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243 BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS GERRIT J POELARENDS, CATHERINE VIGANO, JEAN-MARIE RUYSSCHAERT AND WIL N KONINGS INTRODUCTION Microorganisms are confronted daily with numerous environmental toxins The spectrum of these toxins ranges from naturally produced compounds (e.g plant alkaloids), peptides (e.g bacteriocins) and noxious metabolic products (e.g bile salts and fatty acids in the case of enteric bacteria) to industrially produced chemicals such as organic solvents and antibiotics Microorganisms have developed various mechanisms to resist the toxic effects of antimicrobial agents, and drug-resistant pathogens are on the rise (Cohen, 1992; Culliton, 1992; Hayes and Wolf, 1990; Nikaido, 1994) One of the resistance mechanisms involves the active extrusion of antimicrobials from the cell by drug transport systems Some transporters, such as the tetracycline efflux proteins (Roberts, 1996), are dedicated systems which mediate the extrusion of a given drug or class of drugs In contrast to these specific drug resistance (SDR) transporters, the so-called multidrug resistance (MDR) transporters can handle a wide variety of structurally unrelated compounds On the basis of bioenergetic and structural criteria, multidrug transporters can be divided into two major classes: (i) secondary transporters, which are driven by a proton or sodium motive force, and (ii) ATPbinding cassette (ABC) primary transporters, which use the hydrolysis of ATP to fuel transport (for a recent review, see Putman et al., 2000b) ABC Proteins: From Bacteria to Man ISBN 0-12-352551-9 12 CHAPTER Most bacterial multidrug transporters known to date are secondary antiport systems that remove drugs from the cell in a coupled exchange with protons or sodium ions On the basis of size and similarities in secondary structure, these transporters are classified into four major groups: the major facilitator superfamily (MFS), the small multidrug resistance (SMR) family, the resistance nodulation cell division (RND) family, and the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) family (Putman et al., 2000b) Besides these secondary multidrug transporters, a number of ATP-dependent primary drug transporters have also been identified (e.g Barrasa et al., 1995; Linton et al., 1994; Olano et al., 1995; Podlesek et al., 1995; Rodríguez et al., 1993; Ross et al., 1990) These primary drug transporters all belong to the ABC transporter superfamily, and most of them are SDR transporters A well-known example is DrrAB, an SDR transporter of Streptomyces peucetius, which confers self-resistance to its secondary metabolites daunorubicin and doxorubicin (Guilfoile and Hutchinson, 1991) In the Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis, an organism used in food manufacturing (Figure 12.1), two distinct MDR transporters mediate resistance to toxic hydrophobic cations and antibiotics One system, designated LmrP, is a proton/drug antiport system (Figure 12.2) It belongs to the major facilitator superfamily, and is inhibited by ionophores that dissipate Copyright 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd All rights of reproduction in any form reserved ABC PROTEINS: FROM BACTERIA TO MAN Figure 12.1 The Gram-positive lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis (left picture) is used in starter cultures for cheese production D LmrA Out LmrA 244 LmrP D In ATP Hϩ ADP ϩ Pi Figure 12.2 Schematic representation of two multidrug transporters found in Lactococcus lactis The ABC-type primary multidrug transporter LmrA and the secondary multidrug transporter LmrP exemplify the two major classes of multidrug transporters found in bacteria Rectangles represent the transmembrane domains of LmrA and LmrP Circles represent the nucleotide-binding domains of LmrA the proton motive force (Bolhuis et al., 1995) The other MDR system is an ATP-dependent primary transporter, designated LmrA (Figure 12.2) (van Veen et al., 1996) The role of this chromosomally encoded primary efflux pump in multidrug resistance was first observed in an ethidium-resistant mutant of L lactis subsp lactis MG1363 Ethidium efflux in this mutant was inhibited by ortho-vanadate, an inhibitor of ABC transporters and P-type ATPases, but not upon dissipation of the proton motive force (Bolhuis et al., 1994) Isolated membrane vesicles and proteoliposomes, in which purified LmrA was reconstituted, were employed to prove that transport of multiple drugs was LmrA- and ATP-dependent (Margolles et al., 1999; van Veen et al., 1996) Interestingly, this lactococcal LmrA protein was the first ABC-type multidrug transporter identified in bacteria Another ABC-type multidrug resistance pump (HorA) was discovered in Lactobacillus brevis, a major contaminant of spoiled beer (Sami et al., 1997, 1998) This Gram-positive lactic acid bacterium can grow in beer in spite of the presence of antibacterial compounds (iso-␣-acids) derived from the flowers of the hop plant Humulus lupulus L The hop resistance of Lb brevis is, at least in part, dependent on the expression of the horA gene, which is located on a 15 kb plasmid termed pRH45 (Sami et al., 1997) The role of HorA in hop resistance was first suggested by a spontaneous mutant lacking the pRH45 plasmid, which displayed sensitivity to the presence of hop compounds Reintroduction of pRH45 into this segregation mutant restored hop resistance (Sami et al., 1998) These complementation studies, as well as the heterologous expression of the horA gene in L lactis, demonstrated that HorA is involved in resistance to hop compounds Moreover, almost all lactobacilli isolated as beer-spoilage strains possess horA homologues (Sami et al., 1997) In addition to conferring hop resistance, HorA confers resistance to the structurally unrelated drugs novobiocin and ethidium bromide (Sami et al., 1997) Drug transport studies in L lactis cells and membrane vesicles and in proteoliposomes in which purified HorA was reconstituted identified this protein as a new member of the ABC family of multidrug transporters (Sakamoto et al., 2001) Here we summarize the existing data on the two bacterial ABC-type multidrug transporters LmrA and HorA, and analyze structural and mechanistic aspects of multidrug recognition and transport In addition, the chapter will describe how attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS Figure 12.3 Topology model for LmrA The LmrA protein is predicted to contain a transmembrane domain (TMD) with six transmembrane ␣-helices, and a nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) with the ABC signature and Walker A/B sequences A similar model is envisaged for HorA of Lb brevis has provided important information about LmrA structure and the dynamic changes occurring during its catalytic cycle PROPERTIES OF LMRA AND HORA STRUCTURAL ASPECTS All ABC transporters described so far show a four-domain organization, which consists of two transmembrane domains (TMDs), which are thought to perform the transport function, and two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs), which provide the energy for the transport process (Higgins, 1992) The four domains may be organized either in a multifunctional, single polypeptide or as separate proteins For example, in human P-glycoprotein (MDR1), like many eukaryotic ABC transporters, the four domains are found in one single polypeptide chain arranged as TMD1-NBD1-TMD2-NBD2 As derived from the DNA sequences, bacterial LmrA is composed of 590 amino acids (calculated molecular mass of 64.6 kDa) and HorA of 583 amino acids (calculated molecular mass of 64.2 kDa) Hydropathy analysis, as shown in Figure 12.3, suggests a putative topology for both proteins of six membrane-spanning regions (putative ␣-helices) in the amino-terminal hydrophobic domain, followed by a large hydrophilic domain containing the ATP-binding site (Sami et al., 1997; van Veen et al., 1996) There is now experimental evidence that the membrane-spanning regions of LmrA are indeed ␣-helices (Grimard et al., 2001) Based on the topology predictions, both the aminoterminal end and the large carboxy-terminal half are located in the cytoplasm In addition to the NBD, there are two putative large cytoplasmic loops (Figure 12.3) (see also Chapter 11, HlyB) The predicted membrane topologies of LmrA and HorA still await experimental confirmation The NBDs of both these bacterial transporters contain features diagnostic of an 245 246 ABC PROTEINS: FROM BACTERIA TO MAN ABC-type ATPase, such as the ABC signature sequence, and the Walker A and B motifs (Figure 12.4) The sequence homology between full-length LmrA and HorA is around 53% Sequence comparisons with other ABC transporters revealed that these bacterial proteins share significant overall sequence similarity with members of the subfamily of multidrug resistance P-glycoproteins, most notably the human P-glycoprotein (MDR1) (Sami et al., 1997; van Veen et al., 1996) For example, LmrA and each half of MDR1 share 34% identical residues and an additional 16% of conservative substitutions (Figure 12.4) The ABC domain of LmrA and the ABC1 and ABC2 domains of MDR1 are 48% and 43% identical, respectively, whereas the identity between the TMD of LmrA and the amino- and carboxy-terminal TMDs of MDR1 is 23% and 27%, respectively The sequence conservation in the TMD of LmrA includes particular regions (e.g the region comprising transmembrane helices and 6), which have been implicated as being involved in drug binding by MDR1 (Loo and Clarke, 2000) Functionally important residues in this region of LmrA are now being identified Interestingly, LmrA shares 28% overall sequence identity with the lipid flippase MsbA from Escherichia coli (Figure 12.4), the structure of which was recently determined by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 4.5 Å (Chang and Roth, 2001) The overall sequence similarity between LmrA and bacterial members of other subfamilies of the ABC transporter superfamily is less than 28% and is mostly confined to the hydrophilic ABC domains In view of the general organization of ABC transporters, LmrA and HorA are considered to be half transporters (with the two domains arranged in TMD-NBD manner) that have to form homodimers in order to function as full four-domain transporters Recent studies on LmrA provided evidence that this is indeed the case First, two covalently linked wild-type LmrA monomers expressed from an engineered gene yields a functional transporter, whereas the covalent linkage of a wild-type monomer and an inactive mutant monomer (harboring the K388M mutation in the Walker A region) yields an inactive transporter (van Veen et al., 2000) The latter covalently linked dimer had also lost all ATPase activity, demonstrating that both catalytic sites must be functional to allow ATP hydrolysis and drug transport Second, LmrA solubilized from membrane vesicles prepared from LmrA-overproducing cells behaves like a dimer on native gels (our unpublished data) Third, electron microscopy analysis of purified and reconstituted LmrA revealed small, uniform particles with a diameter of 8.5 by nm, similar to those previously observed for monomeric P-glycoprotein (S Scheuring, A Margolles, H.W van Veen, W.N Konings and A Engel, unpublished data) Probably, the most convincing evidence for the dimeric nature of LmrA comes from co-reconstitution experiments into proteoliposomes of the cysteine-less wild-type LmrA and a mutant form of LmrA in which the N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)-reactive glycine to cysteine mutation (G386C) was introduced (van Veen et al., 2000) The G386C mutant displays wild-type transport activity but is completely inactivated upon incubation with NEM, whereas wild-type LmrA activity is not affected by NEM The transport inhibition patterns obtained with proteoliposomes, containing different ratios of wild-type and mutant proteins, upon reaction with NEM suggest strongly that the functional unit of LmrA is a dimer and not a monomer, trimer or tetramer Taking all these data together, it is clear that the dimeric state of LmrA is a prerequisite for function, and that functional crosstalk between two monomers is essential for transport SUBSTRATE SPECIFICITY The notion that inactivation of the secondary multidrug transporter LmrP increases drug extrusion mediated by the primary transporter LmrA points to the physiological importance of these multidrug transporters in L lactis (Bolhuis et al., 1995) However, except for the observation that LmrA might act as a lipid translocase (Margolles et al., 1999), its cellular function is still under debate The natural substrates of LmrA might be found amongst the hydrophobic compounds excreted by plants, the natural habitat of lactococci Indeed, LmrA can extrude a wide variety of amphiphilic toxic compounds, and its classification as a multidrug transporter is evident from its currently known spectrum of substrates LmrA substrates include anticancer drugs such as vinca alkaloids (vinblastine, vincristine) and anthracyclines (daunomycin, doxorubicin), or cytotoxic agents such as antimicrotubule drugs (colchicine) and DNA intercalators (ethidium bromide), or toxic peptides (valinomycin, nigericin), fluorescent membrane probes (Hoechst 33342, diphenylhexatriene), and fluorescent dyes such as BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS Figure 12.4 Amino acid sequence alignment The amino acid sequence of LmrA is shown with HorA from Lb brevis, MsbA from E coli, and the amino- and carboxy-terminal halves of human MDR1 Residues conserved throughout all sequences are indicated by an asterisk Residues conserved between LmrA and MDR1 are shaded red Dashes represent residues absent in other sequences Putative transmembrane regions are boxed The Walker A/B motifs and the ABC signature motif regions are labeled by Walker A, Walker B and ABC, respectively 247 248 ABC PROTEINS: FROM BACTERIA TO MAN rhodamine 6G and rhodamine 123 (Margolles et al., 1999; van Veen et al., 1996, 1998; see more detailed discussion in Chapter 5) LmrA modulators (i.e compounds that reverse LmrA-mediated multidrug resistance) are also structurally unrelated to each other and include the calcium channel blockers verapamil and CP100-356 (analogue of verapamil), 1,4-dihydropyridines such as nicardipine, indolizine sulfones such as SR33557, antimalarials such as quinine and quinidine, immunosuppressants such as cyclosporin A, and the Rauwolfia alkaloid reserpine (van Veen et al., 1999) This broad drug and modulator specificity is not only confined to LmrA A similar range of compounds was previously found to interact with other ABC transporters, including yeast Pdr5p (Bauer et al., 2000; Kolaczkowski et al., 1996) and human P-glycoprotein (Ueda et al., 1997) The overlapping substrate and modulator specificities of bacterial LmrA and human P-glycoprotein reveal a functional similarity between both proteins Expression studies of LmrA in insect and human lung fibroblast cells demonstrated that LmrA was indeed able to functionally complement P-glycoprotein (van Veen et al., 1998) Surprisingly, LmrA was targeted to the plasma membrane and conferred typical multidrug resistance on the human cells The pharmacological characteristics of LmrA and P-glycoprotein expressed in lung fibroblast cells were very similar, and reversal agents of P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance also blocked multidrug resistance mediated by LmrA Furthermore, the affinities of both proteins for vinblastine and ATP were indistinguishable Finally, kinetic analysis of drug dissociation from LmrA expressed in plasma membranes of insect cells revealed the presence of two allosterically coupled drug-binding sites, indistinguishable from those of P-glycoprotein (van Veen et al., 1998; Chapter 5) This remarkable conservation of function between these two ABC-type multidrug transporters implies a common overall structure and transport mechanism L lactis is a GRAS (generally regarded as safe) organism, that is, an organism considered to be non-pathogenic and safe to use in starter cultures for cheese production (Figure 12.1) (Gasser, 1994) In view of this, it is important to know whether the substrate spectrum of LmrA also includes clinically relevant antibiotics The antibiotic specificity of LmrA was studied in cytotoxicity assays, in which the antibiotic susceptibilities of E coli CS1562 cells overexpressing the transporter are compared with those of control CS1562 cells not expressing LmrA Strain CS1562 (tolC6 :: Tn10) was used in these assays because it is hypersensitive to drugs owing to a deficiency in the TolC protein, resulting in an impaired barrier function of the outer membrane (Austin et al., 1990) LmrA expression in CS1562 cells resulted in an increased resistance to 17 out of 21 clinically most used antibiotics, including broad-spectrum antibiotics belonging to the classes of aminoglycosides, lincosamides, macrolides, quinolones, streptogramins and tetracyclines (Table 12.1) TABLE 12.1 EFFECT OF LMRA EXPRESSION IN E COLI CS1562 ON THE RELATIVE RESISTANCE TO ANTIBIOTICS Class Antibiotic Relative resistancea (fold) Aminoglycosides ␤-Lactams Glycopeptides Lincosamides Macrolides Quinolones Streptogramins Tetracyclines Others Gentamicin Kanamycin Ampicillin Ceftazidime Meropenem Penicillin Vancomycin Clindamycin Azithromycin Clarithromycin Dirithromycin Erythromycin Roxithromycin Spiramycin Ciprofloxacin Ofloxacin Dalfopristin Quinupristin RP59500 Chlortetracycline Demeclocycline Minocycline Oxytetracycline Tetracycline Chloramphenicol Trimethoprim 3 14 33 23 264 53 35 35 163 31 55 28 12 138 14 11 a Relative resistances were determined by dividing the IC50 (the antibiotic concentration required to inhibit the growth rate by 50%) for cells harboring pGKLmrA by the IC50 for control cells harboring pGK13 For example, the latter IC50 values varied between 0.3 and ␮M for kanamycin, ampicillin, erythromycin, ofloxacin, dalfopristin, and minocycline Data obtained from Putman et al (2000a) with permission BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS (Putman et al., 2000a) The secondary multidrug transporter LmrP also confers resistance to antibiotics, although its substrate range is smaller than that of LmrA (Putman et al., 2001) The antibiotic specificity of HorA is currently being analyzed The exceptionally broad antibiotic specificity of LmrA, the possible transfer of the lmrA gene to other bacteria in food or the digestive tract, and the presence of lmrA homologues in pathogenic microorganisms (van Veen and Konings, 1998) provide a serious threat to the efficacy of valuable antibiotics It will be interesting to find out whether P-glycoprotein is involved in antibiotic export in human cells Using a fluorescence quenching technique, it has recently been demonstrated that purified and reconstituted LmrA can also transport phospholipids (Margolles et al., 1999) In this study, extrusion of fluorescent (C6-NBDlabeled) phosphatidylethanolamine from the outer leaflet of proteoliposomes by inwardfacing LmrA molecules (nucleotide-binding domain exposed to the external surface) was detected in the presence of ATP, with nonhydrolyzable ATP analogues being ineffective Phospholipid extrusion from the membrane was inhibited by vinblastine, a high-affinity substrate of LmrA The specificity of LmrA with respect to lipid headgroup and acyl chain is now being studied, possibly leading to the identification of potential physiological lipid substrates Several other ABC multidrug transporters have also been found to possess lipid translocation activity, including P-glycoprotein (for a recent review, see Borst et al., 2000 and Chapter 22 of this volume) SUBSTRATE RECOGNITION AND TRANSPORT MODELS Aqueous pore versus hydrophobic vacuum cleaner and flippase models Despite the remarkable conservation of functional properties between ABC-type multidrug transporters, there is still a considerable controversy about the mechanisms by which these proteins pump drugs from the interior of the cell to the external medium Several transport models have been postulated for P-glycoprotein pump function (Figure 12.5) These include (i) the conventional aqueous pore model, in which substrate is transported from the cytoplasm to the exterior (Altenberg et al., 1994), (ii) the hydrophobic vacuum cleaner model, in which Aqueous pore Hydrophobic vacuum cleaner Flippase In C M D R Out M D R M D R B A Figure 12.5 Possible mechanisms of drug transport across the cytoplasmic membrane Drugs may be expelled from the cell by extrusion from the internal water phase to the external water phase (aqueous pore model) or by extrusion from the membrane to the exterior (hydrophobic vacuum cleaner and flippase models) Importantly, the hydrophobic vacuum cleaner model predicts that hydrophobic compounds are translocated by the MDR pump from the inner leaflet of the membrane to the external water phase, whereas the flippase model predicts extrusion from the inner leaflet to the outer leaflet of the membrane A, Drug molecules reaching the cell rapidly insert into the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane B, Flipping of the drug to the inner leaflet of the membrane is relatively slow and the rate-limiting step in entry C, Membrane release of drug molecules substrate is transported from the lipid bilayer to the exterior (Raviv et al., 1990), and (iii) the flippase model, a variation on the hydrophobic vacuum cleaner model, in which substrate is transported from the inner leaflet to the outer leaflet of the lipid bilayer, after which the substrate molecules will diffuse into the external medium (Higgins and Gottesman, 1992) The latter two models take into account that most drugs that interact with multidrug transporters such as P-glycoprotein and LmrA readily intercalate into the lipid bilayer due to their high hydrophobicity and amphiphilic nature Drug extrusion from the membrane is supported by substantial experimental evidence, including the following important observations First, the non-fluorescent compound BCECF-AM (an acetoxymethyl ester derivative of 2Ј,7Ј-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6-)-carboxyfluorescein) is excreted from P-glycoprotein- and LmrAproducing cells prior to hydrolysis into the fluorescent cellular indicator BCECF by intracellular esterases (Bolhuis et al., 1996; Homolya et al., 1993) Thus, LmrA and P-glycoprotein prevent the accumulation of the fluorescent indicator BCECF in the cytosol, despite the fact that BCECF-AM is rapidly cleaved by intracellular esterases and the resulting BCECF is not a substrate for LmrA and P-glycoprotein 249 ABC PROTEINS: FROM BACTERIA TO MAN These observations strongly suggest that BCECF-AM is extruded from the membrane Second, photoaffinity analogues of substrates of P-glycoprotein only label the two transmembrane domains of P-glycoprotein and not its hydrophilic ABC domains (e.g Greenberger, 1993) Third, the affinity of binding of drugs to purified and reconstituted P-glycoprotein is modulated by their ability to intercalate into the membrane (Romsicki and Sharom, 1999) Fourth, cysteine-scanning mutagenesis, in combination with reaction with the thiol-reactive substrate dibromobimane, of all predicted transmembrane segments of P-glycoprotein indicates that the drug-binding domain of P-glycoprotein consists of residues in transmembrane segments 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12 (Loo and Clarke, 2000) Taking these data together, it seems likely that these transporters recognize most, if not all, of their substrates within the membrane (hydrophobic vacuum cleaner and flippase models) and not from the cytoplasm (aqueous pore model) However, these observations not discriminate between the vacuum cleaner model and the flippase model Evidence for drug efflux from the inner leaflet of the lipid bilayer to the exterior The most convincing evidence for drug efflux from the membrane to the aqueous phase is provided by the kinetics of ATP-dependent transport of TMA-DPH by LmrA (Bolhuis et al., 1996) and of Hoechst 33342 by P-glycoprotein (Shapiro and Ling, 1997a) The amphiphilic character and the high lipid–water partition coefficients result in partitioning of these compounds into the lipid bilayer Conveniently, these hydrophobic probes are strongly fluorescent when partitioned into the membrane but essentially non-fluorescent in an aqueous environment Since, therefore, the fluorescence detected reflects the concentration of probe in the membrane, these properties make it possible to follow fluorimetrically the partitioning of these compounds into the lipid bilayer The increase in fluorescence intensity due to the partitioning of TMA-DPH into the phospholipid bilayer was found to be a biphasic process (Figure 12.6) (Bolhuis et al., 1996) This biphasic behavior reflects the fast entry (1–2 seconds) of TMA-DPH into the outer leaflet of the phospholipid bilayer (phase in Figure 12.6), followed by a slower (several minutes) transbilayer movement from the outer to the inner TMA-DPH fluorescence (a.u.) 250 A B C 10 20 30 40 50 Time (min) Figure 12.6 Time course of the rate of energydependent TMA-DPH extrusion A washed cell suspension of L lactis strain MG1363 (EthR), a mutant strain in which extrusion of TMA-DPH is LmrA-dependent, was energized with 25 mM of glucose, at (A), 15 (B), and 40 (C) after the addition of 100 nM of TMA-DPH Data obtained from Bolhuis et al (1996) leaflet of the membrane (phase in Figure 12.6) When LmrA was energized in intact cells by the addition of glucose, it was observed that the initial rate of extrusion of TMA-DPH, monitored as a decrease in fluorescence over time, increased with an increasing concentration of TMA-DPH in the inner leaflet of the membrane (Figure 12.6) (Bolhuis et al., 1996) The extent of extrusion never exceeded the amount of TMADPH present in the inner leaflet (Figure 12.6), indicating that the probe cannot be extruded from the outer leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane When similar experiments were done with inside-out membrane vesicles with the inner leaflet now immediately accessible to drug molecules, the situation was significantly different Upon addition of TMA-DPH to the membrane vesicle suspension, TMA-DPH rapidly intercalates into the exposed leaflet of the membrane, resulting in a maximum concentration of TMA-DPH in this leaflet Upon energization of LmrA by the addition of ATP (the NBD of LmrA is exposed to the exterior of these vesicles), maximal rates of TMA-DPH extrusion were observed at any moment after addition of TMA-DPH and the extent of extrusion, in contrast to intact cells, now exceeded the amount of TMA-DPH present in the internal leaflet of inside-out vesicles These observations strongly indicate that TMA-DPH is recognized as a substrate only after partitioning into the normal inner leaflet of the cellular BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS Hydrophobic vacuum cleaner model versus flippase model It is important to note that the results presented strongly favor a vacuum cleaner mechanism of transport by the MDR pumps and are inconsistent with a flippase mechanism as proposed by Higgins and Gottesman (1992) According to the flippase mechanism the hydrophobic compounds are translocated by the MDR pump from the inner leaflet of the membrane to the outer leaflet followed by diffusion into the external medium (Figure 12.5) The observation that the fluorescence of TMA-DPH or Hoechst 33342 falls rapidly upon energization of LmrA or P-glycoprotein indicates that these compounds not stay in the lipid bilayer but are moved into the water phase Physiological implications of drug transport from the inner leaflet of the membrane This mechanism of transport of hydrophobic drugs from the inner leaflet of the phospholipid bilayer to the exterior, as illustrated in Figure 12.7, may have several physiological implications First, transport from the cytoplasmic leaflet of the membrane appears to be the most efficient way in which MDR transporters can prevent toxic compounds from entering the cytoplasm As already pointed out, drug molecules reaching the cell rapidly insert into the outer leaflet of the membrane, but flipping of the drug molecules from the outer to inner leaflet is slow and the rate-limiting step in entry (Figure 12.7) LmrA is able to transport drug molecules from the inner leaflet back into the external medium, counteracting the ratelimiting step in drug entry If the transporter were to transport drugs from the outer leaflet of the membrane, it would probably not be able to compete with the high rate at which drug molecules enter this leaflet Drug molecules would Cytosol Membrane release (slow) n Flip-flop (slow) Membrane insertion (fast) Extr u s io membrane, and is directly transported to the aqueous environment as observed by the decrease in fluorescence A similar relationship between the initial rate of transport and the concentration of substrate in the inner leaflet of the cellular membrane was observed for other multidrug transporters, including secondary transporters (Putman et al., 2000b) Thus, secondary and ABC multidrug transporters appear to use the same mechanism of transport for hydrophobic drugs Medium Figure 12.7 Proposed mechanism of LmrA-mediated TMA-DPH extrusion from a cell The initial rate of LmrA-dependent TMA-DPH transport correlates with the amount of TMA-DPH in the inner membrane leaflet of whole cells, and with the amount of TMA-DPH in the outer leaflet of inside-out vesicles Since the outer membrane leaflet of inside-out vesicles corresponds to the inner membrane leaflet of whole cells, both observations rule out the external leaflet of whole cells as a possible site of drug binding to LmrA ‘escape’ into the inner leaflet and subsequently enter the cytoplasm Second, extrusion from the membrane may partially explain the lack of structural specificity and the consequent broad substrate range of multidrug transporters The transmembrane domains of multidrug transporters are thought to form a pathway across the membrane through which solutes move, a prediction supported by structural data of P-glycoprotein (Rosenberg et al., 2001) and MsbA (Chang and Roth, 2001) Assuming that the translocation pathway is only accessible from the membrane, but not from the aqueous phase, a drug molecule must be able to intercalate into the membrane in order to be recognized by the transporter Thus, the ability to intercalate into the membrane may pre-select compounds to be transported from those which should not be transported (e.g hydrophilic cytoplasmic components) The subsequent interaction between the intercalated substrate and the transporter would be a second determinant of specificity This would allow the transporter to have (a) relatively non-selective substrate-binding site(s) NUMBER OF SUBSTRATE-BINDING SITES Studies on the kinetics of drug dissociation have revealed the presence of two distinct, but 251 ABC PROTEINS: FROM BACTERIA TO MAN 1.5 Drug binding (nmol/mg of protein) 252 LmrA 1.0 0.5 Control 0.0 50 100 150 200 Drug concentration (nM) Figure 12.8 Vinblastine equilibrium binding to LmrA Specific binding of [3H]vinblastine to inside-out membrane vesicles without LmrA (control) or with LmrA, as a function of the free vinblastine concentration Superimposed on the data are the best-fit curves obtained for a single-site binding model (hyperbolic, dotted curve) and the cooperative two-site binding model (sigmoidal, solid curve) Data obtained from van Veen et al (2000) with permission from Oxford University Press allosterically linked, drug-binding sites in the LmrA transporter (van Veen et al., 1998, 2000; Chapter 5) The presence of these two drugbinding sites in LmrA is strongly supported by the finding that vinblastine equilibrium binding can best be fitted by a model in which two vinblastine-binding sites in the LmrA transporter interact cooperatively (Figure 12.8) (van Veen et al., 2000) In this model, an initial vinblastine-binding event with low affinity initiates a second vinblastine-binding event with high affinity Based on the model, the dissociation constants for the two vinblastine-binding sites were estimated to be approximately 150 and 30 nM vinblastine, respectively Moreover, a direct determination of the LmrA/vinblastine stoichiometry revealed that each homodimer of LmrA binds two vinblastine molecules (van Veen et al., 2000), providing convincing evidence for the presence of two sites Importantly, these drug-binding sites seem to be directly related to drug transport as shown by the reciprocal stimulation of LmrA-mediated vinblastine and Hoechst 33342 transport at low drug concentrations, and reciprocal inhibition at high drug concentrations (van Veen et al., 2000) Most probably, one of the drugbinding sites interacts preferentially with vinblastine and the other preferentially with Hoechst 33342 At lower concentrations, vinblastine binds primarily to one site and enhances transport of Hoechst 33342 bound at the other site At higher concentrations, vinblastine is able to compete with Hoechst 33342 for binding to the same site, and therefore inhibits Hoechst 33342 transport, or vice versa Taken together, the results strongly suggest that LmrA contains at least two distinct drugbinding sites, presumably located in the TMD, with different but overlapping specificities which interact in drug transport in a positively cooperative manner Support for the presence of at least two positively cooperative sites for drug transport in P-glycoprotein has also been presented (e.g Shapiro and Ling, 1997b; Sharom et al., 1996) Thus, it appears that the transport process of ABC-type multidrug transporters such as LmrA and P-glycoprotein involves two general transport-competent drug-binding sites, which may be composed of multiple drug interaction sites to account for the wide range of compounds that are transported In addition to the transport-competent drug-binding sites, LmrA and P-glycoprotein contain regulatory sites, which may reside outside of the transportcompetent drug-binding sites, to which allosteric modulators bind, but are not transported (Martin et al., 1997; van Veen et al., 1998) STRUCTURAL CHANGES INDUCED BY NUCLEOTIDE BINDING OR HYDROLYSIS DETECTED BY ATRFTIR SPECTROSCOPY Although the topology of LmrA in the lipid membrane has been deduced from its primary structure (Figure 12.3), its secondary and tertiary structures are unknown since a high-resolution structure of LmrA has not yet been obtained Such a structure would supply extremely valuable information about the overall domain organization and the interacting sites However, such a structure would also be inherently static and would not necessarily BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS BOX 12.1 ATR-FTIR SPECTROSCOPY: EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE AND SAMPLE PREPARATION Infrared spectroscopy is based on the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by matter owing to different vibrational modes of the chemical bonds The infrared beam is directed into a high refractive index medium (internal reflection element or IRE), which is transparent for the IR radiation of interest The most usual design of an IRE is the trapezoidal plate, which allows the orientation of protein secondary structures to be determined by means of linear dichroism Below a critical angle ␪c, which depends on the refractive index of the IRE (n1) and of the external medium (n2) according to ␪c ϭ sinϪ1 n21 (1) where n21 ϭ n2/n1, the light beam is completely reflected when it impinges on the surface of the IRE Several internal total reflections occur within the IRE until the beam reaches the end Interestingly, an electromagnetic disturbance exists in the rarer medium beyond the reflecting interface This so-called evanescent wave is characterized by its amplitude, which falls off exponentially with the distance from the interface according to E ϭ E0 и eϪz/dp (2) where E0 is the time-averaged electric field intensity at the interface, E is the time-averaged field intensity at a distance z from the interface in the rarer medium, and dp is the penetration depth of the evanescent field It is the presence of the evanescent field which makes the interaction possible between infrared light and the sample present on the surface of the IRE, within approximately the penetration depth of the field Indeed, samples which are deposited on the IRE absorb electromagnetic radiation of the evanescent wave, and thereby reduce the intensity of the reflected light Hence, the technique is referred to as ‘attenuated total reflection-IR spectroscopy’ Since the sample has to be in close contact with the IRE, films of proteins or membranes have to be used The simplest sample preparation for ATR-FTIR spectroscopy has been used, in which a drop of the sample, typically 20 ␮l of proteoliposomes containing ϳ20 ␮g of reconstituted LmrA, is spread on the IRE surface The solvent is slowly evaporated under a gentle N2 flow, while a Teflon bar or pipette tip is used to spread the liquid over the useful surface of the IRE in order to make the film as uniform as possible While evaporating, capillary forces flatten the membranes, which spontaneously form oriented multibilayer arrangements During film preparation, many water molecules remain associated with the proteins and lipids Consequently, protein structure is not affected by the low hydration state of the newly formed film Moreover, the ATPase activity of reconstituted LmrA was measured after resuspension of the film No loss of ATPase activity was observed, confirming that film preparation does not alter LmrA conformation and activity Thus, the technique is very convenient for studying proteins inserted into lipid membranes since common reconstituted vesicles (e.g liposomes) can be used represent the structure of LmrA in its native lipid environment In view of the difficulties in obtaining high-resolution structures of membrane proteins, lower-resolution techniques such as IR (infrared) and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy can be employed to obtain global, structural information of membrane proteins ATR-FTIR spectroscopy is particularly useful since this permits the monitoring of structural changes of membrane proteins in their native lipid environment in response to physiological modifications (Box 12.1) ANALYSIS OF THE SECONDARY STRUCTURE OF LMRA IN THE ABSENCE AND PRESENCE OF NUCLEOTIDES In order to mediate drug transport, LmrA must couple ATP hydrolysis to conformational changes, which alter drug-binding affinity and/or accessibility of the transport-competent drug-binding sites To investigate the nature of the conformational changes induced during the transport cycle, ATR-FTIR spectra of LmrA, reconstituted into liposomes, were recorded in the absence and presence of different nucleotides A typical spectrum of LmrA before and after deuteration is shown in Figures 12.9A and 12.9B, respectively The bands at ϳ3300 cmϪ1 and ϳ2500 cmϪ1 correspond to the O–H and O–D stretching of H2O and D2O, respectively In the 1800–1700 cmϪ1 region, the band corresponding to the CϭO stretching of the lipids is detected in both cases Most importantly for the study of LmrA are the amide I (1700–1600 cmϪ1 region) and the amide II (1570–1500 cmϪ1 region) bands The amide I band is assigned to the ␯(CϭO) of the peptide 253 Lipids (C – – Ostretching) ABC PROTEINS: FROM BACTERIA TO MAN D2O 400 300 Amide I Amide II 350 B H2O 254 250 200 150 A 100 50 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 Figure 12.9 ATR-FTIR spectrum in the 4000–400 cmϪ1 region of LmrA actively reconstituted into lipids before (A) and after (B) deuteration Thin films were obtained by slowly evaporating a sample containing 20 ␮g of LmrA on a Ge-attenuated total reflection element The film was then rehydrated under a D2O-saturated N2 flow Data obtained from Vigano et al (2000) with permission from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology bond, while the amide II band is characteristic of the ␦(N–H) The amide I band is by far the most sensitive indicator of the secondary structure (Fringeli and Günthard, 1981) and is located in a region of the spectrum which is often free of other bands and is composed of 80% pure CϭO vibration The secondary structure of LmrA was determined by Fourier deconvolution and a curve-fitting analysis on the amide I region of a deuterated sample (Vigano et al., 2000) H/D exchange permits differentiation of the ␣-helical secondary structure from random secondary structure, whose absorption band shifts from about 1655 cmϪ1 to about 1642 cmϪ1 (Goormaghtigh et al., 1994) The percentages of ␣-helix, ␤-sheet, ␤-turn and random coil structures of LmrA, in the presence or absence of nucleotides, are presented in Table 12.2 MgATP␥S, a non-hydrolyzable analogue of MgATP, was used to discriminate between the influence of nucleotide binding and nucleotide hydrolysis on the structure of LmrA In the presence of MgADP/Pi and MgADP, the structure represents the situation after ATP hydrolysis Significant differences detected in the amide I region demonstrate that LmrA adopts two different conformations depending TABLE 12.2 SECONDARY STRUCTURE OF LMRA DETERMINED IN THE ABSENCE AND PRESENCE OF NUCLEOTIDESa Substratesb None MgADP MgATP MgATP␥S MgADP/Pi Secondary structure ␣-Helix (%) ␤-Sheet (%) ␤-Turn (%) Random (%) 35 Ϯ 35 Ϯ 34 Ϯ 35 Ϯ 34 Ϯ 24 Ϯ 24 Ϯ 36 Ϯ 33 Ϯ 35 Ϯ 28 Ϯ 31 Ϯ 16 Ϯ 18 Ϯ 17 Ϯ 13 Ϯ 10 Ϯ 14 Ϯ 14 Ϯ 14 Ϯ a Data obtained from Vigano et al (2000) with permission from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology b LmrA/nucleotide molar ratio ϭ 1/5 on the nature of the nucleotide bound to the protein (Figure 12.10) First, LmrA alone or in the presence of MgADP contains 35% ␣-helix, 24% ␤-sheet, 28% ␤-turn and 13% random coil (Table 12.2) The proportion of ␣-helices is higher than the proportion expected when only BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS Figure 12.10 ATR-FTIR spectra between 1700 and 1600 cmϪ1 of deuterated LmrA actively reconstituted into lipids Dotted line, in the absence of nucleotide or in the presence of MgADP (LmrA/MgADP molar ratio ϭ 1/5) Solid line, in the presence of MgATP, MgADP/Pi or MgATP␥S (LmrA/nucleotide molar ratio ϭ 1/5) Data obtained from Vigano et al (2000) with permission from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology The results clearly show a shift indicating more ␤-sheet in the presence of non-hydrolyzable ATP or ADP/Pi compared with the ground state with no nucleotide or just ADP six transmembrane segments are in an ␣-helical conformation (20%) (Grimard et al., 2001) Therefore, ␣-helices, external to the membrane, have to be present, as confirmed in the recently reported crystal structure of the homologous transporter MsbA (Chang and Roth, 2001) In the presence of MgATP, MgATP␥S or MgADP/Pi, the structure becomes enriched in ␤-sheet (35% ␣-helix, 34% ␤-sheet, 17% ␤-turn and 14% random coil) concomitantly with a loss of ␤-turn structure Therefore, LmrA is clearly stabilized in a different secondary structure after ATP (i.e ATP␥S) binding However, the protein returns to its initial secondary structure after Pi release, when ADP is still bound to LmrA The drug-binding sites of LmrA are predicted to reside within the membrane domain, which is composed of transmembrane ␣-helices (Grimard et al., 2001) Since the ␣-helical content of LmrA does not change in the presence of nucleotides (Table 12.2), it seems that the ATP binding-induced change of secondary structure is not related to a reorientation of the transportcompetent drug-binding sites However, it has recently been proposed for P-glycoprotein that ATP binding, not hydrolysis, drives the major conformational change associated with drug translocation, and that the reorientation of the drug-binding sites may depend on rotation and/or ‘tilting’ of transmembrane ␣-helices within the membrane (Higgins and Linton, 2001; Rosenberg et al., 2001; Chapter 4) Although it is not known whether ATP binding to LmrA also results in loss of drug-binding affinity, we can not exclude the possibility that similar reorganizations, which obviously not affect the ␣-helical content, occur in LmrA upon binding of ATP Interestingly, an ATP binding-induced enrichment in ␤-sheet, as observed for LmrA, was not observed for other ABC-type multidrug transporters (P-glycoprotein and MRP1) studied so far by ATR-FTIR (Manciu et al., 2000; Sonveaux et al., 1996) Since the ATPase and transport activities of P-glycoprotein and LmrA are very similar, it seems that the secondary structure change observed for LmrA after ATP binding is related to a behavior unique to this protein Since LmrA must form a homodimer to be active (see earlier section on structural aspects), this raises the interesting possibility that ATP binding could mediate the secondary structural change accompanying the assembly of LmrA into its homodimeric form After ATP hydrolysis and Pi release, the protein recovers its initial secondary structure and possibly its monomeric form 255 256 ABC PROTEINS: FROM BACTERIA TO MAN AMIDE HYDROGEN/DEUTERIUM EXCHANGE KINETICS OF LMRA To further investigate the effect of ATP binding and hydrolysis on the structure of LmrA, the kinetics of deuteration of reconstituted protein was monitored in the presence and absence of different nucleotides (MgATP, MgATP␥S, MgADP, MgADP/Pi) (Vigano et al., 2000) The rate of amide hydrogen exchange by deuterium is related to the solvent accessibility of the NH amide groups Amide hydrogen exchange was followed by using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy to monitor the amide II absorption peak as a function of the time of exposure to D2O-saturated N2 The decrease of the amide II band is proportional to the number of hydrogens that have been exchanged by deuterium and provides a sensitive measure of LmrA structure and conformational changes In the absence of ligands, approximately 31% of the amide hydrogen exchanged for deuterium within 10 s of exposure to D2O, and an additional 15% exchanged after The remaining 54% did not experience any exchange within h of exposure to D2O, and these protons represent the very inaccessible regions of LmrA In the presence of MgATP and MgADP/Pi, the fraction of slowly exchanging amide protons decreases concomitant with an increase of intermediate exchanging amide protons In the presence of MgATP␥S and MgADP, the fraction of slowly exchanging amide protons is almost identical to that observed for LmrA alone However, approximately 31% of the amide hydrogens are exchanged within 10 s in the protein alone, whereas it takes to exchange 31% of the amide hydrogens in the presence of MgADP or MgATP␥S These H/D exchange measurements provide evidence that a large portion (54%) of LmrA is poorly accessible to the aqueous medium The presence of a large amide population characterized by a very low exchange rate could be due, in part, to the shielding effect of the membrane on a large number of residues To investigate this possibility, Grimard et al (2001) developed a new approach (monitoring infrared linear dichroism spectra in the course of H/D exchange), which enables the recording of exchange rates of the membrane-embedded region of the protein only This approach revealed that after 20 60% of the transmembrane-oriented helix amide groups have been exchanged, i.e an unexpectedly fast exchange for the transmembrane region In contrast, only 37% seem almost inaccessible to solvent and not experience any exchange within 33 h of exposure to D2O Since the predicted transmembrane domains of LmrA account for only 20% of the total amino acids, these results demonstrate that a significant proportion of the slowly exchanging amino acids must be located outside the membrane, where they likely form highly structured domains The kinetics of deuteration of P-glycoprotein also showed a large inaccessible fraction (53%) of the protein, where similarly only 20% of the total amino acids of the protein are predicted to be located inside the membrane (Sonveaux et al., 1996) The ␤-turn, ␤-sheet secondary structural change, observed in the presence of MgATP, MgATP␥S and MgADP/Pi (Table 12.2), is not responsible for the change in the global accessibility of LmrA towards the external medium, as detected by the exchange of amide protons Indeed, LmrA in the presence of MgATP␥S shows no variation in the level of inaccessible amino acids, when compared with the situation in the absence of ligand The main changes in the accessibility of LmrA take place in the presence of MgATP, i.e when normal hydrolysis is permitted The inaccessible amino acids decrease from 318 to 260 in the presence of MgATP In the presence of MgADP/Pi, the inaccessible amino acids only decrease to 289, while no changes are observed with MgADP or MgATP␥S Since the changes in accessibility observed in the presence of MgATP and MgADP/Pi are not related to the change of secondary structure, they could be correlated to different tertiary structures of LmrA In summary, ATR-FTIR studies reveal that LmrA undergoes a secondary structure change and passes through three different conformational states during its catalytic cycle After binding of ATP, the protein structure becomes enriched in ␤-sheet, unlike that of P-glycoprotein When ATP hydrolysis takes place, perhaps the tertiary structure of the protein changes and the protein adopts a more accessible conformation A third conformation is reached after ATP hydrolysis, when Pi is still associated to the protein In this conformation, the accessibility of LmrA is intermediate to the closed conformation, observed in the absence of nucleotides, and the opened conformation, observed in the presence of ATP After Pi release, the protein recovers its initial secondary and tertiary structures These observed conformational changes might reflect the conformational BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS coupling of ATP hydrolysis to drug transport, as described in the following section COUPLING OF ATP HYDROLYSIS TO DRUG TRANSPORT 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 Relative drug binding Relative drug binding Understanding the mechanism by which ABCtype multidrug transporters couple the hydrolysis of ATP to the translocation of drugs across the membrane is a major goal Translocation apparently involves alternate action of the two ATP-binding sites, and both catalytic sites must be functional to allow sustained drug transport (Senior et al., 1995) As already pointed out, LmrA contains a low-affinity drug-binding site that is allosterically coupled to a high-affinity drug-binding site, and these two sites appear to be directly related to drug transport (see also Chapter 5) Persuasive data showing the obligatory link between the drug-binding and catalytic cycles has come from vanadatetrapping experiments (van Veen et al., 2000) First, as shown in Figure 12.11, heterologous displacement by the drug CP100-356 of vinblastine from the vanadate-trapped LmrA transporter suggested the presence of only a single population of vinblastine-binding sites, with binding properties similar to those of the low-affinity vinblastine-binding site in the nontrapped transporter (compare Figures 12.11A and 12.11B) Second, direct determination of the vinblastine/transporter stoichiometry in the vanadate-trapped transporter revealed a stoichiometry of close to one, in contrast to the value of two determined for the non-trapped transporter These experiments demonstrated that of the two vinblastine-binding sites accessible in the LmrA transporter, only the lowaffinity vinblastine-binding site is accessible in the vanadate-trapped transition state conformation of LmrA Finally, specific photoaffinity labeling of the vanadate-trapped LmrA transporter with [3H]-APDA, a drug that can be transported by LmrA, was obtained in rightside-out membrane vesicles, but not in insideout membrane vesicles, demonstrating that the low-affinity drug-binding site is exposed to the outside (extracellular) surface of the cell membrane The vanadate-trapped conformation of LmrA, with a single low-affinity drug-binding site exposed to the extracellular surface, is consistent with the hypothesis that an ATP hydrolysis-induced conformational change moves a high-affinity drug-binding site from the inside of the membrane to the outside with a concomitant change to a low-affinity site (van Veen et al., 2000) Indeed, conformational changes in LmrA upon hydrolysis of ATP have been detected by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy (see section above) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 1eϪ12 1eϪ10 1eϪ8 1eϪ6 (A) Drug concentration (M) 0.8 0.0 1eϪ12 1eϪ10 1eϪ4 (B) 1eϪ8 1eϪ6 1eϪ4 Drug concentration (M) Figure 12.11 Heterologous displacement of vinblastine from LmrA by CP100-356 Non-trapped LmrA (A) and vanadate-trapped LmrA (B) were saturated with [3H]vinblastine, and vinblastine displacement from LmrA by CP100-356 was measured at increasing concentrations of CP100-356 For the non-trapped transporter, the data were fitted best by a cooperative two-site drug-binding model, assuming direct competition by CP100-356 for binding to each of the two vinblastine-binding sites in the LmrA transporter In contrast, in the vanadate-trapped transporter, the data suggest the presence of a single vinblastine-binding site with binding characteristics similar to those of the low-affinity site in the non-trapped protein Data obtained from van Veen et al (2000) with permission from Oxford University Press 257 258 ABC PROTEINS: FROM BACTERIA TO MAN The substrate-binding data obtained with (vanadate-trapped) LmrA, when combined with the alternating catalytic site model, in which the ABC domains of P-glycoprotein act alternately to hydrolyze ATP (Senior et al., 1995), led to the proposition of an alternating two-site transport model (van Veen et al., 2000) In this transport model (Figure 12.12; also discussed in more detail in Chapter 5), the hydrolysis of ATP by the ABC domain of one monomer of the LmrA transporter is coupled to drug efflux via its TMD This is achieved through the movement of a liganded, inside-facing, highaffinity drug-binding site (which binds a drug ADP-P ADP ATP ATP ADP ADP-P In Out Figure 12.12 Alternating two-site transport model Rectangles represent the transmembrane domains of LmrA Circles, squares and hexagons represent different conformations of the nucleotide-binding domains Although it is not known yet whether ATP binding, rather than hydrolysis, results in a change in drug-binding affinity, it is assumed that the ATP-bound (circle) state is associated with a high-affinity drug-binding site on the inside of the transporter The ADP-bound (square) state is associated with a low-affinity drug-binding site on the outside of the transporter The ADP-Pi (hexagonal) state is associated with an occluded drug-binding site, and represents the ADP/vanadate-trapped form of the ABC domain According to the model, the transporter oscillates between two configurations, each containing a high-affinity, inside-facing, transport-competent drug-binding site, and a low-affinity, outside-facing drug-release site The ATP-dependent interconversion of one configuration into the other proceeds via a catalytic transition state conformation in which the transport-competent site is occluded The model is adapted from van Veen et al (2000) with permission from Oxford University Press molecule in the inner leaflet of the membrane) to the outside of the membrane, with a concomitant change to low affinity This last step results in release of the drug molecule into the extracellular medium The whole process occurs via a catalytic transition state intermediate (which can be trapped with vanadate), in which the transport-competent drug-binding site is inaccessible Importantly, ATP hydrolysis by the ABC domain of one half of the transporter is not only coupled to drug efflux via its TMD, but also must facilitate the return of an unliganded, outside-facing low-affinity site, at the membrane domain of the other halfmolecule, to an inside-facing high-affinity site The latter process should not be confused with an ATP hydrolysis-induced resetting step of a single drug-binding site in the dimeric LmrA transporter, which alternates between highand low-affinity conformations exposed at the inner and outer membrane surfaces (recently reviewed by van Veen et al., 2001) Thus, in a complete drug transport cycle, each monomer of the LmrA dimer alternates its drug-binding site from high affinity to occluded state to low affinity and back to high affinity The affinities of the binding sites in the monomers alternate: when the binding site in one monomer is in the high-affinity state the binding site in the other monomer is in a low-affinity state and vice versa Hence, this process is called an alternating two-site mechanism Such a scenario implies that both halves of the apparently symmetric LmrA transporter are able to act asymmetrically However, it is presently not clear whether the binding sites are present in separate transmembrane domains or at the interface between transmembrane domains CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES Despite the large diversity of substrates for ABC transporters, the specificity of each system is relatively high and only a few members belonging to the ABC transporter superfamily mediate multidrug resistance Most of them are of eukaryotic origin, such as the P-glycoproteins, and only two characterized systems, LmrA and HorA, are of bacterial origin Studies on bacterial multidrug efflux pumps are relevant because in the last few years it has been shown BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS that pumping activities are involved in the ongoing emergence of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria In addition, LmrA is able to complement the human multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein, supporting the clinical and academic value of studying these bacterial proteins The increasing availability of different microbial genomes has revealed the presence of putative ABC-type multidrug transporters, often structurally similar to LmrA and HorA, in all pathogenic microorganisms analyzed so far (see list of prokaryotic genomes on the TIGR database: http://www.tigr.org/) The physiological functions and substrate specificities of these pathogenic multidrug transporters are unknown, as are the conditions in which they are expressed However, if these efflux pumps are expressed in clinical isolates, due to induction by antibiotic exposure or by up regulatory mutations, this may result in a multidrug resistance phenotype and further selection of such strains by antibiotic pressure If this is indeed the case, broad-spectrum multidrug transporters are a serious threat to antibiotic therapy Insight into the incidence of (over) expression of multidrug resistance genes in clinical strains of bacterial pathogens, the substrate selectivities of the putative efflux pumps, and the regulation of their expression in response to different antibiotics is therefore urgently needed The progress that has been achieved in recent years to understand the functional properties of ABC-type multidrug efflux pumps is impressive One of the challenges that lies ahead is to understand the structural basis of how these fascinating and important proteins recognize and transport such a wide range of structurally diverse compounds Current structures of ABC multidrug efflux pumps are of low resolution For a detailed understanding of the mechanism of multiple drug binding and translocation, high-resolution structures of intact ABC-type multidrug transporters, both in the presence and absence of drug and nucleotide ligands, are required ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the present and previous members of the Department of Microbiology and of the Labaratoire de Chimie Physique des Macromolécules aux Interfaces for their valuable contribution to the research presented in this chapter We thank H Bolhuis and J Kok for kindly providing some of the figures REFERENCES Altenberg, G.A., Vanoye, C.G., Horton, J.K and Reuss, L (1994) Unidirectional fluxes of rhodamine 123 in multidrug resistant cells: evidence against direct extrusion from the plasma membrane Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91, 4654–4657 Austin, E.A., Graves, J.F., Hite, L.A., Parker, C.T and Schnaitman, C.A (1990) Genetic analysis of lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis by Escherichia coli K12: insertion mutagenesis of the rfa locus J Bacteriol 172, 5312–5325 Barrasa, M.I., Tercero, J.A., Lacalle, R.A and Jimenez, A (1995) The ard1 gene from Streptomyces capreolus encodes a polypeptide of the ABC-transporters superfamily which confers resistance to the aminonucleoside antibiotic A201A Eur J Biochem 228, 562–569 Bauer, B.E., 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HorA, are of bacterial origin Studies on bacterial multidrug efflux pumps are relevant because in the last few years it has been shown BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS. .. al (2000a) with permission BACTERIAL MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE MEDIATED BY ABC TRANSPORTERS (Putman et al., 2000a) The secondary multidrug transporter LmrP also confers resistance to antibiotics,

Ngày đăng: 29/12/2017, 16:32