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DSpace at VNU: Integrated linguistic to Statistical Machine Translation

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Integrated linguistic to Statistical Machine Translation Vương Hoài Thu Đại học Cơng nghệ Ngành: Khoa học máy tính; Mã số: 60 48 01 Người hướng dẫn: TS Nguyễn Văn Vinh Năm bảo vệ: 2012 Abstract: In the field of Natural Language Processing, automatic machine translation is an attractive application for a supporting user to translate some sentences in a language to others Today, Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation is the-state-of-the-art with benet in the word choosing, distortion based on the distance between words However, we still have some problem with global dis-tortion model of different languages (long distance between words) In some previous studies, the linguistic information such as a syntax tree, morphology information or hierarchical of phrase is used Similarly, we also use the syntax tree to help the distortion model However, instead of using full parse tree, we use a shallow syntax tree (the height of tree is limited) By using some trans-formation rules, we can arrange the order of some nodes in the shallow syntax tree Hence, we reorder the words in the sentence A special point in our study is applying the transformation rule on the sentence in the source language to get new sentence with new order of words, which is similar with the target language, as preprocessing step before training translation model or decoding with beam search and log linear model The experiment results from an English-Vietnamese pair showed that our approach achieves significant improvements over MOSES which is the state-of-the-art phrase based system Keywords: Khoa học máy tính; Xử lý ngơn ngữ tự nhiên; Thông tin ngôn ngữ; Dịch máy Content Contents Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.1.1 A Short Comparison Between English 1.2 Machine Translation Approaches 1.2.1 Interlingua 1.2.2 Transfer-based Machine Translation 1.2.3 Direct Translation 1.3 The Reordering Problem and Motivations 1.4 Main Contributions of this Thesis 1.5 Thesis Organization and Vietnamese Related works 2.1 Phrase-based Translation Models 2.2 Type of orientation phrases 2.2.1 The Distance Based Reordering Model 2.3 The Lexical Reordering Model 2.4 The Preprocessing Approaches 2.5 Translation Evaluation 2.5.1 Automatic Metrics 2.5.2 NIST Scores 2.5.3 Other scores 2.5.4 Human Evaluation Metrics 2.6 Moses Decoder Shallow Processing for SMT 3.1 Our proposal model 3.2 The Shallow Syntax 3.2.1 Definition of the shallow syntax 3.2.2 How to build the shallow syntax 3.3 The Transformation Rule 3.4 Applying the transformation rule into the shallow syntax tree 1 2 3 5 7 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 15 15 16 16 17 18 19 Experiments 21 4.1 The bilingual corpus 21 4.2 Implementation and Experiments Setup 21 4.3 BLEU Score and Discussion 22 Conclusion and Future Work 25 5.1 Conclusion 25 5.2 Future work 25 Bibliography Peter F Brown, J Cocke, Stephen A Della Pietra, Vincent J Della Pietra, F Jelinek, John D Lafferty, R L Mercer, and P S Roossin A statistical approach to machine translation Computational Linguistics, 16(2):79–85, 1990 (Cited on pages and 7.) 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