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DSpace at VNU: Design of photocontrolled biomolecules based on azobenzene derivatives

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  • Introduction

  • Synthesis and application of nucleic acids and their analogues containing azobenzene fragments

  • Incorporation of azobenzene moiety into peptides and proteins

  • Photoregulation of protein activity

    • Regulation of the a-helix structure

    • Change in the b-hairpin structure in peptide

    • Photoregulation of DNA binding to a peptide containing the `zinc finger' structural motif

    • Binding of transcription activator CAP to 30,50-adenosine cyclophosphate

    • Regulation of protein subunit dimerization

    • `Molecular gate' approach

  • Use of photocontrolled substrates, inhibitors and ligands for protein activity regulation

    • Photocontrolled substrates

    • Photocontrolled inhibitors and ligands

  • Conclusion

  • References

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DSpace at VNU: Design of photocontrolled biomolecules based on azobenzene derivatives tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luậ...

Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience Design of photocontrolled biomolecules based on azobenzene derivatives This content has been downloaded from IOPscience Please scroll down to see the full text 2013 Russ Chem Rev 82 942 (http://iopscience.iop.org/0036-021X/82/10/942) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 01/12/2013 at 16:38 Please note that terms and conditions apply Russian Chemical Reviews 82 (10) 942 ± 963 (2013) # 2013 Russian Academy of Sciences and Turpion Ltd DOI 10.1070/RC2013v082n10ABEH004355 Design of photocontrolled biomolecules based on azobenzene derivatives { T S Zatsepin, L A Abrosimova, M V Monakhova, Le Thi Hien, A Pingoud, E A Kubareva, T S Oretskaya Contents I II III IV V VI Introduction Synthesis and application of nucleic acids and their analogues containing azobenzene fragments Incorporation of azobenzene moiety into peptides and proteins Photoregulation of protein activity Use of photocontrolled substrates, inhibitors and ligands for protein activity regulation Conclusion Abstract This review focuses on methods of designing photocontrolled proteins and nucleic acids Data on preparation and modification of proteins and nucleic acids with azobenzene derivatives are summarized Examples of using photoswitchable proteins, their substrates, inhibitors and ligands containing azobenzene, as well as azobenzene derivatives of nucleic acids, for design of nanomachines are considered The bibliography includes 122 references references I Introduction Light plays a key role in many processes in animate and inanimate nature During evolution, all organisms Ð from bacteria to mammals Ð have acquired a variety of mechanisms in order to detect light and respond to it As a rule, they have specialized organs and tissues; however, there are also examples of intracellular structures Proteins are one of the major biopolymers in the cell, and they are very differT S Zatsepin, L A Abrosimova, M V Monakhova, E A Kubareva, T S Oretskaya Department of Chemistry, Department of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, A N Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, M V Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1, Russian Federation Tel (7-495) 939 31 48, e-mail: tsz@yandex.ru (T S Zatsepin), abrludmila@rambler.ru (L A Abrosimova), monakhovam@gmail.com (M V Monakhova); tel (7-495) 939 54 11, e-mail: kubareva@belozersky.msu.ru (E A Kubareva), oretskaya@belozersky.msu.ru (T S Oretskaya); Le Thi Hien Department of Engineering Physics and Nanotechnology, University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University, Xuan Thuy 144, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam Tel (84-43754) 94 29, e-mail: lehien1411@gmail.com; A Pingoud Insitute for Biochemistry, Justus-Liebig University, HeinrichBuff-Ring 58, D-35392 Giessen, Germany Tel (49-641) 993 54 00, e-mail: Alfred.M.Pingoud@chemie.bio.uni-giessen.de Received 12 October 2012 Uspekhi Khimii 81 (10) 942 ± 963 (2013); translated by G A Kirakosyan 942 943 947 950 954 960 ent in structure and function The protein activity can be tailored at the stage of synthesis (i.e., at the stage of transcription and translation), as well as by regulating its degradation and using inhibitors or activators If the protein has certain structural elements, its activity can be regulated by light In nature, such proteins are rare (e.g., bacteriorhodopsin); however, it is possible to introduce, into proteins, so-called `photoswitches' Ð fragments that change their structure under the influence of light This can be accomplished by chemical reactions: either by incorporation of unnatural amino acids into proteins or by modification of a substrate, inhibitor or cofactor A major property of nucleic acids (NAs) is the formation of double and triple helix complexes The ability of photoswitches introduced into nucleic acids to modify the stability of these complexes will influence the processes in which they are involved and extend the use of NA derivatives Currently, substituted azobenzenes, spiropyrans, sterically hindered stilbenes, thioindigo derivatives and other compounds are used as photoswitches Reversible transitions of these compounds are accompanied by one of the following processes: cis ± trans or syn ± anti isomerization, photocyclization and the establishment of keto ± enol tautomer equilibrium.1 ± Azobenzene derivative are the most common photoswitches Although azobenzenes have long been used as dyes in industry, their application as molecular photoswitches has begun relatively recently Numerous papers have dealt with the use of azobenzene derivatives in various fields of chemistry Ð polymer, organic and bioorganic chemistry 6, and materials science.8, Considerable interest in using such reagents in bioorganic chemistry is due to the fact that the isomerization of azobenzene occurs under the action of light with a wavelength larger than 300 nm and therefore can activate/deactivate the proteins in vivo, at least, in cell culture Azobenzene derivatives enable { This review is dedicated to the memory of Professor Har Gobind Khorana, a Nobel Prize winner, an outstanding scientist who determined the development of nucleic acid chemistry T S Zatsepin, L A Abrosimova, M V Monakhova, Le Thi Hien, A Pingoud, E A Kubareva, T S Oretskaya Russ Chem Rev 82 (10) 942 ± 963 (2013) the most efficient regulation of the protein activity as compared with other reagents Azobenzene with the double bond in the anti configuration { (A) is converted into the syn form (B) upon illumination with near-UV light (*380 nm), and inverse transformation occurs upon illumination with blue light (470 nm) or upon incubation in the dark (Scheme 1).10 ± 12 Scheme R1 R1 N N l = 360 ± 380 nm N R2 l = 460 ± 480 nm N or relaxation in the dark A R2 B Azobenzene derivatives are widely used for photoregulation of protein activity owing to the following unique properties: Ð minimal effect of the dipole moment of a medium on the absorption spectrum and isomerization process, Ð slow fluorophore bleaching, Ð high yield of the syn ± anti transition, Ð significant difference in geometry between the syn and anti isomers (a large difference in distances and angles between two ends of the molecule in the syn and anti configuration), Ð short isomerization time (1 ± 10 ps), Ð chemical stability of azobenzene in the absence of strong reducing agents The isomerization of the central double bond leads to a change in the geometry of the molecule and its dipole moment.13 ± 15 The syn/anti ratio for azobenzene derivatives is usually determined by HPLC 16 or 1H NMR.17 The singlet of the proton in the ortho position of anti-azobenzene is converted into a doublet in the syn isomer The reversible syn ± anti isomerization mechanism of azobenzene remains unclear despite a large number of experimental and theoretical studies addressing this issue.18 ± 21 The following syn ± anti isomerization mechanism of azobenzene has been proposed: a combination of rotation of one of the benzene rings out of the molecule plane (Scheme 2, path a) and its inversion in the molecule plane (Scheme 2, path b) { Hereinafter, prefixes syn and anti are used to denote the Z- and E-configurations of isomers as most common in this field of chemistry 943 This review focuses on incorporation of azobenzene derivatives into nucleic acids and their analogues, as well as peptides, proteins, their substrates and ligands, aimed at changing the structure and regulating the activity of these biologically active molecules.22 ± 26 II Synthesis and application of nucleic acids and their analogues containing azobenzene fragments To regulate the activity of NA-binding proteins, analogues of oligonucleotide substrates that change their properties upon irradiation can be used An azobenzene derivative based on D-threoninol (compound 1) is most commonly used for this purpose.27 It has been shown that the D-threoninol-tethered azobenzene moiety protrudes toward the minor groove of the DNA duplex, while the azobenzene moiety of an L-threoninol residue (2) protrudes toward the major groove A structural change of the azobenzene moiety in the narrow minor groove has a significant effect on the structure and stability of the NA duplex, whereas the effect is smaller in the wide major groove The introduction of one or two azobenzene moieties into oligonucleotide induces a difference of 15 ± 20 8C between the thermal stabilities of the DNA duplexes for the syn and anti forms To synthesize such oligonucleotides (XD and XL), phosphoramidite derivatives containing N-(4-phenylazobenzoyl)-D-threoninol and N-(4-phenylazobenzoyl)-L-threoninol residues (3 and 4, respectively) have been used (Scheme 3).27 Structures R1 N R2 R3 N 5a ± e R5 R4 R1 = Me, R2 = R3 = R4 = R5 = H (a); R2 = Me, R1 = R3 = R4 = R5 = H (b); R3 = Me, R1 = R2 = R4 = R5 = H (c); R1 = R5 = Me, R2 = R3 = R4 = H (d); R1 = R4 = Me, R2 = R3 = R5 = H (e) As photoswitches for changing the duplex stability, different D-threoninol-tethered substituted azobenzenes 5a ± e incorporated into oligonucleotides have been used.28 An azobenzene moiety in the anti configuration is able to stabilize the DNA duplex On irradiation with UV light, the double bond configuration changes to give the syn form, which destabilizes the DNA duplex It has been shown that the introduction of one methyl group into the azobenzene moiety leads to a larger change in the melting point of the DNA duplex after UV irradiation (*380 nm) as compared Scheme N N R2 a R1 R1 N R1 N N N R2 A N b R1 N R2 R2 B T S Zatsepin, L A Abrosimova, M V Monakhova, Le Thi Hien, A Pingoud, E A Kubareva, T S Oretskaya Russ Chem Rev 82 (10) 942 ± 963 (2013) 944 Scheme OH Me N N H N DMTO Me Pri O P N OH Me H N O O OH Me Pri DMT is 4,4H -dimethoxytrityl CN O O N Pri P O O XD N N O H N Me CN O O O P O7 O to the duplexes containing unmodified azobenzene The use of disubstituted azobenzenes leads to an even larger change in the melting point of corresponding DNA duplexes However, it should be taken into account that the thermal syn ± anti relaxation of substituted azobenzenes incorporated into the oligonucleotide is 10 times slower than that of the unsubstituted compound In the case of hybridization of DNA containing an azobenzene moiety with its complementary RNA, there is also a significant difference in the duplex stability for syn and anti configurations.29 Unlike the DNA/DNA duplex, DNA/RNA duplexes in some sequences are destabilized even by azobenzene in the anti configuration This is probably due to the difference in the duplex structure between DNA/DNA (B-form) and DNA/RNA (A-form) Azobenzene-modified DNA/RNA duplexes have been studied by the circular dichroism (CD).29 The weak negative Cotton effect at *360 nm (p ± p* transition of azobenzene) indicates the intercalation of anti-azobenzene between adjacent base pairs of the duplex In addition, the absorption band of azobenzene in the anti configuration exhibits a bathochromic shift upon duplex formation In the case of the anti configuration, the induced CD is much weaker These spectral changes are almost the same as those observed for the DNA/DNA duplex.29 The RNA/DNA duplex incorporating an azobenzene moiety 30 is also characterized by a significant difference in thermal stability between the two forms, which is favourable for its photoregulation In addition, an azobenzene-tethered oligonucleotide is able to form a triplex, which can be used for blocking the binding of transcription factors (activators) and RNA polymerase.31 For example, in the case of a 13-mer triplex containing m-amidoazobenzene tethered to the 5H -end of one of the chains, the difference in thermal stability caused by the anti ± syn isomerization of m-amidoazobenzene is 19.2 8C It is worth noting that the introduction of m-amidoazobenzene in the anti configuration into one of the triplex strands increases the melting point (Tm) by 6.3 8C as compared to the unmodified triplex Upon introduction of p-amidoazobenzene into an analo- 3H 5H O O O O P O7 H N Me N N DMTO H N Pri N N N N O H N O OH 5H N N 3H XL gous triplex, the change in Tm caused by the anti ± syn isomerization is 14.3 8C This difference strongly depends on the position of the azobenzene moiety: when p-amidoazobenzene is introduced into the middle of the oligonucleotide chain, this difference in more than 30 8C Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) are synthetic analogues of nucleic acids and consist of heterocyclic bases attached to N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine polyamide.32 Although they are not natural compounds, they can form standard Watson ± Crick and Hoogsteen pairs with DNA and with each other Owing to the high affinity of PNAs for DNA, as well as to their physiological stability, PNAs are often superior in hybridization efficiency to other DNA analogues when Scheme Fmoc HN O N O + NH N HO OBut Fmoc HN N O N N O OPfp HN N O N N O Fmoc is 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl; Pfp is pentafluorophenyl T S Zatsepin, L A Abrosimova, M V Monakhova, Le Thi Hien, A Pingoud, E A Kubareva, T S Oretskaya Russ Chem Rev 82 (10) 942 ± 963 (2013) acting on different biochemical processes, such as transcription and translation For photoregulation of these processes, an azobenzene moiety is introduced into PNA (Scheme 4) The photochromic properties of the resulting compound are very similar to those of analogous nucleic acid derivatives.33, 34 An interesting approach to stabilization of mismatch pairs in the DNA duplex is the use of low-molecular-weight compounds binding to heterocyclic bases Dimeric N-(7methyl-1,8-naphthyridin-2-yl)carbamate (NC) selectively binds to the double-stranded 5H -YGG-3H /3H -GGY-5H sequence involving a G G mismatch through hydrogen bonds with guanine bases (structure 7) If Y = T, the stabilizing effect of NC is maximal (Fig 1).35 N H Me A N O H H H N N N NH N N N H H H O N N O G A A Figure Schematic representation of binding of two DNA strands through the NC2Az dimer (8).35 during DNA hybridization For each working cycle, hybridized DNAs have to be removed and replaced by singlestranded complementary DNAs It is natural that the working efficiency of nanomachines strongly decreases because of similar operations The use of DNA photoswitchable by means of azobenzene derivatives made it possible to overcome these drawbacks Liang et al.45 developed a `nanopincette' (tweezers) whose operation efficiency did not change during 10 cycles of opening and closing Such tweezers are composed of three DNA strands (strands A, B, C) and have the structure shown in Fig Segments B1 and C1 hybridize with oligonucleotide A to form 22-bp DNA duplexes as two arms of the tweezers Strand B also contains segment B2 into which the D-threoninol residue modified by azobenzene (3) or p-isopropylazobenzene is introduced Single-stranded segment B2 at the 3H -end of strand B is able to hybridize with its complementary single-stranded segment in strand C (C4) Upon formation of such a 10-bp duplex, the pincette is closed (the anti configuration of azobenzene promotes duplex formation) Upon irradiation with UV light, the duplex between segments B2 and C4 dissociates because of the anti ± syn isomerization of the azobenzene moiety, and the pincette is opened The operation of the pincette was monitored by measuring fluorescence To this, a fluorophore and a `quencher' were attached to the two ends of oligonucleotide A, and opening and closing of the tweezers was monitored by measuring the change in fluorescence intensity Interestingly the use of a p-isopropylazobenzene moiety as the photoswitch led to the opposite effect: irradiation with visible light opens the pincette, whereas UV light irradiation closes it Photoresponsive nanostructures have been constructed on the basis of azobenzene-modified DNA.46 Recently, a molecular motor controlled by azobenzene-modified DNA has been designed It operates owing to exchange between many DNA strands Further improvement of the optical Me H N G C N O C G O O N T G Structure N 945 In particular, 11-mer 5H -CCTTTGGTCAG-3H DNA at room temperature is a single-stranded structure, whereas in the presence of 100 mmol litre71 of dimer 7, a duplex with a melting temperature of 58.8 8C is formed The introduction of azobenzene into the linker between the naphthyridine moieties (NC2Az, 8) permits control of duplex formation When azobenzene is in the anti form, the melting temperature of DNA duplex 5H -CTAACGGAATG-3H /3H GATTGGCTTAC-5H was 32.7 8C Exposure to 360 nm light increased the Tm value by 15.2 8C (Tm & 48.0 8C) This effect indicates that the syn configuration of NC2Az has a higher binding affinity to the G G-mismatch-containing 5H -CGG-3H /3H -GGC-5H sequence as compared to the canonical sequence The nonplanar linker with syn-azobenzene allows two naphthyridine rings to be placed in the appropriate position for binding to guanine residues in the mismatch pair The duplex stabilization is fully reversible Nucleic acids are prone to self-assembly based on hybridization of complementary strands, which enables the preparation of photonic wires, enzyme ensembles and DNA probes.36 ± 43 On the basis of DNA, `nanomachines' are developed that can change the efficiency in response to an external trigger In the last decade, many nanomachines of different construction have been built.36, 44 In most cases, such `molecular motors' are fueled by the energy released Structure O N H N N Me N N H N O O H N O N H N N Me T S Zatsepin, L A Abrosimova, M V Monakhova, Le Thi Hien, A Pingoud, E A Kubareva, T S Oretskaya Russ Chem Rev 82 (10) 942 ± 963 (2013) 946 5H O O N N H Me 5H N anti-XD O O P OH O O N H A N N Me syn-XD O O P OH 3H B1 C1 UV C1 B1 visible light `Quencher' C2 `Quencher' C2 B2 C3 B2 C4 C3 C4 3H Fluorophore Fluorophore fluorophore ± `quencher' pair Closed Open Figure Structure and the scheme of action of a pincette constructed from DNA fragments tethering azobenzenes.45 properties of a photoswitch led to the creation of a singlemolecule DNA nanomotor.47 The principle of operation of the single-molecule DNA motor is based on controllable dehybridization (in the open state) and hybridization (in the closed state) of the hairpin DNA structure with incorporated azobenzene moieties Due to the bilateral movement (expansion or contraction), such a molecule is a motor, and its motion can be characterized by the change in fluorescence with a change in the distance between the fluorophore and `quencher' at the DNA ends (Fig 3) As compared to the previous DNA motors in which the working cycles of the engine involve bimolecular or multimolecular interactions between several independent DNA strands, the hairpin-structured single-molecule DNA motor has a much simpler operation principle owing to its unique structure Because of its simplicity and intramolecular interactions driven by UV and visible light, the motor displays 40% ± 50% close ± open conversion efficiency This type of nanomotor exhibits well-regulated activity under mild conditions without loss of matter In contrast UV visible light 5H O Fluorophore `Quencher' Me O N N N H O O P OH 3H Closed form `Quencher' 5H O anti-XD Fluorophore O N N H Me N syn-XD O O P OH 3H Open form Figure Principle of operation of the DNA nanomotor containing three azobenzene moieties XD in the hairpin structure.47 T S Zatsepin, L A Abrosimova, M V Monakhova, Le Thi Hien, A Pingoud, E A Kubareva, T S Oretskaya Russ Chem Rev 82 (10) 942 ± 963 (2013) to multicomponent DNA machines, the suggested system offers unique concentration-independent motor functionality Moreover, the hairpin structures of the motor backbone significantly enhance the efficiency of light-to-movement energy conversion.47 For protein activity regulation, nucleic acid aptamers are widely used, which are able to efficiently and selectively bind to the active site of a definite protein or allosterically regulate its activity A photoswitchable thrombin aptamer with three functional domains Ð inhibitory, regulatory and linking Ð has been synthesized.48 This aptamer makes it possible to reversibly regulate the thrombin activity depending on the irradiation wavelength reacts specifically with the cysteine thiol group only at pH 6.5 ± 7.5, and an increase in pH promotes a side reaction with protein amino groups.59 For modification of cysteine, two symmetric reagents based on diaminoazobenzene Ð compounds (see 50, 60 ± 62) and 10 51, 63 Ð have been suggested In the case of the second reagent, the azobenzene moiety can be removed by the action of a reducing agent I Me pH N H O N H NR2 S O pH 6.5 ± 7.5 O Me O N H O S S R3 pH ± HO HO O S O N H S O N H N N OH H N O S S Me O R3 O OH O I An alternative way of introducing photoswitchable moieties implies the use of noncovalent interactions Among biological recognition processes, specific carbohydrate±protein interaction is relatively weak; however, the use of glycoclusters leads to multiplicative enhancement of binding.64 The synthesis of a new class of azobenzene derivatives containing several carbohydrate residues has been described.17 These compounds are synthesized by acylation of 2-aminoethyl glycopyranosides with azobenzene-4,4H -dicarboxylic acid chloride (compound 11) Cooperative binding of the lactoside-bearing azobenzene derivative to the corresponding lectin has been revealed Upon UV irradiation (azobenzene in the syn configuration), the lectin binding affinity of glycoside increases It should be noted that thermal syn7anti relaxation of such azobenzene derivatives in an aqueous solutions is rather slow (

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