km3, the largest of 3,880 km3 (compare also Bondevik et al., 1997; Bondevik et al., 2003) The youngest slide is the smallest event, while the largest submarine slide was the second event FIGURE 3.3 Upper section of the Storegga slide off western Norway Credit: British Geological Society http://www.bgs.ac.uk/research/marine/marineGeohazards.html 64 Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters FIGURE 3.4 Submarine slides triggered by subduction of seamounts along the west coast of Costa Rica Credit: Kopp and Weinrebe (2009); based on data from IFM-Geomar, Kiel, Germany also regions from the British Isles in the north to South America in the south (Ward and Day, 2001) Submarine slides in general are a constant risk to generate far-field strong tsunamis even outside tectonically active regions 3.2 CURRENT RESEARCH SUBJECTS UNDER DEBATE A review of the tsunami and paleotsunami literature reveals several topics that have attracted interest of researchers from different scientific disciplines with the following topics discussed most contentiously: The possibility of extraterrestrial impacts and the forming of chevrons Identifying overwash and lagoon sediments of tsunamigenic origin and the control of older cores (commonly from geoarcheological studies) in respect to tsunami signatures The boulder movement problem (storms against tsunamis) including boulder density, mode of transport, and character of deposition 3.2.1 Origin of Tsunamis from Extraterrestrial Impacts and the Chevron Debate From the Near Earth Objects Project of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the sophisticated devices for space observation, Chapter j Paleotsunami ResearchdCurrent Debate and Controversies 65 (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 3.5 (a) The Canaries with La Palma Island in the northwest Scene is 1,200 km wide (Image credits: ©Google earth 2014.) (b) La Palma Island with the 15-km-long scar of the slide from Cumbre Nueva to the west (Image credits: ©Google earth 2014.) (c) The 22-km-long southern section of La Palma island (Cumbre Vieja), up to 1880 m asl and 10 km wide, with a volume of >300 km3 A possible failure of the western section along the crater line may trigger an oceanwide tsunami that could cross the Atlantic to the Caribbean and the east coast of the United States Image credits: ©Google earth 2014 66 Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters we know that thousands of meteoroids and asteroids are moving in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, or may approach as comets from the Oort’s Cloud or the Kuiper Belt We are aware of nearly 200 impact craters on planet Earth, some of them billions of years old, though only about one dozen are land based from Holocene times Therefore, it is highly likely that more than twice this number have collided into the oceans, and if they were large enough (!100 m in diameter), they would cause significant tsunamis affecting near and far coastlines This potential has been calculated and modeled in tsunami research (Kristan-Tollmann and Tollmann, 1994; Hills and Mader, 1997; Powars, 2000; Abbott et al., 2006; Tester et al., 2007; Bryant et al., 2007; Bunch et al., 2008; Bryant, 2008; Goto, 2008; Bryant et al., 2010; Goff et al., 2010) Melted quartz and other shocked minerals, iridium peaks in fine sediments, or foraminifera attached to molten minerals, have been observed in coastal deposits likely associated with these (possible) events, and as a landform, chevron deposits have been described and cautiously attributed to cosmogenic tsunami eventsdalthough this hypothesis is controversial (Scheffers et al., 2008; Bourgeois and Weiss, 2009: but compare Figures 3.6e3.10) 3.2.2 Fine Washover Sediments Stored in Geobioarchives The identification of tsunami deposits has long been a subject of scientific debate A still unresolved problem is the type of fine tsunami sediments that FIGURE 3.6 One to five km long sandy “chevrons” south of Shark Bay, Western Australia, starting at a near vertical cliff top 85e143 m asl Tip of the small northern form is at 26 550 18.8900 S and 113 460 58.3900 E At the base of the cliff and because of its plunging character, no sand deposit is available (Credit: Google earth.) Dr Phillip Playford, geologist in Western Australia, just found megablocks up to 700 t nearby on Dirk Hartog island at 15 m above sea level and 250 m inland (Source: Michelle Wheeler in “The West Australian”, June 29, 2013.), and more sites with large boulders high on cliff tops can be found in that area Chapter j Paleotsunami ResearchdCurrent Debate and Controversies 67 FIGURE 3.7 Nearly km long, young Pleistocene chevron (sand and coral debris, partly cemented) of the Exumas, Bahamas Image credits: ©Google earth 2014 FIGURE 3.8 Holocene chevron (coral rubble), a breach in the atoll rim of Rangiroa, Tuamotus, French Polynesia Image credits: ©Google earth 2014 can be accurately distinguished from fine sediments left by storm waves In the early phase of paleotsunami research, the catalogs of signatures for tsunami deposits have been rather extensive, describing a large number of specifications for typical tsunami sedimentation of fine material But, as a consequence of the rising number of contemporaneous inspections of the impacts of recent tsunamis, in particular that of the 2004 event, it became clear that tsunamis may leave sedimentation characteristics very similar or identical to those of storms during overwash (Figure 3.11) This may be the 68 Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters FIGURE 3.9 Oblique aerial photograph of two chevrons composed of coarse coral rubble on the east coast of Bonaire The features reach about 300-m inland at þ5 m asl and dated to approximately 5,000 years BP Credit: A Scheffers FIGURE 3.10 Washover deposits at the westernmost part of the Rhone delta (scene is 700 m wide) Image credits: ©Google earth 2014 reason why during decades of corings in coastal sediments, pre-1990 AD tsunami layers have not been identified, simply because they did not differ substantially from other wave deposits During 1994e2014, only three sedimentological features remained as diagnostic, and these are mentioned in most modern paleotsunami papers (besides the deposition of a generally 78 Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters insignificant if the process of movement is as saltation, or rolling with saltation, or a transportation via a single “jump” over a long distance (Figures 3.17e3.21) Weiss’ (2012) reflecting on “The mystery of boulders moved by tsunamis and storms” discussed the processes of movement of a spherical boulder (although most published reports of boulders that have been moved by tsunamis, or expected to have been so translocated, indicate that the boulders are plates or cuboids) He stated that sliding is the main process of transportation and therefore friction is the main physical parameter of concern He concluded that a vertical bed roughness >30 percent of the boulder radius (or w15 percent of the boulder height) will prevent boulder transportation This means that a spherical boulder of m in diameter, which would have a volume of about 4.2 m3 and a weight close to 10 t, will not be moved on a bed with a roughness of >0.3 m This would exclude movement of this FIGURE 3.19 This boulder (>1.5 m long) from the immediate supratidal with fine sculpturing of rock pools at the east coast of Bonaire has been dislocated without any destruction of the finest bioerosive sculptures and smashed down (and thereby broken) about 400 m from its original place (Scheffers, 2002) FIGURE 3.20 Imbrication of large, platy boulders in a cliff top position south of Rabat, Morocco Every second boulder has been turned over (showing rock pools on their lower sides) and weights often exceed 30e50 t (Mhammdi et al., 2008) Chapter j Paleotsunami ResearchdCurrent Debate and Controversies 79 boulder size and form on all limestone coastlines with bioerosive rock pools, as those typically have depths >0.5 m Weiss also concluded that storm waves have a greater total energy and higher frequency compared to those of tsunami waves Therefore, they would leave boulders in organized patterns of clusters and lines, whereas tsunamis should produce unorganized boulder deposits If this is the case, it is difficult to explain the sources of the forces that have overturned the giant (tsunami) boulders from the Lisbon event AD 1755 in northwest Morocco (Mhammdi et al., 2008; Figures 3.20 and 3.21), the imbrication and imbrication trains often occurring in tsunami boulder assemblages, or the steep inclination of single boulders against obstacles Also difficult to explain are deposits of large (>30 t) boulders balancing on top of boulder ridges/piles that are several meters high, in excess of a 100-m distance from the sea and >15e25 m asl (cf Figures 3.21 and 3.22) Weiss (2012) pointed out that storm and tsunami waves of the same height may move boulders of the same size and that it is even possible that storm waves with an amplitude lower than that of tsunami waves may move a boulder of the same size So far as we know from the literature and based on our experience observing very strong storm wave impacts (with wave heights of at least 12 m directly at the shoreline), these never moved boulders similar to those transported by tsunamis, but they definitely moved much smaller ones We agree with Weiss (2012) that a critical need exists for more field observations and measurements, but we disagree that quantification of bed roughness and documentation of boulder arrangements are the most important measurements needed to distinguish storm-moved from FIGURE 3.21 Overturned boulders with well-preserved rock pools facing downwards, located south of Rabat, Morocco (Mhammdi et al., 2008) Maximum weights of these cliff top boulders are of the order of 100 t 80 Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters FIGURE 3.22 On the Aran Islands (Galway Province, western Ireland), large boulders, m long and with masses >18 t, can be found balancing on top of boulder piles well removed from the modern shoreline and at >15 m asl (Scheffers et al., 2009) tsunami-moved boulders Bed roughness is of little to no importance if the movement is not predominantly by rolling or sliding across a surface Further, overturning of boulders >8 m long around their a-axis (as in many imbrication trains, see Figures 3.20 and 3.21) demonstrates the strength of lift forces in tsunami flow, as does the settling of very large boulders high on top of boulder clusters and ridges of different forms (Figure 3.22) Benner et al (2010) tried to estimate thresholds for storm wave movements by calculations based upon the physics of the processes involved, to be used to accompany field observations for a first step of discrimination The results show that a cubic boulder weighing >80 t or a flat one >30 t, cannot be moved by storm waves because the moment of impact is too short On a horizontal surface a boulder of 37 t ceases movement after s at a distance of m when transport is caused by a wave with a horizontal velocity of 10 msÀ1 If the wave moves at 12 msÀ1, the boulder will stop after s at a distance of m, and at a 16-msÀ1 wave velocity (not possible even in the strongest cyclones!), after s, a 37-t boulder will move a distance of 10 m (not considering the usually very rough surfaces along limestone coasts, such as those with older coral reef terraces and bioerosional forms (as in Figure 3.15)) In theory, the maximum value caused by a 16-msÀ1 flow would dislocate a 247-t boulder horizontally for 1.3 m, or 0.13 m vertically Storm waves >10 m in height directly at the coast on a 10- slope may move a 34-t boulder for a maximum distance of 10 m and altitude of m Generally, in an environment with low friction, a small slope and without a cliff, storm waves may move boulders of around 20 m3 and >30 t just a few meters inland All larger boulders, or those moved across a longer distance and at greater altitude, need a strong and constant flow to establish a wider movement These conditions are only given by tsunami inundation with a flow depth exceeding the height of individual boulders Nevertheless, more tests in Chapter j Paleotsunami ResearchdCurrent Debate and Controversies 81 wave channels and in particular more direct observations before, during, and after strong wave events (storms and tsunamis) are needed to allow general agreement on the many open questions of the movement of large coastal boulders and to learn what the most important parameters are during each of the very different movement processes 3.3 FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS Based on the foundation from different aspects in paleotsunami research, we can define some subjects that promise interesting results in the near future Among these are Filling the gaps of local and regional knowledge on tsunami impacts globally Inspecting and reinterpreting samples from geoarchives, in particular regarding fine sediment characteristics More precise definition on tsunami criteria in fine sediment stratigraphies Detecting tsunami histories using archaeological techniques for Mesolithic to Bronze Age times and uncovering the reasons of the shift of settlements into inland Was it extreme events or just general sea-level rise? Modeling boulder movement thresholds How can we better replicate natural processes in our laboratories and in numerical simulations? Extending tsunami histories into time spans of past higher sea levels such as those during Interglacial periods (Figures 3.23e3.26) FIGURE 3.23 Two strata of graded bedding (both w1 m thick) in a sandy matrix from the southwest coast of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain Photo: D Kelletat 82 Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters FIGURE 3.24 Chaotic deposit with partial imbrication (moved from the left to the right) and some shell material, from the southern part of St Lucia, southern Caribbean island arc The largest boulder has a diameter of about 1.6 m, the site is ỵ20 m asl Photo: A Scheffers FIGURE 3.25 Giant slides around the volcanoes of the Hawaiian island group Modified from Moore et al (1989); see Whelan and Kelletat (2003) Chapter j Paleotsunami ResearchdCurrent Debate and Controversies 83 FIGURE 3.26 Well-rounded boulder (>22 t) on beach cobbles near Los Vilos, central Chile, on a 25 -m asl terrace from the Last Interglacial Photo: G Seehof With the increasing knowledge and understanding concerning submarine landslides (e.g., Figure 3.25 and summaries in Whelan and Kelletat, 2003), we could ask the question, “Where are the documents of the related megatsunamis (as these slides commonly occurred during the last interglacial with former higher sea levels and dislocated hundreds to thousands of cubic kilometers of sediments)?” The El Golfo Slide off Hierro, Canary islands, that involved 400 km3 of material, or the Cumbre Nueva Slide off La Palma that moved 200 km3 of sediment (Carracedo et al., 1999; Masson et al., 2008), or the Alika two slide off Maui (Hawaii) that involved 200 km3 of material, have been dated to approximately 125,000 years BP (coinciding with the last interglacial sea-level high stand MIS 5e) The Alika and slides off Maui that involved about 2,000 km3 of mass are dated to about 247,000 years BP (the same timing as the second to last interglacial high stand) Larger slides, such as Hilina off Hawaii of 10,000-km3 magnitude, or Nuuanu off Oahu with 5000 km3, have not yet been dated (Moore et al., 1989) 3.4 CONCLUSIONS/OUTLOOK As we have tried to demonstrate, a lot of knowledge has been gained in 1989e2014 of paleotsunami research, especially as a consequence of field observations The number of open questions, however, has not been reduced because each new observation and model enforces new interpretations The lack of process observations is evident, as is the difficulty to find agreements 84 Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters concerning the most relevant physical processes in boulder movement by storm waves or tsunami flow The same is true for agreements that indicators in fine sediment deposits are significant and indisputably tsunamigenic, as well as what size boulders (by form, mass, slope, altitude, pretransport setting, bed roughness, etc.) are indisputably moved only by tsunamis and never by the highest storm waves Convincing results by transport tests on smaller scales within water channels are also on the agenda More and better identification of tsunami-like deposits in older geologic units, back to the Mesozoic age, are published based on studies on the K/T-boundary phenomenon However, the identification of Quaternary paleotsunami deposits older than the last half of the Holocene are extremely scarce, because of the long time spans of sea levels similar to modern day levels within many interglacial periods These remarks should not be taken as being pessimistic concerning the present state or the near future for our research subject They are simply typical for a young and actively growing branch of geoscience REFERENCES Abbott, D., Martos, S., Elkinton, H., Bryant, E.F., Gusiakov, V., Breger, D., 2006 Impact craters as sources of mega-tsunami generated chevron dunes Geol Soc Am Abstr Progr 38 (7), 299 Altinok, Y., Ersoy, S., 2000 Tsunamis observed on and near the Turkish coast Nat Hazards 21, 185e205 Ambrasey, N., Synolakis, C., 2010 Tsunami catalogs for the 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