RAPID COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICAL REVIEW D 86, 071102(R) (2012) Measurement of the B0s ! J= c K Ã0 branching fraction and angular amplitudes R Aaij et al.* (LHCb Collaboration) (Received August 2012; published October 2012) A sample of 114 ặ 11 B0s ! J= c K ỵ signal events obtained with 0:37 fbÀ1 of pp collisions at pffiffiffi s ¼ TeV collected by the LHCb experiment is used to measure the branching fraction and polarization amplitudes of the B0s ! J= c K" Ã0 decay, with K" Ã0 ! K ỵ The K ỵ mass spectrum of the candidates in the B0s peak is dominated by the K" Ã0 contribution Subtracting the nonresonant K À ỵ component, the branching fraction of B0s ! J= c K" is 4:4ỵ0:5 0:4 ặ 0:8ị 10 , where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic A fit to the angular distribution of the decay products yields the K Ã0 polarization fractions fL ¼ 0:50 ặ 0:08 ặ 0:02 and fk ẳ 0:19ỵ0:10 0:08 Æ 0:02 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.071102 PACS numbers: 14.40.Nd, 13.25.Hw, 13.88.+e Interpretations of measurements of time-dependent CP violation in B0s ! J= c and B0s ! J= c f0 ð980Þ decays have thus far assumed the dominance of the colorsuppressed tree-level process However, there are contributions from higher order (penguin) processes (see Fig 1) that cannot be calculated reliably in QCD and could be large enough to affect the measured asymmetries It has been suggested that the penguin effects can be determined by means of an analysis of the angular distribution of B0s ! J= c K" à ð892Þ0 , where the penguin diagram is not suppressed relative to the tree-level one, and SUð3Þ flavor symmetry arguments can be used to determine the hadronic parameters entering the B0s ! J= c observables [1] In this paper the K à ð892Þ0 meson will be written as KÃ0 , while for other K à resonances the mass will be given in parentheses Furthermore, mention of any specific mode implies the use of the charge conjugated mode as well, and K ỵ pairs will be simply written as K The decay B0s ! J= c K" Ã0 has already been observed by the CDF experiment [2], which reported BðB0s ! J= c K" ị ẳ 8:3 ặ 3:8ị 105 Under the assumption that the light quark ðs; dÞ is a spectator of the b quark decay, the branching fraction can be approximated as contribution is subtracted, is used instead of the PDG average In this paper, 0:37 fbÀ1 of data taken in 2011 are used to determine BðB0s ! J= c K" Ã0 Þ, to study the angular properties of the decay products of the B0s meson, and to measure the resonant contributions to the K spectrum in the region of the KÃ0 meson The measurement of the branching fraction uses the decay B0 ! J= c K Ã0 as a normalization mode The LHCb detector [5] is a single-arm forward spectrometer covering the pseudorapidity range < < The detector includes a high precision tracking system consisting of a silicon-strip vertex detector located around the interaction point, a large-area silicon-strip detector located upstream of a dipole magnet with a bending power of about Tm, and three stations of silicon-strip detectors and straw drift tubes placed downstream The combined tracking system has a momentum resolution Áp=p that varies from 0.4% at GeV=c to 0.6% at 100 GeV=c Two ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors (RICH) are used to jV j B ðB0s ! J= c K" Ã0 Þ $ cd  BðB0 ! J= c KÃ0 Þ jVcs j ẳ 6:5 ặ 1:0ị 105 ; (1) with jVcd j ẳ 0:230 ặ 0:011, jVcs j ¼ 1:023 Ỉ 0:036 [3], and BðB0 ! J= c K ị ẳ 1:29 ặ 0:05 ặ 0:13ị 10À3 [4] The measurement in Ref [4], where the K S-wave *Full author list given at the end of the article Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI 1550-7998= 2012=86(7)=071102(9) FIG Tree and penguin decay topologies contributing to the decays B0s ! J= c K" Ã0 and B0s ! J= c The dashed line indicates a color singlet exchange 071102-1 Ó 2012 CERN, for the LHCb Collaboration RAPID COMMUNICATIONS R AAIJ et al PHYSICAL REVIEW D 86, 071102(R) (2012) determine the identity of charged particles The separation of pions and kaons is such that, for efficiencies of $75% the rejection power is above 99% Photon, electron, and hadron candidates are identified by a calorimeter system consisting of scintillating-pad and preshower detectors, an electromagnetic calorimeter, and a hadronic calorimeter Muons are identified by alternating layers of iron and multiwire proportional chambers The trigger consists of a hardware stage, based on information from the calorimeter and muon systems, followed by a software stage called high level trigger (HLT) that applies a full event reconstruction Events with muon final states are triggered using two hardware trigger decisions: the single-muon decision (one muon candidate with transverse momentum pT > 1:5 GeV=c), and the di-muon decision (two muon candidates with pT;1 and pT;2 such that pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pT;1 pT;2 > 1:3 GeV=c) All tracks in the HLT are required to have a pT > 0:5 GeV=c The single-muon trigger decision in the HLT selects events with at least one muon track with an impact parameter IP > 0:1 mm with respect to the primary vertex and pT > 1:0 GeV=c The dimuon trigger decision, designed to select J= c mesons, also requires a dimuon mass (M ) 2970 < M < 3210 MeV=c2 Simulated events are used to compute detection efficiencies and angular acceptances For this purpose, pp collisions are generated using PYTHIA 6.4 [6] with a specific LHCb configuration [7] Decays of hadronic particles are described by EVTGEN [8] in which final state radiation is generated using PHOTOS [9] The interaction of the generated particles with the detector and its response are implemented using the GEANT4 toolkit [10] as described in Ref [11] ðÀÞÃ0 The selection of B0ðsÞ ! J= c K decays first requires the reconstruction of a J= c ! ỵ À candidate The J= c vertex is required to be separated from any primary vertex (PV) by a distance-of-flight significance greater than 13 Subsequently, the muons from the J= c decay are combined with the K and candidates to form a good vertex, where the dimuon mass is constrained to the J= c mass A pT > 0:5 GeV=c is required for each of the four daughter tracks Positive muon identification is required for the two tracks of the J= c decay, and the kaons and pions are selected using the different hadron probabilities based on combined information given by the RICH detectors The candidate B0ðsÞ momentum is required to be compatible with the flight direction as given by the vector connecting the PV with the candidate vertex An explicit veto to remove Bỵ ! J= c Kỵ events is applied, as they otherwise would pollute the upper sideband of the B0ðsÞ mass spectrum Following this initial selection, several geometrical variables are combined into a single discriminant geometrical likelihood variable (GL) This multivariate method is described in Refs [12,13] The geometrical variables chosen to build the GL are the B0ðsÞ candidate minimum impact parameter with respect to any PV in the event, the decay time of the B0ðsÞ candidate, the minimum impact parameter 2 of the four daughter tracks with respect to all PV in the event (defined as the difference between the 2 of the PV built with and without the considered track), the distance of closest approach between the J= c and K Ã0 trajectories reconstructed from their decay products, and the pT of the B0ðsÞ candidate The GL was tuned using simulated B0 ! J= c K Ã0 signal passing the selection criteria, and background from data in the B0ðsÞ mass sidebands with a value for the kaon particle identification variable in a range that does not overlap with the one used to select the data sample for the final analysis The K mass spectrum in the B0 ! J= c K channel is dominated by the KÃ0 resonance but contains a nonnegligible S-wave contribution, originating from K0à ð1430Þ0 and nonresonant K pairs [14] To determine BðB0s ! J= c K" Ã0 Þ it is therefore important to measure the S-wave magnitude in both B0ðsÞ ! J= c K channels The K spectrum is analyzed in terms of a nonresonant S-wave and several K resonances parametrized using relativistic Breit-Wigner distributions with mass-dependent widths, following closely [14] The considered waves are a nonresonant S-wave amplitude interfering with the K0à ð1430Þ0 resonance, K Ã0 for the P wave, and K2à ð1430Þ0 for the D wave F-wave and G-wave components are found to be negligible in the B0 fit In bins of the K mass, a fit is made to the B0ðsÞ candidate mass distribution to determine the yield As shown in Fig 2, a fit is then made to the B0 and B0s yields as a function of the K mass without any efficiency correction The S- and P-wave components dominate in the Ỉ40 MeV=c2 window around the K Ã0 mass, where the KÃ0 contribution is above 90% A more exact determination of this contribution using this method would require K mass-dependent angular acceptance corrections For the branching fraction calculation, the fraction of K Ã0 candidates is determined from a different full angular and mass fit, which is described next The angular and mass analysis is based on an unbinned maximum likelihood fit that handles simultaneously the mass (MJ= c K ) and the angular parameters of the B0ðsÞ decays and the background Each of these three components is modeled as a product of probability density functions (PDF), P MJ= c K ; c ;;ị ẳ P MJ= c K ÞP ð c ;;’Þ, with c the angle between the kaon momentum in the rest frame of the KÃ0 and the direction of motion of the KÃ0 in the rest frame of the B The polar and azimuthal angles (, ) describe the direction of the ỵ in the coordinate system defined in the J= c rest frame, where the x axis is the direction of motion of the B0ðsÞ meson, the z axis is normal to the plane formed by the x axis and the kaon momentum, and the y axis is chosen so that the y component of the kaon momentum is positive 071102-2 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Candidates / (20 MeV/c2) MEASUREMENT OF THE (a) PHYSICAL REVIEW D 86, 071102(R) (2012) d3 À / 2jA0 j2 cos2 c ð1 À sin2 cos2 ’Þ d þ jAk j2 sin2 c ð1 À sin2 sin2 ’Þ þ jA? j2 sin2 c sin2 LHCb 103 þ pffiffiffi jA0 jjAk j cosðk À 0 Þ sin2 c sin2 sin2 2 ỵ jAS j2 ẵ1 À sin2 cos2 ’ pffiffiffi jA0 jjAS j cosS 0 ị cos c ẵ1 sin2 cos2 ỵ p (3) ỵ jAk jjAS j cosðk À S Þ sin c sin2 sin2’; 102 10 1000 1500 MKπ (MeV/c2) Candidates / (80 MeV/c2) 120 (b) LHCb 100 where A0 , Ak , and A? are the decay amplitudes corresponding to longitudinally and transversely polarized vector mesons AS ¼ jAS jeiS is the K S-wave amplitude and ðk À 0 Þ the relative phase between the longitudinal and parallel amplitudes The convention 0 ¼ is used hereafter The differential is d d cos c d cosd’ The polarization fractions are normalized according to 80 60 40 20 1000 1500 MKπ (MeV/c2) FIG (color online) Fit to the K mass spectrum for (a) B0 ! J= c K events, and (b) B0s ! J= c K events The B0dðsÞ ! J= c K yields in each bin of the K mass are determined from a fit to the J= c K mass spectrum The pink dasheddotted line represents the K Ã0 , the red short-dashed line is the S-wave, and the black dotted line is the K2à ð1430Þ The black solid line is their sum The function describing the mass distribution of both B0ðsÞ signal peaks is the sum of two crystal ball (CB) functions [15], which are a combination of a Gaussian and a power law function to describe the radiative tail at low masses, P ðMJ= c K ị ẳ fCBMJ= c K ; B ; 1 ; 1 ị ỵ fịCBMJ= c K ; B ; 2 ; 2 Þ: (2) The starting point of the radiative tail is governed by a transition point parameter ð1;2Þ The mean and width of the Gaussian component are B and ð1;2Þ The values of the f, 1 , 2 , 1 , and 2 parameters are constrained to be the same for the B0s and B0 peaks The difference in the means between the B0s and the B0 distributions, ðB0s À B0 Þ, is fixed to the value taken from Ref [16] The mass PDF of the background is described by an exponential function Assuming that direct CP violation and the B0ðsÞ À B" 0ðsÞ production asymmetry are insignificant, the differential decay rate is [1,17] fL;k;? ẳ jA0 j2 jA0;k;? j2 ; ỵ jAk j2 þ jA? j2 (4) which satisfy fL þ fk þ f? ¼ The parameters fL , fk , and k describing the P wave are left floating in the fit The jAS j amplitude and the S phase depend on MK , but this dependence is ignored in the fit, which is performed in a K mass window of Æ40 MeV=c2 , and they are just treated also as floating parameters A systematic uncertainty is later associated with this assumption The angular distribution of observed events is parametrized as a product of the expression in Eq (3) and a detector acceptance function, AccðÞ, which describes the efficiency to trigger, reconstruct, and select the events Simulation studies have shown almost no correlation between the three one-dimensional angular acceptances Acc c ð c Þ, Acc ðÞ, and Acc’ ð’Þ Therefore, the global acceptance factorizes as Accị ẳ Acc c c ÞAcc ðÞAcc’ ð’Þ, where Acc c ð c Þ is parametrized as a fifth degree polynomial, Acc ðÞ as a second degree polynomial, and Acc ðÞ as a sinusoidal function A systematic uncertainty due to this factorization hypothesis is later evaluated The angular distribution for the background component is determined using the upper sideband of the B0s mass spectrum, defined as the interval ½5417; 5779 MeV=c2 Figure shows the projection of the fit in the MJ=c K mass axis, together with the projections in the angular variables in a window of Ỉ25 MeV=c2 around the B0s mass The number of candidates corresponding to B0 and B0s decays is found to be 13, 365 Ỉ 116, and 114 Ỉ 11, respectively 071102-3 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS R AAIJ et al PHYSICAL REVIEW D 86, 071102(R) (2012) for the ! J= c K" Ã0 decay but it was found to be negligible for B0 ! J= c KÃ0 Also included in Tables I and II is the uncertainty from the assumption of a constant S as a function of MK This assumption can be relaxed by adding an extra free parameter to the angular PDF This addition makes the fit unstable for the small size of the B0s sample but can be used in the control channel B0 ! J= c KÃ0 The differences found in the B0 parameters with the two alternate parametrizations are used as systematic uncertainties The parameters k fit to and to cosðk Þ ẳ cosk ị ẳ 0:960ỵ0:021 0:017 for the B 0:93 Æ 0:31 (where the error corresponds to the positive one, being symmetrized) for the B0s These parameters could in principle affect the efficiency corrections, but it was found that the effect of different values of k on the overall efficiency is negligible A simulation study of the fit pulls has shown that the errors on fL and fk of the B0s decays are overestimated by a small amount ( $ 10%) since they not follow exactly a Gaussian distribution; therefore, the decision was taken to quote an uncertainty that corresponds to an interval containing 68% of the generated experiments, rather than giving an error corresponding to a log-likelihood interval of 0.5 A slight bias observed in the pulls of fk in B0s decays was accounted for by adding a systematic uncertainty corresponding to 6% of the statistical error B0s Tables I and II summarize the measurements of the ðÀÞÃ0 30 LHCb 10 Candidates / 0.22 Candidates / (6 MeV/c 2) B0ðsÞ ! J= c K angular parameters, together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties The correlation coefficient given by the fit between fL and fk is ¼ À0:44 for B0s decays The results for the B0 ! J= c K Ã0 decay are in good agreement with previous measurements [4,15,18,19] Based on this agreement, the systematic uncertainties caused by the modeling of the angular acceptance were evaluated by summing in quadrature the statistical error on the measured B0 ! J= c KÃ0 parameters with the uncertainties on the world averages (fL ẳ 0:570 ặ 0:008 and f? ẳ 0:219 ặ 0:010) [3] The angular analysis was repeated with two additional acceptance descriptions, one which uses a three-dimensional histogram to describe the efficiency avoiding any factorization hypothesis, and another one based on a method of normalization weights described in Ref [19] A very good agreement was found in the values of the polarization fractions computed with all the three methods For the parameter jAS j2 , uncertainties caused by the finite size of the simulation sample used for the acceptance description, as well as from the studies with several acceptance models, are included The systematic uncertainty caused by the choice of the angular PDF for the background is shown 102 10 5200 10 -0.5 0.5 cos(ψ ) 30 LHCb Candidates / 0.70 Candidates / 0.22 20 -1 5400 5600 MJ/ψKπ (MeV/c2) 30 20 10 -1 LHCb -0.5 cos(θ) 0.5 LHCb 20 10 -2 ϕ (rad) FIG (color online) Projections of the fit in MJ= c K and in the angular variables for the mass range indicated by the two dashed vertical lines in the mass plot The red dashed, pink long-dashed, and blue dotted lines represent the fitted contributions from B0 ! J= c K Ã0 , B0s ! J= c K" Ã0 , and background The black solid line is their sum 071102-4 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS MEASUREMENT OF THE TABLE I Summary of the measured systematic uncertainties B0s PHYSICAL REVIEW D 86, 071102(R) (2012) Ã0 " ! J= c K angular properties and their statistical and jAS j2 fL fk 0:07ỵ0:15 0:07 0:50 ặ 0:08 0:19ỵ0:10 0:08 Parameter name Value and statistical error Systematic uncertainties Angular acceptance Background angular model Assumption S ðMK Þ ¼ constant B0 contamination Fit bias 0.044 0.038 0.026 0.036 ÁÁÁ 0.011 0.017 0.005 0.004 ÁÁÁ 0.016 0.013 0.002 0.007 0.005 Total systematic error 0.073 0.021 0.022 TABLE II Angular parameters of B0 ! J= c K Ã0 needed to compute BðB0s ! J= c K" Ã0 Þ The systematic uncertainties from background modeling and the mass PDF are found to be negligible in this case Parameter name Value and statistical error jAS j2 fL fk 0:037 Ỉ 0:010 0:569 Ỉ 0:007 0:240 Ỉ 0:009 Systematic uncertainties Angular acceptance Assumption S MK ị ẳ constant 0.044 0.026 0.011 0.005 0.016 0.002 Total systematic error 0.051 0.012 0.016 The ratio of the two branching fractions is obtained from fðdÞ NB0s fd "tot BðB0s ! J= c K" Ã0 Þ B0 B0 K ; ẳ fs "tot B0s fsị0 NB0 BðB0 ! J= c KÃ0 Þ B0s K (5) where fd (fs ) is the probability of the b quark to hadronize to B0 (B0s ) mesons, "tot ="tot is the efficiency ratio, B0 =B0s B0 B0 s is the ratio of angular corrections, fKðsÞÃ0 =fKðdÞÃ0 is the ratio of K Ã0 fractions, and NB0s =NB0 is the ratio of signal yields The value of fd =fs has been taken from Ref [20] The efficiencies in the ratio "tot ="tot are computed using simulaB0 B0s tion and receive two contributions: the efficiency of the offline reconstruction (including geometrical acceptance) and selection cuts, and the trigger efficiency on events that satisfy the analysis offline selection criteria The systematic uncertainty in the efficiency ratio is negligible due to the similarity of the final states Effects due to possible differences in the decay time acceptance between data and simulation were found to affect the efficiency ratio by less TABLE III Parameter Hadronization fractions Efficiency ratio Angular corrections Ratio of K Ã0 fractions B signal yields than per mil On the other hand, since the efficiency depends on the angular distribution of the decay products, correction factors B0 and B0s are applied to account for the difference between the angular amplitudes used in simulation and those measured in the data The observed numbers of B0 and B0s decays, denoted by NB0 and NB0s , correspond to the number of B0s ! J= c K and B0 ! J= c K decays with a K mass in a Ỉ40 MeV=c2 window around the nominal K Ã0 mass This includes mostly the KÃ0 meson, but also an S-wave component and the interference between the S-wave and P-wave components The fraction of candidates with a K Ã0 meson present is then R fKÃ0 ¼ d3 À Accị d jjAS jẳ0 d ; R d3 AccðÞ d d (6) from which the ratio fKðsÞÃ0 =fKdị0 ẳ 1:09 ặ 0:08 follows Table III summarizes all the numbers needed to compute the ratio of branching fractions Parameter values and errors for BðB0s !J= c K" Ã0 Þ BðB0 !J= c K Ã0 Þ Name Value fd =fs "tot ="tot B0 B0s B0 =B0s fKðsÞÃ0 =fKðdÞÃ0 NB0s =NB0 3:75 Ỉ 0:29 0:97 Ỉ 0:01 1:01 Ỉ 0:04 1:09 ặ 0:08 8:5ỵ0:9 0:8 ặ 0:8ị 10 071102-5 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS R AAIJ et al PHYSICAL REVIEW D 86, 071102(R) (2012) BðB0s ! J= c K" Ã0 ị ẳ 3:43ỵ0:34 0:36 ặ 0:50ị%: BB0 ! J= c KÃ0 Þ The contributions to the systematic uncertainty are also listed in Table III and their relative magnitudes are 1.2% for the error in the efficiency ratio; 2.5% for the uncertainty on the transition point () of the crystal ball function; 8.6% for the parametrization of the upper tail of the B0 peak; 3.9% for the angular correction of the efficiencies; 7.3% for the uncertainty on the ratio fKðsÞÃ0 =fKðdÞÃ0 ; and 7.7% for the uncertainty on fd =fs The errors are added in quadrature Taking the value BðB0 ! J= c K0 ị ẳ 1:29 ặ 0:05 ặ 0:13Þ Â 10À3 from Ref [4] the following branching fraction is obtained: À5 B ðB0s ! J= c K" Ã0 ị ẳ 4:4ỵ0:5 0:4 ặ 0:8ị 10 : s ẳ L H , s ẳ L ỵ H Þ=2, and ÀLðHÞ is the decay width of the light (heavy) B0s -mass eigenstate À1 In conclusion, using 0:37 pffiffiffi fb of pp collisions collected by the LHCb detector at s ¼ TeV, a measurement of the B0s ! J= c K" Ã0 branching fraction yields BðB0s ! À5 J= c K" ị ẳ 4:4ỵ0:5 0:4 ặ 0:8ị  10 In addition, an angular analysis of the decay products is presented, which provides the first measurement of the KÃ0 polarization fractions in this decay, giving fL ¼ 0:50 ặ 0:08 ặ 0:02, fk ẳ 0:19ỵ0:10 0:08 ặ 0:02, and an S-wave contribution of jAS j2 ẳ 0:07ỵ0:15 À0:07 in a Ỉ40 MeV=c2 window around the K Ã0 mass This value is compatible with the CDF measurement [2] and is similar to the naive quark spectator model prediction of Eq (1), although it is closer to the estimation in Ref [1], BðB0s ! J= c K" Ã0 Þ $ BB0d ! J= c 0 ị ẳ 4:6 ặ 0:4ị 105 The branching fraction measured here is, in fact, the average of the B0s ! J= c K" Ã0 and B" 0s ! J= c K Ã0 branching fractions and corresponds to the time integrated quantity, while theory predictions usually refer to the branching fraction at t ¼ [21] In the case of B0s ! J= c K" Ã0 , the two differ by s =2s ị2 ẳ 0:77 ặ 0:25ị%, where We express our gratitude to our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC We thank the technical and administrative staff at CERN and at the LHCb institutes, and acknowledge support from the National Agencies: CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ, and FINEP (Brazil); CERN; NSFC (China); CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, HGF, and MPG (Germany); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); FOM and NWO (The Netherlands); SCSR (Poland); ANCS (Romania); MinES of Russia and Rosatom (Russia); MICINN, XuntaGal and GENCAT (Spain); SNSF and SER (Switzerland); NAS Ukraine (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); NSF (USA) We also acknowledge the support received from the ERC under FP7 and the Region Auvergne [1] S Faller, R Fleischer, and T Mannel, Phys Rev D 79, 014005 (2009) [2] T Aaltonen et al (CDF Collaboration), Phys Rev D 83, 052012 (2011) [3] K Nakamura et al (Particle Data Group), J Phys G 37, 075021 (2010) [4] K Abe et 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von Loeben,20 J H Lopes,2 E Lopez Asamar,33 N Lopez-March,36 H Lu,3 J Luisier,36 A Mac Raighne,48 F Machefert,7 I V Machikhiliyan,4,28 F Maciuc,10 O Maev,27,35 J Magnin,1 S Malde,52 R M D Mamunur,35 G Manca,15,j G Mancinelli,6 N Mangiafave,44 U Marconi,14 R Maărki,36 J Marks,11 G Martellotti,22 A Martens,8 L Martin,52 A Martı´n Sa´nchez,7 M Martinelli,38 D Martinez Santos,35 A Massafferri,1 Z Mathe,12 C Matteuzzi,20 M Matveev,27 E Maurice,6 A Mazurov,16,30,35 J McCarthy,42 G McGregor,51 R McNulty,12 M Meissner,11 M Merk,38 J Merkel,9 D A Milanes,13 M.-N Minard,4 J Molina Rodriguez,54 S Monteil,5 D Moran,12 P Morawski,23 R Mountain,53 I Mous,38 F Muheim,47 K Muăller,37 R Muresan,26 B Muryn,24 B Muster,36 J Mylroie-Smith,49 P Naik,43 T Nakada,36 R Nandakumar,46 I Nasteva,1 M Needham,47 N Neufeld,35 A D Nguyen,36 C Nguyen-Mau,36,k M Nicol,7 V Niess,5 N Nikitin,29 T Nikodem,11 071102-7 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS R AAIJ et al PHYSICAL REVIEW D 86, 071102(R) (2012) 52,35 32 24 A Nomerotski, A Novoselov, A Oblakowska-Mucha, V Obraztsov,32 S Oggero,38 S Ogilvy,48 O Okhrimenko,41 R Oldeman,15,35,j M Orlandea,26 J M Otalora Goicochea,2 P Owen,50 B K Pal,53 A Palano,13,l M Palutan,18 J Panman,35 A Papanestis,46 M Pappagallo,48 C Parkes,51 C J Parkinson,50 G Passaleva,17 G D Patel,49 M Patel,50 G N Patrick,46 C Patrignani,19,f C Pavel-Nicorescu,26 A Pazos Alvarez,34 A Pellegrino,38 G Penso,22,m M Pepe Altarelli,35 S Perazzini,14,i D L Perego,20,d E Perez Trigo,34 A Pe´rez-Calero Yzquierdo,33 P Perret,5 M Perrin-Terrin,6 G Pessina,20 A Petrolini,19,f A Phan,53 E Picatoste Olloqui,33 B Pie Valls,33 B Pietrzyk,4 T Pilarˇ,45 D Pinci,22 S Playfer,47 M Plo Casasus,34 F Polci,8 G Polok,23 A Poluektov,45,31 E Polycarpo,2 D Popov,10 B Popovici,26 C Potterat,33 A Powell,52 J Prisciandaro,36 V Pugatch,41 A Puig Navarro,33 W Qian,53 J H Rademacker,43 B Rakotomiaramanana,36 M S Rangel,2 I Raniuk,40 N Rauschmayr,35 G Raven,39 S Redford,52 M M Reid,45 A C dos Reis,1 S Ricciardi,46 A Richards,50 K Rinnert,49 D A Roa Romero,5 P Robbe,7 E Rodrigues,48,51 F Rodrigues,2 P Rodriguez Perez,34 G J Rogers,44 S Roiser,35 V Romanovsky,32 A Romero Vidal,34 M Rosello,33,a J Rouvinet,36 T Ruf,35 H Ruiz,33 G Sabatino,21,e J J Saborido Silva,34 N Sagidova,27 P Sail,48 B Saitta,15,j C Salzmann,37 B Sanmartin Sedes,34 M Sannino,19,f R Santacesaria,22 C Santamarina Rios,34 R Santinelli,35 E Santovetti,21,e M Sapunov,6 A Sarti,18,m C Satriano,22,b A Satta,21 M Savrie,16,g D Savrina,28 P Schaack,50 M Schiller,39 H Schindler,35 S Schleich,9 M Schlupp,9 M Schmelling,10 B Schmidt,35 O Schneider,36 A Schopper,35 M.-H Schune,7 R Schwemmer,35 B Sciascia,18 A Sciubba,18,m M Seco,34 A Semennikov,28 K Senderowska,24 I Sepp,50 N Serra,37 J Serrano,6 P Seyfert,11 M Shapkin,32 I Shapoval,40,35 P Shatalov,28 Y Shcheglov,27 T Shears,49 L Shekhtman,31 O Shevchenko,40 V Shevchenko,28 A Shires,50 R Silva Coutinho,45 T Skwarnicki,53 N A Smith,49 E Smith,52,46 M Smith,51 K Sobczak,5 F J P Soler,48 A Solomin,43 F Soomro,18,35 D Souza,43 B Souza De Paula,2 B Spaan,9 A Sparkes,47 P Spradlin,48 F Stagni,35 S Stahl,11 O Steinkamp,37 S Stoica,26 S Stone,53,35 B Storaci,38 M Straticiuc,26 U Straumann,37 V K Subbiah,35 S Swientek,9 M Szczekowski,25 P Szczypka,36 T Szumlak,24 S T’Jampens,4 M Teklishyn,7 E Teodorescu,26 F Teubert,35 C Thomas,52 E Thomas,35 J van Tilburg,11 V Tisserand,4 M Tobin,37 S Tolk,39 S Topp-Joergensen,52 N Torr,52 E Tournefier,4,50 S Tourneur,36 M T Tran,36 A Tsaregorodtsev,6 N Tuning,38 M Ubeda Garcia,35 A Ukleja,25 U Uwer,11 V Vagnoni,14 G Valenti,14 R Vazquez Gomez,33 P Vazquez Regueiro,34 S Vecchi,16 J J Velthuis,43 M Veltri,17,n G Veneziano,36 M Vesterinen,35 B Viaud,7 I Videau,7 D Vieira,2 X Vilasis-Cardona,33,a J Visniakov,34 A Vollhardt,37 D Volyanskyy,10 D Voong,43 A Vorobyev,27 V Vorobyev,31 C Voß,55 H Voss,10 R Waldi,55 R Wallace,12 S Wandernoth,11 J Wang,53 D R Ward,44 N K Watson,42 A D Webber,51 D Websdale,50 M Whitehead,45 J Wicht,35 D Wiedner,11 L Wiggers,38 G Wilkinson,52 M P Williams,45,46 M Williams,50 F F Wilson,46 J Wishahi,9 M Witek,23 W Witzeling,35 S A Wotton,44 S Wright,44 S Wu,3 K Wyllie,35 Y Xie,47 F Xing,52 Z Xing,53 Z Yang,3 R Young,47 X Yuan,3 O Yushchenko,32 M Zangoli,14 M Zavertyaev,10,o F Zhang,3 L Zhang,53 W C Zhang,12 Y Zhang,3 A Zhelezov,11 L Zhong,3 and A Zvyagin35 (LHCb Collaboration) Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fı´sicas (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Universidade Federal Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Center for High Energy Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China LAPP, Universite´ de Savoie, CNRS/IN2P3, Annecy-Le-Vieux, France Clermont Universite´, Universite´ Blaise Pascal, CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France CPPM, Aix-Marseille Universite´, CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France LAL, Universite´ Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, France LPNHE, Universite´ Pierre et Marie Curie, Universite Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, France Fakultaăt Physik, Technische Universitaăt Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany 10 Max-Planck-Institut fuăr Kernphysik (MPIK), Heidelberg, Germany 11 Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaăt Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany 12 School of Physics, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland 13 Sezione INFN di Bari, Bari, Italy 14 Sezione INFN di Bologna, Bologna, Italy 15 Sezione INFN di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy 16 Sezione INFN di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy 17 Sezione INFN di Firenze, Firenze, Italy 18 Laboratori Nazionali dell’INFN di Frascati, Frascati, Italy 071102-8 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS MEASUREMENT OF THE PHYSICAL REVIEW D 86, 071102(R) (2012) 19 Sezione INFN di Genova, Genova, Italy Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy 21 Sezione INFN di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy 22 Sezione INFN di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Italy 23 Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krako´w, Poland 24 AGH University of Science and Technology, Krako´w, Poland 25 Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland 26 Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania 27 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI), Gatchina, Russia 28 Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, Russia 29 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University (SINP MSU), Moscow, Russia 30 Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAN), Moscow, Russia 31 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (SB RAS) and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia 32 Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP), Protvino, Russia 33 Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 34 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain 35 European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland 36 Ecole Polytechnique Fe´de´rale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland 37 Physik-Institut, Universitaăt Zuărich, Zuărich, Switzerland 38 Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 39 Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 40 NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (NSC KIPT), Kharkiv, Ukraine 41 Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences (KINR), Kyiv, Ukraine 42 University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom 43 H.H Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom 44 Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom 45 Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom 46 STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United Kingdom 47 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom 48 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom 49 Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom 50 Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom 51 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom 52 Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 53 Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA 54 Pontifı´cia Universidade Cato´lica Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [associated with Universidade Federal Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil] 55 Institut fuăr Physik, Universitaăt Rostock, Rostock, Germany [associated with Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaăt Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany] 20 a LIFAELS, La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain Universita` della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy c Universita` di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy d Universita` di Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy e Universita` di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy f Universita` di Genova, Genova, Italy g Universita` di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy h Universita` di Firenze, Firenze, Italy i Universita` di Bologna, Bologna, Italy j Universita` di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy k Hanoi University of Science, Hanoi, Viet Nam l Universita` di Bari, Bari, Italy m Universita` di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Italy n Universita` di Urbino, Urbino, Italy o P.N Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Science (LPI RAS), Moscow, Russia b 071102-9 ... contamination Fit bias 0. 044 0. 038 0. 026 0. 036 ÁÁÁ 0. 011 0. 017 0. 005 0. 004 ÁÁÁ 0. 016 0. 013 0. 002 0. 007 0. 005 Total systematic error 0. 073 0. 021 0. 022 TABLE II Angular parameters of B0 ! J= c K 0 needed to... Æ 0: 0 10 0:569 Æ 0: 007 0: 2 40 Æ 0: 009 Systematic uncertainties Angular acceptance Assumption S MK ị ẳ constant 0. 044 0. 026 0. 011 0. 005 0. 016 0. 002 Total systematic error 0. 051 0. 012 0. 016 The. .. choice of the angular PDF for the background is shown 102 10 5 200 10 -0. 5 0. 5 cos(ψ ) 30 LHCb Candidates / 0. 70 Candidates / 0. 22 20 -1 5 400 5 600 MJ /ψK (MeV/c2) 30 20 10 -1 LHCb -0. 5 cos(θ) 0. 5