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Publisher: Taylor & Francis
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Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
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The body force in a three-dimensional Lamé system: identification and
Dang Duc Trong a , Phan Thanh Nam b & Phung Trong Thuc a a
Department of Mathematics, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
b Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Available online: 14 Dec 2011
To cite this article: Dang Duc Trong, Phan Thanh Nam & Phung Trong Thuc (2012): The body force
in a three-dimensional Lamé system: identification and regularization, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 20:4, 517-532
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Trang 2Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
Vol 20, No 4, June 2012, 517–532
The body force in a three-dimensional Lame´ system:
identification and regularization
Dang Duc Tronga, Phan Thanh Namb and Phung Trong Thuca* a
Department of Mathematics, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam;
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
(Received 14 June 2011; final version received 23 September 2011) Let a three-dimensional isotropic elastic body be described by the Lame´ system with the body force of the form F(x, t) ¼ ’(t)f (x), where ’ is known We consider the problem of determining the unknown spatial term f (x) of the body force when the surface stress history is given as the overdetermination This inverse problem
is ill-posed Using the interpolation method and truncated Fourier series,
we construct a regularized solution from approximate data and provide explicit error estimates
Keywords: body force; elastic; ill-posed problem; interpolation; Fourier series AMS Subject Classifications: 35L20; 35R30
1 Introduction
Let ¼ (0, 1) (0, 1) (0, 1) represent a three-dimensional isotropic elastic body and let
T >0 be the length of the observation time For each x :¼ (x1, x2, x3) 2 , we denote by u(x, t) ¼ (u1(x, t), u2(x, t), u3(x, t)) the displacement, where uj is the displacement in the
As known, u satisfies the Lame´ system (see, e.g [1–3])
@t2Du þ ð ÞrðdivðuÞÞ ¼F, x 2, t 2 ð0, T Þ, ð1Þ where F(x, t) ¼ (F1(x, t), F2(x, t), F3(x, t)) is the body force and div(u) ¼ r u ¼@u1/@x1þ@u2/
@x2þ@u3/@x3 The Lame´ constants and satisfy > 0 and þ 2 > 0 The system (1) is associated with the initial condition
ðu1ðx, 0Þ, u2ðx, 0Þ, u3ðx, 0ÞÞ ¼ ð g1ðxÞ, g2ðxÞ, g3ðxÞÞ, x 2 ,
@t ðx, 0Þ,
@t ðx, 0Þ,
@t ðx, 0Þ
¼ ðh1ðxÞ, h2ðxÞ, h3ðxÞÞ, x 2 ,
and the Dirichlet boundary condition
ðu1ðx, tÞ, u2ðx, tÞ, u3ðx, tÞÞ ¼ ð0, 0, 0Þ, x 2 @, t 2 ð0, T Þ, ð3Þ namely the boundary of the elastic body is clamped
*Corresponding author Email: phungtrongthuc@vanlanguni.edu.vn
ISSN 1741–5977 print/ISSN 1741–5985 online
ß 2012 Taylor & Francis
Trang 3The direct problem is to determine u from u(0, x), ut(0, x) and F We are, however, interested in the inverse problem of determining both (u, F ) Of course, to ensure the uniqueness of the solution we shall require some additional information (the overdetermination) Similar to [4,5], we shall assume that the surface stress is given
on the boundary of the body, i.e
1 12 13
21 2 23
31 32 3
1 A
A ¼ XX12
A, x 2 @, t 2 ð0, T Þ, ð4Þ
where n ¼ (n1, n2, n3) is the outward unit normal vector of @ and the stresses and are defined by
jk¼ @uj
, j¼divðuÞ þ 2@uj
@xj , j, k 2 f1, 2, 3g:
Grasselli et al [4] showed that the body force of the form F(x, t) ¼ ’(t)f (x) is uniquely determined from (1)–(4) provided that ’ 2 C1([0, T ]) is given such that ’(0) 6¼ 0 and the time of observation T > 0 is large enough In spite of the uniqueness, the problem of determining the spatial term f is still ill-posed, i.e a small error of data may cause a large error of solutions Therefore, it is important in practice to find a regularization process, namely to construct an approximate solution using approximate data
Recently, the regularization problem was solved partially in [5], where a regularized solution for the time-independent term f is produced using further information on the final condition u(x, T ) The final condition plays an essential role in [5] since it enables the authors to find an explicit formula for the Fourier transform of f, and then use this information to recover f
It was left as an open problem in [5] (see their Conclusion) to find a regularization process without using this technical condition The aim of this article is to solve this problem completely, i.e to find a regularization process of f using only the data in (1)–(4)
We follow the interpolation method introduced in [6] where the authors constructed a regularized solution for the heat source of a heat equation More precisely, lacking the final condition, we are only able to find an approximation for the Fourier transform bf ðÞ with jj large The idea is that because bf ðÞis an analytic function (since f has compact support), we can use some interpolation process to recover bf ðÞwith jj small
This article is organized as follows In Section 2, we shall set some notations and state our main results Then we prove the uniqueness in Section 3 and the regularization in Section 4 Finally, in Section 5 we test our regularization process on an explicit numerical example
2 Main results
Recall that our aim is to recover the spatial term
f ðxÞ ¼ ð f1ðxÞ, f2ðxÞ, f3ðxÞÞ, x 2,
of the body force F(x, t) ¼ ’(t)f (x) from the system (1)–(4) The Lame´ constants always satisfy > 0 and þ 2 > 0, and the data I ¼ (’, X, g, h) is allowed to be non-smooth,
I 2 L 1ð0, T Þ, ðL1ð0, T, L1ð@ÞÞÞ3, ðL2ðÞÞ3, ðL2ðÞÞ3
Trang 4For ¼ (1, 2, 3), ¼ (1, 2, 3) 2 C3, we set ¼ 11þ22þ33, jj ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
p and jj0¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
j j
p For 2 C3and x 2 R3, denote Gð, xÞ ¼ G11ð, xÞ ¼G22ð, xÞ ¼G33ð, xÞ
¼cos ð 1x1Þcos ð 2x2Þcos ð 3x3Þ,
G12ð, xÞ ¼G21ð, xÞ ¼ sin ð 1x1Þsin ð 2x2Þcos ð 3x3Þ,
G13ð, xÞ ¼G31ð, xÞ ¼ sin ð 1x1Þcos ð 2x2Þsin ð 3x3Þ,
G23ð, xÞ ¼G32ð, xÞ ¼ cos ð 1x1Þsin ð 2x2Þsin ð 3x3Þ:
Sometimes we shall write Gjkinstead of Gjkð, xÞ if there is no confusion
We start with the following lemma
LEMMA 1 If u 2(C2([0, T ]; L2()) \ L2(0, T; H2()))3 and f 2(L2())3 satisfy the system(1)–(4) with data I ¼ (’, X, g, h), then
fjGdx ¼E1jðIÞ ð Þ þE
D1ðIÞ ð Þ þ
E2jðIÞ ð Þ þE
D2ðIÞ ð Þ , j 2 f1, 2, 3g for all ¼(1, 2, 3) 2 C3such that
jj20 ¼ ð21þ22þ23Þ 0 and D1ð ÞIð Þ 6¼ 0, D2ð ÞIð Þ 6¼ 0, where
D1ð ÞI ð Þ ¼ jj 20
ZT 0
’ tð Þ sinh ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
j j0ðT tÞ
cosh ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
j j0T
D2ð ÞI ð Þ ¼ jj 20
ZT 0
’ tð Þ sinh ffiffiffiffi
j j0ðT tÞ
cosh ffiffiffiffi
j j0T
E1jðIÞðÞ ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
j j0j Z
tanh ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
j j0T
j Z
Z T 0
sinh ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
j j0ðT tÞ cosh ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
j j0T j1X1Gj1þ2X2Gj2þ3X3Gj3
d! dt,
1jð Þ ¼
j j0 cosh ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
j j0T
1u1ðx, TÞGj1þ2u2ðx, TÞGj2þ3u3ðx, TÞGj3
E2jð ÞIð Þ ¼ ffiffiffiffi
j j0 Z
j j20gjGjjjð1g1Gj1þ2g2Gj2þ3g3Gj3
tanh ffiffiffiffi
j j0T
j j20hjGjjjð1h1Gj1þ2h2Gj2þ3h3Gj3
dx Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 519
Trang 5ZT 0
sinh đ ffiffiffiffipj j0đT tỡ cosh đ ffiffiffiffipj j0T
j j20XjGjjợjđ1X1Gj1ợ2X2Gj2ợ3X3Gj3
d! dt,
E2jđ ỡ Ử
j j0 cosh pffiffiffiffi
j j0T
đj j20ujđx, TỡGjj
1u1đx, TỡGj1ợ2u2đx, TỡGj2ợ3u3đx, TỡGj3
Note that E
1jand E
2jin Lemma 1 depend on u(x, T ) instead of the data I Ử (Ỗ, X, g, h) Therefore, in general these terms are unknown However, our observation is that with jj large, E
1j and E
2jare relatively small in comparison with E1jand E2j, and can be relaxed when computing the integrals R
fjGdx which are the Fourier coefficients of fjỖs So we introduce some convenient notations
Definition 1 (Information from data) For I Ử (Ỗ, X, g, h) and 2 C3 such that < 0, denote (using notations of Lemma 1)
HjđIỡđỡ Ử
D2đIỡ, if D1đIỡđỡ D2đIỡđỡ 6Ử0,
0, if D1đIỡđỡ D2đIỡđỡ Ử0:
: Definition 2(Fourier co-efficients) For Ử (1, 2, 3) 2 C3, w 2 L2(), denote
F đwỡ đ ỡ Ử
wđxỡGđ, xỡdx Ử
wđxỡcos đ 1x1ỡcos đ 2x2ỡcos đ 3x3ỡdx:
Note that any function w 2 L2() admits the representation
wđxỡ Ử X m,n, p0
where (m, n, p) :Ử (1 ợ 1{m6Ử0})(1 ợ 1{n6Ử0})(1 ợ 1{p6Ử0})
As we have explained above, we hope to approximate F ( fj)() by Hj(I )() with jj large To do this, we need some lower bounds on jD1(I )()j and jD2(I )()j We shall require the following assumptions on Ỗ and T
(W1) There exist (Ỗ) 2 (0, T ) and C(Ỗ) > 0 such that either Ỗ(t) C(Ỗ) for a.e
t 2(0, (Ỗ)) or Ỗ(t) C(Ỗ) for a.e t 2 (0, (Ỗ))
(W2) T 4 2 maxfp 1ffiffiffi, ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1
p g, or (W20) T 4 12 ffiffiffi
maxfp 1ffiffiffi, ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1
p g
Remark 1 If Ỗ is continuous at t Ử 0 then the condition (W1) is equivalent to Ỗ(0) 6Ử 0 The conditions (W2) and (W20) mean that the observation time must be long enough The condition (W2) is enough for the uniqueness, while the stronger condition (W20) is required in our regularization These conditions should be compared to similar conditions (2.7) and (2.8) in [4]
THEOREM 1 (Uniqueness) Assume that (W1) and (W2) hold true Then the system (1)Ờ(4) has at most one solution
đu, f ỡ 2 đC 2đơ0, T ; L2đỡỡ \ L2đ0, T; H2đỡỡỡ3, đL2đỡỡ3
Trang 6The main point in our regularization is to recover F ( f )() with jj small from approximate values of F ( f )() with jj large As in [6] we shall use the Lagrange interpolation polynomial
Definition 3 (Lagrange interpolation polynomial) Let A ¼ {x1, x2, , xn} be a set of n mutually distinct complex numbers and let w be a complex function Then the Lagrange interpolation polynomial L[A; w] is
L A; w½ ð Þ ¼z Xn
Y k6¼j
z xk
w xj
THEOREM 2 (Regularization) Assume that (u0, f0) is the exact solution to the system (1)–(4) with the exact data I0¼(’0, X0, g0, h0), where the conditions (W1) and (W20) are satisfied Let " > 0, consider the inexact data I"¼(’", X", g", h") such that, for all j 2 {1, 2, 3},
L 1", X"jX0j
L 1", g"j g0j
L 2", h"j h0j
L 2 ":
Construct the regularized solution f"
j from I"¼(’", X", g", h") by
f"j ¼ X 0m, n, pr "
m, n, pð ÞF"ðm, n, pÞ ð Þ, where
r"¼Z \ lnð"
60 ,
60 þ1
Br " ¼ ð5r"þjÞ: j ¼ 1, 2, , 24r"
F"ðm, n, pÞ ¼L Br ", HjðI"Þ i:ð Þ
ð Þ:
Then we have, for all j 2 {1, 2, 3},
(i) (Convergence) f"
j 2C1ðR3Þand f"
j !fj0in L2() as " ! 0
(ii) (L2-estimate) If fj02H1ðÞ then f"
j !fj0 in H1() and there exist constants "0>0 and C0>0 depending only on the exact data such that for all " 2 (0, "0),
L 2 ð Þ C0
ln " 1 1
: (iii) (H1-estimate) If f0
j 2H2ðÞ then for all " 2 (0, "0),
H 1 ð Þ C0
ln " 11
Remark 2 In our construction, the convergence in H2() is not expected even if
j 2C1ðÞ since @f"
j=@n ¼ 0 on @
3 Uniqueness
In this section we shall prove Theorem 1 We start with the proof of Lemma 1 by using the argument in [5]
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 521
Trang 7Proof of Lemma 1 Fix ¼ (1, 2, 3) 2 C3 with jj20¼ ð2þ2þ2Þ 0 For any
j 2{1, 2, 3}, get the inner product (in L2()) of the k-th equation of the system (1) with Gjk (k ¼ 1, 2, 3), then using the integral by part and the boundary conditions (3) and (4),
we have
ukGjkdx þ 21þ22þ23 Z
þð þ Þk
¼ Z
XkGjkd! ’ tð Þ
Multiplying (Ak) with jk, and then getting the sum of k ¼ 1, 2, 3, we have
ð þ2Þjj20
¼ Z
þ’ tð Þ Z
Choosing k ¼ j in (Ak), then multiplying the result by jj2
0, and adding to (6), we obtain
jj20ujG þ ðj1u1Gj1þj2u2Gj2þj3u3Gj3
þjj20 Z
jj20ujGjj ðj1u1Gj1þj2u2Gj2þj3u3Gj3
¼ Z
jj20XjGjjþ ðj1X1Gj1þj2X2Gj2þj3X3Gj3
þ’ tð Þ Z
jj20fjGjjþ ðj1f1Gj1þj2f2Gj2þj3f3Gj3
We can consider (6) and (7) as the differential equations of the form
y00ð Þ t 2y tð Þ ¼h tð Þ, ð8Þ where > 0 is independent of t Getting the inner product (in L2(0, T )) of (8) with sinhððTtÞÞ
coshðTÞ , we have
y0ð Þ0 tanh Tð Þ yð Þ þ0
cosh Tð Þy Tð Þ ¼
ZT 0
h tð Þsinh T tð ð ÞÞ cosh Tð Þ dt: ð9Þ Applying (9) to (6) and (7) with ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
jj0 and ¼pffiffiffiffi
jj0, respectively, we get
E1jð ÞIð Þ þ E1jð Þ ¼ 1
j j20D1ð ÞI ð Þ
E2jð ÞI ð Þ þ E2jð Þ ¼ 1
j j2D2ð ÞI ð Þ
j j20fjGjjjð1f1Gj1þ2f2Gj2þ3f3Gj3
Trang 8It follows from the latter equations that
fjGdx ¼E1jðIÞ ð Þ þE
D1ðIÞ ð Þ þ
E2jðIÞ ð Þ þE
D2ðIÞ ð Þ :
The following lemma gives a lower bound for jDj(I )()j (defined in Lemma 1) when ’ satisfies the condition (W1)
LEMMA 2 Let ’ 2L1(0, T ) satisfy the condition (W1), then there exists a constant R(’) > 0 such that for all ¼(1, 2, 3) 2 C3, < 0 and jj0R(’),
Djð ÞI ð Þ
4j j0C ’ð Þmin
1 ffiffiffiffi
for j ¼1, 2:
Proof Denote k1¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
and k2 ¼pffiffiffiffi
By the triangle inequality, one finds that
Djð ÞI ð Þ jj20
Z T 0
’ tð Þsinhðkjj j0ðT tÞÞ cosh k jj j0T dt
Z ’ ð Þ 0
’ tð Þsinhðkjj j0ðT tÞÞ cosh k jj j0T dt
’ ð Þ
’ tð Þsinhðkjj j0ðT tÞÞ cosh k jj j0T dt
We have, with jj0large,
’ ð Þ
’ tð Þsinhðkjj j0ðT tÞÞ coshðkjj j0TÞ dt
’ L 1
sinhðkjj j0ðT ð’ÞÞÞ coshðkjj j0TÞ
4 maxfk1, k2gjj0:
On the other hand, the condition (W1) implies that
Z ’ ð Þ
’ tð Þsinhðkjj j0ðT tÞÞ cosh k jj j0T dt
C ’ð Þ
Z ’ ð Þ 0
sinhðkjj j0ðT tÞÞ cosh k jj j0T dt
¼ Cð’Þ
kjj j0 1 cosh ðkjj j0ðT ð’ÞÞÞ
Cð’Þ 2kjjj0 with jj0large The desired result follows immediately from the above inequalities g The proof of the uniqueness below follows the argument in [6] We shall need a useful result of entire functions (see, e.g [7, Section 6.1])
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 523
Trang 9LEMMA 3 (Beurling) Let be a non-constant entire function satisfying the condition: there exists a constant k >0 such that M(r) ker, for all r > 0, where M(r) ¼ j(z)j: jzj ¼ r Then
lim sup r!1
ln r ð Þ
r 1:
Proof of Theorem 1 Suppose that (u1, f1) and (u2, f2) are two solutions to the system (1)–(4) with the same the data I ¼ (’, X, g, h) Then (u, f ) :¼ (u1u2, f1f2) is a solution to (1)–(4) with data (’, 0, 0, 0) We shall show that (u, f) ¼ 0
Assume that f 6¼ 0, namely fj6¼0 for some j 2 {1, 2, 3} For any n, p 2 N [ {0}, let us consider the entire function
z ° n,pð Þ ¼z
fjðxÞcos izxð 1Þ ð 2Þ ð 3Þdx:
d n,p
dz ð
ix1fjðxÞ ð 1Þ ð 2Þ ð 3Þdx
1 2 3)}m2N,n,p2N[{0} is an orthogonal basis on L2(), there exist some (n0, p0) such that n0, p0 is non-constant
On the other hand, recall from Lemma 1 that
n 0 ,p 0ðrÞ ¼
fjðxÞGðr, xÞdx ¼ E
D1ð ÞI ðrÞþ
E 2jðrÞ
D2ð ÞI ðrÞ, ð10Þ where r¼(ir, n0 , p0 ) Fix " > 0 such that minfT ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
, T ffiffiffiffipg4 2 þ " Then it is straightforward to see, from the explicit formulas in Lemma 1 and the lower bound in Lemma 2, that
jEejðrÞj C1eð1þ"Þr, jDeðIÞðrÞj C2r, e ¼ 1, 2, with r > 0 large, where C1>0 and C2>0 are independent of r Therefore, it follows from (10) that
j n 0 ,p 0ðrÞj 2C1C12 eð1þ"Þrr1 for r > 0 large This yields
lim sup r!1
ln n0, p0ð Þr
r ð1 þ "Þ,
Now following the proof of Lemma 1 up to Equations (6) and (7) (2:¼ 21þ32þ33 need not be negative at that time) we obtain
þð þ2Þ2
dx ¼ 0, ð11Þ
Trang 10dt2
2ujG ðj1u1Gj1þj2u2Gj2þj3u3Gj3Þ
þ2 Z
2ujGjj ðj1u1Gj1þj2u2Gj2þj3u3Gj3Þ
dx ¼ 0 ð12Þ for all 2 C3
y00ð Þ þt 2y tð Þ ¼0,
yð Þ ¼0 0,
y0ð Þ ¼0 0,
where 0 is independent of t Applying this to (11) and (12) with 2 R3, we get
dx ¼ 0 and
2ujG ðj1u1Gj1þj2u2Gj2þj3u3Gj3Þ
dx ¼ 0:
Adding the latter equations, we obtain
ujðx, :ÞGð, xÞdx ¼ 0 for all 2 R3, 6¼ 0: ð13Þ
To get the same equation to (13) with ¼ 0, we can simply use identity (Ak) with ¼ 0
to get
ujðx, tÞdx ¼ 0:
ujðx, tÞdx
¼0 ¼ d
ujðx, tÞdx
t¼0 ,
we have
Putting (13) and (14) together, we arrive at
ujG ¼ Z
ujðx, :Þ cosð1x1Þcosð2x2Þcosð3x3Þdx ¼ 0 for all 2 R3:
1 2 3)}m,n,p0 forms an
4 Regularization
Lemmas 1 and 2 allow us to compute F ( f )() approximately with jj large To recover F( f)() with jj small, we shall need the following interpolation inequality This is an
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 525
dx ẳ 0, ð11Þ
Trang 10dt2... j1u1Gj1ỵj2u2Gj2ỵj3u3Gj3ị
dx ẳ 0:
Adding the latter equations, we obtain
Z... cosð1x1Þcosð2x2Þcosð3x3Þdx ¼ for all R3:
1 3)}m,n,p0 forms an
4 Regularization
Lemmas and allow us to compute F ( f )() approximately with jj large To