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Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation

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This book provides a systematic approach to reverse engineering. Reverse engineering is not about reading assembly code, but actually understanding how different piecescomponents in a system work. To reverse engineer a system is to understand how it is constructed and how it works. The book provides: Coverage of x86, x64, and ARM. In the past x86 was the most common architecture on the PC; however, times have changed and x64 is becoming the dominant architecture. It brings new complexity and constructs previously not present in x86. ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) is very common in embedded consumer electronic devices; for example, most if not all cell phones run on ARM. All of apples idevices run on ARM. This book will be the first book to cover all three.Discussion of Windows kernelmode code (rootkitsdrivers). This topic has a steep learning curve so most practitioners stay away from this area because it is highly complex. However, this book will provide a concise treatment of this topic and explain how to analyze drivers stepbystep.The book uses real world examples from the public domain. The best way to learn is through a combination of concept discussions, examples, and exercises. This book uses realworld trojans rootkits as examples congruent with reallife scenariosHandson exercises. Endofchapter exercises in the form of conceptual questions and handson analysis so so readers can solidify their understanding of the concepts and build confidence. The exercises are also meant to teach readers about topics not covered in the book.

www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info ffirs.indd 11:7:25:AM 01/21/2014 Page ii Practical Reverse Engineering www.it-ebooks.info ffirs.indd 11:7:25:AM 01/21/2014 Page i www.it-ebooks.info ffirs.indd 11:7:25:AM 01/21/2014 Page ii Practical Reverse Engineering x86, x64, ARM, Windows® Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation Bruce Dang Alexandre Gazet Elias Bachaalany with contributions from Sébastien Josse www.it-ebooks.info ffirs.indd 11:7:25:AM 01/21/2014 Page iii Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows® Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2014 by Bruce Dang Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-1-118-78731-1 ISBN: 978-1-118-78725-0 (ebk) ISBN: 978-1-118-78739-7 (ebk) Manufactured in the United States of America 10 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or 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11:7:25:AM 01/21/2014 Page iv This book is dedicated to those who relentlessly pursue knowledge and selflessly share it with others www.it-ebooks.info ffirs.indd 11:7:25:AM 01/21/2014 Page v www.it-ebooks.info ffirs.indd 11:7:25:AM 01/21/2014 Page vi About the Authors Bruce Dang is a senior security development engineering lead at Microsoft working on security technologies in unreleased Microsoft products Previously, he worked on security vulnerabilities reported to Microsoft and was the first to publicly share analytical techniques for targeted attacks with Office documents He and his team analyzed the famous Stuxnet malware, which supposedly attacked the Iranian uranium enrichment process He has spoken at RSA, BlackHat Vegas, BlackHat Tokyo, Chaos Computer Club, REcon, and many other industry conferences Alexandre Gazet is a security researcher at Quarkslab His interests focus on reverse engineering, software protections, and vulnerability research Alexandre has presented at several conferences, including HITB Kuala Lumpur (2009) and REcon Montreal (2010 and 2011) Elias Bachaalany has been a computer programmer, reverse engineer, freelance technical writer, and an occasional reverse engineering trainer for the past 14 years Over his long career, Elias has worked with various technologies, including writing scripts, doing extensive web development, working with database design and programming, writing device drivers and low-level code such as boot loaders or minimal operating systems, writing managed code, assessing software protections, and writing reverse engineering and desktop security tools Elias has also presented twice at REcon Montreal (2012 and 2013) While working for Hex-Rays SA in Belgium, Elias helped to improve and add new features to IDA Pro During that period, he authored various technical blog posts, provided IDA Pro training, developed various debugger plugins, amped up IDA Pro’s scripting facilities, and contributed to the IDAPython project since version 1.2.0 and onwards Elias currently works at Microsoft with a talented team of software security engineers vii www.it-ebooks.info ffirs.indd 11:7:25:AM 01/21/2014 Page vii viii About the Authors Sébastien Josse is a security researcher at the French Ministry of Defense (Direction Générale de l’Armement) He has more than ten years of experience as an instructor, researcher, and consultant in the field of information systems security, in both the civilian and defense sectors He dedicated his PhD dissertation (École Polytechnique, 2009) to the dynamic analysis of protected programs, focusing mainly on cryptographic mechanisms resistant to reverse engineering and on the use of a virtualization system to carry through analysis of protected programs He has published in the journal JICV and several conferences proceedings, including ECRYPT (2004), EICAR (2006, 2008, 2011), AVAR (2007) and HICSS (2012, 2013 and 2014) www.it-ebooks.info ffirs.indd 11:7:25:AM 01/21/2014 Page viii APPENDIX Sample Names and Corresponding SHA1 Hashes The following are the real-life malware samples used in the book’s walk-throughs and exercises They are live malware and may cause damage to your computer, if not properly handled Please exercise caution in storing and analyzing them REFERENCE NAME SHA1 Sample A 092e149933584f3e81619454cbd2f404595b9f42 Sample B bee8225c48b07f35774cb80e6ce2cdfa4cf7e5fb Sample C d6e45e5b4bd2c963cf16b40e17cdd7676d886a8a Sample D 2542ba0e808267f3c35372954ef552fd54859063 Sample E 0e67827e591c77da08b6207f550e476c8c166c98 Sample F 086b05814b9539a6a31622ea1c9f626ba323ef6d Sample G 531971827c3b8e7b0463170352e677d69f19e649 Sample H cb3b2403e1d777c250210d4ed4567cb527cab0f4 Sample I 5991d8f4de7127cfc34840f1dbca2d4a8a6f6edf Sample J 70cb0b4b8e60dfed949a319a9375fac44168ccbb Sample K 23ff fc74cf7737a24a5150fab4768f0d59ca2a5c Sample L 7679d1aa1f957e4afab97bd0c24c6ae81e23597e 341 www.it-ebooks.info bapp01.indd 03:59:24:PM 01/16/2014 Page 341 www.it-ebooks.info bapp01.indd 03:59:24:PM 01/16/2014 Page 342 Index SYMBOLS A $ in run script commands, 242 ABI (Application Binary Interface) (ARM), 72 abstract interpretation, 290, 294–295 abstract semantics, 290–291 Acorn RISC Machine, 39 ADD instruction, 14 Address parameter (memory), 203–204 address translation, 26–27 ad-hoc execution See asynchronous and ad-hoc execution ADR instruction, 52 AL (always execute) condition, 70–71 aliases (DbgEng) @call script file alias, 244–249 automatic, 219, 225–226 fixed-name, 225 user-named, 219–224 AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual, 28–34 AND operation, 75 APCs (asynchronous procedure calls) APC LEVEL (1) IRQL, 105 basics, 131–135 $$ command (comments), 226–227 $< commands (script files), 240–241 * (asterisk) for creating comments, 227 ?/?? commands (expressions), 190–191 @@ prefix (expressions), 191 [ ] (square brackets) to indicate memory access (x86), { } (curly braces) in block commands, 228 in conditional statements, 229 | command (debugging), 196 0x4038F0 routine, 173–175 0xE* pattern, 71 ( ) parentheses in conditional statements, 229 32-bit EFLAGS register, 32-bit general-purpose registers (GPRs), /3GB switch, 89 64-bit GPRs, 64-bit registers, 36 343 www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 343 344 Index ■ A–B implementing thread suspension with, 134 user-mode, 131–132 APIs (Application Program Interfaces) accessing DbgEng, 258–261 API hooking module (VxStripper), 309 DeviceIoControl , 151 KeInitializeApc , 132–133 MmGetPhysicalAddress, 181 PsCreateSystemThread, 128 Win32 API functions, 32 WinDbg extension (SDK), 261–262 Application Binary Interface (ABI), 15 application program status register (APSR), 61 approximation partial ordering, 290–291 arbitrary context (kernels), 109–110 arguments, passing to script files, 242–244 arithmetic operations arithmetic substitution via identities (obfuscation), 275 ARM, 60–61 x86 instruction set, 11–13 ARM architecture arithmetic operations, 60–61 ARM Architecture Reference Manual: ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R Edition, 40 ARM state, 41–42 basics, 40–42 branching and conditional execution, 61–66 data types and registers, 43–44 decompiling unknown function walk-through, 71–77 functions and function invocation, 57–60 incrementing values in memory, instructions, 46–47, 70–71 JIT (just-in-time) code, 67 loading/storing data See loading/ storing data (ARM) overview, 39–40 SMC (self-modifying code), 67 synchronization primitives, 67–68 system services and mechanisms, 68–70 system-level controls and settings, 45 testing ARM knowledge, 77–78 aS command (aliases), 220–222 asynchronous and ad-hoc execution asynchronous procedure calls (APCs), 131–134 completion routines, 143–144 deferred procedure calls (DPCs), 135–139 process and thread callbacks, 142 system threads, 128–129 timers, 140–141 work items, 129–131 asynchronous procedure calls (APCs), 131–134 AT&T syntax for x86 assembly code, 4–5 automatic aliases (DbgEng), 219, 225–226 B B (Branch) instruction, 58 ba command (hardware breakpoints), 210 backtrace_binding method, 298 backtracking/slicing (Metasm), 297–302 barrel shifter feature (ARM), 42–43, 60 base frame pointer, 16 BeaEngine by BeatriX, 36 BeagleBoard, 77–78 BKPT instruction, 70 BL (Branch with Link) instruction, 58–59 Blink pointer, 113–114 www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 344 Index ■ B–C blocks (scripting), 228–229 BLX (Branch with Link and Exchange) instruction, 59 bp command (software breakpoints), 210 branching and conditional execution (ARM), 61–66 break command (scripting), 233 breakpoints (debugging), 208–211 bu command (unresolved breakpoints), 209 buffering methods (drivers), 151–152 BX (Branch and Exchange) instruction, 58 bytecode encoding/encryption, 316 bytes/word/dword/qword formats (registers), 202 C C (Carry flag), 61–62 C++ evaluator syntax (expressions), 191 CALL instruction, 15, 278, 281 @call script file alias, 244–249 callbacks, disassembler (Metasm), 296 calling conventions, 15–16 CALL-like save instruction pointer/ branch, 279 calls window, 190 canonical addresses (x64), 37 catch command token (scripting), 232 CBZ/CBNZ comparison instructions, 63 characters and strings (scripting), 227–228 circular doubly-linked lists, 112 CMN/TEQ comparison instructions, 64 CMOV instruction (Intel), 42 CMP instruction, 18, 62–63 code code binding (Metasm), 302 code looping over arrays, code obfuscation, 316–317 code virtualization, 285–286 code_binding method (Metasm), 316–317 code-flattening (deobfuscation), 316, 325 command/output window, 189–190 comments ($$ command) (scripting), 226–227 comparison instructions, 62–63 completeness/soundness of analysis algorithms, 290, 293–295 completion routines, 143–144 computational equivalence, 268 computational partial ordering, 290 concolic executions, 292, 331 conditional breakpoints, 210–211 conditional code (cc), 17–18, 62 conditional execution (ARM) basics, 42 branching and, 61–66 conditional statements (scripting), 229–231 Console Debugger (CDB), 188–189 constant folding obfuscation, 273 constant propagation algorithm, 291 constant unfolding compiler optimization, 271 constant unfolding compiler optmization, 273 constraint solvers (SMT/SAT), 292 CONTAINING_RECORD macro, 118–119 continue command (scripting), 233 continuum of dynamic/static analysis, 291–293 control flow (x86 instruction set), 17–25 control indirection, 280–283 control-based obfuscations basics, 278–283 interplay with data-based obfuscations, 284–288 control-flow graphs (CFGs), 283, 285–286 www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 345 345 346 Index ■ C–D coprocessors in ARM, 45 CPSR (current program status register), 41, 44 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function, 32 current privilege level (CPL), D d command (memory dump), 205 Data Execution Prevent (DEP), 182 data movement x64 architecture, 36–37 x86 instruction set, 5–11 data types ARM architecture, 43–44 x64 architecture, 36 x86 architecture, data-based obfuscations basics, 273–277 interplay with control-based obfuscations, 284–288 data-encoding schemes (obfuscation), 273–274 DbgEng commands, 195 DbgEng extension framework (SDK), 257 debugger interfaces, 258–261 overview, 188 d-cache (ARM core), 67 dead code elimination (compiler optimization), 274–275 dead statement elimination, 271 Debug extension (ARM), 40 debugging tools (Windows) automating with SDK See SDK for extending debugger breakpoints, 208–211 debugger interfaces (DbgEng), 258–261 Debugger Markup Language (DML), 215 debugger windows, 189–190 evaluating expressions, 190–194 extensions/tools/resources, 264–265 inspecting processes and modules, 211–214 memory-related commands, 203–208 miscellaneous debugger commands, 214–216 overview, 187–189 process and thread control, 194–198 registers management, 198–203 scripting with See scripting with Debugging Tools setting symbol paths, 189 symbols, 208 useful operators, 192–194 writing extensions, 262–264 decidable approximations of concrete semantics, 290–291 deferred procedure calls (DPCs), 135–139 deobfuscation techniques code-flattening, 325 continuum of dynamic/static analysis, 291–293 decidable approximations of concrete semantics, 290–291 overview, 289–290 pattern-based, 312–313 program-analysis-based, 313–315 soundness/completeness concepts, 293–295 using Metasm, 317–325 using VxStripper, 325–328 VM implementations (code virtualization), 315–317 deobfuscation tools IDA, 295–296 Metasm open source framework See Metasm open source framework Miasm reverse engineering framework, 302–304 www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 346 Index ■ D–E summary of, 312 VxStripper binary rewriting tool See VxStripper binary rewriting tool Desclaux, Fabrice, 302 descrambling routine (scripts), 255–256 device objects (drivers), 149–150 DeviceIoControl API, 151 Digital Rights Management (DRM), 268 Direct IO buffering method, 151 disassembler callbacks (Metasm), 296 disassembly window, 190 DISPATCH LEVEL (2) IRQL, 105 dispatcher switch statement, 285 display selector command (registers), 202–203 DIV/IDIV instructions, 13 DllMain routine walk-through (x85), 28–34 DMB instruction (ARM), 68 DosDevices string, 156 do-while loops (scripting), 235–236 DPC_WATCHDOG_ VIOLATION (0x133), 139 drivers, kernel analysis of real-life drivers, 184–185 basics, 146–147 driver and device objects, 149–150 DriverEntry function, 155 DriverUnload routine, 149 entry points, 147–149 IRP handling, 150 KeServiceDescriptorTable, 153–155 mechanisms for user-kernel communication, 150–152 sections, 155 system control registers, 153 DriverUnload routine (x86 rootkit), 159–160 DSB instruction (ARM), 68 dvfree command (memory), 238 Dynamic Binary Translator (DBT), QUEMU, 305 dynamic IRPs, 145 dynamic slicing criteria, 291 dynamic/static analysis (deobfuscation), 290–293 E e command (memory editing), 206–207 Eagle, Chris, 295 EFLAGS register, common flags in, 17 EIP register, else/.elsif command tokens, 229 encrypted programs upon encrypted data, 274 Endianness bit (E), 44 EngExtCpp extensions (SDK), 257 ENODE structures, 130 entry points (drivers), 147–149 errors, script (debugging), 231–232 ETHREAD kernel data structure, 107–108 ETHREAD objects, 132 events monitoring (debugging), 197–198 signaled/non-signaled, 110 exceptions basics, 95 exception vectors, 68 exception/interrupt handling, 25, 27–28 monitoring (debugging), 197–198 Execute Never (XN), 182 execution context (Windows), 109–110 expressions, evaluating (debugging), 190–194 ExpWorkerThread, 131 extensions (debugging tools) www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 347 347 348 Index ■ E–I extension-provided foreach loops, 239–240 resources for, 264–265 writing (SDK), 262–264 guarded mutexes, 111 Guilfanov, Ilfak, 296 Guillot, Yoann, 296 H F fast mutexes, 111 fault exceptions, 28, 95 faults, page, 95 file monitor, writing (debug script), 253–255 files file system minifilter drivers, 147 passing arguments to script files, 242–244 tokenizing from, 238 fixed-name aliases (DbgEng), 219, 225 Flink pointer, 113–114 floating-point formats (registers), 201 flushing the cache, 67 for loops (scripting), 233–234 forced-inline routines, 162 foreach loops (scripting), 236–240 forensics module/root-kit analysis (VxStripper), 309 frame pointer omission, 16 fully homomorphic mappings (obfuscation), 274 function invocation ARM architecture, 57–60 x64 architecture, 37 x86 instruction set, 13–17 functions function epilogue, 17 function pointers/offsets, 92–93 function prologue, 16 in/out-lining, 279 using scripts as, 244–249 G general-purpose registers (GPRs), 2–3 goto constructs, 23 graph flattening, control-flow, 285–286 handlers semantics analysis (obfuscation case study), 330–333 hardware breakpoints (DbgEng), 209 hardware interrupts, 28, 95 homomorphism property, 274 I i-cache (ARM core), 67 IDA tool (deobfuscation), 295–296 idaocaml interpreter, 312 identities, arithmetic substitution via (obfuscation), 275 IDIV/DIV instructions, 13 IDT register, 31–32 if command token, 229 if-else constructs, 18–20, 23 image base of specified module, getting (debug script), 249 Import Address Table (IAT), 310 IMUL instruction, 12 InitializeListHead function, 112–113 inline functions, 279 inspecting processes/modules (debugging), 211–214 instruction semantics (Metasm), 297–298 instructions (ARM) basics, 46–47 conditional execution of, 70–71 for function invocations, 58 instructions (x86) arithmetic operations, 11–13 control flow, 17–25 data movement, 5–11 function invocation, 13–17 overview, 3–4 stack operations, 13–17 www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 348 Index ■ I–L syntax, 4–5 K INT instruction, 184 Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Intel Software Development Manual, Intel syntax for x86 assembly code, 4–5 Intel/AMD reference manual, 31 intellectual property, protecting, 267 interfaces, debugger (SDK), 258–261 interrupts basics (system calls), 95–98 exceptions and, 27–28 interrupt descriptor tables (IDTs), 95–96 interrupt request level (IRQL), 104–106 I/O request packets (IRPs), 144–146 IO_STACK_LOCATION structures, 175–176 IO_STATUS_BLOCK structure, 161 IoAllocateWorkItem function, 129 IoCompleteRequest, 143–144 IoCreateDevice (x86 rootkit), 156–157 IOCTL operations/codes, 151–152 IRP handlers, analyzing (drivers), 160–161 IRP handling (drivers), 150 ISB instruction (ARM), 68 IT (If-then bits) flag, 61–62 IT (if-then) instruction, 64 KAPC structure, 132 KDPC structure, 135–137 KdVersionBlock, 121, 123 KeInitializeApc API, 132–133 KeInsertQueueDpc kernel function, 115 kernel Kernel Debugger (KD), 188–189 kernel drivers See drivers, kernel kernel memory space, 88 Kernel Patch Protection feature, 153 kernel synchronization primitives (Windows), 110–111 kernel-mode APCs, 131–132 kernel-mode driver framework (KMDF), 147 KeServiceDescriptorTable (drivers), 153–155 KeStackAttachProcess, 110 KLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure, 121 KNODE structures, 130 KPRCB structure, 137 KSECDD driver, 183 KSPIN_LOCK structure, 111 KTHREAD kernel data structure, 107–108 KTHREAD structure, 134–135 KTIMER structure, 140–141 L j command (DbgEng), 230 LARGE_INTEGER structure, 172 LDMFD pseudo-instruction, 55 LDM/STM instructions (ARM), 52–55 LDR pseudo-instructions (ARM), Jazelle extension (ARM), 40 Jcc instructions, 17–18 JIT (just-in-time) code, 67 JMP instructions, 22 JMP-like branch, 279 Josse, Sébastien, 304 jump tables, 21–22, 64–65 junk code insertion, 271, 284 51–52 LDREX instruction (ARM), 67–68 LDR/STR instructions (ARM), 47–51 LEA instruction, 5, left/right shift instructions, 12 legacy filter drivers, 146 legacy software drivers, 146 link register (LR) (ARM), 43 J www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 349 349 350 Index ■ L–N lists (Windows kernel) implementation details, 112–119 list manipulation functions in kernel mode walk-through, 119–123 overview, 111–112 LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) compilation chain, 305, 307, 311, 325 lm command (kernel mode debugging), 211 loading/storing data (ARM) LDM/STM instructions, 52–55 LDR pseudo-instructions, 51–52 LDR/STR instructions, 47–51 overview, 47 PUSH/POP instructions, 56–57 LocalSystem privilege, 183 LODS instruction, 11 loops basics, 22–25 unrolling, 316 M Macro Assembler (MASM), 190–193 MajorFunction array, 158 malware, 267, 341 Manufacturing Cheap, Resilient, and Stealthy Opaque Constructs, 283 masks, register, 199–201 memory address and range notations, 203–204 dumping contents of, 205–206 editing contents of, 206–207 memory breakpoints (DR0–DR3), memory descriptor lists (MDLs) (Windows), 106–107 memory dump window, 190 memory layout (Windows), 88–89 memory-related commands (debugging), 203–208 methods for specifying access, 5–6 miscellaneous commands, 207–208 movement methods between registers and, 3–4 Metasm open source framework backtracking/slicing, 298–302 code binding, 302 Disassembler callbacks, 296 instruction semantics, 297–298 overview, 296 using, 317–325, 331 Miasm reverse engineering framework, 302–304 MmGetPhysicalAddress API, 181 Mode bits (M), 44 model-specific registers (MSRs) See MSRs (model-specific registers) (x86) modules, inspecting (debugging), 211–214 MOV/MOVS instruction, 3, 60 MOVSB/MOVSW/MOVSD instructions, 8–9 MOVW/MOVT instructions, 60 MRC (read)/MCR (write) instructions, 45 MSRs (model-specific registers) (x86), MUL instruction, 12 MUL instruction (ARM), 61 mutexes, 111 N N (Negative flag), 61–62 namomites feature (Armadillo), 283 Neither buffering method, 151–152 Never Execute (NX), 182 non-paged pool memory (Windows), 106 non-signaled events, 110 normalization module (VxStripper), 310–311 NOT operator, 275 NT Symbolic Debugger (NTSD), 188–189 NT_SUCCESS() macro, 157–158 www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 350 Index ■ O–P O obfuscation case study analyzing handlers semantics, 330–333 first analysis, 328–330 overview, 328 solving the challenge, 334–336 symbolic execution, 333–334 obfuscation techniques control-based, 278–283 data-based, 273–277 deobfuscation techniques See deobfuscation techniques example, 269–273 overview, 267–269 security by obscurity, 288–289 simultaneous control-flow/data-flow, 284–288 A Taxonomy of Obfuscating Transformations, 283 offset mode, 50–51 OllyDbg script, 312–313 opaque predicates, 283 opcodes, coprocessor, 45 operating system-control indirection, 282–283 operation-preserving mappings (algebraic structures), 274 operators (expressions), 192–194 Optimice plugin, 296 OR operator (|), 200 outline functions, 279 output of commands, tokenizing from, 237–238 over-approximation program analyses, 290 P page faults, 95 paged pool memory (Windows), 106 PandaBoard, 77–78 ParentNode field, 130 partial evaluation techniques (optimization), 291 PASSIVE LEVEL (0) IRQL, 105 PatchGuard, 153, 183 pattern-based deobfuscation, 312–313 pattern-based obfuscation, 271, 275–277 PC-relative addressing, 51 peephole compiler optimization, 271, 277 pool memory (Windows), 106 POP/PUSH operations (stacks), 13 post-indexed address mode, 50–51 predefined pseudo-registers, 216–218 prefer_dml command, 215 pre-indexed address mode, 50–51 printf command (debugger), 214–216 printf function, 23 privileges, modes defining (ARM), 40–41 process environment block (PEB), 109 !process extension command, 212 processes and threads basics, 107–109 callbacks, 142 control (debugging), 194–198 processors processor control block structures (Windows XP), 120–121 processor control region (PCR), 89 processor initialization (Windows), 89–91 processor region control block (PRCB), 89–90 processor-based control indirection (obfuscation), 280–282 program counter (PC) (ARM), 43–44 program transformations (obfuscation), 268 program-analysis-based deobfuscation, 313–315 protected mode (x86), www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 351 351 352 Index ■ P–S PsCreateSystemThread API, 128 pseudo-instructions, 51, 55 pseudo-registers (scripting), 216–219 PUSH/POP operations (stacks), 13 instructions (ARM), 56–57 PUSH-RET instruction, 279, 282 Q RIP-relative addressing (x64), 36–37, 51 Rolles, Rolf, 312 rootkits root-kit analysis (VxStripper), 309 x64 rootkit analysis walk-through, 172–178 x86 rootkit analysis walk-through, 156–171 Rough C, 25 round-based cryptography, 288–289 QEMU (Quick EMUlator) Dynamic Binary Translator (DBT), 305–307 S SCAS instructions, 10–11 R r command (registers), 198–199 Radare framework, 312 Range parameter (memory), 204 RBP register, 36 RDMSR/WRMSR instructions, RDTSC instruction, real mode (x86), references (Windows kernel), 179 registers ARM architecture, 43–44 management (debugging), 198–203 window, 190 x64 architecture, 36 x86 architecture, 2–4 RegistryPath (drivers), 149 REP prefix, 9–10 repetition structures (scripting) do-while loops, 235–236 foreach loops, 236–240 for loops, 233–234 overview, 232–233 while loops, 234–235 RESET exception handler, 68 resources, debugging, 264–265 RET instruction, 15, 278, 298 return addresses, 55 Reversing a simple virtual machine, 316 right/left shift instructions, 12 ring levels (x86), 1–2 scripting with Debugging Tools aliases See aliases (DbgEng) blocks, 228–229 characters and strings, 227–228 comments ($$ command), 226–227 conditional statements, 229–231 debug script examples, 249–256 pseudo-registers, 216–219 repetition structures See repetition structures (scripting) script errors, 231–232 script file commands, 240–244 using scripts like functions, 244–249 SCSI Commands Reference Manual, 185 SDK for extending debugger debugger interfaces, 258–261 extension resources, 264–265 overview, 257–258 WinDbg extension APIs, 261–262 writing extensions, 262–264 sections (drivers), 155 security, achieving by obscurity, 288–289 SEH handler, 282 semantics concrete, 290–291 instruction, 297–298 semantic equivalence, 268 sequenced singly-linked lists, 112 sequential locality, 279–280 www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 352 Index ■ S–T service table descriptors, 92–93 SETNE instruction, 42 SHA1 hashes (malware), 341 SIDT instruction, 30 signaled events, 110 signed/unsigned division, 13 single-instruction multiple data (SIMD) instruction set, 45 singly-linked lists, 112 slicing/backtracking (Metasm), 297–302 SMC (self-modifying code), 67 SMULL instruction (ARM), 61 software breakpoints (DbgEng), 208–210 software interrupts (ARM), 69 soundness/completeness of analysis algorithms, 290, 293–295 spaghetti code, 279 Spasojevic, Branko, 296 spin locks, 111 stack operations (x86), 13–17 stack pointer (SP) (ARM), 43 stack-based obfuscation, 271 static IRPs, 145 static slicing criteria, 291 static/dynamic analysis techniques, 290, 291–293 STDCALL calling convention, 32 STMFD pseudo-instruction, 55 STMIA/STMEA pseudo-instructions, 47 STOS instructions, 10–11 strength reduction (arithmetic operations), 12 STREX instruction (ARM), 67–68 strings (scripting) and characters, 227–228 tokenizing from, 236–237 writing basic descrambler script, 255–256 strlen() function (C), 10 struct field names, 74 SUB instruction, 14 sub_10460 leaf routine, 158, 166 sub_10550 routine, 166 sub_11553/sub_115DA functions, 121 SVC instruction, 102 SVC mode, 70 SWI/SVC instruction, 69 switch-case blocks, 19–20 switch-case statements (ARM), 65–66 sxe/sxd commands (debugging), 198 symbolic executions, 292–294, 322, 333–334 symbols commands for inspecting, 208 symbol paths, setting (debugging), 189 synchronization primitives ARM architecture, 67–68 kernel, 110–111 syntax ARM assembly, 46 expression evaluation (debugger), 190 notations for x86 assembly code/ Intel/AT&T, 4–5 SYSENTER instruction, 28, 100–101 system calls (Windows) basics, 92–94 faults/traps/interrupts overview, 94–95 interrupts, 95–98 traps, 98–104 system context (kernels), 109–110 system control coprocessor (CP15), 45 system control registers (drivers), 153 system services and mechanisms (ARM), 68–70 system threads, 128–129 system-level controls/settings (ARM), 45 system-level mechanisms (x85), 25–28 T A Taxonomy of Obfuscating Transformations, 283 TBB/TBH instructions (ARM), 65–66 TCG (Tiny Code Generator), 305–307 www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 353 353 354 Index ■ T–W TEB (Thread Environment Block) structure, 203 temporal locality, 279–280 testing ARM knowledge, 77–78 dynamic, 292 TEST instruction, 18 threads processes and See processes and threads thread and process callbacks, 142 thread context (kernels), 109–110 thread environment block (TEB), 109 thread suspension with APCs, 134 Thumb bit (T), 44 Thumb extension (ARM), 40 Thumb state, 41–42 Thumb-2-specific instructions (ARM), 64–65 timers, 110–111, 140–141 tokenizing from files, 238 from output of commands, 237–238 from strings, 236–237 trace semantics, 290 transformation inversion See deobfuscation techniques translation blocks (TCG instructions), 305 trap exceptions, 28 traps (system calls), 95, 98–104 U U-Boot bootloader, 69 UDPRs (user-defined pseudoregisters) See users UMULL instruction (ARM), 61 under-approximation program analyses, 290 UNICODE_STRING structure, 156 unpacking module (VxStripper), 309–310 unresolved breakpoints (debugging), 209–210 unsigned/signed division (DIV/IDIV), 13 UPX unpacker, writing (debug script), 250–253 users user-defined pseudo-registers (UDPRs), 218–219, 242, 244–249 user/kernel address ranges, 89 user-kernel communication (drivers), 150–152 user-mode APCs, 131–132 user-mode driver framework (UMDF), 147 user-named aliases (DbgEng), 219–224 V V (Overflow flag), 61–62 Vellvm (Verified LLVM), 305 virtual address translation, 25–27 virtual black box property, 287–288 Virtual machines re-building, 316 virtual machines (VMs), 286 VM implementations (code virtualization), 315–317 VxStripper binary rewriting tool API hooking module of, 309 architecture of, 308 basics, 304–305 forensics module/root-kit analysis, 309 normalization module, 310–311 QEMU DBT extension, 306–307 unpacking module, 309–310 using, 325–328 W walking back control flows, 299–300 WdbgExts extension framework (SDK), 257–261 websites for downloading idaocaml interpreter, 312 Metasm open source framework, 296 www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 354 Index ■ W–Z Miasm reverse engineering framework, 302 Optimice plugin, 296 Radare framework, 312 websites for further information BeaEngine by BeatriX, 36 control-flow deobfuscations, 284 debugging, 264–265 x64 ABI on Windows, 37 x86 Opcode and Instruction Reference, 296 while loops (scripting), 234–235 white box attack context (WBAC), 268, 286–288 Win32 API functions, 32 WinDbg extension APIs (SDK), 261–262 WinDbg graphical interface, 188–189 windows, debugger, 189–190 Windows Driver Model (WDM), 147 Windows fundamentals execution context, 109–110 interrupt request level (IRQL), 104–106 kernel synchronization primitives, 110–111 memory descriptor lists (MDLs), 106–107 memory layout, 88–89 pool memory, 106 processes and threads, 107–109 processor initialization, 89–91 system calls See system calls (Windows) Windows kernel asynchronous and ad-hoc execution See asynchronous and ad-hoc execution I/O request packets (IRPs), 144–146 kernel drivers See drivers, kernel lists See lists (Windows kernel) overview, 87–88 references/tips/exercises, 179–184 x64 rootkit walk-through, 172–178 x86 rootkit walk-through, 156–171 Windows object manager, 156 work items, 129–131 X x64 architecture canonical addresses, 37 data movement, 36–37 function invocation, 37 register sets and data types, 36 rootkit walk-through, 172–178 x86 architecture DllMain routine walk-through, 28–34 instruction set See instructions (x86) Opcode and Instruction Reference, 296 overview, 1–2 register sets and data types, 2–3 rootkit walk-through, 156–171 system-level mechanisms, 25–28 variable-length instruction ranges, XOR swap trick, 270 Z Z (Zero flag), 61–62 –z command-line switch, 188–189 www.it-ebooks.info bindex.indd 02:29:2:PM 01/20/2014 Page 355 355

Ngày đăng: 29/12/2017, 16:33

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Mục lục

    Chapter 1 x86 and x64

    Register Set and Data Types

    Stack Operations and Function Invocation

    Register Set and Data Types

    Data Types and Registers

    System-Level Controls and Settings

    Introduction to the Instruction Set

    Loading and Storing Data

    Other Usage for LDR

    Functions and Function Invocation


