look aft that go
Look at
That Cat! by Maria Fleming
illustrated by Patrick Girouard
x >4)
Trang 2— ˆ , TT : 2s) Xem T0 La —— CAT OLYMPICS cat go! ibys a = — ak ee % oe TỶ ` ty J vA, a | aA Sight Words \ :
Sight words are words thal you see ogoin ond ogoin when you read
This book és liled with the sight words
look, of, that, ond go Look for thern ,
the tex! Check the pictures, too! = - = = v4
Look at that cat run!
Go, cat, go!
Trang 3
Look at that cat throw!
Go, cat, go!
Trang 4
Look at that cat swim!
Trang 5
Look at that cat row!
Go, cat, go!
Trang 6
Look at that cat lift!
Go, cat, go!
Wow! Look
Trang 7
Look at that cat ride!
Go, cat, go!
Trang 8
Look at that cat fly!
Go, cat, go!
Trang 9Go, cat, go!
Look at that cat slide!
Go, cat, go!
Trang 10“i ot \/ VỤ WV" TVV' n ue I A A Cy Ley ak | Pas 22: TS j]—
Look at that cat skate!
Go, cat, go!
Trang 11Look at that cat! bổ — Q Q 0 28 C \\ - ey, / 7 -~%
Look at that cat leap!
Go, cat, go!
Trang 12
Look at that kick!
Look at that cat kick!
Go, cat, go!
Trang 13| © i , _ ` ( | tr IG O ; 4 /|HÌ\ 0 O Suis
Look at that cat sleep!
lf was only a dream! Oh, cat!
Trang 15
Listen to the sentences Then choose a sight word from the box fo fill in each blank
@® Ileftmybook_ _
@iI like my twin sister
@® Didyou_ to the park?
@ Hewonls_ dog
® You _ sleepy today
@Lels †othe movies
#Œ We saw œ tiger the zoo
Trang 16Celebrate the new sight words
you learned by saying these
four short cheers L-o-o-k! Give a yell!
What do these four letters spell?
A sight word that we all know well — Look, look, look!
A-t! Give a yell!
What do these two letters spell?
A sight word that we all know well — Af, at, af!
T-h-a-t! Give a yell!
What do these four letters spell?
A sight word that we all know well — That, that, that!
G-o! Give a yell!
What do these two letters spell?