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Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 15 – thermodynamics of photovoltaics

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Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 15 – thermodynamics of photovoltaics Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 15 – thermodynamics of photovoltaics Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 15 – thermodynamics of photovoltaics Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 15 – thermodynamics of photovoltaics Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 15 – thermodynamics of photovoltaics Volume 1 photovoltaic solar energy 1 15 – thermodynamics of photovoltaics

1.15 Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics V Badescu, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania © 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved 1.15.1 1.15.2 1.15.3 1.15.4 1.15.5 1.15.6 1.15.7 References Further Reading Introduction Thermodynamics of Thermal Radiation Photon Gas The Continuous Spectrum Approximation Fluxes of Photon Properties Spectral Property Radiances for Blackbodies and Bandgap Materials Geometrical Factor of Radiation Sources Isotropic radiation sources Geometric factor of nonisotropic blackbody radiation sources Diluted Thermal Radiation Concentration of Solar Radiation The Étendue of Beam Radiation Upper Bounds on Beam Solar Radiation Concentration Upper Bounds on Scattered Solar Radiation Concentration Upper Bounds for Thermal Radiation Energy Conversion Available Work of Enclosed Thermal Radiation Available Work of Free Thermal Radiation Available Work of Blackbody Radiation as a Particular Case Upper bound for PT conversion efficiency Upper bound for PV conversion efficiency Discussion Models of Monogap Solar PV Converters Modeling Absorption and Recombination Processes The solar cell equation The Shockley–Queisser model Modeling Multiple Impact Ionization Solar cell efficiencies Optimum voltage across solar cells Discussion Models of Omnicolor Solar Converters Omnicolor PT Converters Omnicolor PV Converters Unified Model of Omnicolor Converters Discussion Conclusions Glossary Auger recombination Recombination of an electron and a hole in which no electromagnetic radiation is emitted, and the excess energy and momentum of the recombining electron and hole are transferred to another electron or hole Circulator A waveguide component having a number of terminals is so arranged that energy entering one terminal is transmitted to the next adjacent terminal in a particular direction Diffuse solar radiation Downward scattered and reflected solar radiation, coming from the whole hemisphere with the exception of the solid angle of the sun’s disc Comprehensive Renewable Energy, Volume 316 316 316 317 318 318 319 319 321 322 325 325 326 327 328 328 330 332 332 332 333 334 334 337 338 339 339 342 345 345 345 347 349 349 350 350 351 Direct (beam) solar radiation The component of solar radiation received by the earth’s surface only from the direction of the sun’s disk (i.e., it has not been reflected, refracted, or scattered) Fermi level (energy) The Fermi level (energy) of a system of noninteracting fermions is the smallest possible increase in the ground-state energy when exactly one particle is added to the system It is equivalent to the chemical potential of the system in the ground state at zero thermodynamic temperature Gibbs free energy The thermodynamic potential for a system whose independent variables are the thermodynamic temperature, pressure, mass variables, doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-087872-0.00116-5 315 316 Basics and other independent, extensive variables The change in Gibbs free energy, as a system passes reversibly from one state to another at constant temperature and pressure, is a measure of the work available in that change of state Impact ionization Ionization produced by the impact of a high-energy charge carrier on an atom of semiconductor material; the effect is an increase in the number of charge carriers Lambertian surface A surface that emits or reflects radiation isotropically, according to Lambert’s law Quantum efficiency Ratio between the number of electric carriers (or photons) generated by an elementary absorption process and the number of absorbed photons Selective absorber Absorber whose optical properties depend on wavelength or on radiation’s incidence angle 1.15.1 Introduction The spectrum of extraterrestrial solar radiation resembles the spectrum of a blackbody of temperature 5760 K At Earth’s surface, the short-wavelength solar radiation consists of direct and diffuse radiation The spectrum of the direct component is characterized by many dips, due to absorption by water vapor, oxygen, and other gases in the atmosphere The spectrum of the diffuse radiation contains less energy and has a narrower spread of wavelengths than that of the direct component Many calculations involving direct solar radiation can be made by using the blackbody spectra approximation rather than the correct solar spectrum Also, diffuse solar radiation is sometimes treated as diluted blackbody radiation Solar energy transformation into other forms of energy involves interaction between the solar photons and the particles constituting the conversion devices The energy levels of these particles (e.g., electrons, holes, excitons, and phonons) are quantified and transition of particles to higher energy levels is allowed just for particular values of the energy of the incoming photons The photons having the appropriate energy are interacting with the conversion device’s particles (i.e., they are absorbed) and the device is practically transparent for the other incoming photons Also, transition of particles is allowed to lower quantified energy levels and the emitted photons have, accordingly, quantified energies, corresponding to the differences between the energy levels in the conversion device Solar energy converters may be scholastically grouped into two categories: devices based on thermal processes and devices based on nonthermal processes Usually, the processes in the latter category of converters are called quantum processes, but this is rather inappropriate because both categories in fact involve quantum particles In the first category, most part of the solar energy is transformed into internal energy of the body receiving radiation This way of dealing with solar energy is called photothermal (PT) conversion Very often, the body receiving radiation is a metal or an alloy The internal energy may be subsequently used directly (as in case of a device providing heat to an end user) may be stored or may be transformed into mechanical, electrical, or chemical work Converters based on quantum processes transform part of the energy of solar radiation directly into electrical energy (as happens in a photovoltaic cell) or store that energy in the form of chemical energy (as it happens in case of water photodissociation into oxygen and hydrogen) The first process is called photovoltaic (PV) conversion, while the second one is called photochemical (PC) conversion Most PV devices are built with energy bandgap materials like semiconductors Photosensible substances are used within PC conversion devices In this chapter, we consider mainly the thermodynamics of PV solar energy conversion The chapter is structured as follows Section 1.15.2 treats the thermodynamics of enclosed and free thermal radiation Basic quantities such as the continuous photon spectrum and photon fluxes are defined Also, the geometrical factors are introduced for both isotropic and nonisotropic radiation sources Solar radiation is sometimes concentrated before reaching the converter The Lagrange invariant (the étendue) of concentrated radiation is defined and discussed in Section 1.15.3 Also, the maximum concentration ratio for both direct and diffuse solar radiation is treated there Upper bounds for the conversion efficiency of thermal radiation are derived in Section 1.15.4 A general theory of the exergy of enclosed and free thermal radiation is developed This theory is subsequently applied to bandgap materials used in PV applications Section 1.15.5 presents a thermodynamic model for PV conversion The solar cell equation is derived from photon number fluxes arguments Models for omnicolor converters are presented in Section 1.15.6 The approach allows a unique description of both PV and PT converters Finally, Section 1.15.7 presents the conclusions 1.15.2 Thermodynamics of Thermal Radiation Photon Gas Radiation emitted by hot bodies, such as the Sun, is called thermal radiation Thermal radiation is a particular type of electro­ magnetic radiation From a thermodynamic point of view, thermal radiation is often modeled by using the photon gas approximation The next derivation does not involve the assumption of thermodynamic equilibrium A cavity of volume V containing a mixture of photons of various wavelengths is considered One denotes by P(N1,N2,…) the probability to find N1 photons in quantum state 1, N2 photons in quantum state 2, and so on Also, one denotes by p(Nj) the probability to find Nj photons in quantum state j The following two assumptions denoted and are adopted [1]: Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics 317 The single quantum state probabilities p(N1), p(N2),…, are independent, that is, PN1 ; N2 ; ị ẳ pN1 Þ Â pðN2 Þ… ½1Š When a new photon is added to the system, the probability that this particle is in quantum state j is independent of the number of particles already existing in that state This means pj(Nj) = qjNj, where qj is a positive (but otherwise undetermined) number Through the normalization condition, one finds: À Á N qj pj Nj ị ẳ qj Þqj j ½2Š One denotes by nj the mean occupation number of the state j Then, ∞ X nj ¼ Nj pj Nj ị ẳ Nj ẳ X Nj ¼ N Nj qj j ð1 − qj ị ẳ qj qj ẵ3 Equation [3] allows correlating qj to nj The entropy S of the photon gas is obtained from the Shannon formula [1]: S¼k ∞ X … N1 ¼ ∞ X … P ðN1 ; N2 ; …Þ ln P ðN1 ; N2 ; …Þ Nj ¼ ∞ nÀ hÀ XX Á N Á N io ¼ −k 1−qj qj j ln 1− qj qj j j Nj ¼ XÂÀ Á À Á ỵ nj ln ỵ nj nj ln nj ẳ k ẵ4 j Here, k is Boltzmanns constant The Continuous Spectrum Approximation The distance between the photon energy levels decreases by increasing the volume V containing radiation The model of a continuous spectrum is often used when that distance is very small Integration replaces in this case the summation over quantum states This requires an expression for the number of photon quantum states in the frequency range (ν,ν + dν) A surface element is considered, which may be part of the surface of the volume V or may be placed inside that volume A flux of radiation is incident on that surface element in the solid angle dΩ from a direction, making the angle θ with the normal at the surface When the surface element is part of volume’s surface, the normal is oriented toward outside the volume For convenience, the refractive index of the medium inside the volume equals unity Then, the number of photon quantum states in the frequency range (ν,ν + dν) is given by [2] dNv ẳ dVl2 d c3 ẵ5 where c is the speed of light while l = and l = stand for polarized and unpolarized radiation, respectively The number of photons in the frequency interval (ν,ν + dν) is obtained from the density of quantum states dNν times the mean occupation number nν of the quantum state of frequency ν The total number N of photons in the volume V is obtained through integration over all frequencies and the total solid angle [2]: N ¼ V∬~ n v dvdΩ ~ν≡ n The internal energy of the radiation is given by lν2 nν c3 ZZ ~ ν dνdΩ UẳV u ~ u l2 h n c3 ẵ6 ẵ7 ½8Š ½9Š Using eqn [4], one obtains the entropy of the radiation confined to the volume V: ZZ S ¼ V ~s ν dν dΩ ~s ν ≡ lkν2 ½ð1 þ nν Þ ln ð1 þ nν Þ − nν ln nν Š c3 ½10Š ½11Š 318 Basics ~ ν , ~u ν , and ~s ν are photon number, internal energy, and entropy densities, respectively Their units are number of The quantities n photons, energy unit, or entropy unit, respectively, per unit volume, unit frequency, and unit solid angle Conversion between the frequency ν and the energy e per photon may be easily obtained from e = hν, where h is Planck’s constant This allows changing the frequency range (ν,ν + dν) into the energy range (e,e + de) The quantities defined by eqns [6], [8], and [10] can be obtained by integration over photon energies In this case, the number of photon quantum states in the energy range is given by dNe ẳ dVe2 de h3 c3 ẵ12 Sometimes, ω ≡ 2πν is used as a frequency and the Planck relation becomes e = ℏω with ℏ ≡ h/(2π) Fluxes of Photon Properties Photons traveling in free space are carrying properties, such as the number of particles, energy, and entropy The thermodynamics of free thermal radiation is shortly presented here under the assumption of the continuous approximation One denotes by KN,ν the photon number spectral radiance given by ~ν¼ KN ; ν ¼ cn lν2 nν c2 ½13Š The factor c (the light speed) takes into account that the number of photons in the frequency range Δν incident from the solid angle dΩ perpendicularly on the surface area ΔA during the time interval Δt is given by KN ; ddAt ẳ~ n ddActị, where the radiation is contained by a cylinder whose axis length is cΔt [2] Then, the photon number flux density γ received by a Lambertian plane surface is given by [3] γ ¼ ∬KN; ν cos θdνdΩ ½14Š The factor cos θ projects the plane surface area in such a way to be perpendicular on the propagation direction of the radiation Similar arguments apply for the energy and entropy spectral radiances, denoted KE,ν and KS,ν, respectively, which are given by [3] lhν3 n c2 ẵ15 lk2 ẵ1 ỵ n ị ln ỵ n ị n ln n c2 ẵ16 ~ν ¼ KE ;ν ¼ cu KS ;ν ¼ cs~ν ¼ The energy and entropy fluxes, φ and ψ, respectively, are given by ZZ ¼ KE ; ν cos θdνdΩ ½17Š ZZ ψ¼ KS ; ν cos θdνdΩ ½18Š For isotropic radiation, the radiances KN,ν, KE,ν, and KS,ν not depend on direction and the photon number, energy, and entropy fluxes come to the simplest form: Z ẵ19 ẳ B KN ; ν dν where Z  ¼ B KE ; d ẵ20 Z ẳ B KS ; ν dν ½21Š Z B ≡ cos θdΩ ½22Š which is the so-called geometric (or view) factor that captures the geometrical relation between the source and the receiver of radiation More details on the geometric factor of radiation sources are shown in Section Spectral Property Radiances for Blackbodies and Bandgap Materials In the case of a blackbody or a bandgap material, the mean occupation number nν of the quantum state of energy hν is given by the following Shockley–Roosbroeck-like relationship [4]: Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics nν ¼ � � hν − μ exp −1 kT 319 ½23Š where T is the temperature of the body and μ is the chemical potential of the emitted radiation In case of blackbody radiation, μ = and eqn [23] reduces to the usual Planck expression In case of a bandgap material (for instance, a semiconductor), μ = q(EFe − EFh), where EFe and EFh are the quasi-Fermi levels for electrons and holes, respectively, and q is electron electric charge [5, 6] For a semiconductor solar cell, the usual approximation is EFe − EFh = V, where V is the voltage across the cell [7] Then, eqn [23] for μ = qV becomes nν ¼ � hν − qV exp −1 kT � ½24Š Equations [23] and [24] may be used in eqns [13], [15], and [16] to compute the photon number, energy, and entropy spectral radiances, respectively, for blackbodies or bandgap materials Geometrical Factor of Radiation Sources PV converters may receive radiation from various sources A common case corresponds to a spherical source of radiation (e.g., the Sun) Generally, the incident radiation is nonisotropic, but the isotropic approximation is very often used as far as solar direct radiation is concerned Isotropic radiation sources We shall consider now isotropic radiation that is not necessarily blackbody The position of a typical luminous element of the sphere at A will be specified by the zenith angle θ and the azimuthal angle λ (Figure 1) One denotes by δ the half-angle of the cone z0 z1 M C c P π/2−θ0 y1 n2 C′ r A n1 δ N ρ θ λ′ x1 θ′ θ0 y0 n c A′ u λ O Σ x0 Figure Notation used and arrangement of the source (center C) and the receiver ∑ The points C and C′ are in the plane (x0, z0) The line OA′ is the intersection of the plane (OC, OA) with the plane (x0, y0) 320 Basics subtending the sphere when viewed from the observer A common case corresponds to a spherical source of radiation (e.g., the Sun) whose center C is on the zenith line (θ0 = 0) and for which ≤ λ ≤ 2π and ≤ θ ≤ δ This case corresponds to the largest direct solar energy flux The geometrical factor (eqn [22]) is in this case: Z2 B0 ẳ 0ị ẳ Z cos θ sin θ dθ ¼ πsin δ dλ ½25Š In terms of the solid angle Ω subtended by the spherical radiation source, the same geometric factor B is given by [810] ! Bị ẳ − 4π ½26Š Sometimes, the source of radiation is a hemispherical dome (δ = π/2 and Ω = 2π) This happens, for example, in case of diffuse solar radiation received by a horizontal surface Then, from eqns [25] and [26], one finds B = π Generally, the spherical source of radiation is not vertically above the receiving surface, but at a zenith angle θ0 (see Figure 1) In that case, eqn [22] gives rise to the following generalization of eqn [25] [11]: B0 ị ẳ sin cos ẵ27 cos B; ị ẳ Ω − 4π ½28Š A variant of eqn [27] is in terms of the solid angle Ω subtended by the source at the receiver Derivation of eqn [27] is shown next [12] Let a spherical source of radiation subtend a solid angle Ω at a flat receiver ∑ (Figure 1) Let n be a unit vector on the axis z0 normal to ∑ at a point O, and let c be the unit vector in the direction of the center C of the source, θ0 being the angle between n and c Let A be an arbitrary point on the sphere One constructs a plane through A and perpendicular to OC Its intersection with the sphere determines a circle of center C′ At the point C′, one can set up a Cartesian coordinate system (x1, y1, z1), with the z1-axis a continuation of OC The other axes in Figure are determined as follows: n and z1 determine a plane that cuts the circle of center C′ in N and P, and the plane ∑ in Ox0 The axis y0 is perpendicular to x0 and z0 The axis x1 is specified by unit vector n1 on C′N The axis y1 of unit vector n2 is chosen perpendicular to the plane (n1, c) One can see that y1 is parallel to y0 as they both are perpendicular on the plane (x0, z0) Then, the vector u can be expressed as u ẳ c cos ỵn1 sin cos ỵn2 sin sin ẵ29 n u ẳ n c cos ỵ n n1 sin cos ỵn n2 sin θ′sin λ′ ½30Š where θ′ and λ′ are shown in Figure Also Next, note that n ⋅ c ¼ cos θ0 ; n ⋅ n1 ¼ cosðπ=2 ỵ ị ẳ sin ; n n2 ¼ ½31Š Thus n ⋅ u ¼ cos θ0 cos θ′ − sin θ0 sin θ′cos λ′ ½32Š An expression for the geometrical factor Z B¼ n ⋅ udΩ ½33Š is readily obtained from eqns [32] and [22] We have from eqns [32] and [33] Z2 B0 ị ẳ Zδ sin θ′dθ′½cos θ0 cos θ′ − sin θ0 sin cos ẳ sin cos d ẵ34 since the λ′-integration extends from to 2π, while the θ′ integration extends from to δ The second term in eqn [34] does not Z 2π contribute since it involves cosλ′ dλ′ Hence, eqn [34] leads to eqn [27] The solid angle subtended by the spherical radiating source at ∑ is, in analogy with eqn [34], Z2 ẳ Z d sin dẳ21 cos ị ½35Š Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics 321 It is therefore independent of the angle θ0, as expected However, in order that the whole radiator is visible from ∑, we require Ω þ 2π sin θ0 ≤2π ½36Š Otherwise, part of the emitting disc is cut off by the horizon Eliminating δ from eqns [27] and [35] yields B0 ị ẳ cos ị1 ỵ cos ịcos ẳ Ω π �� 1− � Ω cos θ0 4π ½37Š If ∑ is part of a unifacial solar cell that sits under a hemispherical radiating dome, then δ = π/2 and we can chose θ0 = 0, so that Bðθ0 ẳ 0ị ẳ ; ẳ ẵ38 The geometrical factor, normalized to a hemisphere, is then Γ ≡ Bðθ0 ẳ 0ị= ẵ39 If there are several distinct sources, each with its own value of B and Ω, then all the Γ’s involved must add up to unity [13] For a bifacial cell, they should add up to Geometric factor of nonisotropic blackbody radiation sources When nonisotropic sources of radiation are considered, strictly, a geometrical factor does not exist However, an average geometric factor can still be used, as shown below for the case of the Sun In the case of a spherical source of isotropic blackbody radiation (chemical potential μ = 0) at temperature T, one obtains the energy flux from eqns [15], [20], and [23]: � B0 ị T ẳ T cos ẵ40 0 ị ẳ where the geometrical factor B(θ0) is given by eqn [28] It is known that the solar brightness falls considerably with the distance from the center of the disc This effect, which is referred to as limb darkening, is a consequence of the fact that the Sun is not an isotropic source of radiation Several empirical correlations have been proposed to describe the limb darkening effect [14, 15] The nonisotropic luminance of the Sun can be described by the simple widely used relationship [16]: ỵ 3cos ẵ41 Lị ẳ L0 where L0 is a measurable constant, namely the solar luminance normal to the Sun’s (pseudo)surface, and ε is the zenith angle measured also from the normal to the solar surface (Figure 2) Equation [41] predicts the observed values within 5% [15] We shall use here the popular equation [41] as an example even if better approximations can be inferred from the experimentally observed darkening data The luminance of an isotropic source of radiation is obtained by replacing cosε with in eqn [41] C C′ A δ L(ε) R(θ′) θ′ C″ ε L0 A′ O Figure The source (center C) crossed by the plane (OC, OA) (see Figure 1) L0 is the solar luminance on the normal at the Sun’s surface A plot of the luminance L(ε) at zenith angle ε is included in the diagram R(θ′) is the radiance of the radiation incident under the angle θ′ on the receiver ∑ 322 Basics R Consequently, by using eqn [40] and taking into account that the Sun emits the energy flux L0 cos θdΩ = σT4 in all directions (Ω = 2π) one obtains L0 ¼ Z σT ¼ cos θdΩ σT T ẳ B0 ẳ 0ị The solar energy flux incident on a Lambertian surface is given by eqn [15], that is, Z  ẳ Rịcos d ẵ42 ẵ43 Ω R where R(θ) = KE,νdν is the spectrally integrated solar energy radiance The energy radiance R(θ) could also be noted R(θ′) as the radiation direction (unit vector u in Figure 1) is characterized by any of the angles θ or θ′ Figure shows a cross section passing through OC and A in Figure One neglects all loss processes associated with light travel from the Sun to the Earth Consequently, the energy radiance R(θ′) of the radiation incident on the receiver equals the solar luminance L(ε) By using eqns [40]–[43] and Figure 2, one obtains after some algebra " �1 = # � σT 2sin δ ỵ sin sin LịẳRị ẳ Rịị ẳ ẵ44 5sin By replacing eqns [44] and [41] in eqn [43], one obtains through a change of coordinates (ρ,θ,λ)→(ρ,θ′,λ′) [12]: � � σT 4 cos 0 ị ẳ 4π ½45Š This energy flux can be put into the form similar to that of the isotropic blackbody radiation flux (eqn [40]): 0 ị ẳ Bnon-is ị T π ½46Š where � � 4 Ω cos θ0 Bnon-is ị B0 ị ẳ 5 4π ½47Š is an equivalent, or average, geometrical factor of the Sun, regarded as a nonisotropic source of radiation From eqn [47], one sees that the nonisotropically emitting Sun is equivalent to a star of about 80% smaller size, emitting isotropically Equation [46] is valid at any distance from the Sun At the mean Sun–Earth distance, the observed values are [17] obs Bobs ị ẳ 6:835 10 ẵ48a obs ẳ 0ị ẳ 1366:1 W m−2 ½48bŠ Using eqns [48] in eqns [40], [46], and [47] leads to two different values of the Sun’s temperature If the limb darkening effect is neglected, the Sun temperature is T = 5769.8 K When this effect is included by using eqn [41], a higher temperature is obtained: Tnon-is = 6100.8 K In this case, the equivalent geometric factor of the nonisotropic source falls below that of an isotropic source subtending the same solid angle In order that the energy flux received from both sources be equal, the temperature of the nonisotropic has therefore to exceed that of the isotropic source Finally, one should mention that a more accurate description of the limb darkening effect (e.g., by using L(ε) = L0(11 + 9cos ε)/20 instead of eqn [41]) yields a Sun temperature of about 6000 K, which is often used in PV efficiency calculations Diluted Thermal Radiation Diffuse solar radiation may be treated as diluted blackbody radiation [3, 8, 18] A full account on this subject may be found in the work of Landsberg and Tonge [19] The most significant results are reviewed in Reference Entropy and energy fluxes of diluted radiation may be written as  ẳ AịTR4 ẵ49 ẳ AịịTR3 ẵ50 where ε ≤ is the so-called dilution factor, TR refers to the undiluted blackbody radiation (ε = 1), and (ε) is a function exactly calculated in Reference 19, which can be approximated for small ε (i.e., less than 0.1) by ị 0:9652 0:2777 ln ỵ 0:0511 ½51Š Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics 323 and such that (1) = Another useful approximation is (ε) ≅ − 45/(4π4)  (2.336 − 0.260 ε)  ln ε, which can be used for 0.005 < ε < [20] The function A(Ω) from eqns [49] and [50] refers to a geometrical factor that depends on the solid angle Ω subtended by the source of radiation by � � BðΩÞ Ω Aị ẳ ẵ52 By using eqns [49] and [50], the effective temperature Te of the diluted radiation can be derived from the usual definition: � � ∂ 4 TR Te ≡ ¼ ¼ ∂ψ ị ẵ53 Although Te is not an equilibrium temperature, with its help the thermodynamics of diluted radiation is formally coincident with the thermodynamics of blackbody radiation Indeed, by using eqns [49] and [53], we derive another form of the energy flux of diluted radiation [19]:  ¼ Te4 ẵ54 Aị4 ị ẵ55 with After dilution, the thermal radiation may be considered as undiluted with respect to the blackbody radiation of temperature Te Two papers approached the theoretical maximum efficiency of diffuse solar radiation [8, 21] Very different results were reported In Reference 8, one proved that the maximum efficiency is 0.573 A significantly smaller value (i.e., 0.096) was obtained in Reference 21 In Reference 18, we showed that both results are consistent if the more general model presented next is used Now, one assumes the Sun at zenith Also, one assumes that the Earth’s atmosphere does not absorb solar radiation and radiation scattering is forward (in other words, there is no backscattered radiation) Then, we define a perfectly forward diffuser, that is, a finite thin body situated between the Sun and the observer whose surface elastically scatters into a 2π solid angle any narrow pencil of radiation incident on it We assume this diffuser as subtending a solid angle Ω1 when viewed from the Earth Consider first the direct sunlight (dilution factor ε0) incident on a point M placed on the diffuser surface Then, ε0 = and 0 A0 ị ẳ 1− ≈ ½56Š π 4π π where Ω0 = 6.835  10−5 sr is the solid angle subtended by the Sun (see eqn [48b]) Consequently, the flux of beam radiation is given by eqn [4] 0 ¼ Ω0 εσTs4 π ½57Š where Ts is Sun temperature (5760 K) The flux φ0 is scattered over a Ω1 = 2π solid angle around the point M After scattering, solar radiation has a dilution factor ε1 < and the effective temperature Te,1 For an observer situated at the point M, the scattered radiation has a geometrical factor A(Ω1) = The flux φ1 of dilute radiation is equal to the incoming flux φ0 By using eqns [49] and [57], we obtain 1 ¼ AðΩ1 Þε1 σTs4 ¼ Ω0 σTs ¼ 0 ẵ58 Consequently, the dilution factor is ẳ π ½59Š and the effective temperature of the scattered radiation can be derived by using eqn [53]: Te ;1 ¼ Ts =1 ị ẳ 1459:5 K ẵ60 This result was first reported in Reference Until now, we have analyzed the scattered radiation from the point of view of an observer situated on the surface of the diffuser For an observer placed on the Earth’s surface, the source of singly scattered radiation may be formally described as a blackbody of temperature Te,1 (dilution factor ε1′ = 1), which subtends the solid angle Ω1 To determine Ω1, we use eqn [49] and the assumption that on the Earth’s surface the flux φ1 of scattered radiation equates the flux φ0 1 ¼ A1 ịe ;1 Te4;1 ẳ Ts ẳ 0 π ½61Š 324 Basics By using eqn [52], we obtain " � �1 = # Ω0 Ω1 ¼ 2π 4 ị ẳ 0:01665 sr π ½62Š The solid angle Ω1 is enveloped by a cone symmetrically disposed around the nadir–zenith direction and whose half-angle δ1 can be derived from the relation: Ω1 ¼ 2πð1 cos ị ẵ63 ẳ 2:083 ẵ64 We obtain We conclude that after a single scattering solar radiation is still strongly anisotropic (compare δ1 with the half-angle δ0 = 0.265° of the cone subtended by the Sun) The second scattering is described next This case implies the existence of a second perfectly forward diffuser The incoming radiation consists in the flux φ1 of singly scattered solar radiation (dilution factor ε1 = Ω0/π) or, which is equivalent, blackbody radiation of temperature Te,1 (dilution factor ε1′ = 1) The flux φ1 is again dispersed over a solid angle Ω2 = 2π, the scattered radiation having a geometrical factor A(Ω2) = and a dilution factor ε2 < The flux φ2 of doubly scattered radiation equates to the incoming flux φ1 By using eqn [58], we obtain 2 ẳ A2 ị2 σTe4;1 ¼ 1 ¼ 0 ¼ Ω0 σTs π ½65Š From eqn [65], we find ε2 ¼ Ω0  ị ẳ 5:281 10 ½66Š and the effective temperature of the doubly scattered radiation is given by eqn [53]: Te ; ¼ Te ; Ts ẳ 2 ị 1 ị2 ị ẵ67 For an observer placed on the Earth’s surface, the source of thermal radiation is a blackbody of temperature Te,2 (dilution factor ε2′ = 1) which subtends a solid angle Ω2 To determine Ω2, we use eqn [49] and the assumption that the energy flux φ2 incident on the Earth’s surface equates to the flux 0: ẳ A2 ị Te4; ẳ ẳ Ts ẵ68 By using eqn [52], we obtain � � � � Ω0 Ω2 ¼ 2π − − 4 ðε1 Þ4 ðε2 Þ = ¼ 0:599 sr π ½69Š The half-angle δ2 of the cone that envelops the solid angle Ω2 can be determined by a relation similar to eqn [63] and is ẳ 12:609 ẵ70 As we see, the doubly scattered solar radiation is still anisotropic The above procedure can be repeated for three and four scatterings with the following results: εi ¼ Ω0 i −  j ị jẳ1 Te ; i ẳ ẵ71 Ts ẵ72 i j ị jẳ1 " � �1 = # Ω0 i ∏  j ị i ẳ jẳ1 i ẳ 3; 4ị ẵ73 where we noted Te,0 ≡ Ts Table shows the results After four scatterings, solar radiation is completely isotropic and an observer at the ground would see a uniformly brilliant sky This case was first analyzed in Reference 21 There are some indications that for a clear sky most of the diffuse solar radiation is received within a cone of half-angle δreal = 20 − 30° [22, 23] This implies a mean number of three scatterings 338 Basics The following relationship exists: Bac ẳ Bt Bsc ẵ134 The equilibrium state (eq) is obtained in the dark (when Bsc = and Bac = Bt as a result of eqn [134] with V = (i.e., vs = 0) Then, I = so that eqn [133] becomes f abs ; eq ð1 −ρNa Þ −Pa � xs � −Pc � xs vs � ; ¼ f rec ; eq ð1 −ρNc Þ ; a F2 b F2 a b b ½135Š By using eqns [133]–[135], we obtain a useful relation between I and V: � �9 −Pa � xs � > −Ps > < = f ; B ð1 − ρ Þ F ðx ; 0Þ −ð1 − ρ Þ a F sc s abs Ns Na 15 σ 2 a I ¼ qA Ts3 h � � � �i xs vs xs −Pc > > π k : ; ; − cf F2 ;0 −f rec Bt ð1 − ρNc Þ b F2 b b b ½136Š where: cf ≡ f abs f rec ; eq f abs ; eq f rec ½137Š The usual solar cell equation is a particular case of the more general result (eqn [136]) To see this, suppose that qV fabs, whence ηmax is less than ηSQ, as expected However, one sees from eqn [145] that ηSQ need not be a good upper efficiency limit, namely, if γct < γac, which could arise for a hot ambient and a well-cooled converter Modeling Multiple Impact Ionization The influence of impact ionization on solar cell performance has been studied by many authors [45–52] For example, the probability that a charge carrier will, when it has adequate energy, actually impact ionize was estimated [53] This, together with Auger recombination, reduces the beneficial effects of impact ionization [54] In one case (Si–Ge), the experimentally observed effect of impact ionization on the measured efficiency was actually quite small [55] Increasing radiation concentration proved to be beneficial In this section, the combined effects of both impact ionization and radiation concentration on solar cell performance will be described by using thermodynamic models Four different ways are used to derive expressions for the solar cell efficiency They allow for both solar and ambient inputs, as well as for the occurrence of separate cell and ambient temperatures A Carnot-type upper bound is found for the reduced driving force in PVs that exhibit impact ionization Solar cell efficiencies Direct solar radiation can be concentrated The following notation will be used: s≡ Bs π ½146Š where Bs is the geometrical factor of the Sun when viewed from the Earth Equation [90] allows to write the energy flux of concentrated radiation, conc: conc ¼ C Bs T ẳ CsTs4 s ẵ147 where C is the energetic concentration ratio Note that Cs = in eqn [147] corresponds to maximum solar concentration assuming a loss-free optical system that collects all incident solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere Use of the assumption (eqns [48a] and [146]) allows to find s ≈ 2.176  10−5 Then, the maximum value of the concentration ratio at the level of the Earth level is about Cmax = 1/s ≈ 45 963 On the Earth’s surface, the product Cs may be smaller than 2.176  10−5 For example, extraterrestrial solar radiation for C = at the orbit of the Earth is about 1367 Wm− 2, while global solar irradiance at the Earth’s surface in sunny days decreases to about 1000 Wm− Equation [147] yields Cs = 0.731  10−5 for this last case and ln(Cs) = −11.82 The output power of a solar cell is considered in the usual way, as resulting from three contributions: Power from the main source of radiation, the Sun, which is treated as a blackbody at temperature Ts The term (1) related to the main source of radiation is affected by the factor Cs (0 ≤ Cs ≤ 1) which allows for different values of the solar concentration ratio C (0 ≤ C ≤ 45 963) Power from the surroundings that cover the remaining solid angle of the solar cell This is taken to act as an effective blackbody at temperature Ta Note that Ta is a few centigrade degrees lower than the ambient temperature However, usually the ambient temperature is adopted as an approximation value for Ta The term (2) related to the ambient radiation has the matching factor Cs Power reduction due to carrier recombination This term has also a Bose denominator of the form exp[(e − Q(e)qV)/kTc] − It appears in an integral over the photon energy e Here, Tc is cell temperature, qV is the driving force in the solar cell, and Q(e) is a quantum efficiency representing the number of electron–hole pairs generated by a photon of energy e Here, Q(e) is a staircase function of e (i.e., it equals zero for < e < Eg and equals M for MEg < e < (M+1)Eg) The probability of impact ionization was taken to be unity, but in fact it is lower [53] The quantum efficiency also appears as a multiplier of each of the three terms Other multipliers inside the integral (over the photon energies from e = to e = ∞) are 340 Basics (a) (2π/h3c2)e2de ≡ ge2de, which converts the three terms (1)–(3) to photon number fluxes (note that this relationship defines the factor g); and (b) the photovoltage V produced across the cell, which converts each integral to a power density We now have the output power density of the cell for the given illumination Dividing by the input power density due to the Sun, this procedure yields an expression for the efficiency, η, of the solar cell The relevant equations are displayed on page 419 of Reference 49, where qVQ(e) has been interpreted as the chemical potential, μ(e), of the photons of energy e and the solar cell was kept at the ambient temperature (i.e., Tc = Ta) The resulting equation is Z∞ 15 Cs −Cs 7μðeÞe2 de ẵ148 ẳ ỵ 4 e e e eị π Csk Ts exp −1 exp −1 exp −1 kTa kTa kTs For a maximum efficiency, one needs to derive a supplementary equation, denoted by below eqn [152], obtained from the condition: =eị ẳ ẵ149 Four common ways will be presented now to deal with the problem of deriving maximum efficiencies under different conditions from eqn [148] Approximation for narrow band semiconductors In the first method, one takes into consideration that impact ionization is particularly important for narrow bandgap semiconduc­ tors Thus, let Eg → and M → ∞ but make MEg of the order 20 (i.e., large) Then, e/Eg approximates Q(e) because the staircase function tends toward a straight line in this limit The following notation will be used: t≡ Ta Ts v≡ qV Eg ½150aŠ ½150bŠ This yields the efficiency: η ¼ ð1 −t ịv ỵ t4v 1 Cs v ị ẵ151 The use of eqn [149] applied to eqn [151] yields the following result: ½Csð1 −t ị ỵ t vị5 ẳ t þ 3vt ½152Š Maximum efficiency for maximum concentration By considering a special case treated in Reference 49, we now proceed on the assumption of maximum solar concentration, Cs = 1, to find, for this case, the following relations: t ẳ v ẵ153 v v ị ẳ ỵ 3vịt ½154Š They are given here without use of the variable x ≡ t/(1 − v) used in eqns [6] and [7] of Reference 49 The maximum efficiency for this case is ẳ 0:854; ẵ155 as explained in the quoted paper Open-circuit voltage for narrow band semiconductors Returning to the case of narrow semiconductors and keeping the product Cs general, one finds the following generalization of eqn [153]: ẳ 4v2 t Cs1 v ị ẵ156 Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics 341 which must be equivalent to eqn [151] In order to test this, equate eqns [151] and [156] The condition for equality is just eqn [152], thus proving the validity of eqn [156] If we rewrite eqn [152] in the form ỵ 3v t Cs ẳ ẵ157 t v ị we see that Cs increases with v if t is given Greater values of the product Cs lead to a larger voltage Figure gives this curve for t = 0.05, corresponding to Ta/Ts ~ 300/6000, that is, the solar case The limiting value Cs = occurs for the reduced driving force v = 0.882 [40] Under normal conditions, this represents an upper limit for qV/Eg Next we consider how the open-circuit voltage Voc(voc ≡ qVoc/Eg) depends on the product Cs This can be discussed by putting η = in eqn [151], since η vanishes when the current density vanishes Some simple manipulation then yields voc ¼ t ẵCs ỵ Csị t = ½158Š Voc shows the expected increase for given t as the incident radiation energy is increased (Figure 9) But it drops for given insolation as the radiation source temperature Ts is decreased (Ta being kept fixed) This applies in case of diffuse radiation, for example (see Section A short explanation follows There are two ways of changing incident radiation: change its blackbody temperature (i.e., Ts) or change its composition, which would mean concentrating or diluting it while still keeping it blackbody radiation The increase of 15 10 In(Cs) 0.88209 −5 −10 −15 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 qV/Eg 0.8 0.9 Figure Concentration factor Cs as a function of the reduced driving force qV / Eg as predicted by eqn [157] for t = Ta/Ts = 0.05 Eg, energy bandgap; Ta, ambient temperature; Ts, radiation source temperature (e.g., the Sun) Ta/Ts = 0.05 0.9 0.8 0.1 qVoc /Eg 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 1E-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 Cs Figure Reduced open circuit driving force qVoc/Eg as a function of the concentration factor Cs and Ta / Ts as predicted by eqn [158] For notation, see Figure 342 Basics insolation by concentrating the radiation would be expected to increase the Voc If Ts drops but keeps the total insolation, the frequency distribution of the blackbody radiation is changed and the consequence is that the incident radiation has now a lower maximum and Voc may be expected to drop as well General approach Perhaps the most general procedure is to apply eqn [149] to eqn [148] and to avoid the limiting procedure of Section and also to omit the assumption Cs = of Section (as was already done in Section This yields a supplementary condition that is different from eqn [152], namely eqn [163] below First, use the notation u≡ e kTa ½159aŠ ut ≡ e kTs ½159bŠ x≡ μ kTa ½159cŠ A≡ 15 π k4 CsTs4 ½159dŠ One can identify u as the new variable, with the efficiency η now a functional depending on the function x(u) The aim is to find that function xopt (u) that maximizes η given by eqn [149] and written as Z ẳ A F ẵxuị; udu ẵ160 where F ẵxuị; u Cs Cs ỵ xuịu2 exputị expuị expẵu xuị ẵ161 This is a classical variational calculus problem where F[x(u),u] is the argument function, which does not depend on the derivatives of x(u) Consequently, the attached Euler–Lagrange equation is Fẵxuị; u ẳ0 x ẵ162 By using eqns [161] and [162], one finds the equation for xopt (u): ½1 ỵ xopt uịexpẵu xopt uị Cs Cs ỵ ẳ0 exputị expuị f expẵu x uị Š − 1g ½163Š The optimum chemical potential of photons as a function of photon energy is obtained by solving eqn [163] for xopt(u) Here xopt(u) and the associated maximum efficiency are both found to increase with illumination, that is, with Cs (Figures 10 and 11) Indeed, the incident flux on the cell consists of photons rich in energy from the Sun (first term in eqn [161], geometric factor Cs) and less energetic photons from the ambient (second term in eqn [161], geometric factor Cs) Increasing Cs increases the contribu­ tion of solar photons; hence, the increase in solar cell efficiency, as eqns [160] and [161] show Optimum voltage across solar cells Impact ionization neglected Returning to the case M = (i.e., no impact ionization), the electrical current density I is given by Z∞ Z∞ Z∞ 2 I e de e de e de 6Cs � � ẳ A4 ỵ CsÞ − e e e − qV q −1 −1 Eg exp −1 Eg exp Eg exp kTs kTa kTc ½164Š The first term in the square brackets is the contribution of the solar energy flux, the second term is the gain from the ambient, while the last term is the loss due to carrier recombination Here, the general case of a cell at temperature Tc ≠ Ta is considered To find the voltage V that gives the maximum of I with respect to the bandgap Eg, compute the derivative: I=qị ẳ0 ẵ165 Eg V One finds the following equation to be fulfilled by the optimum voltage V: Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics 343 100 10 Xopt e/(KTa) = 13 0.1 0.5 0.01 0.001 0.0001 1E-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 Cs Figure 10 Dimensionless parameter xopt ≡ μ=ðkTa Þ ≡qVQðeÞ=ðkTa Þ as a function of the concentration factor Cs and u ≡e=ðkTa Þ Equation [163] has been used Q(e), quantum efficiency for photons of energy e; V, voltage across the cell; Ts(= 300 K), ambient temperature 0.9 Maximum efficiency 0.8 Ta/Ts = 0.05 0.7 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 1E-05 0.0001 0.001 Cs 0.01 0.1 Figure 11 Maximum PV conversion efficiency defined by eqn [160] as a function of the concentration factor Cs and Ta / Ts For notation, see Figure Cs − Cs � � � ỵ ẳ0 Eg Eg Eg qV exp −1 exp −1 exp −1 kTc kTa kTs ½166Š One can associate a V with each Cs Three special cases denoted (1)–(3) are detailed now: Operation at maximum radiation concentration Maximum radiation concentration means Cs = By using eqn [166], one finds for the reduced optimum driving force: qV Tc ẳ Ts Eg ẵ167 One can see the occurrence of the Carnot factor (1 − Tc/Ts) Equation [167] is a generalization of the result first obtained in Reference 40 where the solar cell temperature Tc was assumed to be equal to the ambient temperature Ta and the Carnot factor was found to be − Ta/Ts Generally, the two temperatures are different (with Tc > Ta) and eqn [167] gives a more accurate upper bound for the cell voltage [41] Operation in darkness The case when the cell operates in darkness (i.e., Cs = 0) is also of interest From eqn [166], one finds [56] 344 Basics − qV ¼ Eg Ta Tc −Ta ½168Š Let us suppose that Tc > Ta One sees in the denominator of the positive right-hand side of eqn [168] the coefficient of performance of a Carnot refrigeration engine operating between the temperatures Ta and Tc The voltage V is negative This means that the cell has to receive energy from outside in order to keep its temperature Tc higher than the ambient temperature Ta Operation at null voltage The solar cell voltage vanishes (i.e., V = 0) in case of the following value of the product between the concentration ratio and the reduced geometrical factor of the Sun: 1 B B @ C B C 1 C −B C � � A � � A @ Eg Eg exp −1 exp −1 kTa kTc 1 Cs ị ẳ B B @ � Eg exp −1 kTs � C B C −B A @ � Eg exp −1 kTa � ½169Š C C A Using eqns [169] and [166], one can easily check this result The cases (1)–(3), above, apply for particular cases of the concentration factor Cs and for arbitrary temperatures Ta < Tc< Ts Figure 12 shows the dependence of the reduced driving force qV/Eg for some intermediate values of Cs For convenience, the following values were considered: Ts= 6000 K and Ta= 300 K and the cell temperature is Tc = 350 K The voltage V is negative for Cs less than (Cs)0 given by eqn [169] Impact ionization included The case with impact ionization included is analyzed under the assumptions of Section (i.e., Eg→ 0; M → ∞, and MEg = finite) Then, the current density is given by � � � � � � e e e e2 de e2 de e2 de Z∞ Z∞ Z∞ E Eg E I �g � �g � � � ẳ A6 ỵ Csị ẵ170 4Cs e −qVðe=Eg Þ e e q −1 −1 Eg exp −1 Eg exp Eg exp kTs kTa kTc where A′ is a constant To find the voltage V that gives the maximum of I with respect to the bandgap Eg, one computes the derivative (eqn [165]) After some algebra, one obtains eqn [166] again It is interesting to remind ourselves that eqn [166] was previously derived under the assumption of no impact ionization (M = 1) and arbitrary Eg All exponential functions in eqn [166] include the factor Eg Also, qV < Eg Keeping the assumptions of Section, one can see that these functions can be approximated by exp(z) ≈ + (z) Thus, eqn [166] yields 0.8 qVmax / Eg Eg(eV ) = 0.6 0.4 0.2 −0.2 1E-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 Cs Figure 12 Dependence of the reduced driving force qV / Eg on the concentration factor Cs and energy bandgap Eg Equation [166] has been used Ta (=300 K), ambient temperature; Ts(=6000 K), radiation source temperature (the Sun); Tc(=350 K), cell temperature Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics qV Tc ¼ 1− Ts Eg 345 7 Tc Ta Ts Cs ỵ Csị Ts ẵ171 The last inequality in eqn [171] is due to the square bracket being bigger than unity The Carnot factor occurs again (this time for arbitrary concentration) as an upper bound of the optimum reduced driving force qV/Eg, when the number of impact ionization is unlimited The three particular cases of eqn [166] can be reiterated in case of eqn [171] For maximum concentration (Cs = 1), eqn [171] yields eqn [167] again In case of a cell operation in darkness (Cs = 0), eqn [171] yields again eqn [168] The voltage vanishes (V = 0) in case of the following concentration factor: ðCs ị ẳ Tc Ta Ts Ta ẵ172 Equation [172] can also be obtained from eqn [169] under the hypothesis Eg → Discussion Multiple impact ionization increases, of course, solar cell efficiency Its counterpart is the Auger recombination process, which has also been discussed in this section, eqn [148], using appropriate multiples of the normal photon chemical potential Since these two rates are equal in equilibrium, they are both liable to be important also out of equilibrium Impact ionization and Auger recombination are particularly important for narrow bandgap semiconductors For maximum solar concentration and an infinite number of impact ionizations, one obtains the maximum efficiency of 0.845 [46, 48, 49] In the solar case (i.e., t ≡ Ta/Ts ≈ 300/6000), that maximum efficiency is associated with an optimum driving force qV/Eg = 0.882 [40] The open-circuit voltage increases for given t as the insolation is increased and drops for given insolation as t is decreased The optimum reduced driving force qV/Eg for PV cells with single impact ionization is obtained by solving eqn [166] With full concentration, the optimum reduced driving force is proportional to the Carnot factor as shown by eqn [167] In the absence of illumination, the reduced driving force is negative and the efficiency is related to the coefficient of performance of a Carnot refrigerating engine (see eqn [168]) For arbitrary concentration, the Carnot factor is an upper bound of the reduced driving force qV/Eg (eqn [171]) The averaged probability that a charge carrier will (when it has the correct energy) actually impact ionize was estimated theoretically This together with consideration of Auger recombination reduces the expected beneficial effects of impact ionization 1.15.6 Models of Omnicolor Solar Converters Various ways of converting solar radiation into electrical energy were conceived, most of them based on single gap systems It has been soon realized that the use of a system involving more than one energy gap should enable higher efficiency to be obtained It is believed that the highest efficiency can be realized by an infinite stack of p–n junctions with smoothly varying bandgaps from infinity to zero, such that there is a single junction adapted to each frequency in the solar spectrum In the system proposed in Reference 57, all individual cells are selective blackbodies such that the photons of frequency v of the solar spectrum are completely absorbed by the cell with bandgap Eg = hν Such a system is denoted as a fully selective or omnicolor PV converter Useful approximations for their mathematical treatment were proposed subsequently [58] A small error in the model was corrected and a simple relation between the Carnot efficiency of thermodynamic engines and PV energy conversion was outlined [59, 60] A new improvement of the model was performed [61] The influence of radiation concentration on the efficiency of omnicolor converters was studied [62] Note that the geometric factors affecting the ambient radiation incident on the collector have to be corrected in that paper However, this error has little influence on the results Some of the above papers were reviewed [63, 64] This section provides an introduction to the thermodynamics of PT and PV omnicolor converters [65] An unifying approach is also presented Omnicolor PT Converters The maximum conversion efficiency with a thermal system is obtained, in the limit, with an infinite collector array, as shown in Figure 13 Each radiation splitter selects from the (concentrated) radiation spectrum the photons from a narrow band of width dν around a given frequency ν used to heat a collector that absorbs and emits around that frequency This collector has a temperature Tc(ν) and its absorptance α(ν) is supposed to be given by ị ẳ for ẵ d=2; þ dν=2Š for all other frequencies ½173Š 346 Basics Solar radiation Concentrator Heat flux Ambient radiation Splitters ν + dν Tc (ν + dν) Thermal engines Q1 (ν + dν) Q2 (ν + dν) Ta W (ν + dν) Tc (ν) Q2 (ν) Q1 (ν) W (ν) ν − dν Tc (ν − dν) Q1 (ν − dν) Ambient ν Q2 (ν − dν) Thermal Emitted collectors radiation Mechanical W (ν − dν) power Figure 13 Omnicolor PT converter For details, see the body of the text The spectral irradiance φ from a source of blackbody radiation at temperature T may be written in the form: B IP ðν; T ịh ẵ174 22 h exp kT c ẵ175 ; T ị ¼ where B is the geometric factor and IP ðν; Tị ẳ is Plancks distribution _ ị supplied by the collector of surface area A at temperature Tc(ν) toward its accompanying heat engine The net thermal flux Q is supposed to be given by _ ị=A ẳ s ; Ts ị ỵ a ; Ta ị c ½ν; Tc ðνފ Q ½176Š where the indices s, a, and c refer to the Sun, ambient, and collector, respectively The first two terms from the right-hand side of eqn [176] represent the incident solar and ambient radiation, respectively, while the last term is the flux of radiation emitted by the collector In a first approximation, the Sun can be considered as a source of isotropic radiation In this case, T ≈ 5760 K and the following equation (derived from eqn [27]) applies for the geometric factor of the Sun: Bs s ; ị ẳ u2 s ịcos ẵ177 where, from eqns [25] and [26], one sees that � us ị ẳ s s 1=2 ẳ sin δ π π ½178Š Here, Ωs is the solid angle subtended by the Sun when viewed from the receiving surface, while θ0 is the angle between the normal of the receiving surface and the direction to the center of the solar disc (i.e., the Sun’s zenith angle see Figure 1) Also, δ is the half-angle of the cone subtended by the Sun Equation [177] can be used only when the following condition (eqn [36]) is fulfilled, that is, when the sun is completely visible Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics 347 In case of concentrated radiation, one notes that in the presence of the concentrator, the Sun is viewed from the collector surface under an enlarged angle (say Ωc) The concentration ratio C is naturally defined as [66] C¼ Bs c ; ẳ 0ị Bs s ; ẳ 0ị ẵ179 that is, the ratio between the geometric factors of the concentrated and the nonconcentrated radiation, respectively, both evaluated at normal incidence (θ0 = 0) By using eqns [179], [177], and [178], one obtains C¼ Ωc ð4π − Ωc Þ Ωs ð4π − Ωs Þ ½180Š Consequently, for a given distance to the sun and concentration ratio C, eqn [180] can be used to compute the enlarged solid angle Ωc Then, the energy flux density φs(ν,Ts) can be evaluated by means of eqn [174] The geometric factor Ba of the ambient radiation flux is given by [66] Ba ¼ π − Bs ½181Š Note that eqn [181] is rigorous in the case of concentrated solar radiation, when the concentrator’s mirror covers part of the celestial vault [67] However, this equation is a very good approximation in the case of unconcentrated radiation too, because of the negligible value which B has in this case (at the mean Earth–Sun distance Bs ≈ 6.83  10−5 see eqn [48a]) Equation [181] was accepted by several authors [61, 62] In Reference 62, the following assumption has been adopted: Ba = π We proved that each of the two hypotheses is valid under special circumstances [67] Throughout this section, we accept eqn [181] because Haught’s assump­ tion [62] Ba = π could lead to significant error for large values of C The collector is supposed to emit radiation toward the whole hemisphere (Ω = 2π); consequently, its geometric factor is Bc (Ω = 2π,θ0 = 0) = π, as eqn [177] shows _ ðνÞ entering the thermal engine working at frequency ν: By using eqns [174], [175], and [181], we obtain the net thermal flux Q � � � �− > > > > Bs exp hν −1 > > < = _ ðνÞ 2πhν3 Q π kTs ¼ αðνÞ � �� � � �−1 � � � � −1 ½182Š > > A c hν hν > > > ỵ Bs > exp − exp −1 : ; π kTa kTc If we take into account eqn [173], we see that this engine uses the energy of solar radiation in a narrow range around frequency ν only Of course, the neighboring engines use the radiation from other infinitesimal frequency intervals As usual, the thermal engines are supposed to be of Carnot type The power provided by the engine working at frequency ν is given by _ ðνÞηCarnot dν, where ηCarnot is Carnot efficiency Consequently, the mechanical power W _ dν ¼ Q _ tot supplied by the array of W monochromatic converters (i.e., by the whole omnicolor converter) can be obtained by summing up the contributions of all thermal engines: _ W Z tot ẳ _ ịd ẳ W Z � � _ ðνÞ − Ta dv Q Tc ị ẵ183 _ ị is a function of Tc(ν) The maximum power supply W _ tot ; max can be obtained by optimizing the collector Remember that Q temperature Tc(ν) for conversion of the radiation of frequency ν Consequently, we have to solve the equation _ tot ∂W ẳ0 Tc ị ẵ184 and then replace its root (say Tc,opt(ν)) in eqn [182] The maximum efficiency of the omnicolor PT is simply given by _ tot ; max _ tot ; max W W ηPT ; max ≡ Z∞ ẳ Bs T s ịd s ẵ185 An omnicolor PT converter yields ηw = 0.868 for terrestrial applications, and even higher efficiencies in case of some space applications (due to the lower environmental temperature) Omnicolor PV Converters The maximum conversion efficiency with a PV system is obtained, in the limit, with an infinite stack of cells, as shown in Figure 14 Note that this set of galvanically separated cells provides higher performance than the case of current-coupled tandem cells [11] The following usual idealizations are made in order to avoid trivial loss processes [60]: 348 Basics Solar radiation Concentrator Ambient radiation (ν + dν) (ν) I (ν + dν) V (ν + dν) Tc R (ν + dν) R (ν) I (ν) V (ν) Tc Solar cells I (ν − dν) (ν − dν) V (ν − dν) Tc R (ν − dν) Emitted radiation Figure 14 Omnicolor PV converter R, electrical resistance; I, electric current; V, voltage For other details, see the body of the text Light can only be absorbed by creating an electron–hole pair (i.e., light cannot be absorbed by exciting an electron from one level to another level in the same energy band) An electron–hole pair can only recombine by emission of a photon (radiative recombination) The difference in quasi-Fermi levels at the place of creation of electrons and holes equals the difference at the place of extraction of this carrier (the contacts), that is, it equals the elementary electric charge q times the basic voltage V(ν) The spectral number flux density of photons from a source of blackbody radiation of temperature T is given by ; Tị ẳ B IP ; Tị ẵ186 Equation [186] can be used in the case of photons incident on the infinite stack of cells from the Sun and the ambient When the number flux of photons emitted by a semiconductor is considered, a different equation has to be used So, for any cell from the stack, the photon number flux density emitted is Bc ISR ẵ; Vị; Tc ẵ187 � � � �−1 hν −qVðνÞ 2ν2 exp −1 kTc c2 ẵ188 c ẵ; Vị; Tc ẳ where ISR ẵ; Vị; Tc is the ShockleyRoosbroeck relationship that was first reported in the theory of photoluminescence [60] Note that in eqn [188] all the cells were considered to be at the same temperature Tc According to the above hypothesis (a), the net number flux density of photons ψ absorbed by the cell working at frequency ν equals the number of electron–hole pairs generated By using eqns [175] and [186]–[188], and taking into account that Bc = π, we obtain the net number flux density of photons: � � � � −1 > > hν Bs > > > > exp −1 = 2ν2 < π kTs ị ẳ ẵ189 −1 � � � � −1 > > c > h h qVị Bs > > > ỵ exp −1 − exp −1 : ; π kTa kTc Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics 349 Consequently, the electric current is IðνÞ ẳ qAị ẵ190 where again A is the collection surface area Now, we neglect the loss of power in the external resistance R(ν) Each cell provides an electrical power W(ν) = I(ν)V(ν) and the _ tot , supplied by the whole stack is total electrical power W Z∞ Z∞ _ _ W tot ẳ W ịd ẳ IịVịdv ẵ191 _ The maximum electrical power W tot ; max is provided when each cell is working at its optimum voltage Vopt() satisfying _ tot W ẳ0 Vị ẵ192 _ tot ; max is obtained by replacing in eqn [191] the optimum voltage we derived by solving eqn [192] Of course, the maximum W efficiency of the omnicolor PV converter ηPV,max can be computed again by using eqn [185] Unified Model of Omnicolor Converters De Vos and Vyncke [61] observed that ηPV and ηPT can be put in a unique form if the following notation is used: In the case of the PT omnicolor converter: xị ẳ Ta Tc ị ẵ193 In the case of the PV omnicolor converter: xị ẳ qVị h ẵ194 First we have to replace eqns [193] and [194] in eqns [183] and [191], respectively, in order to obtain the mechanical and electrical power as a function of the new variable x(ν) Then the derivatives in eqns [184] and [192] have to be evaluated to determine _ tot ; max is obtained Finally, the maximum efficiency the optimum value xopt(ν) for which the maximum power W ηmax(≡ ηPT,max ; ηPV,max) is computed by using eqns [183] and [193] (or eqns [191] and [194]) and eqn [185] The following notation and change of variable, respectively, will be used: τa ≡ u≡ Then the efficiency is given by [61] ηmax ð ≡ ηPT ; max ; PV ; max ịẳ 15 4a Bs π π ( Z∞ xopt ðuÞ Ta Ts ½195aŠ hν kTa ½195bŠ ) Bs =π −Bs =π ỵ u3 du exp a uị expuị exp u uxopt ẵ196 Here the optimum value xopt(u) is obtained by solving the equation: ð1 þ uxopt Þexpðu −uxopt Þ −1 Bs =π −Bs = ẳ ỵ exp uị expuị a expu uxopt ị ẵ197 If we take into account eqns [193–195], we see that once xopt(u) is known, the optimum dependence of Tc,opt(u) and Vopt(ν) can be computed with Ts ẵ198a Tc ; opt uị ẳ xopt uị Vopt ị ẳ uxopt uịkTs q ẵ198b Discussion The limiting value for the efficiency ηPV of a standard single gap PV cell under fully concentrated sunlight is about 0.408 [68] For a two-cell stack, the maximum efficiency increases to 0.557 while when advanced techniques such as up-converters and down-converters are used the efficiency becomes 0.638 [69] A further increase is obtained in case of omnicolor PV converters 350 Basics (this time under one-sun illumination) with a maximum efficiency of 0.687 [61] The omnicolor PV converters under fully concentrated radiation yields ηPV = 0.868 for terrestrial applications and even higher efficiencies in the case of some space applications [65, 70] This is the highest solar energy conversion efficiency possible in a solar energy conversion system with reciprocity between light absorption and emission [69] Nonreciprocal converters based on circulators yield the PLP efficiency that is about 0.93 in case of terrestrial applications An ideal solar cell combined with an ideal monochromatic light filter acts as an ideal Carnot converter of heat emitted by a blackbody (conversion efficiency about 0.95 for the Earth-based applications) [69] All these theoretical results are far beyond experimental results The best laboratory result is ηPV = 0.415 (for a three-cell tandem under concentration) First-generation silicon solar modules have efficiencies in the range 10–15% and second-generation thin-film cells have even lower values of 4–9% [69, 71] 1.15.7 Conclusions Thermodynamic modeling of solar energy conversion system operation means a description of the various processes taking place inside in terms of intensive physical quantities (such as temperature, pressure, and chemical potential) and property fluxes (such as the energy and entropy fluxes) The energy conversion system consists of one or more devices and these devices are described by various design and operation parameters The essential part of any solar energy conversion system is the radiation absorber A radiation concentrator is sometimes part of the systems The other devices, if any, are just assisting in operation of these two main components This chapter presented simple, idealized models for concentrator and absorber operation Only the essential parameters and processes were included in the models The performance of the device is quantified by performance indicators In case of PV converters, the most important performance indicator is the radiation energy conversion efficiency The main objective of any (solar) energy conversion theory is to estimate accurately the 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(2006) Solar Energy: New Research New York: Nova Science Publishers [A compendium of technical articles on most types of solar energy conversion systems written by authoritative authors.] Badescu V and Paulescu M (eds.) (2010) The Physics of Nanostructured Solar Cells New York: Nova Science Publishers [A compendium of technical articles on third-generation photovoltaics written by authoritative authors.] Badescu V and Landsberg PT (1993) Theory of some effects of photon recycling in semiconductors Semiconductor Science and Technology 8: 1267–1276 [This paper is recommended for those readers interested to see how realistic models of photovoltaic cell operation may be developed.] Badescu V (1998) Accurate upper bounds for the conversion efficiency of black-body radiation energy into work Physics Letters A244: 31–34 [This paper shows the basic procedure to improve the accuracy of models treating solar energy conversion into mechanical work.] Badescu V (2005) Spectrally and angularly selective photothermal and photovoltaic converters under one-sun illumination Journal of Physics D38: 2166–2172 [This paper uses thermodynamic methods in analyzing the performance of advanced photothermal and photovoltaic devices.] Markvart T and Landsberg PT (2002) Thermodynamics and reciprocity of solar energy conversion Physica E 14: 71–77 [This paper proposes a treatment based on irreversible thermodynamics for photochemical conversion.] 352 Basics Badescu V and De Vos A (2007) Influence of some design parameters on the efficiency of solar cells with down-conversion and down shifting of high-energy photons Journal of Applied Physics 102: 073102 [This paper proposes detailed balance thermodynamic models for solar cells assisted by down-converters.] 10 Badescu V and Badescu AM (2009) Improved model for solar cells with up-conversion of low-energy photons Renewable Energy 34: 1538–1544 [This paper proposes detailed balance thermodynamic models for solar cells assisted by up-converters.] 11 De Vos A, Szymanska A, and Badescu V (2009) Modelling of solar cells with down-conversion of high energy photons, anti-reflection coatings and light trapping Energy Conversion and Management 50: 328–336 [This paper proposes a thermodynamic model for solar cells assisted by up-converters and light-trapping devices.] ... Inlet 2a1 2θ2 Outlet y1 y2 v2 v1 O1 z1 Figure The maximum concentration ratio for a 2D concentrator O2 z2 Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics Z U1 ¼ 2a Z1 n1 dy1 dv1 ẳ n1 Z1 dcos ị ¼ 4a1 n1 sin 1 dy... fulfilled by the optimum voltage V: Thermodynamics of Photovoltaics 343 10 0 10 Xopt e/(KTa) = 13 0 .1 0.5 0. 01 0.0 01 0.00 01 1E-05 0.00 01 0.0 01 0. 01 0 .1 Cs Figure 10 Dimensionless parameter xopt ≡... eqn [14 9] to eqn [14 8] and to avoid the limiting procedure of Section 1. 15.5.2 .1( i) and also to omit the assumption Cs = of Section 1. 15.5.2 .1( ii) (as was already done in Section 1. 15.5.2 .1( iii))

Ngày đăng: 30/12/2017, 13:08

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