Towards the Realization of a Sustainable Economic SystemEnvironmentalManagementSystemfor Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (Japan’s Eco-Action 21 Guidelines ) Ⅰ Needs forEnvironmentalManagement Ⅱ Eco-Action 21 Oct 6, 2012 in Hanoi Ⅲ Overview of Certification & Registration Institute for Promoting Sustainable Societies (IPSuS) System Toshihiko Goto Chief Executive Sustainability Forum Japan IPSuS/EA21 IPSuS-EA21 Ⅰ Needs forEnvironmentalManagement g IPSuS/EA21 What is required in order to improve the corporate value ? Linkage between environmentaland managerial information To reduce costs and increase productivity ( Analysis between the inputs and outputs of business activities ) Materials Products Fuel Cost Water Cost XXX Co.,Ltd X Cost • The amount of CO2 • The amount of waste • Total discharged g water • Emissions of chemical substances • Noise, vibration, offensive odor Sales amount CO2, etc Cost Information conversion Sewage Cost Understanding of the environmental loads Wastage office supplies Cost Cases Managgerial inform mation Output Environmental inform mation Input Improvement of the status of initiatives Cases “Light, heat and water expenses” • Electricity charges • Gas Rates • Gasoline • Water and sewage • Other "Materials and consumables” • Metals •Cardboards • Plastics • Chemicals, other “Waste treatment costs" "Complaints and requests" Cost IPSuS-EA21 IPSuS-EA21 Business Activities andEnvironmental Impacts/Environmental Burdens Input Energy • Electricity, gas, fuel oil, etc Resources • Photocopy paper, stationery, etc Water Chemical substances Green purchasing Traveling (commuting, business trips) Activities Office activities Facility/ F t Factory operations Research activities IPSuS-EA21 Measures to improve the eco Measures to improve the eco‐‐efficiency Now, we have to implement better corporate activities with less resources and energy consumption, and waste discharge (Improvement of eco‐efficiency) Output Greenhouse gases, etc • CO2 • NOx, SOx, etc Waste { Business waste • Burnables, unburnables • Bottles, cans, PET bottles,, paper, p p , etc { Industrial waste • Waste plastics, fluorescent bulbs, etc Waste water, water pollutants • Waste water from daily activities • BOD, others Chemical substances • Substances subject to PRTR ■ Reduce the amount of resources and energy input ■ Reduce the amount of waste g generated ■ Improve the function and quality of products and services ■ Improve the productivity ■ Improve the yield ■ Produce higher value‐added products IPSuS-EA21 Fulfillment of social responsibility leads us to a great step for the new development EMS for the improvement of eco‐ EMS for the improvement of eco‐efficiency ■ Review the input & output of business activities ■ Find a cause of producing wastes in business place ■ Raise awareness of the employees ■ Set targets and Assess the progress ■ Clarify who takes the responsibility ■ Find the true cause of the case can not be done ■ Make M k continuous ti and d steady t d efforts ff t Pride to the organization ¾ CSR in the organization covers up products & services, its related companies, how to sell, how to carry, and even how to advertise ¾ This is because a corporate value is determined by the integral of the company ¾ Now, a corporate value depends on environmentaland CSR activities ・Build and Operate an EMS ・Focus on making your business more efficient and streamlined IPSuS-EA21 Every one of us is asked for taking environmental measures In modern era, our convenient and comfortable life is being supported by social system depending on the massive production, consumption, wastage As a result result, environmental degradation such as global warming has been augmenting and will threaten the survival of humankind Every one of us is required to take a proactive action towards environmental conservation IPSuS-EA21 Social responsibility: Management with consciousness Company Brand of CSR(Reliability) Inward Outward Corporate value 11 IPSuS-EA21 10 IPSuS-EA21 Challenges of ISO14001 ISO 14001 focuses on rather large-scale organizations and manufacturing sectors It is difficult for SMEs to follow the same scheme SMEs not know what kind of actions should be done due to limited resources, such as insufficient knowledge and technologies etc There are cases where necessary activities are not implemented properly due to cafeteria certification or cherry-picking The meaning is “Green washing” Information about environmental activities has to be disclosed to the public if required However, there were quite limited cases where the information has been disclosed Consulting and certification fees are too high for SMEs 12 A new system which can be easily implemented by SMEs is necessary Eco-Action 21: EMS for SMEs simplify environmental evaluation, and internal/external audit system in order to reduce various burdens to SMEs specify activities forenvironmental conservation to understand current situation and evaluate the activities ti iti easily il specify reduction targets such as CO2 emission and water consumption specify contents of environmental reports in order to reduce the burden for reporting set certification fee reasonable to SMEs Ⅱ Eco-Action 21 IPSuS/EA21 IPSuS-EA21 13 Overview of EcoAction 21 guidelines EnvironmentalManagement Systems (1) ・ the Eco-Action 21 guidelines were created to support all organizations -whether corporations, schools , or public agencies - in carrying out environmental initiatives efficiently and effectively They provide methods for setting up, operating, and maintaining environmentalmanagement systems to set environmental targets, to carry out initiatives and to evaluate the results They also offer methods for communicating with society about environmental issues Point #1:Environmental managementsystem set up to incorporate the 13 key items EMS are set up to incorporate 13 key items, and are based on the PDCA cycle: Plan (formulate a plan), Do (implement the plan), Check (review and evaluate the status of initiatives), and Act (evaluate and revise the entire process) Repeating the steps of the PDCA cycle allows organizations to keep improving their EMS and boost the effectiveness of their environmental initiatives The cumulative effect of this process aims for continual improvement of environmental initiatives and EMS ・ Eco-Action 21 also features a ―certification and registration programԡ to certify and register those institutions that are properly carrying out environmental initiatives; setting up, operating, maintaining systems forenvironmental management; and carrying out environmental communication Point #2:Requirements stipulated for each of the 13 key items ・ The overall aim of the Eco-Action 21 guidelines and certification/registration systems is to encourage organizations to carry out environmental initiatives, thereby contributing to the achievement of a sustainable economy and society ¾The IPSuS-EA21 14 15 EnvironmentalManagement Systems (2) The specific requirements forenvironmentalmanagementsystem are the “Do X” or “Implement X” instructions given in the bold-outlined box under each key item Organizations that wish to receive certification and registration must set up, operate, and manage their environmentalmanagementsystem so that it meets all of the requirements given in these boxes instructions listed are the ―MUSTԡ items Their implementation is required for certification and registration operating in an industry for which there are industry-specific guidelines must set up, operate, and maintain their environmentalmanagementsystem in line with these specific guidelines ¾Organizations IPSuS-EA21 16 Clarification of the targeted organization and activities Point #3: Requirements explained for each of the 13 key items Explanations are provided for each key item requirement so that organizations know exactly what actions they must take It is important that organizations understand fully these explanations before setting up, operating, and maintaining their EMS Point #4: Recommendations also provided to promote more proactive initiatives Recommendations are not requirements, requirements but it is hoped that organizations will implement them if the sector, category, and size of their business allows Note that there are certain recommendations that are required for larger organizations* These are listed in boxes entitled “Recommendations for larger organizations” Also note that in order to ensure more effective operation and maintenance of EMS, organizations that have been implementing Eco-Action 21 for several years will be asked to implement some recommendations as requirements during their audits Other organizations are expected to carry out recommendations to demonstrate that they are taking a proactive role in implementing environmental initiatives *Larger organizations are generally considered those with 100 employees or more IPSuS-EA21 17 ・ Since the main objective of Eco-Action 21 is to encourage business operators to carry out “ environmental initiatives”, any actions aimed for a perfunctory certification acquisition are simply unmatched with its original objective ・ Therefore, Therefore a requirement requirement, in which all organizations and activities must follow Eco-Action 21, has been added ・ However, stepwise expansion of the targeted organization would be authorized according to some conditions IPSuS-EA21 18 Chapter : EnvironmentalManagementSystem ”Green purchasing” and” Voluntary producing, selling, providing environmentallyconscious products and services” as requirements forenvironmental targets Clarify Affected Organizations and Activities Formulate Environmental Policy Identifying and Evaluating Environmental Burden and the Status of Environmental Initiatives Keeping Track of Environmental Regulations Setting Environmental Targets and Formulating an Environmental Activity Plan Setting up an Implementation Structure Providing Education and Training Engaging in Environmental Communication Implementing Plans and Operating Systems 10.Preparing forand Handling Environmental Emergencies 11.Creating and Managing Environmental Documents and Records 12.Checking the Status of Initiatives and Correcting/Preventing Problems 13.Overall Evaluation and Review by the Organization’s Representative EMS initiatives have been focusing mainly on reduction of environmental burdens produced by business facilities and factories ・ ・ Speaking in the extreme, as long as those business facilities and factories were taking actions for reducing the environmental loads, no mater what products/services were manufactured and sold (even though those generate the high environmental loads), they have been authorized Moreover, even though actions for recycling wastes are taken taken, purchasing the reworked ・ Moreover products from those wastes and products with low environmental loads were not addressed sufficiently ・ It is required hereafter that not only business operator become environmentally conscious, but also their products/services be environmentally friendly so as to double the effect to environment ・ Besides, if manufactures produce and sell green products, they also should proactively purchase such green products IPSuS-EA21 19 IPSuS-EA21 Chapter 4: Environmental Activity Reports Chapter 5. Self‐‐Checking Environmental Burdens Chapter 5. Self I Creating an Environmental Activity Report Checktheenvironmentalburdensofselecteditemsusingachecksheet ặ Provideasimpleconversionfactorforanitemwhichneedsconversion Calculatetheenvironmentalburdensbyinsertingthenumbersonthesheet Organization overview (name of business establishment(s), location(s)/address(es), business overview, scale of operations) Target operations (certified/registered operations, period of time covered by the report and date issued) Environmental policy Environmental targets Environmental activity plan Environmental target progress/achievement Evaluation/results of implementing the environmental action plan, initiatives planned for the upcoming fiscal year Status of compliance with environmental laws and regulation (confirmation, evaluation of results, violations), any legal action or lawsuits results of overall evaluation and review by the company representative (top executive) Environmental Burden Checklist (Extracted Example) Fiscal year: (1) energy input (MJ) ① Total 総エネルギー投入量(MJ) 年(from / 年(YY/MM) 月 ~to 使用量・ エネルギー Unit 単位 Amount Energy Percentag 割合 consume (MJ) 消費量 content 量(MJ) e (%) (%) d (A) x B) (A) (A (A×B) Electricity 購入電力 purchased Disclosure of an Environmental Activity Report Kerosene 灯油 Fossil fuels All environmental activity reports of certified/registered organizations are available at the central office’s website where those are searchable by their category of business, scale of operations and regions IPSuS-EA21 / 年 (YY/MM) 月) Total (year) 合計(年) 化石燃料 II 20 21 Fuel 重油oil City gas 都市ガス Liquefied natural gas (LNG) 液化天然ガス(LNG) Liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油ガス(LPG) (LPG) Calorific 単位発熱量 value per (B) unit (B) kWh 9.83 (MJ/kWh) L L Nm3 kg kg 36.7 (MJ/l) 39.1 (MJ/l) 41.1 (MJ/Nm3) 54.5 (MJ/kg) 50.2 (MJ/kg) IPSuS-EA21 22 Chapter 6. Self‐‐Checking Environmental Initiatives Chapter 6. Self Action Process Checkenvironmentalinitiativesthatarerelevanttotheselecteditemsusingacheck sheet ặ Listtheinitiativesthatarethoughttobenecessaryforeachitem Checktheitemsbyputtingdowntheevaluation({,U,,etc.)in accordancewiththeachievementlevelsoftheinitiatives Examination and determination of implementation system Self-checklist of environmental initiatives Initiative Score - Utilization of solar energy as electricity using solar cells - Utilization of natural gas - Introduction of cogeneration systems (utilization of waste heat from power generation) - Utilization of solar energy for water heating and space heating using a district heating and cooling system, a district heat supply system, solar water heaters, etc - Promotion of energy conservation using insulation, etc for water heaters - Proactive introduction of energy saving air conditioners - Utilization of waste heat generated from waste incineration, etc - Checking the energy efficiency of OA equipment such as copying machines, PCs and printers and proactively introducing equipment with high energy efficiency - Formulation of environment policy Establishment of environmental objectives andenvironmental activities plan Implementation of plan(Do) Check/evaluation of performance(Check) Establishment of Plan (Plan) Min.3 mont hs sustai ned use Overall evaluation and review(Action) Preparation and publication of Environmental activities report IPSuS-EA21 23 EnvironmentalmanagementSystem creation/use of Revisiion Importance Introduction of new energy such as wind power, hydroelectricity, geothermal power, fuel cells, etc IPSuS-EA21 Study of items to be understood and evaluated and two self-checklists are performed in the initial environmental review Self-checklist of environmental burden Self‐Checking Environmental Initiatives (Extracted Example) 1) Energy Conservation, Increasing the Utilization of New Energy Representative (management) will decide for entire organization to act Decision to Take Actions to EcoAction 21 Continual Improvement 24 Why we need EcoAction 21? a b c d e f 11) Effects Following EcoAction 21 Operation EA21 serves a dual purpose to achieve cost managementand reduction of environmental burdens EA21 manages and avoids the environmental risks EA21 enables you to check up the compliance with laws and regulations, and optimizes the management plan EA21 expands your trading partners (corresponding to supply chain management of the EMS ) EA21 increases your business reliability through environmental communication EA21 enhances the chance of your successful environmental business (Cases) Cost reductions Reduction of environmental burden Greater environmental awareness Smoother communications ((external)) Smoother communications (internal) Greater external confidence No merit Other IPSuS-EA21 25 IPSuS-EA21 EcoAction 21 Target Achievements (Carbon Dioxide) Unknown cases 6% 26 EcoAction 21 Reduction in Total Emission Quantity of Carbon Dioxide Other cases, 4% Unknown 10 cases, 7% Other cases, 1% Increase 29 cases, 22% Targets not achieved 49 cases, 36% Targets achieved 73 cases 54% Reduction 76 cases, 57% Flattening out 18 cases 13% IPSuS-EA21 27 IPSuS-EA21 28 ■ Eco-Action 21 Certification and Registration System Purpose • Ⅲ Overview of Eco‐Action 21 Certification and Registration System • • IPSuS/EA21 29 In order to promote the implementation of Eco-Action 21 among organizations and to ensure that the quality of their efforts will continue to improve, it is essential to set up a framework to provide necessary instructions and advice based on the suitable evaluation of organizations’ environmental initiatives Furthermore, the framework should provide organizations with an opportunity to gain social evaluation and community trust through third-party certification, which will signal that organizations carrying out good environmental initiatives are doing so in accordance with Eco-Action Eco Action 21 guidelines guidelines The Eco-Action 21 Certification and Registration System was launched in October 2004 The program sends Eco-Action 21 auditors, who are accredited under Eco-Action 21 guidelines issued by the Ministry of Environment, to review organizations and see whether they are carrying out environmental initiatives in line with Eco-Action 21 guidelines Those found to be in accordance with are then certified and registered The Eco-Action also requests certified/registered organizations to publish Environmental Activity Reports and offers guidance during the auditing process when needed IPSuS/EA21 30 Proportion of certificated and registered organizations based on scale of operation (the total number of employees) Number of Certifications and Registrations From the start of business in 2004, number of certifications and registrations has increased steadily. And now, about 7,000 business operators have obtained certifications and registrations of EcoAction 21 Organizations with less than 30 employees accounted for 68.7% of the whole While, ones with less than 100 employees accounted for 91.9% of the whole, indicating that Eco-Action 21, which primarily targeted at SMEs, have achieved some positive results More than 301, 1.7% 101 to 300, 101 300 6.5% Less than 10, 30.7% 31 to 100, 23.2% 11 to 30, 38.0% IPSuS/EA21 31 the proportion based on categories of business Other Service Other Service Suppliers, 2.3% Suppliers, 8.1% Printing and Publishing, 1.5% Automobile Maintenance, 6.9% IPSuS/EA21 Benefits gained by certification and registration ・ The Central Secretariat adds the certified and registered organization to their online list of certified and registered organizations and publishes its Environmental Activity Report ・ Yearly audits that support continual improvement of their EMS (auditors p g ) can provide them with instructions and advices during the audit) ・ ・ Possibility of low‐interest loans from financial institutions and/or meeting the requirements for bidding on public works projects October 2011 IPSuS/EA21 33 Advantages of Eco‐Action 21 A.Reduction of energy-related expenses and other costs Since EMS promotes specific programmes for energy conservation and waste separation & recycling, expenses for energy, gasoline and water utilisation can be reduced ◇ According to a questionnaire survey on enterprises certified under Eco-Action 21, about 70% respondents answered that their costs had been reduced (2006 survey) B Lower Cost for Audit and Certification Compared to ISO14001, the cost required for audit and certification under Eco‐Action 21 is quite low 34 IPSuS/EA21 C.Higher Management Efficiency and Lower Management Cost PDCA process under Eco-Action 21 requires less labor time, cost and documentation In general, implementation of PDCA leads to higher efficiency in overall management, lower costs, and higher productivity D.Eligibility for Low-Interest Loans Financial institutions which offer special loans with low interest rates to companies certified under Eco-Action 21 or ISO14001 are increasing increasing ◇ For example, such loans are provided by Shoko Chukin Bank, Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, Mizuho Bank, and others E.Increase in Business Partners and Clients Certification under Eco-Action 21 is not only a criterion for qualification as an “environmentally friendly business”, but also the outreach of “Environmental Activities Report” helps to obtain new business partners and clients ◇ Example of cost for audit and certification/registration (plus consumption tax) Audit cost Certification/Registration Total 10 Employees 100,000 yen 50,000 yen 150,000 yen 300 Employees 300,000 yen 100,000 yen 400,000 yen IPSuS/EA21 Ability to work on greening supply chains ・ Greater trust from stakeholders and improved corporate image and brand strength through the creation and publication of Environmental Activity Report. Manufacturing, 23.9% Waste treatment and Recycling, 15.7% 32 ・ Certified and registered organizations are able to add the Eco‐Action 21 logo to their corporate brochures and business cards ① Construction 24.5% Wholesale and Wholesale and Retail, 8.0% Finance and Insuarance, 9.0% October 2011 35 IPSuS/EA21 36 F ”Green Tenders” “Subsidy system by local governments” Some administrative agencies accept only the companies certified under Eco-Action 21 or ISO14001 (”Green Tenders”) for tender process ◇ ”Green Tenders” were introduced by Kyoto Prefecture and Shiga Prefecture in December 2005 Government agencies are also considering “green tenders.” Also many local governments establish subsidy systems for SMEs to apply the audit and certification/registration of Eco‐Action21 H One of requirements for Being Judged an Outstanding Industrial Waste Management Company ◇ Purposes of the evaluation system -To foster good industrial waste management companies -to make waste emitters to choose the good companies for waste management ◇ Evaluation system -For companies that conform to the evaluation criteria, prefectural governors can expand the permission period and may omit some of the application documents submitted for renewal permit, etc -At the time of the permit application, the prefectural governor states on the permit certificate that conformance with evaluation criteria has been confirmed G Advice of Auditors Eco-Action 21 auditors not only conduct audits, but also provide advice and suggestions concerning environmental measures and improvement of EMS during the time between document audits and on-site audits and after completion of audits IPSuS/EA21 ◇ Three viewpoints for evaluation -Compliance with laws -Information disclosure -Efforts forenvironmental conservation 37 IPSuS/EA21 Certification/ registration and Logo I Green Tax Reductions On March 23, 2006, the Nagano Prefectural Assembly approved a revision of “Bill concerning exceptions to prefectural taxes supported by prefectural citizens to bring safety, security and stability to the Shinshu region.” As “support to companies with concern forenvironmental action” as stated in the bill, the business tax of SMEs that have obtained certification under Eco-Action 21 or ISO14001 will be reduced by one-half (up to 100,000 yen) for the fiscal year of certification This measure is effective from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2009 IPSuS/EA21 38 Once your certification and registration are issued, the logo of the EcoAction 21 can be used 39 IPSuS/EA21 IPSuS‐EA21 40 Certification period, etc ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ IPSuS/EA21 41 Certification and registration cover a two‐year period (The fee is required every 2 years) Required to undergo “Registration examination“ when certifying and registering Required to undergo “Intermediate review” roughly about one year after the certification and registration R Required to undergo “Update audit” two years after i dt d “U d t dit” t ft certification and registration Afterward, “Intermediate review” and “Update audit "must be undergone every year As a principle, Environmental Activity Report is prepared annually IPSuS/EA21 42 Total 150,000 yen Conformity •・The overall business activities must when mmm 事 company’s 業活動の 全体 を踏ま えて、 対 be 象taken 組 織into と account 範囲が 決 deciding on て the い scope for れ certification (organizations and the activities) 定 され なけ ばならな い Content organizations and 囲 activities subject certification 事 of業the者company's の対象 組 織 と範 (活 動 ) のto 内 容 整合 Auditing fees 100,000 yen +Certification/registration fees 50,000 yen Business activities the業 company business) 事業 者 のof事 活 動(type ( 業of種 ) Conformity • Organization with 10 employees or less, service industries, etc コ EcoAction ア ク シ ョ ン21 2 1Certification 認 証 ・ 登 録and に当 たっての 原 則 Principlesエfor Registration 整合 Basic Requirements for Certification and Registration Costs for Auditing and Certification/Registration (Example) •・The 対 main 象 組environmental 織 の 行 っ burdens て い るderived 活 動 from に 伴activities う 主 要that な are 環 conducted 境負荷 握 さorganizations れ て い な must け れbeば ならない byが the把 subject identified Content環 of 境 the self-check へ の 負for 荷environmental の 自 己 チburdens ェックの Conformity 整合 • Organization with 300 employees or less, manufacturing industries, etc Auditing fees 300,000 yen = Important Important points for Internal Audit Establish it based ofェthe 環境へ の 取on 組the の results 自己チ ッ ク の 結for 果environmental も踏まえて作 成 self-check burdens Content of the environmental polic 環 en 境ironmental 方 針 のpolicy 内容 Conformity 整合 +Certification/registration fees 100,000 yen Total 400,000 yen 内容 •・An which is appropriate forェthe 環environmental 境 方 針 は policy 、環 境 負荷 の自己チ ッbusiness ク の 結activities 果を踏 must the見 results ま be え established て 、 事 業based 活 動onに 合 っofたtheもself-check の が 作for 成environmental され てい burdens なければならない •・Environmental must (initiatives) stipulated in the 環 境 方 針 targets に記載 さ be れset たfor 項the 目 items (取 組 )が 、環 境目標 environmental policy として展 開 されていなければならない Content of the targets 環environmental 境目標の 内容 Conformity 整合 •・An activity must which have 環environmental 境目標を策 定 しplan た項 目beのdeveloped 環 境 活for動items 計画 が策 定a setさenvironmental れ て い な target ければならない Content of環 the境 environmental activity plan容 活動計画 の内 上記 の内容が、 適 切must に環 活動レ ポー The above-mentioned content be 境 accurately stated in ト the environmental report に 記 載 さactivity れてい なければ ならない EcoAction エ コ ア ク21 シ Central ョ ン 2 1Secretariat 中央事務 Content the活 environmental activity 環of境 動レポー ト のreport 内容 局 Describe 適切に accurately IPSuS/EA21 43 IPSuS/EA21 エ コ アCriteria ク シ ョforンEcoAction 21認 証 ・登 録 (判 )に 当 た ての基準 21 Certification and定 Registration (forっDetermination) YES NO 書再提出 環 境 活 動 レ ポ ー トに 、二 酸 化 炭 素 排 出 量 、廃 棄 物 排 出 量 及 び 総 排 水 量 ( 水 使 用 量 )が 適 切 に 記 載 さ れ て い る The environmental activity report accurately states the amount of carbon dioxide discharged, waste generated and total water drainage (water used) Conformity concerning the establishment and operation of EMS Conformity to specified procedures and rules Conformity to specified environmental initiatives NO YES 審 査 報 告 書 に 、記 載 され て い な い 理 由 を In the audit report, the auditor confirms the reasons why the 確 認 しisたnot旨included の記述 あ りare 、そ の 内legitimate 容が information Theが reasons deemed NO the environmental 環Resubmit 境活動 レポート及び activity report and the audit report 審 査報告書再提出 NO the environmental 環Resubmit 境活動 レポート及び activity and書 the 再 audit提 report 審 査report 報告 出 正 当 と判 断 できる YES 環environmental 境 活 動 レactivity ポ ーreport ト に accurately 、記 載 し てい い理 The states theな reasons why The 由the がinformation 適 切 に is記not載included され て おreasons り 、 そare のdeemed 内容 legitimate が 正 当 と判 断 できる YES 環the境 活動 ート に initiatives 、 省 エforネ ルギ ー 、 廃waste 棄物 削 減(recycling) ( リ サand イ water ク ルsaving )、 The environmental activity plan accurately states targets and レ the ポ content of the energy conservation, reduction 節 水の目 標及び 取 組内 容が適 切に記 載され てい る NO YES 審 査 報 告 書 に 、記 載 され て い な い 理 由 を In the audit report, the auditor confirms the reasons why the 確 認 しisたnot旨included の記述 あ りare 、そ の 内legitimate 容が information Theが reasons deemed NO 正 当 と判 断 できる the environmental 環Resubmit 境活動 レポート及び activity report and the audit report 審 査報告書再提出 YES 環environmental 境 活 動 レactivity ポ ーreport ト に accurately 、記 載 し てい い理 The states theな reasons why The 由the がinformation 適 切 に is記not載included され て おreasons り 、 そare のdeemed 内容 legitimate NO が 正 当 と判 断 できる the environmental 環Resubmit 境活動 レポート及び activity report and the audit report 審 査報告書再提出 44 Effectiveness of initiatives Conformity to the guidelines 認 証 ・ 登 録 の 範 囲 ( 組 織 ・サ イ ト 、 活 動 ) が 事 業 活 動 及 び 環 境 活 動 レ ポ ー ト と 整 合 し て い る The scope (organizations, sites, activities) for certification and registration is consistent with the business activities and the content of the environmental activity report Resubmit環 the 境 environmental andび the審 audit査 report 活 動 レactivity ポ ーreport ト及 報告 記載 The effectiveness of the formulated policy, targets and plan (in principle, the company decides whether or not th they were effective) ff ti ) Effectiveness of the results (performance) YES YES The environmental activity report accurately states the results of the 環 the 境 evaluation 活 動 レof ポ ートに 、initiatives 取組結果の 評価が 適 切に記 載 され てい る NO Resubmit the環 environmental and及 theび audit 境 活 動activity レ ポreport ート 審report 査報告 The environmental activity report accurately states the of compliance 環status 境活 動 レ ポwith ーenvironmental ト に 、 環 legislation 境法規の Evaluation of the content and achievement levels of initiatives may vary depending on an individual’s point of view The audit tends to become superficial or focus on too much detail NO Y ES Certification and registration 書再提出 遵 守 状 況 が 適 切 に 記 載 され て い る 環Resubmit 境 活 the 動environmental ポ ト及び activity report and the audit report IPSuS/EA21 45 IPSuS/EA21 45 46 2 programs to expand Eco‐Action 21 (from 2006) Image of the programs As an industry group (1) Eco‐Action21 Supply chain (Related enterprises) greening program The enterprises on the supply chain of the central company challenge Eco‐ Action 21 program all together to reduce the entire environmental burden on the supply chain or the group. The consultant fee is free for the participants (at EA21 C EA21 Central Secretariats expense). The central company can use this program lS i ) Th l hi as a mean of supply chain management (SCM) 組合員 member On the supply chain Material supplier 組合員 meberm Greening of the related companies member 組合員 member 組合員 IPSuS/EA21 47 Waste Retailer canter company) Disposer Achieve a large reduction of the environmental burden 中核団体 Central company (2) Eco‐Action21 Local government initiative program The local governments call on enterprises in their area to challenge Eco‐ Action 21 all together. The consultant fee is free for the participants (at EA21 Central Secretariats expense). The local government can use this program as a environmental policy, as a large reduction of environmental burden is expected in the area manufacture Logistics 組合員 member member 組合員 member 組合員 Central company 中核企業 取引先A supplier supplier supplier supplier supplier ・Reduction of the environmental burden as a industry group ・Share the industry’s particular policy and actions IPSuS/EA21 48 44 A common misconception for Eco-Action 21 We are renting a business office Do we need to understand the amount of CO2 emissions in this case ? If you rent a room in the office building, it may be difficult to understand the amount of electricity and water usage you have used because those fees are included in the common expenses In such a case, understanding of those usages is not necessarily requested As an alternative way, you can set goals regarding to energy saving and water conservation activities and make appropriate initiatives to meet the goals Is it authorized in Eco-Action 21 no matter what initiatives organizations perform, as far as related to energy, resource and water saving ? The most important thing regarding Eco-Action 21 Initiatives of business operators is that "business operators must notice the relationship between their business activities and the environment Moreover, in order to reduce the environmental loads produced by the business activities, they must set the goals, make efforts according to the plan, evaluate and review the results, and implement these efforts, and perform continual improvement for the environmentalmanagementsystemand appropriate environmental initiatives.“ Therefore, the following items must meet the guidelines of Eco-Action 21: the details of business activities, scope of the target organizations, and contents of environmental burdens, environmental initiatives, the environmental activity plans, targets, and policies, andEnvironmental Activity Reports For instance, business operators in manufacturing industry are required to provide information concerning environmental burden reduction of products, development and sales of products that contribute to environmental conservation, and green purchasing Whereas, in the retail sector, sales of products that contribute to environmental conservation, reduction of packaging, and information provision to consumers are required Isn't it difficult for SMEs to obtain Eco-Action 21 certification ? No About 20 % of business operators that obtained Eco-Action 21 certification have less than less than 10 employees in fact 38 % of business operators have less than 30 employees Since Eco-Action 21 ask for the business operators to formulate and operate the initiatives and the environmentalmanagement depending on the scale and category of their business, SMEs and even smaller business operators are able to make their initiatives with no sacrifices Is Eco-Action 21 a simplified version of ISO14001 ? No Eco-Action 21 covers all elements necessary for an environmentalmanagementsystem Thus, Eco-Action 21 is not a simplified version of ISO14001 EMS itself is not a goal but a method to make appropriate initiatives Eco-Action21 focuses on formulating the most effective and efficient managementsystem depending on scale and category of business, and does not expect pointless and perfunctory routine works Moreover, Eco-Action 21 asks for business operators to make appropriate initiatives depending on scale and category of business, to figure out CO2 emissions, waste emissions, and water usage, to reduce those environmental loads, to prepare an Environmental Activity Report, and to disclose the related environmental information Therefore, Eco-Action 21 can be said to be stricter than ISO14001 IPSuS/EA21 49 Thank you for your kind listening! g IPSuS/EA21 51 Our business partner has asked us to obtain Eco-Action 21 Is it possible to obtain the certification only for the departments concerned? No In the Eco-Action 21, there is a basic rule that the certification must be taken on a company/organization-wide level However, you may be able to start the initiatives from some departments and step-wisely spread it over the entire company In such a case, you must clearly state the future plan of expanding the target organizations in your Environmental Activity Report and commence the initiatives from departments which produce environmental burdens at larger extent Although we have made initiatives based the guidelines, we can't tell whether the initiatives were really good or not In Eco-Action 21, the auditor instructs and advises business operators about the environmentalmanagementsystem according to scale and category of their business, and a way of how they make environmental initiatives This is designed for business operator to conduct better initiatives Please consult the auditor without hesitation Auditor is a professional who has passed the most rigorous testing related environmental concerns in Japan Do we have to apply for an audit and inquire all things concerned with Eco-Action 21 to the Central Secretariat in Tokyo ? Will the auditor visit us from Tokyo ? No There are many regional offices nationwide in Japan Each regional office can receive an audit application, proceed judgments on the audit result, accept your inquiries, and carry out dissemination and enlightenment activities such as seminars All procedures related to Eco-Action 21 are available in the nearest regional office In addition, there are more than 800 accredited auditors across the country, so you can apply for an audit to the nearest auditor A regime of Eco-Action 21 is basically decentralized rather than centralized IPSuS/EA21 IPSuS-EA21 50 ... review the results, and implement these efforts, and perform continual improvement for the environmental management system and appropriate environmental initiatives.“ Therefore, the following... and Operating Systems 10.Preparing for and Handling Environmental Emergencies 11.Creating and Managing Environmental Documents and Records 12.Checking the Status of Initiatives and Correcting/Preventing... Organizations and Activities Formulate Environmental Policy Identifying and Evaluating Environmental Burden and the Status of Environmental Initiatives Keeping Track of Environmental Regulations Setting Environmental