Novel Algorithm for Non Negative Matrix Factorization tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập l...
New Mathematics and Natural Computation Vol 11, No (2015) 121–133 # c World Scienti¯c Publishing Company DOI: 10.1142/S1793005715400013 New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only Novel Algorithm for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Tran Dang Hien* Vietnam National University Hanoi, Vietnam Do Van Tuan Hanoi College of Commerce and Tourism Hanoi, Vietnam Pham Van At Hanoi University of Communications and Transport Hanoi, Vietnam Le Hung Son Hanoi University of Science and Technology Hanoi, Vietnam Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is an emerging technique with a wide spectrum of potential applications in data analysis Mathematically, NMF can be formulated as a minimization problem with non-negative constraints This problem attracts much attention from researchers for theoretical reasons and for potential applications Currently, the most popular approach to solve NMF is the multiplicative update algorithm proposed by Lee and Seung In this paper, we propose an additive update algorithm that has a faster computational speed than Lee and Seung's multiplicative update algorithm Keywords: NMF; non-negative matrix factorization; KKT; Krush–Kuhn–Tucker optimal condition; the stationarity point; updating an element of matrix; updating matrices Introduction Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is an approximate representation of a given non-negative matrix V R nÂm as a product of two non-negative matrices *Corresponding author 121 122 T D Hien et al W R nÂr and H R rÂm : New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only V % W  H: ð1:1Þ Because r is usually selected to be a small number, the sizes of matrices W and H are much smaller than that of V If V is a data matrix of an object, then W and H can be viewed as approximate representations of V Thus, NMF can be considered an effective technique for representing and reducing data Although this technique has been recently developed, it has a wide range of applications, such as mathematical optimization,9 document clustering,7,11 data mining,8 object recognition5 and detecting forgery.10,12 To measure the approximation in (1.1), the Frobenius norm of di®erence matrix is used: n X m 1X fW ; Hị ẳ jjWH V jj 2F ẳ WHịij Vij ị : 1:2ị 2 iẳ1 jẳ1 Thus, NMF can be formulated as an optimization problem with non-negative constraints: W !0; H!0 fðW ; HÞ: ð1:3Þ Since the objective function fðW ; HÞ is not convex, most knowns methods only can ¯nd a pair of matrices ðW ; HÞ satisfying the Krush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) condition2 (such pair ðW ; HÞ is called a stationary point of (1.3)): ððWH À Wia ! 0; T V ÞH Þia ! 0; Hbj ! 0; ðW T ðWH À V ÞÞbj ! 0; Wia WH V ịH T ịia ẳ 0; Hbj W T WH V ịịbj ẳ 0; i; a; b; j; ð1:4Þ where @fðW ; HÞ ; @W @fðW ; HÞ : W T ðWH À V Þ ¼ @H To update H or W (the remaining ¯xed), the gradient direction reverse is often used with a certain appropriate steps to decrease the value of the objective function, while still ensuring the non-negative of H and W Among the known algorithms used to solve (1.3), Lee and Seung (LS)6 algorithm often is mentioned This algorithm is a simple calculation scheme that is easy to install and gives good results, so it remains a more commonly used algorithm.10,12 The LS algorithm uses the formulas: ~ ij ẳ Hij ij @f H Hij ỵ ij ðW T V À W T WHÞij ; ð1:5Þ @H ij @f ~ ~ T À WH ~H ~ T ịij : W ij ẳ Wij ij Wij ỵ ij V H 1:6ị @W ij WH V ịH T ẳ Novel Algorithm for Non-negative Matrix Factorization 123 By selecting steps ij and ij : ij ẳ Hij T W WHị ij ; ij ẳ Wij ; ~H ~ T ịij ðW H ð1:7Þ then formulas (1.5) and (1.6) become New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only T ~ ij ¼ Hij ðW V Þij ; H ðW T WHÞij ~T ~ ij ẳ Wij V H ịij : W ~H ~ T Þij ðW H Because above adjustment formulas use multiplications, this algorithm is called the method of multiplicative update With this adjustment, the non-negative is ensured Reference also proves the monotonic decrease of the objective function after adjustment: ~ ;H ~ Þ < fðW ; HÞ: fðW This algorithm is easy to complement on the computer, but slowly convergent To improve the convergence speed, Gonzalez and Zhang3 has improved the LS algorithm by using one more coe±cient for each column of H and one more coe±cient for each row of W In other words, instead of (1.5) and (1.6) they use the formulas: ~ ij ¼ Hij ỵ j ij W T V W T WHÞij ; H ~ T À WH ~H ~ T ịij ; ~ ij ẳ Wij ỵ j ij ðV H W where ij and ij are de¯ned by (1.7), j and j are calculated through the function: ẳ gA; b; xị; where A is the matrix and b and x are the vectors This function is dened as follows: q ẳ A T b Axị and p ẳ ẵx:=A T Axị q; where the symbols ð:=Þ and ðÞ denote component-wise division and multiplication, respectively Then ẳ gA; b; xị is calculated with the formula: pT q ¼ ; 0:99 maxf : x ỵ p ! 0g : p T A T Ap The coe±cients j and j are determined by the function gðA; b; xÞ as follows: j ¼ gðW ; Vj ; Hj Þ; i ¼ j ¼ 1; ; n; gðH T ; V iT ; W iT ị; i ẳ 1; ; m: However, experiments show that Gonzalez–Zhang (GZ)3 algorithm is not faster than LS algorithm In this paper we propose a new algorithm by updating each element of matrices W and H, based on the idea of non-linear \Gauss–Seidel" method.4 With some assumptions, the proposed algorithm ensures reaching the stationary point 124 T D Hien et al New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only (Theorem 2, Sec 3.2) Experiments show that the proposed algorithm converges faster than the LS and GZ algorithms The content of this paper is organized as follows: in Sec 2, we present an algorithm to update an element of the matrix W or H This algorithm will be used in Sec to construct a new algorithm for NMF (1.3) We also consider the convergent properties of new algorithm Section presents a scheme for installing new algorithm on the computer In Sec 5, we present experimental results that compare the calculating speed of algorithms Finally, conclusions are given in Sec Algorithm for Updating and Element of Matrix 2.1 Updating an element of matrix W In this subsection, we consider the algorithm for updating an element of W , while retaining the remaining elements of W and H Suppose Wij is adjusted by adding parameter: ~ ij ẳ Wij ỵ : W ð2:1Þ ~ is an obtained matrix, then by some matrix operations, we have If W a 6¼ i; b ẳ 1; ; m WHịab ; ~ W Hịab ẳ WHịib ỵ Hjb ; a ¼ i; b ¼ 1; ; m: From (1.2) it follows: ~ ; Hị ẳ fW ; Hị ỵ gị; fW 2:2ị where p ị þ q; m X H jb ; p¼ gị ẳ 2:3ị 2:4ị bẳ1 qẳ m X WH V ịib Hjb : 2:5ị iẳ1 ~ ; Hị, one needs to de¯ne so that gðÞ achieves the minimum value To minimize fW ~ ij ẳ Wij ỵ ! Because gðÞ is a quadratic function, can be on the condition W de¯ned as follows: 0; q ¼ 0; > > > > < q 2:6ị ẳ max p ; wij ; q > 0; > > > q > :À ; q < 0: p Novel Algorithm for Non-negative Matrix Factorization 125 Formula (2.6) always means, because if q 6¼ then by (2.4) we have p > From (2.3) and (2.6), we get: gị ẳ 0; if q ¼ 0Þ or ðq > gðÞ < 0; and Wij ẳ 0ị; otherwise: 2:7aị 2:7bị New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only By using the updated formulas (2.1) and (2.6), the monotonous decrease of the objective function fðW ; HÞ is con¯rmed in the following lemma Lemma 2.1.1 If conditions KKT are not satis¯ed at Wij , then: ~ ; Hị < fW ; Hị; fW ~ ẳ W Otherwise: W Proof From (2.4) and (2.5) it follows: q ẳ WH V ịH T ịij : Therefore, if conditions KKT (1.4) are not satis¯ed at Wij , then the properties Wij ! 0; q ! 0; Wij q ẳ 0; 2:8ị cannot occur simultaneously From this, and because Wij ! 0, it follows that case (2.7a) cannot occur Therefore, case (2.7b) must occur and we have gðÞ < Therefore, from (2.2), we obtain ~ ; HÞ < fðW ; HÞ: fðW Conversely, if (2.8) is satis¯ed it means that: q ¼ or q > and Wij ¼ So from (2.6), it follows ¼ Therefore, by (2.1) we have ~ ij ¼ Wij : W Thus, the lemma is proved 2.2 Updating an element of matrix H ~ be obtained from the update rule: Let H ~ ij ẳ Hij ỵ ; H 2:9ị where is dened by the formulas: uẳ n X W ai2 ; ð2:10Þ Wai  ðWH À V ịaj ; 2:11ị aẳ1 vẳ n X aẳ1 126 T D Hien et al New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only 0; v ¼ 0; > > v > < max À ; ÀHij ; v > 0; 2:12ị ẳ u > > v > :À ; v < 0: u By the same discussions used in Lemma 2.1.1, we have the following Lemma Lemma 2.2.1 If conditions KKT are not satis¯ed at Hij , then: ~ Þ < fðW ; HÞ; fðW ; H ~ ¼ H Otherwise: H The Proposed Algorithm 3.1 Updating matrices W and H ~ ;H ~ Þ as In this subsection, we consider the transformation T from ðW ; HÞ to ðW follows: Modify elements of W by Sec 2.1 Modify elements of H by Sec 2.2 ~ ;H ~ ị ẳ T W ; Hị shall be carried out as follows: In other words, the transformation ðW Step 1: Initialize ~ ¼ W; H ~ ¼ H: W ~ Step 2: Update elements of W For j ¼ 1; ; r and i ¼ 1; ; n ~ ij W ~ ij ỵ : W is computed from (2.4)–(2.6) ~ Step 3: Update elements of H For i ¼ 1; ; r and j ¼ 1; ; m ~ ij H ~ ij ỵ : H is computed from (2.10)(2.12) From Lemmas 2.1.1 and 2.2.1, we can easily obtain the following important result: Lemma 3.1.1 If solution ðW ; HÞ does not satisfy the condition KKT (1.4), then ~ ;H ~ Þ ¼ fðT ðW ; HÞÞ < fðW ; HÞ: fðW ~ ;H ~ ị ẳ W ; Hị In the contrary case, then: ðW Following property is directly obtained from Lemma 3.1.1 Novel Algorithm for Non-negative Matrix Factorization 127 Corollary 3.1.1 For any ðW ; HÞ ! 0, if set ~ ;H ~ ị ẳ T W ; Hị; W ~ ;H ~ ị ẳ W ; Hị or fW ~ ;H ~ ị ẳ fW ; Hị then W 3.2 Algorithm for NMF (1.3) New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only The algorithm is described through the transformation T as follows: Step 1: Initialize W ¼ W ! 0; H ¼ H ! Step 2: For k ¼ 1; 2; ; ðW kỵ1 ; H kỵ1 ị ẳ T W k ; H k Þ: From Corollary 3.1.1, we obtain the following important property of preceding algorithm Theorem 3.2.1 Suppose ðW k ; H k Þ is a sequence of solutions created by algorithm 3.2, then the sequence of objective function values fðW k ; H k Þ actually decreases monotonously: fðW kỵ1 ; H kỵ1 ị < fW k ; H k Þ; k ! 1: Moreover, the sequence fðW k ; H k Þ is bounded below by zero, so Theorem 3.2.1 implies the following corollary: Corollary 3.2.1 Sequence fðW k ; H k Þ is a convergence sequence In other words, there exists non-negative value f such that: lim fW k ; H k ị ẳ f : k!1 Now, we consider another convergence property of algorithm 3.2 Theorem 3.2.2 Suppose ðW ; H Þ is a limit point of the sequence ðW k ; H k Þ and m X j ¼ 1; ; r; 3:1ị i ẳ 1; ; r; 3:2ị H jb > 0; bẳ1 n X W > 0; aẳ1 then W ; H ị is the stationary point of the problem (1.3) Proof By assumption, ðW ; H Þ is the limit of some subsequence ðW tk ; H tk Þ of the sequence ðW k ; H k Þ: lim ðW tk ; H tk ị ẳ W ; H ị: k!1 3:3ị 128 T D Hien et al By conditions (3.1) and (3.2), the transformation T is continuous at ðW ; H Þ Therefore, from (3.3) we get lim T ðW tk ; H tk ị ẳ T W ; H ị: k!1 Moreover, since T ðW tk ; H tk Þ ẳ W tk ỵ1 ; H tk ỵ1 ị, then lim W tk ỵ1 ; H tk ỵ1 ị ẳ T ðW ; H Þ: New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only k!1 ð3:4Þ Using a continuation of the object function fðW ; HÞ, from (3.3) and (3.4) we have lim fW tk ; H tk ị ẳ fW ; H ị; k!1 lim fW tk ỵ1 ; H tk ỵ1 ị ẳ fT W ; H ịị: k!1 On the other hand, by Corollary 3.2.1, sequence fðW k ; H k Þ is convergent, it follows: fðT ðW ; H ịị ẳ fW ; H ị: Therefore, by Lemma 3.1.1, W ; H must be a stationary point of problem (1.3) Thus, the theorem is proved Some Variations of Algorithm In this section, we provide variations for the algorithm in Sec 3.2 (algorithm 3.2) to reduce the volume of calculations and increase convenience for the installation program 4.1 Evaluate computational complexity To update element Wij by formulas (2.1), (2.4), (2.5) and (2.6), we need to use m multiplications for calculating p and m  ðn  m  rÞ multiplications for calculating q Similarly, to update element Hij using (2.9), (2.10), (2.11) and (2.12), we need n multiplications for computing u and ðn  m  rÞ Â n multiplications for computing v It follows that the number of calculations to make a loop (transformation ~ ;H ~ ị ẳ T W ; Hị) of the algorithm 3.2 is ðW  n  m  r ỵ n m rị: 4:1ị 4.2 Some variations for updating W and H 4.2.1 Updating Wij If set D ẳ WH V ; 4:2ị Novel Algorithm for Non-negative Matrix Factorization 129 then the formula (2.5) for q becomes m X q¼ Dib  Hjb : 4:3ị bẳ1 New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only If one considers D as known, the calculation of q in (4.3) needs m multiplications ~ to be used After updating Wij by the formula (2.1), we need to recalculate D from W for the adjustment of other elements of W : ~ ¼W ~H ~ ÀV: D ~ is determined from D in the formula: From (2.1) and (4.2), it is seen that D ~ ab ¼ D Dab ; a 6¼ i; b ¼ 1; ; m; Dib ỵ Hjb ; a ẳ i; b ẳ 1; ; m: 4:4ị Therefore, we only need to adjust the ith row of D and use m multiplications From formulas (2.1), (2.4), (2.6), (4.3) and (4.4), we have a new scheme for updating matrix W as follows 4.2.2 Scheme for updating matrix W For i ¼ to r, p¼ m X H jb : b¼1 For i ¼ to n, q¼ ¼ < 0; m X q ¼ 0; q : max À ; Àwij ; q 6¼ 0; p Wij Dib Dib  Hjb ; b¼1 Dib þ Hjb ; Wij þ ; a ¼ i; b ¼ 1; ; m; End for i, End for j The total number of operations used to adjust the matrix W is  n m  m r ỵ m r 130 T D Hien et al 4.2.3 Updating Hij Similarly, the formula (2.11) for v becomes v¼ m X Wai  Daj : ð4:5Þ New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only a¼1 According to this formula, we only use n multiplications to calculate v After adjusting Hij by formula (2.9), we need to recalculate matrix D using the following formula: Dab ; b 6¼ j; a ¼ 1; ; n; ~ D ab ẳ 4:6ị Daj ỵ Wai ; b ¼ j; a ¼ 1; ; n: Therefore, we only need to adjust the jth column of D and use n multiplications From formulas (2.9), (2.10), (2.12), (4.5) and (4.6), we have a new scheme for updating matrix H as follows 4.2.4 Scheme for updating matrix H For i ¼ to r, u¼ n X W ai2 : a¼1 For j ¼ to m, v¼ n X Wai  Daj ; a¼1 ¼ Daj < 0; Hij Hij ỵ ; v ¼ 0; : max À v ; ÀHij ; v 6ẳ 0; u Daj ỵ Wai ; b ẳ j; a ¼ 1; ; n: End for j, End for i The total number of operations used to adjust the matrix H is  n m rỵ n r Using the preceding results together, we can construct a new calculating scheme for the algorithm 3.2 in Sec 4.3 Novel Algorithm for Non-negative Matrix Factorization 131 4.3 New calculating scheme for the algorithm 3.2 (i) Initialize W ¼ W ! 0, H ¼ H ! D ¼ WH À V : New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only (ii) For k ¼ 1; 2; ; (a) Update W by using Sec 4.2.2 (b) Update H by using Sec 4.2.4 The computational complexity of this scheme is as follows: Initialization step needs n  m  r multiplications for computing D Each loop needs n m r ỵ r n ỵ mị multiplications Comparing with (4.1), the number of operations is now greatly reduced Experiments In this section, we present results of two experiments on the algorithms: New NMF (new proposed additive update algorithm), GZ and LS The programs are written in MATLAB and run on a machine with the following con¯gurations: Intel Pentium Core P6100 2.0 GHz, RAM GB New NMF is built according to the schema in Sec 4.3 5.1 Experiment This experiment will compare the speed of convergence to stationary point of the algorithms First of all condition KKT (1.4) is equivalent to the following condition: W ; Hị ẳ 0; where W ; Hị ¼ n X r X j minðWia ; ððWH À V ịH T ịia ịj iẳ1 aẳ1 r X m X ỵ j minHbj ; W T WH V ÞÞbj Þj: b¼1 j¼1 Thus, if ðW ; HÞ is smaller, then ðW ; HÞ is closer to the stationary point of the problem (1.3) To get a quantity independent with the size of W and H, we use following formula: W ; Hị ẳ W ; Hị ; W ỵ H in which W is the number of elements of the set: fj minðWia ; ððWH À V ÞH T Þia Þj 6¼ 0; i ¼ 1; ; n; a ¼ 1; ; rg 132 T D Hien et al New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only Table Normalized KKT residuals value ÁðW ; HÞ Time (s) New NMF GZ LS 60 120 180 240 300 3.6450 1.5523 0.1514 0.0260 0.0029 3700.4892 3718.2967 3708.6043 3706.4059 3696.7690 3576.0937 3539.8986 3534.6358 3524.6715 3508.3239 and H is the number of elements of the set: fj minðHbj ; ðW T ðWH À V ÞÞbj Þj 6¼ 0; j ¼ 1; ; m; b ¼ 1; ; rg; where ÁðW ; HÞ is called a normalized KKT residual Table presents the value ÁðW ; HÞ of the solution ðW ; HÞ received by each algorithm implemented in the given time periods on the dataset of size ðn; m; rị ẳ 200; 100; 10ị, in which V , W and H were generated randomly with Vij ½0; 500, ðW Þij ½0; 5, ðH Þij ½0; 5 The results in Table show that the GZ and LS algorithms cannot converge to a stationary point (value ÁðW ; HÞ is still large) Meanwhile, the new NMF algorithm converges to a stationary point because the value ÁðW ; HÞ reaches a value approximately equal to zero 5.2 Experiment This experiment will compare the convergence speed to the minimum value of objective function fðW ; HÞ of the algorithms implemented in given time periods on the data set of size n; m; rị ẳ ð500; 100; 20Þ, in which V , W and H were generated randomly with Vij ½0; 500, W ịij ẵ0; 1, H ịij ½0; 1 The algorithms are run ¯ve times with ¯ve di®erent pairs of W and H generated randomly in the interval ½0; 1 Average values of objective function after ¯ve algorithm iterations in each given time period are presented in Table The results in Table show that the objective function value of the solutions generated by the GZ and LS algorithms is quite large Meanwhile, the objective function value of New NMF algorithm is much smaller Table Average values of objective function Time (s) New NMF GZ LS 60 120 180 240 300 360 57.054 21.896 18.116 17.220 16.684 16.458 359.128 319.674 299.812 290.789 284.866 281.511 285.011 273.564 267.631 264.632 262.865 261.914 Novel Algorithm for Non-negative Matrix Factorization 133 Conclusion This paper proposed a new additive update algorithm for solving the problem of NMF Experiments show that the proposed algorithm converges faster than the LS and GZ algorithms The proposed algorithm has a simple calculation scheme too, so it is easy to install and use in practical applications.1 New Math and Nat Computation 2015.11:121-133 Downloaded from by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 10/26/15 For personal use only References D P Bertsekas, On the Goldstein-Levitin-Polyak gradient projection method, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 21 (1976) 174–184 D P Bertsekas, Nonlinear Programming, 2nd edn (Athena Scienti¯c, Belmont, 1999) E F Gonzalez and Y Zhang, Accelerating the Lee–Seung algorithm for non-negative matrix factorization, Technical Report, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, Houston (2005) L Grippo and M Sciandrone, On the convergence of the block nonlinear gauss-seidel method under convex constraints, Operations Research Letters 26 (2000) 127–136 D D Lee and H S Seung, Learning the parts of objects by non-negative matrix factorization, Nature 401 (1999) 788–791 D D Lee and H S Seung, Algorithms for non-negative matrix factorization, in Proceedings of the 2000 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13 (MIT Press, 2001), pp 556–562 V P Pauca, J Piper and R J Plemmons, Non-negative matrix factorization for spectral data analysis, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 416 (2006) 29–47 V P Pauca, F Shahnaz, M W Berry and R J Plemmons, Text mining using nonnegative matrix factorizations, in Proceedings of the 2004 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SIAM, Florida, 2004) L F Portugal, J J Judice and L N Vicente, A comparison of block pivoting and interior- point algorithms for linear least squares problems with non-negative variables, Mathematics of Computation 63 (1994) 625–643 10 Z Tang, S Wang, W Wei and S Su, Robust image hashing for tamper detection using non-negative matrix factorization, Journal of Ubiquitous Convergence Technology 2(1) (2008) 18–26 11 W Xu, X Liu and Y Gong, Document clustering based on non-negative matrix factorization in SIGIR 03: Proceedings of the 26th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Informaion Retrieval, (ACM Press, New York, USA, 2003), pp 267–273 12 H Yao, T Qiao, Z Tang, Y Zhao and H Mao, Detecting copy-move forgery using nonnegative matrix factorization, in IEEE Third International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security (IEEE, China, 2011), pp 591–594 ... Novel Algorithm for Non- negative Matrix Factorization 127 Corollary 3.1.1 For any ðW ; HÞ ! 0, if set ~ ;H ~ ị ẳ T W ; Hị; W ~ ;H ~ ị ẳ W ; Hị or fW ~ ;H ~ ị ẳ fW ; Hị then W 3.2 Algorithm for. .. 261.914 Novel Algorithm for Non- negative Matrix Factorization 133 Conclusion This paper proposed a new additive update algorithm for solving the problem of NMF Experiments show that the proposed algorithm. .. calculating scheme for the algorithm 3.2 in Sec 4.3 Novel Algorithm for Non- negative Matrix Factorization 131 4.3 New calculating scheme for the algorithm 3.2 (i) Initialize W ¼ W ! 0, H ¼ H ! D