DSpace at VNU: Service recovery for Viettinbank trade finance operation: situation and solution for improvement

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DSpace at VNU: Service recovery for Viettinbank trade finance operation: situation and solution for improvement

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Service recovery for Viettinbank trade finance operation: situation and solution for improvement Hoàng Phương Nga Khoa Quản trị Kinh doanh Luận văn Thạc sĩ ngành: Quản trị Kinh doanh; Mã số: 60 34 05 Người hướng dẫn: TS Nguyễn Thị Phi Nga Năm bảo vệ: 2012 Keywords Quản trị kinh doanh; Tài trợ thương mại; Quản lý điều hành; Ngân hàng Content TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS i ABSTRACT ii TÓM TẮT .iv TÓM TẮT .iv TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF FIGURES .ix LIST OF TABLE x INTRODUCTION 1 Necessity of the thesis Literature review Objectives of the research 4 Research Methodology 5 Contribution of the thesis Structure of the research CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS 1.1 T he concepts of service, customer service and service recovery 1.1.1 Service and customer service 1.1.2 Service recovery 10 1.2 Types of customer’s response to the service failures 12 1.2.1 Types of customer actions 13 1.2.2 Types of complainers 13 1.3 The reasons customers complain 14 1.4 The expectation of customers 15 1.4.1 Customers expectation of fair treatment 15 1.4.2 Companies’ behavior 16 1.5 Service Recovery Strategies 17 1.5.1 Fail-safe your service - Do it right at the first time 18 1.5.2 Welcome and Encourage complaints 19 1.5.3 Act quickly 19 1.5.4 Treat customer fairly 21 1.5.5 Learn from recovery experiences 21 1.5.6 Learn from lost customers 21 1.5.7 Return to “Doing it right” 22 1.6 Service Guarantees 22 1.6.1 Benefits of Service Guarantees 23 1.6.2 Types of Service Guarantees 24 1.6.3 When to Use (or Not Use) a Guarantee 25 CHAPTER 2: SERVICE RECOVERY FORTRADE FINANCE OPERATION IN VIETINBANK 26 2.1 Overview of VietinBank and trade finance operation 26 2.1.1 History of VietinBank 26 2.1.2 Corporate Vision, Mission, Values and Ambitions 28 2.1.3 Trade finance operation of VietinBank 29 2.1.4 VietinBank’s Trade Finance resources 36 2.2 Analysis of VietinBank’s current situation of Service Recovery 39 2.2.1 How customers respond to service failures in VietinBank: 40 2.2.2 VietinBank’s Service Recovery Strategies for Trade finance operation 44 2.2.3 VietinBank’s Service Guarantees 49 2.3 Summary of strengths and weaknesses of service recovery activities in VietinBank 50 CHAPTER 3: RECOMMENDATIONS TO SERVICE RECOVERY FOR TRADE FINANCE OPERATION IN VIETINBANK .53 3.1 Strategies and solutions for the development of Trade finance operation in VietinBank 53 3.1.1 Quantitative targets: 53 3.1.2 Qualitative targets: 53 3.2 Strategies and actions plan for improvement of Service Recovery for trade finance operation in VietinBank 54 3.2.1 Strategy for improvement of Service Recovery for trade finance operation in VietinBank in the period of 2012-2017 54 3.2.2 Actions plan for improvement of Service Recovery for trade finance operation in VietinBank in the period of 2012-2017 60 3.1.3 Recommendations for the improvement of Service Recovery in VietinBank72 REFERENCES 73 ANNEX LIST 75 References • Allen Teh, service recovery and complaint • Fi-feng Hsieh and Chien-chang Lin, leveraging technology to disminish hostility in service recovery, 2005 article • Jagdip Singh - A typology of consumer dissatisfaction response styles”, Journal of retailing 66, No.1 (Spring 1990) • James Brian Quinn, Jordan J.Baruch and Penny Cushman Paquette, « technology in services », Scientific American 257, No.6 (December 1987) • Jean-Charles Chebat and Kaïs Ben-Amor - Why bank customers dissatisfied with service recovery remain loyal: an affect control theory approach • Joann M Duffy, James E Bexley, John Miller, a study of service recovery efforts in banks, article • De Ruyter and Martin Wetzels - Customer equity considerations in service recovery: a • cross-industry perspective, 1999 article Management for managers - Summary • Munshi Shamsuzzaman Irfan - A relational study on service recovery satisfaction (recovsat) dimensions (communication, empowerment, Feedback, atonement, explanations, and tangibles) and Customer satisfactions in the context of social • investment bank limited, 2006 article Leonard Berry and A.Parasuraman, Marketing services, fall 1997 • Regan German, Donald Baack - An aplication of the service recovery concept to the • banking industry, 2008 article Stefan Michael - Exploring the service recovery paradox, 2002 article • http://www.valuedarticles.com/article/gap-analysis-3295-1.html • www.investorwords.com • www.siteresources.worldbank.org • Export finance guide from www.tradeport.com • www.sbv.gov.vn ... Qualitative targets: 53 3.2 Strategies and actions plan for improvement of Service Recovery for trade finance operation in VietinBank 54 3.2.1 Strategy for improvement of Service. .. of Service Recovery for trade finance operation in VietinBank in the period of 2012-2017 54 3.2.2 Actions plan for improvement of Service Recovery for trade finance operation in VietinBank... current situation of Service Recovery 39 2.2.1 How customers respond to service failures in VietinBank: 40 2.2.2 VietinBank’s Service Recovery Strategies for Trade finance operation

Ngày đăng: 18/12/2017, 01:02

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