Project title: Developmentofmicro-financeinstitutionstoVietnamafterjoiningWTO Author: Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh Class: QH 2009 E KTCT Instructors: Dr Pham Van Dung Prize: Consolation prize at UEB level The urgency of the thread Undergoing the pressure of competition and integration, the microfinance organizations in Vietnam have great opportunities, but , in the other hand, face up to many difficult challenges Besides, according to the unpredictable status of the world economy and domestic in the near future, micro-finance needs to develop strongly with the aim of helping poor people, surviving and confirming the its role in economy - society Therefore, there must have right direction, solution so as to develop with the hope of meeting market requirements and needs of the people, to increasingly contributing to the work of social reform, poverty reduction Method of research The research used the diamond model in order to analyze, and also to synthesize and analyze statistics The content of thread Chapter 1: The theoretical basis of microfinance Chapter 2: Current status of the developmentof microfinance institutionsVietnamafterjoiningWTO Chapter 3: A number of proposals for the developmentof the microfinance institutionsafter accession The result of research The research clearly shows the evolution ofVietnam microfinance afterjoining WTO, which points out the opportunities and challenges for Vietnam microfinance afterjoining the World Trade Organization and economic shocks Then, giving solutions to accelerate the developmentof microfinance institutions and the necessary preparation for microfinance economic shocks of this complex world, in order to enhance the role of poverty reduction, improvement of society Hanoi, May 10th ,2012